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Changing your password

To change your password, simply navigate to the Change Password area and fill out the form with the required details. In order to make your account as secure as possible, we recommend you use passwords that are not dictionary-based words. Instead, practice on-line safety and make your passwords strong by using combinations of letters and numbers.

Uploading a picture

Via the Picture Area, you may upload a JPG format image. The site may support more formats in the future. Your image should be no larger than 200x200 pixels, and no larger than 150 kilobytes in size.

Editing your personal page.

Your page can contain whatever information you want to write about (as long as it does not conflict with the Terms of Use or the Content rules. In order to edit your page you should select the Edit link that is located within the My Account area. A selection of formatting BBCode is available should you wish to spruce up your page with larger headers, bold text or dynamic content from the database. You are permitted up to 3000 characters of text input.

Getting an Artist Account

First, register as member. Once you've signed in, you will find the Join our Roster link under your My Account menu. It's as straight forward as clicking on that link, reading the terms, and confirming your agreement!

Becoming a Reviewer

Again, as with Artist Accounts, you will need a Member account first. If you haven't got one yet, register as a member using the link within the Sign In area: "Become a Member".
Once you have a Member account, you can then proceed to locate and click on the "Become a Reviewer?" link under your My Account menu. It's as straight forward as clicking on that link and confirming your agreement!

Cancelling Accounts

We don't cancel accounts unless there is a very good reason for us to do so. Your account will remain active from the moment you activate it after registration.

Forgotten E-mail and passwords.

If you have never had an E-mail address set on your profile, or you were registered on The Mod Archive earlier than 2006 then you may need to use our forums to seek assistance. We have a Support & Help amongst our Website forums, you may use those to seek such assistance. We will need to verify your claim in some form before we release account details.

Further Information