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Title: Holy Forest
Filename: forest_.it
Posted Sun 8th Jun 2003
Rated 9 / 10
Cool! Very nice composition, interesting vox, nice concept. Enough to make me really interested in the song and the composer/performer. Let us start from the very beginning: medieval-like climate with a harpsichord and a flute, soon to be backed by overdriven guitar and rock drums. This works great here. :) Then it proceeds to the vocal, which sounds a bit haunted ;) but it's cool! I haven't ever heard a tracked song with such advanced vocals. Also the guitar solo does not disappoint. We got everything here, what you'd expect from a song. Great combination of rock and medieval stuff. Finally, I must say this song is enjoyable from the beginning to the end - very well constructed, arranged and performed. If I were a grumbler, I'd say that in some parts the vocal might be improved, but really, I don't want to perceive myself as a grumbler - the song sounds superb. :) For the sake of downloaders on modems (I guess) all the samples are 8bit. I'm the last person to complain here though, they sound very clear and I did not feel any kind of discomfort because of the limitation. This song is made well enough to be fully enjoyed, nice tracking and good ideas.

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Title: Lohja in Jazz
Filename: in_jazz.it
Posted Mon 30th Sep 2002
Rated 6 / 10
Lohja in Jazz is a tranquil and definitely experimental track. It begins with an odd drumline, with experiments like high pitched bassdrum or pitch slide effect on hats. Later, it is accompanied by a sound that lasts till the end of the song and it's actually the thing I like least here. It sounds very depressing and... hm... tiring I'd say. Lohja In Jazz has lots of solos that sound pretty like improvisation. Sometimes the artist experiments here too, for example - pitch bend on the lead bell (it sounds really interesting). Anyway, they are nice and cool, I think they are the strongest part of the song. What lets the tune down a bit, is its monotonous tone, the background quite invariable and boring after a while; and the everlasting sound playing all the time isn't the best idea imho. But the bassline earns the song a good point, together with the bongos that appear in the second part of the song. But they, too, could variate a bit. Finally, I have to state that his song is original. I haven't heard such tracks before and thumbs up for experimenting with music. :) Well I guess not everybody will enjoy this track, but there definitely IS something in it. Technically, no fireworks or special effects. Everything is set pretty well - volumes, panning. Samples, most of which are 16bit are not bad, although their usage is pretty original =). Tracker effects also applied with an innovative thought.

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Title: Perfect Rain
Filename: zmx-prfr.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Sep 2002
Rated 7 / 10
A pretty quiet and soft ambient tune, with a rhythm that is constant and invariable (except for some breaks) all the time and a couple of motifs throughout almost four minutes of its duration. It starts with a bass, which isn't very creative I'd say, and together with the beat that enters soon, and the melodies it creates a monotonous, sleepy mood (well it's about rain, after all... :)). The melodies are played by some soft bell (pretty nice one) and strings that play in the background pretty well. I also like the bells that ring from time to time, they enrich the song somewhat. Unfortunately, apart from the fact it's pleasant to listen, it doesn't develop in an interesting way, just starts, goes for some time and ends, like rain. =) Not very good to just sit and listen, but as a background music - very nice. :) I didn't hear anything extraordinary here, it's a simple song, but it is made very well and sounds really decent. All samples but one are 16 bit and they sound clean. What I would suggest is more use of panning and more variation to the tune. And - maybe it's just me - I would modify some volumes here.

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Title: fire
Filename: fire.mod
Posted Fri 13th Sep 2002
Rated 4 / 10
A probably pretty old mod with no author's name in it. It begins with a helicopter sound, which actually is used more times here. Then we have drums, bass and simple guitar riffs. The song lasts for only 2 minutes, but it's rather boring after the time. Just the monotonous background with a short melody that isn't too interesting. The organ solo could save the piece a bit, but it was too short. I'd call this tune a common, old mod. I heard lots of them in my Amiga days... The samples sound like pretty old ones, their quality quite poor. Little variety of them is another drawback. This song is tracked very simply, seems like the artist didn't have much experience in those days. The helicopter sample is looped in a manner that makes it sound very unnatural (although I guess not much could have been done about it).

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Title: Hold to your heart -Smurf
Filename: ff7holdh.it
Posted Thu 1st Aug 2002
Rated 6 / 10
It is a tracked version of the nice little piece from Final Fantasy 7. There are four instruments in this song: ensemble strings, clarinet, oboe and a harp. Well, again, because it's not original, I'll write more in the tech comments than here. =) This tune is little; among the 4 instruments I mentioned 3 of them are made of single 8 bit samples. Only the harp consists of 3 16 bit samples. Unfortunately it doesn't help much, the song sound just like an 8bit mod. The strings are pretty loud and don't sound really perfect. It's a very simple, song (well just like the original). I believe the author could put some creativity here, and try to work a little with volumes (volume of the strings could variate for example), that would give something fresh to the listeners. I mean even when you track something that already existed before, you can put something from yourself, then it will be much more interesting than just the same music in the form of a mod.

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Filename: finaxe.xm
Posted Tue 30th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10
This song is outstanding! A soft, synth/soft rock tune with beautiful melodies and unforgettable feeling! We have here synths, a piano and an electric guitar. Everything is accompanied by superb sounding soft rock drums with nicely used tambourine. No need to say more, it's just perfect. A beautiful song, well composed and tracked. Instead of reading this silly review, just click "download". =) Lack of any technical flaws. I believe everything sounds just as it was intended to, and the intentions of the artist were very good!! I love the song, from now on it will be one of my favourites. This time I forgive the number of repeated patterns, there are lots of them anyway and they so nice I could listen to them for hours...

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Title: The Final Countdown
Filename: finalc.s3m
Posted Tue 30th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Yeah, this number kicks ass... The original one I mean. What we have here is a remix - piano accompanied by dance-like drums, which could be made in a more interesting way I think. What can I say about musical qualities of the piece... Well the melody is cool, but it's so famous I don't have to mention that. The track is generally very simple and apart from the Europe's melody it doesn't offer anything very interesting. It's just a typical remix-mod. As I said, the piano is not perfect. Again, there is the problem of pitch ranges... The piano here often crosses the boundaries of good and real sounding and the effect seriously reduces the pleasure of reception. I appreciate the nice piano ending, but with only one sample, the artist should have rather avoided so high notes... =)

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Title: Final Limit
Filename: finlimit.it
Posted Mon 29th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This is a very positive, optimistic song. Nice melodies (more creativity would be useful though, more work to make them longer and variating) play together with a simple drumbeat. The piece is repetitive, the main melody appears several times unchanged (repeated patterns). Apart from the organ melody there is a piano. It is nice, but plays a very very short and repetitive motif. Definitely there should be more thingies added! But overall impression after listening to this song is good and I enjoyed it. The bass is isn't deep enough in my opinion - well at some pitches it gives a good bass, but most of the time I lacked bass sounds. All the other samples sound good, majority of them 16 bit, which is good. The structure of the song is simple, but enjoyable. Nice stereo, nothing wrong with the panning.

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Title: filth
Filename: filth.mod
Posted Mon 29th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Hm, what genre is it? Very hard to tell. A kind of synth experimental, pop maybe. It is very repetitive. There aren't many melodies here and those that appear are very repetitive too. Pretty high percentage of the length (4 mins) are repeated patterns, and those that are different are not very much different in fact. Well, that's an average, quite monotonous piece. Not much to say... this track sounds just average. Samples do their job, I can't say that they are especially bad or good. There are some effects, although not really plenty of them. All volumes seem pretty well set. Well, the quantity of samples isn't huge either. It's a rather simple mod, without anything really new or splendid, but still done well, without big flaws.

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Title: Fires of damnation
Filename: firesof.xm
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
It's a pretty well sounding metal piece. It has some nice riffs, although nothing special about them... Nice to listen, that's all. There is also a solo, but it's not as good as the rest of the number... It doesn't sound very good and is too short and simple. Well, with all the riffs being rather common and the solo so short and appearing first after two minutes, this is not exceptionally interesting to listen. But if you like to have a little harder (not so very hard though) background music when working or doing anything else, it's good. To the author I would suggest more experimenting, more solos (especially with no vocal in the song), more invention. Thanks to good quality (and quantity) of samples, this song sounds really good! Each time I start to listen to a metal track I'm afraid the artist uses the samples in a way that makes them sound completely unreal. No such problem here. What I didn't like was the solo guitar, it sounded much worse... Apart from it, however, everything - bass, drums - sounds great. I also the ending could be better, more like those made with 'real' guitarists and drummers.

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Title: FGA - ndelay
Filename: fga.it
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10
It's a quiet song with a nice, soft rhythm, very simple melody and some additional effects. For the first minute it was very pleasant and promising, even though it was rather boring with the repetitive, simple melody. But then nothing new came, just some effect samples and additional strings that don't sound very good. A very repetitive piece, nice in the first minute, but unfortunately going nowhere. The effect samples are too loud. As for the rest - they are not perfect, but pretty ok, I'd say. Nice panning, especially with the flute and drums. Generally, the technical side of the track, apart from some volumes, is rather good.

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Title: Great Adversity
Filename: fallon01.it
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very dramatic sounding piece... Well, to be honest, at first I received it more as a victory song, but combined with some imagination supported by the title, it may have a bit different feeling as well. Certainly the music fits the word "great". It sounds very elevated... It's cerainly suitable music for a big event... Unfortunately, it's a little repetitive. The melodies are great, but not much varied. Anyway, the song is really good and I recommend it to everyone. But still, before I checked the word "adversity" in a dictionary, it sounded rather 'victorious' for me... =) Well it's a very personal thing how you receive a musical work. First of all - nice stereo drums. I like them very much. The bells are a bit too loud imo, but it's damn good they're here! I like the samples used here and I think it's a good piece, certainly worth listening.

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Title: field-day
Filename: field_da.mod
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10
Well, this guy is a master. This track resembles his famous "Fountain of Sighs" a little, but of course, it's different. We have a similar set of instruments: a classic guitar, flute, rock drums and electric guitar. Everything is combined very well. The flute melodies are awesome, the guitar solos too. A very well made, professional sounding track we have here. I recommend to download it, it's really worth it. Technically this piece isn't 100% perfect. Anyway, it still sounds pretty professional. Some loop points not so good, and the flute sounding rather average don't spoil the pleasure much. I love the song.

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Title: FIGHT
Filename: fight1.mod
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 3 / 10
Well, musically - not much to say about it... It's one of the pieces where some vocal samples are put with rather primitive drumbeats and melodies. I'm not keen on this kind of mods, but some ppl might enjoy it, I dunno. Anyway, this one is better than some other similar tracks I've heard, but still not really fascinating. Major technical drawbacks of the tracks are: bad quality of the vocal samples and some sample loops. The best thing I heard here was the bass, which sounded pretty decent. In general, the song doesn't show anything worth greater attention.

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Title: dreams of fire
Filename: firedrea.xm
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This is a 1h compo entry so it's short, just 10 patterns and 1:32 length. It uses some synths with interesting effects as a background... it makes the tune sound quite dreamy; a very nice feeling. The short melody is very good. Hm, this track sounds like an intro and it would fit a game's title and credits... I imagine it would be a mysterious game. =) A well made little track with a great feeling and quite original sound to it. Nice samples, nothing extraordinary, but everything works well and no major imrovements needed here. Maybe I would make the background synth more quiet, but just a little. Everything is really satisfying. Well, there just the problem with OHC tunes... It could develop so nicely, when it faded out... =)

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Title: Field of Souls
Filename: field_of_souls.it
Posted Fri 26th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10
I wasn't sure which category this song belongs to... It's pretty dark, with good melodies and mood I just loved. The melodies, played by the cool instruments made a great impression on me. What's more, the tune is interesting all the time. Some samples that sound like really old ones, make a little dark, but nice atmosphere. Cool drumfills work perfectly with the melodies. Everything works fine here, and if you don't mind not so perfect sound quality, you will enjoy this piece for sure. I like almost everything in this track. Well... Just the samples... They are really cool, but the quality is poor. They are perfectly chosen to make this tune what it is, and I believe it would be really hard to replace some of them, but isn't it worth trying?... A word about the panning - I didn't like the bass in the right speaker... I'd say this song is a great piece of music, but technically could be improved.

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Title: Blood of Hatred
Filename: film2a.xm
Posted Wed 24th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
It starts with low notes played on a piano, and then pipe organs and strings start. The tune is pretty morose, slow paced and quite mysterious. It has slow, rather simple melodies that are nothing especially admirable, but work very well and help to create the general mood well. The track is rather monotonous (despite all the 10 patterns are different), but it seems that its destination is not to entertain, but lead into kinda gravy mood, so it is rather justified. The aim of the song is to be looped and play for as long as necessary. =) If not looped, it will last for only 1:17. Its samples are average. Well chosen and put into patterns, with correct volumes. Rather simple, but well written little track.

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Title: Fire on High
Filename: firehigh.mod
Posted Wed 24th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
A pretty pleasant track with guitars and a rather fast drumbeat, but not hi-speeder =). The melodies here are not so bad and not stunning either. Just ordinary ones I'd say, good to listen, but after the 6:49 I didn't really long for more of that. Fairly good, well made, but not outstanding song. The samples were chosen well, but their quality could be better; they lack the highest frequencies. The construction is pretty good, quite rich and interesting. Effects used in the melodies are good. pretty many samples, but patterns are often repeated. The tune has almost 7 minutes - well imo it didn't need to be so long if that had to take all that repetition.

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Title: Final Touch
Filename: finalto.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
Hehe, a reggae song! It is really cool. Great piano, nice rhythm, wonderful flute! The synth well cooperates with the flute and also works for the overally great sound of the song. It's a pity the track is so short. I think after it gets faster and more dynamic it could return to the first tempo and make some new solo. The greatest drawback of the song is repetition! The tune isn't really boring in spite of the repeated patterns, but it would be a lot more exciting if only some slight changes in them were made... Although this is an 'extended module', it has only 4 channels (which doesn't make it bad of course!!). The samples are pretty good. Generally good choice, however, hmm... the synth doesn't really fit here very much. Aah, so what. It is cool and plays great solos. Arpeggio in the last part of the song resembles chip songs... well it's pretty original. Very good work, congratulations. I will keep it on my disk for sure. Just one very tiny complaint - why did you leave so much silence at the end?...

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Title: final assault
Filename: finasslt.mod
Posted Sun 21st Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
A quiet song with a loud solo... This piece is rather slow paced and it has a solo synth playing most of the time. The solos are good, but not outstanding and the song is generally repetitive; half of the patterns is repeated. It doesn't draw attention for long. The volumese are not set properly here in my opinion - the snare is too silent and the synth playing solos is too loud. The quality of the samples is average. No intro and no ending in this mod.

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Title: The Final Battle
Filename: finalbat.s3m
Posted Sat 20th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
Another very short piece without intro or ending... It has an electric guitar, synths and rock drums. That's a nice combination and the song sounds pretty good. The melodies are rather good, although nothing special about them. Drums are a strong point here, quite interesting and dynamic. The song is not repetitive, but it has only 1:32. Good choice and use of samples; their quality is fairly good, but not perfect. I didn't like the first solo mainly because the sample is noisy and unpleasant. But all the rest sounds good. To be honest, the song isn't bad, but among all the other mods it isn't worth special attention.

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Title: Feud
Filename: feud.xm
Posted Sat 20th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
The author tells us in the info that it's a remake of music from a game called "Feud". Again nothing can I tell about the original song. This remake sounds pretty decent. No melodies, just a simple background music with a piano and synths. Hmmm... the quality of the song is pretty average. The samples don't sound wonderful, but I can't say they are bad. Their number is not big, as well as the number of patterns. In general, this piece sounds just like many old mods, not really offering much to the listener (unless you know the game and you are curious how the remake sounds).

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Title: a february symphony
Filename: febsymph.mod
Posted Fri 19th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
A light rock song with overdriven guiar, synths and rock drums. It has a good melody, which sounds like a 'victory' piece I'd say... :) The instrument used here is a kind of a synth brass. Nice choice I think. The melody repeats, but generally it doesn't make the tune much repetitive, unless you loop it to play over and over again. :) And the song's construction would suggest such behaviour. I can't call the piece boring, but I don't find it that fascinating after listening two-three times. Instead of going back I guess fadeout or other ending would be more appropriate. The samples could be better, there are some noises and the overall sound isn't perfect. But the way they fit to each other is great and they are used very well here (maybe except the guitar in some places, when it sounds unnatural). 4 channels used perfectly, I didn't have the feeling that the song lacks anything. Well, maybe the ending... A the end of the song there's just a drum fill and then it goes back near the beginning.

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Title: Finale (cmr)
Filename: finale.xm
Posted Thu 18th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
An orchestral tune that sounds like music from a film. It is short, but has a great melody and is quite emotional, maybe I could also say elevated. What I find in it is some kind of thrill and happines; that's why it would be great for a final scene in a game for example. Very good choice of samples; their quality is ok. Although only 3 patterns were used here, you don't feel that while listening (to be honest, I was surprised when I checked after listening) Well, the song is kept at slow pace. The only complaint I have is that it sounds too much tracked. It's mainly because the artist used too small number of channels for the strings - notes don't change softly.

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Filename: festive.mod
Posted Wed 17th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
In its very happy and not so serious way, it is a quite good mod. It consists of some melodies that are not very much connected with each other. It makes the song sound like if there were a couple of instrumentalists, taking parts to play their solos. Everything goes fast and joyfully; it's one of the tracks that are likely to bring a spontanious smile onto your face... =) Although not especially wonderful, the samples sound decent and work nicely together. As you can imagine, they are all chosen to sound happily and so they do. =) The song is tracked well, no doubts about that. There's just one thing - when the first melody starts after about 15 seconds, the volume falls a bit, not very significantly but still. If it was intentional, I don't understand what's it for...

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Title: "Fictive Forest"
Filename: fictive.xm
Posted Wed 17th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
Good, but not extraordinarily exciting track. It has a cool, fast synth drumbeat and many additional samples that make it sound lively and nice, but I'm afraid there isn't much more to it... The rare melodies that are here are not wonderful, just average. The track is pretty monotonous and doesn't offer anything new as it goes on. It is made well, but I wouldn't say it's original or easy to distinguish from similar songs. The drumbeat is very good, but I was a little disappointed when I saw that it is composed of loops. Oh well. No problem actually. The samples are great, usage of effects also decent. From the technical side, it is a good piece of tracking.

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Title: Fille
Filename: fille.xm
Posted Wed 17th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This is one sample mod. It is made quite well, soft and subtle I'd say. The melodies are pretty simple, but good, I enjoyed them. Well, maybe it is not a ravishing piece, but very relaxing and good to play in the background - if you like slow piano songs. I like the way the goes from a louder melody to a moment of silence, then a quiet melody and louder again. It sounds pretty much like a human player. Well, just the left hand is... not that enjoyable, it could be made in a little more interesting way. But overally, it's a very nice piano ballad. The only sample that was used here is very good, but it's just one. It's not enough for a piano to sound realistic... The lowest and the highest pitches don't sound that well, but generally it's good enough to have a listen. Good use of volumes!

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Title: Fiddler
Filename: fiddler.xm
Posted Wed 17th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10
This track is very enjoyable and interesting, great soft sound to it... The guitar is just perfect. In the synth melodies the artist showed good tracking skills as well as musical abilities. Maybe they aren't especially amazing, but surely they are cool and make the song much more than an average piece. If I were picky I'd say the drums could be more varied, but I don't think it's that important. They work well with the song and the tune in general is not boring at all. It's a very good track. The guitar is superb, but it's not really tracked, the guitar samples were recorded ready. Thanks to that it sound very well, but it's not actually tracking that made it sound so good. Anyway, who cares. All the samples are fine, but I found the hihats (pretty original ones!) a bit too loud, but may not agree with that...

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Title: Festering Tumor
Filename: festering.xm
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This track is pretty enjoyable. It consists mainly of synthsounds - synth strings and synth piano. The lead is played with a nice delay; all the solos and melodies here are pretty good. But they're not memorable and they don't make a lasting impression on a listener. Nice tune, not monotonous, well made, but this is one of the mods I think I wouldn't remember long after listening to. Only 16 bit samples were used in this track; their quality is good. The piano is very high pitched (you might disagree, but it can be a little tiring). Well, I think the tune has a little too much of high pitched sounds... Nice panning and generally the artist knows how to use ft2 effects.

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Title: fd
Filename: fd.it
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 3 / 10
This tune seems to be base on the percussion instuments: bongos, snare, kick and some woodblock. In the background there are strings that play the same from the first to the last second of the short piece without break. I must say that this track is not fascinating. Of course, really good songs may be created from percussion only, but this one doesn't show anything spectacular. Very simple song, with the string just copy/pasted to all of the channels and different configuration of the percussion instruments. The samples used here are good, but the loop of the strings is not excellent...

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Title: Fading Memories
Filename: fading.it
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
I would call it an ambient tune with a dance rhythm (although pretty slow). Fairly simple, but good song with synths, a flute and the dancelike kick. The melodies here are not spectacular, just basic ones. The bass is also simple. But everything plays well together. It's not an exceptionally interesting, just nice to listen once or twice. Very good samples, they sound clean and blend together well. All the patterns are different, but in fact they don't differ much - the componenets are mostly the same, e.g. the same synth melody go with the drums, then without them, later on the drumbeat is changed. But it's really good that the artist varies the song; well, it could be varied even more, but it's not really bad the way it is. I'm pretty content with this song.

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Title: ## FEELING ##
Filename: feeling.mod
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10
This kicks ass! A 4 channel mod that doesn't lack completely anything. Wonderful guitar, vibes and sax solos go one after another for your (and my) pleasure! Great drums, lots of fill-ins; bassline cooperates with the guitar and other instruments perfectly. All the time something happens and I can't imagine getting bored with it. Blues mods are very rare, so I was extremely happy to hear such a good blues song here! It lasts only for 3 minutes, but I could listen to it much longer!! Download it without any hesitation, it's simply magnificent! Well, the artists obviously knows how to use a guitar and he made such a smashing song with it!! (of course playing skills are not enough, there's much more here!). He recorded some guitar samples to fit the solos, so it sounds pretty professional. Samples used in too wide range of pitches do not appear here, this mod sounds like not a mod! (not only because of the samples). Everything sounds so clean (except a sample loop in just *one* place), and the delays here and there boost the pleasure.

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Title: feeltheoops
Filename: fee.mod
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Well well... I have no clue where are the vocal from (one of them sounds pretty like the famous "Das Boot", but it says "systems activated" here. :) So the vocals are mixed with techno drums, bass and a synth, sometimes some choirs in the background. Generally it sounds good, but only if you like this kind of mixes; personally, I'm rather sceptical of them. From the technical side this is very decent, no special technical fireworks though. No reason to nag about quality of the samples, they sound really ok. Even the vocal samples - they often tend to be bad in mods like this one, but here there's no problem with that.

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Title: - Feat. 303 -
Filename: feat303.it
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
Hearing the first sounds of this tune I thought - this will be a great song. A fast drumbeat with a tambourin, fast bass, and synth fillers. All that makes the tune lively and good sounding. The quiet synth melody was also ok. But then I got disappointed. The song didn't get worse, or better, or anything else - it just didn't change at all. Out of 30 patterns (2 mins) only 8 are different... That's not very good. Making the song more varied would take much longer, but it would result in a great piece. This little tune is tracked very skillfully. He used good samples, well chosen and put together. The artist can do nice music very well, but in my opinion he ended working on this one far to quickly.

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Title: ~Final Chapter~
Filename: fchapter.it
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10
Well, this is a good track. A fast and well tracked song with a synth lead. The intrument plays some melodies and a very fast solo, which isn't actually a real solo, because it is just a couple of notes played many times. Anyway, I like it. There's much more in the song than the synth lead. A nice piano for example, or the pulsating strings in the backround towards the end of the song. All the instruments create a nice tune that is not boring, even if it's a little repetitive. The song goes fast and ends soon, after only 2 minutes. But the 2 minutes are filled very well. The lead's panning slide may bring various reflections - some people will probably say it is kewl, some may find it annoying. As for me, it slides just a little too much. Samples used in this tune are very good, except one all of them 8 bit. The strings in the beginning sound too much tracked thogh; that's because the notes are cut by following notes that are in the same channel. Good use of 26 channels and generally a very easy and nice in reception.

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Title: Medusa's Fatal Error
Filename: fatalerror.it
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10
It is a nice, happy song with an accordion, a flute and a trumpet, and more. And with some funny samples usually laughs, but not only. When you are angry or sad, this will cheer you up, make feel better for sure! It contains pleasant melodies, well made background and a humorous, very positive mood. I strongly recommend this song, it'll make you smile! :) This song has lots of samples, majority of which is 16 bit. And they all are just cool. Together, they constitute a truly magnificent piece. I have no complaints at all. It just goes into the itself without any resistance... :)

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Title: Fascist Jock Itch
Filename: fascist.mod
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 1 / 10
According to what is written in the info, this is a remake of some song I don't know. I can tell nothing about the original, so I'll just tell something about this mod. It begins in a weird way and so it continues. Monotonous drums, some vocal samples and nothing else. This song is completely uninteresting and tiring. It is very basic, with no effects, no melody, poor quality samples (especialy the vocals are ugly). It isn't worth downloading. Better choose some other song.

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Title: Feel Of The Ocean 7
Filename: feeltheocean.mod
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10
First, we are invited by a sound of waves... Soon, the drumbeat starts, toghether with strings. After some time the rhythm becomes slower and a soft, dreamy melody starts. The speed is actually changed several times in the song. I don't know what other people think about it, but for me it sounded a bit strange... There is a bass, but it doesn't play all the time. When the speed is slower and the melodies play, the bass stops. Anyway, it's not very good, I think I would choose a different one for this song... Well, there's nothing really catchy in the song, it just starts, plays for some time and ends. There are several melodies, but they don't last in the memory. I'd say this song is average - not so bad, but at the same time it's not extremely interesting. Samples are not very good, but not really bad either, somewhere in between I'd say. Some of them aren't used very well. The loop of the sound of an ocean for example is not properly set, thus making the waves sound unnaturally fast. I think instead of looping it, playing it a number of times in the patterns would be a better solution. Some bugs appeared too - in the beginning of the second pattern the wave sound is cut. And at the end, after it fades out, it suddenly comes back to its initial volume.

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Title: FarCome, LongGo -SPK
Filename: fclg.mod
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
I think this piece could be called guitar song, as its main instrument is a classic guitar, nota bene a pretty nice one. We can hear the guitar from the very beginning and it plays all the time. Unfortunately, the song is repetitive. The guitar melody is pretty cool, but it goes around and around and after some time may become boring, even if it is played higher and lower, and with a unnaturally deep vibrato... it sounds quite amusing. :) The song could be very good if it was varied. The way it is, it's just average. The technical quality is a strong point of the song. The samples are clean and most of them sound very well. The guitar is not looped perfectly, but you can hear it only in high notes, which the ear can hear better and when the loop goes fast. Again, I have to complaig about the habit of repeating patterns. Every pattern here is played twice...

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Title: mod.06
Filename: fave.mod
Posted Sun 14th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10
The tune starts with strings and a flute. I like the intro, it has a nice melody. Then, a good synth bass and also nice drums start to play. And a synth lead plays some melodies. I like those as well. The four channels aren't maximally filled with all sorts of samples, so the tune is pretty simple, its background consisting just of bass and simple drums. I think the mod's simplicy isn't a serious disadvantage, though, It sounds fairly good. Not wonderful, but just good. The samples are acceptable, although they aren't fantastic. The bass and the drums are ok, the flute has some distortion, it is very tiny, but audible, mainly because it plays in the beginning, when there are no drums yet and every unwanted sound is easy to catch. Generally this tune is technically just as an old module. I think only people who like tracked music will enjoy the tune...
