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Title: industry
Filename: deathjester_-_industry.mod
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
If the author was trying to look for an experimental sound here, he certainly found it... The music actually isn't all that bad. It works well if you like the sound you get from power drills and metal clanks filling out the rhythm section. The vocal samples fit in amazingly well, and the song moves along with variations and breaks right where they need to be. It's a short song, but any longer, and it would get severely annoying... The authors wisely took advantage of knowing where to cut it off to keep the appeal of the sound samples. This is where the piece really stands out... 'Ingenious' is a word you'll find yourself using a lot if you take the time to analyze this mod. It's not very busy, so the four-track limitation didn't really cramp it much, but it's constructed so well that it amazes. Anybody who's ever tried to tune a sound sample of an electric drill knows how hard it can be, and the author has managed to fit it in easily. But the real technical brilliance shines in the vocal samples... They're timed so that they fit perfectly into the song, even with the various pitch-shifts and cutoffs used. This piece is worth the download by all means, if just to see how someone with real skill handles dealing with non-music samples to make music. All trackers in training, pay close attention to this one!

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Title: Ignorance
Filename: ignoranc.xm
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Yes, there's something to be said for repetition, but only to a point... And this piece crosses the line far too often. A minute and a half of pattern A, a minute and a half of pattern B, back for more of A, a slow break, then finish it off with another minute of pattern A. I'm sorry, pattern A just isn't good enough to dominate the song that much. The rest is fairly standard techno, with stop-beat synth manipulation and panning drones. It could suffice easily for die-hard fans, but others wouldn't find it interesting enough to hold their ear. There's really nothing bad to say, here.... Nothing special, but it all fits together well enough to earn a spot up. Aside from a mistuned sample early on and some distortion in the laser sweep, the samples are all all high enough quality to hold their own. This song is overall very very... average. Verging on mediocre. If you're on a slow dialup, find something better to spend your bandwidth on.

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Title: Imminent Eminence
Filename: ie.xm
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The opening catches you off-guard with a syncopated bass beat, but quickly fills it out into something much more recognizable and danceable. The bass beat and breakbeat never quite change through the whole of the song except during the final fadeout, but there's enough innovation and constant new effects in the melody lines to keep it going strong. String chording helps to fill in the spaces, and the piece winds down very nicely to a good ending without leaving you unfulfilled. It lasts just about the ideal time for its genre and quality, no complaints there, either. Overall, this piece promises a lot, and delivers well. The samples fit together wonderfully, but the bass beat and the kickdrum both have a buzz in them that distorts what could be an awesome piece. Other than that, the piece is technically sound for the most part... Barring the end, with seventeen seconds of silence that could have been removed easily. If you enjoy a more musical dance beat, this is definitely worth the download and a few listens.

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Title: Sorrow
Filename: azo_soro.it
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song wouldn't be as good as it is if it weren't for the rain. Even though the rain is not very visible, it adds the effect of gloom. This song is powerful, and maybe a little too loud, but the frequencies are very midranged, with some lower tones. Nothing that strains the ears. Good work Azo The samples weren't as crisp and clear as his others. The samples sounded slightly staticy, but the constant playing of music seemed to weaken the evil sound. Of course I can't do much better, so what can you do... I'm not positive of the instruments used, but I think one is an acoustic guitar. Another fine piece by Azo

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Title: Oddity of Nature
Filename: oddity.mod
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The main melody, played in a haunting piano, is very nice, but perhaps a little simplistic. The drums definately add a rhythym to it, but again, perhaps a bit underworked? Overall, a nicely done piece, suffering only a lack of development. The piano was by far the best, and all I could see to improve it is to support multichannel samples (the piano is consistently cut off!). The drums are your average (but clean) jazz/pop drums. The guitar, however, is almost sickening. Please don't just straightly use an electric guitar sample? Listen to some good guitar players - they don't just strike a chord... Otherwise, it is a fairly average to novice piece, technically.

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Title: a million eyes
Filename: gg_mill.xm
Posted Mon 17th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Here's a nice quick paced song with the usual professional drums from Gronda Gronda. The song doesn't really go anywhere and it is a little repetitive unfortunately. There is one break from the repetition with some nice flowing chords but this is a very brief section and then it continues on as before. The song is a little bit big but I suppose it is because of the sample quality and the vocals. There are a bunch of cool samples in this song that fit together nicely. Also the vocals are right on time with the song which isn't often the case in tracked songs. There is really no introduction to the song, it just jumps right in and the ending seems to stop in the middle of nowhere, but all in all not a bad effort by Gronda Gronda.

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Title: Gonna be there-O'Realitea
Filename: gonnabe.it
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a very nice song. One complaint I have though is the many times of repeated patterns. Although it does change constantly there are still a few too many repeats of the same pattern (or not enough varation in the patterns). One obvious part that struck me as nice was the introduction. You don't see that much anymore (a two part song). Another thing. Don't loop the song. If I want to hear it twice, I'll play it twice. Then again it may just be modplug (and yes the loop option is UNchecked). Some nice patterns, but greater samples. The organ gave the song a little something extra. Also, the drums were good. The synth coulda been used less though. I wouldn't mind hearing a remix of this one sometime soon. Ok, now my number one pet peeve is auto-looping songs. If I'm not paying attention I think it's still the first time and I think it's repetition. So that affects this rating. Still a good mod to listen to if you have the time.

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Title: I have a dream
Filename: ihavead.it
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
You start this piece out wondering what the heck it's going to be, with a bass kick and everybody's favorite jet-engine panning across, but then the bpm jumps up to something definitely danceable, and the synth and strings come in to confirm any reservations. You can easily start to groove in this... The problem is, every time you really start getting into a groove, there's a beat miscalculation and the measures just don't match up. That's enough to throw anyone off their steps, and the one break in the song just doesn't fit at all. The key to good dance music is coherence and consistence, and this song just doesn't have enough of either, no matter how hard it tries. There's good and bad, here... First, the good: The panning is excellent, and the samples are all fairly smooth. And... Er... Well, if I think of something else, I'll say it. But then, there's those damnable miscues that force the measures out of sync. And the screeching halt at the end is followed by fifteen seconds of silence, and a lone snare hit... There's something very, very wrong here. A little bit of proofreading could have prevented these easily. It's worth listening to once, but hard to get a full groove going.

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Title: Anencephaly
Filename: anenceph.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Well, I can deduct two things from this piece...#1.The artist is a Slayer fan, and #2. He/She can play a mean thrash metal guitar. I think one of the challenges that eludes most trackers is the ability to produce songs with electric guitar samples that don't sound like someone's $100 Toys R Us Casio special. This song has real guitar samples recorded presumably by the artist him/herself put together in a wicked, in-your-face, shit your pants, fast and furious thrash tune ala Slayer,Testament, Exodus etc. Complete with Mustaine-Style guitar solo and voila! A very good song by an anonymous person, who I suspect, at one time or another had very long hair. Kudos! Major marks here for the DIY guitar samples. Quite impressive to put this piece together as smoothly as such given the complicated design of the song vs. song samples. Excellent work!

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Title: akira.xm
Filename: akira.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Trobbing beats with droning synths in true Gothic form. Suggests hints of early Skinny Puppy perhaps, (I can even imagine Ogre on Vox). Nice Effort, though the song is a tad short and repetetive. Good use of instruments here to provide for an authentic industrial sound. The piece is put together well and though nothing incredible in the way of the tracking patterns, the song works well. Recommended!

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Title: Alacazabra
Filename: Alacazabra.mod
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
One of the very first mods I downloaded from the modarchive well over a year ago, and arguably one of the very best. The song begins as a very hard-edged techno piece and without losing it's power, turns slightly jazzy at the end, all the while maintaining a wonderfully original sounding hip-hop/techno drum beat. If you like a more powerful punch to your techno, this is an essential mod for you to d/l. While this song tends to get busy at times, having so much "going on" within the melody, it never ceases to impress. The technical foundation of the song is excellent, with some nice sound samples and clean breaks here and there just to keep the listener on his/her toes.

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Title: - GriZZwald -
Filename: grizzwal.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This was a very nice song with loverly (my word) samples. This is a good example of a ... well. a good mod. If more people could track like this, you wouldn't need me to go through picking out the crap and the good ones, like this one. I hate reviewing songs with a 10.. I have a quota of 3 lines of reviewing to meet, but when a song is undescribable and everything is perfect in it, there isn't much to say. The one that makes this a ten is the fine tuning of each sample to make a well molded song. The lead is pitched and blanaced just right making this a all timer.

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Title: "The Grey Note"
Filename: greynote.s3m
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Although I did not like this song personally, I do have to say this is an excellently designed and tracked mod. It takes a real talent to make a song of this magnitude and tastefulness. Even if you do not like this song, 99% of you will respect it and the author. What can I say about this one. Everything is done to a T and that T is a BIG T. The emphasis on this song is magnified by every little sample and every pattern. This is to Necros, if he reads this: "Keep up the damn good work please!" And to the rest of you, listen to the song.

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Title: Glidenight
Filename: glidenight.mod
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Another small song that sounds amazing! This song is a happy one that uses an amazingly low 4 tracks and I imagine less than 8 samples. The one thing that I will judge differently here than with most other songs is the fact that repetition does sound nice here. The glissando (musical term meaning slurring to your notes, without reattacking the note) makes this a unique module. (The ending part also sounds "neat-o") The usual from an 8(.5). Good samples, good patterns, good uses of the patterns, and good talent. Why can't there be more songs like this, I'd love to hear a few more, so track 'em and send 'em with a "G" as the first letter of the song.

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Title: Goatzilla - Noice
Filename: goatzila.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Too simples to get a better rating. Had the artist added some sort of diversions througout the song maybe I might have given it a 5 or better. But with the lack of difference I give it a 4. F O U R. 4. Ok, so maybe I do not put enough in my reviews, but if I write alot it takes away from the listener experiencing the song for the first time. With that said, DON'T, I reapeat DON'T listen to this one.

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Title: godzilla
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
39K!!! Beat that! This song sounds like some 1 meg songs I have heard. How long is this? Wow, this is a very very good song. I like the organ lead the best. The background adds a very nice effect also. Everything is good in this one. "Why not a ten then?" you ask? Well it's not my sort of bag baby. Seriously, it's a very excellently tracked mod that I wish I could track like (I can't/don't track). To everyone else, bring it on!

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Title: Grejder2.Jam.96
Filename: grejder2.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Number 2 of Grejder Jam 96. This is horrible! Less than a minute. This was a good song until it ended. This is absoutely a tragedy. Maybe Grejder will get a clue that a song needs an ending. Someone tell him. AHHHH! This is a piece of crap. The samples were good, the pattern (yes, only ONE) was good. But why did it end??? Maybe some mysteries will never be solved. IF you download this.. the first ten seconds are worth it ... I guess.

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Title: Grejder.Jam.96
Filename: grejder.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Short and sweet. This is a very happy song with some nice different rhythms. The drums and lead synth were very nice. Maybe if it had trailed off instead of abruptly ending in the middle. But oh well.. One mans garbage is another mans art. Nice patterns, good samples, some good uses of them together. Thus making this a good song. Small in size too. The only really major complaint I have is there is no ending. It just stops in the middle. Maybe that is why it is small. But still a good song

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Title: Differential Conscio
Filename: gs-45.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Hmmm.. too short. I liked the piano and the chords used in this one. If listened to at the right time it will make you zone out just by paying attenti...... Oh.. you see what I mean? Nice few samples making this a very delightful song. The patterns were nice. The ending was a nice fade with a drum kick at the very end. The middle was missing something though. I just cannot put my thumb on it.

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Title: Guardian
Filename: guardian.s3m
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
According to the info, this game was made for the 1st Person Shooter (I could be wrong), Unreal... Wow. It sounds very nice. I wouldn't mind kicking arse while listening to this. Very nice "drumline" and a very nice mood altering .... AHHHHHH I was listening to it, and it stopped!! THEY DIDN'T FINISH IT!! Well, it had an eight, it now has a 6 What kind of a tracker makes an incomplete song? Maybe because it's official music. Well fine, rip me off and I'll give you a lower score! A very nice mod though, it gave me chills... and then saddened me when it stopped :(

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Title: If U love
Filename: ifulov.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wow... That's the reaction after hearing this. Opening on what would seem to be a standard trance loop, the bass starts kicking in, followed quickly by the kick beats, and soon the melody fades in at just after a minute in. A sweep-and-dive wash of synth, synth, and more synth gives way to the more conventional stop-beat sounds, but they come back again to finish off the song with a fadeout flourish. Unlike so many in this genre, TBO actually knows how to change chords... And more importantly, WHEN to change. Also, the ending actually works well, instead of the usual ending halt that leaves you hanging. An absolutely stunning piece of work, I only have one possible complaint against it: Why is it so short? I could sit here and groove to this for ten minutes, or even more. A technical masterpiece, this song. The fades are smooth, wah-wah is used brilliantly, the panning goes across the board wonderfully, and the balance works just about to perfection. The way to see this song really shine, though, is to listen to it two or three times, and notice the way the opening bits that seem unconnected all fit together piece by piece into the end product. This song is best suited for playing at high volumes in a room full of sweaty people, dancing their heads off, and it could suffice for just that.

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Title: THE iLLogiC SOUND
Filename: illogic.it
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 2 / 10
The author warns in the Instruments section that he's done better, and that he's young... It shows. This song might have had potential at one time, but it certainly doesn't realize it. A poorly panned bass beat goes on and on, broken up by a poorly panned and completely abused handclap, leading to a poorly panned and hideously timed fadeout echo blip in what would be called "melody," if it had one. However, the piece isn't so horrible to make you hold your ears and run from the room, so it does have some good qualities... Somewhere... The samples here might have worked in a similar setting, with a little bit of effort and development. Unfortunately, they didn't get that effort and development here. The main problem is in the echo blip that is used for a high pitch... It's out of tune with the rest of the piece, enough so that it grates on your nerves. Also, the timing on the echo just mixes poorly with the beat... It would be forgivable to mismatch the pitch but hit the beat, in the name of artistic discord. But not both, and not here. Even so, there wasn't much he blew out horribly, even if there wasn't much he did particularly well, either. Hopefully, this author will get better with time and experience.

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Title: Lords of the boards
Filename: icy-lord.xm
Posted Sun 16th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Despite a chord pattern that never really changes throughout the song, this piece manages to keep just interesting and innovative enough to keep you listening. iCy brings in a constant flow of rhythms over the same general melodies, and never gets permanently attached to anything but his immovable drumbeat, and his panning blip drones. He doesn't clutter up the piece with anything but the essentials, which keeps it open and just a little bit this side of dark blue. The ending comes quickly, but he manages to cut out the parts in sequence so that it doesn't suddenly stop, leaving you hanging. Overall, something with a good groove to it, getting established early, and carrying throughout the length of the song. Near-perfect samples here, supporting the mood without any perceptible flaws. Tuned, timed, and balanced to a T, but nothing really jumps out as anything special. If he had used a little bit of innovation, he could have made this good piece into a great piece, but it stands well-constructed as it is.

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Title: ethnomagic (nhp)
Filename: emagic.mod
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This track is pretty good, especially for a .MOD. It has a nice catchy beat that's not the usual 3/4 reverb house beat. This track is very original, that's why I like it; it's soothing, short, and slow. The beginning is kind of slow, but it gets better as it goes on. This track, though 100% original, was most likely easy to make. The beat used is basically four different notes used in alternation. The samples are very nice, high qual, good for a .MOD. It's also very, very long, about 5:41. nhp rarely uses bass in this track, which upset me, as at points it could be better if he did.

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Title: < Utopian >
Filename: utopian.xm
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10

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Title: Gunger Slam NBT
Filename: gunger.it
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Whoa, "The Orb" flashback for those first few seconds. This is an ok mod. Musically it's ok. Repetition is a tad bit too much though. The vocals are ok also. That dang "womp" sound gets irritating. You'll find out what I mean. This song is too long with the small number of samples that I hear. Again, that "womp" sound ruins it for me. Not a good techno beat either, it's too hyper.. even for techno

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Title: Guitarous
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 9 / 10
LOOK AT THIS!! only 87 kilobytes and it gets a 9. Now... maybe it will teach some of you that "Bigger isn't better" but it's how you manipulate the input. This one sounds wonderful and is soothing to the ear. No overplayed patterns. It's an amazing piece of work. Small, small, small, patterns, samples, loops, effects. Those were the good parts of it. The bad parts are: ....... Well, dang. No really, this was an excellent mod, it's an efficient mod.

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Title: it's my house
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 3 / 10
If you take one beat, keep it steady, add another beat and keep it steady, add another beat and keep it steady, You would have this song.. Of course you would have to add some odd synth effects and some crummy vocals. I'd have to say 8 patterns at the most. This is so annoying. This is a begginers bragging mod. Only beginers would respect this one. Only beginners. The samples are ok. But that's about it. Not much else here, annoying drum.. and no, not drumS. But drum!

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Title: 1999 - a Rave Odessy
Filename: g_1999.xm
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
It's a very decent song. But it lost my attention. Nothing really grabbing here that I noticed. It's still good though. The quick notes during make this one that I like. I'm usually not a big fan of "fast" but I kinda like it. Nice samples, loops, patterns. The usual. Everything contrast well in this one. Some people do not know about balance. This is a good example of how balance should be in every song. Nothing is too repetive in this song, except for the "bass chorus" during the middle. Overall, a good mod

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Title: Phantasia
Filename: xl_phan.it
Posted Sat 15th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song doesn't go as far as it could. It loops on a single note when it seems like there should be some melody happening. It's like the author had the idea for the beat and the song and just didn't follow through with the full idea. The technical aspects of the song are great! The voice is especially cool - Kind of a sing-song loop. The drum xlr8r chose to use is great. It's clear and crisp and not all overdriven like they sometimes tend to be.

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Title: Interstice
Filename: GF_INTER.S3M
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
A decent mod. It's Ok.. Nothing unusual. Some nice drum and synths. But still, nothing new here. Nope, No siree, Nothing. Well, except the drum hits at the end. That's pretty neat-o As above, nothing new. The samples are ok, the patterns are somewhat better than ok, but still. The other items are so so.. Thus a 5 is given. And on that day he rested. -RaP manual Page 2

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Title: Chiper Message
Filename: gff_chms.it
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Very simple. The annoyance factor on this song is about a 8. The friggin background is so annoying it'll make some people suicidal. AHHHHH. This is a very very bad example of a song. DON'T LISTEN. Very nice technical skills, yet the artist has no musical talent. Such a waste is a crime against humanity. Would you THE LACK OF PATTERN CHANGE MAKES THIS SONG a RaP example.

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Title: "The Guiding Light"
Filename: guilight.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I really wish I would check the file size... 1 friggin meg of music. Starts off nicely.. melodic. 7 LONG minutes of this stuff gets old. It's nice, but their really is not much of a show stopper in this one. There is potential though. I want a remix! Although long, it deserves a good 8 This tracker is a master! He can track well, but his limitations are small I believe. He needs to deviate from his first few patterns and spice it up. Then again, this is just the ranting of a mad man. I want to hear more from him. Visit his website (info in the mod).. Quite humurous

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Title: The Overlord.
Filename: overlord.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Less than a minute and a half of rather unoriginal, quirky, yet nicely organized, clean synth pop, neatly arranged like leggo for your ears & mine. Nothing outstanding, but one can tell that the composer has a solid musical background. Perhaps Joram could add to this piece to make it of more traditional song length. Technically...it's great. Joram/Orion knows what he is doing with his tracker program...we can only hope he utilizes it for us in a larger piece of work next time.

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Title: o.t.a.
Filename: OTA.MOD
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Nothing overly special here.....nice bass lick, but the rest of the song comes across as one person's experiment with the special function keys, clobbering the listener with a plethra of fx, with no particular reason other than to just add lots of fx because one can. Methinks this might be one of Major Tom's earlier releases. As mentioned above, this appears to be more of an experimentation rather than a full song.....sound fx for the sake of sound fx. Shows some degree of potential, however, and with some experience and practice, Major Tom is bound to hit a homerun sooner or later.

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Title: Organic. ICICLE 96'
Filename: organic.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
On first listen, one is reminded of mid-late 80's pop, with lots of geeky fake horn section synth sounds......not my personal favourite type of music. Nevertheless, this song has a definite funky feel to it, but unfortuneatley reminds me of the jingle that accompanies the flight safety video shown on the all Air Canada flights. Humour aside, this song is very well orchestrated, and includes a nifty percussion part at the end of the song that allows for an excellent ending. Technical ability here is professional, no doubt about it. The sound quality is top notch, and effects used appropriatley, including the addition of some vocal sound samples aptly placed here and there.

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Title: omnic presence
Filename: omnic.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song begins with what seems to be an attempt at an eerie dark intro, but the quality of the instruments used takes away from what might otherwise be an effective intro. Once the song gets going, the melody makes up for this somewhat, but the delivery of the song is plagued by a weak bass drum, a rather obnoxious cymbal crash consistently, and I feel that with a little bit of refining the instruments used, this could be a great song. Has a bit of a dark funky feel to it. As mentioned above, the composer might try to remix this song, exchanging some of the instruments to deliver a fuller sound...the bass drum is weak, the cymbal is too loud for the rest of the song, and the bass guitar could stand to be a little more hollow. Implementing some of these changes could turn this into a very admirable effort.

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Title: OBEY ME!!!
Filename: obeyme.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This piece will have the teenager in you donning the baggiest trousers you can find and boarding the next bus to the closest rave in town...Excellent musicianship with sound samples used appropriatley...plenty of wonderful oscillations and trance beats....so drop those tabs and dance baby! Technically very proficient......the oscillating sythn sounds are what makes this piece most appealing. Vocal samples are kept to a minimum and placed well. Very good effort here.

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Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A crescendo intro to start followed by acid oscillations and heavy beats. LOVE IT! You can dance to this, you can drive to this, snowboard to it, hell, even clean your damn house to it because this shit will have you PUMPED! Good Stuff! Will the anonymous composer please come forth! Excellent musicianship here........plenty of special effects used appropriatley to deliver a hard-ass, in-your-face techno song that pleases. Only criticism comes from the ending.......how about a more imaginative finish rather than just sorta fizzling out all of a sudden?

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Title: Orchestra of Pain
Filename: orch.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Excellent musicianship here.......one can sit back with one's eyes close and imagine attending a live performance of this digital orchestra, complete with piercing flutes, xylophone, strings, oboe, clarinet and more to produce some fine sounds. Techinical ability is semi-pro, or even more perhaps. Lots of special effects used to produce a believable and enjoyable song that flows wonderfully from start to finish. None of the instruments used sound fake, the hallmark sign of a job well done!
