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Title: ORCH
Filename: orch.s3m
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song really appears more of a practice effort, clocking in at a mere 1:33 min. The music here shows excellent potential, but it's duration (or rather lack thereof) prevent the song from developing in to anything substantial. If the composer were to build on this piece more, it would turn into an excellent number, as the actual music itself is delivered much the same as a real orchestra, but eight short patterns leave the listener wondering what happened when the song was just getting interesting........ Good job producing sounds of what could be a very powerful orchestral section. Nice use of effects to make each of the various instruments stand out. Song doesn't really have an ending though, and therefore leaves the listener hanging.

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Title: Midnight Rain
Filename: midnightrain.it
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song is good! Its very smooth and it calms the soul. The piano flows along gently, while the strings provide a nice background. The bass sounds good and compliments the song nicely. Keep up the good work Zola! If you want a relaxing song, pick this one up. As with the musical rating, this song is tracked smoothly also. The song glides along with a nice rhythm and works well with the piano. All'n'all this song is a good piece of work. Its happy and relaxing.

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Title: canon_in_d
Filename: CANON.MOD
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Ok, I'm going to start off by saying why this song got a 1 instead of the lowly .5 it deserved. I like classical music, and Canon is among my favorites, so the fact that it was tracked at all is a good thing.. BUT... What it sounds like me is that somebody found some low quality synthy samples and grabbed the sheet music and just churned it out. I believe this was done with every tracked version of Pachabel's Canon found anywhere.. there is a big problem with this. Usually, with sheet music, a Musician is eventually going to play it.. and most musicians have the ability to breathe some life into any piece of music through thier instrument, with electronic music, it is very different. Your computer doesn't know how to play with feeling, so the human reading the sheet music still has a responsibility to be meticulous with the sound of his/her music. If you want to hear what a direct copy sounds like, listen to this MOD, but otherwise, buy the CD. Simple isn't always bad.. but it isn't always good either. I love the soft, stringy, flowing melody of Pachabel's canon, and what I'm hearing here is a half-assed rendition being played by 3 8-bit samples that give me a headache. there is a lot of noise in the samples, plus the fact that they are hard on the ears. They give the song a hard edge that is not supposed to be there.

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Title: Lazer Beam
Filename: lazer.xm
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
At 1:03, this song is scarcely (if at all) long enough to merit the name of song. It's not exactly bad, but it is very stagnant; it goes nowhere, even moreso than most techno songs. However, there is the added upside of sounding like cool lounge music, or maybe something disco. Summed up, it's cool but too short. Pretty nice samples, and the tracking is none too bad. Still, the song was missing something, and its length detracted from its ability to garner more points in this area. The low number score is necessary, if only because of the low effort made apparent by the song's length. A longer remix would get much better ratings...

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Title: Liberty!!!
Filename: liberty.s3m
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Not bad, not bad at all... the first verse is kinda funky (in a bad way) with all those weird discordant pitch bends. after that, however, it improves, and I am left wishing this could be remixed with better samples and further development on the theme. However, it is very promising! Kudos to the artist for having some originality! I guess you can't blame this well-meaning artist for his dearth of good samples, but alas... since this is a necessary part of the score, it's gonna drag it down a bit... oh well. Like a I said, a remix is in order here.

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Title: layla
Filename: layla.mod
Posted Fri 14th May 1999
Rated 3 / 10
From a musical perspective, this song falls short. It's repetitive, uses poor samples (but then again, it is a .mod), and sounds too much like a bad 80's song for my liking. It has no ending and it has no musical development. Not as bad as some stuff I've heard, but falls short of being worth my time and the wear and tear on my speakers to hear it. Congratulations, you found the pitch bend. I applaud you for this, Mr. Anonymous Artist, but please never ever use it again. that's all I have to say about that. Otherwise, the artist showed a lack of knowledge as to controlling the volume of his samples throughout the MOD, and, frankly, just did not impress me. Alas, naming the MOD the Hebrew word for "night", while cool, can't really make up for it having sucked.

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Title: Jazz on the Promenade
Filename: jazz.s3m
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Ahh, "Bow wow yippy yay" Agggggh... Sounds cool though :) this is Jazz?? the name doesn't fit, but it's still a very cool song. The orignal review was 3.5... it was based on the assumption this was jazz.... what a stupid he was.... Nice... I don't like stacatto... Every is decent and good on this.. The ultimate part is the very last 5 seconds.. But I'm not going to ruin it.. listen to it

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Title: -= Glory and Honor Remix =-
Filename: glory.s3m
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I loved it all, just one comment that I would like to add.. It's a remix, I see that, but there is one thing I missed. It may have just been me, but I wouldn't have minded hearing an upbeat "middle" in the song... At one point it sounds like it's about to up the tempo and head "rockish" but it stays the same. That itself is a very unique music style. Other than that this was a very very good module. Everything in this was very well "coordinated", looped, and patterened excentely. For the time it was a very good paced mod, although I would have loved to hear it turn rock at one point. I would also reccomend a volume change to emphasize the cymbals and the like. Keep up the good work!

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Title: ..SaD pRiNcEsS..
Filename: s-prince.xm
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Here is a song that starts off slow with a nice solo harp. Both the panflute and oboe join the harp nicely. Then suddenly the song changes to a fast paced string melody and progresses from there. The song then returns to part A with the slow harp melody and then finishes with the fast strings. The song is very melodious which I like a lot, however the strings don't seem to flow smoothly enough in parts like some of DipA's other songs. The samples in this piece seperately are perhaps not the best, but together they blend nicely. There are no drums in this song which may have added another musical dimension to the song but still in this style of music the drums are not that necessary. The intro is nice and the ending of the song just ends on a chord, could be a little more original. :)

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Title: It's Night Forever
Filename: night.xm
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
DipA has created a very captivating and enchanting song here. This is a nice change from the usual dance/techno songs we get at modarchive. The song starts with a nice solo music box melody, then very nice strings enter to accompany the music box. The bass and drums then follow which fit nicely. This song is not a technical masterpiece but it is still quite good. What impresses me the most is the volume changes throughout the piece which make it very mysterious. The samples are decent as well. The ending is a little abrupt, I wish the song would go on longer but overall a nice song by DipA.

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Title: Electro de Chocobo
Filename: elecchoc.s3m
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This is a remix of the Chocobo Theme from Final Fantasy 3 US; all in all, it's actually a good techno song as well. It follows the original closely, and the new electric effects make it sound like an entirely new techno song, very entertaining. I really like the voice samples, they fit in quite well. No sample is too loud or overused, the usage of everything is perfect as well is the loop point. I can tell that this was a difficult remake. Not too difficult yet difficult enough for a amateur rating. RabiteMan combines a good use of techno and ambient tones in this track, which in itself is difficult. However, that's also the problem; he swiches from techno to ambient very quickly, making the soft song kind of edgy. Overall, I loved the keyboard samples, they were very clear and crisp.

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Title: guitaris.xm
Filename: guitaris.xm
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The first few seconds may seem annoying, but it gets better. Not a good mod, not long enough, Heck, even the artist must have thought it was bad because he didn't give it a title or leave his name.... 3 lines to complain about this crap... Ok... First, it's short. A good mod is usually over 1 minute and a half long. Second, it's too simple.. It's a good beginners mod.. but how did it make it this far? Third, it sounds bad most of the time.. some parts are good, but not enough...

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Title: Guitar Song
Filename: guitar.s3m
Posted Thu 13th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The name is all wrong.. The first and the background is guitar. But the lead is a tad bit more synth winds than a guitar. And stattaco at that, meaning jerky and not fluid. It's a decent song.. Decent again. Like above, it may have sounded better had the lead been a legit guitar and if the present lead had been more fluid... too jerky for my taste. The background got a tad bit unpleasent near the end... repetition... ugh...

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Title: balthasar
Filename: balthas.mod
Posted Wed 12th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a groovy jazzy and also ambient tune. It uses a jazz-style melody and an advanced beat and a really deep bass. The song comes in "waves" of about 2 seconds that fall back again. It is a bit repetative but that is not so bad. The melody does change, but it changes so minimally that it is hard to notice. So why have I not put higher rating? Because the song is boring in some way. It is nice to listen to, but that is all. Not interesting in any way. The drumbeat in this tune is fantastic. I have never heard such a beat in a four-channel mod before. The whole song has the sound of new advanced trackers. But this is a four-channel mod. Really impressive. But I can't put a higher rating because it is a four-channel mod and compared to new songs this is not very impressive.

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Title: Music Box Nightmare
Filename: eiyombox.it
Posted Wed 12th May 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Nightmare Music! It's another song by eiyo furyo... too special for me! No melody, I definitely don't like. "All Hallow'Eve" (eiyoahev.it) by the same author is quite more listenable. Why don't you make something with a melody? Not really bad, the samples are fair (I like the "tingle" !) but there is no effect and it's hard to give some appreciations about something that's not really music...

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Title: Electric Flow
Filename: el-flow.xm
Posted Wed 12th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Good music, but there is no surprises, well structurated, (intro, main ending), with the main part sufficiently changing to be not too repetitive. Good drums. Should be d/l by people loving this kind of music. The author (Zaril Krion knowed before as SpiRit) could surely produce better songs on a technical point of view. There is no good effects used and some samples sounds very old...However, it sounds quite good.

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Title: All Hallow's Eve
Filename: eiyoahev.it
Posted Wed 12th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
It's a very special piece of music. It sounds techno at the beginning and changes to a march style after a fantasy break. No real melody in this song but some interesting songs. Personally, I don't like but it could be appreciated by some people.... Some good samples and special effects that makes this song listenable. The drum (used for the march rhythm) is very boring at the end. This track definitely sounds as an experimental one.

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Title: -= The Wanderer =-
Filename: wanderer.s3m
Posted Tue 11th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is the kind of music I like. It has a nice, original melody. If I'm to say anything bad about it, it's a bit cluttered. The melody does not stick to mind. Perhaps some more simplicity to the composition would change that. Still, it's good. Well, simplicity seems to be the keyword here. The effect column is used only for one purpose: to set the speed. The samples are all 8 bits and not very good sounding. With good samples and maybe some more effects, it had been a greater pleasure to listen to this tune.

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Title: Waiting (Edit)
Filename: waitedit.it
Posted Tue 11th May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Fairly good tune! It would have been better if it hadn't been repeating the same melody so much. Also, the melody is hard to hear at times since it is too low in volume. The drums are nice but also a bit too low. The beginning is the best part. Technically, I like this tune a lot. It uses 32 channels which is not really motivated, but if you have a fast computer then why not?

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Title: EchoDreamInLoudNoise
Filename: ediln.xm
Posted Thu 6th May 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This song is some kind of very old techno, very repetitive... The beat is quite interesting but quickly boring. The melody is not bad but too simple. Musically, there is no depth in this song. To summarize: 41 patterns, only 19 are different... No mistake! But it's too simple... this track uses generally only 4-5 channels simultaneously and very rarely more (8 is the max). The 8-bit samples are fair but better samples could have given a kind of depth, which this song doesn't have at all. I think it's one of the first techno-song made by this artist, the next ones will be surely more interesting.

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Title: Influences
Filename: azo_infl.it
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Sounds like a track from Dracula. Really interesting to hear the combination between that eerie feeling and techno. Really another great accomplishment from Azo. Impressively, this song sounds wonderful! Rich samples. Really sets the feeling of the song. There are no annoying parts to this song, something composers need to learn how to do. The piano sample is used quite a lot, but it sounds magnificent.

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Title: Ancient latin technologies
Filename: latin2.s3m
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This piece generally uses a very simple chord structure and lacks development, but frankly, it's just too damn cool for me to give it a bad rating for these alone! If you know salsa or merengue, this thing is almost impossible not to dance to! The samples are beautiful, and while the tempo may be a bit too fast, this is reminiscent of a Gloria Estefan song except much more techno). Wow! I was immediately entranced by this s3m's amazingly high quality samples. This alone asures this piece a high technical rating. However, the whole thing was beautifully tracked, with the rare odd exception jutting out for a brief second. I generally don't like techno overmuch, but you can be sure this one is going to have a permanent home on my hard drive...

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Title: -remembering-lathra-
Filename: lathra.xm
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song does an excellent job of setting the mood. While the meat of this song (the main theme) is good, it gets incredibly bizarre and discordant at every sojourn from the main theme. This makes this song very trippy... Unfortunately, this song also has the trademark repetitiveness and reliance on reusing the same patterns that plagues so many techno songs. I recommend this artist take a course or two in Music Theory... Very well tracked! Made use of some good samples as well. It sounds very professional from the beginning to the end. Unfortunately, the problems addressed above are too blatant for me too give this the score it might otherwise have received.

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Title: Last let. of the Alphabet
Filename: last.it
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well... what can I say. It was original, and the guy really tried, but... how shall I put this... it kinda fell short of impressing me. It was repetitive. And it didn't really do anything out of the ordinary. It was basically another generic alternative rock tune, minus the real guitar sound and the singing. Might have been a good deal better with better samples. This song showed that he knew how to track, but alas, there were some fatal flaws. You know there's a problem when you listen to an .it and it sounds like a .mod... Also, the samples, while not hideous, fell far short of being either good or workable. All in all, it turned out to be a stale tune.

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Title: Impromptu
Filename: azo_impr.it
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song has the makings of SquareSoft RPG. It is very good and pleasant to hear. It becomes more alive as the song progresses. The beat is slightly repetitive, but hardly noticeable. Grab this song. Azo's samples must have been hand selected because they fit well with his music. Some nice fade effects to enhance the mood. Azo does a lot of songs and you can see that by looking at his selection. It's amazing to see such talent and speed of writing songs. He is top notch.

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Title: Ginga
Filename: azo_ging.it
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Quite an eerie song to listen to. The main chorus repeats a lot, thankfully the main chorus is kinda good, though. There is a stanza where is totally changes to mood of the song. I'm not sure what Azo was aiming for. This song isn't half bad though. Azo timed each note and special effect the way it should be. You can expect quality from his songs. The samples overall are good, but you don't hear that many samples being played. This is worth downloading.

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Title: Guy's song
Filename: guys.xm
Posted Sun 2nd May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
It's not really a bad song. It has some good sounds and some great sounds, but again, too much repetition is bad. BAD. It may just be me, but I'm the one reviewing this song, so nah. The "vocals" are about the only thing that makes this song not get real old real fast, but again they get old too. Overall, it's a so so song, It may be worth the half meg download It's a technically well created song, good patterns, the usual. But for the size, you would expect to get more. If your expecting more, your in for a let down. Again, it could be worth the download or maybe not. All depends on your taste.

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Title: u got 2 let music
Filename: ugot2l.mod
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Garden variety techno, steady beats and minor key strings. Doesn't really evoke too much in me. Kind of repetitive really, but then, repetition is the essence of most techno :) Features a repeated loop of someone saying "You got to let the music" I can tell it was made by someone who has done lots of tracking! The samples are kind of grainy for my liking, and overall the song is pretty predictable, though not too badly designed considering it's only four tracks.

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Title: Paraiso
Filename: uc-prso.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This reminds me of japanese pop for some reason. I think it's the string-bend samples and higher-pitched stuff. It sounds like the kind of thing that could be in a Genesis game or something; some nice rhythm and synth. It's sort of repetitive for a while but gets more interesting towards the end, and just when it seems like it's going somewhere, it ends. So maybe all it really suffers from is structure. Pretty cool though. Good quality samples and some nice harmonies, but the progression is kind of odd. A couple times in the middle everything just sort of... stops. If it's demo music, maybe it's meant to be heard with the demo? At any rate it's not at all bad technically.

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Title: Undetermined Feeling
Filename: undefeel.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I like the feel of this song (even though it's an undetermined feeling); there's some good progression from the soft beginning (which reminds me of King Crimson for some reason) to the more active middle and end. Soft windy ocean kinds of feelings with the strings... Apparently all the samples are original (a rare sight nowadays). I can tell Ryan has an excellent grasp of what his tracker can do; effects are used minimally, only when necessary really. My only complaint on this score would be that all the samples are 8-bit instead of 16. Nicer samples would make this already good song excellent.

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Title: L.R.> The Ultimate
Filename: ultimate.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Repetition is key here. The whole thing is a little too fast, though, doesn't seem like the kind of thing you could dance to, and it's too obtrusive to make good background listening. I'm not sure what to think of it. A bunch of the usual drum-loop tracker samples, kind of boring beats and not a lot in the way of anything melodic. I suppose you could say it's very drum-oriented. Actually I think the song would be made better without the string loop that appears throughout, since the real concentration here is the percussion, which is actually pretty complex.

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Title: pure hate
Filename: uc-phate.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Nothing too new to my ears here; some nice grooves and a pretty good pace, with most of the song centered around one note (as techno tends to do). I'd rather not analyze into it too much since as Uctumi says in the notes, it's meant to be danced to! Sample-wise and general quality-wise, this thing is pretty darned good. Nice utilization of all the features of .xm like envelopes and a lot of the other effects.

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Title: Danny elfmania
Filename: dannyelf.mod
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This begins as an interpretation of the Simpsons theme song, as composed by Danny Elfman (who I happen to be a huge fan of), but then goes off into its own little Elfmanesque world. Sort of like Men In Black meets Simpsons, with some nice funky bass guitar and all. Quite nicely done, and while I wouldn't necessarily mistake it for being an original Elfman composition, it's one of the better variations I've heard. Sort of low-fi but still well-chosen samples, some particularly nice bass and spooky strings. Nothing terribly exciting effects-wise, but then, it's not really necessary. Moby manages to keep within the style of Elfman's work pretty well.

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Title: Bamse : Remix
Filename: bamse.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
First: for all you non-swedish people out there, Bamse is the world's strongest bear, he never fights, and he is one of the most popular cartoon characters in Sweden. Now, to the song. This is the intro to the cartoons in Bamse, so the melody is not original. This is a very simple cover on 19 seconds and it is made for being repeated. If you havn't heard the melody before, then download it. It is a really cool melody. I don't know what he means with remix. Since there is no original to this. It is just a very nice cover of a very simple melody. This is most of value for all Bamse-fans. There is no reason to call this a remix, but he really made it sound the Bamse way. And the loop fits well too. There is not much I am able to say about a 19 second cover melody. The only slight change from the melody in the movies is that this one has stronger beats. Final word: fun, but not good

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Title: Bad Side Of You / DC
Filename: bad_side.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a really good one. It has a dreamlike sound and is still very electronic and it is in techno style. One bad thing about this is that it sounds the same most of the time, sometimes there comes breaks, but it is mostly just the same rather boring thing playing over and over again. If you do something else while listening to this, there is no problem in anyway with this song. This song has a nice sound, but one can hear it is not professional. The samples are mostly good except that clap sound, but the non-fitting sample makes it more alive, I think this is a bug, but maybe it was made purpously and if so, this guy, Dan Cyber is a genius. The melody and rythm has no faults at all, I am very satisfied, but also bored. There are no surprises in this song, if you hear the first ten seconds, then you know how it will sound. In total this song is very nice, but not interesting.

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Title: Insomnia
Filename: g_insomn.xm
Posted Sat 1st May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I would review this monstrous file, if only it would finish downloading. (5 minutes later) Wow, would you look at that, Yahoo went up 30%.... (5 minutes after that) Hmmm, the begining sounds extremly nice... Soft, upbeat, yet mellow. Light bass sounds. Nice Vocals. Somewhat too much repetive. Somewhat too much repetive. :) Nice loops and all, but over and over and over just gets too damn annoying. Although parts of this mod get old fast, it is still a decent mod with a rating of about 6 Theres not much you can about many songs technically.. Either it sucks, or it doesn't. This song does not suck by a long shot. The composer has decent tracking skills. Again, I repeat, too much repetition is annoying annoying.

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Title: Machine killer
Filename: machine.s3m
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song starts pretty good, and it is, actually. But the reason i give it a low score, is that the song is very repetive. It´s the same pattern all over again. I think you only can listen to it once, but you don´t know ehre it ends and where it starts. It hasn´t any ending, that´s one of the problems. Download if you want. Repetive! But it sounds a bit nice if you really listen. But it isn´t so good at all.

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Title: Melancholy
Filename: m-8bit.xm
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is good. Very good. It starts a little lame, but it evolves to great techno. The song contain a lot of parts, which none is better(or worse)of them all. I give this song a high rating, because it is so filled with energy and life. The instruments for this song is pretty good, the synths sounding very real, but some instruments are a little filthy. Download this song!

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Title: KrafTechNique NBT
Filename: kraft.it
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This is quite a wierd tune. It is some kind of synth/pop style. The composer mixes a lot of different instruments, and sometimes they dont fit together at all. But sometimes the effects sounds pretty cool. The samples are of normal quality. Lots of instruments played in the background that doesnt even fit with the rest of the samples.

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Title: Jazzhit
Filename: k_jazhit.xm
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a quite funny and catchy jazztune made by Andromeda. The piano and the guitars sounds great, but the trumphet sounds kind of wierd. The melody is variated and the song is short, so you can listen to it several times without getting bored. This is very well-made and the composer uses the effects that are needed. The piano that comes in the end is really cool and deserves one extra point. The samples are of good quality and used in some other songs of the same artist. This review was sponsored by fanta & trocadero (it only works in sweden).
