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Title: alternate function
Filename: k_altern.xm
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a house/techno song made by Maelcum. We think there is too little things happening in it and he played the same patterns over and over. But it has some nice soundings and overall it works pretty good. Nice intro in this song with wind sound and a big base sample. The voice samples used are good and fits nice. The song sounds clean but also weak. The effects that is needed is used in the right places.

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Title: Goat power
Filename: k_goatp.xm
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song is an intro music composed for a demo in TG98. It starts smoothly and powerful with some strings and whirvel-drums, then after a while a flute starts. The song ends after nearly two minutes. We are sure that this song fit its purpose, but not good for just listening to the song without the whole demo. The samples are few and allright. The drums are well-made and the flutes has some great vibrato effects. Other great effects are also used in this song, and the composer has done a great job (as usual).

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Title: Translucent (8-bit)
Filename: k_transl.xm
Posted Wed 28th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A goa trance tune with samples from Rebirth. The song starts with a very nice goa sound. But the song doesnt change very much, and the "police siren goa sound" that sounded very nice at the beginning became very annoying after a while. The song also contains some kind of chip-sounds that plays in the background. We think that this song could be shorter and less repetitive. But in general the song sounds ok. The rebirth samples sounds good. He uses the "sample offset" command very nice and gives the song a trancy sound. The composer also uses some panning effects that are great. Because of the repeating song and the length (we usually like this) the score is not that high as it could be if the composer had variated it more.

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Title: the bell
Filename: xr-bell.xm
Posted Tue 27th Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Most excellent! Sounds like a silly new age song at first, but then the drums and wierd-ass vocals kick in, and you know it's Xerxes speaking. I want to have his children. This is beautiful music. Oh... what can I say? Xerxes is a wizard. Download all Xerxe's music and listen to it! Every second of it is Xerxes saying "I am terrific. Listen to my terrific samples and my beats and my harmonies." There's about a dozen different well-executed samples in the song, including a freaky vocal that gets all torn to pieces by a tone modulator. Very cool.

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Title: Xps Introtune
Filename: xps_int1.xm
Posted Tue 27th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Ooh, wierd. Sounds kind of arabian. I don't know, it brought to mind a bunch of clowns running around in cars doing their evil clown dances. Kind of goofy and scary at the same time. I like it! All the instruments are like those you'd hear out of a gameboy. Not only that, but the instruments fade back and forth like mad. It can be annoying, but I think it's neat for this song. It all works together in a strange, acid-washed way.

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Title: Experiences
Filename: xper.xm
Posted Tue 27th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The beginning is beautiful, and aside from one pause in the middle, keeps this manic energy for the entire song. The drums are just right; Not all basslined out and oppressive, but just the way they should be. Everything sounds like it was arranged the way the artist meant it to be, but there are parts where the song really lags compared to the rest; Some engeneering could have made this one of my favorites.

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Title: Mostly Disturbed!!
Filename: xl_most.it
Posted Sun 25th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Same thumpy beat that xlr8r always puts into his songs, but "Mostly Disturbed!!" has lots more musical merit than the other songs he's done that I've reviewed so far. There's what sounds like a 338 synth, which is always good; There's also strings and vox harmonising most angelically. There's nothing better in the whole wide world, is there, folks? I think not!! Nothing real special about the technical aspects of the song. Nothing new or innovative. That's not neccessarily a bad thing; The song sounds great. It's clean and uncomplicated, so I guess that can go both ways, depending on your own personal taste. I'd recommend this one.

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Title: Eternal
Filename: xl_etrnl.it
Posted Sun 25th Apr 1999
Rated 2 / 10
"Quite standard, actually." -Doctor Evil I'm not impressed. Not one bit. Loud loud bass and low synth while Xlr8r messes around with the strings. After about 30 seconds, you've pretty much heard all there is to hear for the entire 5 minute song. Sometimes my cat runs across the piano, and that's more inspired than this song. If I had a whoofer hooked up to my computer, this song would be even worse, if you know what I mean. Low synths, bump bump goes the bass drum. Some vox at the end of the song fail utterly in saving the song. "No sir, I don't like it!" -That horse on Ren + Stimpy

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Title: As The Eagle Flies '98
Filename: xl_eagl2.it
Posted Sat 24th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Everything's slightly out of tune. Sounds like it would be a pretty decent dance cut if it didn't clash. Kind of like what music might sound like to someone with head problems. Nothing special at all here; Standard fare piano, strings, and drums. I wasn't impressed at all; There was no effort to make the song stand out! Dry, boring, standard, average!

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Title: My Road, Your Dream
Filename: x-road.it
Posted Sat 24th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
There's lovin' in that MOD! The essence of anticipation comes thru exactly the way I think Lonnie meant it to. Almost like a theme song for the forward-looking teen; One of the few songs I've reviewed that I'll actually keep. Download it! I don't know if one would really call the song techno; The song's main instrument is an acoustic guitar. It sounds really good; The beginning is also neat, though it doesn't sound much like the rest of the song. Somehow the transition works, though; It sounds great.

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Title: kw-behav.xm
Filename: kw-behav.xm
Posted Sat 24th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a hardcore/breakbeat tune that sounds a little weird. It has some cool drumbeats with a lot of bass. It is very repetitive and the flute does not fit very well. But overall its pretty nice. The samples are of normal quality but it is hard to say that they fit together (atleast in this song). The vocal samples are of a higher quality. He has used some volume effects that works fine. There isnt much more to say about this song composed by Dj-skage.

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Title: Behind the Sun
Filename: xl_sun.it
Posted Fri 23rd Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song defines "average." In-your-face synths, energetic drums. Not bad, but not breaking any walls down, either. Probably not very inspired, but well-done nontheless. Sounds like something from an action game. In a good way. Nothing amazing technically. All the instruments are standard fare synths, drums, and strings. You've heard this before. It's well done, but not innovative.

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Title: .Aem Aphal. 8-bit
Filename: xex-aema.xm
Posted Fri 23rd Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song would have merited a better rating if it was shorter. There's an entire section of the song where it simply loops for about two minutes straight. Pretty tedius; The music is great, though. Spooky mood. The non-musical elements were excellent, and added greatly to the overall effect. The voices, the SCUBA breathing, and laser sounds are precise and well-done. Sounds like a lot of time went into them.

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Title: Forsaken Experiment
Filename: x-fe.it
Posted Fri 23rd Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very cool. Starts with a gregerian monk chant, and maintains that kind of spiritual mood for the entirety of the song. Very good piano work, drums that don't blow your eardrums inward; There's a mood to this music you don't hear much of, especially on the overtly dance/techno MOD scene. I'd like to hear more by this artist! Pretty neat vocal samples. The bell tolling is spooky and effective.

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Title: In To The Groove
Filename: xl_groov.it
Posted Fri 23rd Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Thump, thump, thump, thump; This song is three minutes of dance heaven. It starts with synths and a cowbell but it gets lots more heavy from there. No real harmonics beyond some octave shifting. Pretty repetitive too... :P This song has the sound of a mediocre work by an experienced tracker. It's pretty decent but there's not much heart in it; There's a pretty good voice sample, but beyond that...Nuthin'. [Note: The spelling is not my typo; The artist spells the song "In to"]

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Title: A - Dimensional - reconst
Filename: xl_adim2.it
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well...I don't know what XLR8R was going for, but it was totally lost on me. I guess that's the way hardcore is, but I don't know-It's the same horrible chord over and over again with heavy distorted blip BD in the background pounding out an even, non-changing beat. XLR8R says he got most of his sounds from a sample CD; Maybe that's why they're so standard. Orchrestra hits, the BD, none of it's really that inspired. Better luck next time, dude.

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Title: The Ritual 8 -bit
Filename: xex-ritu.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Apocalyptic death techno! The notes say that this is the artist's first "psy (??)" track. Whatever that means, it really shows. This song needs a lot of work if it's going to shine on any level. A chorus of angels fades from ear to ear on the ol' headphones and the effect is pretty trite. This song is like a corpse that's been roped to a sewing machine; It's fast and heavy, but it really doesn't go anywhere! Nothing special. Distorted synths, a drumbeat with lots of bass and repetition. I'm glad I'm done listening to this song.

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Title: (* The Peak *)
Filename: xr-peak.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Ehhh... A lukewarm performance by the otherwise talented Xerxes. There's a pretty decent guitar solo in the middle of the song, but the rest of it lacks real emotion or emotional content. The song is technically perfect, of course. I don't really like the song itself, but Xerxes always seems to come through with a neatly packaged song.

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Title: no excuse - xerxes
Filename: xr-excu.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A quickie! Strings and a bell with a decent little beat for less than a minute. Definately worth the download, because it's so small. I don't know if the length is good or bad, it'd probably sound great in any playlist. What more can I say, it's a one-minute song!! Shows what you can do with MODs, really. The file is miniscule and the song sounds great.

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Title: The Sampler
Filename: xr-sampl.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Xerxes shows his firm grip on harmony right from the start with this one. Follows through with a funky beat and several distinct musical divisions. Kind of a conemplative, out-of-body mood; Like something you'd hear in the background of a dream sequence. "Let there be light..." Dude definately knows what he's doing. The 700k download is justified by lots of juicy little sampled nuggets. There's a windy drum effect, a strange instrument that sounds like a drum but churns out another instrument loop, a decent male voice; It's all tied together with Xerxe's nimble hand. Most excellent.

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Title: <insert title here>
Filename: xr-ronxs.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Starts with a heavy drumbeat, almost like one you'd expect from an industrial song. Strings and a mellow synth bass line soon tell the tale though; This is great background music - It's easy to listen to, but it manages to avoid becoming repetitive for more than 6 minutes. The vocals are subtle and precisely done. They contribute to the song, giving it that polished edge that we all love. I think the voice is female... One strong tech complaint though; There's no title! My player displayed ""...I guess Ron and Xerxes both forgot to think of a name-the song definately deserves one!

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Title: Kosmic dreams
Filename: k_kosdre.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Andromeda has done it again !........ now with this wonderful rock/trance/synth/fantasy song (many styles ;). It starts with a goa sound, the drums speeds up and a lovely flute starts. Guitars are then added and the song is even more cool. We dont have to write anything else about this song, it speaks for it self. You have to download this song NOW! The artist has done a great job putting this together. Everything sounds very smooth and fits nicely together. The flutes and guitars are perfectly edited with vibrato and panning effects (sounds "almost" like the elwood-style). The drums are synth-style and sounds great. This is technically superb.

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Title: Shake it baby
Filename: k_shakei.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very good soft rock tune. The song has a beautiful and soft intro. Then a distorted guitar starts rocking in the background. An electric guitar then plays the lead melody. The song is very relaxing and variated and sometimes i think it is too short. This artist knows how to use fasttracker very well. The song contains great panning effects. The guitars are outstanding and the vibrato used are great. Well this composer has put a lot of time on this song. Nice work , great song !

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Title: kw-front.xm
Filename: kw-front.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This ambient tune starts out with a church bell and some thunder noise. After that the drums begins and is followed by a cool guitar base. The song sounds very promising at the beginning, but unfortunaly nothing more happens, and the drums, bells, thunder and the base keeps going the same way throughout the whole song. The composer uses some echo with panning effects, that sounds good. The samples he uses sounds good too. He has managed to create a cool base that fits with the drums. The whole song sounds like an intro, and the song needs a melody. For game or movie purpose this song is great, but for listening you have to like this type of music to enjoy it.

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Title: -=[Final Mission]=-
Filename: k_fmissi.xm
Posted Thu 22nd Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
It starts with a cool intro with vocal samples from Quake2 and soft base in the background. At the first piano part it sounds pretty ok, but the last piano part sounds false. The megasample used sounds offset with the drums (not synchronised) and doesnt fit in at all. It is quite repetitive song and plays for 4.40, the song ends up with some vocal samples and sounds pretty good. The drumbeat is ok. The vocal samples are nice, but instrument number 5 doesnt fit with the drums in a few parts of the song. The melody is a little bit thin and the composer should have variated it more.

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Title: Pajaros de vapor
Filename: uc-pajar.xm
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
After hearing this mod, I have the overpowering urge to go play some old 8bit nintendo games. Its Cute, thats for sure.. I could see this as the background music for any number of Nintendo games. Worth the download to be amused. :) However, the samples are better in this one. The arangement is clasic of old mod style to say the least, but a good try on this artists part, I thought it was good. :)

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Title: Oboe Indra
Filename: uc-indra.xm
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is diffrent, thats for sure. Its got a strange opening, but a nice beat and well done music. Its worth downloading to see that not all good mods are Techno-Thump-Thump. Samples again from this artist are simple, but well done. he makes the most with these basic samples, and the arangement is definitly clever. Try it, you might like it. :)

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Title: break your limits
Filename: uc-break.xm
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a nice song, very easy on the ears and pleasing. The music and melody is well done, and fits well into the background almost anywhere. Well done, worth the download time. Samples are simple enough, very basic but all put together. All and all a good effort by this artist. I would like to see more work by this artist, lets hope he uploads more.

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Title: Under Battle Moon
Filename: ubattle.xm
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Reminicent of clasic battle music, Very well done and sampled, the music and song are original and refreshing. If you like this style, I recommend the download, well worth the time. Samples are good, and arangement is done well. Very few samples, but still managed to make it all come together in a good song.

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Title: u4ia
Filename: u4ia.mod
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
U4ia has done it again, Prime and wonderfull example of good Mod work. I have seen XM and IT that sound worse then this MOD. This man is a true artist of the Mod Scene. Keep it up man.. :) Well done samples, professional quality all the way. They where aranged in such a way that it just made the music leap out of the speakers. I highly recommend the download.

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Filename: u_haprav.it
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Well, what can I say.. I think the song title tells it all, its happy rave music. Very upbeat and cheerfull, while it may not be my most liked style, its well done. :) the samples however where excelent, well aranged and the beats and channels where used well. This artist is getting better and better at tracking, lets hope we hear some more from him soon.

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Title: some dream music to you!
Filename: u_dream.it
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Now this is a good mod, I highly recomend the download, good tune, not to repetive, keeps you wanting more. The artist Utophia is improving with each song I hear. Definitly worth the download. Again, prime example of good samples. I do not know if he rips of makes his own, either way he does good work. The song was aranged well, and the beat is excelent. Again, well worth the download.

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Title: UtOpHiA in my mind
Filename: u_antlop.it
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Much better example of a Good techno Mod, This run through a profesional synth would weild good club music. Good piano rift and an excelent build up at the start, however, once more.. it is repetive. The samples in this mod are top notch, I have only seen a few better. They do lack a certin flair though, perhaps it was just arangement, but all and all its well put together.

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Title: !!!!!!!!coolspot!!!!!!!!!
Filename: u_andstef.it
Posted Wed 21st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A short little song, Good for background ambience perhaps. Samples where Not bad, but the arangement was rather repetitive. A good example of a simple Techno Mod. Samples are well done, however they are not aranged well. Song and samples are repetitive, but pleasing. All and all a good try by this artist.

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Title: <- Blabber Mouth! ->
Filename: blabber.xm
Posted Tue 20th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10

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Title: Passion
Filename: azo_pass.it
Posted Tue 20th Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I decided to re-review this tune because it got a low low low, rating. Wich nobody thought fitting. The person that reviewed this before me called this song a "screw-up" This wasn't a screw up. Azo was just try'n to experiment a little. I found it quite nice. I prefer this over the normal classical that Azo does. I like this tune alot. It has some unsual samples in it. Probably not ones you would want your mother to hear! ;) Again I have to go on. If you think it's so bad, You try and write classical music. It's very complex and requires detail that most people take for granted. Azo is another mod master in my book.

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Title: Last Man Standing
Filename: lastmans.xm
Posted Mon 19th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A very well done piece of music. Reminds me a bit of "I'll Be Watching You". I found it very relaxing. This could definitely pass for Weather Channel music (I mean that in a good way). Not exactly mind-blowing, but certainly worth a listen. Very nice samples, and imaginative tracking. If you relax, you can even forget that it's a MOD you're listening to. The guitar picks echo around each other and create a very nice effect; it's all quite professional-sounding. Very well done!

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Title: landos.xm
Filename: landos.xm
Posted Mon 19th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A very imaginative piece, and rather pretty. However, like many pieces in this archive, it suffers from repetitiveness, redundancy, and unnecessary reuse of patterns (did I mention it was repetitive?) Moredevelopment on the theme would have garnered a higher musical rating. Well tracked + nice samples = good rating And so it is...

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Title: Mellow Fields Of Spring
Filename: lance.it
Posted Mon 19th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Not too bad. Not that it's that good, either; it just doesn't suck. This has more than its share of repeated patterns. I got bored very quickly, as this song does not seem to go anywhere. There is next to no variation in the song's structure. The theme is just basically played over and over. Not spectacular tracking, but certainly not bad. The writer made good use of all of his samples, and made relatively few mistakes. However, a few off-pitch samples and a reliance on a relatively small set of patterns doom this piece to monotony.

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Title: WhereYourStepStays..
Filename: kudebalk.mod
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A 4-channel module with a nice harpsi-chord, base and background. The melody is excellent but when it comes to the distorted guitar it gets too noisy. The information text says that there will be a vocal singer in it, but there isnt. All samples sounds great and are of good quality, but intrument 0D could be a bit smoother. Everything else is good. If you like soft songs you should really download this one.
