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Title: Horror by Lord Anarc
Filename: lahorror.xm
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This song is musically amateurish and repetitive, but at least is original, which is more than can be said for some songs I've reviewed. Not exactly terrible, but I was less than thrilled with it. Better samples and a course in music theory could have made a huge difference... I wanted to give him an Amateur for his interesting use of pitch bending, but the samples were just too awful; I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know where he got these samples, but they clip constantly, and sound like an old Yamaha keyboard's sounds... Overall disappointing, but at least the guy tried something new...

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Filename: KNIGHT.S3M
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
A Knight Rider theme remix, i guess everyone knows about the black Trans-Am that cruises and make justice over the country. This song starts out nicely, but when the lead string starts it sounds false and untuned. Starring David Hasselhof (i think) as Michael Knight in some vocal samples which sounds OK. Short song, easy made and as I mentioned above there are some samples that doesn't fit at all and should be re-tuned. The remix is a medioker attempt to make a remix of this catchy tune.

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Title: Knight Man Theme
Filename: knight.s3m
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a remix from the Megaman 6 Knight Man theme. It is not quite as good as the original. It sounds a bit false sometimes and the song is very short 1:14 minutes long. The church organ sounds good, and so does the flute. But as i said it sometimes sounds untuned. The samples are quite good and the flute sounds great. The only minus for this piece is that it gets very false at the ending of the song.

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Title: Koffie Shop
Filename: koffie66.xm
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a demo style tune which has some hardcore inspiration in it. It is very non-repetitive, it is quite well made and there are several goodies. After the half song is slows down for a while but it nicely builds up again to the speeding part. We have heard much more modules by this composer and we think that this is not one of his best. But we are sure that it fits in the demo that it was made for. WOOOW, this dude can really manage to create good effects with almost any samples. The panning is awesome and the build ups and the volume slides are GREEEEAT as Tony Tiger should have put it. the samples are of normal quality.

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Title: Time Ballad
Filename: kmh-time.xm
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A slow ambient song with very repeating patterns. This song may be good if you are having sex or something. Cool samples but after a while the samples and effects gets annoying and repeating. Yes, the song is beautiful, but why playing the same music without changing very much trough 11.45 minutes. The samples are of great quality and are perfectly tuned. For you who likes this type of music, this song is definetly worth the download. Because of the extreme length of this song and the very monotonous layout we decreases the score a bit. >

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Title: - Taco Beat - Kmh
Filename: kmh-tac.xm
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a house tune which got a good beat, cool bass, some good vocal samples and good piano in the background. As it goes on it gets a bit repetitive, but house music in general use to be very repetitive so this is no exception ( and nothing bad about that ). For this type of song, the samples work well together. We think that the song needs more musical parts to avoid the repitition with the vocal samples. Drums are great and the song has a good beginning and ending.

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Title: "Makin' Love"- CSatS
Filename: makinluv.xm
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is deffinately not your typical mod. Its quite lively and fun. I found myself dancing in my seat a bit, and I enjoyed its different sound. The voice sample is strange sounding, but it gets the job done. This song is worthy of my collection and if you are looking for a new sound, save this one! The artist did an overall great job tracking this song. The beats flow nicely, with a nice scratch here and there. It has smooth rhythm changes, coupled with a disco-style string loop in the background. Props to Chrystler-Stewart and the Stewartesses for a good song.

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Title: Mansion of Errors [KM]
Filename: kmerror.it
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song is very boring. It would fit as background music in a thriller or horror movie. I can also think of thisone in games as Resident Evil when you walk in the mansion. For a producer i would recommend this song, but for a modlover i dont see this as an exciting mod. Some mystic and cool ambient samples that sounds nice in this song. ............(lalal bleabalbala, hej hej hälsa till mamma *vinka* ).... ( not easy to write 3 lines , just had to fill it up with something!!! ;))

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Title: the call of ktulu
Filename: KTULHU.STM
Posted Fri 16th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
A very good module remix of metallicas the call of ctulu. It sounds just like the original, but as you can expect the samples arent of the best quality since this song is not the newest one. If you haven't heard the original song, this STM can be boring and to long. The samples aren't of the best quality, but they are well-tuned and fits in this song.

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Title: Karate Demo
Filename: karate.it
Posted Thu 15th Apr 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This song is faultless. As a dance tune, there really is nothing else the artist could have done to make it sound better. The drums vary and provide a good beat, bass guitars provide the bass line and there are several synths and a "tinkly thing" to provide the melody. If you've ever played the PC game "Crusader: No Remorse", it sounds just like it could be a soundtrack to one of the levels. A great dance song; the only minor problem is about two-thirds of the way through the song, when the intoduction is replayed - the instruments drop out just slightly too suddenly. Apart from this, it is perfect. Nothing wrong here either. The samples are very high quality, they fit together perfectly, there is enough variation in the song, and it is of a good length. If you like dance songs, then this simply MUST be part of your collection. This song has the honour of being the first song to ever receive a perfect 10/10 from me.

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Title: @ X.Posure.96
Filename: ballonge.xm
Posted Thu 15th Apr 1999
Rated 3 / 10
It's a chip tune...what more do you want out of it? Simple melody then looping into it w/a drum beat... If you like chip tunes then ok download this one...even if not it's only a few K. Simple melody and that's about it.

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Title: balance.xm
Filename: balance.xm
Posted Thu 15th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Originally built around a sample that never got included? Hmmmm....wonder what it would be like with it in there. Kinda repetitive though hence the drawback in score, but the "theme" itself sounds good. Not too much to say here....nice samples, and the drum beat was pretty cool. Nothing much else exciting here.

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Title: Box of Acid
Filename: box-acid.xm
Posted Thu 15th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10

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Title: Kong College
Filename: kongcoll.xm
Posted Tue 13th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a remix of the game music in Donkey kong challange 2. It sounds quite alike the original. He has gotten the "gamish" feeling into the tune. And it sounds quite well. But i don´t think this manages to fill up modarchives time minimum of 1 mins. All samples except the drums are sampled from the game. So they are not so well sounding, but the original nintendo samples aren´t either. Otherwise this song is technically good.

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Title: aryx remixed - kfmf
Filename: k_aryx.xm
Posted Mon 12th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This tune is a remix of the classic techno tune "Aryx" by K Koch. As remixes go, this is a good one. There is quite a large amount of variation here from the original. This remix doesn't quite have the save harsh techno sound of the original - which I don't think is a good thing. Although this remix is good, and if you liked the original you should definitely download it, it has to be said that the original is better. The sample quality here is good, but it was the rather harsh samples that gave the original song its character. The sequencing is excellent, with everything fitting together perfectly. If this were a completely original song, then it would have scored higher, but because it is a remix of a great song, it has a lot to live up to. Don't get me wrong, the artist can be proud of this - it's a worthy remix - but it has to live in the shadow of its big brother.

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Title: MermaiD
Filename: kmh-maid.xm
Posted Sun 11th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a breakbeat tune that starts with a nice relaxing intro. But the intro is about 2 minutes so it gets boring after awhile and then just when you thought something new was about to happen, the intro melody makes it´s way back. The samples are great. All instruments mix nicely together and the drums also sounds okay. Not much effects but the ones he uses are well used.

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Title: I found freedom a'the end
Filename: kmfree.it
Posted Sun 11th Apr 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This is some kind of breakbeat and there aren´t any real melody in this one. The one good thing about this song is the intro which sounds promising but the dreams of a good one is soon shattered. This is NOT a recomended download. The samples are of medium quality. The mixing of the samples in the song is really nasty. It sometimes even sounds false. The effects used are not many, not good, not needed.

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Title: When death moans your n..
Filename: kmdeath.it
Posted Sun 11th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
It starts with a wonderful guitar ballade intro, but then it totaly freaks out when some horrible drums and a mean electric guitar starts. Wonder why he couldn´t stick to the intro style, since the middle part of the song is really awful. Thats why the this one doesn´t get more points. The samples are of shifting quality some are really great and some sounds terrible. The intro is technically impressive, but the rest sounds like when you put a fork in the kitchen mixer.

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Title: Cuddling you from Heaven
Filename: kmcuddle.it
Posted Sun 11th Apr 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very relaxing piano ballade. The piano melody is awesome, the artist must have spent quite a long time putting this together and it surely shows. There is nothing to complain about in this one. So if you are having problems sleeping or relaxing download this one ! The samples are of great quality. The drums are wonderful, the piano and strings sound absolutely great together. All effects sound nice.

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Title: Sunset of Tomorrow
Filename: kmh-sun.xm
Posted Sun 11th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Drum´n base style. A marathon song about 9 minutes, 6 minutes of without a melody change. Some nice drum changes, and the melody which comes after 6 minutes is quite good. A drum´n base song is supposed to be quite repeative but not for 9 minutes. The samples, and the mixing of them are good. The drum track is really exciting. And there are some nice effects in there as well. Also some cool vocal samples.

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Title: The Other World
Filename: kmh-othr.xm
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a trance/breakbeat tune. The intro is way too long, about 2 minutes. At first the melody sounds good, but after he has repeated it for about 3 minutes without a change it gets annoying. Then the melody changes and thats good. But when he plays the new one for about 3 minutes again without a change you start to wonder if it was his intention or did he just press insert 25 times by accident ? The samples are good. The soundscape is quite relaxing except for the very disturbing breakbeats which doesn´t fit in at all, and there aren´t much effects to talk about. The instruments used fit good togehter.

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Title: Resonator
Filename: kmh-resn.xm
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a cool house/funk tune with a very nice style. Everything seems to be in the right place and fits together like a glove. The only minus is it´s tendency to be repitiave in some places. But that doesen´t matter to much since it´s a good melody. This one is really worth the download. This is technicaly good. Very thight sound and very good samples. The speed changes makes it sound very groovy. The drumbeat is also very nice and the effects that are used used are in the right place on the right time.

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Title: Jambeat '96
Filename: kmh-jb96.xm
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a quite good techno/rock tune, he starts with a intro that doesnt sound very good. However after awhile the song gets better and the middle part is really good. The melody is quite cathcy and easy to remember. This one is not a technical miracle. The effects he uses arent many but used in the right place and the samples are in average quality. The mixing of the electric guitars and the main theme is quit impressive.

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Title: Paradox - Karma Reincarnate
Filename: k4.s3m
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 2 / 10
i cant really say what style this is, but it sounds like some kind of slow metal. The song does not change much and this one goes to my top 10 worst songs ever heard. Well there is not much to say only that it is not worth the time to Download. The samples are in normal quality and the only effects he uses are volume. What can i say there arent much technical stuff in this. The instruments he mixes sounds false and doesn´t seem to match each other very good.

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Title: Double Impulse L.A.C.
Filename: lacit.it
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
i quite liked this compalation fits together rather well i reckon has a nice mix of creative and originality of music that works well reminds me of a couple of songs from way back even a tv series well put together runs ok no glitches like most of the instruments not fussed on the synth needs something more natural ? i am becoming increasingly aware of the syth instruments in mods and i reckon we need to go more natural

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Title: Learning to Fly -Pink Floyd
Filename: learning.s3m
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
not bad not as good as the original could use a bit more depth i don't think it's as long as the original either runs all right sounds ok needs to be bit longer i think needs to have a bigger soundscape

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Title: larry_the_piggy
Filename: larrytpo.mod
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10
sorry but this just doesn't do anything for me runs allright reminds me of my atari 1040st or some of the 1st games i got what can i say short game type theme give me something with substance

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Title: lapland
Filename: lapland.mod
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 3 / 10
not keen on this one didn't like the sounds much at all too synthy sounds like a take off of mike oldfields synth guitars but not nearly as good way to short as well. needs more work needs alot more work to string it together not very well held together needs more instuments

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Title: l.xm
Filename: l.xm
Posted Fri 9th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
easy to listen to i liked it didn't annoy me while working on the other hand didn't make me think i was in a place far away either runs pretty well all the instuments sound ok and work in together i thought at 6 mins long i feel that more could have been done with it as it's a bit too much the same for 6 mins

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Title: kw-thigp.xm
Filename: kw-thigp.xm
Posted Thu 8th Apr 1999
Rated 2 / 10
It is very hard to review the music when there is no music in it, honestly this song cannot be finished, there is no ending at all and it is very short (thank god). The drums is the only thing that sounds nice but there isnt much more than the drums and some goabase. This song doesnt have any technical stuff in it, but as i mentioned the drums are ok.

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Title: kursiv.xm
Filename: kursiv.xm
Posted Thu 8th Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A funny and happy song with some country inspiration. Flute, piano and banjos are mixed in a cool way. The song changes all the time and never gets boring, in the end it surpises with a slow down, but then it speeds up again and sounds wonderful. Excellent tuned and composed, samples sound perfect. The composer mixes great music with cool effects and speed changing. The flute and piano are incredible and i guess he put a lot of work behind this song.

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Title: Kungens man (the kings man)
Filename: KUNG_MAN.S3M
Posted Thu 8th Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song is a disco remix of a swedish song called "en kungens man" and yes, it does have some similarities. But the original is much better. The song has a cool intro though Not technical advanced, some nice stolen samples. But it all fits in place.

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Title: el sensation
Filename: km_sens.xm
Posted Thu 8th Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10
An easy listening synth/techno song that has a few goodies in it, but it is too long because the song doesnt change very much. Not much to say, except the size of the module (1,5MB) The panning effects are cool, and the samples sounds nice.

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Title: Kingdom Skies - Jase
Filename: j-kgdsky.xm
Posted Thu 8th Apr 1999
Rated 10 / 10
When i listens to this song, i instantly begin to think of a brave knight who dared to defy the mighty and evil King of the skies. In the first part of the song the knight prepares for the glorius battle that awaits him. Then when the music speeds up, the knights village is beeing attacked by the kings fierce troops. Many people was killed and suddenly the knights wife was kidnapped. The knight then starts following the troops and hope that he will find his wife alive. When the music then slows down the knight finds his wife lying dead beside the road in the forest not far from the evil kings castle. The music then speeds up again and the noble knight rides to the kings castle and defeats him. And when the bells ring at the end of the song, the people in the kingdom selected the noble knight and hero to be their new ruler of kingdom skies. The knight and all the other citizens lived happily ever after. The instruments is perfectly tuned and everything fits like a golden glove. If you dont have this masterpiece of orchestral music, then download it immedietly.

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Title: Outer Cloudlands
Filename: OUTER-CL.XM
Posted Mon 5th Apr 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Wow! this song is excellent! I have no gripes about this song at all. The drums fit perfectly with the beautiful melody. The bass line is nice too! This is a must have for anyone who likes ambient or is looking for something relaxing. I just love the drums! :-) This song stays interesting truought the whole piece! All samples are high quality whith only one exception. the bass sample at the end is a little noisy, but it is no problem at all! :-) there is nothing that sounds out of place.

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Title: Night City [KM]
Filename: kmcity.it
Posted Sat 3rd Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Overall a great ambient song, relaxing and soothing. The base melody is simple and the same throughout the song, but the solos with different instruments are great. They are not intrusive and blend nicely into the song. I didn't like the first drum beat and the last minute of the song should have been cut from the song, but the first four minutes are great. King Melvyl did a very good job with sound-balancing a good deal of instruments. Nothing is too loud or too soft. Panning's good, good use of effects overall. The only thing that disturbed me is the double-kick base drum that doesn't sound natural. But overall, very good technique.

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Title: Hard Step Style..........
Filename: kers00.it
Posted Sat 3rd Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The tune itself has the potential to be great, but it unfortunately lacks power. There's almost no bass line and it's the same basic pattern all through the song. The transition between segment is classic (fade in cymbal). I thought that the power level would rise up toward the end of the song, but beside a different snare sound, nothing. But at 3 minutes in length, it's an interesting tune. The technique is most basic. There is no panning, no slide of any kind and no effects that I could hear. The bass drum, high hat and the snare sound really good. The bass bass synth didn't do it for me, it lacks too much power for a tune of this style.

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Title: The Healers
Filename: healers.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very good. Nice sound, specially the beginning in the module. Advanced sound. It really heals my ears from other peoples talking. Its really fun to listen at this song because its good. Nice structure. 12 channels in use. Very advanced instrumental structure. Good timing, nice fadeouts, good tempo. Good work. I hope I will hear some more from this artist because I enjoyed it very much.

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Title: /| Heading North |\
Filename: headnrth.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Very good work. Good sounding ballade, the sound really floats. Very sentimental melody but, good. The artist have thouht twise how the sound should be. This song havent been maded in 3 houers. 22 channels, very clear sound. Good instruments. This artist knows what he´s doing...Good structure actually I cant find anything thats wrong with it...I only can seen keep on working....

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Title: heaven
Filename: HEA.MOD
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Nice sounding module, good melodie, simple but still good.There is not so much to write about this module but, well this module are very short but still loops ver good. Its very hard to say if this artist have made the sound himself. Only 4 channels loops again and again, but it´s well done, no doubt. Few instruments but good sounding. Well like I said there is not so much to say. Keep on working.
