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Title: Hacker's Dream
Filename: hdream.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Good start but after 40 seconds, well the good disapears in to a instrumental chaos. But it´s strange because first you almost shut the computer off, but after a while It sounds very good. Everything melts together. Good work.. This is good work, 17 channels almost every channel in use at the same time. This is what I call controll, very nice structure, this artist will be something. Keep on working......

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Title: Hyper Dance/Eletric
Filename: hde.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Sounds pretty good, but there is one problem, the module sounds like you put something on repeat mode. Why? I don´t really know, but otherwise this module is good. Well ok why it sounds boring...because the same sound goes around and around.... This artist have used lot of time to create this module. He could make it much easier if he would learn the program. There are a lot unnecesary comandos, but othervise a good structure...A hint...mix the instruments...it will be easier...

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Title: hatemymusic hateme
Filename: hatethis.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Well, get some fantasy and create some music. Not any crap like this, sounds like the first song you ever made something like that you almost puke. Well this guy got very bad fantasy. Imagine that you listen at bethoven and you like it then you listen at Marlyn Manson...well think... Bad, bad, bad sounds like you just pick some instruments from somewhere, put them together and shake them in a mixer. Then listen atr it... This is the worst module I ever heard...I dont think this artist should work with music....

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Title: Harmonic Groan
Filename: harm_gro.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Nice sounding module, with nice combinations of the instruments. Good tempo, sounds like the artist have been inspired by Chinese music, because teh first thing I thought was "Chinese music", listen and you will understund. But still this module is good. 26 channels in use, 126 instruments. Well 126 instruments, thats good, but do you really use them all?!?!...Pretty advanced. Good quality on the intruments. Good tempo, sounds like this was not the first module this artist have made.

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Title: Harmonize...
Filename: harmoniz.xm
Posted Tue 30th Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Well, I am very impressed. This was good, I really enjoyed this module. Sounds like this module can win this year. Thsi is not first time the artist sits in front of the computer and make some music. This is good....I got no words..... 26 channels in use, 24 instruments, sounds very good, good timing with the instruments, good rythm, good tempo, not to fast not to slow. Everything is melting together. This is good working...keep on going....

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Title: Ballad of Lights
Filename: ballad.xm
Posted Sun 28th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Hmm..this is a mixed bag.. It's really a good song, it has a nice slow melody, but it's a simple one. What I mean by simple is that it doesn't have any complicated parts. It doesn't use any effects, nor comlpicated arrangements like songs THIS size usually do. Ok, so its a nice original tune, but I don't think it justifies the huge size. Frankly I was hoping for something better. Here comes the bad part. OK! I admit! These are some of the best piano samples I've heard. They're clear, crisp and hizz-free. So...whats the bad part you ask? Well, these little beauties all come in 16bit 44Khz quality...SO??? So they're HUGE! Most of them are way bigger than they should be. Syntax could have cut most of the by half, and no difference would be noted. He should also convert all the 16bit to 8bit. (the quality loss is minimal, and a lot of space is saved) Some samples play........and keep on.............until eventually fade away. This is totally a waste of space, he should just cut off the samples much earlier. The song makes no use whatsoever of FastTracker 2's effects. It is also in Mono. Overall this is a nice song. But I don't think the size is worth it. I'm pretty sure that if this is saved into a wav and converted to an mp3, it would take up less space, since its only about 3:33 minutes long. I suggest the artist should cut those samples and convert them to 8bit. If you have a fast connection I recommend you get it(for the samples at least). If you don't, it's not worth the 4+MB of download time.

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Title: Helium Tripping
Filename: h-trip.xm
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Well, I havent been enjoying a module on a while. This sounds like you have bought a CD with good trance from a store. That means very good sounding module. It feals like you melt togehter with the sound, like you have taken the helium tripp before you listen at this, take this module home and ENJOY!! This is a very good module. This artist have worked very seriously. 23 channels in use, very good structure and I don´t want to know how long time the artist have been in front of the computer to put this thing togehter. This artist is a PRO!!!!

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Title: When hallucination cames
Filename: hallucin.s3m
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Sounds like playing video game. But still the instruments sounds good. This module sounds like you made something very hasty, and this module sound like when you put something on repeat mode on your stereo. seven channels in use, very simpel song, could be better structure. 17 instruments in use, some of those sounds good but there is instruments that sounds noisy. But anyway some of those instruments are there in no use. This artist have putted up some instruments but not used them. Thats just some waste of memory.

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Title: Moses Crying
Filename: crying.it
Posted Wed 24th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This has a pretty catch base line but it's the same all the way throuh (as most dance songs are) and it gets pretty repetetive. As far as the introduction goes, this song just starts out with an instrument and adds more. After all of the instruments are in it changes up some of them for a while. It is okay to listen to for a while but it gets boring really quickly. This is a good tune for looking at the mechanics of it. It has superbly clean samples. All of the instruments are clear, and there is even a screaming sample that is just absolutely perfect. Overall: This is a good download if you want to learn to track.

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Title: crystalhammer
Filename: crystalhammer.mod
Posted Mon 22nd Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is an upbeat song with a sort of techno style to it. It doesn't really go under anything else. It has a good changing melody and it has an alternating bassdrum/snaredrum beat to it. This has the usual left/right panning of a mod which can't be helped but it would probably sound better if there was some good panning in it. It has some pretty clean sounds and they fit together nicely. This is a more than average song. The only thing wrong with it is that it sounds a little like video game music for a nintendo game.

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Title: Cry Still
Filename: crystill.it
Posted Mon 22nd Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song has strings combined with guitar to produce a relaxing tune. The drum beat is somewhat simplistic but also a good foundation for the amazing melody. It has it's ups and downs as far as the mood of the song goes. It is interesting to listen to. The samples in this song are a little fuzzy, especially the guitar, but it isn't used often. The orchestra hits are almost as far from clean as you can get too. There are some good effects and good panning although I think the artist might have went a little overboard with this.

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Title: Crystals...
Filename: crystals.669
Posted Mon 22nd Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is a dreamy sort of song. It is good to fall asleep to (which isn't a bad thing). It is fairly short (about 1:30) and it only uses one instrument called a dreambell. It is well done considering that it only uses one instrument but it sounds more like a prolonged introduction to another song. The artist only uses one sample here, but he/she uses it very well. The song is a tad short and it is fairly simple and sequential (Same thing happens an octave lower each time). There aren't mant effects used but you don't need them as long as the sound is still alright.

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Title: Midnight Storm - CTS
Filename: cs-mdnt.it
Posted Sun 21st Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This is a very good piece of music. It is very cool, calm and relaxing. If you look at the sample list you'll see that Cheech wanted to call it "Tornado" originally but felt that it wasn't menacing enough to be compared to a tornado. This is a pleasant to listen to song because it is soft and quiet, it is good for background music when you're doing something else. This is a well written song. When I heard it it just blew me away. I enjoyed it very much but the only thing that I can find wrong with it is that it has the same sample all the way through, there wasn't much change but I guess that's alright considering it really sounds like someone is playing the piano.

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Title: Summer Days Turn Rainy
Filename: cs-sdtr.it
Posted Sun 21st Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very fine piece of music here. All of the instruments go together well, and it has a nice jazzy feel to it. There is a nice full, uniform sound to it and it has a pretty good intro. This is well written as well. It has good cyncopation and it has some good instruments too. It has a bird sample which is used throughout the song and it has some nice panning. An all-around well done song.

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Title: Thunder Without Rain -CTS
Filename: cs-twor.it
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is a nice melodious tune. It has nice background instruments to compliment the lead. It's well done in the music department except that it gets a little repetetive. This area of the song is well done. The volumes between the background and the lead is well done which most people can't seem to get right. The drums are the only thing that could use a little work.

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Title: Wake Up And Dance! - CTS
Filename: cs-wuad.it
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This nice little dance tune is fairly welldone. It has good strings and piano, and it has some voice samples mixed in. For once there is a song that uses the samples to their benefit! The samples are short so they go good with the dance tempo. This department is the major downfall of this song. It uses some kind of feedback noise for it's lead instrument, which is different, but that doesn't mean it sounds good. Also the voice samples are quite fuzzy which is also good to add to the abstract area but it would probably be better if the samples were cleaner.

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Title: Cut the wind
Filename: cut_wind.xm
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very relaxing and soothing song. It combines some good string chords with excellent piano. A couple of setbacks are it is a little repetetive and it has some strange voice from a movie or something saying something about cars and engines which kind of ruined it for me. But the voice is pretty much the only variety in there. There is a nice little transition near the end. This is a good download if you're trying to learn how to track, and it's also pleasant to listen to. There are some good dynamics here but the voice sample is a little fuzzy sometimes. It also has some very good drum samples that go well with the song. The ending is a little sudden but it somehow seems appropriate.

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Title: mIcrosoft hArdcore
Filename: cyron-mh.xm
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This is a techno song which is pretty much atrocious. The only thing it has going for it is a really good bass drum (for a techno song), otherwise it is short, boring, there isn't really any change or anything, it's just the same song for the whole 45 seconds! This one is pretty simple. It has a good bass drum sample, but the way it is used overpowers the rest of the instruments (which are pretty poorly done themselves). The only reason I would download this song is for the samples. He's even got some samples that he doesn't use. (About half of them)

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Title: Choir
Filename: ctblkomn.it
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
It is a videogame style song which is very upbeat and happy. It has a great use of the piano. The percussion is well matched with the piano. It changes between a mission impossible style music and a fantasy jazzy piano section. It is well done. This has some pretty good samples that flow well together, it sounds like it could be put into a video game.

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Title: Chrono Trigger: Lege
Filename: ctboss2.it
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is more Chrono Trigger music. It's a majestic fantasy style music from a video game. It isn't that great at all. It matches the game music well but it is still kind of short and it and simple. It isn't really pleasant to listen to but it seems a little effort was put into making it. The Tech part of this song is what really brought it down. It has no panning and no volume envelopes. It is kind of choppy (it isn't really smooth) and if it was worked on a little harder it could have been made a little better.

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Title: Chrono Tirgger Sewer
Filename: ctsewer.s3m
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song sounds nice whether it is from Chrono Trigger or not. It has a beatifully composed score but my only complaint with it is that it is too short. It is only four patternss long and a total of once through for 1:00. (It repeats forever) This has the same left/right panning as the other chrono trigger songs and once again it has samples instead of instruments. This is a good tune except that it is extremely short and the video game music brings down it's reputation a little. Besides this it is well done and it is nearly an exact replica of the original.

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Title: Chrono Trigger Spekkio
Filename: ctspekki.s3m
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is the Chrono Trigger main theme. If you ever played Chrono Trigger then download this, it brings back old memories. As far as I can remember it mimics the Squaresoft game almost exactly. This is a very good copy of the Chrono Trigger theme song but it is a very short song that just loops over and over. It gets boring after a while and it's done with samples only (not instruments) so there isn't any fancy panning or anything. Just every other channel is left and the others are right. It makes good use of pitch slides and the samples are almost identical to the original.

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Title: Epoch
Filename: ctepoch.it
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a remixed version of the Super Nintendo game Chrono Trigger. From what I remember this version is much better than when it was originally made on SNES. The music flows nicely but it's a little short. The old melody was brought back nicely, but it wasn't the greatest then and it isn't the best now. The same panning and volume envelopes are used for every instrument but at least there are some in the first place. The samples are clean and reasonably small and they seem to fit together nicely.

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Title: cosmicheaven MAGNUS
Filename: c_heavep.xm
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very catchy dance/techno style tune. It has a space-like feel to it,and it is pleasant to listen to. It changes fairly often so it good to keep interest, but it gets a little annoying after a while. This song has been made pretty well. It has samples that fit together nicely. The music flows together with a futuristic mood to it. There are many volume/Panning envelopes which help to give it a more complex feel. Overall this mod reflects a lot of time spent. There isn't that much repetition which adds to it all.

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Title: Spicy Meetball
Filename: c_meet.xm
Posted Sat 20th Mar 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This is a very amature piece of music. It is extremely repetetive and it isn't that great. The same drum beat is all the way through the entire song and it gets very boring about halfway through. I would not recommend any to download this. There is a very simple and boring drum beat with a sample that says something about spicy meatballs. The only reason it didn't get a zero is because the drum beat is kind of catchy for a little while. The mechanics behind this song are very simple. Pattern 000 Is reapeated over 20 times!!! The samples aren't that great either. the voice saying something about spicy meatballs is of very poor quality. The panning is the same all the way through at center except for one instrument.

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Title: Visions (Floor edit)
Filename: visions2.xm
Posted Fri 19th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is yer basic slow techno tune. A medium speed lead tune with a moderately fast beat. The lead is a nice liquid synth that is not repettative and sounds nice. The song is made up well. It sounds nice, and is pretty good all over.

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Title: The Void Returns
Filename: void2.it
Posted Fri 19th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song has a really cool beat, a really cool lead and great affects. The sample quality and instruments used are pretty good! The song has a catchy tune and a really good something or other that makes it.

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Title: ***70's Porn***M00G
Filename: 70sporn.xm
Posted Fri 19th Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10
70's Porn is a legendary XM for lots of people, it's awesome because it's hilarious and that it is incredibly tracked, and sounds awesome for a 6-channel. Ever wondered what that porn disco everyone speaks about sounded like? This MOD will answer your question. Incredible Idea, Awesome Song, Marvelous Tracking and Hilarious Voices, I give it a straight 10. Absolutely Incredible and Impressive. While checking under IT and FT2 I was really amazed. I was still wondering how it was possible in 6 channels, M00G is really an excellent professional tracker. Little panning effects and very interesting slides with the bass.

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Title: U Can't Hide !
Filename: md-hide.xm
Posted Thu 18th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is nice and relaxing. It soothes the soul, while keeping your attention fixed upon the song. Its beats and melody flow along well, and it takes you on a journey through the night. It becomes a little repedative towards the end of the song, but not too much so. This one is worthy of my collection, and should be worthy of all who appreciate a good relaxing song. Mr. Dark did a good job tracking this song. Its samples are well implimented and flow along with a good beat. If the song was shorter or had more changes, it would have got a higher score. The transitions go along nicely. Keep up the good work, Mr. Dark.

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Title: Vivamine
Filename: vivamine.mod
Posted Thu 18th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A rave song. Not an original sounding rave tune, but it does have a lead that is distiguishable! More than the other Rave songs have:) Has sample quality that aint the greatest.

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Title: Flying
Filename: 5.xm
Posted Thu 18th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a nice Techno song with catchy percussion and a nice bassline. I guess it has all the elements to be enjoyed by several people, it has a nice mood and the strings/bass make you go in a nice trip. My only complaint would be about the voices "Flying" and "Up and Down" which don't fit the atmosphere of the song, and some technical stuff ( see comments below ). The Song has a good technical overall, you can see that the tracker has experience. The complaints would be about the "almost" unexistant panning slides, except some set by the instruments. The Song is well-tracked but doesn't use effects. Good job anyway.

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Title: Guitar Sensation
Filename: guitar_s.it
Posted Tue 16th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Cool guitar piece that almost never becomes boring. The beat is very good, but im sure if Jalmouth would invest a little more, he could add more patterns. Dont get me wrong - The music doesnt sound all same, but it's amazing how much patterns he used and you dont feel any big change. Welp, anyway, i enjoyed it. alot. Whee-yah, that's one damn good quality of samples. Everything here is just perfect. Except, i think, most of the samples are .wav's, i think. If you got a slow computer so you got to close some programs to hear this tune good without any interruptions.

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Title: mxm.xm
Filename: mxm.xm
Posted Tue 16th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This starts of really good, but unfortunately after that nothing happens. In the end all it amounts to is a couple of cords strung together with a decent beat, but with only three different patterns that is it. I really can't understand why the writer didn't persevere because with a bit of work this could have been decent. Everything is done incredibly simply, this mod really needs a lot of work to increase the variation, either by developing the cords or by adding new parts. A couple of the samples haven't been implimented which suggests that the artist had bigger ideas for this, but couldn't manage to make them go with the other parts. This is a real shame because what is here has a lot of potential.

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Title: Tripping Through Spacetime
Filename: tripping.s3m
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Oohhhh... I downloaded this one, because the title reminds me at Gangster Trippin' by Fatboy Slim. Wrong. This is a very soft type of music. You might like it, I don't. So I'm not going to say much more. The whole sound is ok (musically). I just think it's to soft. (And again, Liam wrote the whole sample list full with greetings, history of the song and other boring stuff) The song repeats itself over and over again. But it was written to sing a lyric over it. Technically its all good. No bad noises and stuff. So if you like a nice, very soft tune, download it. Otherwise: DON'T.

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Title: Tetris mania
Filename: tetris.mod
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Hm. Short song. No good tune, no good end. No interesting breaks, no good beats, nothing. This is a pretty poor song. Good quality samples, but the musical part is so poor, that this fact cant's pull the whole thing up to a higher level.

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Title: There Is...
Filename: thereis.s3m
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Now, this song has a (musically) good melody, but the whole thing is so intense wack!! Oh G*d, how I hate it. The composer wrote the lyrics of this song in the sample list. It's all about broken hearts and stuff. This song is extremely soft. Maybe you like it, but I sure don't! Technically, this is ok. Regular, I'd say. Clean samples and technically a good melody. No weird endings and stuff. But it stays wack, soft, sad, etc., etc. I'd say it's not worth downloading, !!but that is my personal opinion.!!

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Title: old teddybear
Filename: teddybr.mod
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10
WARNING: only for kids under the age of 2 yrs. I think that sais enough about the song. Were the composers for real? Hmm. Nice samples, good quality. And easy and fast to download.

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Title: techno HEAD
Filename: technohe.xm
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Business as usual. A song with a predictable tune, with some good samples. Sure, it all fits together, it all sounds nice, but it has been done thousends of times. So it's not very original. But if you put that fact on the background, it's a nice song. Well, as I have already said, good samples with medium quality. It contains an oldfashioned drumbeat, one that probably was used by international artists in the 80's. (This song was made in 1995). It also contains a pretty large variety of different samples. But they all play the same old tune...

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Title: Technique - DJ Dafuki
Filename: techniqe.it
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Poor. That's the main word that comes up in my brains when I hear this. This type of music has been made so much, it all sounds the same now. There's nothing new in it, there's nothing cool in it. You hear a high-pitched techno synthersizer with a (good) bassdrum. And, to make it complete, some very very poor home-made samples: A kid (with some stupid Italian accent) screaming some English words, like "listen to the music". Yeah, right. Good baseline, good bassdrum, good quality... bad music. No matter how good the samples are, no matter how outstanding quality they have, the musical part is the main part. And unfortunately, in this song the musial part is the bad part.

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Title: TALO (taktinen mix)
Filename: talox.it
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Nice (addicting) tune. And a lot of very good techno sounds. However, the total playing time is about 4 minutes, which is a bit to long for the song. It starts to get a little uninteresting in the end. The tune is the same the whole time, and a little "ting" tune is playing over and over again during the whole song. Some nice effects (not too much), and high quality samples make this song worth downloading. It all fits together pretty good. The bass drum could be a lot heavier in my eyes (ears, actually)
