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Title: n-bug.xm
Filename: n-bug.xm
Posted Sat 27th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
he melodies in this song are catchy, but they lack emotion and inspiration. Cool bass.. I liked the beat also. Overall the samples and melody created a kinda creepy atmosphere. At about 2:45, the song breaks into what sounds like a completely different song without hardly any transition. The biggest problem with Millenium Bug was that its samples were really mixed and matched, making it extremely difficult to classify - although, most of the samples sounded alright, but the saxophone - I think that's what it was - was grainy and just didn't sound good. Clean tracking job, but that alone doesn't make a song.

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Title: HardCore Vibes Remix
Filename: hcvrmx.xm
Posted Fri 26th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
From the moment you load up the song and hear some guy singing "hardcore vibes" you feel like you're making some mistake already. There is a nice drum loop but it disappears in 10 seconds and most of the song is overpowered by an annoying bass drum that hits every beat in 4:4 time. There is not much going on in this song other than a repetitive vocal sample and out-of-place drum and bass. The author uses volume effectively on one part of the drum loop, playing it softly and then loudly.

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Title: HCV Dance Mix
Filename: hcvmix.xm
Posted Fri 26th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
It *kinda* sounds like a dance song, *kinda* sounds like a techno piece, but it overall lacks any compelling theme other than differant voice samples sprinkled throughout over a weak drum line. The bass drum sample is fuzzy, the samples are badly looped/ not edited, and everything has a "cut and paste" feel. Most of the work went into "composition" (if you can call it that) and not to professionalism or details. This song can be summed up technically as : Inattention to detail.

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Title: The Twigs
Filename: twigs.xm
Posted Wed 24th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is pretty cool. It sure has something very funky in itself. The drums are very good, but that's not strange when you rip a whole beat from The Prodigy ("Poison") (it also contains a sample from Q-tip, recorded with the Beastie Boys on "Get it together". Just had to tell ya.) Some sounds are really strange, but the whole thing sounds good. Music from a higher level. Sure, it sounds great, but it's a bit easy to just copy beats from famous artists. The samples which are not ripped from famous artists (and are, I suppose, home-made) sound good. But... there are real bad pops in the bassline.

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Title: Natasha's Intro III NBT
Filename: tashint3.it
Posted Wed 24th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Nice intro. Not much to say about it, though. It's (ofcourse) short. You hear one of those Korg sounds, combinated with Natasha's (nice) voice. This one is for those who have downloaded all her tracks, and just need a beginning for a tape or play- list or something Technically, once again, this girl has it quit good. No pops, no bad noizes. For the rest, there's not much to say.

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Title: Subway to Hell
Filename: SUBHELL.XM
Posted Wed 24th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
VERY REPETITVE! But hey, some people like that. It's actualy quite Prodigy like music. About the artist.. I'm not quite sure... I can't read that language. Damn it.. why do they make us write 3 lines. :®Þ Samples were good but I think these samples that were so good could of been used better but thats just my opinion. The drum beat was alright. But never went out of sync so thats a plus.

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Title: Sun Symbolizing Song
Filename: sunss.xm
Posted Wed 24th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This music is good. There is nothing wrong with it tune wise. It's one of those "You hear 15 seconds of it you have heard it all" things. Other than that it's quite good. It seems to have an acordian sound to it too. The Fx didn't impress me. The samples wern't as hot as they could be. Nothing to special. On the other hand using what Nitzer had.. He did a very good job. It would make nice web page music becuse it's smallish.

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Title: Another Rave In Paradise 3
Filename: modrave3.s3m
Posted Tue 23rd Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
The 3rd part to a good ravers trilogy is above par, as usual. Mad Max is one of my personal favorite trackers and is an artist you should have in your own personal collection of mods. Although his songs are mostly clips ripped from other big name artists, the songs he creates are top of the line and are always fun to dance to. Mad Max has definately mastered the art of blending tracks together. The different samples are well edited and go smoothly with the raver beat. If you need an example to get you started off, take a look at one of Mad Max's songs.

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Title: EscapE Long Version
Filename: emix.xm
Posted Tue 23rd Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is an awesome rave song! It begins fast, ends fast, all with the same house reverb beat in it (1/4). Magnificent work, Nippe. As with most house songs, it adds samples and complexity as the song goes on. Everything blends together in the end for a great track. Most house/rave songs aren't all that hard to track, as they all have that same reverbing 1/4 beat. However, this one adds and gets rid of samples as the track goes on, unlike most house tracks. Great samples, great notes, instruments, everything---except for the end, which ends, literally, in a bang. A simple bang, though, it was as though Nippe just tried to end it right there.

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Title: "Allocated Bytes" by E-Keet
Filename: ek-alloc.s3m
Posted Tue 23rd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This is a slow piano song, and slow piano songs are not intending to be fast. So, it's a very slow piano song, building up a sort of "climax," I guess you could call it, near the end. It all sounds very cheap and very 8-bit, hardly digital at all. It's also not very enticing, it bores you to sleep... especially the beginning. Generally, E-Keet is a good tracker, but this track is not very good. While the samples are OKAY, the tech difficulty is amazing. It uses piano samples, which can only be good are bad, leave no room for error, uses crashing cymbol sounds, very nice, and lots of other samples, all magnificently blending into a nice sound... but the tune overall is very, very boring.

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Title: Optikal Illusion
Filename: optikal.s3m
Posted Mon 22nd Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Ok, an average song. The tune is interesting, but it fails to develop or go anywhere, except to different samples. At least the main tune shifts key every once in a while. All in all I'd say it's a good attempt if the artist is just beginning his tracking career. I think it would've been cool as a soundtrack to some old sci-fi console game. There are no effects other than pitch slides, and because it's an s3m there are no instrument envelopes. There are seven samples. Actually, what keeps coming back to me when listening to this is that it is reminiscent of the early days of tracking--the tune, the samples, everything...i don't know when this song was done, but it could've been ages ago.

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Title: <- Alien Implant ->
Filename: op_aimp.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10

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Title: hoobie.xm
Filename: hoobie.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This isnt the best ever mod ive heard but once you get into it it aint too bad. Its got a catchy melody but the intro is a bit duff. It might suit some people but not me. Not technically brilliant this could be a first timer, it certainly sounds like it. There is promise, I sugest a bit more work on the intro and beat to improve this one.

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Title: Untill dawn
Filename: tilldawn.xm
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I like it! The melody line is one that keeps me humming it after the song is long over. the synths all fit in nicely. This song reminds me of some of Elwood's work. If you are a fan of Elwood, then get this song. maybe I'll try a remix of this song. ;) samples are used nicely, all samples are of good quality. the flute sample is nice for the melody. I have no suggestions. seems like a finished product to me. :)

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Title: The Big City
Filename: thebigci.mod
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Real nice tune. And it all fits together very well. The strings add a very good sphere to this song. The drums are a little old-fashioned. The bass guitar at the beginning of the song is done pretty cool. Everything is fine, except that the samples don't have a very high quality. And that's a pity, cuz it that was better, the song would at least get a 8.5. Very few effects of the tracker are used.

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Title: tequila
Filename: tequila.mod
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is only a song of nearly 2 minutes, and that's a bit to short to really tell something about it. It has a very good beat. And the tune is nice. But again, it's to short. Easy to download... Nice job. It sounds real good, all instruments are good. But... actually the whole thing doesn't make sense. I guess the composer was a bit drunk... You better just download it and judge it yourself.

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Title: teddy bear boogie 2
Filename: teddy.mod
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Mmm. Short songs have short reviews. Just don't download this song, unless you have kids at the age of 3. Technically, this is good. The samples have VERY high quality, and the whole thing fits together very well. But that's all.

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Title: Dance till you DROP
Filename: techtron.it
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
WARNIG!!! This song is very very inaccessible! Many of you (who download the song) will ask me "how could you give this song a rating this high?!!" Well, probably only a few people will understand, but this is not so bad as it looks. Especially when you play it loud. The whole thing is awesome hard, and quit funky too. It's very hardcore and there is not a real tune or something. But if you listen to it a couple of times, you might start to like this song. Technically this song is not from a very high level. In fact, it must have been quit easy to make. The samples have passable quality. It's just that all samples are just put in the song somewhere, and it turned out to be a pretty good composition then. And the end is not worth listening to.

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Title: technorave.mod
Filename: technorave.mod
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The song starts pretty cool and heavy, but after a while, things are not running smoothly. The beat is ufortunately very weak (compared to the ruff synthersizers). The drums change very rapidly, as well as the different parts. It's kind of patchy. After about 2 minutes the song suddenly turns from a hard techno song into a sort of happy-hardcore. The end is very strange, unprofessional actually. As I have already said, the drums are far to weak for the type of song. The song does contain some good deep bass samples, and some good keyboard samples. However, technically, this thing doesn't sound that good. The samples just don't fit together in the whole idea.

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Title: Broken Heart/TearsRunDown
Filename: tears.it
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Perfect! I LOVE THIS SONG!! This is really fantastic. It's a combination of a really good melody with a smooth voice-effect + a good jungle drum. The sound effects in the voice is absolutely great. Musicaly, this is absolute professional. The baseline fits perfectly in the song. Well, I can say a lot more about this, but you should just download the song and enjoy. (I'm not totally sure about who made this, it's a bit confusing. I think Opinash made the biggest part, and Natasha added the voices and some other stuff. Mail me if you know better.) Technically, the song is very good too. All samples are very clean, the voice-wav's have also good qualitity. This song also features very nice keybord effects. The only thing I bumped in to, was that after 1m30s the sample playing is "stuck" (in winamp). But I don't think it's the composer to blame. My advice: DOWNLOAD!!

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Title: Dimly lit Stars -Erd
Filename: erdstars.it
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This track is very slow and dull. The strength of the samples (attack) is very weak, and this is a bass-based song, not a treble based song. It's very slow, it hardly even holds your attention for a minute, and the climax of the song is none too great, either. My guess is, this was a first track or so. Practice some more, Erdrick; good samples don't necessarily make the song. Obviously note easy to make with all the samples and complexity of the song. However, the complexity of the song doesn't exactly make it better. The tech itself is magnificent, with godly samples... but samples don't make the song, as I have said earlier.

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Title: endtheme.xm
Filename: endtheme.xm
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
To be honest, I've never seen The Incredible Hulk, but this song is pretty good. Not too great, but good nonetheless. It uses mainly excellent piano samples combined with excellent background samples (they are not given). The end sound is quite good, and makes me feel kind of sad. It's excellent, though, but the piece of music it was taken from wasn't all that great. I can tell that this song was hell to make. First of all, it uses piano samples, which give little or no room for error, and the clash-sounds must be timed perfectly as well, or else the song is no good. However, this guy reptile pulls it all off incredibly well, making a beautiful track in the end.

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Title: State of Enchantment
Filename: enchantment.xm
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a great track. It sounds just like a House beat! I love house, and I'm sure everyone will agree with me when I say that PARiAH did a great job tracking this. It has the usual House reverb beat (1/4) in the beginning, then goes electronic, then goes back to house again. Sounds real good, almost professional, though at times it's hard to discern when it leaves the House format for the electronic format. All House and Electronic songs take forever to make, and I'm sure that this one did, as well. It does well carrying the House 1/4 reverb beat then going straight into varying Electronic (1/4 to 1/2, 1/2 to 1/4, etc.) beat and sound. All samples blend into a constant great sound, "enchanting" you. Great work, PARiAH.

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Title: Salute
Filename: salute.xm
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Nice beat to this song, and love the strings mixed with the piano. Wish the artist wouldnt use the same melody back and forth. The begining is also a little choppy in m my eyes. Wonderful tracking. I love the strings samples and piano samples as well. Nice special effects as well. Real good panning effect with the strings. Added a real nice touch to it.

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Title: Red-hot Samba
Filename: samba.it
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well this song has a good beat to it. Though I felt like I was playing Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog game. Song is not that bad, though I dont think I will listen to this song agian. The samples in this are video game quality. That is the best way i can sum it up. Excellent drum work, and wonderful tracking. Though it gets kind of annoying after awhile but hey, he still did a good job.

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Title: odyssey-part1-test
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I like. It's very ambitious. It has very different parts. At the beginning it is happy and regal, and then gets very dark and foreboding...very...dreary...and effective. Well Well done song, the notes flow smoothly and intertwine well. The samples were lacking in quality, but that doesn't really take away from the song. Effects are not really used, but the brass is echoed well. It was well composed. Good tracking. another plus is the file's small size. It is a very good mod for only 4 tracks.

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Title: ==East of Techno==
Filename: eoftech.xm
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song is mesmerizing. A little fast at times and sometimes even a little slow sometimes, but still mesmorizing. It sounds almost like a Nine Inch Nails (tm) song. The Egyptian-esque theme here works wonderfully and everything blends well into a magnificent track. I congratulate Andy H. on this. This MOD must have been hell to make. Multiple samples running all at the same time, beats carrying on, changing themes/"chorus" without the changing the mood of the song, or the quality. The samples are wonderful, as if they were digital Egyptian sounds taken and tracked into a MOD. I hate to sound like an advertiser, but... PLAY THIS SONG NOW!!!#@

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Title: emporium
Filename: empori.mod
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This was not very entertaining, probably the tracker's first MOD or so. It is repetetive, semi-boring, lacking good tempo (speed it up a bit), dull, kind of soft. The only good thing about it is that it has one awesome measure, and that's why I gave it a four, instead of a 3. Probably difficult to make, though very amateur. The speed should have been upped a bit (from 3--}4), the R is wayyy too trebly, it should be more bass-based, that would make it better. It needs a little left/right panning, listening to it in headphones bores you to death. Not a very good one, but for a first, very good.

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Title: elmo.xm
Filename: elmo.xm
Posted Sat 20th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song was very fun, fast and... predictable, though in a good way. I always wanted to hear Elmo die, and I got a chance to here! Well, it's not really Elmo dying rather than an electronic/rave song. Very fast paced with a GOOD predictable beat, this song was fun to listen to. I even listened to it twice! This song wasn't too difficult to make, though the simplicity probably made it a little better. Using a normal "house/rave"-style beat with Elmo's voice saying things, this song mesmerizes you, despite its typical beat. The samples and all mix into one good sound, which is a good one (as all rave sounds are).

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Title: Omega dream - F.R.
Filename: falopa01.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Ah! Wonderous! This is a great dance tune. The beat was good, the song was long, the fade was nice, and above all, there was little to no cheese in the instruments! Among the various little parts of this mod that really made it good, was the crowd noise at the start.It give the mod a "live" sound, an there was even a rebel yell somewhere in there. Very Cool Once again AH!!!! This MOD was all out neat. There was a good amount of special effects, with panning and fade. The vibrato and tremalo was also very cool too...very few mods take advantage of these neat features. There was also a cool yell thrown into the couwd noise, a first for me and a good source of points for the song.

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Title: Fallout Tastes Like Death
Filename: fallout.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Over all a very nice MOD. The instruments were from the weekly Zak Pak, but the quality of the music was very nice. It was somewhat difficult to classify the song. Right near the end, it goes from a really haunting melody of an ambient, to a driving techno beat. What makes this good is the transition. There was no choppy or all of a suddeness to it, but I was't expecting it. Alll in all, I'd give it the thumbs. Technically, this mod is great. There was much use of panning and fadeing, which made a really cool effect on the ole headphones. For instruments from a Zak Pak, I was astounded (and I don't use that word often) This just goes to show you what you can do with sounds....no matter how cheesy.

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Title: Their.Law.CheeseLog.Mix
Filename: theirlaw.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This is a remix of Their Law by the Prodigy. First of all I would ask "why remix something from the Prodigy, aren't their songs awesome already?". This remix is not worth downloading. The composer ripped some samples from the original, and mixed(?) it with a hard base drum. In the beginning you suddenly hear one sample played in double speed. That doesn't make sense at all. In the mid-section you hear some strange beeps in low quality. A very strange composition. The composer just ripped a few samples form CD, and tried to mix it. Some samples have quality, other have not. Very few possibilities of the tracker are used. The whole thing is not going anywhere.

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Title: Temptation
Filename: temptat.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The song is 4 min long, but if you are in a hurry, you might as well listen to the 8th pattern (or the 9th, or the 10th,...), because they are all the same. Tune is good, but you only hear 2 instruments (samples) playing it. One is a low base, the other one is some sort of string. It all plays over a drum, and voila, you have got a song... This is so repeatitive... The samples are clean, the bass tone is deep, but the drums are a little weak. The strings are made out of 4 samples, each one has a little more high tones in it. All samples are pretty clean. The reason that this composer looks like an amateur to me, is that he used only a few samples. You can read the results of that in the musical rating text...

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Title: the entertainer
Filename: OK.MOD
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
I remember playing this one in grade 8 band. Sounds just like it should, so musically it works fine. Very basic two-sample mod. No effects use, if you want to hear it, get it, it's nothin' special though.

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Title: RainyDecember
Filename: rainydec.mod
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well done work, with piano melody. Good progression thru all the music. Some sax sample. It a Nice Drumbeat that fit with piano string. But need more stereophony here. (It's only a 4 channels). But great ! Some note seem to miss sometimes, but maybe due to the 4 channels limit. Samples need to be more clearer But this module was done in 1992. 20 samples are in the one for a time length of 3min 42sec.

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Title: mrtlkmbt2.mod
Filename: realmk.mod
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
As the movie soundtrack Mortal Kombat. I can't tell it's a remix ; its sound alike the original music exept some vocals are not at the same place as the original music. Some delay on beatdrum should not be on, it give a decay of the beat = sound "bizarre". But samples are generally well fixed exept the beatdrum sometime during the music doesn't fit. 18 samples (Some are at poor quality, sorry but it's true!) for a time length of 4min 32sec.

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Title: r e b i r t h
Filename: rebirth.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Boom Bang Beat. Really well done work for the style. Very good stereo effects, good tempo thru all the module. Nice work with juno instruments in intro of this module. Total time length : 3min 44sec Great panning here that make this music look as professional. 160 Bpm is an excellent tempo for the style. Clear instruments (29 at all). Very good Rave effects done with some great stereo effects.

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Title: The Rainy Day
Filename: rainyday.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The intro remind me a PetShop Boy music. It turn to a dance music. Great piano string. At the end cool voice instruments that make cool ambience for the music. Total time of length for this module : 4min 38sec. Well done, but little bit repetitive, but nice progression. More panning would be nice, example : The voice at the end of the music could be more for left to right that might make that part of the music more impressive ; more ambience. 14 samples in that module. Or for the piano string with that kind of wave for the notes, maybe a panning slide left to right would sound better.

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Title: Back to Tarelius
Filename: tarelius.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Well, it's a nice tune, but not much more than that. If you only look at the musical aspect, this song is not one of my favourites. Sure, it has a melody, but the whole thing is kind of repeated over and over again. The song stays the same and does not give you much excitement. However, the technical aspect cheers the whole thing up a little. From the nice echos in the handclaps to the good effects in the synth. sounds: this one is an absolute professional on the technical area. All, I repeat all samples are clean, have good quality and sound good. This is also the main reason of the highth of the rating. Only the drums could be a little harder. (but that's my personal opinion.)

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Title: Another Rave In Paradise2
Filename: modrave2.s3m
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Pure rave. Mad Max has done an excellent job yet again in making something fun to listen to, yet even better to dance to. All you beginner trackers out there who are looking for an example to get them started may want to check out Mad Max's song and take notes. This gets my **** rating! Mad Max has done an excellent job blending some good samples from such artist as Prodigy,Iron Maiden, and Dj Larry. Seemless mixing make this song pure rave. Down to the nice crowd cheering sample makes this song worthy of EVERYONE's music collection.
