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Title: Tales Untold
Filename: tales.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very good indeed. This song has good tunes and it all fits together very well. The drums are actually simple, but they sound very good. The whole thing gives you a true medieval sphere. Very good indeed. In general, all samples have good quality, however, some loops are not running totally faultless. But that's not ruining the song, so don't bother too much. The song is built up good, and the different parts flow over nice and smooth. This must be a professional...

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Title: Please remember me
Filename: odd-remb.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well Oddfellow! its a nice little piece with a good meledy. Simple...but simple is good. It didnt stand out in my mind as one of the best but it still is worthy of a place on the Mod Archive. Good composition you odd fellow.... Lets see. Weve got the piano runing with i think ... another piano just an octave lower towards the middle....with the gospel singers humming in the background and a nice soft techno beat that gives it that special little something....a little repititious....the same piano track over and over.... keep working on more complexity. but who am i to say...i cant figure out the god damned impulse tracker!!

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Title: Eternity...
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a very slow song, almost like an epic, but it's too short and a bit too fast for that. It is a beautiful song with nice pianos, lovely beat, ever-changing theme, just an all around great piece of music. It sounds almost like something out of classical music, though a bit more digital. It sounds like a dream scene from a movie... Khyrod is obviously no amateur!! This song uses numerous beautiful samples during different times, has rarely a repeating beat/measure, and keeps it that way for very long. Though it sounds like an epic, it's a bit too fast and downbeat for that. No, it's not a downbeat song, it is almost like a... love song. It's very beautiful, though it's almost like the author was composing it for someone else.

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Title: E P I C new version
Filename: epic2.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Kind of boring, even for an epic; the song itself is just too slow, it makes even epics seem long. The song itself was methodical, following the same method throughout the entire song, changing only a little every time, then lapsing back intto the same theme, which itself is boring. It took more than a novice to track/remix this MOD. Lots of samples are used in good succession, though very boring samples, too low. The song doesn't have too many bass samples, detracting from the song. Also, it's not very original; just pianoes playing with digital instruments in the background. Boring, overall.

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Title: oioi.s3m
Filename: oioi.s3m
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Cute, Happy song. The style changes too much. Very Short. Despite my 'mean' rating, (I do hate being mean) the song has merit. I won't deny that a great many, (If not most) of my mods are deserving of an even lower rating, and it might very well be that this is a "Damn, I'm bored mod..." or a First shot mod...Don't take my rating to heart though, I'm just a teenage bum. I like when the drum, (Some wierd synth tom) gets hardcore and in my face. Other than that, it's just your basic 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' melody with some bass added.

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Title: oh_yeah
Filename: OHYEAH.MOD
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
YES! I remember this! What can I really say? If you like "Oh Yeah" by Yello, then you'll like this. Ha ha, Good one. Very good rendition. It works perfectly. Again, all I can say is that it sounds just like the original. Kudos to the tracker!

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Title: off.xm
Filename: off.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Har. The song message had some threats in it about what was done with it...I'm not challenging the threats...I just didn't particularily like it! The beat was kind of loud and overdriven. It had some cool samples though. Remember though...it's just my opinion, so see for yourself... The sound wasn't my cup of tea, but it was well composed. like I said, the samples were cool and tied in with the rest of the song. The best part is at the end where it slows down to a stop. (Not an insult) The drums work very well there. I like the mechanical synth. Those are often hard to work.

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Filename: oedipe.mod
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I don't know about those vocals...They seem to distract more than anything, although they were used well, if not too much. The bass is good, as well as the drums. OK, I admit, the moaning is kind of gross. It has a cool eerie feel to it though. I don't mind it as much as it seems I do. The base=thumbs up. Nice table saw. ;) I can tell SHAD knows how to track...The bass was very well done, as well as the drums, and the Table saw sound adds um...character?... to the song. Though I whined about the vocals, he used them well, I just really didn't like the sound of 'em. Very deep feel to it.

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Title: double trouble
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Very nice song, nice beat, sounds like an amateur professional did it for a radio show. A bit short and sweet, this trance song catches you from the beginning. It has a nice beat that runs throughout the entire song that "entrances" you into listening to it more. Considering everything, it's pretty nice, a nice trance beat with a tiny little bit of techno in it. Great bass solos, I might add. Semi-difficult song to make. Though the notes weren't too difficult, the quality of the samples were very good and made it sound like it was incredibly difficult to make. The instruments carry the same trance beat on until the end, where it still carries the trance quality of the song itself. The song sounds a little like techno after a while, but it's not... very excellent tech aspects.

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Title: October Serenade
Filename: october.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wow. This is staying in my /mods/good/ directory. The piano is amazingly done and you can really feel emotion flowing. Excellent feeling. It begins with a soft wind and a drum that sounds like a heartbeat. When the melody is fully developed in the song, it works harmoniously well. Get. The instruments were used extremely well in this one. They sound very realistic and convincing. The percussion fits perfectly and is softly overtaken by the main instruments. There are also trace amounts of synth used with the classical instruments which define this song even further.

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Title: "Exotic" by E-Keet
Filename: EXOTIC.S3M
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The music is very simple and very entertaining, fun to listen to, if you will. This is definately an electronic MOD and a good one at that. It lacks a good "crashing" part of the song, though, where the beat ups itself to a new level. It begins a little fast but strong and ends the same way, it's almost like the song isn't supposed to end. The tracker of the song is obviously not an amateur. The song is very complicated, beats, drums, percussions all tuning in at the same time. It's got a nice beat that stays strong throughout the entire song, not skipping a beat except to switch to other parts of the MOD and to the end. The beats do change and get better along the way. Unlike most electronic songs, the author didn't just add more instruments as time went on, no, he just continued making good music.

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Title: MomenTofLove/Oceanic NBT
Filename: oceanic.it
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Smooth and moving...running along the beach with your love...you can feel the ocean spray and your lovers heart. Run free ! yippie! Life's great and you can definately tell it was for the writer of this mod. I give Natasha Breanne Thompson two thumbs up ()_ ()_ for this one. Well done! Only thing lacking in the song is a good ending.... it fades off into silence like so many other songs....i like the wave samples that continuously play in the background, the piano synth with the lite bells makes for a good combination... and the blending of those with the occasional base riff is a great effect. Nice work Natasha and keep it up.

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Title: Euphoria
Filename: euphoria.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
From the second you hear it, you know it's a techno song. It carries the same simple reverbing beat throughout most of the song except for one part, where it adds another instrument. It sounds like white noise at the end, though is entertaining overall, ONCE. This was not too difficult of a song to track. It was the same few samples used over and over again, never stopping, just adding more and more instruments until it sounds almost like white noise. A very techno song, the beat is fast and strong from beginning 'til end, and sounds nice. It keeps you entertained for the first minute and a half, from whence it bores you with the same beat.

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Title: Ethnika
Filename: ethnika.xm
Posted Fri 19th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
When I listen to this song, it makes me think that I'm flying in the air. The guitar/strings on it are wonderful, making for a wonderful blend of music, very soft and suttle throughout the entire song. It is a slow song that does rarely repeat a beat. At the beginning, it is very slow and sounds 8-bit, cheap. Very beautiful, though at times it is too soft. I can tell that this was a difficult song to make. There are many samples, many different strings, flutes and whatnot, used mostly at the same time. It all blends to make a crisp sound, very nice. Another thing is that the beat did not repeat once throughout the whole song, it kept on getting renewed and renewed. It was a little too soft and at times made me want to turn it off, but it kept me interested enough to continue on listening.

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Title: Take me to serenety
Filename: takemeto.s3m
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a real hard rock song. And for those who are familiar with Dream Theatre: this song could almost be made by Dream Theatre. It has some very nice tunes in it, but the things that worry me, are the sudden changes from part to part. It's a bit patchy. However, the guitar solo's are perfect. If you look at the different parts, they fit together, just the overflow could be better. The samples are quite "clean", but the guitar sample is one of those typical computer made sample. My compliments to the drums! Is it done by a real drummer or a computer? They sound great. The composer did use some good effects of the tracker, especially in the guitar(?) solo.

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Title: T-2MIN
Filename: t-2min.xm
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Well, what can I say: When the song starts, it really get's your attention, but after ten seconds, it start to get a little false. Well, ok. But then, after 1 minute, it starts to get REALLY false! And that's one of the worst things that can happen in a song. Especially because it's not that hard to finetune a sample. And then there are these sudden silence parts, where you suddenly only here the beat. It sure is a pity that the composer made these missteps, because with these samples he could have made a real nice song. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the end is like a sudden death. The song suddenly stops playing. All samples have high quality, but need to be finetuned. As I have said, if the composer would do this, the whole song would really sound much better. The base is nice and deep, but the drums are very empty. It seems that the composer knew how to handle a tracker, but didn't knew much about tones.

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Title: the tekkno-rythm
Filename: thetekkn.mod
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
There isn't really a tune in it, but its quite good. Nice synthersizer-alike sounds. Most techno songs rather repeatitive, but this one is not. The drums sound very proffessional, and the whole thing "sticks together". However, it is techno, very techno in fact, and it's not very original. The samples have a very high quality. And for only 4 tracks, the whole thing doesn't sound half bad. It seems that the composer didn't use much of the tracker effects. All effects you hear are already recorded in the sample. But in the end, it all sounds quite professional.

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Title: The Snow !
Filename: thesnow.xm
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
What is this?. What you hear is a couple of flat tones over a base(?) drum. I don't know what to think of this. It reminds me at the old games I used to play with my 386. If you play this song through the PC speaker, it sounds the same (and that is not a joke). Most of the samples are probably created with a simple tone generator (such as in the first Cool Editor versions). Very simple. Then, the base tone has these real unpleasant "ticks" in it (sounds a bit like vinyl). I can't really say that there is no melody in it. But after all, he needs to learn how to create samples.

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Title: Burning With Ecstasy NBT
Filename: ecstasy.it
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a VERY hardcore techno song. Being a techno fan myself, I am a bit biased, but I'll try to keep it acceptable--this is a nice piece of work by Natashe Breanne Thompson. It begins strong with the usual techno bass, carries on strong and for a while, then the beat eventually dies out... It's more than worth it listening to the beginning and middle part, though. BEAUTIFUL TECHNICAL SONG!!! It's almost perfect in every way, all samples controlled, not too high, bass never going too far, treble staying low, keeping the synthed voices low, nice work. The end is a bit lacking though, it's as if she just gave up. If the end had the strength of the beginning, this would have been given a 10.

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Title: E TU
Filename: e_tu.xm
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The song itself was... entertaining and was worth listening, for the first time. After the first time, it gets a bit redundant as most songs do. This song has a nice mix of beat and original music, the flute sounds magnificent as does the trumpet and piano. Nicely done, and well ahead of its time: created in 1997, and still sounds good. Overall, nice job, Di. Gi. Tal Chris. The usage of piano, flute, and trumpet all mixed together at the same time must have been incredibly difficult to do, and to each sound clear must have been quite a challenge. The MOD is worth 4.0 for the tech difficulty alone, and for making it sound so clear, especially with 1997's trackers as they were, was quite excellent.

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Title: ScRaMbLeD MiNd
Filename: scram.it
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Not a bad song, I liked the pan whistle. Added a real neat effect to it. Loved the drum beat. Also like how it just picked up right in the middle of the song and turned into something heavy. Real progressive. Nice drums samples, and a real good beat to it. I love the tom tom effect in it. Also the distortion gutairs are pretty good as well. Though then ending could have been better.

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Title: Scenial
Filename: scenial.s3m
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song has a got a good beat to it, and a real spacey beat to it. Real relaxing, love the beat and the little laser effect as I call it in the back ground. Nice job. Good samples, though wish the drums where a little louder. Though the drums did have a wonderful beat to it. Nice melody and good special effects with the fading in and out of certian instruments, though the ending was a dissappiontment.

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Title: DragonFleet -Erd
Filename: erdfleet.it
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I enjoyed this song very much. It has a great beat, a nice "chorus" great music, excellent sound, everything a great MOD has. Its use of trumpets, cympanii, samples in general makes it blend well, and makes you want to hear it again. I'd have to congratulate Erdrick on one of his first original tracks, it's a great job. The song was beautiful, nothing was wrong except for a slightly high treble. The treble is quite high, sometimes you have to turn it down, as the high beats are all you can hear. When the drums come in, it gets better, the beat "carries you away." I heard no errors in the actual MOD itself )in the notes(. This is a great track; definately not background music, but very entertaining.

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Title: endtheme
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
ENDTHEME sounds like a dream sequence, with its simple analog string and bass. A very simple song, it's not very great. All it is, basically, is the two beats repeating over and over again; it's only good one time around. The leading analog string has too high of an attack and is too loud. Very good for a first track, if it indeed is, though. Another drawback is that it sounds 8-bit. I loved the tech of the song; the notes themselves are perfect, never slipping or an error, well placed, though the samples are terrible, as well as the left-right panning( if you're listening to it in headphones ). It also gets annoying after a while. It sounds like it came straight from a Nintendo game, and thus 8-bit. Overall, due to the over-attack of the string, the general annoyance it gives after you've played it for a while, I'd have to give it a 3.5

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Title: the ocean frontier
Filename: ocean.mtm
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I love the ocean in the background. The heavy base as a background groove is nice, gives it the rising feeling that good music gives ya. I liked its quality and cohesiveness. It conjures to the mind the image of a man playing the flute on the ivory coast looking off into the sunset.... Youve got the wooden mallets that you dont hear very much....youve got the synthed flute and the wooden flute and the high pitched keyboard, the ocean samples and much more that make this song an altogether good one. I dont know much about tracking,but the tracker that " tracked " this one deserves a medal. Good job Soundwave.

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Title: title-ocean
Filename: OCEAN.MOD
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Hey Jamba! its a funky little tune that would be played on an island on the planet of Jamaca with lots of rastas playing the drum and blowing that flute. Short and not so sweet, but you can shake your but for about 46 seconds and thats it. Nice base with the rythm in the beggining but that's basically it, that and a silly steel drum that takes a a decrecendo to a crecendo and then ends abrubtly. Listen Rice of Uta or whatever....if you're going to rip something, rip something longer, i just cant dance to this.

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Title: occ-san-geen
Filename: OCC-SAN.MOD
Posted Thu 18th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The combination of pop waves and a high tuned snare makes this piece a snappy, happy rocking good song. Its kinda funky! it reminds me of some movie with popn' fresh and the Pillsburry dough boy in it!( they might be the exaxt same people...) all dancing the disco! Its a good up beat song .... and who ever did it well .....good job! Theres a nice fade in the begginging that makes this piece kick some booty...from there with its pop and jazyy 70's beat with the synthesised base and a somewhat of a clap sample! its funky and if you like funky try this out....its original but ivea heard too much of stuff like this....its theme music for another Rocky Movie....

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Title: klim's theme
Filename: klim.mod
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The artist made this song in remembrance of a friend - that's the best way to describe the tune, it sounds like a dedication. The piano samples sound nice and go together well. There is this weird point around patterns 7-10, where the song keeps sounding as though it is trying to end - it repeatedly resolves to a "big finish" chord. However, when the real end does come, it just fades away without finishing properly. Weird. Anyhow, the main melody does sound nice, and there is lots of variation here. The samples are very high quality, considering this is a ProTracker MOD. All the chords progress well, and the melody fits nicely on top. There is one weird sample that sounds like a duck, but that doesn't appear too much. If the ending was sorted out, this would be a great song.

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Title: .kissmyass.
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a typical jazz/blues tune, with standard blues instruments. It has some good parts, some bad parts. In some places there is a good drum beat, in others none at all. In some places the instruments seem to complement each other well, in others they seem out of place. Towards the end, there is what seems like an ending, but then it skips a few patterns and has another ending. A distinctly average tune. For an old ProTracker MOD, the samples are surprisingly high. In some places, the notes don't seem to fit together, or don't progress correctly. The ending also needs to be sorted out. This piece has a very specific audience: if you like jazz music then you should probably download this tune - if you don't, leave it well alone.

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Title: Aars By Night
Filename: kasper1.it
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The drum beat on this tune is slightly too strong; you can hear it too much over everything else. The lead synths sound good though, and the weird jittery chords work quite well. The part of this tune that leaves me mystified is at the beginning of this tune: there are a few distorted voice samples saying some rubbish, but then swearing at you. I'm not entirely sure why these are here, as they don't add anything to the music, and just ensure that I'll give the song a lower score for pointless inclusion of extra samples. The samples are all high quality. The notes are sequenced well, and the chord progressions sound good. Towards the end of the 4:46 that this song plays for it does start to get a bit repetitive, but not too badly. The worst part of this song is definitely the weird-sounding, distorted, offensive voice samples.

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Title: Oblitirator
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Its basically like most of the mainsteam techno songs out there.... Good beat, it has a good backed up drum beat that gives it some movement, good samples that dont take away from the whole rythm of the song. All in all a regular techno song. Its just done out well enough for it to get a little of attention, but not completely well done to deserve extra merit. It gets really boring after a while becaues its the same thing over and over but hey you get it. If you download this, you are getting some Starbucks Coffee quality.

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Title: úBalonúRemixú ÄAE
Filename: balon.mod
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The song sound's easy, and that is what's so good about it. The rythem sounds good I really liked the instrument's..:) The artist should make some of the instrument's mute in the end of the song it sound's terrible..:(

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Filename: obsess.xm
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well, this song somewhat reminds me of a video game! it was Zelda.. the somewhat new one for the super nes. It is where you are in the sand castle...and this sounds exactly like it! The song is simple....a beat.... a meledy....and a fading in and out kinda loopy thing. I didnt really like it...it lacked originality....this might be because i believe they took it from a video game but hey...try it out for yourself My god.....a beat and a meledy and this weird alienish sound coming in and out at intervals and a fade ending...not exactly a great piece...it lacked in originality...most likely not that much time was spent on it. But hey.. try it if you like but...music is my life so..

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Title: Dreaming Tonight ╡OA╡
Filename: oa_dream.it
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Cool rave tune complete with cheesy happy-hardcore vocals. :) Seriously, though, the song is long, but that's what it's all about and if you like fast rave beats (189 bpm!!) then this song is worth the download. Actually, the vocals make for a really nice effect. Good job OA! Technically, it could've been a little better. The sample quality is good...but the good use of effects is minimal. But then again that's what it's supposed to sound like I guess. But anyway, there are some *crazy* panning envelopes here that make for a nice overall effect! Good rave song.

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Title: O m n i
Filename: omni.mod
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I have to give this at least an 8 because it's so good even for only 4 channels and 23 patterns (using no instruments and instrument effects)! In fact, it's good even if it weren't 4 channels. The middle part sort of fumbled but then was saved by the nice ending. It's not a boring song, and the samples are good, except the loops aren't cleanly done, there's an obvious out-of-sync looping effect especially noticeable in the beginning. Nice drums, too. It's this good in 4 channels, what can I say? You've got to know what you're doing if it comes out this good. I have to congratulate Timelord on this very nicely done piece!

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Title: -> PocPorn <-
Filename: pocporn.xm
Posted Wed 17th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10

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Title: observer
Filename: observer.mod
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The melody is kinda catchy, but the drums kinda dominate everything else. The drums seem very loud and "in yo' face,", and contrast with the quiet peacefulness of the rest of the song. If the drum beat was quieted down and had some variation, this would be a warm and fuzzy one. The birdies in the background add a nice ambience throughout, and the skeleton of the song is fine, but needs some meat on it's bones. The basic melody carries well, and there is some nice usage of stereo sound, but some accompaniment in the form of bass and random percussion would add more character.

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Title: secret techno
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The only reason I gave this song a high rating is because it is so dang cool. Its very small, kinda old-school, and just plain fun! It has a few funny voice clips and a good beat that gets ya dancing. This artist most likely spent a total of maybe an hour on this one. It is very basic, but the technical part of this song is not what makes it good, but it is a song and it doesn't have many tracking flaws. So, all in all, it get my stamp of approval.

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Title: Rak
Filename: rak.s3m
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Drums * drums & percussion.. It's would be fine to change the tempo thru all the patterns, be more original as a solo. The litebit remind me some cool games that we had in 80' (atari) Cool fitting. Time length : 2min 23sec. Funkbass sample at that speed need to have a offset to roll properly. The music is in mono only. No effects, due that the style is percussion ? 6 samples (8bits) In the samples, i liked the litebit.

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Title: RainyDay
Filename: rainyday.mod
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
I think this MOD was a STM anyway. Cool harmonics but at pattern #5 and on, it's sound familiar, you will see. Panflute is a cool sample and use with correctly note thru all the music. No effects, sorry some pitch on the panflute samples but I don't think they were used correctly (Sound strange, not professionnaly). It's a 4 channels MOD file. also, 7 samples for a total time of 3min 13sec.
