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Title: Rainy Holiday
Filename: rainy.xm
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The only thing that I liked in that one is the piano solo at start... Maybe Medley. There is a beat starting at the end of the music (Pattern 22). It's a nice piano melody with some chord pad. 2 samples are included in this module but not used, no stereo, some effects but not adequate (Sound weird). Also the loop on the Chord instrument need to be ajusted. 8 samples in this module (-2 not used) total time : 3min 42sec.

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Title: Oberon
Filename: oberon.xm
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
In a general sense, this is very different from alot of mods out there, which is a good thing in my book. I always look for originality, so NORG gets a pat on the back from me. The pan flute used is great, because it deviates from the Techno/Trance nature of the song with a mystical twist, but the quick, stabbing style used still retains the beat and undertones characteristic of Trance. Nice. The way the drums fade in and out of each other is great, especially where they slow down and stop, then pick up right away, keeping in time with the other instruments. There are a few background voice samples making cameos throughout the song, and they are effective, simply because they aren't overused. If it's one thing I hate, it's where the same sample is repeated through the whole song...Ugh...But not this one! NORG knew what he ws doin'.

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Title: HybridX - MoonLight
Filename: hyb-moon.xm
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This one has that perfect "Leisure Suit Larry" feel to it. It's great! Appropriately choppy string chords, a mixed melody of guitar, piano, and trumpets, good bass line, and a building percussion line. What more could you ask for? Individual musical elements fade in and out to great effect, yet nothing seems to dominate. The alternating major-minor chords provide that jostling happy-yet-sad feel essential to this type of music. Everything builds into a dramatic ending.

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Title: L.P.> Hinterland/RMX
Filename: hinterla.xm
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Overall it's enjoyable, ethereal-sounding. A one-minute intro for a three-minute song seems long, though. Not to mention the second half of it is pretty much the same as the first half. But, hey, it's a remix, so you kind of have to expect these types of things. There's really nothing WRONG with it -- it could just be MORE, is all. Once again it's also hard to rate technical skill when you're just redoing something that someone else did. I must say that the samples are nice.

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Title: Rainy Night
Filename: RAINY.MOD
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The (MOD) 4 channels here and a real cool intro rain & thunder, you can even a car stopping, footstep. Start dramatic and goes with an happy Pop beat. At pattern #40 and following, maybe you have allready hear that somewhere. Great work for a MOD file. 1990 till now... Many thing changed in Tracking world... 2 channels on right and 2 on left... No effects, but good choice of sample due the date of the mod... Time length : 6min 54sec & 17 samples here.

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Title: Rain Symphony
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very nice intro here, with rain & thunder. Some samples are surrounded nicely, orchestral well done. Harp string is very great, Nice harmonics at the end with femele vocal (Ahh string) but with differents note... Well done technique to put instruments in 3D effects (Surround). I heared some clip and little pops dues to some samples that are at high frequency at 8 bits. But nice work here. Time length : 3min 40sec with 41 samples here !!

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Title: rain soul
Filename: rainsoul.xm
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Cool intro with a dist'ed guitar lead (I do liked it). Easy listening. Many type of guitar in the instruments listing (Good) and he mix up well. Except one thing the overdriven sound clip due of the hard panning. As I wrote, the overdriven instruments maybe need only a cool delay between right and left to eliminate the clipping, our player doesn't have (I think) thoses technique except the Delay and also the Offset ajusted to make it stereo as it should be.

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Title: Rainer, Rainer
Filename: RAINER.XM
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Nice mix of instruments here, jazz style with some electronica instruments and also some crazy vocals string ;). Nice bass line and also a great solo at pattern # 38. Time length : 2min 53sec There is some pitch up and down that fit with the jazz style done with the great bass line in this music, good stereophony. Good tempo. 19 samples (8bits and 1 16bits) with 10 channels.

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Title: MomenTofLove/RainyDay DMT
Filename: rain1.it
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The melodie is very nice. At the start of this music, we have some RAIN & THUNDER effects that are very cool and the piano wave down over it (Very nice). The end is well made too, with specials stereo effects with a fade out with the RAIN sample. I liked more RAIN.IT than that one... Great stereophony, nice mix of samples. The quality of samples are not at their best but with some effects included in this module is sound very well. Time length : 3min 41sec with 20 samples not same samples for the RAIN.IT module but harmonics are the same.

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Title: MomenTofLove/RainyDay NBT
Filename: rain.it
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The melodie is very nice. At the start of this music, we have some RAIN & THUNDER effects that are very cool and the piano wave down over it (Very nice). The end is well made too, with specials stereo effects with a fade out with the RAIN sample. Great stereophony, nice mix of samples. The quality of samples are not at their best but with some effects included in this module is sound very well. Time length : 3min 42sec with 20 samples.

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Title: the railway back
Filename: railway.xm
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Cool music to listen. We've got great piano string and also Junos. The best percussion part start at pattern #17. But not much effects, this music would be more awesome with some vibrato, tremor or else. No stereo at all. No panning. But good tempo for the harmonics. Time length : 3min 31sec, 13 samples. This music should have some panning or delay to more awesome. But it's neat anyway. :)

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Title: Ominous Mist
Filename: o-mist.s3m
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Ominous Mist....it conjures to the mind a mist swirling and raining and thundering around you. This piece is a work of art. Its one of those songs that one should put on headphones.....liten.....and dream of a far away place where anything is possible. It fades in and out like something tangible and untouchable. Great feeling arises and gives you a rush cause its such a great song! i like it... and you might to...but it all depends on what you like....its smooth and relaxing. As far as i know this song has some good technical content, but it also lacks in rhythm, and base. There are some good thunder,flute, and rain tracks but its complete and overall wholeness lacks the chorus, verse format. Its a good tune...but to make it a thourough and well rounded song....some base and a steady beat would make it all for the better. But hey! good job mr. Decompiler

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Title: Shoreline Raggae '99
Filename: raggaexx.xm
Posted Mon 15th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Instruments & percussion are clear. Good PanFlute solo at pattern 13, cool tamtam solo at pattern 6 & 7. Percussion is well done thru all the music (Echo from left to right). Also nice Bass guitar end at pattern 23. Each instruments have their place from left to right (The percussion roll with a great panning from left & right) Cool bass guitar. 40 samples, time length : 3min 38sec.

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Title: Kiss from a rose (REMIX)
Filename: kiremix.it
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a remix of the tune "Kiss From a Rose" (kissfar.xm). It retains the original melody, but a techo-style drum beat has been added, along with a few voice samples. Overall this works quite well - it is definitely an improvement on the original - but the voice samples do sound out of place, and some variation in the melody would be nice. The samples here are all high quality. The melody is used in such a way that it does not start on the same beat in each pattern - like overlaying a 3/4 tune onto a 4/4 rhythm. However, this does work well, and makes it into a more techno-like tune. There is a weird volume change in the drums at one point which sounds suspiciously like a mistake. Apart from this, there aren't really any tech problems.

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Title: Kiss from a rose
Filename: kissfar.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Firstly, a complaint: the first pattern consists of one very short chord, and the second is completely blank. These should have been left out of the song. After this the song improves, but not by much. There are lots of sudden note cuts - it sounds unnatural. The piano, flute and synth instrument combination sound quite nice, but they are not arranged into a tune well enough - it ends up very repetitive and boring. The samples are all fairly average quality. The most major tech complaint is the frequent use of note cuts mentioned above - it leaves gaps that sound as though they shouldn't be there and ruins the continuity of the song. The tune is roughly the right length, but most of this is just a repeat of the same tune.

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Title: Kinesis/Zigg
Filename: kinesis.s3m
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Yes, this song really is a combination of hard rock and classical music. More about that later. The introduction to this tune makes it sound very promising - but after that it all falls apart. The drums start - they are very low quality, and the artist has tried to use them as a pitched instrument, which sounds awful. The most unbelievable part of this tune is towards the end where the tune seems to build up to a big finish, everything cuts out and then...a violin-type sample starts and plays a classical-style tune - following on from hard rock? What was the artist thinking? This shows absolutely NO musical taste. The samples in this tune are low quality, especially the drums which sound very muffled. There is a flute-type sample which doesn't match this style of tune. At 3:21 the tune is about the right length - except for the fact that you get bored of it way before it's finished. Many of the note combinations don't go together, which leaves this tune sounding, frankly, a dischordant mess.

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Title: kilroy3a
Filename: kilroy3.mod
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This tune is heavily weighted towards the hard-bass style of tune. The drums are very dominant, and the bass is dominated by a distorted guitar. If you like this style of music, then this is probably a fairly good example. However, it gets quite repetitive, and there is little melody here. It suits the style, but as a "tune" it is not very good. This is only an old ProTracker MOD so you expect sample quality to be relatively low - and it is. There are a few parts in the song where the melody and the bass don't fit together properly - they sound very out-of-key. It is 3:00 long, but the repetition involved makes it sound a lot shorter. Overall an average Drums and Bass tune.

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Title: Toxic Juction
Filename: kilo.it
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The drum beat in this tune sounds good - but apart from that, there isn't really any music. There is a sort-of-melody which doesn't sound right at all. The instruments used - pan-pipes and flutes - don't match the style of this song. The introduction is quite nice though. Everything fits together, and the samples are high quality. However, the tune - especially the melody - does not seem to progress properly. More melodic instruments are needed, and maybe a proper bass part. The song is 2:13 long, but it sounds shorter than that - another problem. Overall, a fairly half-hearted effort.

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Title: MEL/DN! -Her Beauty Face
Filename: hbface.s3m
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
I'm sorry, but I just find this one rather boring to listen to. The melody of the first half of the song seems kinda random and choppy. The repetitive chords overdominate, the result being, well, a repetitive song. I recommend listening to it from 2:35 onward for a decent ambient-like tune. A better sample and/or some effects for the lead would have helped. The only thing that keeps it from being totally boring are the spaced out key changes. Overall there's nothing spectacular going on here, but nothing incompetent, either.

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Title: Neophytus
Filename: neophytu.it
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
The title suits this song perfectly. It's most likely this composer's first song, and it shows.. This song, which, by the way, is over 7 minutes long, consists of a bunch of different samples echoing the same chords. It's really painful to listen to - gave me a headache. Download at your own risk! Technically this was a very novice production. The samples were random - flutes, organs, distortion guitars, and church bells just don't go together. The quality of the samples is aching, too. By far the worst part was the repetitivness. It had around 80 patterns, with only 20 unique patterns - and the most the varied was in adding a sample that repeated the same notes over and over again.. ouch.

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Title: "Hiljainen laulu"
Filename: hiljaine.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
If you wanna just kick back and relax, here's a good song to do it to. The melody soothes, having an almost (in parts) folk-like feel to it. The song could be considered kind of sad, but this is contrasted by some low-tempo drums. The artist credits the composition to Kim Kuusi, so it's not really fair to judge Dario's technical skill here, but hey, kudos to Kuusi! The bass line counterpoints the lead nicely and the beat stops in all the right places.

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Title: Neon Village - RabiteMan
Filename: neonvill.it
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Impressive! Neon Village starts with a rather long intro, but explodes into an awesome jazzy tune. Although it is rather long at 5:30 or so, RabiteMan changes around the melody enough to keep it interesting. Very good job, worth a download whether or not you like jazz. RabiteMan did a very professional job on this one. Samples were immaculate. RabiteMan employed continual tempo changes to give it a funky danceable beat.. works out well. Most of the main synth melodies had good echoes. Stereo effects were subtle but effective. Overall an excellent tracking job. Neon Village blew me away.

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Title: Kick in the head
Filename: nuke-kck.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
One word: repetitive. Pretty much the same theme is repeated throughout the entire song, with only in a few percussion samples added here and there to spice it up. It successfully builds to a climax, but the whole song just doesn't cut it. It is loud without rocking, and there is overly too much percussion. The chord progression is poorly thought out as well - overall a failed attempt.. The tracking was fairly good. There were quite a few channels used (Most of these were devoted to percussion and barely noticeable effects, but that is besides the point). The biggest problem here was in the quality of the samples - most sounded fuzzy and even distorted (distortion is only a good thing for guitars :) )

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Title: United Worlds remix
Filename: nuke-uwr.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song is a great example of how good chord progression can be exploited for four minutes without getting boring. In United Worlds, Nuke manages to keep interest in what is basically variations on the same melody. Very good trance. There were some very interesting things going on in this tune. I saw some cool use of synth & acid samples throughout the song, and some well sequenced drumloops. I thought the coolest thing was the melodic bass in the main chorus in the song. Well done.

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Title: mercury
Filename: nuke-mrc.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Hmm. The biggest problem with Mercury musically was the synth that came in at around :40 and persisted for the rest of the song. It sounded ok, but was totally off beat, and really detracted from the parts of the song that included it. Other than that Mercury is a pretty good tune. It has a nice, but not superb, piano melody. Basically, Mercury sported a clean tracking job. There was that off-beat synth fill (which I listened to in several programs to make sure it wasn't just a playback error) but other than that a good job was done technically. Nice use of instruments, especially panning. My only other complaint is that the drums and bass don't mix with the other aspects of the song; they sound more funk oriented. It's not something most people would notice, but.. I digress.

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Title: Hypochonder
Filename: nuke-hyp.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
lthough the intro to Hypochonder is dull and might turn off the impatient, it quickly progresses into a very very danceable song. The beats in this song just made me want to move my ass. They were coupled with some very good melodies if not a bit predictable. It does get repetitive, but it's still a good all-around dance song. Not much to say here. Nuke did a solid job tracking this song. I noticed good use of multiple channels. There were some cool effects with the strings. Samples were mostly synths that mixed together well enough.

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Title: Magician's Awakening
Filename: magicians_awakening.it
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Magician's Awakening begins with some beautiful guitar chords. While they take a while to go anywhere, they eventually build up into a semi-orchestral fantasy tune. Throughout the song a common theme prevails without being repetitive, giving it an Arthurian air. Nightbeat's tracking skill is well displayed in this song. There is some interesting work with chord delays, making the guitar chords seem strummed, almost arpeggiated. However, most of the samples are not very good. They sound somewhat muted, kind of like if they were from an old MIDI patch. And there was very little noticeable stereo effects used. Still, an excellent song worth downloading.

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Title: Silent Rage
Filename: rage.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Very cool bass guitar sample! Where is the lead in this rock music ? (Maybe is the bass guitar) I was waiting that Dist' Guitar screem louder with a solo or something like that, but again great bass guitar... Basically done, but guitar do have a good panning. The music is too short, time : 1min 39sec. 13 samples (Mixed 8 & 16bits). Need a better lead string than the bass guitar. But anyway if you forget the effects and just hear it, it sound cool.

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Title: rage is relentless
Filename: rage.mod
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a special techno track, 1995 it was done. Good for the time. The intro start out with a hardcore strings... Very well done techno track with special clip noise as hardcore do have. The seperation between right and left is well balanced 64/128, so the sound is more in the center of your speakers. For a 4 channels great work. But not much effects, we know that MOD limit the effects... Maybe a remix will be cool (?)

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Title: Raw Fusion
Filename: rafusion.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The intro is special, you can hear wind blow and a special horror string goes from left to right ; cool. From pattern 22 and below the patterns speed up and the beat slowing down and take a cool beat. The author wrote that he had make a violon string to this song and if you want ask him via email. All info in the module instruments. Good mastering of the speed of the patterns. 47 samples are included in that module for a time length of 4min 14sec. Great harmonics and a great intro. But not much effects, basically done, but sound great.

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Title: Horizons'n Girls
Filename: horizons.xm
Posted Sun 14th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Like a lot of good MOD music, this one has a sort of spacey-epic feel to it, porta mento electronic strings and all. It maintains a standard beat that appropriately falls into the background of the dominant bass line and catchy string melody. It's got some nice chorus chords going on in the background, too. Altogether makes me think of Anime chicks speeding along the horizon. Something like that. It has a nice chord progression and counter melody. The high-pitched strings that porta mento during the melody really add a lot. There's something to hear in every spectrum of the audible range here.

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Title: Hommage a Scott Joplin
Filename: ragtime.s3m
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Hehe, remember TAPPER game on IBM PC jr ??? The music is the same in that module... But I don't think that it's techno even if it's a remix of it. Anyway, if you like old time western music.... Nothing in stereo here ... This music is basically done. No effects at all. Sound like a Texas Instruments 99 (4ko) :) But cool for the Kb of this module.

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Title: Radioland
Filename: radiolnd.xm
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A style of techno is express in that module. Nice mix up from the start till the end. Vocals included that give some dimension of this music. Cool Pads, and some specials effects that the style must do have. Great piece of music. Well done panning for the kind of music. Vocals sound clear and at appropriate volume. Simply done without to much effects. 18 samples and the time length is 4min 11sec.

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Filename: ragtech.s3m
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Hehe, remember TAPPER game on IBM PC jr ??? The music is the same in that module... But I don't think that it's techno even if it's a remix of it. Anyway, if you like old time western music.... Nothing in stereo here (Drum on left) Only piano play well here. Sound better in Mono. normally S3M have 16 channels why not used some to make the drum in center ... This music is basically done.

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Title: Rain River ! RaZoR!!
Filename: RAINRIV.S3M
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
First ; I had to lower down volume it was at 128/128. But nice little intro to the music, cool style if we imagine some clearer samples. We can think even that we are in a amazonia deep jungle. I remember some samples in this module I've used also but in 1991-92... in my (MOD) file. Some of them sound very terrible. Sorry about that but, good samples are the heart of a cool music, no ? 18 samples (8bits) Time length : 3min 40 sec.

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Title: racy raccoon
Filename: RACCOON.XM
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Very special music with cool use of piano string, great mix of samples, and also a good beat. Maybe the reason of the score, there is not much panning on that module. But in mono it's cool anyway but not great. But the harmonics are o.k. Cool Dual command ; Some instruments are well used in this music. Not enough panning, some vibrato could be more impressive. 13 samples for length of 2min 15sec.

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Title: ! oN tHE mOVE !
Filename: r-move.xm
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Great music ! It start with some jungle string, and a great 3D effect in pattern 16 & 17. The end is mixed with some Electronica instruments. Also great piano string thru all the music. Time length : 5min 26sec. An exemple of the 3D audio effect, check pattern 16 & 17 carefully at channels 11 & 12. Greats panning here in general, but some channels mooving from left to right but don't have any instruments (no sound in that effect) but the module is a strong performance of the art of panning.

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Title: Walkin' in the park
Filename: r-walk.xm
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Incredible piece of art. Original in all parts. Just for start, we have some crickets sounds in stereo and start out with a great beat and cool string at originals leads. I hear 'N hear it again. The stereo effects are very well done and the music itself is brillant. The panning of the instruments are very well done in that music here, also the lead string are appropriate for the style. Slides are great. For 31 samples ; Time length : 5min 32sec. Great at all parts. Very Good module here

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Title: Race of the giants
Filename: RACE.MOD
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Many style in one music ; Rave, Hardcore, Jungle & Electronica, etc. Is like Electronica vs Rave. But sound cool for Techno freaks... The Intro is well done (It's attractive) and start out with a speed beat. In the middle of the music, it's slowing down and re-start with another speedy beat. Not much effects are used in this one, 6 channels (used as right and left) Time Length : 2min 45sec. This music use 23 samples (8bits). Some samples need some effects to be more original. But well mixed.

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Filename: radiant.mod
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Good : Flute harmonics & the bass line for a 8bits samples Bad : Drumloop seem to be a 4bits (urgh) Mastering the vibrato on flute lead. 4channels, time : 4min 5sec, 20 samples (8bits) also, a delay on right and left for the BassDrum sample sound terrible. Sorry.
