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Title: a little piece of me
Filename: magnus.xm
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A catchy little mix, mainly a dance technoie tune. Has a really neat intro, which sets the pace for the whole song. The beat stays the same throughout it, but the samples and sounds vary constantly. In about the middle there is a slow down where the bass beat basically disappears and it beeps at you for a sec. Also like the author said, it has a weird ending, where is blanks and then some weird mix unrelated to the song comes in for a few seconds, it could have been left out. The mixing is done pretty well, the looping is on time, and most of the effects flow well. The break in the middle isn't really needed, and the ending should have stopped when it was ahead. Some of the samples sounded a little distorted (maybe the author wanted them to be), but would have been nicer if they were clearer. However the editing was done quite well.

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Title: Indigo Tears
Filename: manga_indigo.xm
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Indigo Tears is a quite emotional little tune. The song has a nice low-key melody that flows together wonderfully. A great song to relax to. Kinda makes me want to adventure in the China Mountains.... The background piano is done well, and loops in synch perfectly. There isn't much of an into, the song just starts (which however doesn't make is bad), and ends smoothly. The light flute adds nicely to the background loop. The editing has been done well on the 14 tracks.

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Title: Two Sketches: Lead & Ink
Filename: azo_sket.it
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is an interesting piece to listen to. Very dramatic in the beginning. The beat is distinct and the actual mood changes throughout the song. This is quite a powerful piece. This song is almost suspenseful. Its almost as though a story is being told. I don't know where Azo got the samples, but their wonderful. Good transitions between instruments and the fade effect is wonderful. There is no hesitation when the song starts. The ending comes to a fading close. This song is 8:09 minutes long, just a little longer than what it should take to download it, so grab it!

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Title: T e l e s c o p e
Filename: a_z_d_te.xm
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song rocks! There obviously has been a lot of time spent on creating this. I was impressed by the lack of errors. Songs don't get much better than this. This will easily become a classic. The samples are rich and incredible. This song definatly sounds better on high quality speaker systems. There are actually vocals, and rich vocals at that. It is worth downloading this song, it is beautiful.

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Title: Slight of Mind
Filename: azo_slom.it
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Music seems to start out light and quick, and it gets really good. The song totally changes after the beginning. The ending fades nicely. I personally like this song. The samples are really good. Goes to show that size doesn't matter. It was hard to find anything really bad about the song, so let me say this: Download It!

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Title: Castle of Acatualpa
Filename: a_cast.xm
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The length of the song is 46 seconds. I have no idea what the author was trying to achieve by creating this song. Although the music is nice and pleasant, there are little things that don't fit well ie: the beat is unclear, the end is terrible No matter how good your speaker system is, you will hear the same sounds. The samples are terrible. But somewhere in that small music file, the artist found room to make it stereo (which was hardly noticed).

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Title: Abandoned
Filename: abandoned.it
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Abandoned is well organized. The beat and strategic ideas seem to change just enough to keep you listening. Although not the best song, this artist has done a very good job on this song. The samples could have been a little nicer. This song uses really low frequencies that a subwoofer takes advantage of. The beginning of the song has samples that sound synthesized, like my old keyboard. Everything else seems to flow smoothly.

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Title: fairies.xm
Filename: fairies.xm
Posted Mon 8th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
All in all, not bad. The beat was canned, and sounded a bit like one of the beats from an old Casio keyboard, but the leads were nice. There is a neat harmonic effect with the high lead and the low beat, on a big stereo. A nice little piece to watch your screen saver by. Like I said before, the beat was canned, so the artist was either new to mods, or just didn't want to work on the beat. The lead has a neat reverse effect, and there are a good nuber of changes, but after the 3rd lead the whole thing repeats. Not a good use of space, but nice for trance.

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Title: salcon.mod
Filename: salcon.mod
Posted Mon 8th Feb 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Even though I am not one for salsa, this song may have changed my mind. This is an awesome song. If you feel like listening to a great salsa beat, then download this song. This song, is wonderfully written. I was amazed what only four tracks could do. The samples are wonderful. Also I loved what the artist did in the info section added a list of keyboards he took the samples from. Wonderful job.

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Title: Sea of love
Filename: seaoflov.mod
Posted Mon 8th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is a great ambient song, wonderful beat to it. I love Moby's work, downloaded all of his songs, and this is one of my favorite from him. Wonderful work. All of the samples from this song, are prime quality. The bass line is awesome in this song. Also the added effect of dripping water made the song real cool. Neat beat to it as well.

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Filename: se10.xm
Posted Mon 8th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The song had a neat intro, though a minute and a half is quiet long for this intro. The rest of the song, gave me a headache. The bass was annoying, wasnt even a bass. And it is the same beat over and over agian. The samples are ok, the bass drum is annoying. Not reall any special effects in here just the same beat, over and over and over agian. Also the song is long, so if you like to listen to the same beat over and over agian, this is the song for you.

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Title: OffBeet
Filename: offbeet.it
Posted Sun 7th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
First off, I have no idea what genre this song is, just, well, music I guess. This song has some great stuff in it. Everything flows nicely together, only one sample sounds slightly out of tune, but it doesn't take any away from the tune. The song starts out with some piano/strings chords, and then has a very nice vocal part. The drums aren't bad either, pretty nice, really. This song sounds like pro stuff. All the samples are put to use very well, everything fits togheter perectly, only one sample is a little out of tune. I like the vocal sample allot, don't know what it's saying tho, but it really doesn't matter. This is a good song to download

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Title: T-e-c-h-n-o-m-a-r-e
Filename: gxtechno.it
Posted Fri 5th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Too mundane for my taste, but it still is a good mod. Not too shabby. Not much you can say for a mod like this, sorry. Not worth it though This goes under my new category of "How to construct a basic mod." Now too bad, but not too good either. I guess it could be worth the download, but not hardly.

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Title: MEL/DN! -Her Beauty Face
Filename: hbf-mix.it
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Sometimes, I wonder if there is a bug among half the mod composers to make music that sounds like it belongs in some soundtrack of a movie starring themselves. This is such a song. Neither really fitting into any category, it "transcends" categories and belongs to the class of "my unexplored emotions" but the average listener will be saying WTF? when he hears yet another hodgepodge tune. Whenever one downloads music, we expect to have certain parameters on the sound, such as stylistic traits and we call these collection of traits to belong to a genre- BUT "oh well" said this composer and so I preface this song by saying: Expect a mishmash of something. Technically, this mishmash is fine. But then again, how can mishmash be not fine? Not to be cruel, but this song and its original cousin hbface.s3m insult my better judgements.

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Title: Hazzard
Filename: hazzard.it
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
You really can't "categorize" this song, but it kind of falls into rock. Its certainly not jazz. It could be new age. You see, this song is about 1 minute long. And it tries to be this amorphous blend of new stereophonic experiences in the realm of sound.. But it doesn't. In the end, there is this mishmash of a song that that doesn't really sound like anything although its trying to sound somewhat "modern". This "song" is well constructed. So here we have a well constructed mish-mash, but you can't have well constructed mish mash. In the end, this song hurts my head and will probably make yours too.

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Title: HAWAII 5.0
Filename: hawaii50.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
If T.V. mod music is your kind of thing and you like listening to a cheezy version of Hawaii 5.0, then this is for you my friend. The instruments make the song sound like a direct midi to mod translation. (Isn't there a program that does this?) I'm *almost* positive this is a midi to mod translation through some converter program.. But if I'm wrong about this, I give the technicalities an ok/novice because the lead is two differant instruments playing the same note. Why the hell is this a 10 channel mod? I NEVER hear more than 4 instruments at once : Bass, drums, synth and guitar lead. Maybe 5 instruments at most.

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Title: haunt.it
Filename: haunt.it
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Considering he made this in one hour, this song isn't THAT bad, but overall its boring. It's coherent enough that it doesn't make the composer sound foolish and the tune is somewhat a "haunt". Really good use of vibrato on the flute to create that "haunted house" feeling, if that makes any sense. Nice stereo panning.

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Title: Having It All
Filename: havitall.s3m
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I've always liked composed sheet music translated to mod format for the sake that I'm almost always getting something well planned and listenable. This song does this and a little more with its *cool multi-snare(jeeze whats the name of this thing.. has four drums of differant pitch) rhythm* at 1:42. Apparently he wrote this thing for his girlfriend or whomever. Hope you had good luck. If the whole song is going to be mainly piano, then at least the piano sample could have been a little more fuller. Oh well, maybe he didn't have access to the best equipment in the world, but his composition skills thoroughly outshine poor instrument samples.

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Title: AeS SeDAi/Screamager
Filename: sa-aes.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
According to the info from the composer, this is his first attempt to make a trance-tune. Very relaxing! It has a nice atmosphear but it´s a little repetative. The song needs about five minutes to get started. But after that it´s really nice! I´m a little sad to say the fade out could have been later... Nice samples, good panning effects, well made echos and smooth transitions gives the song a nice flow. Maybe a little more bass to fill it out with. Otherwise it´s nothing to complain about. It´s a little bit above everage. Nice piece of work!

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Title: Haste
Filename: haste.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Really simple song with a basic piano tune. Mildly catchy, but its so average, this song could be the epitome of "average" (at least for me). This is the kind of song every writer makes but quickly surpasses it with new tunes and more music/mod tecniques. Technically its acceptable but the tune is so simple, the lead piano like instrument should have not been so dull, IMO. This mod serves as a good example of a quality beginning mod example, and this is a good reason to get this song if you're new to tracking.

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Title: H A R V Y I I
Filename: harvyii.s3m
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Imagine a few orchestral instruments mixed with a drum beat and a scattering of various ripped synth samples in a style that is best described as confused and you have HarvyII. Even the name is lame. Technically this song is OK and the guitar lead shows some skill, but his use of tympany for any type of melody is dubious.

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Title: Fade To Black
Filename: fadeblac.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This music is definately good. Though it has a few off notes, such as using flats, not natural, or flats. Over all, its a good remake, not the best, but definately good. Good use of correct time. all instruments have good samples. Nice use of drum beats and guitar solo.

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Title: Harps-I-Chord
Filename: harp.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Poor, poor, poor. One theme, no planning, endless repetition. He even admits the mod took 4 hours (I believe it took him even less) I don't believe anybody could like this "song". Maybe if this song was done as a chip, it would have had more success as a novelty than a full fledged song. The only thing that "saves" this song is that the samples are clean and its simple framework doesn't allow itself to mess up. So the question remains: Harpsichord rock? Need I say more?

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Title: harm me with harmny
Filename: Harm_Me_With_Harmny.mod
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Uhhh.. this song sounds like shit, but belabored shit trying to pass itself off as Elmwood influenced mod techno. Overall, it is consistent in its sound of disarrangement. Couldn't believe this one is from Jester, who usually makes cool stuff. Check it out if curious. Your mileage may vary. Since it is belabored, it is technically coherent and there isn't anything noticably wrong. Maybe if this guy applied his talent with more exploration he could produce something cool, at least more cool than this song.

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Title: ***Simple Harmony***
Filename: harmony.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Do simple synth pads and chirping birds make a great song or as good background noise? The introduction has this man saying "The birds are singing," (blah blah blah). Kind of sounds like a psychotic nut trying to convince you his song is in fact the ultimate reincarnation of "simple harmony". Then if you are female, you can have sex with him and follow his new religion of "simple harmony". Ohmm.... Flutes and chirping birds are repeated too often. You wonder when you should reach for an aspirin in what really appears to be a beginner's mod under the guise that its "simple harmony" at its best.

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Title: Hardcore Feelings HappyMix
Filename: hardfeel.s3m
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song is musically better than its technical composition: All the scratchiness belies a happy dance song under there somewhere. I'm sure this song can be appreciated by certain people: but not me. However, I guess "happy" dance mixes all share the same formula: stupid repetitiveness, so I won't dock this song that badly for doing as advertised. Scratchy samples everywhere: the crowd, voice soundbytes. Odd choice of flanged sine wave. Scratchy and non-modish "strings/piano/lyrics" sample. This should have been really tracked better since long samples are generally considered cheating in the mod world.

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Title: Get into the Groove
Filename: hard.xm
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
I'm always negatively biased towards any song that uses cheering crowds, but this song is just lame. Maybe I'm an old timer, but hard guitar with techno doesn't sound right unless its by The Prodigy. And if I wanted to listen to "hard guitar" it wouldn't be this. Basically its the same guitar riff repeated over and over a cheering 1-2 beat. The bass line is repetitive and it has a generic drum break-in spattered once or twice in the song.

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Title: HaPpYnEsS
Filename: HAPPYNES.S3M
Posted Thu 4th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This composer sounds like DJ Shadow(yes, THE DJ Shadow). Trip-hop is the best way I could describe this song, since it is by and large, unconventional from dance/techno songs, and focuses more on creative sound and intricate patterns. It still needs some fixing as the piano chord sections are repetitive and take away from the song. I'd love to see more stuff from this composer, however, compared to the vast pool of shit sounds in the mod music realm. This tune is well composed and anyone who disagrees can bite my ass. A nice selection of samples are well put together with awesome drum loops as the glue. Get it.

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Title: Hard Day
Filename: hard.it
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A good theme for a modern day horror movie. It is essentially composed of a standard 2:4 rhythm with a somewhat spooky lead in offkeys. As a dance song, it is average, but it is an interesting listen with enough variety to make it worthwhile. It has a good hooking introduction, and a unique ending with enough in the middle to make it worth a download. This song has some cool "fantasy" style samples that really add to the atmosphere and each sample is appropriately chosen. Nothing sounds out of place here, its just that there's not too much going on except very basic techno dance ideas explored every now and then. Not bad, overall. Good ending.

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Title: ++harbour bizarre++
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This sounds like an Eric Clapton b-side, throw in a cool bass section and some imagination and you've got a funky, imaginative and soulful hit that is professionally executed. His tracking skill really shines as one cannot easily detect that this song is made in MOD style format. There is a cool break at 1:34 that sets up an incredibly funk rhythm later on at 2:09.

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Title: Happyman
Filename: happyman.it
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Uninspired, unimaginative dance at its best? Read on, however. Sometimes mod music suffers under the constraint of being heard on a computer and not in a dance hall, and I wonder if this song really belongs to the realm of techno dance clubs instead of personal listening. I think the song isn't bad in the sense that its not listenable, but it's competing with a rough crowd of "aspiring Purple Motions" and to give this song any higher than 3.0 may not being doing justice to all the songs I review. This song has good "dance" composition and isn't lousy, it's just unimaginative. Perhaps the song is made to be listened to while high or on something. It does echo the hallmarks of club style techno, so you may want to grab it if you want a good idea what this style sounds like.

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Title: Happyland
Filename: happyland.xm
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Summary; Bach-like mod music. You know twenty seconds into the song that you are NOT listening to any average song made by an average composer. I've heard alot of mod music, but this is the first time I've heard a great composed tune put to a good dance rhythm. I suspect the composer to be well studied in music theory. The song delivers it musical content well, but the samples are scratchy/fuzzy enough to be noticed. If the samples could be reworked, this would make for a perfect song. It is under two minutes, but quickly delivers its musical goods. Clean, fast, perhaps brilliant.

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Title: Happy Idiots
Filename: happyidi.xm
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Not a "happy" mod song but indicative of '93 style techno. It begins with its main techno spin right away with a low synth piano hitting high and low notes as part of its bass. A "happy idiots" voice sample is the main portion of the song, and as such, that's just not enough for a good song. Samples are clean, but unoriginal, if not ripped. The "happy idiots" sample is a good choice for this type of song but its use is overdone and becomes tiring.

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Title: - happy 96 -
Filename: happy96.mod
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song draws upon more musical themes and ideas than most "happy" songs (especially Nitzer's "happy.xm" series..huhuuuuhu). Overall this is a good dance mix although the lead instrument selection is somewhat dull. It has enough "segments" to keep one's interest. A good amateur production. This song is fairly simple yet has enough structure to keep the song coherent and listenable. Not a bad download. An interesting helicopter sample is used throughout the song, effective use of volume ramping, and a variety of musical ideas that work make this song well done.

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Title: Happy Hardcore Bang
Filename: happy3.xm
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
A mild improvement over happy2.xm, Nitzer returns in his third "Happy" song. Apparently he is taken over by the same idea that repeating three notes in differant keys on top of drums and bass will make for descent song. This song is technically improved over happy2.xm, and leads us to believe Nitzer is crafting his "art". Sounds are less distorted and more clean. Additionally, the composition is more smooth - particularly less awkward pauses than happy2.xm

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Title: Feel The Rythm ?
Filename: happy2.xm
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
His low bass drum apparently destroys any music credibility to the song since it overpowers throughout with its wretched out of sync sound. I'm not sure what kind of song is left over if you take away the low annoying bass, but he repeats his main theme which is about 4 notes in differant keys. The song will bug you. Even the samples sound horrible - especially the "guitar" and "piano" and low electric bass pad. There is some positive use of echo on the piano in its monotonous theme but its a case of too little, too late.

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Title: Happiness Forever
Filename: happy.it
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song just *flows*. There's not a single point in the song where you might think to yourself "jeeze, I wish this could be a little differant". The song has differant musical sections, all which lead towards some uppity synth dance track. There is one section in the middle where he transitions into a *guitar solo* then gracefully comes back into a dance beat. Special effects have been mastered even though this was a rookie entry in MC?. The song appears to have been carefully laid out in order to step the listener through the artists world of synth dance. This song also serves as a good introduction towards the type of calibre of music in MC competitions.

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Title: ## bad format ##
Filename: badformt.mod
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This chip tune didn't have a heck of a lot to say on here...mellow droning of a background-type "melody" with a couple of other sounds layered on top...endless loop but unless you dig the drone, forget it here. Best tracking part on the synths with the volume slide to make the echo effect...as well as the drums tracking was pretty nice. Small enough chip tune for 7 samps...download if ya feel like it.

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Title: backtracking
Filename: backtrak.mod
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This tune was pretty nice...I liked the way it was laid out especially with the break in the "middle" before it closed out. Very simple melody and tracking since it's one of those old 4-track MODS. Chord layout was simple but effective. Good use of the slide on here and the volume cutoffs worked out pretty well....not much else to say but a nicely tracked tune that was well-liked for the most part.

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Title: hullu
Filename: HULLU.S3M
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Listening to this song will start you to question the sanity of the author, but once you read the instrument list : "Mom" and "Dad", you will understand what he is trying to say. It's a very compelling song, and we can all thank PM for this unique song that everyone of us can relate to. (living with Mom & Dad) You will hear perfect echoes on both "mom" and "dad"'s samples. Every applicable aspect of the song is done quite well and there don't seem to be any problems with the song's construction unless the samples give you feelings of psychosis.
