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Title: Mod.Hangar18
Filename: HANGER18.MOD
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 1 / 10
No. This is really not "ok". It didn't make me feel Ok. From the beginning, you will believe you are hearing someone's first attempt at a mod. This is a good example of "how to NOT do a mod". This song has such a low level basic composition, it really does not deserve any type of technical rating. Anyways, it doesn't use a guitar sample for what I believe is a guitar song (It's supposed to be a mod translation of a Metallica song). There are awkard repetitions which make you think your computer is broken.

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Title: My Heart Will Go On
Filename: heart.it
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This is a "direct" mod translation that tries to sound like the famous song of the same name by Celine Dion. "tries" is the key word. It really is somewhat a ghastly translation. My ears hurt. My nerves are shattered. Download this and laugh along with me. Oh well. Perhaps it was his first mod ever. I hate using the word "ok" to describe his technical rating. Notes are horribly off. Chords in which some notes have a half to a full step off. Misplaced volume levels. Perhaps if the Devil were to perform this song in order to make fun of it, this is what we might here. Or at least he could torture us with it.

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Title: Heaven of Pain
Filename: HEAVENP.mod
Posted Wed 3rd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Well, besides the bass and drums (and I'm not talking about "Drum 'n Bass" style music) overpowering the lead, one could see that its because there's not much of a lead at all. The song would have you believe its a derivative of "armani showers.s3m", but the song just irititates you. It's hard to explain. It might have been better if its lead was less repetative, more imaginative, and its drums not so disproportionately loud. Drum samples definitely need some work. They are all ripped and need some refinement such as consistent clarity (or lack thereof). Sound levels for certain instruments are too overpowering/overbearing. Choice of bass sample could have been cleaner. Techically, not "bad".

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Title: happy_with_amiga
Filename: happywit.mod
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
As far as chip music goes, this one has a catchy lead although it is somewhat repetitive as most chips are. I would only get this one if you like chip music otherwise you may be disappointed. It has a solid beat and a great introduction that really is reflective of the main tune. Again, this all relative to chip music, whatever that means. The looping is well done on the lead, as well as vibrato sounds. However, chip music has such simple samples, its not really difficult to screw up on replay. Overall, the composer has done well.

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Title: Happy hour,no drums
Filename: happy.xm
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Really this song doesn't belong as its own song but rather in a short pc demo advertising a BBS. From the beginning you can hear the drumloop doesn't quite match the rhythm of the lead. The song is basically a 5 note scale repeated over a drumloop. I guess that could lead to happiness if inane simplicity is what one is looking for. Since there is not that much substance to the song, it should at least have been technically perfect, but it seems that there are many out of rhythm sequences which seem more of a flaw than a stylistic intervention and the song ends on a misplaced note.

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Title: Hilarious day
Filename: hilarious.it
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I don't know what's so "hilarious" about this song, because it rocks! It's the perfect blend of hellish piano, ferocious beat, haunting bass, and rigidly defined chaotic backdrops! It starts with a slow, discordant piano intro and then grinds in from there, droning on and on, but always presenting something new. Too hard to explain -- you must listen for yourself! Harmonizing utter noise into a song is truly a feat. Samppa here has done so marvellously, even if he doesn't take himself seriously like the title may suggest. There's some great stop-and-go tempo changes, too. The more you listen to it, the more stuff you find cleverly intertwined with the music.

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Title: Holographic / DC
Filename: hologrph.it
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This has all the elements of a good trance track: wholly electronically-based instruments, long length, repetitive (how can it put you in a trance if it isn't?), and a rather standard (but tried and true) beat. Simple, yet high-quality samples are used to great effect -- especially the echoes. However, I think a simple change in key or two would have worked wonders, and there's certainly more room for additional musical layers. but on the whole I can't complain, cuz this is what trance is all about.

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Title: Hide
Filename: HIDE.S3M
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This thing has rocking drums, superbly combining them with an almost 70's private eye-like piano bit. The strings, however, don't really add much, and get old after a while, but it's the drums that really make this one. This has the best piano sound. I only wish there was more of it. The drums keep building and building to avoid total monotony. My only complaint is the strings -- they simply aren't needed in a piece such as this.

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Title: How Deep Is Deep?
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The piano sequence in the beginning is exactly like a song by ELECTRONIC, but that's moreso an observation than a criticism. The bassline isn't bad, and there's some good drum work, but overall it's nothing breathtaking. It has good timing; the beat and melody change at the appropriate moments, with good stereo panning to boot. The bassline sample has a cool sound to it, too, but it could perhaps be deeper. Nothing too complex going on, though.

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Title: HUMAN.S3M
Filename: HUMAN.S3M
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I love the opening to this totally guitar- and drum-driven song. It starts out sounding like something worthy of, say, a Quake soundtrack, but the melody just doesn't do it for me -- it belongs in Megaman. It's hard to get a good guitar sound. This song achieves this except where it counts -- the melody. I truly believe this would be a great little tune if it had a better lead guitar sample!

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Title: HURT (2:55)
Filename: hurt.xm
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This tune has a nice melody and countermelody overlaying a standard house beat. The beat is pretty much the only repetitive thing about it, but I guess that's part of the point of house/dance music, right? There's a cool sample thrown in about halfway through that kind of gives a sinister edge to an otherwise up-beat tune. I think the artist should have followed up on that a bit more. Aside from the aforementioned cool sample, there isn't much technical brilliance going on here, especially if this is indeed a remix as the artist claims. Nonetheless, it's a clean and uncluttered sound -- worth a listen.

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Title: HURT.S3M
Filename: HURT.S3M
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
I almost find it unfair to Trent Reznor for giving this song such a low rating, but this just goes to show that there's more to music than arranging notes into a particular sequence. Even the original would be repetitive without lyrics, no less a trance/drone-like remix. At the least, it's merely interesting to see someone else's interpretation of an otherwise good song. This is a perfect example of how the wrong samples and/or the wrong (or lack of) effects can ruin a piece. Even a vocal sample or two from the real thing would add a lot in my opinion. The few instruments that just don't seem to fit totally detract from the effects that could potentially make it more enjoyable.

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Title: Natura's Call
Filename: natura.it
Posted Tue 2nd Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is very ambient by the true definition of the term (focus on the overall sound of the song, not on the notes) - There are samples of wind and waterfalls and chimes, all very pretty and very ambient. As far as melody goes, there are a few fills with piano and flute that fit into the song well, but don't really go anywhere - all in all a solid ambient song. Samples were very high quality (which, unfortunately, resulted in a very large file size) and they all mixed well to create cool background noise. The flute and piano samples were perfect for this kind of tune. The technical production of this mod was so good, it pretty much sounded like a high-quality mp3.

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Title: L.P.> McHammer
Filename: hammer.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Even if you liked MC Hammer when he first came out, you'll hate this song. An annoying jumble of Hammer samples. After hammer says "Break it down" for the umpteenth time I actually do want to BREAK it.... :-) It's only possible merit is for a quick laugh. Samples collide in mid air leaving a jarring feeling, while a simple drumbeat keeps the flow. Overall, I felt that the song was very jumpy, and jarring. However, it does have a saving grace, it's amusing.

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Title: Halloween Theme
Filename: halween2.s3m
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
A remix of the "Halloween Theme" by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth. A valiant effort gives the spooky theme song a bit of an industrial/electronic feel. Worth a listen if you liked the movie. A little to synthetic in parts for my liking although overall it uses very earthy samples giving it a dark feel. These guys took the origional and spiced it up. With a driving beat, and origional samples, it keeps its spooky feel while adding a driving techno feel. Good play on the origional tune.

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Title: ham2.s3m
Filename: ham2.s3m
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This song is just a bunch of samples thrown together. Despite this fact the end result isn't THAT bad. A very plain kick/snare drumbeat fuels the song, while a synth flute drives the melody. Somebody got bored, and had a bunch of samples to play around with. A very poorly constructed tune, for the most part just leaves you with an odd look on your face. There are a few points where everything seems to come together into the semblence of a good song. Very abrupt ending.

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Title: Quick's Half Breed
Filename: half.s3m
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This is one of those songs this is interesting the first time you hear but really anoying after that. It reminds me of the intro music to a sports show on TV. An interesting combination of samples combines for an old-school feel. The beat quickly becomes rather annoying. But in parts it is actually worth listening to. Very bad sample choice, they seem to clash with each other leaving a bad taste in your mouth. The incessant bongo drum beat quickly becomes tiring. Not much good to say about this one other then it does have some interesting female vocals at the end.

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Title: halooo! kuuluuko?
Filename: HALOO.S3M
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A relaxing synth background sets the scene, covered by a flowing organ-like tune. The tune seems of almost a lounge influence. A soft breakbeat drives the song to keep it's passive energy going. Overall this song is enchanting and easy listening. The artist uses his samples wisely to create a very flowing melody that is very rich in texture. Well placed drum loops drive the song on, while the carefully layered melodies carry it home.

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Title: Halcyon
Filename: halcyon.it
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song has the feel of your average dance song. Catchy tune, but very generic. A good song overall, although a little lacking in ingenuity. This song uses it's samples wisely and they work well together for the most part. However the samples themselves are WAY overused in other dance song giving a very familiar feel. This song employs lots of melody changes which keep it interesting, although the beat is rather dry.

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Title: Keeper of the Peace
Filename: n-peace.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Keeper of the Peace starts out with some very cool, eerie piano sequences, then builds up to trance. overall the song makes good use of melody and such. Very nice effort by norg. Nothing spectacular in the technical department. The piano should have been sampled at multiple pitches so it didn't sound so strange at lower notes.

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Title: Imagine: by norg
Filename: n-imagin.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I call this song an epic because it is a large mix of unrelated melodies and styles, yet it seems in place because of the length and overall feel of the song. Some of the melodies were good, some were not. The whole piece had kind of a jungle style to it. Overall a very hard to decipher song. Technically, Imagine was excellent. There were some parts where the beat was broken up (not as in breakbeat, as in sounded messed up). Other than that channels were used efficiently. The music of this track did not do justice to norg's tracking skill.

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Title: Tims Ugly Girlfriend
Filename: n-girl.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song started out rather boring with some dancey-pop sequences that were put together well but just lacked depth. About two thirds of the way through, however, it changed - without much of a transition, but I digress - and become much more melodious, adopting more a trance sound. It didn't suck, but it didn't blow me away either. Tims Ugly Girlfriend was put together superbly. Excellent use of stereo, good use of multiple channels, it looked like some real effort went into tracking this. The samples comprised an 80's dance/disco feel, except at the ending part which was more trancelike and had some realy cool use of vocals as pads (!) Unfortunately there was not much a tune to back it up.

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Title: EXODUS by Norg
Filename: n-exodus.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very pretty melodies throughout the song. Everything is very trancelike, very goa. The drums are executed professionally, and add a good rhythym without detracting from the ambience of the song. There was a quiet interlude in the middle of the song that I didn't like, but nothing's perfect. Exodus built up to a peak after that and faded into denouement without seeming disappointing - something very few songs manage to pull off. Overall a very good trance song worth a download. Some cool effects with a very low sample done near the end of the song. Good use of stereo. The piano sample was pretty good, although it got scratchy sounding at lower notes - multiple samples would have been a welcome addition. Another slight problem was the repetition of a vocal sample a few times. While the vocal sample was not really annoying, it didn't add anything to the song; it merely took away from the beautiful melodies.

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Title: *Emerald World*
Filename: n-emeral.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song is very, very average. It has a happy little looping melody with some fills and melodies thrown in the mix. Not terribly exciting to listen to, but not horrible, either. Most of the samples sounded pretty good, with the exception of a vacuum-cleaner-sounding horn that took the melody at one place in the song. Some cool note-off effects with samples, and like most of Norg's other works there are plenty of clicks and bleeps giving the piece a techno feel.

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Title: n-elfste.xm
Filename: n-elfste.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
While Elven Steel did have a melody, it was rather dead, not having much of a personality. Overall, I found this track to be repetitive and boring. The beat was annoying, and it had very little noticeable variation on an already dull tune. Technically this song was solid. The samples were pretty good and there were some cool effects with the sweeps. However it was pretty much ruined by a boring melody.

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Title: divide overflow
Filename: n-divide.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Although the melodies are fleeting, they are put together well and all sound like they belong in this track. The beat is rather nondescript, but the ambient background noises are superb - all the clicks and bleeps were really cool. Like I said, though, the melodies are fleeting, so this song doesn't really capture you. Good background music nonetheless. Divide Overflow was tracked well, with very few errors. The transition from the intro to the main song was done kind of haphazardly, even though it was gradual. Like most of Norg's other songs the samples were well chosen and complemented each other.

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Title: NeoDancer / DC
Filename: n-dancer.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Although NeoDancer has some catchy tunes in it, it's just way too repetitive to enjoy. The beat is pretty much dead, with very little - if any - variation. The whole song is basically the same thing with little fills added occasionally. Other than that there's not much to say. A boring song you could probably do better without. Technically there's nothing really *wrong* with NeoDancer. Most of its problems lie in the creativity department. The samples were ok - nothing to write home about, but at least some time went into picking them. No big problems with the tracking either; some use of panning envelopes but nothing really noticeable.

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Filename: n-crysta.xm
Posted Mon 1st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I thoroughly enjoyed Crystal Spires. It has a personality, an atmosphere - something few songs achieve. The feel of the song is dark and ominous, both in samples and in melody. The beat is pretty awesome - very thick and industrial. Only big problem is a lack of a decent melody in some places in the song. This song is arranged very well. The samples are all very well chosen with one exception - throughout most of the song there is a looped sample of a bird chirping that sounds really out of place compared to the rest of the song, which is dark and mysterious. Good use of panning envelopes and instruments. Overall a very nice effort.

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Title: Crimson Sky by Norg
Filename: n-crimso.xm
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Crimson Skies consists of three parts; the first is a nice piano tune, the second is a slow unspired bit and the third is a fast closing line. They're all pretty much unrelated, though, which presents a problem. Either way, the first part is the best. It takes a while to get started, but the piano melody is orchestrated well with the sweeps and the beat is pretty good as well. The second part is, as I said, uninspired; it sounds like the notes were just randomly selected. The third part was ok, rather ambient, nothing spectacular though. The first two parts of this song have a very amateuristic feel to them. The piano and sweep samples are low quality and there are very little effects used. However, there were *some* usage of instruments in the song, so I'll give Norg that much. The third part was quite cool, with the bassline being a randomly arpeggiated corrupt file (at least, that's how it sounded). Very creative.

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Title: n-alphaq.xm
Filename: n-alphaq.xm
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
There were some very good melodies in this one, especially with the piano. The drums however were frantic and seemed to clash with some of the melodies. The only really major problem with this song, however, is the lack of segues between the parts. Rather than use a transition Norg has everything abruptly cut off into silence for a few seconds, then start back up again, just as abruptly. Alpha Q was put together excellently (excepting the lack of transitions). The samples used complemente each other, and the sweeps harmonize with the melodies quite well. There weren't a whole lot of effects used, but that is negligible since the sound of the mod is still good.

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Title: Aerial Inebra
Filename: n-aerial.xm
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song had a pretty good beat, and nice background bleeps characteristic of good techno. The melodies were intermittent and somewhat repetitive although they did fit into the song. Overall this song did not have much variety, solid techno nonetheless. Bass was done in a rather interesting and original way that fortunately worked. Samples were matched well but of somewhat low quality. Nice use of chips. The drums also helped push up the rating of this song.

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Title: Go West
Filename: GOWEST.MOD
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
The simplicity of this one makes it such a great mod. It reminds me of several Anime movies/shows. It's unique. It's just awesome. The simplicity though also makes it only a 9.. Difficult to explain, but definitely worth the download. What can I say, this is a must have. Excently put together. Rhythm, good samples, good patterns, and not too big. The "perfect" mod.

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Title: Gorillas
Filename: gorillas.xm
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Nothing Special about this one. It's still a good mod though, don't get me wrong. Nitzer has talent and shows part of it in this module of his. For 8 channels and only 5 samples this is a pretty decent one. Worth a Look. Like I said, for 8 channels and only 5 samples this is a good mod. It takes talent to compose something like this. More mods should be made like this, although this one is a tad "puny" in my opinion.

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Title: -= Groov'n Gorillas =-
Filename: gorillas.it
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
"Groovin" explains this module precisely. Nothing is monotonous in this one. Starts out with a nice uplifting beat and keeps it the entire song. Has nice patterns and samples mixed together. The chords are a great mixture. This is a good example of a mod tracker who has spent time and effort into perfecting one song, unlike someone who spends 45 minutes on one and hopes it sounds good. I imagine the composer fooled around with it until it sounded the way HE wanted it to sound. And to me, it sounds "groovy" (the overuse of "groovy" is cheesy I know :).

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Title: tgi friday
Filename: gg_tgi.xm
Posted Sun 31st Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well... Let's see, not much too say. It has "some" nice music. For the size though, it isn't one of the better modules out there. Too repetive in my opinion, some deviation in the rhythm would have helped it out tremendously. Whoever created this.. thing has some technical talent, but no musical talent. It seems that the person knows how to fluently create nice sounds, but doesn't use it. This song is technically good, but musically not.

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Title: Back Beat
Filename: backbeat.it
Posted Sat 30th Jan 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Well...one word sums up the little number..and that one word is CORNY !!!!! I think someone was just playing around when they made this mod. There is ab-so-lute-ly no melody. Nothing but lame sound effects,and Star Wars flash backs which border on being pathetic ! Ok...I'm gonna go a head and say it...this is a flop !!!! Sadly there aren't even acouple really good technical surprised to rescue this mod from it's tomb of lameness. It doesn't jive. The samples are lousy and what on earth is with the R2D2 wannabe ?????? Ackk !!!Sorry dudes..but it's Two thumbs down !!!

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Title: The Unveiled Game
Filename: game.xm
Posted Sat 30th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I liked this tune, it has nice samples, and a nice dreamy feel to it, while still retaining that "toe-tapping" quality. The drums are clear and punchy, and not over- or under-used. This is a nice relaxing mod, but could also be quite good for dancing to, just depending on the mood you're in at the time. An enjoyable and varied tune. My only complaint - too short, I found myself playing it over and over because I keep missing it! As I said above, a varied mod with no patterns repeated. I can't find anything technically wrong with this mod. There is a nice intro that leads into the song well. This song flows very well too. However, this tune would have benefitted from being 4 or 5 minutes instead of 2 1/2, and the fade at the end could have lasted longer.

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Title: one for the money
Filename: gg_elvis.xm
Posted Sat 30th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Well, how can I put this best...it was terrible. The first 20-30 min were just drum beats. The rest didn't get much better. If this had been shorter it would have been better, but as it is its way to long. I've got one word for you, repetition. Thats about all this was. There were little effects, it is mostly drums and a voice repeating the same thing over and over. In short this is long, boring, and just plain annoying.

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Title: take a chance / comp
Filename: compo_px.xm
Posted Fri 29th Jan 1999
Rated 10 / 10
A lot of work went in to all of these enterys. But if I had to pick one to win this would be it! Good luck pHOENiX!

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Title: Wake The Baby By Mik Rippon
Filename: WAKEBABY.S3M
Posted Thu 28th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This mod use the classic techno/rave profile. It starts from the soft synth chords then they combines with deep tehcno bar. The power of theme is growing and growing. Finaly the melody themes mixes with the energy background. The arrangement consists of several synth bright instruments and several deep techno rythms. The panning and pitch bend effects brings the feel of power to this compo. Various combinations of instruments and the manner of there using give the great effect. At the end of the compo all instruments become louder and louder and finaly only several dream-like sounds are left. Overall: This is the great dance tune with the simple melody, good samples (only 8 bit) and bright arrangement. Seems that this mod was prepared with the canonical Scream Tracker technique (PC keyboard programing). The main drums theme is the special instrument. The great number of tricks (SampOffset, Part note) are welldone combine. To my mind there are too few panning-like effects. Overall: The correct manner of using effects produce bright great sound in this techno dance tune.
