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Title: Sundance
Filename: purple_motion_-_sundance.mod
Posted Thu 28th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I liked listening to this song, though the opening was a little sloppy, the song in general is a neat song. The beat in this song is real kewl, and I love the bass. It has a kind of twangy sound to it. The samples in this song are good quality, thought the opening samples sound a little sloppy, the song has its high points and low points. The drum work is very good and the special effects are decent.

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Title: .: Submarine by TrackZ :.
Filename: submarine.it
Posted Thu 28th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is neat, has a real kind of futuristic sound to it. Has a kewl beat, and totally changes speeds at least 4 times which adds a real neat effect to it. Though I think it was over done, especially the beginning. The beginning lasts a little to long. This song has a lot of cool samples in it, has a futuristic ping like song that I like, though could get annoying after a bit. There are some neat special effects in this song that really add a professional quality to it. Though like I said, 5 minutes is a little long.

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Title: Broken wings.
Filename: BROKENW.S3M
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
We got a weird mix here...Its got your OLD long and short distort. guitar samples...yeah those everyone has! The guitars are then mixed with really cheesy Polka like chords..which makes for a bad combo! Then it gets a faster rhythm with the short guitar(Reminds of music from Crusader:No Regret) and its mixed with a techno bassline. THe bass guitar rhythm is good. Now here we have an old set of samples. Old solo guitar, distorts, bassdrum..and techno rhythm. All in mediocre 8bit Q. You probably already have them all, so don't bother rippin'

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Title: Broken Dreams
Filename: brokendr.mod
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Great musical piece using some synth guitars which sound pretty excellent. Despite this song being a 4 channel mod, it has great use of stereo effects, and the samples don't cut each other off as it usually happens with 4 channel mods. Nice surrounding melody. 13 good quality samples including discs, laser fx, clap, conga drums and others. Ironically, the synth guitars sound noisy and scratchy when played alone, but in the song, the have a cool echo effect which makes them sound clear.

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Title: Breakbeat Anthem (Orginal)
Filename: BRKANTH.S3M
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 1 / 10
What the hell is this? Is this some kind of a joke?? What the heck am I supposed to be hearing?! Frankly...this song just SUCKS! I really hate it when I have to review this type of mods...I mean there's really not anything else to say about them. The whole thing is terrible! rhythm, composition, samples, everything. Ugly samples, noisy and annoying. It seems like the artists took all the most annoying samples they had and fixed up this mess.

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Title: bridge
Filename: bridge.mod
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
...hmmm..really strange pop song with an old petshop boys kinda feel. Not really my tipe of music. Since there is no artist name, email or date, I have no idea how old this song is, but is sounds old! Not many people make this type of music anymore. To me this sounds like an old mod made back in the '80 with an Amiga Computer. The 8bit sample quality is pretty good. They don't have any background noise or hisss. The samples themselves are not so good, just some synths, weird sfx, and some drums.

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Title: kap 23:48 (CRU!X)
Filename: br_kaper.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This is one of the most annoying and repetitive songs I've heard since that "around the world" crud! This just repeats the same boring sound over and over until on pattern 19 there's a change..(remember, not all change is good!) then it just keeps on repeating........until you eventually get a headache and shut it off! GSome samples have ok quality. Most of them are bad synth sounds and a few claps. This guy edited the synth instruments to create those annoying sounds on the songs, he panned them from top to bottom.

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Title: Billy goes dancing
Filename: br_billy.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Plain Dance song with cheesy voice samples. Synth recordings...where have I heard those before?? Rhythm is kinda boring and non-sticky. One good thing tho'...its only about 47 seconds long, so if you don't like it, you won't suffer long! Good quality 8 and 16-bit samples. Some are very clear, not any noticeable background noise. Instruments are present, but no work was done on channel panning. A few volume slides.

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Title: UT Hymn REMIX
Filename: sai-hymn.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is ok, though gets annoying after awhile. I like the beat to it, has a real good dance beat to it. The begining is real cool. Though six minutes of this can really get to you. The samples in this song are good. There is a real neat organ sample in here that does add a good effect to the song. The special effects on this are good, though like I said the main instrument gets real boring after awhile.

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Title: Spiritual Crisis
Filename: scrisis.s3m
Posted Wed 27th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is weird. It has a lot of cool drum beats in it. I liked it, though some parts I liked more then others. Some of the beats include a hip hop beat, which is real neat, and a speed techno beat. The opening is strange, but has a defining bass to it. The samples in here are not bad and the drum loops are real kewl. Pretty good special effects, and I love how the author added an explosion of bass to the one back beat.

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Title: Bad boys theme
Filename: badboys.mod
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
A very nicely re-rendering of Bad Boys, the infamous theme to COPS. Re-tracked nicely, but the only thing that could have made it better were some better lead samps. The ones used here brought it down some, since they were a tad out of tune at times... No FX except for volume really, and the samps were well-used..again, needed some better lead ones and this tune can sound a lot better. The chord samp was nice, since it was very close to the original one.

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Title: backpopped
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a simple-based 4-track MOD. However, Bjorn Lynne has been doing this stuff for a long time and is well-known for it, hence the slightly higher ratings and the pro's. Flows well, simple bass and drum lines, yet sound so well. Simple FX used on here but very-well effective. Simple samps too..why can't I think of something like this sometimes..=)

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Title: Cat s in the Cradle
Filename: cats.mod
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I'm browing the C dir looking for what to review next, so I see this MOD and think "Cool! I love Cats in the Cradle!" So I downloaded this song.. but what is it?? it sounds more like all butchered and terrible. I've heard of bad jobs looping instruments, but on this song, it sounds like a skipping CD.. it's beyond annoying. The percussion is nice, but too bad it doesn't really work with the music. And what's up with the Metal sound that tried in the end??? My advice.. if you want a MOD of this song... there have got to be tons floating around on this site and many others.. but please just avoid this one. I mentioned the loops before.. I know making them isn't easy, but it's not THAT hard, and if you absolutly can't loop a guitar sound without making it skip like a CD that you just spent 4 hours sandpapering, then don't use it!! the distortion guitar sample at the end was very fuzzy and low quality. For the most part, the lead section, and the backup music use the same instrument, so it all just sounds like a big mess.

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Title: Cartoon Land
Filename: cartoon.it
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well, all I can say is "woah!! what was that again?". no matter how many times I listen to this song, it still takes me by surprise, the human mind is not meant to be able to keep up with such hyper silliness. it starts out with little bell sounds in the melody jumping all over the place, and then ends with the Warner Bros. cartoon fanfare. My big gripe is the song is too short, about 30-60 seconds, it's over before you even really realized what has happened. It's a nice song to listen to if you're in a silly mood, or if you're really drowzy, and you need something to snap you back to your sentence I see nothing wrong in this dept, I mean there's no cool Pans and special effects. but it has simplicity, and doesn't overlook the fundamentals which so many artist do nowadays that turns potentially good music into garbage. The sounds are clean, and all the samples are put together very nicely and cleanly. the song moves a little too fast, maybe a little lower tempo might have helped, but that's only a problem if you're reviewing the song and have to try to sniff out problems. :)

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Title: Over the clouds
Filename: sck-over.it
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 10 / 10
When I listened to this song I took the name Over the Clouds and pictured my flying over the clouds and I truley felt it. Wonderful song to listen to, enjoyed every minute of it. Most of the samples in here are high quality samples. Wonderful special effects, all the instruments mend together, so perfectly. Like I said wonderful song. A+

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Title: Club Cantina
Filename: cantina.it
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Ok, you all know the Cantina band music from Star Wars, and if you don't.. shame on you! For the last 21 (nearly 22) years, this song has been heard by millions, so it comes as no surprise that as our technology gets better, and more and more people are tracking MODs, that little cantina mods start popping up all over. This song, to me, sounds like it suffers from a classic case of hearing a catchy tune, and then just quickly tracking it by ear and adding a few things. Now there's nothing wrong with this, but if you're just going to quickly track something by ear, that would be better off as a blueprint that the artist could use to make the song REALLY cool. But in this case, it sounds like it only got half done. It starts off sounding like a video game (the music isn't even sequentially correct), and then the deep percussion comes in. That would've been cool if the sample was of a higher quality, but if just made it sound noisy, and even then, it wouldn't have been enough, by itself, to change the song in one way or the other. The one part I thought was kinda interesting was the ending. in every other version of this song I've heard, it's just been the same old song, no personal touch other than the Star Wars .wavs laced into the music, but in this one, the ending did something I wasn't really expecting. if you're going to download it just because I mentioned that, please skip to the end. other than the percussion, the instruments just consisted of either looped tones, or short beeps, both of them low quality. The percussion is nice, but too fuzzy. The .wavs of course, just have to be there, but unlike Cantina Band (The MOD listed right below this one), the timing wasn't anything special.

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Title: Evil Dreams
Filename: sdmevil.xm
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Musically, this song gets boring very quickly. I hate to say but it sounds like the organ is just playing any note randomly. The beat is there, which adds a neat effect to the song, but the notes just don't mix together. The organ sample in this song is not bad but not the best. There are a little special effects in the song, but nothing spectacular. The opening was pretty cool, with the wind blowing, but the notes just don't blend like after a minute of the song.

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Title: Destiny
Filename: sdmdesti.xm
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The song starts out with a nice dramatic piano solo, but gets a little redundent after awhile. The song is a little bit to long and basically it is the same set of notes over and over agian. The piano samples are real good in this song. Not really any special effects in this song. The author had a good idea when he added the drums in but they are only in for a split second.

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Title: SewerTrek -:St3vor:-
Filename: sewer.xm
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Well, this song has an awesome tune to it, and I like the beat. The only complaint that I have is that it seems a little to simple at some parts. Perhaps if a few more tracks were added to the song, it would be much better. Good instrument choice, and the sample quality is pretty darn good. As said above, if some more tracks and instruments were added to this song, it would be a lot better in my humble opinion. :)

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Title: release8.xm
Filename: release8.xm
Posted Mon 25th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This isn't really a song. There is no melody, no story, nothing that would really classify it as music, except the beat. Strangely enough, however, it is one of those things that just gets you tapping your foot. Excellent layout! There is definitely an excellent beat to this composure. It has that European dance style to it that just grows on you. Excellent samples also contribute to this song. Well balanced, with nothing out of place. Good work.

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Title: My Star -Elk
Filename: mystar.it
Posted Mon 25th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A nice and slow melody indeed, but the sample quality isnĀ“t so good. Overall a beautyful and a pleasant song to listen to. Good work! Some samples could have been looped better though you can hardly hear any flaws when you play the song through. The instruments could have been faded to make the song more "filling". Nice panning and slide effects.

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Title: Back From The Dead
Filename: backfr.xm
Posted Mon 25th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This tune should have stayed dead....same old droning on and on with an extremely simple layout w/very few modifications. At best this could be used for some type of background deal..other then that forget it. If you're gonna have a simple tune, why not some simple samps..7 of them total all 8-bit and short..nothing new that you probably haven't heard before or something along those lines.

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Title: Back Underneath
Filename: back.xm
Posted Mon 25th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
There was a lot of good ideas for transitional stuff however the flow from one idea to the next just didn't quite fit at times...and the ending "idea" definitely didn't fit into the song at all...although w/the beat it went back nicely on the loop. Couple sound bites overused... The samps are what salvaged this rating...I LOVED the drum 'n bass loops on here...and a couple of those voice clips were nice as well. The rest of them were all decent..most of 'em I've seen and heard before....

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Title: Backtrack
Filename: back.it
Posted Mon 25th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is just a little short tune that repeats itself with some other layered sounds on top. Good format on it though with the drum break and into another part before coming back out instead of going back to just A again. I like the acid synth on here w/the offset FX used on them. The main sample worked on here pretty well as well. Not a bad tune considering according to the author it's not "his usual style." Decent tune...could be a dl for a few.

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Title: Bach N' Rock
Filename: bachrock.s3m
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Well a "cheesy" rock version of Bach's Minuet...at least the melody was written to 4/4 scale..I've seen others try on similar things and have no sense of the beat when halved-up...so kudos to that. The intro and outro fade-ins fit in pretty nicely as well..nothing much more to say. Decent use of samps...all very simple. Could have used a better lead sample instead of that cheesy guitar one...there are some better ones out there. No special FX on here so can't comment on that.

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Title: Babylon 5 - Shadow Wars
Filename: babylon5.it
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Arrggghhh!! I hate these songs sometimes, because all it is are just the sound samples (overused too) mainly with a crap-ass melody thrown above it. Download this song only if you are a Babylon 5 fan and/or want to rip out the samples for other usages.... The voice samples on here sound good (thank god they're in 8 and not 16-bit) along with the others...together they also sounded pretty well. No real FX used on them, so no comments for that.

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Title: killing floor2.1
Filename: Killing_Floor2_1.mod
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a typical rave tune - fast drum beat, with distorted guitars as the lead sounds. The drum beat is very varied, and the artist has done well to put together such a complex drum beat that changes all the time. The melody is a bit repetitive, but you expect this from a rave tune. This a near-perfect example of a rave song. The samples are high quality - if you can call distorted guitars high quality. As mentioned above the drum beat is very well put together, and the lead sounds are placed in just the right place. At just over 2 minutes this song is maybe a little short, but you would definitely start to get bored of the melody if it was any longer.

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Title: Babyghost
Filename: babyghost_short.it
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Hmmm well let's see...this was written good..the melody and the lines flow nicely at least...no surprises on this one; it's just really your "average" techno tune for the most part..but it was a bit catchy I thought...wonder what the longer version sounds like..hmmmm.... I liked the use of many of the samples...all short 1K sizes, some looped...didn't over-repeat on this which was nice..like I said above, wonder what the longer version sounds like...but the layout again was average-based..melody, couple samps added on, break, back to melody again...

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Title: baby.xm
Filename: baby.xm
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Nothing way too special about this piece...it was written pretty well. Nice idea, and it sounded very well at least..=) All the samples on here (6) are 16-bit hence the larger file size. The samples in and of themselves sounded nice (cool church organ), but they did clash a little bit a couple of times...fine-tune them a bit more and it would have been ok. Also a couple could have maybe been scaled down to 8-bit and still sound as fine.

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Title: relaxing endpart
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I like it! Very upbeat song with a great ambient start, and a consistent feel throughout. Excellent composure and definitely worth the time to download. 1 3/4 thumbs up! Nice use of effects. Cool echoes run rampant. Some sustains could have been fixed, and more samples in the melody. Technically, it it merely an average song.

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Title: Relax
Filename: relax.s3m
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Decent sound and creativity, but not necessarily pleasant on the ears. This song is upbeat and has a unique sound, and is almost Jungle, but not quite.Catchy the first or second time through, but that's about it. More old samples here. The loops need a little work, and the song could have been made better if the sustains sere carried out further with more channels.

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Title: Troop Reinforcement
Filename: reinforc.xm
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song has alot of creativity. It starts out strong and keeps it going with a good beat and solid background. Though it may seem a little out of date, alot can be said for good ambition in a song. Older, low qual. samples and little use of effects often cause drabs songs, but there is definitely substance to this one. This song has a direction and solid sound to it. However, I believe it was a little on the short side.

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Title: ((- Reggae dream -))
Filename: reggdrem.xm
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well, this song does have an original sound to it, but is rather repetitive. Typical beat for reggae and typical instruments, but it seems to lack the artistic flair. Simply put, this is a song with more science than art. The samples are what we have all heard before in the old days with 4channel mods. Rather low on the quality perspective. The stereo was widely spread, not something you'd expect in a 16 channel song.

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Title: - One Must Fall! 3 -
Filename: FALL3.MTM
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Part three takes a turn for the better, becoming much more upbeat and definately sounds a lot more groovy like. absollutely brilliant beat behind it, its a top listen, even by itself. Samples are definately richer sounding, lots more quality to them. definately a quality piece of workmanship. could have benifited from being slightly longer, but its still a good listen.

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Title: - One Must Fall! 1 -
Filename: FALL1.MTM
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
because this is a 7 part series, i will refrain from giving an overall rating until the last part.(note: its much better if you dl all 7 of the parts and listen to them in order) This is a nice up beat tune. Its actually quite good to listen too although the repetitiveness spoils it a little bit. Good use of a voice sample keeps it interesting. Some very good samples in this tune. they all sound unique, and work very well together to produce a good sounding mod. A very good abcking beat makes this tune as good as it is.

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Title: fantasy
Filename: fantasy.mod
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
a really nice up beat tune this one. its a very refreshing tune to listen too, although it does tend to get a bit repetitive. a great tune to listen nevertheless, i recommend you download and see whether its to your taste or not. The samples are ok, but they are nothing special. it also sounds like in certin places that the Eq has been messed around with, the result being the samples becoming muted in places. Still definately not a bad effort for a 4 channel mod at all

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Title: killing butterfly
Filename: KillingButterf.mod
Posted Sat 23rd Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is a weird mixture. It starts with a piano-synth intro, and then brings in a fairly hard drum beat. The lead sound then changes through a variety of different synth-style sounds. The bass and drum beat also vary. In fact, this is a very interesting tune - there is next to no audible repetition (although not all patterns are different - see below). As a techno tune, this is close to perfect, and fully deserves the 9.0 points. This is a 4-channel ProTracker MOD - but the quality of the music is the same as you would expect of a 24-channel XM. The samples are low quality, but I can forgive this. The length is good - 4:13. Only 13 of 23 patterns are different, but you don't notice this (see above). The artist uses a combination of very low speeds (8 and 15, amongst others) but somehow manages to make them sound fast - this is by no means a slow song. The only slight problem is the ending - a sustained note and then about three drum beats. It doesn't quite sound right, but the rest of the tune makes up for it.

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Title: killing fields
Posted Sat 23rd Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is less of a song, more of an atmosphere. The title "Killing Fields" suits it well - it does make you think of war and the related death, and injury. It's quite spooky, especially if you listen to it in the dark. If you want a melodic song, then don't download this. If however you want a well put-together, atmospheric piece then you should definitely add this to your collection. At 6:44, this song is quite long. However, this suits the style and works well. This song achieves perfectly what it sets out to do. This is only an old ProTracker MOD, so you expect the samples to be relatively low quality. You don't really notice it either, as the slightly muffled sounds fit well with the style of the piece. At only 4 channels, the impression this song creates is outstanding. An extrememly well made piece.

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Title: Killa Beez, Bust a Rhyme!
Filename: kilabeez.it
Posted Sat 23rd Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The first 45 seconds of this song consists of a drum beat and some voice samples saying such meaningless phrases as "Killer Beeeees" - weird, but then so are a lot of rap songs. From this point on it turns into a rave song - not a bad one, but not an outstanding one either. The melody varies quite well, and the lead synth-stlye samples are nice. The bass part also sounds good, but the tune does seem to repeat a bit too much - as if the artist ran out of new material but didn't think the song was long enough. Don't get me wrong, this song isn't bad - in fact, it's pretty good. It's just not outstanding. There's nothing wrong here really - except for the poor taste in voice samples. They are low quality, and don't really add anything to the tune. All other samples are fairly high quality though, and the length is just about right. The song does start to get repetitive, but not badly. Overall, a fairly good rave song.

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Title: Omaa kikkailuteknoa
Filename: kikka.s3m
Posted Sat 23rd Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Musically this song is very good. It's got a good beat, a variable bass track, an interesting, non-repetitive melody, a good piano lead sound, guitars, synths...the list goes on. So if the music is so nearly perfect, why such an average score? Read on... This song is WAY too short - at a few second over a minute long, you are just getting into the tune when it finishes. To be honest, the artist could probably have looped everything over again and it would have got a higher score - simply because the melody as it is does not repeat at all, so you wouldn't really mind the loop. So then, if you want a (very) short but very good dance track, download this.
