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Title: Melissa
Filename: babygirl.it
Posted Sat 23rd Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Nice bit of melody,starts out a bit soft and a little sentimental. The drums come in a bit heavy....I didn't like the way the song jumped back and forth between sentimental love and heavy rock.But at least we managed to keep the basic melody intact. Well..I thought the was pretty darn good ! The samples are great...and the way everything just jives together...very nice,very nice indeed :)My only little complaint is that the end was a bit choppy...however it was not bad enough to do any severe or lasting damage. I say...."give this mod a shot " !!!!!!

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Title: Magic Kingdom
Filename: magickin.xm
Posted Wed 20th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A good song, but a little repetetive during the beginning. There is a transition near the ending which is pretty good. 24 channels with 21 samples. Cool instruments, nice blend of bass and SFX instruments. This one is pretty heavy on the synth instruments. Starts and end fairly abruptly but without hitch

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Title: scratch.s3m
Filename: scratch.s3m
Posted Wed 20th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is just so wicked I at least played it 6 times after I downloaded it. The hard core beat to it, is really kewl, and the backbeats add an awesome effect to it. If you are a person who likes a hard core beat, with an explosion of bass this song is for you. The samples in this song are Grade A. The special efects in this song are so cool as well, what the author did to this song was absolutly awesome. Especially what he did to make the backbeats sound different. The only reason it wasnt a perfect tend, the ending was a let down.

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Title: A Tear From Heaven's Eye
Filename: sad_athe.it
Posted Mon 18th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song starts off, with a cosmic noise that does add a neat effect to the song. I loved the beat to this song, and the piano solo in the middle of the song was excellent. The instruments though were a little sloppy together. The samples in this song were clean, except the snare. It sounded a little tiny. The piano sounded like it was coming from a grand piano, and it just made the song complete. Wonderful fades and special effects, with a great drum beat, though it could have been a better ending.

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Title: sadness
Posted Mon 18th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The song starts out with Tubular Bells, or maybe something that sounds like it. Suddenly it changes, into something that is really annoying. The song is also long, and gets annoying after maybe about a minute. The drum sample I think is from Enigma's Sadness, I am not sure. The other instruments in this song are a little cheesy. There is one instrument in this song that doesn't change a note so I would think and just rings constantly through the song. Also there is no real structure to the song or special effects.

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Title: Dance Orgy
Filename: sai_org.xm
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song has a great beat to it, though gets repetative after awhile. After hearing the same beat over and over agian, it gets a little annoying. The samples in this song are very good, especially the bass drum. Though the main instrument gets anoying after awhile, and could get on your nerves.

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Title: KICK IT
Filename: kickit.xm
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This tune really does have great potential - it is so nearly a great song, but unfortunately a few things let it down. The most major thing is the lead sample - a sort of whining, off-key violin. An Elwood-style synth would have suited this song perfectly - shame. The drums and the bass are both good - although sometimes slightly out of key. The song does become a bit repetitive too, and it is too short. These are all minor niggles though, which if they had been fixed could have made this song really good. The main problem on the tech side is the problem with pitching the samples correctly - several different samples on seperate occasions sound out of key. This sort of problem should have been fairly obvious to the artist. The song is kinda catchy though - you feel as though the artist was in a rush to finish this song, if only a little more time had been spent on it...

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Title: @KickTheBase2(QS-96)
Filename: kickbas2.xm
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
If you like your songs to have drums, a hard bass beat and not much else then chances are you will like this song. If however you like a melody to your songs then you had better look elsewhere. There are some interesting voice samples included here, which actually fit in surprisingly well. It's in the nature of this kind of song that there will be repetition, so I can't really complain about that. As a Drums & Bass tune, this has got near enough everything. Most of the samples here, especially the voice ones, are high quality. Everything fits together well, except perhaps for a few samples right at the beginning which don't quite sound correct. No other complaints really, considering the style of this song.

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Title: beyond_music
Filename: beyndmsc.mod
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Beyond music is a very fitting name for this song. It is one of the most advanced mods I have ever heard. The melody gives a hope and power feeling. The mood changes at some places, exactly when it should. It was hard to classify this song into a genre, since it sounds much like synthpop, but also has touches of techno, brass power and many other styles. It is not at all repetative, and it is like listening to a story, told by the music. That sounds weird, but this is one of those songs that you can listen to, and just do nothing else than to sit listening to it. Maybe I should write a warning to you who don't like music from the 80's, this is the most 80's-sounding mod I have caught yet. =) Those who love synthpop, and those who love orchestral music will love this. The tune itself can't be more technically perfect than this. The samples are superb, and the way it has the right instruments at the right time is totally amazing. There are some engine sounds and other "disturbing" sounds here and there, and they are placed maybe a little too close to each other. But without them, it wouldn't be as good as it is, so I guess it's wrong to say so anyway. The beat is nice, though almost never heard. It is that beat that is just there to keep a nice tempo, and a louder or more clear beat line would only be to the cost of the melody, and the melody is the thing that makes this song so good.

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Title: focken hotroll
Filename: focken.mod
Posted Thu 14th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
AHHHHHH!!! This mod SUCKED! It was Focken something alright, focked up it you ask me. If you enjoy listening to your favorite demo tune played at four times normal speed, then by all means listen to this mod. However, if you have taste, avoid this mod like a bus full of Ebola victems and rabid wombats. What can I say? I like music, not noise. If the speed had been less than Mach levels, if the lead had sounded good, if the background was better and if this mod were longer, I would have liked it. The only, and I do mean only, saveing grace here folks is that it's only 30 or seconds long. Atleast the torture was short.

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Title: Reflections
Filename: fa-rflct.s3m
Posted Thu 14th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
It is easy to tell a Future Assassin mod from the rest of the pack. His music is always so fluid and moves like nothing else. Musically, this mod is very good. It is a bit lighter than his normal work (check out his insturment list to see why), but it still gets me playing the air-synth. There are some very nice piano segments and the lead is also very nice, I thought the lead would get annoying, but true to form, it didn't. Everything from Future Assassin is a great piece of work. Reflections is no exception, he layers just the right tracks at the right times, and doesn't over fx the music. The piano track in this mod is very, very nice. It sounds very real and offers a good counterpoint to the synth nature of the rest of the piece.

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Title: Corneria
Filename: starfox.it
Posted Thu 14th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is from the SNES game "Starfox", and it sounds exactly the same (if not better) than the original. The original song was awesome, and so is this "reincarnation" of it. Its a catchy song if you want to listen to some good fast-paced music This song has good samples, and was tracked well. I'm not exactly sure if the tempo is right, because I can't remember how fast the original was. Oh well, still good though...

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Title: spell-amelioration
Posted Thu 14th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Whoa, now this is an awesome song. It has an awesome melody, and should be enjoyable to everyone. The synth bass is especially cool. This song was tracked extremely well, and it has top-notch samples. This song makes great use of only 4 channels that the .MOD format allows. It sure sounds like more to me, or maybe my hearing is going from listening to too much music... ;)

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Title: Global Motion vol.1
Filename: GMOTION.S3M
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Yup... one of Purple Motion first musics! I dont think PM made any bad music ever. This tune is really good :).. Well, the solo always change, but who said that's bad? it sounds great! Actually there's not much to tell, because it's a music made by PM, one of the best (and maybe THE best) musicians ever, who makes the Future Crew a very good demo group too.. well, let's move on to the tech rating! Actually, there's nothing too special here. like every music, except he at least didnt use already-made drums (I know, im annoying tellin about this every review..). what kind of i was impressed is that this music's initial speed is 6(everyone who compose know what im talking about.), what's so impressive you ask? It REALLY, but REALLY doesn't sound like it (and NO he didnt change it in the middle of the music). Kastor shutting down...

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Title: * Gastric*
Filename: gastric.xm
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Cool music.. I enjoyed it. But.. Aberration could add more patterns to make the music more intresting. Im not saying there's not enough - But most of them are the same solo with other bass and drums. But it's still a great music :) There are some parts when the solo is stopping for half a second, and it sounds a little weirdo.... nevermind. As i see, if Aberration will continue making musics, they will get better and will be really great musicians.. :) Unfortunately, the samples are not in a too high quality. What i liked, is that there's no.. how I call them, 'already made drums' (No, i will never stop talking about this...) finally! all the musics i reviewed until now had.. Well, there's not alot of complaints about the tech rating... Kastor shutting down...

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Title: _WiseGuy?<>By UrBaN_
Filename: wiseguy.xm
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10

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Title: Misty Heart
Filename: Misthart.xm
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This one sounds strangely similar to misthart.xm, exactly the same tune, samples, writer, infact, exactly the same mod. I'm not sure why there are two versions of misthart, one with a capital, one with a lower case m, but this seems to have slipped through. Nevermind, it's one more review for me. This mod has a very relaxed feel to it, but this doesn't mean that it is boring, infact it has a lot of good parts. The main tune is quite good and provides a good structure for the percussion, which is built around it fairly well. Overall it sounds quite proffesional, perhaps the only problem is that it lacks any real excitement, but this isn't really that sort of mod. A fair amount of samples have mostly been used to good effect to create a nice atmosphere. Some basic effects are used to add to the quality and it is obvious that the writer knows what he/she is doing. Everything fits together well, which all adds up to a very good mod. If you're a bit bored of all the hardcore music out there and want a more laid-back sound, then this is highly recommended.

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Title: Mystic Winds By:Cam Smith
Filename: mystwin.s3m
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The first couple of patterns suggest this will be a fairly slow mod, but it got me interested when the percussion cut in. Unfortunately after that there is nothing special to write about. What is there is good enough, but there just isn't enough of it (the maximum number of channels used at once is six) to stop this from being anything other than average. Although this is technically OK, there isn't really a lot of use of ingenuity to improve the overall effect. Quite a lot of samples have been included, and although they have all been used suitably, you just feel that the writer was running out of ideas of different ways in which to use them interestingly.

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Title: Level Zero
Filename: level0.xm
Posted Wed 13th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Ah this takes me back. You see this is in the style of the old (well only about two years ago.) nightclub scene. You can literally feel the heat and smell the sweat as you listen to this song. But... This song was not meant to only be listend to. Or maybe it was. Anyway I love this 'cause it make me feel a bit younger in my days of gettin' old. Gubbins. Okay then the music has been written by someone who obviously know what they're doing. Some parts of the song are very well consructed indeed. Others are not as good (but by no means bad). The sample used are very remanisent and add to the feel of the entire song. I like this.

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Title: ## seeker ##
Filename: seeker.mod
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A classic c64 like song, I loved it! Retro-flash, for all computer-music loving fanatics. ^_~ This is a sweel neat tune you should listen to once per day. =) Great usage of what in FT2-terms would be the 000 to 0FF effect! ^_^ Technique is good, and it's a computer song so I won't override some people's minds by saying it's super-great, it's an okay tune and fun to have. ^_^

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Title: Lønely Night's
Filename: s.mod
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The music style is slow, and consists of the same beat all through the song after about fourty seconds. Can be a bit repetitive, but the tune changes in instruments while the beat lies in the background. =) The samples would be what I would

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Title: "FOREiGN LANDS"- Sa
Filename: sa-fland.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very calm and soft tune. I loved it! ^_^ I hope to review more of his music. This one gives you the military drums, soft ambient sound, relaxing drums, a soft piano in the background and a great song to have in the background as you work. =) Not very hard to accomplish, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sound good. The artist calls the style Relaxzation, which I think suits just purrrfect. The volume between the different instruments are good and the samples are clean when they get out in chorus. ^_^

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Title: Molecular Transport
Filename: m_transp.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a fairly interesting mod, I like the tune and everything is well put toghether. Unfortunately, although there is some variation, there isn't quite enough for a six minute mod. There are a couple of good fills breaking up the main sections, but each section is pretty similar, it would have been nice if each part introduced something completely new. This probably sounds too negative, because this is a decent mod and does have a lot of quality, overall it is a very good attempt. I can't give this a good technical rating because the main tune and breakbeat have just been sampled. I understand that Lord Lazer made them himself, but if they had been put in directly he could have varied them which would have increased the lifespan greatly. Although the rest of the mod is technically sound, the bass loop means he doesn't have to use any ingenuity to create a good rhythm. The other samples are reasonable, but there's not much use of any complex commands.

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Title: Whutwoodjadoo?
Filename: M_whut.s3m
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Musically this mod is fairly good, the main tune and breakbeat are sampled, but this doesn't detract from what is a relaxing listen. It is possibly a little bit repetitive and could have done with a bit of development and lenghtening to improve it slightly, it seems to be over before it really gets interesting. A couple of commands have been used to fairly good effect, which create a nice backing to the sampled tune. Everything seems sound, but it would have been nice if little variation had been used to develop the melody, this is the problem with not writing them yourself, you have to repeat the same tune over and over unless you have a lot of samples, but this mod has relatively few.

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Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The beginning of this song has me breathing heavy, the first lead that comes in is nice, but it is altogether common bringing the song down somewhat in my eyes. The backup synth is wonderful, it reminds me almost of castlevania. It is a beautiful arrangement I must say and the bassline goes. One major downfall is that the end just happens, their is no setup, no climax, nothing. It's suddenly over, BAM! Well I simply adore those backgrounds synths that this tunes comes in with, the progression is quite nice and all the samples are very clean. The lead synth/guitar is a very common old sample. Overall yummy.

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Title: aaaaooo.xm
Filename: aaaaooo.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Ummm, I'm not sure what to say, this sounds like a mistake, everything is out of tune, and the song is controlled by the bassdrum, I mean it's a nice bass drum, but the lead synths are indescribably bad. Out of all the things I could say about this song I couldn't find one to accurately describe the way I felt after listening to this, not sickness of stomach, not blankness of mind, not even weakness of colon. So I came up with this: "I like the bassdrum." :)

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Title: A1> Planet Welcome
Filename: a1_pw.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10

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Title: After Hours
Filename: hours.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Another great mod by the mighty Elwood, this mod really rocks and is up there with the best of his work. The music is varied, interesting and great fun to listen to. Typically Elwood has combined his numerous talents to form a fantastic feast of sound. I cant wait for the next one!!! Technically superb, I couldn't fault him one bit. True to style he uses many of the advanced features of the xm format to demonstrate his technical aptitude. There's not much else to say since its so good except DOWNLOAD THIS MOD NOW!!!!!

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Title: Mystic Embrace
Filename: mystice.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
You can hear as soon as this mod starts that it is going to stand out from a lot of the other music on the mod archive. The chords, instead of just being there because the writer felt he had to include them, actually play a large part in creating the overall feeling of quality in this mod. The main melody is fairly slow and quite simple, but it is still well written and definitely worth a listen. Technically this mod has everything just about right, although there are a fair amount of parts, they all seem to be there for a purpose and all add well to overall sound. The samples are all good and quite clean, I'm glad that the writer didn't feel the need to sample the main drum pattern but was still able to create a quality percussion to this excellent tune, well done.

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Title: Crazy bells
Filename: m_crazyb.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a pretty fun piece of music, although the tune is a fairly simple one I really enjoyed listening to it and often found myself humming away. It could possibly have done with a bit more work to create a bit more variety but crazy bells is still an interesting mod. It certainly stands out from most of the other pieces as something a little bit different and is definitely worth a listen, if only for the bells. Fairly average, there is a little use of volume commands on the odd occasion but not a lot else. Every thing is done reasonably well, although the breakbeat is sampled in there is enough use of other percussion to create enough variety in this area, and the other samples used are decent enough. The structure is fairly good and everything goes together quite well.

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Title: 20th century classic
Filename: classic2.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 3 / 10
While this song has a lot of amature qualities, it still manages to pull through as a fun a somewhat fun song at times. The crazy synth-guitar lead captures my interest, but this song demonstrates what too much of a good thing can lead to, and you start wishing that it would go somewhere. The Percussion is simple, but it pumps, and it keeps the song alive and moving. I'm a bit confused about what the lead is supposed to be.. sounds like some sort of synth guitar.. if this is what the artist was looking for, he did good. I personally had no complaints with that. The song suffers from not having much in the way of samples. it has a bass drum, and a tambourine.. along with the guitar. with just 3 samples doing all that.. it sounds very limited. Clean, but limited.

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Title: _ACid_buRN_
Filename: stringz.it
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
"Stringz" is a song that has a generally cool melody and beat. It has a type of medieval sound to it that really sets a mood to the song. There are some violin-type instruments stuck in that give the song the title "Stringz" This song has really nice instrument samples, and sounds great. The only thing I have to complain about is the length of the song, which is often a issue. I just wish it was longer, perhaps 2-3 minutes would be great

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Title: strobe.xm
Filename: strobe.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very well done song with a catchy beat. There is also a cool little "ahhh" sample in the background throughout the song. I think the drum and beat samples are the best part of this song, and the synth samples aren't too shabby either ;) "Strobe" was tracked very well, and I was pretty satisfied with the sample quality. The only thing that would have been nice is if this song had been a bit longer. Overall, this is a great module......

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Title: as.tears(mix)
Filename: as_tears.mod
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song kind of leaves you with a happy feeling. :) I like the synth bass in the background throughout the song, and the piano solos throughout the song are great. Has a catchy beat too.... Well, this song was written very nicely, but I have to complain a bit about the instruments. The bass synth wasn't as deep as it probably should have been, and the drum samples were a little weak too. If the sample quality was improved, I'd be very satisfied with this song.

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Filename: alienwar.xm
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Heh, this song is actually fairly amusing. It has a lot of vocal samples, and has a cool guitar riff and drum sequences. The reason I didn't give this song a higher score was because it was basically just some samples that were thrown in together. (The song is pretty good those for the author's first song though) :) Well, even though it isn't Technically a very good song, I decided that it was still pretty good and "catchy". Had the author made the drums more varsatile, and used some bass that was of better quality, this song would be a winner. (A better lead guitar sample wouldn't hurt either)

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Title: tubularbells
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Even though this is probably my favorite song of all time, this isn't a very good version of the song. It is way to short for starters, and the tempo is way to slow. There are some points where the song is gets cool in this MOD, but for the most part it is just "ok" The samples on this one were pretty rough, and as I said above, the tempo was way off. Had a wider variety of high quality samples been used, and a faster tempo been implemented, this song could have been a winner.

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Title: Tears of Blood
Filename: trsofbld.s3m
Posted Tue 12th Jan 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I have always liked this one since it came out, and decided it was time to review it. This song is one of my favorites, because it has an awesome bass line, and everything else about it is cool. I think people should pick this one up and listen to it. Done well, the samples sound good overall. The only thing I have to complain about is that some of the lead guitar samples get a little annoying when it goes into the high-note soloing. Still, I think this song is great.

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Title: starwars.remix
Filename: starwars.mod
Posted Mon 11th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This is one of the worst Star Wars interpretations I've heard in my life. Had I not seen the title, I would have no idea of what song this was. The author tried to be a little to fancy, and should have used samples that were easier to distinguish. As said above, the samples are pretty bad, and I don't think the tracking was done as good as it could have been done either. The author did try though, and I hope they put out another version.

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Title: Invention No. 1 D minor
Filename: scaryorg.s3m
Posted Mon 11th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song has a pretty cool organ solo thing going for it. The song itself however is way to short. (Only about 58 sec) If the song was longer, I think it would be much more enjoyable. This song will leave you a little spooked out. It really reminds me of the Dracula-type stuff. I like the organ sample the author used, and thought he did a good job tracking it. As said above, the song is way too short. I guess you could always said it on loop and have it last forever though.... :)

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Title: the setting sun
Posted Mon 11th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Well, this song doesn't have the best samples, but I suppose it uses them pretty well. The flute at the very beginning sounds terrible, but the song gets better when two or three of the samples are mixed together creating a harmony. Like I said above, I thought the flute sample was really bad. The rest weren't too bad. If the author would just put in some fresh samples, I believe this song would be MUCH better.
