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Title: atlanta
Filename: kg_atl.it
Posted Sun 3rd Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
As a trance song, this is very nearly perfect. There is a soft drum beat throughout the song, and extra drums are used well to create an atmosphere. The lead sound is a flute-style "glassy" sound, which suits the style perfectly. Personally I don't particularly like trance songs, which is why this song only scored 8.0, but if you do like this style then this song is a strongly recommended download. All the samples sound really good - they are high quality, and there is no distortion of any type. You need this in a trance tune, or it disrupts the atmosphere. At 5 minutes, this song is maybe slightly too long as towards the end it becomes a bit repetitive. But this does not really matter, and the artist has made good use of the 28 channels. Overall this is a great example of the trance genre.

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Filename: space.xm
Posted Sun 3rd Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I downloaded this one one to my system becuse I wanted to rip some samples from it. The more I listened to it the more I liked it. Some what complex music. I think no wait I'm sure you will like this. Fast speed. Notes are well placed. The drums are very cool. The samples are all good. Alota channels. Note networking is quite wide spread but doesn't sound like it. The only bad thing I have to say about this is minor. I think the main back ground sample can clash with the head insrements every now and then... again.. a very good tune.

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Title: Communism=good(3:20)
Filename: d-commy.xm
Posted Sat 2nd Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The song starts off nice with a little drum solo and gets in to a pretty neat dance rhythm. Unfortunately this song goes nowhere! It is extremely repetitive with hardly any changes. The only break from the repetition is quick vocals and drums and then it's back to the same old chord progression again. As I mentioned before this song could have been way shorter which would be better because it wouldn't be so repetitive. The intro is pretty good but the ending just fades out and slows down with the same chords. The samples are good, the vibe sample sounds pretty good with the tune.

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Title: wHaT i$ it???--MAG|C
Filename: m_what.xm
Posted Sat 2nd Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10
What is it - Magic, more like what the hell is it. This mod is completely crazy, you'd have to be totally out of your head to enjoy this. I can't really complain though, this is obviously not a serious attempt at "music", and I have to admit that using the tune from a nursery rhyme is pure genius. I can't really give it a high mark but it should graze any junkie's music collection. Pretty poor, but what do you expect from drug music like this, it's all about having a simple, but kicking beat and a crazy tune, there's not a lot else I can say. If you're bored of life then just get completely out of your head, crank up the volume, get down and dance to this.

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Title: Stand by me...or go
Filename: merlin8.xm
Posted Sat 2nd Jan 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I haven't got a clue why Merlin felt this was worth putting in the mod archive. If you're going to nick a tune, atleast nick a good one, and atleast put the effort in to add something new or special to it. The percussion is simply laughable, it sounds completely out of place. He does atleast admit that the lyrics are "not good", but this can unfortunately be applied to the whole mod. I suppose he has atleast got the tune right, but that's about the only compliment I can give this. I can only describe this mod as tecnically poor, Merlin has just added a completely rubbish backing to an uninteresting tune. All of the percussion has been done unimaginatively, and there's no attempt to use diverse effects or any variation.

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Title: XXL Base
Filename: m_xxlbase.xm
Posted Sat 2nd Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10
After hearing the first few patterns I thought that this mod would develop into something special, so I was a bit dissapointed when the melody cut in. To be honest, this really sums the mod up, it has a nice beat and the percussion is good, but the tune, although it fits in quite nicely, doesn't do anything really interesting. Overall a pretty good attempt, this would probably benefit from a remix of the main tune. It would have been nice if the main drum line hadn't just been sampled in. I admit that it is a vital part, without it the mod would sound empty, but maybe it could have been varied if the beats had been put in separately. Apart from this, the mod is technically OK, the fade out on the main tune at one point is good and increases the variation in a fairly simple way. Apart from this there is little technical ingenuity however.

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Title: Thunder Warriors
Filename: merlin2.xm
Posted Sat 2nd Jan 1999
Rated 3 / 10
To be honest there's not a lot of music here to write about, there's no real tune and what there is really isn't very interesting. Merlin hasn't bothered to develop the melody or put in any chord changes. I reckon the chords in the middle are supposed to sound "spacey", but to me they just seem random. To be fair, the build up before the end is OK and once it gets going it sounds reasonable, but there's just not enough variety, nothing to show that the writer has any real talent. Technically this mod is pretty poor, Merlin just adds various tracks to the pretty basic beat. He hasn't made any attempt to use any effects and all of the various parts are as simple as possible. I havn't got a clue how this got to the top of the hit ratings, with only 200 downloads and 400 votes!!!

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Title: Mythri - RabiteMan
Filename: mythri.it
Posted Wed 30th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Simple Music Box-like tune. As the author states in the messages, perhaps good to fall asleep to, no pun intended. Nothing really sticks out as annoying, and the samples are all of decent quality. But at 1:17, it's rather short. Looper. Ending is very abrupt otherwise.. No really too much in astounding effects, but then again, this track doesn't appear to need them. Nothing out of place, layouts are good and sample quality is acceptable. Perhaps a bit more length would be nice.. The volume fades a little more with each loop of this track.

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Title: ThE SiLeNcE Of DeAtH
Filename: sod.xm
Posted Tue 29th Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
This song is awsome. It's perfect if you ask me! If you like this type of music DO NOT give this a miss! Compliments to this tune... Compliments Compliments Compliments Compliments Compliments Compliments Compliments There. Just Download this okay? I used this song as a teaching toward my own music. The samples are great. I love the drum patten. The backing is awsome. Compliments Compliments Compliments Compliments I'll say it again.. this tume is great all around.

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Title: increasing sorrow
Filename: sorrow.mod
Posted Tue 29th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
You might listen to this as a normal listener and thing blaeehh! But realy there is a large array of instrements in there wich must of been verry hard to mix together with out probelems. I like this song. Honestly it doesn't remind me of sorrow but more of a spring day! I should of said most of my music rating here but what the hay, right? These are nice samples.. Nothing to impressive. They all have a nice soothing sound. The drum beat is also quite impressive. Never the being a soft song. I'm going to put it in a friend's home page for pack ground music.

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Title: Green onions ?? RIO
Filename: onions.xm
Posted Tue 29th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This song is like no ther that I have heard. It is a gr8 idea! the guitar is nice, the drums are not bad, the horns fin it nice. the organ is a very nice touch! some good stuff. everything sounds good, the samples are high quality. everything sounds like it was played by a 50s band :).

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Title: Magic Changes od
Filename: magiccha.mod
Posted Mon 28th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Highs Wow! when I downloaded this I feared midi quality sound in a sort song. All the makings of a miseranle song. It's the best song in the world I've ever heard thats smaller than 10K. The melody lasts just long enough to be good and the song varies greatly. One of the best parts is that you can set on repeat or single play and they both sound great. All in all a great song. Lows The file size itself is soething of a low since a file this small usually dosent sond this good. Lows Since the file size is so incredibly small I expected some midi quality samples. I was very wrong. The samples while not the megabyte wonders of some of the other songs I've heard were very good.

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Title: magic magnus
Filename: magera.xm
Posted Mon 28th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Highs Wonderful tune and great beat. The melody is great if a little bit repetitive. My favorite part is the in the beggining of the song when instead of a solid drum beat he devides it up so it sound awsome Lows Like I said the melody is just a little to repetitive but he varies it nicely. These samples are some off the best I've heard in a long while even the drum beat seems very unique. I love it! If anyting could be said bad about them is that theres not enough. Add in a few more samples for some of the drum beat areas and this song would sound even better.

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Title: =:< K G B >:=
Filename: kgb.xm
Posted Sun 27th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
There is a good drum beat here and a bass line - unfortunately there is isn't much of a melody. If you like this sort of music then it's very good, and I've marked it up for that. Unfortunately I don't particularly like this trance-stlye of music. All the samples sound very "clean" and are high quality. There's nothing wrong here really - the song is of the right length, there aren't too many repetitions... The song actually used 26 channels, but it doesn't sound like it, probably because of the lack of any real melody. Very well put together though.

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Title: Keys to Imagination
Filename: keystoimagination.mod
Posted Sun 27th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This song is good - it's got everything, a melody, drums, bass...there's nothing wrong with it in theory, but when you listen to it there just seems to be something that doesn't sound right. It's hard to tell exactly what it is - the samples, the style etc. - but everything doesn't quite seem to go together properly. Great tune all the same. The samples are generally good - the lead sample gets slightly distorted sometimes though. There are two things which make this a great technical song: it has only 4 channels, and almost every effect in the book is used. I don't know how it is possible to make such a good song with such a limited number of channels - but this artist has managed it.

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Title: Autumn Leafs 2:37
Filename: kewl.xm
Posted Sun 27th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
The drum beat on this tune is nice. It has a bass tune and a melody - this songs got everything it needs to be a good tune, but unfortunately it is soooo repetitive. The melody is good in itself, but is is only one pattern long and it just loops over and over, as does the bass. The drum beat is the most varied of the lot - not good. The repetitiveness is this song's main problem, but there is also one other major tech problem: at one point in the song, everything is slowed right down, and then sped up again. Done well, this can sound quite good. Unfortunately it is not done well, and it sounds terrible.

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Title: Something Bongo
Filename: kettukor.xm
Posted Sun 27th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This tune has the same bongo-drum beat all the way through - although bongos are unusual and sound quite good, a bit of variation in the beat would have been nice. The melody consists of a techno-style synth sample playing a series of low notes, without much variation. Overall the whole tune sounds very boring. This song has only TWO instruments - this would have been clever, except for the fact that it makes the song sound terrible. Whoops. 7 out of 20 patterns are different, so that shows WHY this song is so boring. If there had been more effort then this song could have sounded good - but there wasn't, and it doesn't.

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Title: Easter Eggs
Filename: eggs.xm
Posted Wed 23rd Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
A highly repetive tune with a terrible piano section which made me want to turn the song off. And then, some techno stuff comes, and then it's back to the piano. Not recommended Well....not very "techy" at all....

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Title: excalibur outrun
Filename: excalibr.mod
Posted Wed 23rd Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This is a cool tune, a genre, which i personally enjoy. .Mod format means only 4 channels, and the composors have used them wisely. The song can get a bit repetive after a while. Uses pitch slides ++. But there's not much else

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Title: Short Time Of Histor
Filename: bam-stoh.xm
Posted Tue 22nd Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This is a marvellous commercial dance tune by BAM - I been listening to it non-stop lately (If I could marry this song I would, it's very cool :Þ Good use of melody and the song fits together really well. This song would have to be one of my all time favourite mods I've listened to so I urge anyone who loves their techno get it now and take a look at it. What more can I say about this song? it is extremely well put together, it doesn't get boring at all and has a good song length at around 3:50. And it's the kind of song that grows on you the more you listen to it. so download it now!!!

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Title: Ice 333 - Crusader
Filename: ice333.xm
Posted Tue 22nd Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Not overly wonderful, but still with a hint of quality. The music doesn't flow very well, but it's key changes are sound. The music overall is not quite full, as if something is missing from it. The samples in this song are of a low quality. They sound as if someone has just recorded them. Despite the lack of effects used, the song still retains a good sound. With better use of effects and samples, the song could have done quite well.

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Title: Orinoco Rave @ 1995
Filename: orinrave.xm
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Starts out as a remix of Enya - Orinoco, pretty nice sounding with breakbeat. after alittle while it turns alittle to techno and plain bass drum usage, mixed with voices from the enya version. these changes repeat itselfs several more times till the end of the song the score sinks a couple of poinst due to the sudden sick sounding something sample a minute + some secs into the song. the mixing and placing of e.c brakebeats are very good,along with voices and string fx. samples are of good quality.

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Title: ZZzzleep/Opinash
Filename: op_zleep.xm
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Real nice sounding ambient tune, from beginning to end the song flow away for nearly 4 minutes. No sudden changes makes this song a straight line from beginning to end. Its hard to write when i havent got anything else than very good to say..:> Nice usage of samples, the reason of the good sound is that its used 24 tracks. Good mixing of samples and volume. And aslong as the song sounds good, aint enourmous and works on my soundblaster im happy.

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Title: ooh ahh..Just a litte bit
Filename: ohhahh2.it
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Well, its a long time since i heard the original, but remember parts of it and there are parts in this song i remember from the original, which are pretty alike. if I was the original composer of this song i wouldnt be dissapointed. Good useage of the samples and the 8 bits samples are sounds good, there are only one 16 bit sample in this song. all samples are mixed well togheter and doesnt scare u with sudden kamikaze volume sounds.

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Title: "Club Night" Opinash
Filename: op_club_night.xm
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
this is a nicely made ambient tune to relax. the song flows real nice all patterns of of the song The ending is alittle to sudden,should graded down over some more patterns. end note: this song really captures the ambience out there?.:> each other and no sample destroys other by having a too high volume. good quality of samples used in this song,allmost all are 16bit which u will notice

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Title: Sweet melody/Opinash
Filename: op_swm.xm
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very good sounding song from beginning to end. pianos and chords brings u right to a sad moment in a movie.. the last part of the song is just fantastic. well worth a download Nice samples used in this tune, likely of very good quality, 24 channels used in this song.. chords and pianos very well combined in this song. no samples overriding other samples in volume.

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Title: Only three words
Filename: onlythre.xm
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Its an allround ok song,guess perzzon have tried making this song as "sweet" as possible but didnt quite get it.the start is very nice, but then a bass enters which after my opinion just as well could be left out, lasts through the entire song. the background bass u allready read about, could be differ alittle more or maybe it should been used a softer bass so it woulndt be the first that hit your ear when listening to the song. on the good side the chord and piano mixing is a fine job.. claps on the back to Perzzon :

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Title: beepgamemusicpart i
Filename: i.mod
Posted Mon 21st Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This short tune is seemingly meant to be a funny retro-flashback at old C64/amiga games like the title is trying to imply. With chipsounds and loads of good memories. Not that this guy hasn't tried to put together a reasonable enough,memory- refreshing melody, but to be honest it sounds as squeaky as my 82 year old grandma's morning cough... The low score is explained by the nearly unlistenable chip sounds of too high frequenzies and the rather unstable environment of the song. This may not be too obvious for "untrained ears", but that's the impression that I get after listening to it in detail. This guy have seemingly a fair enough tracking knowledge; but a lot to learn about "arranging"; -putting complimentary instruments together, and knowing what frequenzies to use on the instruments/samples, and most important of all: -When. Otherwise the the impression I get about his instrument organization is good enough; something that could provide great help for younger/new trackers to see what kind of effects that have been used, and what kind of easy traps you can fall into when you're trying to master two or more sounds at a time to create the basic melody theme. All in order to produce a listenable mod. Otherwise the cutted drum loop with good variations is above average compared to what most basic, "once in a while" trackers comes up with at the current time. I've also taken into consideration the four channel limit that the composer have strugged against, as the .mod -format allows at maximum.

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Title: Sympho-Maniac
Filename: sympho1.it
Posted Sun 20th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Em ... The melody is always the same, sometimes tuned up with some Hardcore drums. Ok, altough the melody is always the same, the artist used a cool instrument for the different sounds. I know a lot of people who would like to hear this song. The drums are used at the right time and made the song very fast. Perhaps the song is too short (1:50 Minutes). Anyway, well done :-)

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Title: SYMPO - By Bernard
Filename: sypmo1.it
Posted Sun 20th Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
Yeah! After a while, I'm back and the song I heard is great!!!It's a remix of Water Wave, so they call it here in Austria. First the nice Symphony, then Drum & Bass, Then Tecno and so on. I really like this song. Bernard, go on with this great work! The artist really can be proud of himself. Very cool instruments, a lot of differnet drums and basses and a cool melody (The melody is very famous!) is important for a good tune.

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Title: End of a World CWM
Filename: zepend.it
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This is the kind of music to dream away with. Just lean backwards, close your eyes and let your mind be free. I find this song so relaxing that, when i was listening to it, i allmost fell asleep. The artist(s) should consider if they not want to make this song into a lullaby-song. All of the instruments are very well recorded and placed just right in the song. Also the ending is smoothly sliding (fading) away.

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Filename: z-corn.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This is also a popcorn cover, but thrown in a breakbeat jacked what reilly is an success. All the time i listened to the original, aswell the house version, but this is what you call "a cool song" All the instruments and voices seemed ripped from various cd's or other songs, but are put up in one line, so you can say that the artist has used everything right. I will be waiting for the next song of this artist.

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Title: back again (za)
Filename: zaugh.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Here the artist comes back again with an noisy chipsound. I wish he would leace these sounds away, then the song is a very good one. I hope he will make more songs but then without these chippy sounds. This song is a good song, even if these continiously chip is arround. After a while the song is become a bit boring, b-cause you have put thisone in repeat-modus. I would suggest that the artist is losing that "one asmple and make it a lot longer, just one or two breaks in it and you have a totally other song.

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Title: summer was here
Filename: zasumr.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Hey, a ballad, dedicated to his mom. Yup, that's what yuo will get if you love your parents, then you just have to make a nice ballad and thisone is very well done, only for a ballad it is a bit on the short side. This is the first ballad i heared from this artist and i hope he's gonna make some more. The birds in this kinda song are nice, also is the quality of the instruments. Keep them coming like this, so i can n-yoy myself with your songs

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Title: pcychadelic popcorn
Filename: zapop1.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Here the artist is making again a cover of the famous popcornsong, the original is from Popcorn. He made a own controversion of this famous song and put in a nice strong housebass. Even the artist is using a chipsound this song is not bad at all, but as most of the time is the chipsound overruling on some places and this brings the song a bit down. Overall this song has good instruments.

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Title: ZaPhyR NBT
Filename: zaphyr.it
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
When you are playing this song it seems like that the player is stuck on something, but that reilly is the song itself. For thye people who loves this kind of music it's a direct hit. The artist has ripped some samples from various cd's. The voices are also not totally new, but it is a quite remarkable song, strange, but tasty. All instruments are well used, only the handclaps are here and there overdone.

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Title: zanew1.xm
Filename: zanew1.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Take a deep cough, this is again a (chippy) chipsoundinglike song which b-comes boring, at least if you replay thisone over and over. But for the rest is this song nice done and.... listen to it and give your own meaning ! The chipsounds are overruling again in this song. These chipsounds does make me think of a game called "mario" on a gameboy. The synthesyzer is again the strongest instrument to keep this song together.

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Title: first degree murder
Filename: zamurd.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song is a totally new song and i find it a good song. The artist is going a different way, he goes thistime into the relaxing style instead of a trance style. I think this song is a step closer to reality. Think only of all these sinless murders wich the police has written down in the books as "unsolved murders" In the beginning the song is very clean, but after a while the song is growing up to a nice song which cannot be a "redeemed" song. The artist did not know where to begin and where to end, so it seems like, but afterall : Good !

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Title: Soul of Ocean
Filename: zak6.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
In the beginning you will think : "oh no, is this song keeping up like this tempo", but afer +/- 5 minutes it turns into a nice and good based trance-rhytm. Also the seaguls are very nice. You think after a while that you're on the beach, all alone, listening to the wind and the sea. Very well done. Instead of keeping this on one rhytm, the artist has made a reilly cool sounding song with here and there a slight break. Just enough to dream away for a few moments and then wake up..... if you then still know where you are....

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Title: strong intentions
Filename: zaints.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This is a kind of relaxing song. When you are listening to this musicmodule, you must be sure not to switch on the volume button on your amplifier, else the bass becomes a nasty sound. The synthesyzer in this piece of music is one of the "drivers" to keep this mod from falling apart. Further the piano is very nice and well put in place but sometimes i couldn't hear the piano even as hard as the synthesyzer.
