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Title: groovie!
Filename: zagrv.mod
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
There he is again with a new song and also new instruments. The musicality of this song is quite ok, but i find thisone not one of his better ones, tough, in time i heard a lot of music and i must say that this is nicely done. The artist has used his instruments in this song very well and they are all tuned to eachother, so i have no remarkes herefore. The song for itself is quite a relaxing kinda song.

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Title: techno chip
Filename: zadan1.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
This song is again a "chipsound" song and i'd reilly like to know if the artist(s) are become as bored as i am. The song further is buildup good, but it misses some affection to become "that song". I think that all the instruments were used before in other musicpieces and most of these are quite noisy. Further the song is technically good, but there are sometimes these noisy parts where everything is sliding over eachother.

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Title: Funk Me with an Organ
Filename: organ.s3m
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
I love this song. Totally funky sample that is blended in very well with the rest of the song around it. Unfortuneatly, the song is way too short and the song does a 360 near the end when it suddenly changes to , well, what seems like a completely different song for about fifteen seconds at the end. That would be fine if it flowed nicely, but in this song, it seems to take away from how great the song was prior. As I mentioned, the funky sample is blended nicely, and allows the song to flow well. There is a loud deep snare sound used throughout the song that is far too loud and masks the underlying rhythm of the song. Other than that, the song is put together well, and is enjoyable to listen to.

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Title: Ç ORBiTER Ü Krembo é
Filename: orbiter.it
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Very good musicianship here. The song however, begins with this intro bit that builds up and builds up making one think they are about to witness an enormously furious techno song, only to be left hanging when the soft piano starts. Once again the build up begins, and leads into the song. The song itself lacks originality, a common criticism I guess, but nevertheless, is well done for a dance tune. The technical part of this song is very well done. My only criticism is the slowly oscillating note that is used in the beginning of the song to build up an intro, continues throughout the song, giving an effect of some really bad fake wind sound. I find it distracts from the rest of the song, and think it would sound better used only in the intro where it works really well.

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Title: ORbitalFlower
Filename: orbflowr.mod
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
While this song may lack a great deal of originality, it is certainly tight. The music is clean and the song works well. There are lots of areas within the song that the composer adds little melodic 'extras',which is probably what saved this song from mediocrity. The song follows a logical sequence and is enjoyable to listen to. Tech-wise, this song is tight, just as the music sounds. The musicianship is impressive, and one can tell upon listening that the composer has a great deal of musical background. My only criticism here, is that in certain parts of the song, the volume seems to quaver in and out unintentionally. It is ever so subtle, and really doesn't affect the overall delivery of the song.

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Title: intromuz-2.hb !!mix
Filename: zachi8.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Another song in a continiously form of chipsound songs and thisone is reilly not that bad. This song is reminding me to a very, very old compuergame i played on the first compuer i ever had, the ZX- Spectrum. This song is put well together, only i am getting a heart-attack from allways the same samples in different songs. If i hear to much of this kinda music my nose is itching and then i must sneeze, is it lying on me or am i b-come allergic !

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Title: i'm so sorry.. buhh.
Filename: zagood.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Pfeew, after all the songs i heard (chipsound songs) thisone is a relieve to the ears. The song is well put together and the "guitar" and "synthesyzer" are doing the most in this piece of fine music. I think the artist is going soon make a refreshing start what not is bad at all, consider the previous songs he made. I just want to say that you must (if you want ofcourse) keep on making this kinda songs, b-cause it fits you better.

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Title: känn dig blåst
Filename: zagee.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Well, the ugly chipmen are busy again to create a song into i don't know what ! I find thione not good in totally, but the setup is just right. The instruments are fine but are becoming anoying when put in in repeat. The artist(s) should not use these same old samples again and again. It becomes finally an attack on the ears of the listeners. Further i would suggest to pump up the beat in this song, it now has allmost no beat.

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Title: final countdown!
Filename: zafin.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Tried to make a cover from Europe's "The Final Countdown" and i find thisone a bit amusing if you hear again the chipping sound in this song. The cover for itself isn't coming close to the original, but nice done. The artist has struck again with a nice cover and is trying to come close to the original, but only a few instruments are coming closeby. Further this song is put well together and good tuned, so no overruling samples here !

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Title: ducktales
Filename: zaduck.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well, here the artist has made a soundindlike tune of a comic strip on television also called "ducktales". I reilly like thisone and didn't i forgot to tell ? "i always read donald duck" and do you also have a ducky in the badtub ? ;-) Nice work! No strong bass, not whatever, just a relaxing tune. Play thisone in a loop and you will see donald, his neffues and all others twirling before your eyes, but you then must close your eyes if you would see them.

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Title: ZoG The World
Filename: zog.it
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
In this ong there is one sample who is overruling some other samples, it's the clcking sound. The other samples are all tuned in the right way, but it seems to me that some are just a bit too loud. If you like a bit of trance ans a bit of techno, then you like thisone. A firm and strong bass is keeping this song up, only i would make that "clicking sound" less louder. Further i would say that if the artist is doing that, that then this song will rise up.

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Title: scene music fantasy
Filename: zademo.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A very good trancesong with a very strong beat in thisone. All the samples are tuned right and i must say to my regret that some samples may have " that bit" more of loudness. For the rest thisone is reilly the worth for download. This artist is having the "tracker" under it's finger. There is in the beginning the very good intro, followed by a thunder and then a strong beat. The stereo effects are very good and strong put in line.

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Title: happy days (za)
Filename: zadays.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Wow, what a song ! If you relly like trancesongs then i just have to say that this is a very cool and groovy sounding song. Even all the samples are well done and aswell the intro/outro. Worth to download !!! All is well placed. Just when i thought he doesn't had other samples, here the artist is coming out of the alley to join the force of the trancesongs. The voices are not bad at all !

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Title: dancing midgits
Filename: zadanc.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Another chippy sounding song, but thistime he's putting more work in this song and the artist seems to make his creations longer. Good job !!! But i have one question to ask ? How did u come up with the title ? b-cause i didn't saw midgits and didn't hear them aswell. Need i say it over and over again ? The artist must seek other samples for him to use. For those samples look at http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~aka/index_e.html (AKA),and here you can find a lot of new samples, all in XI format.

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Title: take on me (za)
Filename: zacwl.xm
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A chippy sounding song, but it turns out reilly well. This is a cover from A-HA, but what only i am missing is the intro/outro in thisone. Only when replaying it, this sounds not bad at all. If you like the original song then u will like thisone too. Even the artist has used again his same(old)samples, this song is reilly one of the better productions of many. I am missing for the most the intro, so if the artist is making an intro for this, the song is interesting enough for a higher grade.

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Title: cool
Filename: zacool.mod
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Again a new one of this artist, but now there is a chipsound who is a bit too loud. Further this is a nice song compared with some other works. I don't know this artist, but ido know his works and i know he can do it better. The artist has a cuttoff complex i think, because the ending comes suddenly.The break (without beat) in thisone, nearly at the end, is well placed but then... Yup, the end !!! If he is renewing this song to make it longer then the rating is flying up.

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Title: ugly chipman (ZA)
Filename: zachi9.mod
Posted Sat 19th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
There is a roling sample in this song on one channel who is anoyingly. Also the rest of the samples are not reilly good, but i cannot put them right in place. The song for itself is on the short side, so you must play it in a continious loop what finally is becoming a bit anoying. The artist reilly should consider other samples. I only find the "trumpet" sound good placed in this song. Just when i heard the tune i thought that my ears where jumping off my head (hehehe) ;-)

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Title: Magnetic Dust
Filename: MAGDUST.XM
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Highs The song follows a very logic pattern and has some wonderful beats Lows Well the song has basicly three or four parts that are repeated through the song. While each is unique they do not vary in each section so that you begin to wonder if the song isn't skipping. Also the song ends so abruptly that you don't realize another has started Well the samples are quite nice actually I enjoyed some of the guitar and sfx, but they all give you a feeling that you've heard them before in some other song. Still it is very enjoyabe for background music.

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Title: Listen to The Mage
Filename: mage.xm
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Highs Wonderful song the music seems like something done by David Lanz. The flowing notes and use of sound fx to tell the story in the song was great. The picturesque idea is quite clear in the diffrent sections Lows While it is very well organized some of the sections seem a bit like fluff added to fill time I can not give this song better than this because of the annoying use of the reverse piano sample that seems so incredibly generic that it seemed to ruin it for some of the other samples. The other samples were all very good, but lacked the originality of some of the other songs I've heard.

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Title: FreedFromDesire-DJ Dafuki
Filename: freed.it
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
ok this one impressed me big time. This remix is like hundred time better than the original song. at 6 minutes long, its hard to keep such a song interesting for its entire lenth, but this one does mostly. i say mostly because in places it tends to be a little to repetitive, but we can't win em all. Download it now ppl. Brillaint construction work. For 8 bit samples this one sounds really impressive, with the vocals crisp and clear. Definately will get your groovin' round the room. its that good.

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Title: freezerr.xm
Filename: freezerr.xm
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Hmm, a rather dissappointing simple tune. it started out real good, but seemed to just lose its magic, and really turned into sumthing quite horrible. really just a tumbled up mess of a techno tune. yeesh, there are some really shoddy parts in here. Nothing more than noise in places. The sampling could have been sooo much better too. i'm hard pressed to find anything good about this one i'm afraid.

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Title: o-/ First flight \-o
Filename: frstflgt.xm
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Not a bad tune this one, rellay cool to sit back and just listen to it, but just when your just getting into it it finishes. at only 2 minutes long its a real shame. Does give the feeling of flying though, so its not too bad at all. not too bad at all....except the samples, which make me cringe in places, let me tell you that! This plus the shortness of the song is the reson why it didn't score any higher.

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Title: fugue_in_g-moll
Filename: fugeg.mod
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
another well done classical piece, but its well and truly let down by awful samples sounding like the C64 is making a come back. However, the tune itself appears to be note-perfect. What can i say about the construction. Well it is put together well, but as i said above, the samples ruin it big time. Fans of the genre will like. others will not

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Filename: furelis2.mod
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Well, this is one pictuer perfect recreation of fur elise if i ever saw one. People may wonder why such a high score, but really its because its such a cool instrumental pice to listen too. But you do have to be a fan of the genre to appreciate this one. As i said above a perfect recreation of the old time classic. Not too much in samples needed really, as the piano is the only thing you will hear.

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Title: "Phobic" -Future Assassin
Filename: phobic.s3m
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Hmm, this is quite a difficult track to review, there were good & bad bits to this track. But, overall, I liked it. It started of kind of quiet then dragged the listener by the heels into heavy rock. This track had a nice simple tune which I liked. Some nice electric guitar effects in there as well. Future Assassin have come up with a good track here, well done. I especially liked the chorus in the middle. I have absolutely no critiscms about the technical side of this track. A lot of effects were put to good use here, especially the guitar effects. Nice one....

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Title: Afterglow
Filename: afterglo.mod
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
The first thing that hit me was the absolutely beautiful flute lead. The music is wonderful, it gave me a happy/sad paradoxical feeling, go figure :). The chords and blending etc. were great. This isn't my favorite by Dr. Awesome, but I really suggest you check out some of his other stuff. He's GOOD! As much as I like him, these instruments are rather old and dirty, he does make really good use of them, though. The effects were okay, he didn't use a whole bunch of them, but I'm not complaining. His one flute sample was great.

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Title: The Home Visit
Filename: homvisit.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This mod had me strangely entranced, its beat and main rhythm blend well. The variation in the style and tempo worked for the overall feeling of satisfaction of listening to this classy mod. Its one of the best i've heard yet The artist has used several good samples here to excellent effect. I shall be using some of these in my future musical exploits. The music is varied and the use of the various effects such as volume control was excellent. Overall a technically good piece and I look forward to hearing more of this artists work.

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Title: Fantasy of Love
Filename: fantasy.s3m
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Cam has done quite a good job here with this particular tune. a nice slow combination of guitar and kettle drums, all mixed up with some panpipes too. The tune could have been a little more exciting though in places. The samples are ok, but nothing to get carried away with. Guitar could have been sooo much better. No noticable glitches i could discern, and the endng is quite good, slowly winding its way down.

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Title: fantasy now !
Filename: fantnow.mod
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Hmm, a cool tune ruined by sub-standard samples. Shame when this happens, cos this is one really funky tune. Although i'd say its not a fantasy tune, like the name inplies. more close to a game theme really. The samples are really a big let down for such a cool tune. its so sad when that happens :) Apart from that gripe, this one is put together rather well, little repetition

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Title: B.ful X-mas -L_Gaga
Filename: fantsy21.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Quite good to listen to this one, a well thought out and contstructe tune, thats poilt by its repetitiveness. Its a shame really cos this one tarted out so well. Lovely piano samples used. no other probs with it except that ugly repetitiveness. As I mentioned above, the piano sample/tune is very good, and there are some nice background effects in there too. But the other samples are tending to be a bit simple in some circumstances.

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Title: By: Andreas Viklund
Filename: faraway.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Now this is much better than the remix ( which is next on the list), beacuse it doesn't have the vocal's thrown into it. Its really a cool, addictive tune. No problems with it whatsoever. Nice lenth, excellent use of samples, and quite orignal too. Ok flawless construction here. brilliant samples, Nice tune composition and not a glitch to be seen. Tune could have been a bit more interesting in places though, and thats where it loses its half point.

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Title: cortouchka!
Filename: Cortouchka.mod
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
The song starts, you hear some deep soft music, "probably some lame easy listening music" And just as your about to press the stop button and download a different MOD, Cortouchka's melody hits you without warning, and once you hear that first riff, you're not going to want to stop. With Cortouchka, Moby has you exactly where he wants you, and it's obvious in the way he structured his song, that he too is aware of this. This song just doesn't relent, every time your used to one thing, the rythym picks up, or he takes the melody even further. The only part of this song that I found to be weaker than the rest was the ending, and that doesn't matter much because by this point, you have just sat through some 6 minutes of rockin' music. A definate keeper. This is the best use of guitars I think I've ever seen in a MOD. aside from sounding a little dry at times, they really worked wonders for this song. the perfect mix of treble and bass. Moby has certainly earned a reputation for knowing what he's doing. Cortouchka remains true to that.

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Title: condom corruption
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
It's songs like this that give techno a good name. This song is practically designed to raise your heartbeat, but unlike a lot of techno, it doesn't rely on that. along with a pumping rythym, it has one of the most kickass melodies I've heard in a techno piece lately The song suffers a bit in a couple parts where the rythym changes to this slow kind of Industrial type segment and then goes back to being fast techno again. now this wouldn't be bad by itself, but it just doesn't mix well. The only exception is near the end, you think it's going to go back into the industrial segment, but does a very nice bridge right back into techno. This song is definently one that'll stick in your brain for a very long time. The volume, panning, the whole flow of the song works perfectly. In fact, it's not till' listening to it probably 30 some times before you relalize some noise in the samples, but even then it doesn't detract from the enjoyability of this piece.

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Title: Cantina band
Filename: cantina.mod
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Aside from some slow parts at the beginning and end, the song flows well. It's very catchy and addictive, and in my opinion, a decent version of the famous Cantina Band music. The beginning is annoying, it just has Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan talking to each other with a half-assed, one instrument version of the theme song playing in the background, then all of a sudden, the cantina music starts up, that gets ya groovin'. The song is laced with Star Wars sound files, all of which are from the famous Cantina scene. The sounds for the most part don't do much for the song, but there are at least 2 instances when the timing is JUST right, and it just makes you say "woah!", namely "I'll be careful" "You'll be DEAD!!" I say if nothing else, download this song just to hear that line, you'll be glad you did. While the music is cool and addictive, I will not lie to you about the sound quality. practically every sample is very low quality. the song is filled with .Wavs from the movie but the music is too loud, and you barely hear most of them. Like I said, there were times when they got the timing perfect, but that was just a small fraction of the sound files in this song.

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Title: Can -O- Spam
Filename: canospam.s3m
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This song is VERY unique in that you can either hate it or love it. If you're like me and can't help laughing just from hearing someone say "Monty Python", and then remembering a scene from either the TV show or one of thier numerous films. This song will definently appeal to these people, chock full of hilarious .wavs from the TV show. Monty Python and Spam is definently a lethal combination. On the other hand, there is music in this MOD, and this is where the "hate it" part comes in. This is obvious the work of someone who just wanted to get a laugh out of others. The samples used for instruments don't work, and neither does the melody they create. As funny as it is, even the hilarious Monty Python .wavs are very fuzzy and hard on the ears. The same thing can be said for all of the samples. This gets annoying very quickly and after listening to this song too much, even the MP clips just come off as annoying. the .wavs don't match up to the music at all, and considering that this song primarily focused on the sound files, it isn't appropriate that the music overshadows it at times.

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Title: ACiD REiGN
Filename: acidrgn.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Oowie you bugger! Sweet and sassy, beautiful acid lead with the backing of a great beat. Hey, he did something uncommon (to me at any rate) in this tune. Phoenix actually uses a key changes (Woohoo!) Only one complaint, one that I'm sure has been hammered into by now... it's too short! Ahem! ;) Yes yes, clean samples. They're so clean I could like a dime of of them... oh, never mind. The filesize is dandy too, very sleek :O. Effects are not over-used nor are they under-used, they hit that happy medium in there. Download this!

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Title: the notes just flow
Filename: magdick.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Highs THe music flows in a nice evolution of it's melody and beat. It also has a wonderful collection of ideas. Lows somewhat repetitive in areas and the beggining starts with a sample that while high quality is still grating as a beggining The samples seem to fit the idea of the song well. Some of the background tones are very original and the song follows a well planned out pattern.

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Title: madrid
Filename: madrid.xm
Posted Thu 17th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10

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Title: Duet
Filename: m5v-duet.s3m
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Very laid back melody using two guitars and some drums. Sounds like one of those great songs youd hear by a campfire. I love it! :-) Also the music has a GREAT organization to it so that know part lasts to long that it becomes repetitive. The only problem is at the end the music seems to cut off a little to quick. All in all though a wonderful piece of music well worth the download. The samples while very good seem at some times to be slightly generic sounding. This doesn't really hider the music though. It just adds to the camp feeling of the song. Best of all is the way the instruments are layered so none of them overide the melody.

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Title: FarawayLove/VocalEdit NBT
Filename: farnfar.it
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Now heres tune that's wicked to listen too. absolutely awesome piano work, and all bundled up with a wicked tune as well. apart from the vocals at the beginning, this is one perfect mod really. Stunning work on putting this one together, but i did notice it stuttered in a couple of places. but nothing to major. Good work all round, not repetitive, and a good lenth of 4:25.
