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Filename: fashion.s3m
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Not a bad tune to listen too at all, especially as its repetitive as hell. Some cool piano work really makes this one. its not often you hear a piece this fast, with such a cool piano samples thrown in. As i said above, there are some really fancy piano works thrown in here, quite impressive. but the entire song id way to repetitive to get a higher score, i'm afraid.

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Title: fuckin bold song
Filename: fastbad.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
ok, i am at a loss to say much about this one. definately an original sounding mod thats for sure. fans of hardcore Techno are gonna love this one thats for sure. What spoils it i think is the inclusion of voice samples in variuos places that really put me off. A bit repetitive i think, especiialy with one samples that pans from one side to another. The voice samples are muffled too, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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Title: fast_charger_2
Filename: FASTCHA2.MOD
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Now heres a cool beat, sure to get you grooving. heavy on the bass which ias always a good thing i think, although the tune itself is a little simple, and the ending is a complete let down. apart from a real bad ending, this is put together rather well i thought. Nice sounding samples, and an awesome beat. Just a shame about the tune. oh well.

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Title: Faster
Filename: faster.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Hmm, a really cool tune, spoiled completly by its 'orrible repetetion. and when i say repetition i mean it. There are only a couple of break aways thrown into this one. really not worth the effort i'm afraid some ok smaples here, and a pretty good panpipe one too. one of the best pipe samples i've heard in a while actually. but really thats all i can find to praise about this one in particular

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Title: Way Of The Dragon
Filename: wotd.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10
What the hell is this? The song is 27 seconds long? It doesn't sound too bad, but come on. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS SONG. I can't believe this guy got away with uploading this song. It should be deleted. Samples are good quality so you can download the song to rip 'em, but if you're looking for a tune to listen to skip this one. This "artist" doesn't know what he's doing..

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Title: World of Unicorns
Filename: wou.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A nice sounding song. I like the melody, but it seems to get confused sometimes. It's a little repetative at parts. The drums don't seem to fit. The piano and bass work nice together. The samples are all good quality. Intro of song is done nicely, allthough the end is a little odd. It's a fairly simple song so I don't think it warrants a semi-pro rating, but if it were a little more complex it might.

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Title: Wow
Filename: wow.it
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
This song is really jumbled. Some parts sound okay, but it's awful for the most part. I can't pick out a defining melody. Horrible song. I think it's the guy's first mod, so that'll explain it. Good samples, they're just arranged terribly. The strings don't belong in this song. The song starts out totally different than the rest of it. The main instrument is off key and sounds horrible.

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Title: wierd old wise man
Filename: wowm.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Not a bad tune, but it's repeated too much. I like the bass and the piano was kind of cool. The song needs more variance and maybe some more instruments as it sounded a little bland. Volume among samples is varied too much which makes the song sound weird. The voice samples are very static and don't sound too good.

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Filename: fastforw.s3m
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice thumping fast tune, lots of bass, and a drum beat to be proud of. But the tune itself suffers a little. can be annoyininly repetitive in places too. Those who love the genre may find it to their liking, others will have to try first. Some of the samples are just plain awful. while others are remarkable good! the mod seems to be put together fairly well, but with all the noise, its really hard to pick out individual smaples some times

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Title: favor
Filename: FAVOR.XM
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Really this one is not good at all. i'd say a complete novice did this one. the tune is really not good at all, where hes taken a bunch of chords, stuck em together, and thens hes playing the chords at diff keys. really sounds bog awful. Just a little more proof about the authors lack of skill. he didn't even change the comments on the samples he ripped. and the smaples themselves are really scraping the barrel too. just a bunch of noise really

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Title: ** FAR AWAY REMIX **
Filename: fa_remix.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Now here a cool, relaxed tune that sounds pretty darn good. Its perfect for a little stress relief. at 5 minutes long, its a long relaxation period too. nice piano solo near the end too. Some of the smples could have been better, and the song itself could have been a little less repetitive. still sounds good, and the contruction itslef is nicely done as well, with no glitches that i could find.

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Title: fby-superjazz
Filename: FBYSuperJazz.mod
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice jazz beat this one. A lot like what jazz sounded like in the old days. Its got a really funky beat to it. Download this one if you like a good jazz tune, but others won't enjoy it much i think. Some of the samples are a bit of a let down, especially the trumpets, and bass guitar. Its still put together well, and the tune itself is pretty much constructed well, with easily defined beginning and endings

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Title: 8 million W T D (HT)
Filename: c-8mill.xm
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Cactus has shown before that he can use good samples in a song but not come up with much more, but this mod completely blew me away! It does a great job of setting the mood that he set out to do. It makes it hard to believe that this is his first time doing industrial techno. The only part that I had to be a little critical of is the beginning where it sounds like something is being set up, but doesn't quite deliever, but it does the rest of the song no serious harm at all. As always, Cactus' samples sound great, what really sent chills down my spine was the bass and the percussion. The mix was outstanding. The samples, for the most part are clean, except for a few times I could detect a bit of fuzziness, but it's not noticable enough to make this song kick any less ass. I highly reccomend it.

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Title: xmasong.s3m
Filename: xmasong.s3m
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
There isn't very much to say here,this mod is sounds like very simple wav of the old classic "Jingle Bells",with a modern twist. There is one neat little passage in the music, but then it starts in with the rhythm-deprived version of "Ingle 'Ells ".This mod is not slated to be on the Top 40 hit list ! Well...The best thing I can say about this mod is "I liked the ending ". The samples weren't all that great ,and the instruments all had a tinny sound.But the ending was quite nice....a real orchestra finish.

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Title: Flight Throught the Dream
Filename: FDREAM.S3M
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
mmm, nice relaxing mod this one, stressfree just like its supposed to be, but a little repetitive for a higher score. nice guitar tune, that easily lets u imagine that you are flying. Hair falling out from stress? then give this one a shot! A really nice guitar samples really makes this mod. nice calm and relaxing put together quite nicely too.

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Title: fear 2
Filename: fear2.mod
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
Alrighty!! another excellent mod by Mick Rippon. This guy is just loaded with talent its quite unbelievable. This sounds so wicked, with nice dark ambient parts mixed into a cool upbeat tune, and its nearly 7:30 long. you really have to listen to the entire thing before you realise how good this one is. After the whole 7:30 i was still enrapted in it. its that good!! Not many mods get 10's outta of me ppl Man does this guys have talent or what. Completely flawless construction, and some of the best samples i've ever heard. Give him an Oscar or sumthing!! Excllent panpipes, brilliant drums, and some sound f/x thown in to boot! DOWNLOAD NOW PPL, NOW!!

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Title: Fear Of The Dark
Filename: feardark.s3m
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Hmm an interesting mod to say the least, sort of a heavy metal ambient track, which is the most unlikely combination i've ever come across in a while. Some nice drum effects thrown in which really help in making the atmosphere, and theres some really nice e.guitar work too. give it a shot ppl. as i said above, theres some nice use of the elec.guitar, and the drum's too. its all really out together rather well i thought. not too bad at all.

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Title: Leaving All Behind
Filename: leavingallbehind.xm
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
If you don't download this you are a twat and deserve to die. And I ain't sh!ttin' about the score either. Thats it. Now it's not often I swear... lots. but this is a great peice of music both in structure and melodies. (Okay so the first bits were written whilst drunk but hey that's how I felt).

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Title: Current Contents
Filename: current.mod
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10
I can't think of much to say about this song, there's nothing special at all about it to mention. the melody is very poorly done.. that is, assuming there was supposed to be one It just did a bunch of Random things, but never really shaping itself into a "song". Since it drags on and on, this can get very old very fast. Bland bland bland!! The samples are very dull and they're played in a very dry, uninteresting fasion. The drum track is boring, the bass is non-existant, and the melody is at the same time hard on the ears, yet at the same time, the repitiveness will hypnotize you and put you right to sleep... so don't listen to this song while operating heavy machinery.

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Title: -= "We Will Dance" Remix =-
Filename: dance.s3m
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song is very musical. The chords are really great! They add lots to the piece. Good piano, and percussion. The only problem here..is the flute solo. It should probably be just a bit softer. But other than that, it's a very nice soft/dance piece. Very enjoyable! Technically, this song is wonderful. There are nice volume changes from the beginning. I like the drum patterns too. Very soft, Perfect! The piano starts at the perfect time also. It's very moving. Definately a dance piece. My feet are moving right now...hehe. Very Good technically. Good rhythm!

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Title: go-for-it
Filename: CAMBOD.MOD
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10
I don't know what this song is trying to sound like, but the whole thing is hokey, the melody is not very good, and repeats a lot. It sounds like somebody was playing a game on the NES and tried tracking one of the songs... however, I can't think of an NES game I've ever played where the music sucked this bad. The song sounds very very dry.. there's not even any reverb to help it, and most of the samples are very low quality. It's mixed very badly, it doesn't come even close to "flowing" like a song should. If you do decide to listen to this song, keep a bottle of Aleve close by.

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Title: Bug Invasion (HT)
Filename: c-anothe.xm
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The music rather simple and repetitive.. but strangely, I found myself liking it. It got my heart pumping. "Based on Starship Troopers" however, might not be the right choice of words.. be warned, listening to to this song will not give you visions of nuking the Arachnids on Klendathu, it won't make you want to go hunting for the brain bug, and it will not make you "want to know more". But it is a good listen. :) The samples sound Great! everything in the song is clean and mixed very well. the general tone suffered just a little bit. Something about it just made it seem insubstantial. But it's not very noticable.

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Title: Acid Subjection (HT)
Filename: c-acid.xm
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
This song suffers from the classic case of good sound, bad music. the music was, for lack of a better word, boring... another word could be messy. Cactus has shown in his other MODs that he likes using a bunch of cool sounds, but even before, he's managed to form them into at least something that someone could theoretically make out as a melody This song just kinda drags on and repeats itself. definently not worth a 20 minute download. While a boring song, the sound was very clean and well put together. While it may appear messy, at least it's more of a "nicely blended" messy. Unfortunatly over 3 mb of high quality samples don't come anywhere close to saving this song.

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Title: Dimension (HT)
Filename: c-da.xm
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
Dimension is a very interesting song in that it never allowed me to have one opinion about it. The percussion in this song, especially in the beginning and end were truly impressive. I was dissapointed in the melody, the song part wasn't that good, it was pretty much 3 notes played in sequential order, and after a while, even the percussion and bass get boring. it does this litte piano thing in the middle and near the end that I still don't, and probably will never understand. Overall I reccomend listening to the first 25 seconds of this song any longer, and expect to be bored out of your mind. While the song itself is very lacking, I still have to give it good points on the samples, which for the most part sound very clean and put together well.. I really don't like the lead section, but even at it's worsed, it doesn't sound TOO bad. the middle sounds very bad cause the percussion and bass were taken away.

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Title: ..Feathers fell..
Filename: feather.xm
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice work on the instrument work, but unfortunately the tune itself leaves a lot to be desired. The instrument in question sounds like a harpsicord. hence the entire song feels like it belongs in the 18th century. Not really much to say about it technically, apart from some nice instrumental work. theres only 5 samples used, and I really could only hear 2 of em.

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Title: Feats of valor
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Nice fast tune, that sounds really awesome to listen too. Good mix of samples, and not to repititious at all really. Definately a worthwhile download i think. good, crisp clear samples throught out this one, though not any effects used that i could discern. Only problem i have with this one is that it is maybe a little bit too long at 4:10 long, as interest seem to wane of toward the end.

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Title: FeAtUrE PreSEnTaTiOn
Filename: feature.it
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
This one should really be in a category of its own, its so hard to place a classification to it. Its basically a techno beat at its heart, but it changes pace throughout to really be any good. Fairly simple samples used in this one i'm afraid. nothing to inspiring here, its basically a bunch of techno beats we all all know and love/hate. One of the samples is so annyoing, it basically whines its way through the entire song too.

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Title: xmasmix
Filename: xmasmix.mod
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
When this song starts out it's a tuba players dream !!! All you hear is the bassline. You have to really strain to catch the melody. Luckily that doesn't last too long and when the medley switches to the next song, the melody takes the lead. The bad news is the bassline gains on the melody and runs it into the ground ...AGAIN !!! It's too bad you can't heard the melody most of the time,,,, they're actaully very nicely put together. I love the way this mod starts out...it would have made Santa Claus proud !:0) Too bad the ending was such a distaster ,,,,and that is putting it mildly. The samples are all good,and I like the use of the various instruments. The chimes add a really cool touch.My only complaint is that the bass is WAY too heavy and completely squashed delicate little "Melody's" toes :)

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Title: Waiting Night to Fall
Filename: xl_wait.s3m
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This isn't the most orginal piece I've ever heard,but it does spark a certain amount of interest,and almost has a Eastern'ish flavor. However I DID think it repeated itself a little too often.The drums are also a bit heavy....and kinda over-powered the melody.But,,,I think,all things considered,it's not too bad :) Well,the samples are pretty good,but the violins are a little on the tinny side though. It starts out great,and the theme and the beat work hand in hand throughout the entire mod. The ending was a tiny bit choppy,but you don't notice it too much because of the beat. It works.

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Title: !Hybrid! D
Filename: hybrid.mod
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
The beats are alright, but they leave very much to be desired in the lines of variation. After a while, the whole thing felt like it was just on repeat. The instrumentation was pretty bland, all standby techno blips and zooms; nothing to make it stand out. If it were just the skill involved in production that made the song, I would've given this song a much higher rating. It is smoothly produced, and has a slick, fuzzless feel to it.

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Title: tangerine fascination
Filename: m4v-fasc.it
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very fun feeling but the main melody seems to hide behind the bass and beat a little. Also the music begins to develop a to much of a pattern in the melody, but the it seems to not be as annoying as some songs I've heard. The best part is the way the music seems to flow from section to section and keep the same mood. I would love to give him a better rating since his samples are very nice but some seem a little out of place. Not enough to really great one your nerves but leave an annoying buzz that seems to say, "Now thats NOT where that belongs, is it?" Even still the first bass chord was execellent enough to get my attention the minute the song started.

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Title: groovy intermezzo 3
Filename: j_grovy3.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
The song was okay -- probably one of Demon's better songs, but it was a tad repetative. I was mislead by the title, assuming that the song was going to be more "groovish" but it turned out to be "happy" sounding. The artist went a little happy with the speed commands, causing the song to go from fast to slow almost continuously throughout. This became irritating after a while, but it does serve as an excellent example of how to vary the speed smoothly -- I will give that much credit.

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Title: -= March to the End =-
Filename: end.s3m
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This song is a good one, it lives up to its title as being a march. Only problem I found with it though was it was too short and not fast enough. More of a mellow march rather than a fast paced one that many people are so used to. This song could have also been a little bit longer. The instruments are used nicely. The only problem with them is they lack a lot of quality. Especially the percussion. The cymbal and the snare sound very muffeled. However, the other drums sound nice.

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Title: WAITING 4 U
Filename: wait4u.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This mod is an interpretation of an existing song, (i think it was sung by Brian Addams?) Well, this mod basically runs thoughout the whole song playing the melody repetitvly, this mod could have been a lot better had the artist gave attention to the accompinent, as sadly, its the same all the way through. This got far to repetitive and came close to annoying. Even though its an interpretation of the song, it would have been far more interesteing has there been more to listen to, given the fact that an XM mod allows so much more tracks and samples. Overall: Good try, could be better and more imaginitive. Well, basically you have a piano playing the appregiated chords and melody all the way though this 4 minute mod file. It lacks use of any special commands such as accenting/echoing etc... which gives it a rather flat and boring sound image. The use of tracks in the XM module was reasonalbe, but could have been better had other instruments been used.i.e a nice bright strings section could have brightened it up a lot. Samples were reasonalbe quality. Overall: Technically primative in use of track programming, but a good attempt at a song interpretation. If the artist takes a note from this review, he could gain great potential in writing mod files in the near future.

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Title: Socks for the King.
Filename: feb98.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Erm.... hard to describe this one really. its definately chock full of a whole heap of different parts to it. lots of electric syn sounds to it, but still sounds pretty good. some will like it other will not Interesting samples used in this one. its well put together too, which is always a good thing as well. may be a little too long for some ppl however.

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Title: Federal Agent!
Filename: fed.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Considering the name of the author, this one is no surprise whatsoever. Nice techno beat though, with our fav Fed's voices thrown in too. its heavy on the bass too, which is always a good thing. i'd recommend you listen to it ppl, cos its got that appeal to it Good quality mod this one. The voice samples could have been better though as they are awfully muffled. still a good pice of work. samples all clean, and no glitches thoughout.

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Title: -= Frantic Fever =-
Filename: fever.s3m
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
number 31 in Damein's repitore. this one has an awesome beat behind it, and as long as you ignore the not so crash hot samples, its really a good listen to. Original Sounding too which is a pleasant surprise Better samples would have meant heaps better score. Everythings just a little to syn'thd to much. Nice lenth behind it though, and it has a cool section in the middle, where it cuts out and jumps back in brillaintly

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Title: *** Feelings ***
Filename: feelings.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
mmmm, nicley done this one. cool beat and awesome tune really give this one an addictiveness that'll have you humming it until it drives you insane. A little to repetitive to get a higher score though. excellently put together this one. All the samples are crisp and clean. i'm pretty hard pressed to find fault actually

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Title: Feeling Good !!!
Filename: feelgood.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice beat to this tune, but i feel its spoilt by the voice samples that are present. Had they been taken out this could have been such a higer scoring mod. its still a quality tune to listen to so give it a shot ppl. The samples are all pretty good, even the voice sample that spoils the tune itself a little. Its a good quality construction too, no noticeable glitches. not too bad at all really.

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Title: *FEEL*
Filename: feel.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
wow, this on goes off, and it goes off FAST!! definately one of the fastest beats i've come across in a long time. Really sounds good ppl. brill use of piano mixed with the drum beat. it sounds awesome. Give it a try. awesome drum samples really make this one. its a nice lenth too (3:20) so it doesn't become too repetitious too. Nice contruction work all round really.
