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Title: "Fergo is back!"
Filename: fergo.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Not too bad at all this one, although a little simple to get a higherscore i'm afraid. Too much repetition of the main beat spoils it a little too. Fans of Dream/Trance music will enjoy though nice sounding samples all round, and theres plenty of em too. its really put together well, and has a perfect lenth of 3:30, so as not to put the listnener to sleep.

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Title: egg&chipz
Filename: eggnchip.xm
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This is kinda repetitive. This tune might be ok if you heard it in an old Nintendo game. It's filled with high piched whiney grizzly noises. It doesn't make me hungry for egg and chips at all! :®Þ These samples SUCK! Maybe becuse the tune was aimed at being small. So if that was the intended then it was forfilled. Even so worth a listen.

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Title: FF3 Kids Run Through City
Filename: ff3cityc.s3m
Posted Sun 13th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A slow tune, mainly using flutes/guitars. One of the better ff mods to listen too. But still a bit too short really. Nice acoustic guitar used in this one, sounds really excellent actually, but the other samples let it down hard.

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Title: HydroS (Progressive)
Filename: hydros.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Maybe it's just cos' I don't like trance, but this mod is way too boring to listen to. The instrumentation is well done, and the beat is apporpriate, but it's just not entertaining. Maybe something to listen to when you want to go to sleep. Fair. The song is technically alright, but there is not enough variation to tell if the artist is aware of how to really get a better sound out of his music. If there were anything substantial of the same quality, it would've gotten a higher rating.

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Title: HyperControl v3.0
Filename: hypercontrol_v3_0.s3m
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Total 80s pop. It's an upbeat song, and the way that the synths are organized you can really feel the guitar and vocal tracks that would well accompany this mod. Listening to it makes me remember the old Transformers movie, I can't honestly explain why. The simplicity of the bass line and the drumbeat really emphasize the leads, which are the highlight of this song. Good choices in instrumentation and an obvious mastery make for some extremely complex, yet very listenable melodies, which are supported by a well-done drumbeat. None of the instruments are too overpowering.

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Title: Hymn Of The Dying
Filename: hymnof.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well, Nitzer described the style as "slow-ambient," but it reminds me a whole lot of gothic techno. Haunting melodies are sort of interesting, although they seem to clash with the very standard drum-beat that underlies them. A little too boring. There was nothing to suggest that Nitzer really has that great of a grasp on this s sort of thing, but nothing to suggest otherwise. It was solid enough, and there was no glaring technical errors that I could hear. Just sort of bland.

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Title: HyperDrive
Filename: hyperdrv.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
This is amazing! From the "slow" beginning, which isn't even all that slow, all through the super-fast song to the slowdown again at the end, this song is absolutely fantastic. The instrumentation is varied enough that it's fresh and new, but still keeps on the theme of the song. Excellent! The difficult tempo-shifts in the beginning and end are handled very gracefully, the beats are put together nicely. Timelord takes everything he has at his disposal and puts it together into a great song. The crisp orchestral hit samples and the intro/outro are simply genius.

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Title: Let The Dragon Fly -Elk
Filename: ddrag.it
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very well done composition. A mysterious intro captivates the listener's attention immediately and doesn't stop there. I appreciate the dynamics in this piece a lot. Very good use of strings and vibes throughout the song. The drum beat is solid although it could perhaps use a few more fills in various places. All in all, a very well orchestrated piece. The sample quality is very good in this song, all the samples blend together nicely. As I said, the intro is very good but I was kind of hoping for a more creative ending than a simple fadeout. I guess it fits in the song quite nicely however. Good use of the echo effect throughout the piece creating a "fantasy atmosphere." Well done.

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Title: Hyper-Tranze 98
Filename: hypertil.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Although I'm not a big fan of trance, this mod has enough variation in it too keep the song from falling into the "beat-click-beat-click" routine that most trance does. The vocal samples add a great effect to the song, and the instruments are all very well-chosen (the "atomic" sounding snyths.) My only complaint is it takes about a minute and a half for the mod to get interesting. It is obvious that these guys know what they're doing. The mod is very hi-fi and crisp, the samples are of high quality, and the beats are well coordinated. This shows how good a mod should be able to sound.

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Title: Hypnosis
Filename: hypnosis.mod
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Bth themes in this song are well composed and easy to listen to. They have a very 80s cop movie feeling to them (which is a good thing.) Intricate melodies in parts make Hypnosis definitely worth the download. Crisp instrumentation on only 4 channels, this file is technically superb when considering the small download size. Timelord seems to have a handle on what he's doing, and I hope to see more quality mods from him.

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Title: hypnosis.xm
Filename: hypnosis.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Solid and calming. The mellow synths are extremely relaxing, if not a little lo-fi. Masterfully done, well-composed for such a simple song. Unlike a lot of others, Jozef doesn't rely on the beat to carry his music, but rather the intricate flutish melodies. Technically strong. The beats are well-timed, and it's obvious that Jozef knows what he's doing. Effects are well-used in this song. The only reason I didn't go for a pro rating is that it feels way too lo-fi for my tastes.

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Filename: hyptune.s3m
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
Unamusing. This song is nothing but a bunch of annoying samples thrown together with a horrible thumpy beat to hold them together. Not worth the download. The samples are not only stupid, they're nearly impossible to understand and played over and over until you're ready to tear your ears off. The beat consists mostly of a single bass drum sample hit over and over, sometimes you even get a cymbal... not exactly impressive.

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Title: Hypnotic ecstasy
Filename: hypxtc.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Starts off well, although the beats sometimes feel a little out-of-sync in parts. Somewhere in the middle, though, there enters a tremendously annoying hi-pitched whiny deal that just really gets hard to listen to. 4 min into the song, it breaks down into a completely different beat that's even more grating than the first. On the plus, it features some interesting woodwindy samples. Song feels decently put together, but there are very little variations so it's hard to tell if he really knows what he's doing. The breakdown in the middle is dull, as are the samples, although "I am an atomic playboy" is kind of amusing.

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Title: Gravity(Pull Down Mix)NBT
Filename: gravity.it
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
A nice music, but i think NBT should add more patterns to make the music more intresting. isn't that a little annoying hearing the same thing 4 minutes? I kinda like the samples. not bad. but if i were the creator i was trying to find better ones.. oh well..

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Title: Funeral For God
Filename: ffg.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice sounding Ambient/atmospheric mod this one. Dark and moody, its really quite good, if a little simple in places. Nothing too extravagant shining through really, but still a nice listen. Nice howling wind sample that definately sets the mood, although it does run constantly throughout the mod, so by the end of it your feeling pretty darn sick of it. Altogether its not too bad at all.

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Title: Baghdad (Orientalistik 2)
Filename: baghdad.it
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song makes great use of an ethnic theme. However, there's not much variety to the track in the first half of the tune, but later on it gets wilder, and with that, more fun. While listening, listen to the background bells, They're the heart of the song, IMO. It just needs some chord variety! This song has some beautiful panning... Most ambient techno tunes either dont pan at all or pan too fast to be enjoyed. This one does it *almost* perfectly. Smooth Pans and delicate volume changes make this a wonderful ambient, but oddly wild techno peice.

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Title: breakbeat synthup
Filename: bbsynthu.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Standard (but fun) breakbeat/fast tune. Starts out with a samp from the Blade Runner: Vangelis CD. This threw me for a second and I didn't know if I liked the idea or not since i'm a mad mad Blade Runner fan, but... since the song is DANG FUN I like it, and I think you will too. It's nothing original, but its great fun. Cedri's getcha-goin-rating: 7.5 outta 10. Just what you'd expect from a fun dance breakbeat tune: Simple stuff, nothing too involved. It could stand to be refined a little bit. Dont expect any major effects, this ones a pounder. It's simple, but fun.

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Title: Starlight rmx HV
Filename: bam-star.xm
Posted Sat 12th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This is your average dance mix of a song. BAM, yet again, does a good job at making a song dance, adding/refitting voice samps and not cheapening the music. It's your normal 'floaty dancy' tune. (Normal dance set of piano/sawtooth-esque wave, etc) Worth a d/l for fun. Cedri's Dance-getcha-goin' rating: 4 outta 10. Nothing extraordinary in this version. Normal handling of volume, etc. The normal BAM-set of stuff... slight panning, volume changes and all. Nuttin' special, but nuttin' bad. Get it in the tradition of BAM music: get it for fun.

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Title: The Believer
Filename: bam-beli.xm
Posted Fri 11th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This is your basic slow-pounding dance techno song, it's pretty fun but nothing *truly* original. If you're in the mood for some simple but fun beats, give this one a try. BAM's great at using vocal samples and not cheapening the music, this is a good example of that. Cedri's dance-getcha-goin' rating: 5 out of 10 Nothing mind-blowing. A buncha pretty standard volume changes and standard channel panning, but they're all used correctly in my opinion. The samples are pretty standard, but again, this is the kinda music they were created for. In short, get this one just for fun.

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Title: x-files debyt song
Filename: o-xfiles.xm
Posted Fri 11th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song has a spooky feel to it. (which is good) the bass is really nice! The piano is to die for :) It's a good funky track. I didn't like it a whole lot the first time I head it but it's pretty kewl!!! :) could use a little better of an ending though. This song is pretty smooth. the samples are all of good quality except for the bass drum at the begining which has a little bit of distortion in it, but it really doen't take away from the song. Everything fits right into place with this one. The artist speaks of the bass bieng crackly. I don't hear that. :)

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Title: What's On Your Mind?
Filename: woym-lo.it
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
I like it! It's got a really catchy tune and cute beat. The Vocals sound nice, allthough nasal and a bit off tune. I usually delete the mods I review, but this one'll be a keeper. A perfect length too. I recommend downloading it. The vocal samples are only 8-bit, but sound perfect with the music. High quality sampling job by Mr. Bible. It is a bit repetative, though, and the lyrics are weird. I like it.

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Title: ## wreck ##
Filename: wreck.mod
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Wow. It's been a long while since I've heard a Hard Rock mod. And I do mean MOD, that's how old the song is. It's funny cuz Scream Tracker won't recognize the format... Very nice guitars with a rockin -almost rave- beat. Dude know what he/she's doing. Sounds like the samples were ripped from another song. They're not bad, and well integrated, but when the guitar solo comes in it just sounds odd - like it's out of tune or something. Never the less, a worth-downloading file.

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Title: Afternoon Daydreams
Filename: daydream.it
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song is refreshing! Happy and upbeat, you feel like celebrating in some parts, other parts are peaceful and relaxing to listen to. Lots of interesting chord changes and a happy soft rock drum rhythm. Later on it comes in with a soft peaceful oboe / piano duet which fits nicely in the tune. Good use of strings as well in certain parts. The transitions are good through the song, I like the pick up that comes back into the original rhythm. This song has some good samples and others aren't so good. The oboe fits in well with the chording. Even though the drums aren't going the whole time, they are good when they are going, some nice fills. The ending is ok, just a simple fade-out.

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Title: -= Discoveries =-
Filename: discover.s3m
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Musically, this song is well done. Nice variety in patterns and samples. The same instruments are not used over and over. It conveys to me, a sense of discovering..and of mystery. The samples all seem to match very well. The music style in this piece never gets boring or repetitive. Well done! Technically, the artist once again does very well. The song has simple melodies, but at the same time..there is complexity within it's creative boundaries! Each pattern brings almost a different melodic phrase or statement. The instruments used give it very nice effects. It is easy on the ears for a rock/techno song.

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Title: World of Plast
Filename: w_o_p.s3m
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
A good song but extremely repetative. Too long at over 4 minutes. Good intro. Tempo speeds up and slows down which is annoying. Some samples low quality.

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Title: White night
Filename: w_night.it
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Short song, but it's a good length for this particular song. Nice tune. Cool intro, good quality samples but the drums sound a little odd, Good ending.

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Title: far fictive future
Filename: j_fff.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice and airy, with good sonic depth and variety. However, there also seems to be a lack of a bass line, which would add more depth (a subdued bass drum would be good, not at full volume, mind you, but enough to back the drums) to the song. Also, all the instruments seemed to be played at full volume, which can be fine at times, but sometimes the drums and the xylophone do overwhelm everything in the piece. Tweaking the volume of instruments at various points in the song would help accentuate the song. These are only suggestions however, the song on its own merits stands well in its original form. The only minor quibble I have is with the instruments. For a piece like this, I think the amount of electronic instrument samples (or ones that do sound pretty electronic and shrill), should be kept to a minimum and substituted for something more organic. Such as substituting the bag pipe for a pan flute instead, perhaps? And maybe the trumpet instead of the vibraphone would be a better choice? And like above, minor tweaking of the volume of instruments would also help a lot. This song, with some minor tweaking, should go from good to excellent in my mind.

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Title: Hakumi Tai
Filename: hakumi.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
The song is qualified and made in a semi-pro way, but the song dont give you any special impression. I think the song is exelent for sleeping..:) Nice sound, but where is the changing of the song? This song doesnt sit in your head.. There is various combinations in the song, not just right forward.. Easy setting, made for an easy song.. Where is the various sounds?

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Title: Inquisitor
Filename: ac-inqst.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
You have to hear this masterpiece to believe it. A beautiful wonder of modern technology created by Acumen (bows). This is beyond wonderful, I loved it, who wouldn't? The strings are beautiful and the guitar is amazing. Rhythm, progression and he's even making a CD! We are blessed. I'm speechless, I've never seen effects used this perfectly, so I really can't compare it to anything. It's just amazing. What's even better is that the instruments are near perfecr, not a single pop or click!

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Title: absolute xtc
Filename: absolu.mod
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This is one of Greg's older songs, but I love it nontheless. Good progression at work here, nothing really amazing (but then again what was amazing back in those amiga days certainly isn't amazing now). The solo is great I must say and it makes the song move. The samples were dirty, but in 4-channels you do what you can, right? Anyway, not a whole lot of effects used, and the one key change seems to make things go a bit awry. Otherwise, very nice. Meow.

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Title: A bad experience
Filename: abe.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
'A bad experience', rightly named, this song was not very exciting. It seemed to lack a real rhythm and any kind of point. It seems essentially the song was just a bunch of noise and samples thrown together, not much creative genious. I give him credit for trying, I just hope he doesn't give up! The samples were nice and the voice was excellent, but the volume and panning really hurt the song. Another bad aspect is the lack of tuning expressed here. A very important thing to do when writing songs is TUNE YOUR INSTRUMENTS! I made the same mistake when I first started tracking, learn from my stupidity!

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Title: A black arrow of dea
Filename: abaod.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This song has a nice intro very acidy and what not, but after the intro the synths get obnoxious and boring, quickly beating this song back into the doldrums of normality. The tune just seemed to drag on like a freight train into unknown territory with overly loud belting whistles that just left waiting to here the brakes. Use of effects in this song were as good as can be expected, MIk could've used panning envelopes instead of default panning settings. The big drawback in the tech area is that some of the instruments just were not tuned right. This song also lacked from obligatory repetition.

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Title: Wanderer of Time
Filename: ffpwndr.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Rather nice ambient tune this one. very relaxing to listen too, but its a little bit simple to be worthy of a higher score. definately worth a try ppl. lovers of ambient music will like it. a mixture of good and bad samples ( i swear i can hear a simple since curve thown in ) and it finishs rather badly IE it doesn't finish in the normal sense. just cuts out suddenly.

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Title: Fiesta
Filename: fiesta.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
hmm, just too repetitive to get a higher score really. it rather unoriginal too. oh what the hell, its shit really. basically 1 beat repeated over and over and over and over........ Hmm, what to say...... not much i can say really. Samples are ok, but nothing crash hot, Nothing to hard about pasting the same pattersn over and over again really.

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Title: fife
Filename: fife.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Really the only way to descibe this one is ballad. its a really mellow, calm mod thats an absolute pleasure to listen too. not many mods get a score as high as this one does. Damn it ppl, stop reading and start downloading :) Brilliantly done this one. sounds magnificient, ands its cleverly put together too. The e.guitar sounds Fantastic, definaltey one of the best ones i've heard in a long time.

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Title: _fifth_element_ [edit]
Filename: fifth_ed.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Without seeing the film, i really can't tell ya how accurate this mod is compared to the theem music itself. However what i can say is that this mod put me to sleep very quickly. Its just WAY to repetitive to be any good really. put at least theres a nice bonus track added onto the end of it. Samples are ok, but nothing to good. its put together not too badly at least. Good inclusion of a second song at the end of the first one. My first mod i've come across that does this.

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Title: MEL -Final Chase
Filename: fin-chas.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Not the best of melocoms songs unfortunately. This one just seems to be a little to boring to be worthy of a higher score. it lacks any real tune, and just put me to sleep really. the voice samples are sooo muffled in this one its not funny. Most of the other samples are ok, and its put together pretty well apart from that one problem.

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Title: Final Dimension
Filename: final.s3m
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A pretty good mod, but i found it a little too slow and boring to my liking. Its got a nice tune there buried inside it, but neede to be speeded up a little i think to get a higher score. Nice samples and effects, not a bad piece of craftsmenship at all really.

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Title: Final breath
Filename: final.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Well, not too many mods blow me away like this one did. after only 30 seconds of listening to it, it had me humming away with it. This is truly a excellent mod. The tune makes this one so damn hot, and trust me its a damn fine tune. i could easily imagine this mod making it into a video game sumwhere along the line only thing holding this mod down is its rather simple sounding samples. but its still a required listening ppl. get it NOW!! :)

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Title: Final Encounter
Filename: final_e.s3m
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Not quite ambeint, not quite beat, this is another good mods to sit back and listen too with your eyes closed. pity its only 2 minutes long, as it could have been a much higher scoring mod otherwise. Oh well can't win em all can we? Nice sounding drum beat in this one, a really low sounding bass drum. some of the samples sound a little simplified to me, but its still a nicely constructed mod
