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Title: Bye For Now (Nightbeat)
Filename: byeforno.s3m
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Has a nice ambience but is too long at 7 and 1/2 minutes. Tune gets annoying after a while. Not enough variation, too repetative. Good quality samples. Into and conclusion nicely done.

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Title: xeqtion
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
I liked this mod a lot !!! The tempo is up-beat/retro and the melody has a tiny feeling of spanish/middle-eastern.The whole song is kind of aggitated and jarring, reminded me of a Jean-Claude Van Damm movie:)Give this mod a shot,I think you'll like it ! Lets hear a stirring round of applause !!!!!This is one really cool mod ! The samples are really great,it's clear,and not at all tinny. If I wanted to be really picky I'd have to point out the ending,,,, it just dropped off the face of the earth without telling anyone!!! However,I wouldn't let that stop by from listening to it. It's too good to miss;)

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Title: xenon
Filename: XENON.XM
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10
Was this somebodys idea of a really bad joke ? When I listened to this my first thought was "some kid was havin' fun playing with all the cool sound effects" !!! Nothing in the little track track jives.There is basically no melody,too much drum noise,and the "oooh'ing" and "aaah'ing" voices are totally lame ! Umm,,,while the "oooh'ing" and "aaah'ing" voice are lame musically,they are kinda neat from a technical view point. However,I honestly think this is worth the time or the effort to download.

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Title: Blue Waters
Filename: BWATERS.S3M
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Pretty Darn repetitive! As you all should know, the abuse of repetitiveness is strictly punished here at the archive! This guy repeats patterns 4 times in a row! For the artist: You wanna know what kind of music this really is? Repetitious! Pretty good quality 8bit samples. Stereo playback. Some interesting samples, some techno trackers might find usefull for ripping.

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Title: Butterfly Flew Away
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 10 / 10
Beautiful acoustic/electric guitar work. Exellent melody. Not repetitive. A bit short tho' Seems to capture the story told by the artist in the instrument comments. This should be burned in a CD! Great song, very good for a game intro! The artist combines a bunch of guitar samples to create a realistic melody. Sample quality is good 8bit. Fancy stereo panning on the instuments give the song a cool surround feel. First time I see one of those Atari2600 samples (beeps) be put to god use!

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Title: butcher's madness
Filename: butcher.mod
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song could have been very cool, but due to the restrictions of a 4 channel mod, some notes cut each other off. Nice speed rhythm. Pretty darn good for only 4 channels of work space. Looks like the artist has a lot of experience. He made really good use of stereo, echo and other effects(cool laugh and footstep samples). Alas! If only the samples had better quality and the song had more channels! This should definitely be remade.

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Title: Be My Burrito
Filename: burrito.it
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Well, the artist says its Spanish music, but I say its Mexican! This sounds like Mexican "Mariachis" playing at a Cantina full of drunk people. Good originality! I agree with the artist; not many mods like this out there. Keep up the ingenuity! Good original voice samples. Sound like spanish gypsies talkin' gibberish, not really spanish. Some good quality 16bit samples. Some panning on the instrumenst, even tho' the song doesn't seem to be in stereo.

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Filename: buried.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Aaahh! What trickery! With a name like "Buried in concrete", I thought this would be a nice heavy metal tune, but no! Yet another techno piece. Well, at least it's a good techno piece. Nice piano rhythm, not too repetitive, and not too long. I liked it. Your average set of "shared" samples. Seems like nothing new or original here. Standard 8bit quality. Some voice samples are hard to understand. Nothing impressive on the instument work, just a few panning effects here and there.

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Title: Trance song by EJ Jaws
Filename: bugtrance.it
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Pretty darn repetitive at the beggining. Noisy bass. Very bad rhythm coordination on patts 28-33. The rhythm is not too attractive. The artist repeated a bunch of patterns for OUR dancing pleasure.... A few good samples. Ok quality on most of them. 8-bit sample files. No instrument work present.

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Title: Moments...
Filename: b_moment.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This starts up as a really repetitive techno song with a bad quality bass beat and stays like that all the way to pattern 10. In patt 11, the rhythm changes and slows down. Then on 13, it picks up a pretty cool melodic piano tune. It kinda goes downhill from there. Even tho' some samples are 16bit, the quality is not very good. The techno bass sample sounds grindy and too noisy. As always, the cheesy voice samples are present. It has your basic instument work.

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Title: daj_devi.xm
Filename: daj_devi.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A pretty captivating intro, nice chording with a neat bass line. The voice of the man fits right in. Nice chording throughout the song. Unfortunately repetition hurts the song and lack of a leading instrument to go along with the chording doesn't help either. There are some neat effects in the song, and as a whole the piece is put together well. The ending is unsatisfying it just kinda stops, without a chord fadeout or anything. Samples fit together well and are quite nice.

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Title: daj_alon.xm
Filename: daj_alon.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
The song has a nice build from the start, a mysterious intro in the rain. A piano then comes in along with a dance beat. Unfortunately the song doesn't seem to go very far and becomes repetitive pretty fast. More variations in the drum beat would improve the song as well as some variations in the music. I think it is the same basic melody all throughout. The ending is ok, it fades out the song. As for the samples, pretty good quality, the piano sample is nice.

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Title: zombie thrash
Filename: kcuf.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
There isn't really any melody to this song. However, the drum beat is good, and the rhythm alone justifies this song a 4.5 score. It's the kind of beat that gets your heart beating in time. So overall not bad, but it would be more suited as a backing track for another tune. The drum samples are nice, but apart from the drums there is only one noticeable sample - which is not particularly tuneful. The song would benefit from a tune and some effects to go with it - it could be laid on top of the present drum beat and sound quite good.

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Title: Karmic Decadence
Filename: kd.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This tune has a good guitar backing track, and also a good lead sound. The tune itself is quite good, but it is too quiet (even for an ambient song). It could also do with a bit more variety in melody, it is just slightly too repetitive. The samples all go together well, and are all suited to an ambient song. There are some interesting distortion effects used on the lead sound. Apart from the volume problem mentioned above, there are not really any technical problems.

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Title: Inspiration
Filename: keep.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This tune has all the basics - a beat, a melody, harmonies etc. - but there's nothing outstanding. The lead "tinkle" instrument sounds quite nice, but again nothing amazing. The samples all sound basically the same, and I didn't think much of this tune until I looked at the technical stats - see below. This is where the clever bit is. This tune has only 5 instruments, and only 9 of 43 patterns are unique. Usually this would make for a really rubbish song, but the artist here has put everything together so well that you would not be able to guess at either of these stats. A VERY clever MOD, if not amazingly tuneful.

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Title: -_Keep On Going_-
Filename: keep_on.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
There are some nice piano samples here, which are used to play the main melody. This itself is quite catchy. The beat is good, and the backing tune mixes with the main melody well. The end result sounds very nice. The samples are great, and they all mix well. The effects suit the tune, the patterns are sequenced well, the song is the right length, there is enough unique material - no complaint, which is unusual.

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Title: Ballad for Kela
Filename: kela.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
The lead samples, in order of "leadiness", are piano, synth, another piano and another synth. These four go together nicely to create a romantic "atmosphere". Some of the synth notes are slightly off key, but they are in the minority. There are some nice harmonies, and overall the melody is not bad at all (for a love song, that is!). There aren't really any effects included here, except for a few volume changes which are used to ensure that all the samples can be heard. The notes don't always fit together perfectly, especially some of the synth notes. But then, it's a love song - what do you expect? :)

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Title: Now & Again+|</|'95
Filename: ka_now.s3m
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
There are some nice piano parts in this tune, and the soft drum beat mixes with the tune well. In fact this tune is actually quite good. The mixture of bass and treble piano parts go well, and the drums complement it. The samples used are of a high quality, and go well together. Although there are no noticeable effects, the tune doesn't really need them. A nice piano-based piece.

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Title: secrecy
Filename: secrecy.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
I don't know what to think of this. It's a casual type of music. Maybe some thing you might hear when you're waching a T.V. show when some poor sap gets dumped and he's all bumed out so he goes and sobs over a bridge and looks out toward the beach or some junk like that. The samples don't impress me but they might be to some one elses liking. They are all 8-bit samples. There are about 17 samples in all. The tune is stady all the way through and is not repetitve. It also has a clean ending.

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Title: * Stars On Earth *
Filename: starson.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
I would of given this a 10 if it would have picked up a little bit closer to the beginning. It could be a little bit more intence but all over all it's a brilient song. This tune is made up of 8 and 16 bit samples wich are quite good in a matter of speaking. The amount of FX is unreal. This song has good length and a good ending. Very good in my book.

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Title: X E S
Filename: xes.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Well..this is yet ANOTHER version of the X-Files theme song. However it's not too bad. It starts out very smooth,and kinda boring,but then the drums come in a really rock the beat.The ending is a little choppy,and the whole song is just too short. But all in all...I say it's pretty good. The sounds are all pretty good. The drums rock and there are a couple of really neat retro-sounding effects. They might have spent more time with the ending,it's a bit too abrupt. However,I think it's worth the download.You be the judge;)

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Title: reach out to the ...
Filename: stars.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This is a good first attempt. It's mainly a voice sample, some drums, and some string bass. It has very basic music propertys. There is one part that gets kind of of key and could get on the nerves a bit. The samples are O.K.. This guy's voice sample is well kinda plain like wheet bread there is nothing catchy about it. I dare not say he did to well with the F.X. the only impressive thing I found to be was port down.

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Title: Stand By Me - Remix
Filename: standmix.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
The music is very good. The notes are the same as the origanal song in that aspect. A good remix indeed. A bit shorter than it needed to be by far. All and all if you liked this song orgianly you might be amused to hear this come out of your computer. I'm am not pleased with that drum! It sounds cheesy! I do like the bass string though. Other than that dumb drum the samples are good for thair size. This is a very well put together song.

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Title: The space shuttle.
Filename: shuttle.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This mod sounds good only it needs better sounding samples and it's a little bit short lived. It's looped over and over and over and over! BAH! It's another one that sounds like Nintendo music. Herrmm.. let's see the song is the size of a cheezy sample. So that makes these samples extra cheesy. But it ain't easy being cheesy, If this song was aimed at being small then the person did a good job.

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Title: serpents
Filename: serpents.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This tune has a very dreamy sound to it the main background sample has a harp/water drip sound to it. There isn't much of a beat if any at all to it. This would make very good videogame music. All samples are very good for thair size apart from one that is overly used and sounds rather cheesy but it is only used once or twice so that fixes that problem. It's put together rather well if you ask me.

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Title: maceroni for dinner
Filename: maceroni.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Just because I rate somethat as noise, doesn't mean it is bad. This is GOOD NOISE.If you get a lot of bass through your 'puter's speakers, then you'll probably enjoy this. I think I'll go eat my maceroni now... Although it may be hard to believe, the samples may actually make you think of maceroni. Little squishy noodles, with a light cheesy coating mmmm... If you're looking for techno sams, here they are!

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Title: After Sunset
Filename: AFTERSUN.S3M
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
A great techno song to which i could listen to all day (and all night for that matter). The song sounds completely in tune. If you listen carefully you could actually imagine what's going on after this sunset. The best techno mod I have heard (my favorite for over a year). The samples are a little old and sound 8-bit but it doesn't take away much. This is a must download. There are many samples but some sound bad. The song was made in 1995 so what can you expect. The beat is good. The song freezes up on some players but if you have Mod4Win, Winamp or ModPlug it sounds fine.

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Title: An1m4t3d bungh0le p0w3r!
Filename: FA-BUNG.S3M
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This mod is very rich in sound, depth and texture. This is ough for studio music, tougher for mods, and damn near impossable for a demo, but it was pulled of, and nicely at that. Usually I'm not a really big demo fan, but I liked this one because of the the complexity. There is alot going on in this song. Any Amegia owner would cream on their keys to be able to produce a demo like this (well, they would have.)Channel-wise, this song was really well done, lots of action, lots of noise, maybe too much in some places, but good none the less

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Title: Jazz in Your Ass
Filename: slowjazz.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Hey cool cat. Supra-fraja-Jazzy lay me some skin. If you are in to Jazz the this will make you spaz cuz we got a good Jazzy back ground with a bit of gitaur here thats right crazy cat =P The gituar is alright but it's very easy to tell that it's not real, just made up with a keyboard. I'm not sure a true Jazz fan would listen to it like it was some thing that the pro-daddys do.

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Title: The Sovjet-Hymn
Filename: stalin.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Almost sounds like an athom. It's rather short. I'm not quite sure what it is maybe it is a theem or some thing. The artist says it's from the 80's So you tell me. The gituar is alright. But I think any numbskull could play the thing for real just power baring it. I'm sure that there wasn't 2 hours spent on this. It's O.K. in this department.

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Title: Fa-a-a
Filename: fa-a-a.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
The music in the mod is quite annoying. It starts out simple and annoying and really puts you off to listening to the rest of it, and it finishes off somewhat complex but still annoying. The samples are a sped-up voice of someone speaking in Russian (annoying) a coin falling on the ground or a loose board creaking (really annoying) and the title sample, some voice going FAAAAAAA! (the most annoying). I can't help, not liking this song. There is a good beat latter, but it doesn't do much to save it. Technically this song really threw me. It started out very simply, like some old demo done on a 386. However, as the song goes it adds in complexity and depth, so near the end you are hearing all of the channels (well, as many as your sound card can play) and the effect is quite nice. If only the music was better.

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Title: Spooky
Filename: spooky.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well I guess it could be spooky. Kind of reminds me of a hunted house and ghosts flying around my head. Cobwebs, Ghouls, scary monsters! Not Bad! The samples are good and well used. Some parts are very draged out. That also leads to the background being reptitive. But it's ok. You could almost put it in a Castle Vania game or some thing.

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Title: spheric
Filename: spheric.s3m
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The music has a stedy beat. It almost has a organ sound to it. Infact it only seems to have a bass drum, snair, organ, and some kind of harpsicord sample to it. This music is short repetitive and muddled up. Even though the song has these bad points it never seems to go off key. It's got a kind of nagging sound to it.

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Title: Satellite one.
Filename: SATELL.S3M
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Ahh! This is one of my favorite songs. It's got a great whiny (in a good way) type main sample. The music is awsome. I think any one with a taste for techno should listen to this one. The samples are good and very small. This tune is packed with effects! The amount of detale that went in to this song is emence. You could loop this song over and over and not get tired of it. It's put together very well.

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Title: Fantasy Studio ∙■ƒ■∙
Filename: f-studio.s3m
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This is the kind of mod I like. It's simple, the sound is nice, it flows, it has a good beat and I can dance to it, I give it an 8 Chuck (kids, ask your parents). To me this is what is produced by a true artist. The only musical complaint I have is about the content and length. I wanted more! It's all here. Its smooth, it's free, it's only 79k! I have had banner ads that take more space on my drive than this mod. I can't for the life of me find a technical flaw. Sure it's not the 10 min. that I would like it to be, but in all other respects it is the picture of a great mod.

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Title: Computer Vibes
Filename: saavy.xm
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
As read on his notes a soft song. It's got some words hey! and some scat by some woman. Also alot of churche ohhhhhhhhh-ing in it it's got a nice sound. Makes me feal happy like I just got kissed on a spring day. The samples are good. Ahthough the ohhhhhh sample cracks up on some notes they are. ok. It's got a good beat to it. The ohhhhh can get a bit repetitive but it's in the background so it really doesn't get on your nerves. It's got a nice fade out/ slow down ending to it

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Title: Say Yes by Ryo Aska
Filename: say_yes.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A nice piano (thanks Damien) sound. Almost a Barber Shop kind of thing where you might hear some one say "play it again Sam" at the ending of it. I think the only sample in this is the piano! But it's a good single instrement tune. It's pritty consistant all all the way through. No super special parts, and no big enging ether.

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Title: sahara
Filename: SAHARA.MOD
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice soothing sound would make good background music for dinner or some thing.. else. The beat is distant and kind of would remind you of the sahara indeed. Good tune but to expect to be exited by it. Samples are O.K. The samples are also crystal clear. There is defanitly not a muffeld sound to them. The songs beat thinks it can come and go at will or some thing. The tune has an O.K. ending.

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Title: star control2,tune1
Filename: sc2tune1.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Good techno sound. Great beat with a strong bass string back ground that is consistant through out the tune. I think this is a very well put together tune. It's got a nice smooth ending also. The samples are great even due to the fact that the samples are quite small in stature. The samples are interlaced with each other well. The tune gets kinda repetitive but it has anough break aways.

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Title: star control2,tune2
Filename: sc2tune2.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Realaxing sound, no stedy beat untill near the end. Odd sounds like poping and bells are often heard. There was a suddern ending due to the fact that the tune was ment to be looped over and over. I liked the bass strings near the end of the tune. Samples were good for the size of the mod. The samples were quite destinct in their matter. I personly think that it needs a groove to it instead of the randomly changeing pace.
