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Title: star control2,tune6
Filename: sc2tune6.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
The begining isn't that trilling. Lots of good note changes. At some points it's just the main sample and the beat.. and at one point no beat at all! It's quite short and it never really gets going. Samples arn't exactily the best. On the flip side they cut down the size of the mod. All and all the samples are kinda cheesy.

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Title: star control2,tune5
Filename: sc2tune5.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Good music but it sounds like Nintendo® music! Beaghh! A bit repetitive. It's got a violin/chello type thingy for a main sample also some cow bells to acompeney that. It has an abrupet ending becuse it was ment to be looped. These samples SUCK! It's got that metroid type sample to it right in the begining. The beat is kinda lame. But I do have to admit I could never make these samples sound as good as they do in this tune.

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Title: Inside Of Her
Filename: m6v-iher.it
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This song is well well flowing and nice to listen to. It blends a soft melody with some interesting breathing sounds in the background. I would recommend that anybody looking for a nice melody should check this song out And keep an eye out for more songs by yello, this one is really good... The piano sample is well done, the drums are nice and light, and there is a very nice transition in the middle. The ending is also nicely done, without the swift cutoff many songs have. There are a fair bit of sample (34) in the file P.S: Listen for the sexy breathing sounds in the background.

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Title: star control2,tune4
Filename: sc2tune4.mod
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very good techno sound. Amost a rave sound. Kinda makes you want to do the robot dance to it. The length of the song is very good for the size of the mod. It's aproxemently 3 minuts long. Samples extreamly low in size and sound briliant! It's got to take a true master to put all this together with such small size. Also this song was ment to be looped BUT it doesn't cut out the way most looped songs do, it has a slide down for an ending that makes a good ending aswell as a transmission.

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Title: I Should Have Turned Around
Filename: m4v_shou.s3m
Posted Tue 1st Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This song very pleasant song to listen to. The only down side is that the song is quite short (1m9s) I would recommend listening at 22050hz, 44100hz seems to be a bit shrill. The instruments are melodic and produce a calm relaxed feeling. There are only TWO samples in the file, but that seems to be all it needs. Not many effects are used, but as I said for the instruments, they aren't really that needed.

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Title: pal@^schism^mast@r
Filename: schism.mod
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
It could start off with more but it still sounds intresting. It's got a kewl metal scratch sound to it. Wich at some points could get a bit nerve-racking. The main instrement sounds like some thing out of a Jap video game. It's ment to be looped over and over so it has an ubrupt ending. All and all it's O.K. These samples are well, eheh, *nice* but any one with a bit more skill could throw some thing better together with them. Not really much not changeing with the metal scratch sound just looped in a few diferent sequences. Thank God it's just the back ground of the tune. But the mettal scratch really takes the cake in this little ditty.

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Title: Evening Jazz
Filename: x83.xm
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
When I listened to this I found myself rocking to the beat. This is the kinda song that you close your eyes and just let it loose,and FEEL the beat ! It would have had a higher rating,but the ending was left much to be desired !!!! Umm,,,I think this is technically pretty good. It got off to a great start and managed to keep the flow until the very end ,when the whole thing crashed and burned.It's too bad the ending was so sour,,this song had a lot of promise !

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Title: Superior Power
Filename: suprpowr.s3m
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Yeah! Ling live the Rave!! This tune has a very psyco melody like the real rave tunez. It's very fast and very well done. Dance Halls all over the world, if you're looking for a good tune for your dance evenings, take this one!! I'm really surprised that the samples are so excellent!I can't believe that the Artist made these background flubbing things so perfect. The tune is very fast. Sometimes, a voice says Go! at the right moment. The song is quite long and you will have a lot of fun. If you paid attention, you'll detect the main melody.

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Title: symbiaht
Filename: symbiaht.mod
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
If you paid attention, you should regognize following themes: Jeannie, The Flinstones, The Smurfs, Popeye, Inspector Gagdet (greetings to Pinky!!), the Gummi Bears, Andy Griffith and the Olympic Games Melody (Go HOLLAND Go!) All the melodies were made with a paino and with different vocals. It's amazing!, how the artist used these vocals. Od course it's a new kind of music. Only the melodies aren't perfect. But cartoon fans should find this tune funny!!!

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Title: super mario land
Filename: supermarioland.mod
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
He doesn't know the Gameboy classic Super Mario Land? This tune is very funny and takes you back into the world with Mario and Luigi (Although Luigi did exist). This tune is a bit chaotic but you can enjoy it! Yeah! Very well made. It's cool in which way the artist made this song. It's exact the same song as of the Game boy: These nervy sounds, the cool music and so on. Well done!

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Filename: x-yres.xm
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 2 / 10
Well...a trill and four other notes drowned out by an over powering bass can hardly be called a song ! The repetion is annoying,and guaranteed to give you a head ache . This isn't a song...it's a disgrace ! Considering this it such a musical disaster,the technical part is not too bad. It starts out a little "iffy" ,but when the bass comes it it seems to gather confidence. Although I can't say much about the piano, this song has some neat little sounds.Ignore the melody and enjoy the bass :)

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Title: X-TrEmE STAR B-U-R-S-T! hec
Filename: x-treme.s3m
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
The song has a very misleading start. It starts out with a simmulation of a classical orchestra,however it's anything but classical ! The bass quickly comes in and really rocks !The theme rides on the bassline,and the combination is actually pretty cool. I was pleasantly surprised ! Well...the violins in the very first part are kinda fake sounding,but when the bass comes in this baby rocks !!!It also has come very cool sound effects. My one little gripe is the ending.....it was much too abrupt . However all things considered, it's pretty darn cool !!!!

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Title: SCREW
Filename: SCREW.MOD
Posted Mon 30th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
WARNING: This mod is 75% swear words. The rest is music! It's got a good kick to it but some may find it crude. I found it quite. Well... funny. But if you don't like naughty words then this mod is not for you. Some samples are O.K. but some are just to big for what they are used for. i.e the first "record" part in it. I do like the.. "spring"? type sample.

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Title: Refused Again
Filename: refuse.mtm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This is a nice song with a decent beat to it. It has a simple but solid backbeat and bassline, and manages to have a complex sound. Good leads and good backup make for a pretty good song. Very good samples used. A nice high quality to them. The effects were put to good use, and didn't clash. Mabye a few more samples could have been used, as some of them seemed over-used, but for the most part, I liked what I heard.

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Title: -= Ode to Superman =-
Filename: superman.s3m
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Because Damien Blond is the adminstrator of the modarchive, I wanted to give him a ten. But he wrote me I should be honest so .... I gave him the 8.5. The melody is very cool, althought the beginning( first 5-8 seconds) is a bit boring. But the rest is verry "spacy and funny" I hope i found the right words because English is more difficult for me then for the other reviewers. Anyway. Damien used the Superman theme very well and I detect that this tune is really his tune and not copy from a CD like other songs in th modarchive (no names!) Well. The atmoshperic beginning don't fit in the melody. But then the drums come and then the theme and so on. Damien wrote that this is his first at a dance beat.. Well done!! :-)

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Title: Super C
Filename: super_c.mod
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
I know this tune!! Perhaps Megaman? It must be Megaman! Anyway. Cool Melody! I know I must write at least three lines but I don't know what to add to this tune. It really sounds like computer game of Nintendo. That's all, folks!

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Filename: symouth.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
I can't believe it. A nice funny melody. But there's no bass, no drums, no anything. Only voices, voices,voices ... ... and voices. It's amazing how the artist used the voices. Although this tune is spiced up and spruce up by the artist, this tune can't reached the original. Bass, drums and all the other things were replaced by ... guess ... right ... by voices! Nice tune! Good work!!

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Title: Space-expedition to nowhere
Filename: SXTN.S3M
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 10 / 10
I'm wondering why they're only a few tunes like this one. A nice slow melody. Perhaps this song ca reach a cult status. Listen to some words of the artist and relx. I do it: As you sit by the window, a shooting star penetrates your consciousness. You wonder - where did it come from? Where will it go to? These words are enough to understand the meaning of this song. Enjoy it! If you paid attention, you just detect an electric guitar in some parts of the galaxy. It supports the fluting instruments to reach an ambient atmosphere. Drums are not so important for this tune. The use of the bass should be enough. Anyway this tune is excellent.

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Title: StarWars ROCK-MIX
Filename: sw-rm.s3m
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Congratulations, it must be very difficult to put the Star Wars theme in this version. Well done. Good use of the electric rock guitar. Next time, the artist or another artist should make a longer mix of the cool Star Wars theme. Back to this version: You really hear the difference between the original and this one. U see, a few instruments are enough to make a good tune. May the force be with you!

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Title: Space warz - opus 1
Filename: SW-OPUS1.MOD
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This tune is perfect for a game like Doom or such things. The melody is nearly the same as the Darth Vader theme... 'Luke, I'm your father'. Only after a minute, the tune changes to an ambient version of Star Wars(This tune has nothing to do with Star Wars, does it?) The last 20 seconds, it changes back to the main melody. May the force be with you! There's one thing I wanna say. Between the last minute and the last twenty seconds, there's a part I really liked. These ambient or silent or spacy instruments were well used. Perhaps the artist will use them aigain in Space Warz - Opus 2, I don't know. How to hell you (Rez/Eclipse) you get the atmopshere of an orchestra in your tune. I really liked it. It represents the dark side of force!!

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Title: Earthmover
Filename: earthmov.it
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Cool tune. The melody consists of a really cool slap bass line with a nice light other...thing. Together this makes a really fun tune. I bet this one would be worth listening to for y'all game makers out there. But... this one is a bit short:-( Interesting beat. Matches the melody really good! Way kewl samples. (I'm going to rip that slap bass). I think heard a sample offset in there, well done. Could need a little bit of variation.

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Filename: switch.s3m
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
No sounds, no melodies, only a short rhythm and a bad idea. Let's go to the Tech Rating. Cool Toms. Lenght is tooooooo short (8 seconds) and if you hear this tune for an hour, you'll get CRAZY!!

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Title: Swing Your Veggies
Filename: swingveg.it
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Commander Keen is back! This is really funny tune. If you listen to it and if u read the comments of the artist you will detect that this tune is a conversation of a family at dinner, lunch or breakfast. Enjoy it! Again, this tune is TOO short (only 0:38 minutes). Anyway, the artist sed the instruments very well. A trompet as the voice of the mother. A big horn as the voice of the father and a loud high trompet as the voice of the annoying little sister. Try to get your player in the repeat mode and this tune goes on and on and on and on and on and on ...

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Title: Sweet whey powder
Filename: sweetwhe.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Although I should write more then 3 lines, only a few words: Not bad but the main melody repeats all the time. Christoph(or PsygnoSys) used a nice loud drum. it gives the hardcore tecno touch. Also the snare drum is well used. Only the crossing from normal to hardcore os too fast. Pro ist the lenght of this tune ...

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Title: Electric Swing
Filename: swing.it
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A nice swing melody. Althought it's always the same melody in different octaves. The only good thing: Read it in the Tech Rate. The swing comes back!! Except the melody this tune is good. The best hting is the use of the ?Bongo Drums?. The artist used them in a wild way. But ... why are such tunes only 1:37 minutes long?

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Title: ((Out the Window))
Filename: swindow.it
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
everybody should know Babylon 5 or games like Doom or DukeNukem 3D. This tune has the right atmosphere for such games: ambient, slow and a touch of mystic. Also the Panflute melody is very good. It supports the mystic touch of this tune. AkumaPan, I'm really amazed!! :-) Come on, let your fantasy give a chance! (I don't mean you AkumaPan!) This tune is very good and I don't know what to write. Like I said above: The Panflute is a fascinating instrument to me. The artist used it very well at the rght place in the right moment! The slow beat or whatever it is supports the tune and the mystic melody. Go for it. Real music fans must download this tune!!

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Title: Sweet Memories......
Filename: sweetmem.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Yet another dream tune for the modarchive. The tones don't fit together (only sometimes!) The background music isn't well choosen. But anyway, it's a good tune to think about your life and your future (I did it! .... Really!) Well. Many good patterns and instruments. A lot of relaxing sounds, a nice electric guitar and I swear I heard a harf. First a silent melody, then the main melody. At once, the drums appear and the melody totally changes.

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Title: sweet lorraine
Filename: sweetlor.mod
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The melody isn't bad. But I think it gives another view as it should give! I will give this tune to a schoolfriend, he loves this kind of music. I can't agree with him. But everybody has his own taste! This tune is very short(only 1:37 minutes). The things I liked: The saxophone, the big bass and the background atmsphere. What I don't like: The tune too short( and I don't like this kind of music) Congratulations for the crossing between slow and fast!

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Title: sweetie.xm
Filename: sweetie.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
The melody is not bad. Only in the middle of this tune, the sound do not fit into this melody. The rest is ok! This tune is very short(only 1:05 minutes) I cannot agree that this song is sweet. The drums were ok. But the rest ...

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Title: Sweet Sensations
Filename: SWEET.XM
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This tune is like a song of Enigma(For those who know them). It's a slow song, although the rhythm is reguliar medium fast. The main melody is very nice. That's the reason why I choose Dream as style. What a pity that this tune is so short (All right, it's nearly 3 minutes long, but a longer versoin is more relaxing!) Where the hell you've got these nice drums with those strange sounds at the end? I live them!!. The rest is o.k because the tune has a reguliar rhythm. And then the background chor! (Really like Enigma). Only the melody is sometimes superfluous. Anyway, well done!!

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Title: Flight of swanlet
Filename: swanlet.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Except the distrubing main melody, this tune is very good. It gives an ambient atmosphere. Perhaps the song style is wrong choosen because it's more like a ballad. Never mind. But in the whole thing, the artist can be proud of his tune, the background sound is not so exaggerated and very nice. I listened nearly one hour to this tune. I don't know why but it gives me a strange feeling. First the ambient part of the tune: Very well choosen! Long tons and then the melody with a paino (or a harf or something like that, I don't really regognize the instrument). Then the drum comes. Like in these military parades when there is a drum spin. (I do not find the right word on English but in German it is called 'Trommelwirbel') Good work!!

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Title: doin' the sushi
Filename: doin_the_sushi.mod
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
I'm not a big sushi gourmet but I think this tune gives the right Japanese Spirits to me. Although the melody is always the same, the tune gives the feeling if you were either in Japan or in a sushi bar. The artist gives s real Japanese or Chinese touch to these sounds. I don't know which instruments he used but one thing: All Patterns and samples are copyrighted. Don't rip them!

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Title: Surreal Passage
Filename: SURRPASS.S3M
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 10 / 10
The right tune for a rainy evening, when you sit alone in your living-room, drinking a hot tea and listening to this ambient spacy and dreamy track. You listen to the nice melody, to the nice relaxing sounds and to the nice slow beats. If you do not like classic or tecno, then is this tune the right tune for you!! Enjoy it! If you really listen to this tune, you will detect the silent beats in a way you never heard it before! The crossing from one melody in the refrain is very well done. I liked the ?Toms? very much and also the background crossing from one spacy sound! A very slow and nice tune!! :-)

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Title: symphsto.mod
Filename: symphsto.mod
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
This tune is a bit boring, but the artist tried to made a good track. The melody is not so bad, but some parts aren't so good. It's very difficult to say which style it is. A nice slow beat and some cool instruments like the electric rock guitar (I hope i don't write nonsess!). Some parts are very slow and do not fit into this song. Also the end is abit strange.

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Title: x-files2
Filename: x-files2.s3m
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Well...If you can seperate the fact that this is just another theme song , just try and think of this as one really cool song,I'm pretty sure you'll really enjoy it ! This has some cool Tech stuff. The bassline rocks,without being annoying. The little "eerie" sounds effects are cool. But what I liked the best was the ending. It just sorta fades away. A very nice touch ! This is one version of the X-files Theme song that was actually interesting to listen to !

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Title: x-out
Filename: musix-x-out.mod
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Well...Musically this isn't too impressive. Just another version of the X-file theme song.It repeats itself over and over and has a heavy side dish of drums.It's ok,,,,But not #1 on my orginality Hit Parade. Can't say this little number is very tech-impressive either. It starts out with a certain amount of promise,but takes a radical nose dive into the ordinary. The ending leaves much to be desired...It didn't have one !!!!!!

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Filename: simpsons.it
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 10 / 10
They're cool, they're funny, they're yellow ad they're are the famoust cartoon family all over the world. This tune is very very good, it have three different melodies. The first one is a mix of rock&pop and Dance, the second one is a slow one like 'Oh happy day!' and th last one is a mix i can't explain. Well Done! Yeah!! This tune is very well made! You find many samples or texts from the Simpsons. It begins with Homer: 'To go on, press any key. Where's the "any key"?' . this sentence is followed by the Simpsons theme melody. The rest of the song is parted in three melodies. The best thing of these melodies: They all uses the word D'OH in different ways. This is the right tune for a real Simpsons Fan!!!

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Title: The X-files theme
Filename: x-files.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
It's a theme song. That kinda rules out a lot of comments. You either like it or you don't.When I listened to this song,I felt cold, alone and very uncertain. I guess thats what the composer was looking for. Well..this mix has some very good sound effects. I think my favorite was the gust of wind at the very beginning.This file is certainly worth the download.

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Title: X-mas Spirit
Filename: xmasprt.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Hmm,,,what can I say about this little ditty other than it starts out with a rather cool recorder simulation . The flute then takes over and oozes the feeling of candy canes and sugar lanes. It then takes a turn into the semi-retro,semi-traditional mix. Kinda nice if you like a hint of the old-fashioned :) Well...My only real complaint is that it doesn't have a proper ending... it ends without a finish.It's also a bit tinny. However ,all thigs considered..it's not bad,,,Not bad at all !

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Title: Living
Filename: flx-liv.xm
Posted Sun 29th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This song just took so long to get started, that i completely lost interest in it. Those of you who sit throught the two minute intro, will fn ind this to be a fairly boring mod. All of the samples could have been soo much better
