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Title: lady rose
Filename: ladyrose.mod
Posted Mon 10th Sep 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This track sounds sooo much like folk music that maybe I should give this higher points.=) I mean it really sounds like the tunes in old movies or maybe in some medieval-happenings. But musically this style of music is poor. It is pretty repetitive and it has nothing special to offer, but if you wanna hear some old danish folkmusic, then get this. No effects used in this piece, but the samples sound good. Well actually those are awful, but in to folk song those are near perfect. I guess this one sounds pretty much like the original song. Nice work in...well...someway.=)

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Title: The Last Farewell
Filename: vr_goodbye.it
Posted Mon 10th Sep 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Ok. This song sounds ok,but first I'll list the bad things on musical side. First of all, this is pretty simple tune. The background stays the same through the song while the melody changes, but it actually doesn't bother. Propably this song is ment to be simple, at least it sounds like it. At the same time this song seems to lack many things, but also it sounds pretty balanced. Creepy.=) Somethings wrong here. In the beginning the bassdrum suddenly changes 2 or 3 octaves lower and one track has notes, but there is no sample for notes. Has the artist finished this song in a hurry? Samples sound pretty good anyway and I think that little technicalcheck on this track should be done. Maybe a little slow drumtrack would be a filling idea? Don't know, can't say. Just suggesting.=) Not a bad one afterall...

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Title: looncredtune010490
Filename: looncred.mod
Posted Tue 28th Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
I have heard many times the song that this one is based on. Can't recall the name of it,but better that way. Wanna torture yourself? Get this one and listen to it over and over and over again.... No comments. Sorry.

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Title: l3_cd3_lotus3
Filename: l3cd3.mod
Posted Tue 28th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
First few patterns sounded good, but then the leadsample appeared and I freaked out.It sounds annoying and it is there through the song. Bassline sounded pretty good. Typical fast pop/techno music. It's hard to describe the technics in these old modules.=/ Some vibras in the leadsample and thats about it. I advice to cut the leadsound off and listening to this mod after that.Sounds much better.

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Title: 2
Filename: lab_9.mod
Posted Tue 28th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
I have this strong feeling that I've heard this music in some old Amiga game. And with old I mean OLD. This tune sounds so old that it almost makes me cry because of the memories it brings on my mind.=)This tune sounds poor in almost everyway,but if you want to hear some old music then hear this out. Just little arpeggio used here. Samples sound old,music sounds old, everything just sounds so damn old that I can't tell anything about the technical side.=)

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Title: lies!
Filename: lies.mod
Posted Wed 22nd Aug 2001
Rated 2 / 10
This is the first track that composer has done, it it sounds like it too. Some vocals used, but are as lame as the song itself. Nothing good here. Don't get this. Pretty creepy samples selected to this piece. But it doesn't change the fact that when the first module is done, it cannot be good.=)

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Title: lexstacy
Filename: lxstcyth.mod
Posted Wed 22nd Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
With term 'chippy' I mean something that sounds pretty much like a chiptune, but this this sounds more than that and it sounds good.=) There is really great ambience in this song. I don't know why, but It gives me a good feeling.=) Too bad that this one is a short (1.42) one. Otherwise I would have given little higher rating. Simple, but working. Samples sound good and melody is spacious and flowing and stayed on my mind for many days.=) Can't complain about anything and can't actually say anything good either.Good work anyways...

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Title: loud & clear
Filename: loudcler.mod
Posted Wed 22nd Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Now this was interesting piece of music. First it sounds just nice background music, but then the tempo starts to change and gives a nice style to this tune. After the song ended I had to listen it again and give attention to the endpart. Nice, little different, worth trying. Technical side is ok. Nothing to complain. Samples are nice and effects are used well. The tempochanges are done smooth. The difference is quite big, but it doesn't bother. Note slides sound fun in the end.

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Title: lost toys
Filename: losttoys.mod
Posted Wed 22nd Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Umm...hmf...Gee. What can I say about this? Maybe there is some trying in this song,but artist sure needs more tracking. Drumpattern is lame and melodies are... Well, there is no melodies. There is...nothing.=/ As told, there is some trying.=) Some vocals included here too, but they don't sound good. Crowdnoise is a nice idea, but it is used poorly. Basic techno sounds through the song, but with these samples could create something much better.

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Title: xps introtune4
Filename: xps_int4.mod
Posted Wed 22nd Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Not too shabby here. Reminiscent of some of the older chip tunes from games like Megaman and such. Very nice. However, it doesn't have any real sense of direction or motif. There's a very nice melody and good use of syncopated bass, but it's really nothing more that nostalga. Everything's very clean and sharp with no hangovers or mudding. Using only 4 tracks, the author did a pretty nice job of keeping everything organized. I gave only an amateur rating because this could have been done using only 2 tracks.

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Title: Love-Theme_1
Filename: love.mod
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This one is very good track. It's allways really nice to find good tunes in mod format. Jogeir has never disappointed me and cannot do that this time either. Nice melodies and textures, great samples and fistfull of skill in tracking once again created an excellent song to download. Don't miss this one. Samples sound good and whole piece is very balanced. Jogeir is pro in using effects and every slide, vibra, sample cut and pitchbend is done with skill and care. No sample sound too loud and none sound too silent either. Very nice work in every way.=)

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Title: lyphedia
Filename: lyphedia.mod
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
I think this one is really boring song. It's not bad, it's just boring. The whole song sounds like 2 different patterns. There is little more variation than that, but not enough. Basic synth-sound-filled track with lack of imagination. Very little effects used here. Samples are ok in a way, but also so basic, so REALLY basic.=/ I,m sure that T.O.M can make better music and this is maybe one of his dullest songs. Everything would be ok, if this only would be more complexed.

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Title: lost_in_the_145
Filename: lost_145.mod
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
God damn monday.I'm messing with my reviews here.=/ Sounds like pretty experimental track to me. Bass line is pretty unusual but sounds ok, although it's pretty silent.There's no actual melody in this piece. Just some sound patterns played. But there's something good too : The drums sound really nice and are propably ment to be the "main thing" in this track. It would have been nice to hear a little more "music" in this track , cause I think that the artist really can do music. Just few effects used but the ones are used effectively.And once again the song ends like in to the wall on 1.31 so the track ain't even a long one. Too bad in a way.

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Title: Ghosts of Conscience
Filename: doug190.it
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Hey, I really like this song. it's great. First of all it's not boring, because it doesn't have an anoying theme that keeps repeating, and on the whole it really sounds great. It's a pleasure to listen to it. The name of the song is though only a little apropriate as I don't think it really fits, so don't expect anything nocturnal Ok? You can not really say this is a pro track but it is a semi-pro track. It has some parts that should have been more worked upon, so that the samples would mix even better. The samples are great and there are NO INSTRUMENTS and I must say it sounds great for a song that doesn't have instruments. The samples are high-wuality and the effects and the work on the volume have made this a song worth listening. It's a very good song

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Title: Down (I'm falling)
Filename: down.xm
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
So this is a very nice song to listen to and you can tell Andreas Karlsson worked a lot on it. It has a great piano line but the problem is it keeps repeating it self to often, really changing something only in the end. But on the whole this is a great song to listen to, I could say relaxing and I for ine really liked it. On the tehnical part, not many effects were used. The volume control was used a lot, also not only in the patterns but also in the instruments making a great blending between the samples. The piano samples are very good, of high quality. Basicaly the samples are simple except a couple and they are of high quality.

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Title: Wasting My Time
Filename: wasting.xm
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
not a complete waste of time with some nice samples. I had a hard time trying to work out what to classify this mod, in the end i went with ambient rock. It has a nice drum beat to it with an ambient techno melody. A kewl drum track with some ambient melody's overlapping. Not a mod i would listen to frequently nor use any of the samples but worth if you like the genre worth listening to at least once.

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Title: breath of life
Filename: breath.mod
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Well just another slow easy listening mellow mod. A few winding little melody's that make the song with a slow drum beat in the background. One of the only downfalls to it is well the mod is too long, 5 mins of this and you will never have a bad nights sleep. A nice little mod but lasts around 5 minutes and becomes boringly repataive. I think it would have made a better mod if it was short and sweet instead. Very mellow but should have been about 2mins 30 secs max.

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Title: bollocks
Filename: bollocks.xm
Posted Mon 20th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
No complete bollocks, but is is bollocks none the less. A very different style mod with tecno samples and an industrial type feel to the beat. Not bad dont go by the title, worth a listen. Very clever and nicely put together, no volcals just a fast techno mod that is not your normal type mod that sounds like all the others, but it is quite short and sweet.

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Title: The Void - By Fosho
Filename: foshovoi.it
Posted Sat 18th Aug 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This tune really kicks ass! This song is hypnotic, with its acid synth, sub bass, and kickin drums. This is a very long song, but it really works for it, it gives it a sort of epic feel. I totally dig the lead synth part, it is sparse enough not to be annoying. Check out the comments on this tune. I can't really fault this tune at all, it just sounds great. The samples blend together extremely well. My only two complaints are about the crash which sounds a bit crusty, and the pad. The pad loop is nearly seamless, but not quite. It is not noticeable enough to detract at all from this great tune.

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Title: Kastanja
Filename: kastanja.xm
Posted Sat 18th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
I really dig this track. It has a nice jungle beat, albeit a slow one(125bpm). It has a kind of ambient synth effect gowing thru most of the tune which I totally like. Gets much slower and groovier about 4.5 minutes into the track, right before the end, I would loved to have seen this part developed. This song is rather repetitive and offers little variation, but that doesent really take that much away from this tune. Nice sounding samples. This tune has a pretty good mix going except for some of the lower percussion samples which were a little to loud. Aside from the boomy percussion samples their is only one other thing worth mentioning, the really cheezy ritardando effect at about 3:45.

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Title: COP CAR
Filename: cop-car.mod
Posted Fri 17th Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
When you listen to this song you will realise what a waste of time it is. And what has it got to do with a cop car anyway ? This mod is well how can I put it .. All round Very Bad ! One to MISS. I Was going to give it a 0.5 but then thought that was just for feeling sorry for the guy and didnt bother. it needs to be deleted from the archive as it is a waste of space, uses a few samples which are very repetative all the way through. 3 minutes of rubbish. The creator of this one needs to spend more time on his mods and come up with something more original.

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Title: Mongoose Culture
Filename: c-mongse.xm
Posted Fri 17th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
A breakbeat mod with a fast beat yet has a dance feel to it. The main insturmental line using a techno sample. Has no vocals and uses just a few samples but makes good use of the few samples. Makes good use of a the different aspects of dance, breakbeat and techno and blends them together well. The mod is made mostly using drum samples with a repeatetative bass line.

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Title: neutral-dimension
Filename: neu.mod
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
A good introduction but then it goes pete tong (a bit wrong). It gets a bit too repetative and I was going to turn it off after a minute or soo but I wanted to hear the end of the mod. A mod is three parts right, 1. begininng 2. content 3. end well im sorry to say this mod only contains the beginning. The main content and end were very poorly considered here. And the drums samples are very poor making it sound like....... yes....... the frog in the blender... sorry. A nice intorduction to the mod and could have been a lot better with different drum samples. There was no clear ending to the mod and too repetative. But it does have a good use of string samples which hit some nice notes. Just needed a little more time spent on it.

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Title: Children Of The Night
Filename: nakatomi.s3m
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 9 / 10
I recommend this as a hot download, well at least please give it a chance.. it has a nice smooth intro with some good vocals then breaks into a fast dance techno tune with a good base line and simple background techno tune. A well done mod congrats to the creator :-) definatly a mod to be proud of! The samples are very defined and all used very well together, the beat is very fast so it is quite difficult to depict each smaple used. There are some very well done samples here and some lovely vocals all put together very neat.

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Title: The neverending chip!
Filename: xnever.it
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Not bad, the intro is nice and the sound is clean, but I *know* I've heard those drum samples elsewhere. I'm giving some credit for the beat ... it's very Chip/Euro-80s, but the melody and such goes more into the Pop realm. A very interesting crossover. I believe the drums are ripped, and the bass is cookie-cutter, but it's clean. There's an odd ringing sample that's really annoying, but if you mute that instrument, the whole piece falls apart ... so it's got to stay. Oh ... and it *does* end. It's actually a fairly short tune.

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Title: Rainforest
Filename: xm_rainforest.xm
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
How can I rate the music when this isn't even music? Seems like Jab has done it again. Driving, repetitive, and leaves you constantly sitting there waiting for something more interesting to happen. If you've ever seen a Fellini film, you know what I mean. Not much to say here, the samples all seem to be in the right place, but they're cheesy and shouldn't have been taken out of the box. The only reason I'm giving any points to this at all is because the samples are probably ripped.

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Title: Fresh Start
Filename: xm_fresh.xm
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Charlie Parker is spinning in his grave .... that's all I have to say. I know, it's not 3 lines, but deal with it. *you* listen to it ... you wouldn't want to type on this excrement either. Vomitous .... 3 lines? forget it

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Title: skyflyers
Filename: xm-sky.xm
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Hey look! Monkeys can write music! This is awful ... intro blows chunks, melody is wanna be jazz, house beat comes through loud and clear ... but that's about it. Muddy and annoying, repetitive and really boring. Sounds like a chimp found a turntable in a dumpster and tried to do house. Nauseating samples with a fecal like slap together. Don't even bother with this stink pot.

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Title: X-FILES
Filename: x-files.mod
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 2 / 10
How many of these do we have to endure? Mark Snow's haunting theme is great in its original splendor, but do DJs and Trackers *really* need to keep beating it to death with endless remixes and variations? This craze is worse than Axel-F and Hancock's "Rocket" in the 80s .... BLARGHH! How many of these do we have to endure? Mark Snow's haunting theme is great in its original splendor, but do DJs and Trackers *really* need to keep beating it to death with endless remixes and variations? This craze is worse than Axel-F and Hancock's "Rocket" in the 80s .... BLARGHH!

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Title: xmas pudding mix
Filename: xmas_pud.mod
Posted Thu 16th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
One of the better Xmas mixes .... even has an awful segue where it sounds like George Michael is being shot. Kind of a darker mix, not as jolly as most, but it's really hard to make Xmas music *not* sound like polka. It's just bad music. U4IA seems to have done a better job than most, though. Still no credit to the original authors of the songs used, which I take off a lot of points for. Very good use of channels and samples. Rythem is maintained well and that's what's really important. Not a whole lot I can say on this except "PLEASE! NO MORE XMAS CRAP!"

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Title: christmas daze2
Filename: xmasdaze.mod
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 2 / 10
Oh goodie ...... the 12 Days of Christmas .... with an Amiga style drumline. The Amiga can produce some of the most astounding music on the planet, this is not part of it. This thing pretty much blows chunks, but OK is the least I can give it. I'm not even too sure I can listen to this whole thing. For some reason there's a sample of someone saying "Fresh" a couple of times .... the hell? Anyway, no matter. technically this thing is worse than it is musically. The author seems to have gone far out of his/her way to send out greets and whatever, even threw in a little plug for jesus, in the comments but that's pretty much all there is. If Jesus heard this one, he'd be pissed.

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Title: christmasong
Filename: xmastune.mod
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Well, it's a redo of "Silent Night" which blends into a rather polka-esque "Santa Claus is Coming" to Town then into "Rudolph" and "Jingle Bells" then "White Christmas" .... oy vey. No credit is given to the original authors of the songs ("Rudolph" and "White Christmas" still being under copyright!) so I can't give too much credit here, but the author didn't give any indication of identification, so oh well. Someone got happy with a Kurzwai! That's really all I have to say about that.

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Title: Times of Sorrow
Filename: xm-tms.xm
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Not a bad little piece of music, though it sounds like something out of Duke Nukem (chuckle). The general musicianship isn't bad, though. I do find a lot of the motif and transitions to be rather cookie-cutter and very predictable, but it's not bad for a novice composer. The samples are just awful! The author does note that in the comments, though, so I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on him/her. I don't see any reason why this should be 14 tracks either. With better sampling and use of space, this should only be 4-6 tracks. That's all right, though, they'll do better next time.

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Title: Wat nou, Sjappie
Filename: x-watnou.it
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is actually a pretty cool piece of music. It starts out kinda strange, almost like someone struggling to play beyond their years, but then it slowly begins to work itself into a very groovy disco-style beat with a driven bassline and some neat little rythms. Things flow a little choppy -- which may be what the author is going for -- and some of the segues don't flow well, and the ending really leaves something to be desired ... but all in all it's a good technical work. Most likely an Amateur, but we all have to start somewhere, eh?

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Title: Summer . . .
Filename: x-s.xm
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
A nice attempt at a more realistic song, but I think I've heard it somewhere before so I can't in good conscious give an adequate review. If anyone knows whether or not this is truly original, let me know, and i'll update this review. See above!

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Title: xenologie part 1
Filename: xenolog1.mod
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Boooooooooooooooooooooring. Even for an ambient piece, this thing stinks. I could barely stay awake through the first pattern! This is 16 minutes of pure coma inspiring tones. No real melody, no sense of rythm, just tones. This is going right into the recycle bin where it belongs. The *only* reason I gave this an average score (5.5) is because at least the author knows how to build a mod. There's some schtuss in the beginning sections with the "melody" not making any ryhtmic sense, but it's recovered nicely going into the second pattern.

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Filename: x3m_rst2.xm
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Some very nice rythyms in here, but not too much as far as pure musicianship. Excellent DJ work, definately, and an intensley danceable beat. The meloy is carried by the bass -- which I don't personally like -- but there is some better instrumentation in the middle. I'm definately hangin' on to this one! The author definately knows what he/she is doing with the technical side of it. An absolutely phenominal work worthy of professional peer review! It does tend to get a little repetitive -- even for a dance mix -- but it's not so bad that I couldn't listen to it all the way through 5 times while typing out this review. The author makes great use of voice samples and times them well with the music and the rythms can't be beat!

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Title: Lounge Act
Filename: loungact.mod
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
This is a cover version of Nirvana's "Lounge Act". Total 7 different patterns played in this piece and it sounds quite awful. Drums are bad, guitars are bad and bass (is there one?) is bad. So the song itself cannot be really good. No technical side. If you REALLY like Nirvana you should maybe try this one, but the rest of us - no way.

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Title: dancin'
Filename: dan.mod
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
This music was not put together well at all it sounds like they pieced the notes together with bubblegum and the keyboards are not a nice touch only a good musician or composer would have spent days composing this song not only a couple of hours.. Musically a good song takes time to put together one note at a time. One can't throw it against the wall just to see what will stick! This music feels like I am playing one of those cheezy shareware games. again from one sequence to the next is choppy. This person needs to update his set of samples to put together a better song than this one. The sequences are repetitive. I get the idea of using a bassline in one channel drums in the next keyboards in the next but the more channels the better the song because of the time one puts in to there music.

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Title: Då Julen kom
Filename: dajulenkom.xm
Posted Wed 15th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
after much listening I still like the song but I am retracting my earlier rating of due to the fact that I did listen for and find some flaws on how the music comes to gether but the song has a sadness about it however it is the artists expression. The flaws are more technical that musical I like the acousitic guitar as a bassline and/or background but the channel switching is very choppy. Music for pattern sequence to sequence should blend together as if they were flowing one to another, not just to switch abruptly
