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Title: l.a. by night
Filename: labynite.mod
Posted Mon 13th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This must be one of the dullest songs that I've heard from Dr.Awesome. Although you can hear from the music that this ain't amateurs work, it still remains boring. Samples are nice but the song repeats its drums and bass and melodie just goes and with variation and still somehow sounds like the same melody round and around. Once again basic technics in mod. Maybe everything is been explained by the fact, that this song was composed in 1 hour? Lacks pretty much of everything if compared to Dr.Awesomes usual style.

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Title: labyrinth
Filename: laber.mod
Posted Mon 13th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Now this was pretty hard to categorize. Song consists mostly from organ melodies and drums. Drumline is pretty simple and maybe a bit too quiet, but organs sound actually very nice.Some electric guitar included here also and funky bassline towards the end. Ends suddenly. Worth trying maybe? As I told, the drums are too silent, especially the bassdrum. Organs are played well. Effects are once again mostly slides and vibras, but are used with skill. Nothing special to complain about, but still the song lacks so many things. This song should be done again with more channels and decent drumtrack.

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Title: live your own life
Filename: lyownl.mod
Posted Mon 13th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Oh yeah. This is quite a nice tune. Sounds little bit like some kind of game music, not bad at all.=) Samples fit to this piece nicely and melodies are ok. Beginning sounds maybe just a bit repetitive, but not too much. Towards the end the song actually starts to sound better and... Oh yes,this is pretty long one. (6.20) U4ia controls the technical side very well. Effects are used pretty much and I loved the arpeggios in the song. Sounded like c64. Ahhh...What a feeling.=) Overall pretty nice tune we have here. Worth trying at least.

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Title: laugh.mod
Filename: laugh.mod
Posted Mon 13th Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Now this is awful. Few patterns of laughing samples and couple vocals. God! Who makes this kind of "music". Well better question might be that who uploads these over here? Need some 8bit laughing samples? Then get this. If you don't need, then avoid this like plaque. Gave me the creeps.

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Title: the last one
Filename: lastone.mod
Posted Mon 13th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Texts in the song gives me the vision that the artist is a some sort of pro in tracking, but at least this song doesn't make me to believe in that. Simple pop-tune. Starts without intro, ends without outro. Strange.Melody ain't catchy at all, pretty boring actually. This song is pretty short (2.20) but gladly it's not so repetitive.Goes on the background maybe? Umm... These mods are hard to rate on technical side. So few artist actually uses any effects in the mods and this one is not exception. Slides, vibratos and that's it. Hihats are little too noisy, but bassline sounds ok.

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Title: Feeling`s
Filename: x-f.xm
Posted Sat 11th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Looks like S.I has done another nice piece! His use of melodies and bass lines are wonderful and the tune is very danceable. He finally left his email address on this one : saggeus@iobox.fi so be sure to drop him a note if you download his stuff and comment well on it. I do have to admit, though, he should probably work on his endings a bit, but if the song is looped, it works out ok. Overall a very good technical work. Clean sampling with no overpowering limiters. Good use of channels and a nice feel for segue and piano. Definate kudos to the author. I'm putting this one in my keepers folder.

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Title: Old Timer ...
Filename: x-old.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Well, since he admits the samples are stolen, I can't give any real credit except for the placing of the samples in a discernable order. If you're going to steal samples, at least credit where you stole the samples from! It's not a difficult thing to do, ya know. He knows how to use the stolen samples and it's not bad as far as things go, except there's a solo that can barely be heard over the overdriven guitar sound. The samples are stolen without credit, however, so I can't really do a worthwhile review of this work.

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Title: New life !!!
Filename: x-nl.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Another nice one from S.I who, again, left no way to get in touch with him and I don't see him on the artist list. Great use of melodies and segues from bridge to bridge. Even uses a rather catchy 80s-euro style mixed with an ambient rythym. Another one of the "must haves". I did have to drop some points for a poor ending, though. Good clean use of sampling with a good flare for how instruments need to go together and what's going to sound good. Nothing overpowers anything else and the melody is crisp and clear with the background bass. Hopefully I'll find one of this author's works with his email on it.

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Title: Memories
Filename: x-memory.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Obviously the work of an amateur! Almost sounds like a demo from a Roland keyboard or maybe a preset rythm. He does admit that the samples are stolen, but gives no credit as to where they were stolen from. I dock a lot of points for that -- for all I know they could have been stolen from me! (chuckle) I can't give any sort of tech rating to this one because, once again, the samples are stolen. Download it if you like, but it's not really worth the time. I'm going to have to go with about a 4 on this one simply because the author at least put the stolen samples in a reasonable order.

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Title: You gonna like it ??
Filename: x-like2.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This sounds like the same thing as in x-like.xm improved. There's better use of melodic lines and a nice use of bridge. It's a heavy metal style that comprises both baladic and driven styling. I don't like the way it moves into the 3rd part of the piece plus the end leaves a lot to be desired so I had to dock some points for that, also, it sounds a tad too Van Halen for my tastes. Definately a good technical piece. There isn't much there to really set it apart from most other heavy metal style mods, but it's definately done with a reasonably skilled hand. The guitar samples sound a little off and rather unrealistic, but with some practice the author could probably develop a better sound.

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Title: Like imbossible t me
Filename: x-like.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Not a bad little guitar riff going on if you're into early 90s style heavy metal, but it's boring and doesnt have any true flare to it. It might be a good download if you're looking for something to use in a game, however, the artist left no indication of who he/she is so there's no way to credit it. Technically, this isn't too bad and sounds like a good amateur use of samples and rhythms. It does have a couple of nice segues and a fairly well placed "scratch" in the middle of the work.

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Title: Double Time
Filename: x-dt.xm
Posted Fri 10th Aug 2001
Rated 9 / 10
A wonderful combination of styles complete with good use of segue techniques and a wonderful melding of bass line and melody. I'd definately put this in my "must have" category for burning onto CD to listen to in the car or at the club! Watch for the teaser hi-hats in the first 30 seconds of the song. I like it! The author definately knew what he/she was doing on this piece. Great use of samples and very clean use of rythyms. The kicker doesn't overpower the melody or the natural flow of the bass line. I did, however, have to give it "very good" and "semi-pro" because it's missing that one vital "oomph" to really be impressive. All in all, however, it's a wonderful work.

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Title: cultoftecno
Filename: landscap.mod
Posted Wed 8th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Umm..This is one of the first techno mods that I had in my Amiga days.=) Sounds still pretty nice. I especially like the drums in this piece. Those are simple but catchy and rest of the sounds create a sort of messy "melodies" but yeah, still theres something.=)I guess the composer had a heartattack or something because the song ends like in to wall. Song starts with some strings and looping in them is not perfectly tuned to start with. A Bit repetitive also, but still the song ends pretty soon and it lasts 3.12 so I guess there must be something good in this piece.=) Gladly mods are smallsized - it's not so frustrating to download and get disappointed. Try this one.

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Title: The Shattered Lands
Filename: lands.mod
Posted Wed 8th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
A good metal song is propably hard to create and this is just another mod to prove it. Artist says that the song is first tracked on 10 channels but then he/she reduced it to 4. Why? Maybe the original version sounded better. Drums aren't good and guitars sound lame. You can always try this,but in my opinion it's not worth it. No effects used here. Guitars, drums and so on are played all over again. No leadguitars to make a decent melody and nothing to give you a really good mood. I would really like to hear the original 10 channel version to give a better opinion on this track.

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Title: lame wave is dead
Filename: lamewave.mod
Posted Wed 8th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
This song is actually a cover from L.A.Style's "James Brown Is Dead" which is by the way excellent track.=) Vocals are changed, but otherwise this song is easy to notice as a cover. Some of the samples sound like in the original, but 4example drums are awful. No Snares.Just a bassdrum and hihats. Melody doesn't require a pro to compose this track and anyone can fill a track with bassdrum. So I guess the composer ain't a professional on tracking because so many things are missed from original song and... It can't be so hard to create a decent drums to this can it?

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Title: show 'em da bass(c)
Filename: dabass.mod
Posted Tue 7th Aug 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Let me begin if you like bass and download this song thinking well I am going to get some funky bass beats you are sadly mistaken. Folks this is a dance tune with very little bass at bet they need to rename this song. As for the disapointment of the musical part of the song the technical part has much promise the way the music was written in each channel as you can tell how the samples mix together and form the song and the ending and legnth of song was perfect. Face it folks 7:00 minutes for a song way too long, this mod has a perfect legnth.

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Title: lninja2
Filename: lninja2.mod
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 5 / 10
This one ain't from the Last Ninja 2 as the name lets you understand. It's from Last Ninja 1. I'm not sure, is this from amiga version, but the same tune with different samples is played in c64 version. Original composers are Ben Daglish and Anthony Lees and when they compose something then the song must be good and this is.=) The c64 version sounds much better than this. Samples don't sound that good as they should. Arpeggios are used nicely to reach the 64 mood. Technical side is once again badly wrong. I just wish that someone would compose Last Ninja tunes with skill and care...

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Title: chaos
Filename: chaos.mod
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Hmm. I'm pretty sure that this song was ment or is an intro from something. This ain't music. Track is filled with strings, choirs, effects and one vocal. Sounds actually quite good and creepy.=) But this is short one. Only 1.26. Nice samples. I think I'm gonna use some of those.=) Some effects used here, and the artist propably is a good in tracking. I wonder where this piece was going to. Worth downloading because of some samples but... what the heck. Try it anyway. You can always delete it afterwards.=)

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Title: Lufia's Theme (PianoSolo)
Filename: lufia_p.it
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Ok...I made again mistake with these two "Lufia" songs. This is the real "pianosolo" piece and lufia2_m.it is called "Lufia II:Main Theme". Sorry about the mistake.=/ Well anyway this one is also good sounding piano song. Way too short, but who cares. Little filesize 108k makes this piece worth downloading. Pianos sound good and piano is the only instrument used in this one. So can't really tell anything special about technical side. No effects used, but sounds still good. Nice work.

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Title: Lufia II: Main Theme
Filename: lufia2_m.it
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is actually quite a good piece of music. Nice melodies, good pianos, and nice strings. Well the strings sound good, but are also too loud. Little less volume to those and this song sounds good.=) Rolling drums are nice in the background and the whole piece is very balanced. Samples sound good. Nothing complex here either. As told, the strings are too loud, but that's it. Oh yes... One more thing to complain about. Little too short (2.42) I would have like to hear this little longer.=)

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Title: lizardking's theme
Filename: lizardkings_theme.mod
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Well. First of all this song is way too long. It lasts 6.21 minutes and is a bit repetitive. So towards the end it starts almost annoy me. Otherwise this tune ain't that bad. Nice melodies and catchy background beat, but still this ain't even near to give my any chills... Pretty neutral piece. Nothing really complex here, but the vibratos and slides are made just as well as they should. Lizardking is a great composer and techincally a pro, but this one doesn't offer anything special to wonder. Nice work still.

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Title: One By Metallica
Filename: one.mod
Posted Mon 6th Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is mixed very well even though the melody is slow. how ever there is not one note out of key which is good for them and one other thing it actually sounds like the real song except for the guitar. and the Climax to the song is very good. I just have one question for the artist why would you use visual basic to compose a song. it makes no sense and guys try a little better to do a guitar on the music becase your drum sounds somewhat like a machine gun. Please next time use screm tracker 3 or any other composing software to put together a song.

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Title: Friday13:th LuckyDay
Filename: LUCKY.XM
Posted Sat 4th Aug 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This song has lots of potential. First half is a slow ballad and the second half is little faster,but still remains in the edge of pop and ballad. You can almost hear from this song the artists feelings at the moment when he was composing this one... Sounds real nice, but something should be done for technical side. Nice song anyway.=) Ok. The effects were used very little, samples sound like from very old amiga module, guitar vibras sounded little funny and the ending and middlepart seem little unfinished. But as I said - the actual song sounds good. Another version with little better samples and fixed ending and I want to hear it right away.=)

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Title: its time for...
Filename: lullabye.mod
Posted Sat 4th Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Hmm.. At least Artist has a good name referring to his music. Awful. Just couple of vocals and some strings. Total playing time 0.30 min. Is this great or what? Err.. Is here anything that has something to do with music?

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Title: Vox Fides Deus (Esith)
Filename: lvesith.it
Posted Sat 4th Aug 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Hmm.. This song was ment to be used in somekind of game. Music consist only from harp samples. Doesn't sound good to me. At least some sort of strings is badly needed here. This kind of music doesn't belong here. Don't download. Ps. Sorry about new review,but I made a mistake with music format.=) Well the harps don't sound good. And cause those are only samples then the whole song cannot sound good. Logic.=) No effects used at all and the song lacks from basic imagination.

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Title: Lydias Lunch
Filename: lydial.mod
Posted Fri 3rd Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Now this is even worse than Lydias Box. 2 different patterns played in this piece. I truly hope that the artist hasn't created "Lydia series". What can I say? Slaughtering pig sounds better than this one. Greetings to the artist.

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Title: Lydias Box
Filename: lydbox.mod
Posted Fri 3rd Aug 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Now this is just awful.First pattern actually sounded "ok",but that's it. Few different patterns repeated after each other. Sounds like a dying whale. Waste of diskspace. So called "artist" doesn't realize that one should not upload shit in the Modarchive. Too bad that he/she didn't left e-mail address. I would like to mail to the artist something nice.=) Anyway. Do not get this one. Should be erased from the archive.

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Filename: lvistru8.xm
Posted Thu 2nd Aug 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Ok.Here we have a nice,little and happy dancetrack. Piano melody is nice but somehow I feel that something is missing. Maybe nothing is,but I waited maybe a little more action during the song. Anyway this tune gave me actually a good mood and a weird smile appeared on my face after a day at work. Thanks 4 that.=) This was an 8 bit version, but still it sounded pretty clean. Samples are nice and fit well together. None of the samples sound too loud or silent and panning is used nicely. This track isn't technically a masterpiece, but who cares? Sounds nice and feels nice. Just like opening a bottle of beer. I like it.

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Title: livin' insanity
Filename: lvnnsnty.mod
Posted Thu 2nd Aug 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Well, what can I say. Moby has never disappointed me and this time is not exeption. Great bassline, nice drums and hilarious organ/saxophonemelodies create 3.06 minutes of great funk music. This tune gives you the jamming mood you need on friday. Nothing special in this song actually, but it's still great. Moby defeats many trackers with only 4 channels. Sample quality ain't of course very good,but still the artist manages to compose a very nice song. Nice slides, vibratos and everything that you can see in old 4-channel module.=) I can't complain about anything. Allways liked Moby's style and still do. Pro job.=)

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Title: luminenssi
Filename: luminenssi.mod
Posted Mon 30th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
No complaints here, this tune strikes home for me. I love the jazzy/funky beat that builds up from a soft new age start. The samples are clean, and the transitions smooth. This music builds me a mental picture of a fast sports car running through the serene countryside landscape. The artist makes perfect use of the MOD format. Whoever you are, I'd love to hear more. The artist obviously has a grasp of timing and music. Kudos for the subtle pitch bends and volume slides. The instruments are well balanced and expertly manipulated. What more can be said but this song is worth every byte.

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Title: lonely sunrise.
Filename: lsunrise.mod
Posted Mon 30th Jul 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This tune is deceptive at first, but eases into an enjoyable, upbeat rhythm. Overall it is pleasant and not too repetitive. Certainly one of the better pieces I've heard. Most of the tune uses the samples well, but the lead sample used in the intro could have been altered to match the rest of the tune. The pitch bends done at the end provide a nice kind of "winding down" effect, but could have been improved.

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Title: oberheim power
Filename: oberhmpw.mod
Posted Wed 25th Jul 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This song is a classic-Amiga-4channel-syntpop-demosong :) for those of you who remember such songs. Emax has created a nice composition with those everlasting chords and classic synthpop-beats. This song may sound a little weird if you play it on certain players (such as WinAmp), so i recommend playing it with an amiga player, and if you're not in possession of such a player, then use modplug. As most quality amiga-songs of this kind, the technical performance is outstanding. It's amazing how the 4 channels are being used. Emax is also a very good composer (remember many of his tunes from my old Amiga days). The only thing I have to put my finger on is the vibrato on the chords. They tend to vibrate way too much for my ears :) It's only one way to find out if you feel the same way. All together, a great composition that any oldschool die-hard amiga-demoscene-fanatic should hear.

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Title: Disillusion
Filename: disill.mod
Posted Wed 25th Jul 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is a good trance trak with plenty of melody, soul and variation. It definitely suits the name[:D A bit long but it has enough variation to make it unboring! Makes you think of various places ie: cloud 9 and generally hotwires your hearing ;D All samples are good quality and well used. Sounds like you could get in the charts with it ;> Decent percussion with excellent looping puts the grenade on top of the already brill melodious bomb. :D ;3 o0 W

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Title: Digger - Ghidorah
Filename: digger2.xm
Posted Wed 25th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This mod has a good solid beat thumping away in the background, makes you seriously want to get up and groove. [:) Based pretty much on the same riff but there is plenty of variation in the instruments and xtra melody. Nice one Ghidorah!;) Nice. All the samples go together remarkably well and are very good quality, and Ghidorah obviously knows how to arrange them in a melodious pattern. This sounds very professional and deserves a lot of credit.

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Title: Horror Section
Filename: horrorsec.it
Posted Thu 19th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Hehe.. what we have here is a quite cute little tune, some good chords with pitching. Also drums that's slow, just to get the whole thing more mystical. Could have fit in some sort of wacko game. Should have been more exciting at some parts, should have taken off more. But I liked it:) Technically, it's really more what I did expect from a newcomer this year, got some potential there. Maybe some more exciting parts, but with those many quality-samples its pretty good. Welcome to the scene, MFC42;)

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Title: Portal to hell
Filename: s3m.s3m
Posted Thu 19th Jul 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This mod had its moments in my mind, The start was a bit slow but the middle was quite good. Hoever the ending was the opposite of the start, too fast. Not a bad song but could have been edited down a bit. I didn't like the slow voicing effects at the start of the mod, I was guessing that it was meant to sound like we were entering the Potral to Hell. Had some good background effects put in. Overall not bad, it could grow on you

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Title: glm_drms.xm
Filename: glm_drms.xm
Posted Wed 18th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Fades in strings and a small melody; then arrives c-hihat, bass and some effects, we soon get to know wait we're dealing about here. Nice ambience in all samples makes a special atmosphere, pretty mysterious touch over the music. When listening the song for the first time it remembered me about Zelda, walking through the woods, damaged and bad health. I don't care what history you choose to imagine, but the song's calmness makes you dive into ancient parts of this world. Well-ordered, but some even more calm breaks and some more exciting parts would absolutely do no harm. The bassline and drums are much walking in the same pattern, which makes the whole song a bit monotonous. The basic and elemtary notes which got in like the first thing in the song are walking through every elements of the song. But I loved the song, made me dream away; and for the first time in a long time, the title actually FITS! That's something we all should take critisism of. Good song. Technically, a well built song with many good effects, just to get the listener dive criss-cross in the imagination. Good ideas, nice melodies, calm and wellchoosed samples, maybe not the best quality samples, but fits okey. At times the arrangement makes the sound of the song a bit repetetive, which again don't makes too much excitement. But we can all be happy of small changes also:) .. I'm stuck with an impressed feeling.

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Title: To the Karjala -md
Filename: van_ttk.xm
Posted Wed 18th Jul 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song consists of 5 songs, together 15:24. Starts with elementary piano-notes, makes a good beginning. The piano introduces a really unrestrainted rocky part; not that the passage between each song are good, but since all songs got nice ideas and are built well and are nicely ordered I won't let each passage damage too much of the score. I liked much in all of the songs, but since the major part of melodies are done in real; recorded and then put together in a tracker, I won't get that impressed. This will harm the technical part most, but musically this song got many got elements, sounds pretty professional and I think each song would be doing great as high quality mp3's around the world. Every song gets a bit repetetive and monotonous, try to get the basic overdrives more exciting with more soloes followed by some crunchy fill-ins and an atmospherical takeoff, just to get the listener more 'inside' the song. Drums are really wild:) The last but one song sounds like industrial to me in the very beginning, but soon this crashes up in melodic rock (again); I mean, it would do no harm making more special elements in each song so that the 'genre' gets monotonous (like AC/DC:). But good song! There's no doubt the composer have good technic on the guitar, but as I review mods I'm just reviewing the technical efforts done in the tracker e.g. Technically, everything seems pretty simple; maybe with the exception of the piano-parts, which have been tracked well. Good understanding of music, nice titeling. With better quality samples and better mixing between the parts, the score would have been better. I liked the song(s).

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Title: Ravium - Mad Max^Dementia
Filename: ravium.s3m
Posted Wed 18th Jul 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Starts with some typical fast chord-rolls, introduces to some sweet percs, basedrum and a bassline. At 0:55 it all breaks down to some strings, and a vocal arrive. Soon, things get real rough after a fast build-up. I missed the real take-off, maybe there should be some longer build-ups after the breaks; like a fill-in expansion. Also, the basic theme should be more variating. I liked the fast ordered chords at approx. 4 minutes, which made the whole thing more exciting. The end are an accomplished conclusion of the main-theme and it all sounded pretty nice. Good technical effort, liked much in this song; maybe not the most original, but well built. Too much amiga-sounding samples, not the best quality, but there were samples with nice groovefactor and a melodic touch to the melodysamples. Well arranged, a bit typical as said before, and real fast:) Liked the song, allthough I missed a real takeoff.

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Title: - NovaStorm -
Filename: novastrm.it
Posted Tue 17th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
NovaStorm...cool name...cool song, kinda reminds me of the MK (Mortal Kombat)themesong...anyway NovaStorm is a pretty sweet song only, it never seems to end, other than that, the pulsating sounds of electronica are neatly tracked. NovaStorm...cool name...cool song, kinda reminds me of the MK (Mortal Kombat)themesong...anyway NovaStorm is a pretty sweet song only, it never seems to end, other than that, the pulsating sounds of electronica are neatly tracked.
