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Title: Afterlife
Filename: mb_aftlf.xm
Posted Mon 16th Jul 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Starts with this simple modulated sawlead-actish melody, soon accompanied by some strings and small closed hihats. A bit contrast-filled area at the start, with that happy melody to begin with; later on with dark, kind of mysterious strings. This intro is done quite well, also the passage from intro-related stuff to the main theme-part are of quality. Drums are pretty systematicly ordered, a bit technofeeling to it. But I think it was nice anyway. I miss the area of even more power, just so that the listener will be more excited through the song. Good chords, nice notes and it's not too unoriginal:) Think the song was nice. Technically, the composer have made a good composition. The samples are well choosed, but the quality are just falling apart. The effects used, fits good to the samples and the song itself. With more cheesy, powerful and interesting samples, this tune would have been great. I'm not saying that the song is not great, but there is something missing; that would be the take-off part, the conclusion of a song which should 'tell' the listener what the song really was about. But a well made song, good ideas and nice drums!

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Title: Digital Enhancement
Filename: nbz-denc.xm
Posted Tue 10th Jul 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Well....how can i describe this....i like this type of music but this one isn't staying on my personal music list. Overall i can stand the first 40 seconds of "Digital Enhancement", but the rest is pretty good, overall it is an ok song. Well....how can i describe this....very basicly tracked, and a really crappy begining, but you might like it more than i do.

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Title: Run Away Remix
Filename: runawaytech.it
Posted Tue 10th Jul 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Throughout the length of the song, the backbeat changes a few times, increasing the variety and scope of the track. There are also a few repetitive parts, but they too disappear rather quickly. The worst part of this track was the *ksshhh* part of the prevailing backbeat, and that wasn't too bad. This artists did a very good job of finding a melodic theme and sticking to it throughout the track. All of the melodies are well written and interesting, even if they don't have a lot of backup. Overall, this is a serious, but upbeat track, kind of like something you could find in a "Lemmings" game (that's a compliment). The samples are professional quality, as is the timing and rhythm. The only negative technical point is lack of depth. Many times during the track, it sounds as if you are in a small room with a computer (which you probably are), but the walls are soaking up all of the sounds, so there is no reverb. At other times, though, the sounds seem to naturally fade off, making it a bit incongrouous. Fortunately, a good sound system and listening room fix this. Overall, great technical merit: quality parts, quality assembly, and a quality product.

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Title: Angel&Devil by JosSs
Filename: jos-angl.xm
Posted Mon 9th Jul 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Starts with dark strings, introduces to this contrast-filled tune by Angel and Devil. I got most impressed by the drums, with crystal clear quality, but the composer should have made more different styles. Some fill-ins/break-through-actish parts with the drums would clearly make the song more exiting for the listener. The theme keep repeating itself it seems, also I think piano-melodies gets better when more notes are floating over each other; just to get the ambience more plumpy and groovy. Good song with nice ideas, but try to make the song take off (more powerful) at one point. I really missed that part. Technically there are several things we all can learn of the composer. Really great samples, good quality. A minus for not creating an accomplished end; the tune makes a better picture when the listener can really feel that the song are getting to an end. A fast 'lame' ending was clearly not what I wanted. But a nice song overally, though!

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Title: The Sorceror's Tale
Filename: gh-tst.xm
Posted Mon 9th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Another great song by Kevin, using his skills at his best to make one more epical-filled song, doing great in both of my ears:) Starts off with this hall-reverbed piano; melodies couldn't been made by newcomers. Drums are done with feelings, and with majestic strings, flutes and basslines, also good effects makes this tune one of the best resoluted tracks in this fantasy genre. Loads of ideas are put up here like a spin in the air. As I noticed on The Epic, also this tune could have maintained some of the ambience at the very end, but this is really.. REALLY minor flaws that should'nt damage too much of ones opinion. Composed and tracked in quality! Again, the technic are exiting and real nice. Samples are 'filterly' choosed; what I liked most in the song was the break at approx. 4 min, with this great fiddle-sample(?). Some of the samples should have been more powerful, I missed the real sub kind of feeling, but STILL a great song to listen to! You impress me, Kevin, your songs are clearly NOT for beginners, as you said by yourself in The Epic:) .. Beautiful!

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Title: The Epic
Filename: gh-epic8.xm
Posted Mon 9th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
In the very beginning, the typical influxity of piano and strings vibes with one another with this epic feeling. A fantasy-tune, vivacious melodies of great progressive in the sake of powerful themes. A full account of melodies, chords, percussions and ambient background-feelings. Everything is nicely ordered, limpid notes are almost perfectly hitting each other in full lineal at the end. Breaks are made with calm, cheesy melodies and unique background. Much great, and talented music. But the end is somehow missing it's calm feeling, even if the strings make a nice accomplished touch. I liked the song very much. Technically, there are nothing specially you can put your finger on. Some samples should have been more luxurious, but overally the samples are well. As told before, the end could've been treated better. Either, the composer could make the powerful feeling to last through out the song, or he could maintain the calm-ness to a really 'romantic' ending (as I say it). Awesome tune: great ideas, maybe not the most original, but well built song!

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Title: mod.ode to alaska
Filename: ode_tlsk.mod
Posted Mon 9th Jul 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Techno piece, which has'nt really got any mood, the beat is dominant in many parts, and themes repeat over and over again in melodic parts. Composition has been done well enough, but no extra frills here. Samples are'nt anyway special, drum samples have got some kick, but i've heard better ones. Melodic intrument doesn't really sound like anything, but is tolerable. Song seems meant to be looped because at the end song fades out and after few seconds beat begins again to end abruptly at end of song. Just as it seems from the sample names, song has been made for a demo, and in one it might just go, but as standalone music it isn't so good.

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Title: enjoy the silence
Filename: enjoy.mod
Posted Sun 8th Jul 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Excelent MOD conversion by 4mat, a well know AMIGA scener. It's very acurrate, and it's done in NoiseTraker!! Amiga rules :D It has every rithm the original had. It isn't any from the other world, but it sounds good. It uses only one loop and sounds very convincent...

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Title: h�rjedalss�ng
Filename: harjedal.mod
Posted Sat 7th Jul 2001
Rated 7 / 10
To be honest, I thought this tune was going to be a joke when I first downloaded it due to the name and the tiny size of the file. Don't let first impressions decieve you. Of all of the Chiptunes I have heard, This is one of the better ones. There were a couple things that held me back from giving this song a 10. First was the fact that the beginning of the song was a little overpowering, could have lowered the overall volume on the song. Second was the fact that some of the samples were slightly crude, but that is not unusual in chiptunes. Third was the point that there was no Intro and a single note at the very end of the tune that had little musical quality. Good use of special effects by the author. Everything in between sounded awesome, though. Obviously not this person's first tune. If you are into chiptunes, download this one!

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Title: The Purple Death
Filename: nk-thepurpledeath.mod
Posted Fri 6th Jul 2001
Rated 8 / 10
"The Purple Death" is an (in my opinion) awesome song. One very minor drawback is that the opening and conlusion is spanish. Other than that, this is a very sweet song. Well, "The Purple Death" is one sweet song for 4 channels and 31 samples when I first listend to "The Purple Death" I immediately thought that this song would have at least 8 channels. Anyway...I highly reccomend "The Purple Death" to any Techno fan.

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Title: Radio Ga Ga
Filename: radio.xm
Posted Sun 1st Jul 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Take the sheet music to an unspectacular Queen song, give it to a deaf, blind mute who thinks a tracker is some guy looking for broken twigs in the bush, then randomly remix with great deal of foghorns, and you will get a song that will be far more digestible then this turd. I don't fault the artist for making it, but for god's sake why did he post it? The chords are the most awful I have ever heard. The song doesn't stay on rythem. There are no redeming qualities. Download at your own peril. Bad samples, but that doesn't mean anything. It is the way they are used. I have a headache after listening to this. The artist writes in the instruments section that this is his first mod. I believe that. It must be his very very first.

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Title: DaNcE YO ALL!!!
Filename: danceyo.mod
Posted Sun 1st Jul 2001
Rated 6 / 10
The file's pretty small (only 49k) which has most likely caused the high amount of downloads this file has gotten. ScyzoR is a Polish composer and he has made a 4 minute 44 seconds long song. The first impression I got of the song was pretty good, since ScyzoR uses bass drums well in the intro. However after this the class goes down. I don't think I'll listen to this again. The song is made by using eight 8-bit samples. This isn't necessarily a problem, but using older samples takes away some needed quality. Most of the samples are used just a couple of times during the song and a little after the 3-minute mark ScyzoR throws in just about every sample he has. The result doesn't sound good.

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Title: nightlights
Filename: nghtlght.mod
Posted Wed 27th Jun 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Overall, nightlights an ok song, not highly reccomended unless you like the "Sonic the Hedgehog" soundtrack, :) but other than that...umm...not much to say. Apparently nightlights was very quickly trown together and very basicly tracked besides a couple of portamentos, but other than that...a pretty good tune and beat.

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Title: sapphire bullets
Filename: nf-sapp.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jun 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Well, overall I kinda enjoyed sapphire bullets. Normaly I dislike pure jazz but I enjoyed it a little, in other words, you may like it better. Overall the music was created quite well and has a happy tune. Overall the song was very well tracked with 48 samples, but it is also quite worth the 479k download. It is similar yet better than the jazz that the soft rock radio stations play during the night hours :)

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Title: Avenging Angel
Filename: avengingangel.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jun 2001
Rated 10 / 10
spooky begining, but it lightens up w/ a synth, and a hihat, that later hits on in a steady, heavy drum beat, with a realy crushing bass drum. Then an acoustic guitar sound, sets the melodie, w/ the synth folowing. In the middle there's a more metal bit, that's riffing som "evil" notes, you metal guys now what I'm talking about, E,F, A# etc.... acompanied by a metallic synth, but then it heads back to the previous more light melodie. Then to return to a more, heavy section again, w/ a new loop, and then back to the light bit again, to finaly fade out nice ambience etc, there's no sounds that you want to kill the composer for including, allways a plus. And the song shows that the composer knows what he's doing and that he has the touch for more advanced songs.

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Title: Almagest
Filename: _almages.it
Posted Wed 27th Jun 2001
Rated 10 / 10
GREAT! fades in w/ a synths single note, then it softly lays the chords, w/ a funk bass coming in after a couple of chords, w/ a steady from, with popping for you who care. Then a hihat comes in, pumping 16s, and an electric guitar giving the melodie. Then the drums gain more, w/ snares, bass drums and toms, and for it all, for a while, changing synth sound, then coming alive, w/a more steady, complete drums rythm, after a while an 2nd guitar comes in, laying the chords, with a riff build upp. In the middle, theres a sort of chord change, but nothing drastic. It ends sort of the way it began, where nicely, tieing things up, w/ a the bass giving it's regualr form, a last hit. Then another part comes in, wich doesn't feel at all like it's supposed to be w/ the previous, or maybe it is. It's darker but sort of like the previous bit in structure. It has a synth in the beginning, but w / a steady hihat, counting. and a bass guitar "funking about". Then an electric guitar comes in and mutes a couple of notes to later on open upp etc. A synth is making ambience in the background that builds it all up, but I on't want to makes this review to an entire book, so I'll just say "download and listen" I'm worn out from the music description, som sorry in advance for missing things... What makes this song stand out is that it's ambience is great, very good building there, and you just want to keep listening. It's a different build up from what you usually see around here... since modarchive is very common w/ tons of dull build ups, and all to common pale songs. This is a Beautiful exeption. I'm looking forward to find anything more with this guy, brilliant.

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Title: Mystic Oberture
Filename: ober1.xm
Posted Wed 27th Jun 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This is a fairly well made song, even though I'm not a real fan of classical music. A bit short for something meant to be classical, since those kinds of pieces can usually run a good 8 minutes or longer if I remember correctly. A very good attempt though, but could have been so much more. Not a lot of technical gripes or anything, except for maybe the fact that all the samples are ripped (says so in the details) but they are nice ones. At least I think they are nice but I don't know whats nice for classical so I could be completely wrong too :) Also, maybe using more channels and pushing the length would have been really kool, give it an epic feel. Download only if your into classical.

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Title: unseen power v2.0
Filename: n-unseen.it
Posted Tue 26th Jun 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Overall I enjoyed this song qute a bit, but when I first listened to unseen power I noticed that if a couple of the samples were changed that unseen would probably have ended up a little better. Unseen is overall a very good song. Will entertain almost anyone. Overall pretty technical, yet somtimes the beat seems to jump ahead or lag behind a little. The intro of unseen power is slightly fast but good, yet the end seems to be a sudden stop but is a fairly good ending. Unseen has 15 sounds if I rember correctly and is 3:12 long.

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Title: ## economy 14 ##
Filename: econmy14.mod
Posted Mon 25th Jun 2001
Rated 5 / 10
This song is supposed to be some sort of small heavy metal tune, but I didn't like it very much. In short, it was way too heavy. I didn't like it, but this was an early work (1993), so I guess that could explain something. Some of xtd's other works are a lot better, check thoes out instead! :) At least the tech stuff for this song was better than the song itself. It's apparent that xtd knows what he is doing but fails to execute it properly. This song could have been much better with a bit more polish, but that fails to come out through the whole 46 seconds this song plays.

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Title: estrellado
Filename: estrella.xm
Posted Mon 25th Jun 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This music is not bad, but while listening to it I always had that feeling like I've heard it somewhere before. And it's not that good kind of felling. It almost sounds like a chip tune that met up with some old fashioned ball park organ player. Really, I don't much care for music of that type. The music is not bad, but I didn't like the song. Although I didn't like the actual song, the tech stuff was not all that bad either. The artist handeled the chip stuff rather well, and is obvuously experienced with tracking music of this type.

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Title: eargasm
Filename: eargasm.mod
Posted Mon 25th Jun 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Maktone is definitely not new to the scene. This song, at the beginning, sounds like a mix of his earlier songs, but after a while it starts to sound a bit more original. This is really a happy little chip song that chiptune fans should listen to. Maktone is certantly one of the best! All of the chip trackers continue to impress me with how they are able to handle square waves, etc to make a cool sounding song :) This one is no exception, and it sounds great!

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Title: Dream
Filename: lto-drea.xm
Posted Mon 25th Jun 2001
Rated 9 / 10
"Close your eyes...and follow into a world where your dreams can and will come true" This is one of those rare modules that I save onto my disk drive... This song deserves applause for crisp instruments, maturity of music, and originality. Save this module, and it can save your weary spirit someday!...:) No complaints. The first sound you will hear is a whispering voice, so clear it will seem to be alive. Soaring strings follow, and..... the rest is for you to find out...just close your eyes!

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Title: =Turma=
Filename: ji_turma.it
Posted Thu 21st Jun 2001
Rated 2 / 10
This song moves along way too slow. by the sound of the guitar and the sound of the drums, it's supposed to sound like a "hard" song, but instead, it ends up sounding really weak and bad. Well, the vibrato effects used on the guitar sound ok. but when the song slows down about halfway through, it just loses any potential it had. it gets too slow, and there's too many gaps, and it just wasn't done well.

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Title: Lk - Sudden Thoughts
Filename: lksudd.xm
Posted Mon 18th Jun 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Deep. Original. A bit gloomy. Overall, a mentally and spiritually stimulating melody, capable of seducing your mind into a meditative state. The contradiction of the flowing synths and the energetic drums somehow unite into ear candy. Beware of being tempted to fall asleep! On the critical side, the theme of the lyrics (spoken by the artist) doesn't really seem to match the melody theme. It's confusing... The only flaw is in the voice sample. It's muffled quality disorients you. The rest of the instruments sound nice and in sync. Effects add some spice to this melody.

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Title: Lk Trep your head
Filename: lktrep.xm
Posted Sun 17th Jun 2001
Rated 5 / 10
The dark melody spins you into a trance-like state, especially the rhythmic beat of the percussion, the haunting strings and the voice sample which somewhat resembles a chant (it's quite mysterious as you can't understand what's being said!). The industrial guitar sample is intriguing at first, but throws the harmony out of balance as soon as it's used too much, out of beat, and begins to sound fake. Overall, intriguing...but could be a little more diverse. Most of the samples are pleasing to the ear, except the guitar which looses its magic at the ending of the XM. The only effects used are pan slide and volume fade. The song ain't perfect with the obvious out-of-beat guitar at the end.

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Title: The Cosmia-Land
Filename: cosmia.xm
Posted Fri 8th Jun 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Starts off with strings and small guitarmelodies, leads to drum fill-ins that introduces to the basic theme with good basslines, nice melodies, accomplished chords and also some well done drums. Nice breaks; calm parts which makes the listener more excited when the tune gets more agressive, but I really miss a real take-off to carry through a good idea of a song! At some parts the song gets disorderly, where things are overwelming, but luckily this feeling are minor after the great ending. Speaking of ending; it would have been better if you could keep some of the melodies floating with small volume to make the ambience complete at the ending, maybe also a delay-effect. But overally a real nice tune! The composer have done a great technical work, not many technical bugs are noticed and there surely are good musical interest inside the composers heart. Reminds me of the old demostylish tunes; synthetic with this subacid feeling to it. Samples could have been of way better quality, also I think the synthetic mel-sample could have been replaced. You have made a good song, although, Tuolo!

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Title: *=teChnical viSion=*
Filename: vcr.xm
Posted Tue 5th Jun 2001
Rated 5 / 10
This is a fairly loopy tune. I do not really appreciate the repetative lead. It is a really strange sample to begin with. Right in the middle of the song there is a very cool little break where we get some elavator-type electric xylaphone music. Nice touch. Simple yet affective effects. And thank goodness for them! This song needed something! The samples are original, which is a definite pro in my books, but the lead could have definately been less annoying. I put this song on a loop for about 10 minutes as I chatted online, by the end I deleted it from my computer... sorry.

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Title: laziness
Filename: laziness.it
Posted Sun 3rd Jun 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This is what music's all about! The composer really has a sense of how to make a song that makes people interested, but still make it as soft techno, which sometimes could get quite repetative. This is a perfect "go-to-bed-song" and he makes it with such professionality when it comes to the structure of the harmonics that you almost forget what you're listening to, you just know there's something out there that reaches for you in the background. Every instrument has it's function. A professional use of the tremolo, especially in the first and the last part. Dimenuendos and creschendos match each other perfectly and makes the phrases float like a boat on a river...the beginning could use some improving though when it comes to the build-up.

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Title: xeno is stuck
Filename: xeno.xm
Posted Thu 31st May 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Very hard on the ear. Trance-like dissonance with ambient beat. Nothing really creative here. It sounds like a simple multi-loop with very little variety. Murky and dark, it's average work. Not a lot of technical use here. Too many tracks for what's being done and the samples muddy each other up a bit.

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Title: x to see hardcore 2
Filename: x2c_hard.mod
Posted Wed 30th May 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Nice use of progression and mode. Good segue from bridge back to main motive. A little reminiscent of a Dvorak mode, which I don't think was intentional. The beat stands well and it's a very danceable song. For only being 4 channels, the composer made very good use of the full range in dynamic quality and blending. The melody is a bit harsh and doesn't jibe well with the beat, but that slight dissonance makes for an overall technical groove that I personally like. Definately a keeper.

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Title: The First Vibe / VaiBreit
Filename: vb-tfv.it
Posted Wed 30th May 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Overlapping/changing beat patterns let you feel it! This is so cool. The low, rolling, lagging drum rolls drive you up the wall, but if your in the right mood, they'll make you chill! A very smooth trancy tune. Slightly progressive, something that I look for in a tune. All is very good but one sample might have been slightly out of tune, since it is just a tiny sample, you do not notice it too much. In any case, this song is going in the car! Thanks VaiBreit! I appreciate the fine detail in this tune. I especially love how the drum rolls lag so far into a next section of the piece. For a good show if you like watching patterns fly by. The panning is also very well done and sounds excellent through headphones.

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Title: namely yours
Filename: namlyyrs.mod
Posted Sun 27th May 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Namely yours is nice kind of song. It's light stuff with O.K melodies. Synth creates the main chords, and pretty crappy saxophone sample plays the melodies. This song also passes your ears pretty easily, and doesn't give too much to listen. Overall it's average. No much to say about technical ratings.. Some slides there, others here. Samples are pretty clean, but that saxophone sample doesn't sound too like much like the original one.

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Title: namewasbad
Filename: namebad.mod
Posted Sun 27th May 2001
Rated 4 / 10
The name of the song doesn't seem to be the main factor. The song itself is light techno, that passes your ears pretty easily. It's also pretty repetitive and doesn't give lot to listen. Overall it's ok, and would go nicely in some game. Technically the song is o.k. No much of effects are used. Some slides and volume changes but nothing too great. Samples are pretty clean and ok. Four channels are enough for this kind of easy listening stuff.

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Title: vaporized feelings
Filename: vaporf.xm
Posted Thu 24th May 2001
Rated 8 / 10
As this tune slowly progresses, I realize that there is barely any variation, except for the bass in one part. Even still, the whole song keeps interesting due to tiny additives and very smooth, tantalizing transitions. It sounds very 'jungle'ish, not the style, the forest. The few riffs of techno involved could have been moved back a little, they were slightly offensive to the whole calm feel of the tune. With tribal sounding drums, and faint, deep bass. This mod is a real heart throb. Just look at the file size... then listen carefully. This mod is extremely well done! Only a tiny bit of waver in the tiny bass sample. The light fuzz of the samples ca be eliminated through a nice player and sounds excelent on a nice system! Very nice use of effects for retrig's and pitch variation on the drums and sticks. You may be able to learn a few things about percussion with this mod.

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Title: a2
Filename: a2.mod
Posted Wed 16th May 2001
Rated 7 / 10
A2 is quite an unusual piece of music. This is decidedly a cheesy and poorly arranged song, but it is quite catchy and versatile. Throughout its duration of 5:00, it goes from sounding sinister, to orchestral sidewalk music, to circus-like, to breezy movie-background-type-music. There are some decent drum tracks and mellow brass tunes. If you want a small, varied song to for your friends to hear everywhere you go (if they don't snap from its monotonous, trance-like sections), download this. This is a 4-channel MOD, with of course, 8-bit samples, so it can't sound but so good. But this does sound better than many other .mods I've heard in the past... and decent comments were written. No big problems here.

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Title: Inertia
Filename: inertia.it
Posted Tue 15th May 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This song is plain. Nothing good nor really bad about it, save perhaps that its not special and it goes on for a while (4:33). Get this song if you enjoyh plain techno, drum music. This piece is one heavily into drums and synth keyboard and the drum element is very dominant all through out the mod and indeed starts off the song. The beat remains at a steady 128bpm and the song is not badly composed, indeed as far as Technical Rating goes this song although sometimes there is a bit of grimy noise behind the music (like a dull scraping) everything sounds hunky dory.

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Title: Inhabitant of mirage
Filename: i_mm_iom.xm
Posted Tue 15th May 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This piece of audio art is indeed worthy of the great mod archive and while it is nothing that grabs you by the lapels its certainly not repulsive in the slightest. Inhabitant of mirage starts of slowly with long drawn out notes before progressing into a synth piano bit and then the drums really kick in so they are audible. However whilst the Inhabitant of mirage mod is not repulsive it is like forementioned not an astounding piece of music, its good to listen to when your play list starts repeating itself but its not something that you'd put in your play list numerous times because you love it so much. This mod starts off slowly with some soft music, and slowly works its way up, its a pretty well paced piece with a good 128/132 bpm happening. The song also concludes nicely with a drum ending which i feel finishes the piece of very concisely and neatly. Unfortunately the end of the song is a few seconds (about 10) short of the end of the mod but that is just a minor detail.

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Title: " Seeker of Dreams "
Filename: aws_seek.xm
Posted Sat 12th May 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This sounds very much like For a New World... so listen to that, because this song doesn't really have much more to offer. It is a little deeper, and the bell rhythm is more dominant, but nothing else stands out as special about Seeker of Dreams. Standard Awesome. See my older Awesome reviews (and as a matter of fact, For a New World) for common Awesome technical info.

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Title: Dj Khan - Rain
Filename: dj_khan-rain.xm
Posted Fri 4th May 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Pretty standard,starts with a bassdrum and hihat,some fx,and a little stringie-thingie,and a nice 303offset.the outro is standard,cutting notes until there are no one left. The songs lacks action,nothing happens and it contains no main theme.after listening to the song three times I remembered some of it,but the only thing that sticks to your mind is the annoying,out-of-tune sound that lies inbetween the basshits and bwaaaahh....... sorry. Some of the samples are good,16-bit all the way,but they don't blend together the way they should.no echo were used and there aren't any innovative songstructure. as said,samples is as important as the tracked song and this song is a good example that large samples not necessarily means a good song. and a tip to all trackers,echo and a good structure helps ALOT.

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Title: "Dreams of despair"
Filename: aws_desp.xm
Posted Fri 4th May 2001
Rated 9 / 10
A quite involved piece of Awesome, yet also quite similar to other works by Awesome, such as Breath of Fire. This has the exact opposite name of Dreams of Hope, but it doesn't really imbue a sense of despair. However, there are a number of very cool section closings and flanged spacelike instruments. An anvil and piano bring this together into sounding pretty upbeat and even enrapturing. Were this a little more original, I would have given a 9.5 or even a 10. :) Common Awesome. Exceptional high piano sample. Refer to my older Awesome reviews for more common technical usage.
