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Title: A Planet Behind Us
Filename: ob_apbu.xm
Posted Wed 11th Apr 2001
Rated 7 / 10
I've always had problems judging such songs from a musical point of view, since I've never really looked upon this style of music as musical. However, OldBrian shows that he masters this genere of music very well. The song is very monoton, which most songs like this tends to be. Bass, Drums etc. All the usual ingredients are present. OldBrian has managed to create a good drive with the pumping beats (looks like he has put alot of effort into the drumlines). There is also a second part of this song which starts off more quiet and trance-like. Well-balanced chords and some vocals starts off this parts. Then the beat fades in. This part is also very monoton, but it still sounds nice. OldBrian shows that he masters this genere very well. As already mentioned, it looks like he has put alot of effort into making of the drumlines. From a tracking point-of-view this is a very well-performed piece of work, taking in consideration that I don't really fancy this kind of music.

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Title: finished-1
Filename: zdubrey.mod
Posted Wed 11th Apr 2001
Rated 2 / 10
The song starts with some string-sounds followed by a beat. So far the song sounds ok. But then a untuned piano enters the stage making everything sound discordant. The timing is however correct, but still this show signs of someones very first module. Later in the song a guitar is introudced (also untuned) making things sound even more discordant. This sure sounds like someones first attempt to compose a song, and i cannot say that there are any god technical aspects about this tune at all. No use of effects (not the most important aspect). The beat is however right, but the untuned instruments merged together with the rest doesn't give a good impression.

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Title: Halfling's Death
Filename: a-half.it
Posted Wed 11th Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Ok, so you need this MOD reviewed for the newest Top 10. Well, I must say I was impressed by this. Very, very nice rhythms with the, I suppose, panflute, and chimes throughout. As a matter of fact, this could be considered a trance piece, because of the high, long chords and jumbled synths, but its main rhythm keeps it from being that. My complaints to this, however, are that the drumtrack is only decent, and it's too repetitive for a 3:43-long piece. Otherwise, this is a memorable MOD. I don't know why the artist claims it isn't good. All of the samples except some of the percussion sound good... Nice use of effects and envelopes... File size isn't that bad. Well done here as well.

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Title: For a New World II
Filename: aws_fan2.xm
Posted Tue 10th Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Awesome made this follow-up/remix of the original "For a New World" (also reviewed by me :) ), and it does sound great. That same melody that tried to creep out at the end of For a New World plays through this entire song. There are great percussion rhythms and extra parts towards the end. For a New World was my first Awesome review. I intently discussed his common technical use there. You should know that this song is a huge download, because there are all (except 1) 16-bit, very good samples. The song is 4:10 long.

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Title: occ-san-geen
Filename: OCC-SAN.MOD
Posted Tue 10th Apr 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Taking in consideration when this song was composed (1989) it's amazingly good. I remember this song from Scoopex' demo 'Seven Sins' (on the Amiga) .. I have to judge this song from it's time of origin. The song itself is a typical Amiga demo song from the late 80's (early 90's) in synthpop-style (with claps and those unforgettable chords) Again, taking in consideration that this song was composed in 1989, and only consists of 4 channels, this is a masterpiece. Excellent use of effects.

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Title: Call of Ktulu
Filename: zkf-ktul.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 1 / 10
The two first patterns sounded nice enough, but after this everything became discordant. I cannot understand or imagine how samples can be used like this. The composer haven't got an ear for music at all releasing something like this. Sorry bro. Your composing skills need A LOT of work. I don't say this to be cruel, I just couldn't come up with nice words to describe this .... song. Again, it's hard to describe an non-existing technique. Everything is just mess (except for the two first patterns)

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Title: Screw := not(Screw);
Filename: zkf-scrw.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 1 / 10
I really don't like to criticize music this way, but can this be called music at all? .. I cannot help but defining this as mess. The only positive aspect about this song is that the beat is right. I cannot really say that the 'composer' of this thing shows any good use of technique. It all sounds so bad that you just want to turn off the song. Sorry for being so bloody honest, but this song simply isn't good enough for being here at all. A waste of diskspace.

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Title: The Grey Havens: TJ
Filename: aa_haven.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This is a seamless, flowing light ballad with pleasant melodies and an enrapturing environmental feel. High synths and chorus back up the piano, with conga drums dotted in. Definitely an easy-listening piece, this does, as ArchAngels says he tried to do, exhibit a misty shore with a walk down a path in the twilight. ArchAngel gives props to a friend of his for the nice 16-bit piano sample. And I can't notice any bad samples. No other technical flaws either.

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Title: ## zz-intro ##
Filename: zz-intro.mod
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This is a good old Amiga song composed back in 1992 (with NoiseTracker) .. As the title states, this is obviously an intro-song for something, hence the short length. The song consists of some synth-chords, and percussion and bass. The 'lead' of the song is played with a different set of chords (i remember many songs from this period having this) ... and I like it alot :) .. The Samples are typical for the period of composing. Taking in consideration that this song is composed almost a decade ago (1992) on Amiga using NoiseTracker, this is a very well performed song in technical terms. XTD has really pushed as much as possible out of the 4 channels he had for disposal.

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Title: sweet & sour girl
Filename: zipp_chipndale11.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 7 / 10
My first impression of this song was 'fun' ;) .. It sure sounds lively, and I must admit that I've always been a fan of chiptunes. The song itself is rather short and repeative, but it still sounds good. Samples is this song are, as staded, by Radix (nothing wrong with that as long as it's staded) .. Overall a good song that any chiplover should listen to. Zipp has used tone portamento alot, giving the lead it's own living. Effects are used wisely where they shoud be. Volume-balance are also good, creating a nice overall atmosphere between the instruments.

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Title: All Those Old Days
Filename: z-atod.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 8 / 10
I have heard the melody of this song before from some dance-song, but this is not a convertion. The song is very powerful and well made. This is a typical dance-song (piano, bass, dance-beat etc.. ) Reminds me a bit of Robert Miles. Zaphod has balanced the use of instruments very well, and created a great 'drive' thru the song. I absolutely reccomend playing this song with a lot of bass ;) .. The only thing that I didn't care too much for was the middle part were the 'techno sounds' sound rather weird and discordant. A part from that this song is great, and a must listening to for people enjoying dance-music. As already mentioned the instruments are balanced well (thinking of volume-settings). Effects are used very reasonable without any flaws. ZaphoD shows that he masters the effects well.

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Title: Lost Moments
Filename: z-moment.xm
Posted Mon 9th Apr 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This song ended Second at the DC4 music compo, and the song itself is good enough for that. What I didn't like too much was the xylophone which I found a little out of context. The rest of the song is great, dark and melancholic. It kind of reminded me of the title theme from and old Amiga demo - Desert Dream (by Kefrens) ealan has used volume-control well (something that I appreciate) Not too many other effects (except some panning) which adds a little more atmosphere.

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Title: The Fallas Xperience
Filename: aws_fast.xm
Posted Sun 8th Apr 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is simply the best 1+ minute compo I have ever heard. Awesome had to make an MOD in only 2 hours for the Fallas Party Fast Music Compo, and he got 1st place. Never missing a beat, and including many parts for such a short song, with great guitar rips and lead, this shows just how well you can make an MOD in only 2 hours. Again, very good samples throughout. Also great pattern sequencing. Please refer to my other 4 AWS reviews for more common Awesome technical info.

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Title: Dancing Cherubim
Filename: aa_cheru.xm
Posted Fri 6th Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
The only songs by ArchAngel I have listened to are Sirene Song and Archons of Light, but Dancing Cherubim is a fresh new tune that even has some theme-sounding parts. This does soft of remind me of a field of dancing flowers jamming. With slightly hypnotic melodies in the background and a high, full lead string part, and even including a variation of ArchAngel's famous Archons of Light flute, this is a rich and fun piece of music. ArchAngel uses mostly 16-bit samples here, and for all the loops used, only one of them sounds uneven. ArchAngel uses the same light, long, open samples as usual. Some panning is even used, and most of the channels are used at all times.

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Title: vaerinoeitae
Filename: vaerin.xm
Posted Fri 6th Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Astonishing! I completely enjoy this mod and I would like to add, it is going straight into my play list! It is amazing! Here is the scoop... somewhat funky, and moving, but has a wonderful ambience to it. It is so quietly mystical, almost to a point where you feel frustrated to know more. It keeps you on edge and makes you want more right up until it is over! A must download! This is my second review as a new reviewer to the mod archive I must say that I will forever enjoy doing this if I get to review more songs like this one! Structurally, it is fantastic, the light use of effects are almost unneeded, but give it just what it needs. I love how the samples low quality seem to compliment the tune in contrast to the couple of 16bit samples comprising the melody. Like I said before, download this!

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Title: 33600 kbps data flow
Filename: v33_6.xm
Posted Fri 6th Apr 2001
Rated 6 / 10
It seems as if the composer dedicated this mod to his modem! A somewhat repetative little module, but certainly worth hearing due to the overall quality of the sound. High paced, happy and loaded with lots of modem generated sound, this mod would make anyone proud to be a modem user! I especially love the slow, smooth background track of ambient chords. Even with its small file size, the samples here are /very/ nice. With use of panning, even the simplest samples are used to their fullest. I was surprised to find the strange multitude of sounds in making this one. Blocking out all but a few tracks revealed that there was more in this song than what meets the ear. The small samples blend wonderfully to produce something of a different calibre.

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Title: Antarctica
Filename: a-00.xm
Posted Fri 6th Apr 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This is a decently made theme song from Antarctica- does the artist mean the Coleco game Antarctica? This reminds me of that game. There are a couple of memorable percussion sequences, and the mood is good. Some big flaws are that it is very repetitive and has poor part transitions. If this was a little smoother and more varied, it would've gotten an 8 or 9. Artists uses envelopes- check; Artist tracks music rather than using prerecorded instrument sequences- check. Mainly consisting of cymbals and bass drums simply reversed and saved as a separate sample, with a slightly scratchy lead instrument, this could have been made better. This artist has more than a few songs on MODA, so I hope this is one of his older songs.

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Title: "Ancient Stories"AWS
Filename: ancientstories.xm
Posted Thu 5th Apr 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is the first of Awesome's Ancient Stories trilogy. More a folk piece than anything, Awesome came up with his first masterpiece (that I know of), with 2 very successful follow-ups. Definitely a unique piece of music for Awesome, the 7+ minutes here work well, with a very subtle part change at 2 minutes that eventually changes the piece around entirely. Imagine flying around a crystal lake and watching nymphs play melodic tunes in the first part, and then hop aboard a camel in the desert for a journey, watching time pass by, riding through villages with past events occurring, until you ride off forever. This song concentrates on flutes, choir chants, and bass. Please refer to my other AWS reviews for more technical info.

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Title: Return to Lothloria
Filename: azo_loth.it
Posted Thu 5th Apr 2001
Rated 10 / 10
I have been a big fan of Azo for quite some time, and I am honored to get to review this song. This was clearly a prequel to One Scotch Long, the 35-minute-long epic also by Azo. This is a drifting and bittersweet fantastical song that is the proper length (5:37 when read in Mod-Plug Player) for its content. A fast chime rhythm and mythical vocals underlie the entire song, and the slow main rhythm exemplifies sadness in a journey... to Lothloria. Azo's songs are always very large, because he only uses 16-bit samples- and they sound great. This reads as a 32-channel IT in MPP, but over 50 channels are used at some points. Just now, as I'm spreading the idea of MODs to a friend of mine online, something reoccurred to me: get MODs! MP3s are gay! And they're huge! Get MODs, and try this one out!

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Title: Through the Stargate v1.0
Filename: stargate.it
Posted Sun 1st Apr 2001
Rated 9 / 10
First of all, two things. 1: This is my first review for Mod Archive. 2: This Mod is 5mb Zipped. But it is a really good song. It is basically split into two seperate sections, an intro and a conclusion. Now don't get me wrong with those titles, each is about 2 1/2min long. The first section is real ambient, orchestral sounding. Very mood setting, It would fit perfectly as the opening to a game or movie. The music then transitions very nicely into a more techno-like section. This part of the song was done very well as well (ok, that did sound funny) and reminded me of many songs from the Unreal Soundtrack. It kinda merges back into an orchestral section again before the song ends. The ending is not abrupt at all, it's a great piece of music. The samples for this piece were really well done. There were no crackles or pops evident. All the parts were just the right volume in relation to eachother, the bass and harmony was loud enough to be heard but not so loud that it overpowered the melody. The techno section gets a little repetitive after a second, but luckily it changes right away so you don't notice it too much. The length of the song is just right, not too short, but not too long either. My only complaint with it is the size of the file. The quality of samples I have heard in other pieces that are only 200kb in size and the length of this is not that long either. This is a real annoyance when you download it, probably why there are so few downloads. I highly recommend Downloading it and listening to it, despite th size. Daedalus really knows what he is doing and has created a masterful work of musical art. Enjoy.

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Title: She's eighteen.
Filename: aws_18.xm
Posted Sat 31st Mar 2001
Rated 9 / 10
The most unique piece I have heard from Awesome in ages, this upbeat tune was created as a celebration to Aurora (also another song by Awesome, but I guess it's the name of some girl he knows as well) for her, you guessed it, 18th birthday. This does not sound like anything else Awesome has ever made. Building in emotional exhibition throughout, the beginning bongo track fades away into the ballad section, but discreetly makes a second appearance later in the song. A nice steady beat and warm, clear chords round off this memorable song to be played at parties everywhere. Why a 9.5? Last 2.5 minutes are repetitive. I really liked how Awesome uses all 8-bit samples, except for one 16-bit, which was used for the main instrument! Nice way to keep the file small and still make the piece sound good. Please refer to instruments list for any other sample info.

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Title: " A New Generation "
Filename: aws_anew.xm
Posted Fri 30th Mar 2001
Rated 10 / 10
I got this song about a year ago. After I got my new home-made PC and therefore new hard drive, I lost it (along with 2 more AWS songs). Anyway, I was so impressed by A New Generation that I redownloaded it today, and it still remains high on my list. The main focus is on a double bell melody, but the impact is also strong in the bass, strings, and percussion. "Journey" could almost describe Generation, especially by its visceral intro and powerful chords. A delight to listen to at any time, anywhere, I highly recommend Awesome's first masterpiece in association with Third Eye. Standard Awesome. I don't really think a long explanation is necessary, just read my reviews of "Out of this World" and "For a New World" (do you see a theme here?) for technical info on Awesome's songs. The only noticeable aspect I will point out is the very nice sine lead carried throughout.

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Title: "Out of this World"
Filename: aws_out.xm
Posted Thu 29th Mar 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very original piece from Awesome. More described as a melodic journey than anything else, this is captivating and uplifting (this sounds like a movie review). At first, a listener would think it is a dark tune, but then it goes into the main section (which I swear sounds like the ocean). This song has 2 parts, very subtly transitioned and mixed together throughout. A problem I have with that aspect is that the first transition is not so subtle. My second and final complaint is a cheesy ending; perhaps it could have faded back to the original bass melody. This certainly stands out among the many Awesome songs I have. No song by Awesome should ever get below a perfect in both categories for technical. He always uses great samples (except for a slipup in Forever Friends), and he always sticks by the XM format...which helps reduce file size considerably. As always, also, Awesome properly uses envelopes and thus makes his patterns uniform (doesn't rely on pattern tweaking to affect the song). Finally, this is a 40 channel song, and on average, 26 are used throughout the involved parts of the song.

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Title: Serenity of Silence
Filename: ac-sos.it
Posted Tue 27th Mar 2001
Rated 10 / 10
I've had SOS since a few days after its release...and, at that time, I used to listen to it everyday. If I rate this as I would have back then, Serenity of Silence is a 10. There's no doubt about that. SOS is done in the same style as Out of the Blue. It starts out slow with several vocals and sfx, builds to a first climax, lightens up sporadically in the middle, and finally hits the peak climax (at about 4:30) and fades away. There are a lot of vocals that play throughout the track: Gregorian monk chants, Clint Eastwood, Keanu Reeves, and even Jenna Jameson straight out of some porno. The judges at the Heavenly Music Competition seemed to have a problem with Jenna Jameson's orgasm, but the use doesn't really bother me. There are some splendid piano melodies carrying most of the track, they are backed by some synth strings and the usual Acumen drumloops. I've never had any complaint about Acumen technically, besides the drumloops. They're great loops, there's just not enough variation. But, here again...Serenity of Silence has been looping for 45 minutes and I tend to get meticulous about percussion. Forget I even mentioned it! Download this and listen to it everyday.

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Title: Satisfaction Overload EXT
Filename: ac-sox.it
Posted Tue 27th Mar 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Generally, this is the same track as the original. The superb chords are now more audible with the lessening of the vocals. And, four more patterns are added near the beginning (about 50 seconds in)...I think they may be the best patterns in the whole piece. The technicalities are the same as the original. The vocals were lessened, and I believe one of the vocal samples was even removed. Overall, it was a good move on Acumen's part to fix the details that were being criticized. It's hard not to get lost in the depth of Satisfaction Overload.

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Title: Satisfaction Overload
Filename: ac-so.it
Posted Sat 24th Mar 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is quite an interesting piece of music. While I'm listening to it now, I find that the best part about it is the chords. The chords sound very orchestral and carry most of SO along. There's also a very dark feeling coming from the transposed Acumen vocal and the chords, again. There's a lot of depth here, too. Plenty of bass, percussion, synths, and sfx. It is a quite repetitive...an extra minute could have been cut off in truth. But, then again, I've been looping Satisfaction Overload for about 25 minutes in MPP, that could be it. No problems with pattern messiness, overused drumloops (there are 4), sample fussiness (most 8-bit, some 16-bit), poor panning, poorly used effects, or funky tempo changes. I also noticed that same great wind chime from Secret Hours that I'm using in my next IT :) Repetitiion is the only problem; I'd rather see more tech errors and have a lot of excellent melodies and musical changes than vice versa.

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Title: Angels Wings
Filename: d-b-angw.it
Posted Fri 23rd Mar 2001
Rated 6 / 10
By soft Rock I mean the sort of thing that would appear on an "Adult Contemporary/Soft Rock" radio station in the U.S. A good sense of rhythm and bass function was displayed in this piece. The ending was innovative and effective, the beginning had a decent sense of introduction. The textures were nice, and towards the end there is some excellent use of "sound-scaping" with the wailing electric guitar in the background and a sort of ethereal "Angel Voice" wailing sound that blended with the strings really well, giving the effect of the string voice "morphing" into a crying ethereal "Angel Voice". It was a nice sound, and it was very refreshing to hear something with an actual background and foreground simultaneously. All around continuity was well maintained without resorting to lack of variation and interest. The piano sample is not perfectly tuned to start with, but the pitch bends on the ends of the piano sample were just a little too much and did not strike me as appealing. Granted this has the seeming of a stylistic mark, but it lacks the sophistication that "makes up for it." The downward pitch bends were effectively used on the strings. Some of the strings samples were great, the ones that had solo in the beginning were pretty average, or at least they sounded pretty average when played in the low register. An additional sample that sounds good in the low register would have been a good idea, since that voice has a solo-intro role.

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Title: " For a New World "
Filename: aws_fanw.xm
Posted Sun 18th Mar 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This is another one of Awesome's newer songs. Sounding like something from a movie, it is a deep, melodic tune with great sections to it. Guitar, bells, percussion, and strings are arranged well. My only complaints are that this song is repetitive (has same 2 parts looped, essentially), and it's one of Awesome's shorter songs. Aside from that, this is a great song. Get it. This song has very, very good samples, considering it uses mainly 8-bit, and its CPU load isn't that bad: there's Awesome for ya. It uses all of its 32 channels very well, with the same instrument taking up multiple channels, and it effectively uses envelopes. There are no weird note transpositions, many effects are used, and the channel layout is still uniform. Most samples are named, and there is a long description under instruments. Another job well done.

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Title: Landmark of Lullabies
Filename: ac-lol.it
Posted Sun 18th Mar 2001
Rated 9 / 10
I will start my first review off by saying: DOWNLOAD THIS NOW!!! Especially if you've enjoyed another one of Acumen's ITs. If fact, LOL has got to be one of the, if not THE best work he's tracked. That's my rant, moving on... It starts out fairly relaxed with some "rattledrum" and piano, builds into 0:46, starts a new rhythm at 0:58, and runs very smoothly until the ending at 3:23. All I can say is that it's relaxing, yet there's something underlying...a kind of mysticism. Imagine watching a old reel-to-reel movie without sound and you'll see what I mean. Technically, a few details stand out as poor...but, you don't really hear/see them until several listens. Actually, only two details: There is only one drum loop used throughout the whole piece and it is too short to put me to sleep. Great samples, some 8-bit and some 16-bit. Instruments are fine, too; nice use of sustain and panning. The patterns are layed out in the usual Acumen manner, no problems there. Everything mixes well or at least it sounds right to me. I got up to 25% CPU Load in ModPlug during LOL (and on an Pentium 3 w/ SBLive!), this may be a concern to some.

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Title: The Great Circle of Being
Filename: circle.it
Posted Fri 2nd Mar 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is among the greatest contemporary mods. A calming melody progresses throughout this track using various aspects of what can best be described as traditional Asian music. The choice of instruments , tempo, and effects makes this song an excellent addition to any ambient mod collection. This song has no distinguishable errors and in fact demonstrates the professionalism and talent of its tracker. I am impressed by the multitude of professionally tracked effects and the high quality of samples used which together produce a rich full sound. The technical merits of this track can be summed up with the word extraordinary.

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Title: the machinery
Filename: terminal.mod
Posted Fri 2nd Mar 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Introduction : Yeah! This is a piece of nostalgic art. Either you like it or hate it. Anyway I love it and it is one of my alltime favorites. This piece of individual music was created by Jester back in 1992 (Mod ripped from the demo "Terminal Fuckup" (by Sanity)) and I still like it even in times of 16 Bit and 64 polyphony sound processing.:) In its time it was quite revolutionary and a very unusual demo tune. A pity it is that short. *sigh* To the sound itself : What I like best about this tune are the powerful drums in connection with the industrial sequence. The intro is quite nice starting a bit peacefully. The abrupt end is suiting the concept of an aggressive sound. The song lasts about two minutes which is rather short but I suppose the reason can be found in the length of the demo it was ripped from. I recommend that you play this one in FastTracker cause it has the best replay routine for mods (imho). I made out some differences to the original sound when I listened to this mod in modplug. In my opinion Jester was one of these musicians that were able to do magic with 4 patterns. Find proof in his other mods. The mod builds up a very dense atmosphere and makes perfect use of the 4 patterns. Samples are 8 bit but overall quality is still alright. The transitions in this mod are quite perfect as usual for Jester´s songs . The arrangement is well outbalanced in volume and use of effects. It is clear that this artist is quite talented and capable of doing great music. Why I didn´t give it a 10 then ? I think compared to nowadays sound quality and density this song appears a bit ancient. Besides it could last a bit longer cause it is a bit repetetive when listening 20 minutes to it. That´s it!

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Title: Eternity
Filename: da-eternity.xm
Posted Tue 27th Feb 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Good back in the scene of this artist with this cool tune. I has a piano that sounds good. I dont understand what the voice say, but has a very cool effect. The drum patterns are very good, and i really like the way this guy uses the piano.

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Title: icehocky
Filename: icehocky.mod
Posted Tue 27th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
It's got a soft sound, but it's also an upbeat little song. It shows that even with only four channels, you can still make a good song though. A lot of effects used to give this song its sound, and they worked out well! it has a clean flow from start to finish without anything abrupt or sudden. i guess you could say that it's a pretty easy-going song. the samples are of good quality as well, which is always a plus.

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Title: Hells Bells v1.0
Filename: icem-hel.xm
Posted Tue 27th Feb 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Well, the drums sound good, but that's about all. the actual music of the song is just the same two patterns repeated over and over, and then there's some loud grunting noise that i'm guessing because of the title is supposed to be a demon or something along those lines. not that great though... The opening sounds pretty good. i like how the guitar fades in and slides up the scale at the same time. but like i said, the rest of the song is all pretty much the same thing.

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Title: Giant Sloar 3:18
Filename: icem-gia.xm
Posted Tue 27th Feb 2001
Rated 8 / 10
The general sound of the song is very light. it's got a good beat though, and the samples all around the beat give it a nice full sound. it's a good piece. i recommend it! The opening to this one's done in a pretty cool way. it starts to show the beat of the song along with some effects, and then fades out. the way it's done just gives it a very professional sound. also the words(which are a quote from Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters) are layered to give it a nice echo. the ending seems to sort of just cut off a bit too short though. almost as if the artist wanted to add more, but changed his mind when the time came. still, a good sound throughout the song.

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Title: I'm goin'
Filename: t-goin.xm
Posted Sun 25th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Easy and atmospheric melody. Light listening. The lead synth melody adapts well with the weird effects on the background. I still expected more from the beat but actually the simpliness feels in good in this song. _Matt_ with many others seem to support the idea of minimalism . This song was no miracle of technic but because of its simpliness it's forgiven. Fade out was fine.

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Title: Bom-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
Filename: t-bom8b.xm
Posted Sun 25th Feb 2001
Rated 5 / 10
First this sounded quite nice with those so called "scratches" etc but I still waited for more. That 'more' didn't come. "This is my song" for all three minutes of this song kind of bored me. Final estimation: quite boring. Starts with traditional "gangsta-rap-beat" with weird "scratches". The same beat goes on for the whole song. The sound quality of vocal samples were great but it still isn't cool enough to help with the boreness.

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Title: Take My Breath Away
Filename: BTHAY303.MOD
Posted Fri 23rd Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This is the best "Berlin" module I've heard. It's very close to the original, with three different lead instruments. The length is quite ok, although these pop melodies without vocals start bothering sooner than other modules. However, this song has been put together very well. So if you like Berlin, you'll probably like this one... Unfortunately it's too obvious that the melody is played by sampled instruments, as sometimes there are gaps between the notes. The artist has found a clever solution to play the basedrum and snare while the hi-hat keeps hitting, simply by combining them in advance in the samples. And maybe I just didn't hear this correctly, but isn't this piano a bit false? With some more effects and smoother samples this song would be really good.

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Title: Take My Breath Away
Filename: take_my.mod
Posted Fri 23rd Feb 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Well, the song certainly reflects the original from Berlin. However, a better lead instrument could have been chosen. The entire song and all individual samples are too loud, as if they all want to be on foreground. And then, the song takes 38 patterns (yawn), but only 12 different patterns are used, so it may get boring very quickly. Nah, there are much better modules of this song. I already mentioned the volume of the samples, even the drums and hi-hat cover the lead melody. These samples are not too bad, just too loud. The sparse use of effects make this song sound a bit amateurishly. Heh, at the end of the song the melody apparently should fade-out, but it doesn't make it to silence before reaching the end of the pattern...

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Title: abba.take a chance
Filename: takeach.mod
Posted Fri 23rd Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
I really like this sound, it's a bit like that great synthesizer tune "Aurora". The melody clearly represents the original from Abba, but the song is too long (maybe also like the original) and there are not enough variations. For example, the drum pattern is quite static throughout the entire song. You should give it a try, just cut the song in half. The loops in the samples are far from perfect, with slightly audible repeats while playing the song. The artist has used only 10 samples, and that keeps the module's size diskette-friendly. There is no real end, as if there was more to follow (please not any longer!) and an automatic restart does not work for this module.
