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Title: ice-creaming
Filename: icecream.mod
Posted Fri 23rd Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
The song has a steady beat that's pretty simple, but it doesn't sound bad. I'm not too sure what to call the style though. the main melody is played by a trumpet. it has a sort of jazz sound to it i guess. well, either way, it's an ok song. The beginning seems to jump into the beat of the song a bit too quick, but it's not bad. the volume slides used on the instruments are nice and smoothly done. for being only a four channel mod though, it's pretty good.

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Title: tahtiukko ja menot
Filename: tahtiukk.mod
Posted Wed 21st Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Okay, let´s get started. This one´s a 4-channel chip tune. The artist calls his own work "pure improvisation" and that´s quite a good quote to describe the work. There are some interesting passages, where you get the feeling of listening to a jam session. Nevertheless I didn´t like the unfinished character of the sound. There seem to be missing proper adjustments of effects and volume throughout the whole song. I got the impression that the artist has far more musical potential as he reveals with this song. This song is recommended for people loving chip music and who do not set great store by sound quality or a perfect workout. The melody isn´t boring and the more you listen to it gives you quite a happy feeling:) Of course this rating may seem too high for people who hate chip music but I rated it in comparison to other chip tunes. That´s it. The sound and "sample" quality of this tune is (as of most chip tunes) rather poor, the drumline nearly stunted. The song contains quite a lot of variations in over 2 minutes of playing time but the transitions seem to lack a bit of originality. Same applies to the beginning and the sudden end of the song. The melody offers a rather dynamic and variable impression which gives a bonus to the tech rating. The scarce use of effect and volume adjustments make this tune sound a bit raw.

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Title: Your Green Eyes
Filename: ibiza.it
Posted Tue 20th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This is a very smooth song. That's the best way to describe it. The music is always at a constant flow without any abrupt changes. From start to finish, just very smooth. a very good song to relax to. it could stand to be a little shorter though, seeing as how the song is almost 13 minutes from start to finish, which starts to give it a repetitive nature, but it still is a good song. the instruments are all of a very light tone, which really gives you the dream sense of music. The samples all sound well done, and the effects put with them really give it a nice sound. i like how the breakbeat is "put off in the corner" on the panning scale. it's set off to the far left and played at a low volume to the rest of the song. it shows that although the beat is there, your attention should go to the string sounds and all the other effects, which also have very smooth transitions between them all. a job well done, i must say

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Title: 12Th Warrior
Filename: 12TH.MOD
Posted Sat 17th Feb 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Wow! I think that this is as good as Alexander Brandon's "Medival Jam" Witch isn't on this page, you'd have to go to Lori Central (http://www.loricentral.com) and look for Origional Jazz2 Mods. Well this is pretty great, I give it many Rux0r Kud0s. This means that it is a VERY good song. Nice Samps! Although there are some slow, boring parts, it's very great. Nice Layout!

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Title: dwarf duke
Filename: jb-dwarfd.mod
Posted Fri 16th Feb 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song is pleasent, it is fairly slow to start off and then continues through the song at a nice pace and utilises a pleasently soft 125 bpm. It is mainly techno/rock but has a sort of jazzy feel in one part of it. This song is well made with quality sounds and quality time spent putting it together, the tune is nice and not overly powerful and thusly you can listen to it over and over again. Kudos to the artist.

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Title: Walls Of begining
Filename: jze_wall.s3m
Posted Fri 16th Feb 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Holy mods, when i first started this song i was greeted by high pitch noise, so naturally i lept to winamp and checked everything was good, i thought winamp couldn't handle .s3m files (and thusly cause a high pitch noises), so i loaded up my other mods and found another .s3m and ran it, it worked great ! so i went back to this song and was greeted like before... needless to say i felt it was my duty to dash over to modarchive and review this traversty that dares to call itself music and save other people from downloading it ! This is not a song, it is an arbetration of music, it is a vial traversty. All it is is high long drawn out noise. Now i'm sure winamp isn't broken, and since it can play other .s3m s i rest assured (or not so assured) that pieces of music, worse than my most horrific nightmares do exist and that this is one of them ! Do NOT touch this with a 120 foot pole, do not look at it and most certainly do not download it !

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Title: untitled
Filename: 028djzjack_country.it
Posted Thu 15th Feb 2001
Rated 4 / 10
well, Another Great DJ ZJack song, nice. Although It's country I'll try very hard not to be biased. Why? I hate country. Well, it's pretty good as music goes. Nice fiddle samps. Although very slow for country, It has potental. I'd reccomend this to somebody who likes country very much. Although it's there, there can be *more*.

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Title: 10kblur
Filename: 10kblur.mod
Posted Wed 14th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
10kblur, eh? 10 K they say, and it is! He says in his comments "Don't laugh" and don't. It's good, but I'd not prefer it for commercial usage. Great song, but it'd be nice if it'd repeat over and over for a minimum of at least two minutes of noise! :) But it's only a 10 K file and that's how he wanted it. Medival Mods Rock the House!!!

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Title: Area 51
Filename: 03a51.xm
Posted Wed 14th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Wow! I'm impressed! I haven't ~heard~ soemthing like this since Necros was with FM! For those who don't know who necros is, he helped make some music for Unreal tournament and Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Current Wareabouts: Unknown. Well, these samples are quite good! I love this one for the layout, the warmup, and the spectacular finish are very professional.

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Title: why stop make music?
Filename: 027djzjack_wsmm.it
Posted Wed 14th Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Pretty great, the samples a little raspy. Although I've heard better, I could not make something as good as this. Good Job DJ Zj@ck! Good Techno samples. Very great layout. Only downside here is that the samples are quite raspy on the loud, main parts.

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Title: Poppet
Filename: poppet.xm
Posted Sat 10th Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
Haha, this sounds pretty funny. The song contains some cool electric guitars and a funny bass. If you like funny rock tunes this is a choice for you. It can become a little booring after awhile but hey it is still worth a listening. It´s pretty hard to get your hands on good samples when it comes to electric guitars but these sounds nice. Not so much to say about the technical parts.

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Title: popcorn 99MiX
Filename: popcorn99.xm
Posted Sat 10th Feb 2001
Rated 10 / 10
Ahh im getting all nostalgic here. I have heard many remixes of popcorn and i must say this is one of the better. Sounds like an oldschool song with some pop influense. It is only 2:11 min long but that doesn´t bother me because it has many variations in it so you do not get bored. If you like the original popcorn song (like me) download this one now. Well done! The samples are all in 8 bit but i think it does the song good, because you get the right kind of feeling. Everything sound really good here.

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Title: popmelodien
Filename: popmelodien.mod
Posted Sat 10th Feb 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This is a 4 channel mod from 1992. But i think it lacks the touch to be enjoyable, it has a nice bass but the lead melodies is pretty booring. Still it has it´s moments. The samples are not that good but what can you expect it´s an OLD song. The artist has used some effects that sounds nice in the song. Nothing more to say.

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Title: technostyle iii
Filename: techno3.mod
Posted Fri 9th Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This song has a catching rhythm and a good bassline. The melody may appear a bit simple and repetitive, but there are some nice variations. The typical techno chords and hits are present, and a panflute and synth string play the melody line. The song has a good intro, but the end is a bit abrupt. A quality piece considering the small size of the file. With only 4 channels available, the artist has done an excellent job. He managed to include an echo effect for almost every instrument, and that's what makes this song so complete. One might recognize the samples in this module, and indeed, they are exactly the same as in 'technostyle ii' also by xenox... but hey, why would he replace something that's good?

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Title: Morgenstemning
Filename: morgenst.mod
Posted Sat 3rd Feb 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This piece is a rework of Morning from the Peer Gynt suite by Edvard Grieg, in Jogeir's classic style. This is one of Jogeir's earlier MODs from 1991, but is still very distinctive. Obviously I cannot give any points for originality, but the style in which this has been done is excellent. It is a very subtle, well crafted piece which retains the feel of the original whilst adding a whole new twist of its own. Very good technically, what else would you expect from an artist such as Jogier Liljedahl. A couple of the samples seem a little "edgy" at first, but the tune as a whole is still well polished. Clean, clear samples, as you would expect, and a good use of effects without over-use, leads to a complete song of which one listening is not quite enough.

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Title: monty on the run !
Filename: monthigh.xm
Posted Sat 3rd Feb 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Yet another song from Monty Mole, the classic game from the C64 and speccy, this time from the High Score screen. The artist has added some of his own music at the end of this song. A good effort, keeping withing the style of the old games, but adding better quality sound and effects. A little repetitive, but that is to be expected from a song of this style. A very well-executed piece of music, retaining all the elements of the game style, whilst using high quality samples, with very little extraneous noise. I really like the glissando/portamento effect that has been used on the main synth lead voice in this piece, and the extra bass removes the tinny sound often associated with game music.

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Title: Mystified
Filename: mystifid.mod
Posted Sat 3rd Feb 2001
Rated 9 / 10
A slow, slightly funky little tune, which from the start, would seem no different to many others on the scene. Listen a little, and you are rewarded with a wonderful piece of music which conjours up so many images. It reminds me a little of early computer games, but of a quality unimaginable by those early programmers. As well as a good solid musical base, this song has a memorable theme that you can rteally hum along to. Thumbs up to Jogeir, another remarkable effort, well worth a place on any MOD-Lover's playlist. As with all of Jogeir Liljedahl's music, the sample quality is unparallelled. Each sample is clear, clean and crisp, whilst small in size. Many different effects have been used with great skill to make a very alive, very human sounding piece of music from just a few flat samples. I really love the pitch bend on the bass, and the slight echo on the different percussion sounds

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Title: ransumaasta kajahtaa
Filename: kajahtaa.xm
Posted Wed 31st Jan 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is the best tune i've ever heard!!! It is beautifully mastered. This is the kind of song i would buy a cd just to get my hands on. The background layers are heard as distant cries, the trance sounds are truly great. the only thing i have to complain about is the ending its a bit too abrupt.( Great mixings with volume and panning. Nothing i've ever heard in mods way has matched this. Nothing more to say than congratulations to the musicians that composed this.

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Title: If I was metheny 8bit
Filename: if_i8bit.it
Posted Tue 30th Jan 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Well, no, it doesn't really sound all that much like a Pat Metheny song, so let's don't don our hockey hair wigs and guitars just yet. However, I can tell you that this track is well composed, has some very fresh and nicely-expressed musical ideas, and some of the chord transitions do call to mind things Pat and his pianist Lyle Mays might have written, not to mention a couple of riffs the lead has in it that have a similar style...very listenable. On the technical front, this module is hits and misses a bit, unfortunately. Many of the samples seem to have been drawn from a cross between an MT32 and an Adlib card, which hurts it a bit. Additionally, notes from the lead guitar/synth parts are re-started during pitchbends instead of continued, and it leaves some minorly annoying gaps in the sound. On the plus side, the understated-but-well-executed drums carry the song through some of its problems, and the acoustic guitar sample that forms most of the chords and rhythm works really well here. My advice - download it and have a listen. If you like jazz with an orchestral, structured feel and can appreciate complex melodies, you'll enjoy it.

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Title: Ice Ice Baby
Filename: icebaby.mod
Posted Tue 30th Jan 2001
Rated 3 / 10
When I saw the title, I just had to download it to see if someone had really taken the time to remake a song that deserved to stay buried forever (in hopes that future generations would forgive us). Alas, my worst fears are confirmed...oh, the horror, the pain! All it is is an instrumental of "Ice Ice Baby", and yes, it sounds (enough) like the original; if you enjoy these sorts of things, fine, but there's nothing here to recommend it, really. There is some fairly cheesy sample work going on here, and to make matters worse, much of this module relies on little snippets of the original instrumental to keep the pace. In addition, the synth is too short and ends abruptly in places it probably needed to be looped and the shaker/sandpaper-block sound in the intro is too low-pitched. Nothing too original or creative here, in short. If you want a quick (and rather painful) hit of nostalgia, download (it does bring about the possibility of adding filk/parody lyrics and re-releasing it - anyone up to the challenge?), but otherwise, don't waste your bandwidth...

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Title: Armadaaar
Filename: dark.s3m
Posted Tue 30th Jan 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This piece is not music so much as it is a "rhythmic ambient sound-scape" of a dark and mysterious, maybe even ominous flavor. One way to get a feel for what I am trying to say is: imagine a cool videogame with cool "soundtrack." The "soundtrack" is usually a blend of sound effects and traditional "voices" in a rhythmic scheme that produces a very definite ambiance. However, it can not truly be called "music" as it does not contain all the major components of music, such as harmonic movement, true tonal center, melodic line, et cetera. However, for what the piece is, it is a shining example. It had an exquisite darkness and filled the soundspace without occupying the "foreground" of your mind. It would make perfect scary interactive-movie game music (such as Sony PlayStation's Resident Evil). The ending however, was a bit abrupt. It just sort ends on a downbeat. It would have been better to fade, or maybe have a slight build to a sustained last hit. Good rhythmic sense, and delicious usage of dissonance. The samples were perfectly suited to this piece and were of good quality. The samples were well tuned. Volume levels were appropriate and the use of ambient noise was creative and cool. Voices were distributed over left and right channels in a fairly balanced manner, and there was little bit of voice isolation to one channel or the other, but I feel like since this was a sound-scape type of piece, it would have added to the overall effect to do more than a little panning/channel placement type of effects. Those types of spatial effects go hand in hand with this genre of creation.

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Title: Groove Train
Filename: grtrain.xm
Posted Tue 30th Jan 2001
Rated 9 / 10
It's abso-smeggin-lutely rollin'! This is a very well executed piece of sample-based jazz. It's somewhere along the lines of a John B or an Us3, but with an intriguing swagger. The ultra-cool strings at the beginning set the tone for the rest of the piece - way-too-groovy and very laid back. The syncopation on the last snare of each bar keeps you hooked, too. My only nit to pick: it's too short, but then again, I guess it ends right when it needs to... Nicely executed, mate. The string choruses should probably have been panned or stereo-chorused, but other than that, not too much to say on the technical side of things. Every sample is exactly what it needs to be, and the quality is reasonably good (especially when you consider the small filesize). Not exactly one for late-night lovin', then, but certainly a suitable prelude to an evening's fun at the club...I highly recommend it.

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Title: ## transfix ##
Filename: transfix.mod
Posted Tue 30th Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Although it may come off as sounding a bit dated now, Transfix is very well composed. This is somewhere between late-80's/early-90's (the artist lists a copyright date in '93!!!) theme music from from an anime show and and a high-energy video game song (Revengers of Vengeance leaps to mind), but this turns out to be a Good Thing. The lead guitar keeps things more than interesting and the drumline is fast and complex, but not overly done. Several changes in rhythm and simple-but-clever transitions between movements make it fairly pleasant to listen to. We see here an excellent abuse of four tracks. There is certainly a lot attention to detail, and the effects in use are all used to near perfection (be forewarned, though: ModPlug will add extra panning where the original has none). The sample quality belies the age of the module a bit, but, given the changes in hardware and software between then and now, this really shouldn't be held against XTC. All in all, worth the download if you want a nifty little slice of the halcyon days of yore.

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Title: Funk Is No Good
Filename: rip-fing.it
Posted Sun 28th Jan 2001
Rated 2 / 10
Quick review: boring. There is one chord progression. The artist changes key, but that is it. The song starts slow, and doesn't get going until 1:15 has passed. The beat is a simple march most of the time, and it only strays into techno cliches. This song has one voice sample that is too long, and doesn't have a rythem that is consistent with anything else. This song sounds like a million other bad techno songs. Don't download it, unless you have trouble sleeping. This isn't horrible, but it is obvious that the artist isn't polished. The voice sample is laughable, and it sounds like so many others. The artist doesn't appear to integrate it into any other sound, and plays it only to emulate other songs of the genre. Every sample is commonly used, which isn't bad in and of itself, but his lack of mastery of them shows a greenness. There is one sample of one eletronic sound rushing to and fro that is used throughout the song that is particularly awful (you can even hear the skip in it). The artist has got to the point where he can make a basic song, but not much farther.

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Title: raging fire.(short)
Filename: ragingfi.mod
Posted Sun 28th Jan 2001
Rated 7 / 10
The rythym makes this mod palatable. This artist has good command of each instrument's individual beat, and meshes them together well. The melody is what hurts the song. It is cliched and not all that pleasant, but that can be forgiven as a vehicle for the rythem. The song is less that a minute, which is a plus since it doesn't give the song a chance to be repetitive. But I think that this could have been a solid foundation for a longer song if the artist would be prepared to throw in a few surprises. It's a decent listen, but it's not something you'll keep on your hard drive. For this type of mod genre, realism is absolutely essential, and that is exactly what the artist achives. I honestly thought that it was a real guitar the first time around. The instruments are a little distorted, but that only adds to the hard rock feel. With only 4 channels used, this song is an impressive feat.

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Title: a Triumph in A-major
Filename: il-clas1.it
Posted Sat 27th Jan 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Whats this all about? A Robin Hood soundtrack or something? No, an exellent composed medival song with lots of different themes and modes. The composer most have been really bored making this song 6.44 mins long. Not that much to say about it exept its really worth the download. To bad its IT =) Very good composing. Personally I think tracking orchestral music is one of the most difficult things but this guy has really suceeded. I give it just a 9 because it feels allittlebit empty sometimes, like something is missing . But the samples are great and the song is just 760 kb. Good work, this song belongs in the top 10

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Title: Rogue(Adrenalin Mix)
Filename: pz_rogue.mod
Posted Fri 26th Jan 2001
Rated 6 / 10
The intro is rather dubious, but eventually shapes up into a fast-paced beat which fits with the "Adrenaline Mix" part of the name. There are some good patterns here, but they're often stretched out too much, and aren't made good use of. Some of the chords don't sound right, but this tune can still be danced to. Most of the samples are low-quality, keeping a relatively small file size considering the song's length of 7½ minutes. I normally have nothing against a long song, as long as it's time well-used. In this case, it's pretty much the same thing over and over again, until it gets pretty annoying. There's way too much repetition here, but that's acceptable if all you want is a beat to dance to that (almost) has a tune to it. The ending is as expected for this piece: brief, without warning, and with a loud beat.

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Title: Bass Millenium
Filename: pd_bass1.xm
Posted Fri 26th Jan 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Musically, this doesn't have a great deal in it. There's a lot of percussion, so I guess it's good if you like drums. A background hum is maintained throughout, and doesn't change a great deal. A bit of piano is added, and a tune actually almost surfaces later on in the song. It's not at all unpleasant to listen to, but doesn't offer a great deal in the way of music, though the beat is actually pretty good. Most of the samples used here are drums or percussion of some sort, though there's an irritating hum/drone that's everpresent in the background. A nicer, softer hum is used later on. The piano is used in the right spots, but it might sound better with something other than piano there. Not bad, but it could be improved.

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Title: pt30 tribute
Filename: pt30.it
Posted Fri 26th Jan 2001
Rated 3 / 10
I'm not sure what this song was intended to sound like, but it doesn't seem to have much of a tune to it. The intro beat is okay, and it starts off with a nice, though not fitting, reverberating melody. Once a background pattern is added, though, it sounds horrible because none of the notes match, and there is no harmony here. An interesting bit appears about 80 seconds into the song, but it fades out quickly, then reappears and does a slower fadeout that ends in a whole 20 seconds of silence. It's disappointing. The beat that this song starts out with sounds military-style, and brings back memories of classic computer games like Night Raid and Wolfenstein 3D. Once the lead instruments start, though, the lack of experience is immediately evident as it sounds terrible with the beat. These definitely don't belong together. A nice instrument comes in later in the song, but immediately fades out, comes back, then disappears completely way too early.

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Title: largemouth
Filename: lmouth.xm
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Here we have a little different song made by Wig, he has used his own voice to create the samples and i must say he has made a good job putting them togheter. The melodies sounds nice and also the drums are pretty cool, you can actually hear that he has made them with his voice. You can hear that this tracker has composed music for some time now. Well done Wig. nice work on the technical things in this one. I mean just to make a song with your own voice is cool. Also the effects are well arranged and fits in the song nicely.

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Title: Take Me There
Filename: tkmether.s3m
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Well this one starts with some strings and it takes about 1 minute before something happens in it. It has a piano in the background and a flute playing the lead melody. But this one tends to get a little boring, it sound like a song that would maybe fit in an gameboy game. My suggestion to the artist is: try to get to the point a little faster 1 minut intro with strings and some drums is an awful long time, and many of those who download songs want to have something that takes their attention from the beginning. Dont get me wrong many songs also have long intros, but the intro must contain something else than just some strings and drums to be enjoyable. Not much to say here the artist has used some tone partamento and vibrato on the flute melody. But from that, there is not much to talk about. Good variance on the drums though. The samples are in 8 bit, but i think a musician that can make a song work with bad quality samples should have a + in the edge. Because it gets the size down on the songs and i appriciate that, and i think many of my fellow trackers agree with me on that point. (i hope) ;)

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Title: High Mountain part 1
Filename: z-highmo.xm
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This song was very relaxating listening to, and the length (04:06) was suiting although the theme repeats itself some times during the song ... It starts of with a quiet panflute-theme, and then some string-chords fade in creating a nice atmosphere. The bass and drums comes in place just at the perfect spot with an excellent balance.. Especially the drums sound very good, although it's a bit repeative, and also excessive use of snare-fill-ins (multi-retriging) in between lowers the overall impression. (It's still very good) .. The song goes on with nice balanced piano-chords. Short after comes a piano-melody on top of the rest. I didn't really care too much for this, as the sample doesn't sound good, and stands out from the rest. Despite these small matters, this song is absolutely worth downloading. The composer shows that he masters some of the things i appreciate the most. Volume-control and balance. As already mentioned excessive use of multi-retriging disturbs the float of the beat, and makes it sound a bit unnatural, but it isn't something everybody would pay attention to. The whole composition is very well organized and clean giving it a good impression.

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Title: Celebrate The Love
Filename: cellove.xm
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is a remix of a song called "celebrate the love", unfortunatly i havn´t heard the original so i cant compare them to each other. But im certain that this one is a very good remix of that song. It has a great sounding to it, the piano sounds relaxing and it reminds me of the song "children". Good choice of the string sample it fits the song nicely. The complain i have about this song is the use of sample "20" i think it doesn´t fit in the song, perhaps he could have used a "Set Volume" to decrease the strength of it. Everything else sounds good, this is a very nice song and worth downloading. Nice job Workbench. And now to the technical parts. The artist has used the set panning position and the volume slides nicely. He has made a good choice of samples because they fit the song perfectly. So if you liked "children by robert miles" then you will like this one too.

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Title: Princess of Dawn
Filename: dawn.mod
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
As it rolls in with the intriguing intro, this tune takes my mind on a trip to the far reaches of consciousness. This one is named really well, as visions of rising suns and gorgeous skies take over my thoughts. It continues with the ambient sound as it develops and begins to take form. The sweet melody shapes beautifully into a great piece that flows virtually flawlessly save for the unfairly short ending. If you like the style, you will LOVE this song. There are some very unusual samples present here, but all of them are used in moderation and just as they are required. Despite the abnormal sounds presented as the base, it keeps a really good rhythm that the foreground tune compliments and fits snugly into while not being overpowered by that background.

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Title: Used 2 B My Playground
Filename: playgrnd.s3m
Posted Tue 23rd Jan 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This song has a very nice slow melody. The beat doesn't change very much, but it is constantly soft and soothing. The tune is maintained, and never gets tiring. Even if you aren't a big fan, this is a nice quiet, soft and slow song for a quiet evening. There are some pretty high-quality samples in here, all of them soft and quiet. A nice reverberation can be heard, making the song sound as if it were performed in a large area, like a hall. Although only one beat is used throughout the song, it holds a good rhythm and fits the style of the song. Not very bad at all.

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Title: Shagma
Filename: shagma.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song has a nice bassline, kinda funky but the artist has made a good choice using that kind of bass style with this song because it fits very nice. It has a excellent lead melody that sounds very relaxing. The drums are very slow and the strings are nice. But i have some complains on this peice. 1:st it is VERY short (1:21), sure it jumps back to the middle part when the song ends. But that is not the reason why i complain about it. I think the artist should have added more variance to the song (perhaps he also could have added some more melodies, shift the drums and the bassline a little). Hey dont get me wrong the melody is perfect but with a song that is only 1:21 long it tends to get a little boring. But i still think this one deserves an 8 in rating because it sounds really nice. Well done Jerry. Now to the technical things. Well the artist has used very little effects to it, and i think effects are not important (the effects doesn´t make a song). he has used some vibrato and tone portamento though. Judging to the song in whole i noticed that this musician knows what he is doing. Also good choice of samples.

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Title: Popcorn Nitzer Remix
Filename: popcntzr.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Jan 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This would have to be the best techno remix of this famous tune I've heard in a while. The song changes frequently enough not to get monotonous, while it maintains a solid base throughout. There are a variety of sounds, all of them well-put together, and it never wavers from the classic tune despite all the changes. If you're a fan of Popcorn, download this song now. Considering that only 8 samples and 12 instruments were used, a great deal of expertise is shown in this song, as all the right sounds are heard at the right times. The background pattern that stays the same for the duration of the song gets repetetive, though it's hardly noticable with all the lead instrument changes and harmonics present. A very well-made remix.

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Title: >download forbidden<
Filename: d0suotta.xm
Posted Tue 16th Jan 2001
Rated 7 / 10

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Title: A world beyond the..
Filename: zer_awbc.xm
Posted Tue 16th Jan 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Flutes, strings, chords and some percussion. This song really missed a highlight. I kept waiting for some massive dark strings or background bass. The percussion also lacked strength. It's very much the same over and oer again. This song could have been very nice with those elements included. The melody itself is rather nice, and worth listening to. Very few effects, but decent volumeslides and settings creates a nice and balanced atmosphere between the instruments. Samples consists of both 16 and 8 bits samples, and sounds nice. I feel that 32 channels for this song was a bit excessive. It sounded more like 16/20... not that it matters.

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Title: Zak McKracken
Filename: zaktheme.xm
Posted Tue 16th Jan 2001
Rated 3 / 10
This is a conversion of the title theme from the classic game Zak McKracken from LucasArts. The conversion is plain straight forward. I felt that this song was rather 'flat' and lacked atmosphere, and it's obvious that the composer wasn't very experienced when he made this. However i still memorized the melody from this game, which I liked very much by the way. No use of commands except setspeed. (ofcourse music can sound nice without them, but it would have sounded better with a few effects here and there). The samples are all 8bit, not that it affects the song in any way. But they are used in a way that makes the song extremely boring.
