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Title: Messapatania '99
Filename: ins-mess.it
Posted Tue 16th Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Here's a newer dance song for you. It's got a really good beat to it, and the hi hats in this are really well written. the effects in here are really nice too. they give the song that 3D sound which just makes music seem just a bit better every time. From a technical stand point, the song's good too. the sounds have all been panned out very well across the fields. there's also some effects in here that help the song out, but not too many. the intro's buildup is a little slow, but it's steady and fairly strong at the same time. overall, good job!

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Title: nol
Filename: nol.mod
Posted Fri 12th Jan 2001
Rated 9 / 10
This is an excellent short one minute upbeat pop song. The introduction sets the mood immediately for the rest of the song and the melody is extremely catchy. The ending of this song is a bit sudden but in the context of this song it works fine. It is a shame that this song is not longer than a minute but it is amazing nonetheless. Unfortunately the tracker who made this song did not attach their name. This is an incredibly professional track in every way. Despite being a small one minute song this track has a clear beginning, middle and end that are tracked with an exceptional level of skill. The samples are just 8-bit files but are free of static and create a high quality synergistic sound when arranged as they are. The ending could have been a little less abrupt but as a whole it is still professional and enjoyable to listen to.

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Title: Nightwalker
Filename: pb_walker.xm
Posted Tue 9th Jan 2001
Rated 10 / 10
This is a very accomplished dance/synth combination song from beginning to end. The instruments picked for this song are unusually good both in their richness of sound but also in how they sound together within the song. An excellent melody and complimenting background beat keeps this songs listeners interested and makes this one of the exceptional songs to listen to. The sample quality of this song is immediately noticeable because of how truly professional they are. The melody and background arrangement compliment one another with a professional level of mastery. Overall this is a professional song throughout.

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Title: Last one
Filename: n-last1.xm
Posted Tue 9th Jan 2001
Rated 8 / 10
An enjoyable fast paced melody runs throughout this dance/synth song. The background of this song is however is crowded with too many effects and instruments at times and is a slight distraction. The melody and background of this song are not a great match but do still accomplish a fine level of synergy. Overall this song is very good. The melody of this track is well organized throughout however the artist did not accomplish the same level of mastery with this tracks background pattern though it is still fine. The samples are semi-pro as some of the background ones are of a lower quality than those of the melody. Overall this track was composed with a semi-professional level of skill.

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Title: Your Motivation
Filename: blair.xm
Posted Mon 8th Jan 2001
Rated 6 / 10
The Artist has used vocals from the movie "Blair witch" project. This song tends to get a little repeative but it has some nice patterns in it especially at the end. But i dont think this tune has what it gets to be enjoyable. This isn´t technically good, the samples are in medium quality. Nothing more to say.

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Title: noise
Filename: noise.mod
Posted Mon 8th Jan 2001
Rated 4 / 10
The song starts with some cool techno elements. I tought, cool this can be good one. Then, after i while, i found myself listening to some funny 80'***bar theme pop. The tune isn't bad.. It just doesn't give you too much to listen. But again... if you want some "easy listen" stuff, then this is for you. Noise has some effects like slide. It seem's to use same patterns again and again. That makes it pretty simple tune. It is also tuned in four channels. Some samples aren't so clean as they could be now. Noise is old tune, and time has done it's job.

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Title: no harm done
Filename: noharmdn.mod
Posted Mon 8th Jan 2001
Rated 4 / 10
No harm done starts with kind of samba comp. After a while, piano and some synth instrument are joining the song. The song passes your ears really easily. After two minutes (and drum solo) it changes badly. Synth solo sounds like randomized and the end is flat. Anyway! If you just want something easy to hear while working with your computer, this is for you. If you except kind of great musical experience, download some other mod. No harm done hasn't any legendary tech effects or anything like that. The comp sounds cool and is done pretty well. It is done with only four channels. It is also pertty old (1994). Some samples aren't so clean as they could be nowadays. Overall.. it's o.k.

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Title: Ode To Hard Rock
Filename: ode.xm
Posted Thu 4th Jan 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Personally i know how hard it is to make a Rock song actually saound like a real song! But in this case it really does. The artist(unknown) has succeeded in making a rock song with good length and that still sounds like a real song! The sample quality could have been better, but a plus for making them by himself. He has used 7 tracks, but i think he could have used a little more... There isn´t really much to complain about, only a small mistake in the middle of the song, but it´s no big deal!

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Title: Seasons' Passing (NB)
Filename: nb_seaso.it
Posted Sat 23rd Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is a very good song, i love Celtic music, the melodys is superb, this one goes straightly up to one in my toplist. The flutes sings out really impressive. And this song is not repetive in any way. I recomend this song if you like Celtic music. Professional all i can say! it´s very good tracked, and the panning is great. The length of the song is good, and im really impressed about one thing.. the length of the song is around 7:30 minutes, and it´s never gets repetive! this artist sure knows how to compose music.

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Title: Intro / aRTy
Filename: frc_intr.it
Posted Sat 23rd Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is a awesome track, really powerful. This is one of the better orchestral songs i´ve heard for a long time. The melodys is very good and nice to listen to. But the reason i didn´t gave this song a 10 in rating is because its to short!! i wanted to hear more. But still a very good work. Keep this up dude! The technical rate is same as above, its very, very good made, i have nothing to complain about so...only that it was alittle short.

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Title: flowers in the abyss
Filename: flowers.it
Posted Sat 23rd Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song starts with a really cool intro, with some very high quality samples. The melodys in this track is awesome just like the beats, this is a very well done track. This song is very professional made. And the panning is good. It feels like its different melodys all the time, and that is just great, its not getting repetive in any way!.

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Title: Ejector
Filename: ejector.xm
Posted Sat 23rd Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is a Jazz song, it has a very cool melody, and the drums are very well done. The horns is exellent. This song is not repetive at all, the samples are clean and very good quality. The technical rate is very good, this artist sure knows how to use the tracking program in a right and impressive way! but i wanted this song to be alittle longer than just 2 minutes.

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Title: Beautiful dreams
Filename: cec_tg00.xm
Posted Sat 23rd Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The melody in this song is very good, but it´s kinda simple though. The voice samples are cool but maybe not so good quality. This song is very enjoyable to listen to, its not repetive at all, and that is very good. It has many changing parts. Great Work This song is good technical, with good effects, the stereo panning is superb, not much more to say really. Its very good technical.

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Title: " Dawn main theme "
Filename: aws_dawn.xm
Posted Thu 14th Dec 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This is another awesome song by Awesome. This is a very relaxing song to listen to and lasts 5m and 22s. From its slow and quiet introduction to its progressive melody, numerous well performed musical effects and its fadeout ending this song is a masterpiece. This song is enjoyable even after multiple listens. This track was tracked with the skill of a professional tracker. All the samples are of high quality and are organized within this track for maximum impact. The quality of this tracks progression is amazing throughout the length of this track. This song is one of the best tracked and is worth a listen.

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Title: daisy chain
Filename: daisy.mod
Posted Thu 14th Dec 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Every once in a while the artist clipped the end of a sample off with another note, when it should have been left to "ring." Only a mild case of this, though. A good sense of introduction. Some innovative ideas, and good musical effects, especially with the flute "arpeggio." There is a major phrase transition in the middle that is a little awkward, but the momentum of the piece picks up right away into the next phrase. The ending has an okay connection to the beginning, but seems to lack solid resolution, it mostly just slips through your fingers leaving you feeling a little unfinished. An interesting set of samples, a good blend of darkish sounding stuff. The drums samples were a little mismatched and of slightly less quality than the other samples. I have always been a sucker for "choir" voices, which play background and counter-melodic role.

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Title: October Symphonee
Filename: vr_oct3.xm
Posted Wed 13th Dec 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This is one of the few synthetic songs that sounds great from beginning to end. This song is progressive and contains a rich variety of sounds and musical effects. This song is definitely worth a listen. A simple yet effective introduction begins this track. The melody is progressive and their is also a quiet dynamic background to this song primarily composed of musical effects. The ending is professionally tracked and ends the song by fading out. To sum it up this tracker used numerous musical skills in making this song and created a masterpiece.

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Title: 19ktune
Filename: a19k.mod
Posted Tue 12th Dec 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Pretty short at only 1 minute 1 second. The harmonic movement is well done, but not impressively large. I found the counter rythms and counter melody to be clever and interplay therein was pretty clever. The artist had a good grasp of rythm. Good sense of introduction. I liked the cadences in the middle of the piece; a nice innovative idea, with a surprise quality, but of the pleasant variety. The ending is a little anti-climactic, but I liked the connection to the earlier major cadences. Dynamics did not play a major role. Good, clean samples complemented the artist's good use of the "electronic sound" (i.e. FM synthesis). Decent use of channels. The "stereo" quality could have been slightly improved by "blending" the channels just a little bit.

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Title: A great day
Filename: greatday.xm
Posted Fri 8th Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is probably the best use of strings i have heard yet in a tracked song!! The song flows so perfectly from start to finish, and just the overall sound of it gives your body the perfect numbness of being at a state of complete calm. Sit back and listen to this one. i think you'll like it! Although there is not really anything to this song technically, it's still great! the sound of it is wonderfully done. i think this gets a lot of credit considering that this song is both simple and very small. only one instrument used to compose this whole thing! excellent job!!

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Title: dallas
Filename: dallas.mod
Posted Thu 7th Dec 2000
Rated 3 / 10
For anyone who remembers the old 1980's American television drama called "Dallas," here is your chance to hear that great themesong! Not terribly original. I presume this was more of an "excercise" for the artist, whose name could not be located. The "orchestration" is different from the original, and I think, though I am not certain, that the artist put a little flare at the end that was not in the original. Pretty much nothing but the basics here. No grievous errors, though. The samples do not reflect the orchestration in the original theme song. This in addition to the probable altered final cadence lead me to my "remix" classification. The samples are a sort of electronic flavor -- mostly FM synthesis samples.

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Title: oh yeah
Filename: ohyeah.mod
Posted Wed 6th Dec 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Well the music is not very groovy. Sounds like a Mod created in early 80s. Its more of a Disco style file. Artist needs to put some more instruments to make the music sound richer. Anyway nice try.....Perhaps its the type of music "Too Cool" listens to. Nice try The sound of the music is pretty vacant in a sense. There are not many insts. used in this file. A lot of repeated loops make the music sound boring. Not a lot of variations in the patterns. Artists needs to make the file sound more expressive and melodic.

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Title: daisy chain 2
Filename: daidycn.mod
Posted Tue 5th Dec 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This piece does not have a strong melodic line. There are semi-melodic stretches, but mostly it is a "background" piece. The harmonic movement is not extensive, which is a tendency in "background" pieces. I felt like the tempo change was sort of unprepared tending to confuse the listener. Decent use of chord progression and Non-chord tone embellishments. Nice minor flavor. Ending leaves a couple of loose ends, although had it been a movie soundtrack it would have fit perfectly with some visual cue. There was a definite introduction and conclusion, though. There was not any "actual" panning, but this artist's excellent use of smooth crescendos and decrescendos also lent the spacial effect that is frequently associated with panning. Samples are mid-grade sound quality; they are all 8-bit. The "flavors" of the samples mixed pretty well. The flute voice seemed to have the most contrasting flavor, but not bad at all.

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Title: (Dreaming of) Foreign Skys
Filename: bj-skys.s3m
Posted Fri 1st Dec 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is a beautiful piece of music. Here we have a guitar and here we have a piano. They combine to make one of the most relaxing tunes I've heard in a long while. It reminded me of the theme from the film Piano. I would have rated this song 10 had there not been a note that belonged nowhere somewhere in the middle of the track. Not much to say. It would have been nice though if Big Jim could have cut out the offending note that really spoils what is a great melody. The title is apt, as this kind of music kind of makes you reminice all your holiday's and trips abroad. Very good.

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Title: by the coast
Filename: by_coast.mod
Posted Wed 29th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
For a mod this size, you'd be suprised at how good this effort really is. There's no real intro here, just very good drums, then comes a very very good saxaphone. This is one mod that hasn't tried to do soemthing out of the ordinary, it's simple and brilliant by it's tune and it's instruments. I have no trouble in marking this very high. It has absolutely no flaws, well maybe the drums are a bit too loud for this kind of mod, but hell, it's downright funky! It's a great achievement too considering it's size. I have heard far worse double the size of this. It also loops so brilliantly, that you'll struggle to recognise it! Very good effort, I'll be looking for more from these two if that's what they have to offer. A mod that shows talent.

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Title: Smooth-Drums
Filename: SLOWds.mod
Posted Tue 28th Nov 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This is a reasonable breakbeat song that also lacks a melody. Though the breakbeat is reasonably well done it does not rise to the level of "very good". Overall this is a slightly less than average song. Despite the simplicity of the track this song needs better drum samples because of their lack of sufficient bass. The lack of a melody in this track significantly hurt this track as a whole. The repetitious nature of this song with the overall lack of musical techniques additionally lowered the rating of this track.

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Title: byside.xm
Filename: byside.xm
Posted Tue 28th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
At over 940K you'd expect something decent. Glad to say that you won't be let down. This is a "feel-good" mod that will have your head bobbing up and down to a infectious rythm. There's very little drums, the background is a constant synth rythm that's difficult to describe. It's a well thought out tune that you'll enjoy whatever your musical tastes. Why so short? It's a great shame because by the end of this song, I wanted to hear more. I can't fault anything else bar the length of this song. Catchy tune, great samples, great timing, although the end could have been a bit better put than it was. The secret of a great mod is trying to make it sound like it isn't. These guys have done well in doing that.

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Title: back_to_the_fifties
Filename: backtoth.mod
Posted Tue 28th Nov 2000
Rated 1 / 10
It's one credit is that is does actually sound like a fifties tune. The problem is that it is repeated over and over again. There's a little bit of swing there, but not enough to stop you hitting that stop button 20 or so seconds into the tune. It's a decent tune, but it's been heard before and done before, only better. No real samples or instruments here, it's a keyboard/organ only effort by the sounds of it. This must be the most badly-timed mod I have ever heard. It actually sounds like he has connected a keyboard to his tracker and not bothered using any editing at all. It's a good attempt I suppose but not one that you'd like to share space on your hard-drive with. It's also too long, tedious and downright boredom personified in music terms. Could have been so much better.

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Title: Lost Empire
Filename: hta04.xm
Posted Sun 26th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song sounds like the music for some type of early computer game. Though this song has a great melody and a fine background the instruments are clearly distinguishable from one another rather. If you like early computer game style music then this is an excellent addition to your mod collection otherwise it sounds very good. Technically this song it well tracked as clarified somewhat in the musical rating. The introduction and its transition into the rest of the song is professionally tracked. This track as a whole clearly sounds like computer game music and to that end it is professionally designed. The melody is progressive throughout this track and the background compliments the melody professionally. The fade out ending of this mod is slightly sudden.

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Title: Dawn of a new Day
Filename: st3_dnd.it
Posted Sun 26th Nov 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Dawn of a new Day is an excellent upbeat song. A strong rock background beat and a piano melody are combined to make this short 2m and 26s song. The masterful introduction to this song sets the mood immediately for the rest of this song. Overall this is a great song to listen to. The samples in this song are well chosen and free of distinguishable static. The introduction of this song was exceptionally good and wasted no time beginning the song. Towards the end of this song I felt their was too much of a repetitious feeling to the manner in which the melody was tracked. The ending of this song which was a poorly organized fade out.

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Title: When the heavens fall
Filename: WHEN.S3M
Posted Sat 25th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I could swear pieces of this song are used in "unreal" when u get out of the space ship... A wide area before u, full of foreign creatures.. The journey begins very adventurous and turns out to be a long one in the middle of the song ... Musically a masterous piece... Due to its release date 94' there are 8 bit samples but u wont notice it unless u look at the sample editor.. This song is close to perfection ... and when u consider its release date a second time ... it really is !

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Title: Astraying Voyages
Filename: ASTRAY.S3M
Posted Sat 25th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The melodies are quite simple and the notes are played long. Emphasizing the rhythmics many FX are laid on the melodies and strings... very interesting. The overall impression really feels like a Space Trip and so far the song is very good interpreted. This song is a must for every Purple Motion fan anf for those who wants to listen to spacy sound. Since Future Crew developed the Scream Tracker, Purple Motion uses it at its best. You can find about 40% of the effect range applied to this song. Many Samples are in the long version which contributes to the space feeling. The 8 bit resolution is a bit disturbing because an vocal will begin to crack up a bit in the middle of the song. One sample is ripped by Skaven which u can hear at the very beginning ( it is also in the song "Second Reality" )

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Title: B-Girls
Filename: b-girls.mod
Posted Fri 24th Nov 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Wird kind of "music" Slow and Borring without any kind of change. Just the same again and again. At last you have to put matches in your eye to prevent them from closing. One good thing about this song is that it is very small. Only 50 kb. (if you like 80's style music. Could it be a little worth hearing at, and that is why it didn't got 0.0) a lot of instruments no rythm just a guitar, some drums, a bass and something there could sound like a keybord. yada, yada, yada.

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Filename: sephirot.xm
Posted Fri 24th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The first 50 seconds sounds were great. I felt the sharp acid soundwaves consuming my soul and kicks punding my mind like never before. Maybe I had too big expectations at this point, after the great intro Thats when the strings came in. Where did those come from anyway? Somehow I wish they would have sayed there. It felt like they didnt had anything to do in this song at all. Except from that it is a nice song with some lovely 303-like beats. Maybe it were a few minutes too short? The trackers have really succeded with some of the samples. They sure got that famous acid-sound that we all have been waiting for so long. I cant really complain on any of the samples, but a little more variation could have gave an extra point.

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Title: .:Popcorn - Sepe edit:.
Filename: sepe_popcorn_sepe_edit.it
Posted Fri 24th Nov 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Is that girl in the beginning saying: Give me a motherfuckin breakbeat? Well, I couldnt have said it better myself. The jungle-inspired beats on top of the well known melody and the wonderful string pads gave me an erection. Musically theres nothing at all to complain about. This song would probably get even higher points if the musician had made this tune himself/herself. At this point it feels like I have heard enough popcorn remixes for a while, but since this is so well made I still like it. This module have got very nice samples. A nice deep kick and and the pans on the cymbals are great. This is exactly the way a popcorn remix should sound, and I might even say that this is the best. Well done, Sundqvist.

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Title: The Bad Place
Filename: badplace.mod
Posted Thu 23rd Nov 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This is a mish-mash of Heavy Guitar, and according to the info file, "Heavy Distortion" and "crash". I found it an effort listening to this, it's not pleasing to the ear. It's supposed to be based on the book of the same name. If it's as any good as this mod, then I'll not rush out to buy it. No tune, and very little to listen to. If you download this you'll be wasting your hard-drive space. There is nothing in this mod that would keep you listening to it, which IMOH, is what a good mod is. It's a very bad mod, that lacks talent, or decent samples. This isn't a decent effort. It sounds rushed and tunelss. The Bad Place? The Bad Mod. Hard to beleive that 4 people put this together. Perhaps you could have spent your time better guys than inflict us with this ear-ache.

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Title: The Stimpy Stomp
Filename: stimpy.mod
Posted Thu 23rd Nov 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This is probably one of the worst modules I have heard in a long time. No offense Death Bunny, but this sucks. I belive this song were made with a big sense of humour but a very small musical talent. Since this song have to be a joke, I won't seek you out and kill you, Death Bunny. All of the samples, including the Ren and Stimpy samples have awful quality. The song is not well made in any way. There's not one thing in this song that have anything to do with another. "Hey, I feel great"... BEEEP BEEEEEEEEEP!!!! Terrible...

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Title: Dream Jewel Blue
Filename: djblu.it
Posted Thu 23rd Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song have got some really nice harmonics, the string pads and the bass melts perfectly together. Maybe this song could use some more variation. For example, the guitar solo weren't too variated. Since the song is quite long, I have to admit that I weren't really laughing after 5 minutes, but then came the nice ending and I was satisfied once again. Musically it's an ok song. GottCL has made some relly nicke work on this one. When I listen to a .IT-file under 600k the quality of the drums often annoys me but I was suprised that this song had so good quality. I thought that the snaredrum could be pitched up a bit and the drum-track sure could use a hihat, but those nice congas made the loss of a hihat less fatal. However the cymbals and all the other samples were great. The song overall were wery well tracked.

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Title: summer world
Filename: bd_summr.xm
Posted Thu 23rd Nov 2000
Rated 10 / 10
Fans of Aqua will absolutely love this dance tune. This mod would not look out of place at your local Nightclub. It's starts off with a very good voice sample, then the in-your face Synth and drums. Then there comes more voice samples as it gets to the middle of the tune. It does contain a couple of swear-words, but it's more comical than offensive. It ends all too sudden though, but you can listen to it over and over again, unlike some of these types of mods. The samples are absolutely flawless, and really make this song a hit! It's comical and catchy. As someone who finds Techno/Dance boring and repetitive, I was suprised that this song actually has a lot to offer, not just for laughs but for foot-tapping as well. The only bad point is the length of the song, it could be a promising single if a bit longer. I've heard worse in the charts! Download and Dance!

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Title: "Blue Crystal"by AWS
Filename: bcrystal.xm
Posted Thu 23rd Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
As soon as this mod began, I immediately thought of Elwood. The similarity in this mod is quite amazing. If this was an attempt at his style of music then it's been successful. There's plenty going on in this song. It's quite pleasing to the ear, as well as being a catchy tune. If you love Elwood's music, you'll love this. Plenty of Synth and drum beat to keep your attention all the way through. Most mods are thrown together in minutes, this one is certainly not one of them. It states in the info with the mod that a lot of hard work has been put into it. Listening to it is easy to understand why. The samples are very good, and the drum beat, mixed with the piano back-beat work very well. If you like Jarre then you will see his influence in this very good effort.

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Title: ice
Filename: ice.mod
Posted Thu 16th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
At first, this song reminds me a little of the Rocky theme song, but that changes farily quick. anyway, this is a nice tune. i like the bass line that comes in later as well. There is too much as far as effects, but there are a few pitch slides which sound pretty good. other than that, the intro sounds good. it starts the song up and gets it all going. the ending sounds alright as well. the whole thing flows together pretty well overall.

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Title: As long as I have U
Filename: ibalrite.xm
Posted Thu 16th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song sounds great! the beat is a nice steady pace that gets you moving, but it's also not too heavy. then the other sounds mixed in also give a very nice sound. they all blend together very well. the bells sound really good in here too as a backgound filler. There really isn't anything special behind the technical part of this song. it still sounds really good though. it probably could have sounded even better and gotten a 10 if the song had used panning on its samples as well.
