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Title: Starlight Ocean,Starlight
Filename: oceanbea.it
Posted Thu 16th Nov 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This song has several major flaws a lack of instruments, too much repetition, no significant or progressive melody and too quiet a breakbeat. This song as a whole just does not sound good and I get easily bored listening to it. Overall I do not recommend this song. This song only used five samples none of which are very good. There is only a very weak melody and it was tracked without a progression so this song is very repetitious. This song was tracked too quietly to be easily heard. The ending is terrible because of both a crude transition between samples and an all too sudden end to the song. Overall this song is tracked with the skill of a novice.

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Title: i
Filename: i1.mod
Posted Wed 15th Nov 2000
Rated 2 / 10
This song was very slow. it starts out slow and very basic, and has the sound like it wants to be faster than it is. half the time, the instruments sounded out of place because even though they follow a sort of pattern, they're offbeat to the rest of the song. didn't strike my ear as all that great. not much here. the song is pretty much just notes with no effects at all. the intro is pretty sluggish and sounds real choppy, and it doesn't really get better than that throughout the whole song.

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Title: Magnificent Tune '98
Filename: mdr_mtune.xm
Posted Tue 14th Nov 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a fast paced techno tune. Both the melody and background beat of this song are upbeat. The melody of this song is progressive throughout the 3m and 7s of this song. The introduction and ending of this song are well done. One noticeable issue was that some of the instruments were not as great as they should be. The samples in this song could have been better but are still nice. The introduction and ending of this song is tracked professionally with the introduction building up the song and the ending fading it out. The melody is professionally tracked but the background beat is no more than semi-professionally tracked as it does not always compliment the melody as well as it should. The transitions and musical effects of this track are semi-professionally tracked. Overall a very good upbeat techno song.

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Title: The Siege
Filename: ml_siege.xm
Posted Tue 14th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song has both a progressive ambient melody and a big drum and bass background beat. The melody and background beat compliment each other significantly in this song. Overall this is an impressive song which also has a name which can easily correspond to the mental imagery this music can create. The samples used in this song are impressive and well placed within the track. The melody and background beat are both successfully progressive and additionally tracked to compliment one another professionally. The introduction to this song is tracked well but not great. This track ends on a climatic point which professionally ends this song.

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Title: twy.xm
Filename: twy.xm
Posted Mon 13th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is an excellent ambient style song that is relaxing to listen to. The progressive melody of this song was made with the use of a professional quality flute sample that is unfortunately slightly louder than I believe it should be. The background beat to this song like the melody is progressive and compliments the melody throughout the length of the song. The only distinguishable error in this song is its slightly loud flute sample. All the samples used in this track are of high quality. This song was tracked with a professional quality of tracking skill from beginning to end. The ending is of special note as it was tracked with a very professional fade out.

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Title: 259
Filename: twofivenine.xm
Posted Mon 13th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I am amazed at the combination of styles in this song and the way this artist used them together in this song. The beginning of this song is performed by a mellow sounding viola. Once this song gets underway an odd combination of synthetic instruments join the song as a background beat. One clear mistake in this song was that for a time the synthetic beat became too high paced. The viola sample in this track was of a semi-professional quality. The synthetic style samples because they are synthetic are very difficult to judge specifically but are at a minimum semi-professional. This artist displayed a great deal of tracking skill throughout this song with what is included in the track but what is excluded would have been helpful. This track lacks a substantial effort at: musical elements such as sample changes, a variety of numerous and clearly distinguishable samples, and a very well designed progression throughout this song.

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Title: *Trust*
Filename: trust.xm
Posted Sat 11th Nov 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This is an excellent ballad style song from beginning to end. The melody of this song is relaxing from start to finish and progresses slowly over the 4m and 23s length of this track. The instruments compliment one another in this song in that they reflect the ballad style of this track and do not overshadow each in their musical placement or volume. The melody of this song is well tracked and begins at the beginning of this song without an unnecessary delay and sets the mood for the song that the progression what paced to reflect. The tracker of this song chose professional quality samples and as described in the musical rating in this review made sure that they complimented one another. The ending of the song successfully fades out without any distinguishable error. Overall this song was tracked with the skill of a professional from beginning to end and is worth listening to if you like either ballads or relaxing music.

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Title: Sinking in Water
Filename: nn-wate.it
Posted Fri 10th Nov 2000
Rated 5 / 10
The melody of this song was good but not great. The short nature of the song and the additional lack of effect produced diminished this song substantially. Overall a non-impressive song. The tracker of this song did develop a trance style melody but failed to create the associated interest to the song expected of any style song by using a non-catchy melody. The samples are nice and clear of static. Overall this song was tracked at an amateur level of technical design.

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Title: Tale of Triumph
Filename: triumph.s3m
Posted Thu 9th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song has a long introduction in which it slowly builds up to the primary melody which is composed of an interesting assortment of primarily orchestral instruments. This song has a slower pace except at its end at which time it speeds up and ends rather abruptly. This song is not catchy and lacks a background arrangement at times though perhaps this was meant to enhance the slower pace of the song. Overall the song is well tracked for a slow orchestral style song. The technical aspects of this song are interesting because of the combination of both amateur and semi-professional elements of this track. The average samples, a slow introduction and abrupt ending are characteristic of an amateur's tracking skills. The professional skill this tracker displayed was the ability to organize this tracks samples to create a strong orchestral style melody once the introductory portion of the song ends. Overall this a better than average song.

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Title: True Faith
Filename: truefaith.xm
Posted Thu 9th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song begins right away with a strong melody and a reasonable background breakbeat. Though this song sounds good it is in fact a remix of a song I have not yet heard and so I cannot compare it to the original. This song however does lack both a catchy and progressive melody. The lack of a progressive melody in this song was apparent early in this track which immediately lowers the technical rating of this song. The use of both average quality samples and background breakbeat further reduced the quality of this track. Two successfully tracked elements in this song were the few musical effects used and the ending which faded out very well.

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Title: transambience
Filename: transam.s3m
Posted Thu 9th Nov 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song begins by building towards the main ambient melody and a fully developed background breakbeat. The melody at times loses its progression and in addition the overuse of volume changes in the breakbeat background of this song becomes annoying. This song also suffers from an abrupt ending. Overall it still maintains an interesting melody and background breakbeat. This tracker demonstrates his ability to produce a semi-professional song with this track. Numerous musical effects are very well tracked into this song. The overuse of repetition, the lack of a progressive melody and an abrupt ending to song as described in the musical rating section of this review seriously diminished the rating of this song. The samples used are semi-professional in quality throughout. Overall despite a clear talent at using various techniques in music theory this artist made some obvious mistakes within this track which lowered its rating.

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Title: The River of Time
Filename: theriver.it
Posted Wed 8th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This trance song slowly builds on a brief but upbeat repetitious melody throughout the full 4m 59s of this song. Several of the samples in this song enhanced this song such as the sound of water flowing and a harp but unfortunate to my rating for this song I could not enjoy a couple other samples which were simply to repetitiously used for a song of this long a length. The ending of this song was also too sudden. Overall an excellent song that is somewhat to repetitious to be viewed as fully excellent. The technical aspects of this song were handled well with the exceptions given in my musical rating. The melody in the song progresses with the skills of a professional tracker. The samples used in this track are of high quality. A minor remix to reduce the usage of the above mentioned repetitious samples and a reworked ending to this track would make this song better from its already highly rated score. Note: Fallon's MA artist page is at http://www.modarchive.com/artists/fallon/

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Title: --t-e-n-t-a-t-i-o-n--
Filename: TENTATIO.S3M
Posted Wed 8th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song is simple, relaxing, repetitive and sounds excellent. The song is a combination of an ambient melody and a drum and bass background beat which when combined with the advanced musical effects contained in the track make one great song. The only negative aspect of this song considering that I wanted to hear more of it was its slightly short length of 2m and 41s. This song not only uses professional quality samples but also an exceptional placement of those samples within this track. Numerous musical effects are performed free of distinguishable error in this song and elevate the technical performance of this track as a whole significantly. The ending of this song is achieved through a well performed fade out in which the melody is quieted and stopped and the background beat reappears and finishes the song with some bass beats.

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Title: Surface tension
Filename: tension.s3m
Posted Wed 8th Nov 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is song is a pleasure to listen to despite one obvious oversight. Though this song has a great melody it is noticeably louder than it should be which results in this songs great background beat being muffled at times. The drum and bass background portion of this song is really an outstanding compliment to the progressive melody of this song. Overall if the melody was somewhat quieter this song would have gotten a perfect score. Professional best describes this track throughout with the above stated exception. All of the samples are of high quality and are placed with great skill. The transitions in this song are impressive and further the melody of this track. Overall this is a song that deserves a listen and hopefully a minor remix to fix the slightly loud nature of this songs melody.

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Title: Temple of Technology
Filename: temple.xm
Posted Tue 7th Nov 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Though this song has song very good moments it tends to be only reasonably good overall. Despite making a nice first impression this tracker made the mistake of tracking a large portion of this song without a strong melody which hurt this songs musical rating. The short length of this song also did not allow for very much development within this song. Overall this songs musical rating was saved by a nice introduction and several professional quality 8-bit samples however those two factors do not constitute the basis of a very good song. This song is tracked with only average tracking skills and additionally lacks several technical basics. A lack of a melody throughout because of a longer than reasonable period of background beat repetition reduced an already brief songs progression. The ending of this song was also technically average. Overall these mistakes resulted in lowering this songs technical rating to average. Overall this song is average in quality.

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Title: The Age of Dragons
Filename: dmageofd.xm
Posted Mon 6th Nov 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This is a high speed drum and bass style song which wastes no time getting started. The melody in this song is excellent and is complemented by a nice background beat. This song has long been a favorite of this reviewer. This song though using only 8-bit samples produces a professional quality of sound. This track uses several transitions with are well organized and further the progression of this track. Overall this is a professionally tracked song which demonstrates what a great drum and bass style song sounds like.

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Title: Borrowed Time:OTSAFHB Mix
Filename: azo_btrm.it
Posted Fri 3rd Nov 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song begins with and maintains an upbeat orchestral style melody throughout. Numerous transitions and the occasional inclusion of other musical styles make this song both untraditional in its musical effect and an excellent song to listen to. This track is a recommended download for those who enjoy this style of music. This track from its professional samples to its musical transitions is the unquestionable work of a professional tracker. This track is additionally an example of how to bring musical styles together successfully. All the samples are of a professional quality and placed to maximize their impact within this track.

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Title: One Scotch Long
Filename: azo_osl.it
Posted Fri 3rd Nov 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song is not only the longest song I have ever heard but also one of the greatest. This song goes through so many transitions that I never find myself bored with it even after its more than thirty minute length and its many transitions. The additional ability of these trackers to maintain a progressive melody throughout the long length of this musical masterpiece is amazing. This song is a recommended download for anyone interested in this musical style. This song is professionally tracked throughout. The numerous samples in this track are realistic sounding, well chosen and placed for maximum effect. The transitions in this song are impressive and these trackers ability to maintain a coherent and progressive melody throughout this lengthy track is technically amazing.

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Title: sky.iambackagain
Filename: iamback.mod
Posted Mon 23rd Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Very good! This is a very good 4-channel mod! The sound of this one is perfect for a video game. The beat is steady, but sounds very nice, and the oter instruments all fit nicely together as well. The effects used in this song give it the perfect sounding to be a video game on the original Nintendo! nice opening, and the ending was done very nicely as well. i like how the bass line is put over two channels just a little offtime to give it a nice reverb effect. and the ending flows right back into the beginning nicely to make this mod good for looping. good job!

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Title: Militant Call
Filename: militant.s3m
Posted Fri 20th Oct 2000
Rated 4 / 10
First off, let me give the composer kudos for composing in a style I don't often hear in mods. However, the song itself isn't too great. There are some sections I do like, but mostly this is at best average, particularly at the moments when the melody is played in the upper register and the sound is 'thin' because there are no low tones to balance it out and add depth. The harmonies in this piece are often rather dissonant, which is not my personal preference. Also, the samples could be improved. Right now they sound a little 'cheesy'. I do feel that this piece would be much improved with better/different samples

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Title: Ryyppy reissu
Filename: jm3.it
Posted Tue 17th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This song is decently fast moving, and not that bad. I like how the piano sounds when it's accompanied by a drum beat. but the guitar is a bit too much of just a pace-setter in this song, rather than making the melody. The song is basically just the samples played. nothing done to alter them or anything. i don't like the ending to this one though. it fades out way too fast in my opinion.

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Title: Jammin' Overdose!
Filename: jammin.xm
Posted Tue 17th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song's got a real nice sound to it. it's got a steady beat all the way through that's not too heavy, but sticks in your head. then the sounds that make the melody come in after the beat has gotten a firm hold on your attention, and the melody used is light as well, and just gives you an energetic feeling. it's only a minute and a half long, but it's definitely good! Not too much done here, but still the song sounds good. the panning done in this song is fairly subtle as well, but the overall sound given by it is very nicely plotted out. a good work i'd say. i think that this one would be even better if it were made a little longer.

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Title: Floating Traveller
Filename: ji_float.it
Posted Tue 17th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Here's A metal song for ya. A pretty slow one though... i like the drums for it though. the double bass pedal has a nice sound to it. the guitar line doesn't sound all that great though cuz it moves a bit too slow. there really is nothing technical behind this song. it's just the samples played as normal. the intro is not that exciting either. the guitar starts it all out, but it just has a sound to it that makes it not all that great.

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Title: Space Cadet
Filename: ji_space.it
Posted Tue 17th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is a metal mod as well. Although, this one is not that great at all. the song runs too slowly and gives the whole song a choppy sound. All in all, it's pretty much just a boring song. Well, this one has a little extra touch used in it with some vibrato on the lead guitar and such. other than that, nothing. the ending of the song sounds more like it just dies, rather than just coming to an end. not good.

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Title: T/I/T/A/N/I/C RMX
Filename: titrmx.xm
Posted Mon 16th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I'd better start by explaining why this is Techo/Pop/Classical. Well, it is a techno style remix, of a song most of use remember as Pop from a film, but it was actually a high climber in the classic charts. Although there are remanents of the original tune in here, its nothing like it. Firstly I can't give marks for the bits that are ripped because this requires no talent at all, secondly the original bits are so unbelieveably simple they deserve only one mark! The other marks are all made up on the technical. Although I generaly don't like techno style drum beats this one does not have the off key dorning garbage can drum which puts me off, in fact its a very nice stable kinda tune. Managing to keep in key and in time with the ripped parts was an achievement on the part of the artist.

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Title: Dancing wtih birds
Filename: t-dwb.xm
Posted Mon 16th Oct 2000
Rated 4 / 10
It's a rather sparse synth/drum track that hasn't really been fleshed out. There are some interesting melodies, though. I liked the fade-out/fade-in between sections and at 5:25 it's long enough to be a cool multi-part Trance track. Hmmm... These samps are kind rough. The synths are rather shrill and tend to overpower things at times. Still, there are some good parts. I liked the offbeat patterns towards the end:) All in all, it's a good start. 829K, Least CPU: SX-33

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Title: Ravin' In Paradise
Filename: tas-ravi.xm
Posted Sat 14th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This tune starts out with a strong, rolling rhythm and smooth melody- phat! The second part's main feature is a frequency-swept synth. Not bad, but not nearly as maety as the first part. Coming in at just under 2 minutes, this seems like a good start to a full-length tune. Nice bass sample! Even on my old Fishers it sounds like *something*- a far cry from the muddy thump found in so many mods... The synth used in the second part is, *IMHO*, a little gamish. Even though it is very short, the song has a definate ending and cannot be smoothly looped. Least CPU: 486DX40+

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Title: + Replica +
Filename: nb_repli.xm
Posted Fri 13th Oct 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This is a basic drum and bass song. Too many repetitions and an overuse of certain instruments make this song border on noise at times. Overall there is nothing good about this song except for some well organized drum effects. The use of some advanced drum effects is the only aspect of this song that can be respected as beyond the talents of a novice. The quality of the samples in this track are poor and the organization of this track is merely designed to showcase a few effects that this songs drums perform. Overall this track ignored the multitude of effects and musical elements such as a progressive melody that exist and define the kind of music that people enjoy listening.

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Title: Sweet Sunshine
Filename: nbz-ssun.xm
Posted Fri 13th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Sweet Sunshine is an upbeat and relaxing song. Throughout a nice clear melody progresses with the help of a multitude of instruments. Overall the song was very good but just lacked the musical effect an excellent song creates. This song was well tracked for a trance style song as it slowly progressed a short melody throughout the song. Some of the samples could have been better chosen and in places within the song some of the samples blurred together to much to make this a professional sounding track. Overall this song demonstrates a semi-professional tracking skill.

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Title: In my Life, my Mind.
Filename: jt_mind.xm
Posted Fri 13th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is definitely a relaxing tune. i'd say that dance has to be the closest style to this, but it would be a very light dance type tune. the strings have a very nice melody to them, and the beat is pretty much constant throughout the song, but does not overpower any other part of it. the bassline sounds very nice too. very nicely mixed together and very well composed! Well, the technical aspect of this song is very, very, VERY detailed!! almost every note in here seems to have some sort of effect play to it in order to give this song it's sound. very nicely done!

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Title: Antiloop : Believe
Filename: nuke-blv.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song has a simple but catchy melody that continues to progress throughout with the use of well organized repetitions. The vocals used in this song were well used and added to this songs musical effect. Overall a very good trance. This tracker has displayed his professional tracking skills in this song. Good samples and numerous well placed and professionally performed musical elements make this song great. Throughout the song the vocals used were very professionally placed and of an unusually professional quality. Overall a professionally tracked song which it is important to mention is in fact a remix of an earlier track.

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Title: Regeneration
Filename: rgnrtn.it
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This piece is nice, it is well paced and catchy it gets your attentions with it soft over tones, this song is just perfectly length'd at 6mins. This piece is nicelyh composed with no faults in the 'woodwork' that can be spotted, it is not domeneering and is very pleasent to listen to. Kudos to craven !

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Title: Twilight Eternal...
Filename: r_twi98.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
A nice piece featuring heavily with the Pan Pipes, it travels along not too fast but is not -Deep- enough to lose you in the song. This piece is well composed and held together well, it is not too fast travelling and is nice to listen too. With more depth and feeling in the song people would get lost in the music (metaphorically) however this has not happened here unfortunately.

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Title: memory8.xm
Filename: memory8.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This piece starts off gently for a while repeating itself (or so it sounds like) and then another instrument is added and plays occasionally not changing the overall effect much. This piece 'toddles' along nicely not traveling to fast or too slow. Technically there is not much i haven't explained in the the music rating, this piece is nice and not too ear catching however it is also far from bad.

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Title: NEwS-a-TRonIC
Filename: aws_news.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Here's the Nine o'Clock News, introduced by Awesome. Well, that's what comes to mind when you listen to this piece. The effect was quite intentional, and it really does sound like the energetic music played during a breaking news story. Being just over 3 minutes long, Awesome manages to sustain the interest very well and produce something which sounds very professional indeed. Of course, bear in mind if you can't stand the jingles they play on the TV and on the radio before the news broadcast, you're not going to get much mileage out of this one! Worth listening to at least once, and there's actually a good piece of music in there which might mean it gets added to your playlist. The introduction is quite authentic, and very well done. The samples are certainly well chosen and effective. Instruments are spread out across the stereo field very effectively, and percussion is mixed in very well. The ending is pretty much exactly what you'd expect. Overall, well within Awesome's usually extremely high technical standards.

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Title: Bridges of Hope
Filename: jt_hope.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song's pretty nice. It uses thirty two channels, and uses them well. the song has a very full sound to it and very detailed sound as well. i like how the person tied in sound effects with normal band instruments. it's a nice touch to the song. the effects actually used in this weren't all that many. there's mainly some volume slides, and some panning changes as well. but it still sounds decent for the style. so good job to the composer!

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Title: -Deep in your heart-
Filename: aws_deep.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
There's no doubt this is an accomplished piece of music. A slow ballad, with deep, resonating bass drums, stacatto military tattoos, and a moving melody. There seems to be something missing, though, and I can't quite put my finger on it. You need to be in a reflective or emotional mood to really appreciate this song, I think. Nice melody, though. Very nice. This piece doesn't mess around. The main melody is introduced right at the start, before some wondefully resonant bass drums kick in. All the samples sound clear and effective. The stereo field isn't particularly well used, so the piece tends to sound rather flat in places, although there is some great reverb on the drums. The ending is rather well done.

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Title: "Medieval Ambience"
Filename: aws_mac1.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
It's always great to hear music which steps outside the usual boundaries defined by most mod artists, and this wonderful piece is no exception. Divisible into three main sections, the introduction brings us peaceful strings and gothic, alto chanting. A harpsichord and percussion introduce more urgency into the piece before it turns - rather suddenly I felt - into a medieval folk ballad. Apart from the transition, the music here is refreshing to say the least. The final transition is much better, into a spooky, space-like choir which brings the piece to a close with strings and guitar. If you like your music with character and melody, this is well worth the download. A mix of 8 and 16-bit samples, but the sound quality is still only average. Awesome admits this was done in a hurry (great, make me jealous). The choir samples are extremely effective, as are the medieval instruments. Nice introduction, and a good ending although ModPlug seems to stop the show rather abruptly on the last note.

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Title: a weak mind.
Filename: awm.mod
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
It's often difficult to rate chiptunes, because they usually intentionally sound lo-fi by their very nature. Still, anything which reminds me of the bleeps that my old 8-bit computer used to blare out can't be a bad thing, right? :) Having said that, I don't usually rate chiptunes highly, but in this case I was pretty impressed with the piece. Not the best chip I've heard, but way, way ahead of the worse. Nice harmonies and some decent use of melody. Rather short, though. The most impressive technical achievement here is the file size - not bad for a 3k tune, though I'm sure it's been bettered elsewhere. Don't expect crisp 16 bit samples here, folks, but with the exception of the tinny drums most of the sounds work very well. No marks for the intro, and the ending is way too sudden, but otherwise good.

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Title: Keep on Jungling
Filename: jungling.xm
Posted Thu 12th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This one's a pretty good song. It's actually the first jungle song i've heard made with a tracker even! i like the opening portion. the lyrics move sort of slowly, but then it's counter-acted with a fast beat, and it's got a really nice sound to it. The effects aren't that much here. i noticed in a few different parts of the song, there were a lot of columns where there were effect values written in, but they never touched any sample at any point in the song! anyway, like i said, i like the intro, and the ending half as well(about 3:00 and on). Pretty good little number here.
