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Title: Nostalgia
Filename: nstalgia.it
Posted Wed 11th Oct 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song sounds so great overall. The melody is a led by a solo guitar which plays with a excellent background rock beat. Several professional effects also are used to create a superb song. The tracking in this song is marvelous throughout. All the samples in this song sound professional and are well organized within the track. The melody is slow at times but that adds to the methodical feeling this tracker put so much effort into creating.

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Title: threshold
Filename: nn-thres.xm
Posted Wed 11th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very long and relaxing song with the exception of the beginning which was tracked using an ambient melody. The melody of this song slowly changes to create a very peaceful mood among its listeners. Overall a very good atmospheric song to listen to. The melody in this song was well tracked and used several effects. The samples used in this song were well chosen but not professional. All things considered this song was tracked at semi-professional level of skill to create a nice atmospheric style song.

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Title: Silicol Future
Filename: nn-sili.it
Posted Wed 11th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
A soft ambient melody progresses throughout this song as an annoying background beat repetitiously beats away. A well organized melody defines this song but at times is surpassed in volume by the background beats. Overall an average sounding song that lacks any distinguishing characteristics. This song does produce a reasonable melody but was improperly tracked at times to allow the background beat to surpass the melody in volume. All the samples are all right but are not distinguishably professional in quality. Overall this song was tracked with an amateur level of tracking skill.

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Title: Deep Dungeon 3 - Dark Fest
Filename: jm-deepd3.it
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 10 / 10
WOW!!! This song is awesome!! it's completely one of the best RPG type songs i've ever heard!! it's got a very soft sound to it, and just is very VERY well done! the opening to this song reminds me of "Wolfenstein 3-D(i hope you know the game)", but then once the harp comes in, it reminds me of "Final Fantasy 7" when they're in the Forgotten City of the Ancients at night. very well done!! there's not much of anything behind this as far as effects, but it uses NNAs(new note actions) very well! it calmly plays 43 virtual channels in only 19 active channels! a good demonstration of Impulse Tracker's power! get this song cuz it kicks my ass!!! :-)

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Title: search for more
Filename: jb-more.it
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
this follows the same pattern as pretty much all dance songs. nothing out of the ordinary. nice piano to it though. it actually seemed a bit too short though, which is suprising cuz it didn't even sound all that repetitive. so yeah. this one's pretty good for a dance song. there isn't much done to fine tune this song. there's a little play on the panning, but not too much at all. either way, it still sounds good. it would have been better though if the piano got panned out across the speakers.

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Title: Nothing's Normal
Filename: nn-nn.it
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This song successfully produces a nice set of background beats throughout its 7m and 25s length. Unfortunately for this song its quiet samples and its lack of a distinctive and catchy progression throughout greatly diminished the musical impact of this song. Overall this song seems less than average in its musical effect. The few elements of musical theory used in this track were well performed however adding many more elements would have improved the effect the song created significantly. Overall this song seems to need a great deal of reworking because it does not manage to convey very much more than a highly repetitious ambient/beat.

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Title: Echoes in my head
Filename: nn-echo.it
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song successfully produces both a ambient melody and an excellent set of background beats. Additionally the melody is distinctive from the great background beats of this song a common mistake in this specific ambient style. Unfortunately for this song it uses quiet samples and a non-catchy progression both of which diminish the musical impact of this song. The tracking on this song is more advanced than most especially in regards to its background beats. The melody in distinctive from the background but is not catchy. Overall a rather well tracked ambient/beat style song.

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Title: Chaos Pease
Filename: nn-chaos.it
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This song successfully produces both a ambient melody and a nice set of background beats. Unfortunately for this song its quiet samples and its lack of a distinctive and catchy progression diminish the musical impact of this song. Overall this song seems less than average in its musical effect. The few elements of musical theory used in this track were well performed however added elements would have improved the effect the song created significantly. Overall this song is lacking about as much as it using now but still manages to convey its intended effect.

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Title: Ascent
Filename: nn-ascnt.xm
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
A good but not very good ambient/beat style effect is created throughout this song. The lack of a distinctive and catchy melody incorporating samples filled with rich sound sets this below the standard I use for my own collection. Overall the musical quality of this piece is about average. This tracker took an the task of creating an ambient style song with a slight beat but blurred the two together too much and lost the tracking organization for a distinctive melody. The samples used were fine but not good. Overall the purpose of this songs appears too have been lost in the tracking phase of this song.

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Title: No More Tricks
Filename: nmtricks.xm
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
A nice piano solo plays throughout almost all of this piece. I found this song to be mostly mellow with a few added techno elements. Overall a good song for those who enjoy both mellow and classical tracks. I would have preferred a greater diversity in the overall melody before improving the musical rating of this song. Great piano samples make this songs piano solo a success in this track. The skill involved in merging the classical and techno styles with a mellow melody in this song demonstrates the musical talent of its tracker. Overall this song was tracked with the proficiency of a semi-professional tracker.

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Title: Night Sky
Filename: nightsk2.s3m
Posted Tue 10th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Night Sky is a techno song with some not so well chosen samples. The sample quality diminished the quality of the song but the additional lack of a catchy melody added to this songs lack of charm. Overall this song is not very interesting to listen to. The tracker of this song demonstrates several elements of musical theory in the track but does not organize them well together. The samples in this track were not well chosen because of their non-clarity of sound. Overall this song is the work of a tracking amateur.

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Title: Out of The Blue
Filename: ac-ootb.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Kinda strange style on this one, it kind of changes style as the song progresses. It has got great powerful strings, and gothic choir in the background that gives it a very interesting atmosphere. Great and variating drums as well. well put together song! surely worth a download! Samples are 8bit except for 2 samples, and most of them are made by acumen himself. He's done well hiding the 8bit quality though. the soundquality in the song sure sounds good nevertheless

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Title: Rise
Filename: rise.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
this is jivey, its the sort of thing you expect to hear on transport tycoon or in an elevator. Its got a fast paced beat with nice catchy tune. I reckomend this tune to everyone and urge you to get it. It is merry and entertaining and the sort of thing you can listen to time and time again.

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Title: Moon Ritual I
Filename: ritual.mod
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 2 / 10
This piece of music is very strange, it appears to all as a dark and sinister piece with tension, then the sound of uhhhhh compressed gas escaping ruins it (a sort of squeeky noise). Then right at the end there is the sound of a women singing and a guy going 'where have you been' then the song ends.. this song is strange and in a part sound a lil' like the 12th hour in someways. Apart from the strange and bad music there is nothing wrong with this piece that a sledgehammer wouldn't fix.

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Title: The Forgotten Soul
Filename: zer_tfs.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Once again a nice gentle ambient piece that is set nowhere in particular but feels nice and has no real down points other than it does not stand out any more from the rest of the ambient pieces. While there is is not technically anything wrong with this piece it does not set any new standard from other ambient pieces, however it is FAR from poor and is flawlessly done !

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Title: All Dimensions
Filename: z-dimens.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This piece of music is rather nice is very lively and happy and throughly enjoyable to listen to. It has been tracked well and superficially i cannot hear any problems. This piece is well done and i can find no faults with it.

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Title: mathematical forms... lab
Filename: tlmath.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is once again a piece that goes for too long (6mins 28secs) and is hard to listen to for that time, mainly due to the high pitch noise, and rather irritating noises (all high pitch and somewhat discordant) I can't think of any reason technically that makes the piece smell bad other than the repeditive sounds and music, it can get rather annoying... however i'll leave it up you, it does sound offish though.

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Title: Jollyk
Filename: jollyk.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
I'd say it's light rock, but there's no drumset really to it. it sounds pretty nicely done though. the melody is well thought out and all, and it's just got a good sound to it. nothing too special, but definitely not bad. there's really not much behind this one. most of the sounds are just played for what they are. there's a couple effects in there though. it's another nice piece to just relax to.

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Title: to be continued
Filename: to_be.mod
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Sweet, very nice Jivey music which is a change from the ordinary 'heavy' music (deep sombre music that is) anyway, this piece holds together well with minimal problems and is something you can merrily tap your foot too or snap your fingers and be merry. using minimal effort this piece lasts 4mins and 12secs and is entertaining to the end, it does not drag on and is well worth getting !

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Title: Skyscape 2
Filename: tnt_sky2.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
What a truely beautiful piece, something that can be relaxed to and be immersed in, it paints a picture of a busy space port and has a distinctly spacey feel to it. This piece is a real suprise when the music fades out to nothing, you expect the next song to come on or alternatively hear nothing but up it comes again with some more music to relax you. Using a lot of atmospheric effects and having a spacey/alien world feel this piece is very nice. I wasn't to keen though on the muffled voice at the beginning however but the rest of the piece more than made up for it. Kudos to the creator !

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Title: zombie bitch
Filename: p_zombie.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This truely is a strange and inordinately bad piece... and contary to the popular beliefs that i go out of my way to review bad music i DON'T the bad music finds me ! Anyway this piece is unuasually annoying and contains not even a whisper of decent music, mainly being what sounds like a person on oxygen heavily distorted with a drum beat in the back ground (or was it a steam powered machine ?) No seriously this piece should have gotten a one or less, but i cannot fault the fact the person used his/her time out of their own free time to make this aweful piece and accually submit it !

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Title: The sounds of woman's love
Filename: jkr_sowl2.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I like this one. It's a very easy-going song, but it has a good beat to it as well as a good rhythm. the guitar in the beginning also sounds really good. altogether, this song just really is a good one to listen to in order to put you in a light mood. the samples in here sound great(seeing as how most are from sample CDs)! very clean sound. it really helps to make this song what it is, and that's good. very nice intro, very nice ending. really a soothing song.

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Title: Exodus (HLM)
Filename: pz_exods.mod
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 2 / 10
this is a 7min and 54sec song and let me tell you now, if you can survive the first few mins of agonisingly bad music... you are in for... another 3mins and 54secs of poor but listenable music. It starts off with some guy saying - 'Ok roll the drums' then a 'Sonic boom!' from some computer/console/arcade character (if my memory serves me correctly) anyway, from there, there is just earachingly bad music that would make even the toughest of people crack and start begging for music (if your one of those weirdos who enjoys torturing himself that is). But seriously... this music is bad.. real bad, it sounds remarkably like bad music to me. However inline with my duty to bag, abuse and trash bad music for the sake of goodness i'll leave the judgement to 'the fine lord himself' eh PiZZa. Thumbs very much down for this piece...

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Title: Ab ovo
Filename: jkr_abovo.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This song is almost has a good chip tune sound, but then there's one sound in the song that just ruins the whole thing!!! i don't know how to exactly describe it, but it really really sucks! and it's enough to drive you insane by the end of the song... if it weren't for that one noise, it would have scored a 8 or maybe even a 9! but, no. that chance got killed... anyway, the ending is pretty poor as well because there are too many channels playing the same sample at the same time so that it just becomes static and bad feedback pretty much. not all that great of a tune.

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Title: ParentheticalThought
Filename: pthought.xm
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 10 / 10
What a nice symbolic piece, this song is very well composed and has a lot of depth to it (metaphorically), early in the piece it has a modem connecting to the net, followed up by the main part of the song seemingly signifying how the internet is one of the most important things around, that while music is a powerful medium so is the internet, later on in the song you can hear the same modem redialing and after woulds a manically laugh (perhaps signifying the gremlins of the technological world?). Of course i am probably massively wrong and dribbling sh*t but seriously this piece of music is worth the 2.66 megabytes it took to DL it you can't go wrong with this piece on your hard drive it is so nice. Get this piece NOW ! I highly reckomend this piece of music to everyone. It is a very lovely piece of music and has no faults that i can spot. I reckomend everyone get this music ! A.S.A.P, now even !

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Title: pe-icehawk
Filename: PUBLIC.MOD
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 1 / 10
By the listening of my ear, something shocking i do HEAR ! this piece is terrible, i don't mean terrible as in the cat dying after being run down, i mean terrible as in the cat being systematically tortured and killed. This piece fancies itself as a rap remix and features such lines as - 'Public enemy' (the creator of this song)'yo yo take this out man' (no comment) and 'wheres ya ladies head brother?' (sounds like a confession) 'hit me' (no comment) and many more silly/dumb quotes. These mixed with simple upward scales, stuttering, scratchy records and other such simple and pathetically aweful bits. I strongly urge you NOT to waste 296 kilobytes of hard drive space on this pathetic song, so badly done that even i am running out of bad things to say about it... so why did it get a positive score ? well because i am supposed to cut down on the number of zeros i give out... Oh yes and the one good point about this song... the quotes were very clear, you could hear everything being said with no problem. So there you have it... DON'T GET THIS SONG !

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Title: Psycho Spirits
Filename: psy_spir.it
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Ok this piece of music was a little bit on the ears, its long, hard to listen to and not too well done. This is basically a heap of samples glued randomly together to make a 5min and 12sec piece of music. I'm sorry to be so harsh on a newbie to the tracking scene but thats it. In the past good music was one you could merrily whistle too. But times have changed and now people value music that is an ear worm or just sticks in your head, this piece of music due to the length and randomness is annoying. especially the bit with the long droning note. This mod is painful to listen to so don't ! Sorry but thats the truth.

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Title: Powered Thoughts
Filename: pthot.s3m
Posted Mon 9th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
A beautiful piece, music is deep and gothic and features tension. Its the sort of music you'd expect to find at the beginning of a Sci-Fi horror movie. It starts off pure dark and menacing (metaphorically) and then gets into the shades of grey with fastly paced music and a lighter feel to it, right at the end it makes you feel as if it was all along a Sci-Fi piece. THis music really carries you along. (try relaxing and listening to it through head phones) I wasn't happy. Not at all... This piece was just TOO short, i mean such a beautiful piece should carry you with it for longer (as it is it only goes for 2:21mins) but aside from that it was indeed a 337kb mod file well worth getting... get it now !

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Title: jbird.xm
Filename: jbird.xm
Posted Sun 8th Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
this one isn't that bad. it's got an interesting sound to it. one that i can't quite classify, but i think it's a little along the lines of ambient. use your own judgement on that if you listen to this one. anyway, it's a pretty well thought out song. it has a nice melody to it. it's a very relaxing piece with the flute and the bongos sort of in the background and all. there's some good vibrato effects done in this one to make them flute sound better(thanks to seeing all of these mods, i've finally been able to understand that value and effect of vibrato.), and the panning is done fairly well too. it's a pretty decent song overall

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Title: Piece at last.
Filename: ni-piece.xm
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The rating excellent best describes this song. Throughout this song is an upbeat and relaxing melody that sounds like the kind of work produced by Awesome. This song would have been better if it had lasted another minute or two but it is still great. This song uses professional quality samples within an excellent arrangement to produce a technically great ambient style song. The ending of the track was a bit sudden and could have been improved but does not do much to diminish the quality of this track. Overall this song is the work of a professional tracker.

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Title: The New World (dev)
Filename: newworld.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 2 / 10
This song is full of repetitions using scratchy annoying samples. The melody in this song was far from good. Overall this song sounds bad. The overuse of repetitions was a great mistake by this tracker. Low quality samples which sound scratchy ruin an already badly tracked melody. Overall this song is technically lacking throughout.

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Title: Dawn of a new era
Filename: newera.xm
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This song does have a progressive melody throughout but it is not inspiring. The transition from ambient to techno in this song was very poorly done. Overall this song just lacks the effect of a good song. Though this tracker tried to use some complex elements of music theory they all failed to work. The transition between the ambient and techno styles of this song was poorly done. Many of the samples seem scratchy and the rest are just reasonable. Overall this song was lacking in too many technical ways to deserve more than a novice rating.

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Title: Nevergreen
Filename: never.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This song uses a very relaxing ambient melody throughout but did not interest me too much. This song lacked the inspiring moments of a very good song and simply continues with much the same calm effect until it ends somewhat abruptly. Overall the melody is good but this song lacks everything one expects from a great song. The tracker who made this song used reasonable quality samples to form a simple ambient style melody. The song also lacked complex professional experiments in music theory an indicator of a professional tracker. Overall this song is technically the product of an amateur tracker.

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Title: bless thy speakers
Filename: neu-blss.xm
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a nice breakbeat song! This song uses a nice ambient melody and a non-repetitive breakbeat. All around this is one of the better breakbeats. This tracker used good and even a few great samples in this song. The melody and non-repeating breakbeat compliment one another in this track. Some small improvements could be done to this piece too make it professional such as a more progressive introduction. Overall this is a semi-professional track and is unusually good for a breakbeat style song.

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Title: Mission X
Filename: ds_mx.xm
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I didn't like this song too much when I first heard it, because it it seemed a little tedious but it Really grew on me after I listened to it a few times. I really liked the 'feel'. Nice Melody also.The main complaint I have is that it seems a little long. I think the song would be improved by either being shortened slightly so that the musical ideas don't become tired or by adding a little more melodic variety. Even so, I think it is a well-done song. I like the samples used in the song. The instrumentation was generally chosen well. I also really liked the pitch bends. They added a LOT to this piece. However, I wish the drum on the secondary beats was slightly quieter, since it is constantly sounding and gets slightly annoying.

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Title: Twilight Paradox
Filename: neo-paradox.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This is a very short song about one minute long which uses reasonable samples to create a very weird type of song. The song used its metal influences and its experimental quality of combining metal and dark ambient style vocals together to create a slightly dark melody. The songs short length eliminated any chance of making this song catchy or develop in any other ways its listeners may have hoped it would have. The combining of styles in this song was really a challenge well achieved but undeveloped by this artist because of its short length. The samples were reasonable but not great. Overall the song short length precluded any chance for a technically complex song.

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Title: Neo Purity
Filename: neo-p.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This song has a great series of short piano melodies but also has an awful synth/breakbeat pattern throughout. The piano melodies were the best portions of this song and unfortunately they play while a terrible sounding synth/breakbeat rambles throughout this track. Overall the synth/breakbeats ruined this song. The piano melodies were tracked with semi-professional skills and used excellent samples. What greatly hurt this songs technical rating however is this artists use of low quality synth and breakbeat style samples which were greatly overused in annoying repetitions. Overall this song does not show good tracking skills.

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Title: Vibration On Earth
Filename: nen-vibr.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song is much like Necronomicon's other song Endless Enjoyment except that in this one you can here the melody. This song unfortunately like Endless Enjoyment uses far too many similar patterns in its tracking and looses its ability to inspire its listeners. Overall this song does have a nice breakbeat but lacks qualities that mark a very good song. This song used reasonable but not outstanding samples and avoided the use of complex tracking skills. This song though a technical improvement on Endless Enjoyment still could have used at least some tracking skills beyond those of an amateur to the scene. Overall a reasonable but not outstanding track.

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Title: Endless Enjoyment
Filename: nen-ende.it
Posted Fri 6th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This is a long, upbeat and slowly progressing song. Despite the use of a great bass sample in this song I feel that it has to great a use of a very repetitive breakbeat pattern which often overshadows the melody. Overall I just cannot get into this song as it currently is tracked. This song would have received a higher technical rating had the breakbeat pattern been quieter than the melody and changed over time considering the 12m33s that this song lasts. The samples were fine but often hard to hear because of the load breakbeat patterns in this song. Overall this song just lacked any professional effect.

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Title: Pulse
Filename: jg_pulse.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song was really good!! the melody of the song was well thought out(it's even got a decent sounding solo!), and the drumset is really good too! I haven't heard to many metal songs done with trackers, but most of the ones i have ended up sucking. not in this case though! very well done! it's a shame that the artist didn't put their name on this one... The effects in here may not be many, but that's ok. There are a lot of vibrato effects used on the guitar to make it sound a lot more realistic. The samples are all pretty clean as well, which really is a big help towards realism. the ending could have needed a little more work though. if you like metal, or even just instrumental songs, give this one a listen!
