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Title: Jeremys Theme
Filename: jeremy_theme.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song is a very happy dance song. not that bad, but kind of repetitive. but then again, most dance type songs get to be a little repetitive. NOT SAYING ANYTHING BAD HERE!!! But overall, it's a nice little tune. it's got a good beat, and the piano definitely gives it a peppy sound to it as well. Nicely panned out for a good 3D sound. most of the samples sound pretty good, except for the few times that the voice samples are used. they're not of the best quality. the intro needs a little work to it. the opening voice cuts out a bit too soon. other than that, good job!

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Title: *Natu: PiggieBASS*
Filename: natu-pib.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 2 / 10
This song uses a repetitious melody and background bass beat without any discernible progression. This song does not show me as a reviewer anything but novice tracking skills. Overall I do not recommend this song for downloading. The samples could have been better chosen but are fine. The lack of a progressive melody makes this song go on and on without any purpose. This song was poorly tracked throughout by not demonstrating any non-novice level tracking skills.

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Title: Natu: Piano/Anemia
Filename: natu-pia.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This song has a nice piano solo but nothing else. The piano melody sounds great but the melody does not seem to progress. Without a doubt this is a nice song if all you want is a piano solo however if you want supporting instruments, a progressive melody and something to inspire you this is not the song you want. Despite this trackers good choice of title and the songs good piano solo this song mostly lacked the technical skills expected in a professional or semi-professional song. The solo was repetitious and stood alone without the support of other instruments. The samples chosen were great however.

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Title: Integration
Filename: n55-end.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This song gets a low rating from me because of a scratchy sample throughout that is extremely distracting and ruins this song. The song other than the scratchy sample mentioned a moment ago is very good. Unfortunately upon considering that this song is only 2m and 57s long it is too short to create a great relaxing ambient style song. Overall I cannot recommend this song for downloading as it is now. This song lost a great deal of its technical rating do to a poor sample selection as mentioned earlier. Additionally its length which is slightly too short for an ambient style song was a mistake that needs to be corrected. A remix of this song is strongly recommended to its trackers because I feel this song with some reworking has a strong potential for a much higher score.

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Title: Fool's Dance
Filename: nbz-fdnc.xm
Posted Wed 4th Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is an interesting ambient tune because of its primary use of bass and piano together. This song begins on a strong beat that transforms into a piano melody that defines this song. The beat in this song was merely repeating throughout which hurts my opinion of this song somewhat. The melody is nice but not great in my opinion. This tracker has demonstrated the use of repetition, a skill for combining the musical forms of bass and classical and an ability to generate a melody that progresses. This tracks samples are mostly clean sounding and some are truly excellent selections for their professional sound.

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Title: Navy SEALS
Filename: navyseal.it
Posted Tue 3rd Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is a disappointing song as it lacks a melody and is almost totally repetitious. The music in this track has no apparent relationship to the Navy Seals of the United States. This song as tracked does not deserve to be downloaded. Technically this song is little more than a simple repetitious synthetic beat roll. Though the samples are fine they seem to be tracked without producing any melody or other music theory based elements common in music of this length. All things considered this song is at the technical level of a novice.

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Title: Natu: untitled
Filename: natu-unt.xm
Posted Tue 3rd Oct 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This song is a basic drum and bass song without a real title. This song is lacking in musical enjoyment and used further used a very annoying vocal sample which did not add to the songs already low musical rating. This song is not recommended for download. This song merely produces a basic drum and bass style pattern without any progression. The vocal sample as used was a technical error as it lacked any known purpose to this reviewer. Not a bad song for a novice but far from a technically proficient song for this style.

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Title: not an illusion
Filename: nuke-pom.xm
Posted Tue 3rd Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
The Nuke has proven that he is an accomplished tracker with this song. The song progresses from mellow to upbeat with a great melody and a diversity of styles. This is a good song overall but suffers from an annoying clarinet sample which hurt the songs value in my opinion. If this artist would remix this song with a better slightly quieter clarinet sample I would greatly increase my musical rating. Professional This artist picked great samples for this song. The melody produced a relaxing and upbeat progression which sounds quite peaceful which is the stated goal of this song. The only complaint I have is minor and that is that the clarinet seemed a bit to loud compared to the rest of the song.

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Title: Midnight Misery
Filename: i_e_o_-_midnight_misery.xm
Posted Mon 2nd Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Well, the title of this song definitely fooled me. i was expecting it to be something probably of a dark techno, but this is actually a little happy dance song. it's got a nice beat to it. I like the sound of the piano mixed with the high strings as well. it gives this piece a very full sound. There's not too many effects in here. mostly volume slides, but there's a lot to the panning that you can really hear, which make it sound a lot nicer than if there weren't. it's got a more 3-D sound to it. The samples in here are nicely done as well.

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Title: Dj Vieze Beer / Mc Slet
Filename: intro000.it
Posted Mon 2nd Oct 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is an interesting little mod. It's not very long, but then again, it's only an intro. The voices in it here give the song a sort of funny sound as one of the samples groans out "beer!" it's got a nice beat to go with it all too There's some good play with panning here, and the samples sounds nicely done as well. I think the best part of this song is the last two patterns. the organ sounding sample that comes in gives it a really nice sound.

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Title: ingenting.xm
Filename: ingenting.xm
Posted Sun 1st Oct 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song's alright. It's got a pretty good beat, and the melody blends nicely with it. Although the song, even in the 2 minutes(appx.) that it plays, it already seems to start becoming a little repetitive. There's not really anything special in this song. the samples sound ok, but when they're used in the song, there's too much at the same time, and they start to get distorted in ways that they weren't supposed to be.

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Title: NightShadows
Filename: nightsh.xm
Posted Sun 1st Oct 2000
Rated 8 / 10
I liked the synthetic samples in this song. Unfortunately for this track is the melody which I believe is not up to the potential this song could and should have had. Still this track is an interesting demostyle to hear. All the samples are good but at times arranged in too repetitious a pattern. The order in which the samples are introduced is great. Slight modifications in the post introduction portion of this MOD could greatly enhance its technical score by introducing a greater diversity of samples and techniques into the melody.

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Title: Zeizo
Filename: zeizo.xm
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 1 / 10
When i first heard this song, i thought it would be a strict accoustic piano-tune created by reading notes or so, but i was wrong. It starts off with the piano, and continues with strings and chords, and a cymball at almost every single pattern. There are no volume balance what-so-ever on the samples, so all the sounds merges together in quite a noisy way. The song continues with a weird beat, and some 'techno' sounds, making it sound even more discordant. It is obvious that the composer haven't tracked too many tunes before. The whole piece would have sounded so much better if there were more balance and use of effects such as volume-setting and volume-sliding.

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Title: Faraway Love2
Filename: ii.xm
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This song is pretty nice. it flows quite well all the way through, and has a very full sound to it. The piano sounds very nice as well The person definitely put some time into this one. Good job! The only thing there really is in here for effects is the panning envelopes. there's a little play with the global volume at the end to fade it out, but that's about it. anyway, i really like the sound that the piano produces when it fades out into the violin sound. the one thing i didn't like is how the piano and the beat of the sound are completely separated panning-wise. other than that, nicely done

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Title: RAP Various by MAXIM
Filename: ice_mc.mod
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This song is pretty constant throughout. It's about 4 minutes of the same constant, and just turns into background noise even when i tried to listen. Not that great of a song... The drum set in here plays basically the exact same beat the entire time of the song, with the exception of a couple of open hi-hat hits instead of closed. the bass also plays constantly so that all the notes pretty much just blend together and just fade to the background. the samples aren't that too great of quality either.

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Title: I can fly!
Filename: icanfly.xm
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song reminds me of the music you hear in the background for a motivational speaker or some motivational tape... it's kinda scary how close it resembles that. but i guess from that view, it's a pretty decent song. i didn't like it too much though. In the technical portion, this song was written pretty well. lots of play on the speed of the song and pitch slides. the pitch slides got kind of annoying towards the end though. i don't like the ending either cuz it also has a pitch slide down at the end which doesn't sound all that great. it reminds me of a record player being unplugged while the record's still playing.

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Title: I Am Peace
Filename: iampeace.it
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This is a very nice piece! it's got a real nice melody to it. just like the artist says, it sounds a lot like Aphex Twin's "On." No, it's not a rip, but the idea behind this song is heavy based around it. good job though! i like the effects in here! the whole song flows together very nicely! i like the sound of the base. the best way to describe it is that it sounds like it's ripping the air as it hits. the bells that make up the main melody are also very very nice.

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Title: Looking at the Moon
Filename: nobu_moon.it
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 8 / 10
A nice ambient song with a great melody and total musical effect. The samples are essential synthetic and work well with one another in the song. A few to many repetitions and shorter than I would have liked at 3m 14s for me to upgrade this songs musical rating. Technically a good tracking of an ambient style song but a bit lacking in progression in my opinion. The samples are great for an ambient style song and clean but a bit loud. With a few changes this could earn a 10.

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Title: Zap!
Filename: nn-zap.it
Posted Fri 29th Sep 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very calm song in sharp contrast to what I expected as a result of the title of this song. This song provides a simple ambient melody and beat. There is nothing of mention wrong with it considering its style except for its title and short length of 2m and 53s which is too short for an ambient song in my opinion. All the samples are clean and well placed. This song uses few musical techniques but that is not too uncommon for ambient songs. Two clear oversights were the name and the length of this song.

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Title: nowhere to hide
Filename: nohide11.xm
Posted Thu 28th Sep 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This song is far too simple as it uses very few samples at any given time producing a very dull musical effect. The ending of this song also used a vocal sample that did nothing for the quality of this song. Overall I just cannot recommend this as a MOD to download. Technically this song uses average quality 8-bit samples. This song also used very few techniques of which all seemed minor in effect. The vocal at the end of this song seemed to be without purpose.

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Title: No Compromise
Filename: nocomp.mtm
Posted Thu 28th Sep 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song is a basic industrial/breakbeat song. It lost some value in its rating because of its very repetitious nature in place of a clear progression which would have been preferable. A few of the samples in this song are not very good but the others are all right. This is a basic song for its styles and nothing more. It lacked a progressive melody and used several poor choices for samples. Overall this song was not technically up to par with a semi-professional level of tracking.

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Title: The Skies of the Future
Filename: nobu_skies.it
Posted Thu 28th Sep 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This song gets a lower rating from me because of how the loud and obnoxious it sounds. The artists claims that it is a dance tune but it fails to come across that to me and instead sounds like a synthetic style demonstrator or some such. I just did not like this song throughout. The artist shows that he understands how to pick clean samples and create a simple melody. Unfortunately this song does not demonstrate the trackers skill to pick samples that are not screaming loud. Additionally this song did not meet its artists statement of being a dance song in my opinion. Overall this song needs a remix before I would download it.

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Title: in the mix #TOPZ
Filename: in_the_mix.it
Posted Thu 28th Sep 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I like this song a lot!! it starts out with a sample that sounds like a soft acid buzzer, which quickly gives you a relaxed feeling, and then takes you into the calm beat of the song. very well done!! Lots of play with timing on samples, but not too much on panning. if the panning of this song was played with a little more, i would have given it a 10! but it was mostly all centralized instead. on the other side, very nice intro and very nice ending as well. the samples all sound really good. Get this song!

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Title: Sad But True
Filename: mt-sadbt.it
Posted Thu 28th Sep 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This tune is a remix of a Metallica Song. It doesn't really have that Metallica feel, though, as the song seems to drags a bit too much to produce a good metal quality. Perhaps if the artist would of included a bass line it would make it a bit more metal sounding also. Still, if you are a Metallica fan perhaps this song is a good download. The samples push there range too far, and the guitar looses that "guitar sound." Another thing I found is that several of the snare bridges consist of a (in 4/4) triplet quarter note pattern. This causes the whole song to lag. Perhaps if the artist used an 8th note triplet pattern instead it would have kept things even. That, on the other hand, might call for some heavy duty song changes to make it fit in right.

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Title: Not so bad
Filename: notsobad.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I really enjoy hearing bells in MOD music! The samples in the song are very good and well used. This songs only serious weakness is its short length of 2m and 29s which is a bit too short in my perspective but it still manages to produce a nice short catchy melody. This song is still good after several repeated listens. This song is quite loud but well tracked. All nine 8-bit samples sound nice and are placed to maximize their impact on the listener. This is a good demonstrator of what can be accomplished with just a few samples and with a mere 234kb.

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Title: nothing to hear here..
Filename: nothingh.it
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This song is almost entirely a repetitive drum beat. A on again off again melody does appear throughout the song which is all right but nothing exciting to this reviewer. Overall this is just not a good song to listen too. This artist has demonstrated with this song his ability to create a simple repetitive drum beat and simple melody. The beginning of this song used a period of near silence which was technically without any perceived purpose on my part. Technically this song when considered in its entirety is lacking to at least a small extent in the variety of effects needed for a good song.

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Title: Frozen tears
Filename: nz_froz.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song sounds great and has a strong melody throughout. This is a nice upbeat song. Everything considered it sounds good. This songs samples are all clean. The melody though simple is enjoyable to hear. This also has enough transitions and well organized sample use to keep its listeners interested throughout.

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Title: The outbreak
Filename: nz_outbr.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This song lacks a strong melody. Some samples are furthermore overused to such an extent that I found them annoying. All things considered I am unimpressed with the effect this music produced. This artist does make some minor transitions in samples with with less skill than those at a semi-professional level of tracking. The songs overuse of some samples outside those used in the melody showed an additional lack of tracking skill. On a positive note all of the samples are free of static. Also deserving mention is the issue that this song even with repeated listening lacks the diversity of a technically well organized song.

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Title: FeaR FaCToRY
Filename: fearfact.s3m
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 4 / 10
A nice tune with some really cool psychedelic strings and distorted guitars... The song has a nice flow and does not get boring. I like it becouse im a bit of a freak and it reminds me of some horrormovies iv seen! The samples are a bit low in quality but fits the picture good and there is really nothing to complain about.. i dont know what to write... but what a heck.. its a nice tune! download it if you like phycadelic metal!

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Title: Protect your mind BM 2000
Filename: iamcelt.it
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 5 / 10
The opening vocal sample sounds really good. i like how clear the voice is and all. on the other hand, the rest of this song is basically made to just have a pounding thump go through it, seeing as how the bass kick takes up three channels itself... There's some play with envelopes here and volumes and a lot of 'S' effects for timing delays. these would probably sound better if the song had a little more care put into it. at one point, the song slows down in order to play the vocal samp in only a few lines, but the hi-hat(which runs as a constant throughout the rest of the pattern) goes as well, and hits twice in the span of about 7 or 8 seconds. maybe it was left there on purpose, but it's REALLY out of place, and it just sort of turned me off to the rest of it.

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Title: I'm nothing...
Filename: imnothing.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song has a real clear and simple sound to it. the opening breakbeat that goes with this mod gives it a real nice and hollow sound instead of anything with real bass. definitely a nice beat to just relax to. this one makes a good background song. There's not much to the song in either music or tech. it's got little play with volume, but that's it for effects. the ending to the song didn't sound that well done. but the rest is nice and flows pretty well.

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Title: Beautiful nature
Filename: nature.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song was meant to show the beauty of nature through sound as suggested by its title and which it did without a doubt. A great upbeat melody lasts throughout the song. This song is par excellence! Professional This song has great clear sounding samples despite uses almost all 8-bit samples. The two styles that this track was made work great with each other. No frustrating errors in this MOD.

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Title: Just Dance
Filename: nbz-jdnc.xm
Posted Wed 27th Sep 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This song provides a great energetic dance beat to listen too. The melody of the song never grows old thanks to its catchy form and great transitions between the samples which make it up. This is a great example of a song which masters the popular dance style. This songs use of high quality clear samples and its effective length of three minutes and nineteen seconds allowed this song to develope a well organized melody free of distinquishing errors. Furthermore the beat and the melody in this song complemented each another. This song shows me that NeoBlaze has a great deal of professional skill in his ability to track.

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Title: Moving Along
Filename: aw_along.mod
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 3 / 10
There's a reasonable song in here struggling to get out. The intro is not very inspiring, with a rolling slap-bass sequence stepping out by itself. Before it dies of stage-fright, gated-sounded percussion strikes up and is shortly joined by some rather harsh chords and a very nice sounding marimba. A strident bell plays out an unmemorable melody and the piece continues in the same vein for another couple of minutes. The highlight of this piece is the marimba which sounds great, and a melodic break a couple of minutes into it. The percussive elements produce a listenable piece, but the lead and chord instruments ruin the party. Sample quality and moreover looping here is not very good. Using ModPlug it sounded like a dog's breakfast, with MikIT making it sound a little better. One synth string sample in particular seems very badly looped and this is very noticeable at one point near the end of the piece. A prominent bell sample also suffers from 8-bit artefacts, and the levels are set to the "harsh" end of the scale. Only occasionally does everything come together for brief moments of pleasurable listening.

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Title: "Canon"Pachelbel/AWS
Filename: aw_canon.xm
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Awesome's interpretation of "Canon of the Three Stars" comes across like a Pet Shop Boys track. In fact, it sounds remarkably similar to "Go West" without the vocals! As an interpretation of the Pachelbel original, I think I prefer the original, but as a piece of music this stands up very well - a pop version of a somewhat over-used classical tune. The introduction is not the most effective in the world, but once the rhythm starts the effect is a good one. The ending sounded rather contrived, however. This piece felt a little "crowded", with some instruments not being given enough space to breath. Excessive panning on the main "Canon" melody didn't help, jumping from left to right to left speakers in time with the rhythm which was distracting. This created a somewhat muddy feel in places, which resulted in the later piano parts getting a little bit lost. The percussion also sounded muted.

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Title: "Into the Caveworld"
Filename: aws_cave.xm
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Atmospheric - that's the word to sum up this piece. Short would be another word, because it only lasts for two minutes, which is a shame because it should have been 5 times as long. Still, what's there is excellent. Soft log drums and voices start the piece off, with an ethnic flute playing an atmospheric melody soon introduced. A more traditional rhythm and synthbass picks up after 40 seconds and helps drive the piece into a very relaxing and laid-back territory, with strings and flute creating a soothing backdrop. Unfortunately it all ends far too soon - the piece was originally composed for a multimedia CD - but it's a pity Awesome didn't extend it. Not much to complain about here. The piece sounds professional from start to finish (though the finish is a little abrupt), with a nice introduction and logical progression between sections. The sample quality is generally excellent throughout, though some of the atmospheric instruments suffer from being 8-bit. Panning and effects are used effectively.

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Title: Under The Weather
Filename: aw_uwthr.it
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 6 / 10
The artists tells us this tune is inspired by Depeche Mode, and the influence is evident from the opening bars: a minimal, base sequence is soon joined by an electropop drum track before opening up into an effective rhythm. However the track then starts to drift with the introduction of a wandering choir melody that doesn't seem to gel, and some underlying strings which don't help the proceedings. After nearly two minutes, suddenly the track finds itself and the melody and bassline really start to produce results - imagine some vocals and you could be listening to some early DM music for certain. I felt the whole piece could have been a lot tighter though, but still worth a listen if you enjoy synth pop. Decently sampled instruments here, although they do sound a bit thin at times (e.g the choral sample) though I feel this is more due to the composition rather than the samples. Some limited stereo effects but otherwise the piece sounds rather plain. The intro is fairly effective once the percussion starts, but the ending is rather weak with simply a few notes of the bass used to tie things up abruptly.

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Title: " Inside a Dream "
Filename: aws_iad8.xm
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I wouldn't mind having a dream with this kind of backing music. From the very start with piano notes ricocheting around you, you know this is going to be a quality song. Rhythm is fairly standard stuff, but it works well in the context of the music with a full kick and excellent percussive effects. Airy chords lend the whole piece a certain grandeur and spatiousness, and the whole thing is brought together with a memorable melody. The rhythm takes over nearly 3 minutes into the piece by which time your foot is well and truly tapping, before the piano melody is reintroduced to end the piece. Excellent stuff. This is easily one of the best sounding mods I've ever heard. Excellent use of stereo and reverb to create a wonderfully "full" sound which fills the entire stereo field with its instruments and numerous subtle effects. Honestly, with a little greater fidelity to some of the 8-bit samples, this wouldn't sound out of place on a commercial CD.

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Title: NO ENTRANCE ! ! !
Filename: nentry.xm
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This is not a bad first release for a musical group. This songs trackers did not however rise to the skill level of an experienced MOD tracker in that this song makes the listener focus on the repition rather than on the melody. The sum result of the repition is that it diminishes the effect of its otherwise well picked samples. Here as in the musical rating the repetitious nature of this song greatly diminished the purpose of this song. On the positive side the sample quality was fine. Additionally some of this song's samples were well placed within the song.

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Title: Weekend
Filename: n-week.xm
Posted Tue 26th Sep 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is a song which wastes no time getting started and conveys a great upbeat feeling. Unfortunatly this tune does not last more than a mere one minute and forty-nine seconds and that is simply to short to get into this music satisfactorally for me. Despite the duration oversight this song is truly worth a listen for those who need an upbeat song. This song has managed to successfully use repetitious patterns and use minor melody changes. Additionally Neo has managed to use clean samples thanks to his quality sample choices. All in all this is one of the better arranged MODs I have heard.
