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Title: bagpipe
Filename: bagpipe.mod
Posted Sun 13th Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
doesnt sound like a bagpipe... a remake of you know what bagpipe tune =) and some other stuff... pretty well made. not much to say... fun idea bad sample good tracked

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Title: Back To The Reality
Filename: back2r.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 8 / 10
sounds like Purple motion. Very good melodies and a great bassline. And in the middle of the song the star wars theme pops up really great. Great job. one of the better mods I have heard. good sampels (for a mod) and well tracked. I guess this one is worth high points. DOWNLOAD!

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Title: backpopped
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 7 / 10
another old mod with well made melodies but no author. download if you like old mods. cool with this nija huh popping in sometimes. pretty good samps for a mod this old ( I guess) small and nice, well made. worth a download

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Title: mod.bach
Filename: bach.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 5 / 10
heh... someone have tried to make bach and its not a totall flopp... Sometimes reallly cool. I think its maybe worth a download but I dont know much about bach. its an old mod so what can you expect? small and bad sample quality but pretty well made though

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Title: Baby
Filename: baby2.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 1 / 10
please spare MA from shit like this ! this must be far beoynd someones first mod... dont download just someone that have played around with some voice sampels or something...

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Title: --B-a-b-A--2--
Filename: baba2.stm
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
pretty good old mod (seems like someone has uploaded a lot of old mods recently I think remember ghidorah told me something like that a while ago) well well... I think this sounds good... but please stop brainwash me ... short it up a bit. like all the other old mods this one has bad sample quality but otherwise its really great and small too.

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Title: ba1-rsi
Filename: ba1-rsi.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
old demo tune... doesnt say who made it but someone in RSI. cool melodies, a little bit horror movie about it. very old I guess. recomended download. heh... old and bad quality on the samps... But I guess thats ok for a mod this old. pretty small too. recomended download.

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Title: Blue 2000
Filename: b2000.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This was trash... bad made bad tuned bad tracked bad sampled american rave. pretty cool voice samps though. But I dont like it. nope... this is crap. "coded by retro" it says... fun =)

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Title: paradox1
Filename: b.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
sounds very old... no credits in it... same sampels as the demo ones for TCB tracker. extra points because its so old. cool melodies. if you like old mods by ppl like Skaven and Purple motion download this one. low quality but pretty well tracked. small and nice. If you are nostalgic download it.

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Title: b&h music age
Filename: b-a-hmuz.mod
Posted Sat 12th Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
strange jazz tune that begins really bad... but after a while the melodies gets better... Sounds a little bit like one of the themes (dont remember wich one) in Super R-type for Nintendo 16 bit. pretty well tracked but very low quality sampels... Ok its 6 years old... very small (70 kb) but not worth downloading anyway ... sorry

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Title: dark angels rage
Filename: darkangl.mod
Posted Mon 7th Aug 2000
Rated 7 / 10
nice fast paced beat throughout the whole song, with great support from the lyrical samples. the artist posesses a fine grasp of using feints and fading; making the song seem to end, then blast back into full swing. very nice. sounds great. all of the samples are of exellent quality, and really support the song. the instrument choices are good, plus i love the way this song makes my ocilloscope go crazy.

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Title: Overn Deep- Norg )2
Filename: n-overn.xm
Posted Thu 3rd Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
I think this song is kinda cool, a bit repetive; but the music is neet. it's kinda wired hearing all of the sounds from Lords Of the Realm II. The music is kinda missing an UMPH to it. I must say though this song will probally be on my rollerblading minidisk. The music is VERY catchy. But hardly origional. The techno is good, the uesage of instruments from aquarium, and the amazing compatability with some guy saying honor and glory, with the occasional MOO is quite astounding. It's just amazing how seemless this song is.

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Filename: k-battle.xm
Posted Mon 31st Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Here comes Cenk. He says, "I like composing film-soundtrack like songs because they are my favorite (action or drama)..." OK, I can dig. Here's a very well-named little number. Imagine a knight in battle and this type of song comes right to mind. Used in the right setting (i.e. a movie) this song would fit pretty well. It's not the greatest to just sit and listen to, though. Background for the final jousting deathmatch or something, yeah, definitely. Gets just a bit monotonous, but not too bad. And the drum beat is perfectly fitting. Pretty good stuff. Now here's where Cenk really shines. He hasn't done anything extremely tricky here, but it's all flawless. The samples are only 8-bit mostly, but they work very well. 32 instruments with some envelopes that I couldn't really hear. The introduction fits great for the style, the conclusion is long enough but not stretched. Great execution of an OK idea. Better than I'll be doing for a long time to come, I know that. Good job, Cenk.

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Title: March into Hell
Filename: mg_march.xm
Posted Thu 27th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
...you are standing on the edge of a glowing red staircase that is scorced all the way along it it leads straight into the earth... woah as you decend the stair case, drums rolling suddenly who makes an appearance as you march to hell... THE BEACH BOYS !!! Man i knew they were baddddd but really. Ok seriously this music is rock with a beat you can hear at all times until the happy beachy stile music kicks in and you get thinking... i though this was a march to hell not a beach picnic with surfin' all round! Apart from the out of place beach boys style music this piece rocked, heavyish rock with a cool drum beat and no looping or off sounding parts ! This piece was good.

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Title: Robin Hood or Sherwood
Filename: robinst.it
Posted Thu 27th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Based on the old legend Robin Hood, this piece is 8 piece, forwarding looping piece with that feature being MORE than noticable by the repeated words... over and over again. Namely Maid Marions and a lil' kids line of 'Did he eva kiss ya' 'several years ago before i went for london' ROBIN only got one speaking part !!! CRIME !!! BRing back Robin with a few more cool quotes ! Anyway the music is nice and all basiclly being flute and synth piano... I don't know why i like this piece it just sorta clicks... I still Robin should have a bigger part, oh an it lost a mark for that dopey kid (of the human variety). This piece lost marks because of a few things - 1) The Kids incessent question, 2) The lack of Robin quotes 3)and the looping.... give this piece more robin and less looping and ya'll get a 10...

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Title: Natu: LuomisenTuskaa
Filename: natu-luo.mod
Posted Mon 24th Jul 2000
Rated 1 / 10
Ok. Sorry ! My doc told me to be nice, but i've had a relapse due to auditory corruption by pathetic music ! What is the world coming to when joe 6 pack can get a tracker and start fiddling with it while totally intoxicated ! Honostly this piece sounds like; a guy has captured a puffin and captured its mating calls on PC, mixed it with beeping, a slow beat repeated it over and over again ! To make matters worse just about all this artists music is alike or similar in someway, the beeping in his songs would make a yuppies' pager jelous ! Sorry i think mod archive could do a lot better than this artist who quite frankly has the talant of a frog in a blender ! (Close relation to 'frog inna sock' which smells real bad; JUST LIKE THIS ARTIST's WORKS ! ALSO THE FROG IN THE BLENDER WAS PROBABLY QUITED TALANTED DURING ITS LIFE SO THIS ARTIST HAS EVEN LESS TALANT THAN A FROG IN A BLENDER !) Other classly garbagy songs include: natu-pme.xm (A song which goes for 28secs and has more beeps per second than a yuppies pager during a press private conversation)and as for natu-psw.xm which is a religious rap/techno song... They all sound similiar, in the fact they go no-where faster than the spd of light and irritate you at twice that spd ! Get these songs ONLY if you are a die hard fan of pagers beeping and or religious rap, get these songs at your own risk !

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Title: psycho desert
Filename: psychode-v2.xm
Posted Mon 24th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Lasting a beautiful 7:23mins, and rocking its way into your mind is Psycho Desert. Man if this song was a desert it'd be the kind of desert with an oasis every few kilometres and ice cream vendor between the oasises... and somewhere there'd be a hotel called Paradise... thats basically this song in a nutshell perfect in everyway. it doesn't loop, the music quality is perfect. There is barely a bad point in the piece... however my doctor told me to go easy on the 10s so under his advice i give this brilliant piece of music a 9.999. However there is no such score so 9.5 will have to do...

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Title: Psicsold (eE) 5:20
Filename: psicsold.xm
Posted Sun 23rd Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Psicsold is an epic song with a medium speed setting and nice backing music. It moves along beautifully with the odd climax bit and then back to its normal pace it uses a lot of swapping from left to right speaker which relly gets you involved mentally with the music. I don't know if the panning from speaker to speaker was on purpose or not but it is definately brilliant. the song sucks you into it and immerses you in it nice music (I am pretty sure i wasn't taking any illicit substances at the time). Down load this music soon !

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Title: rugged land of...
Filename: natu-rlo.xm
Posted Sun 23rd Jul 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Ok... deep breath a say mantra 'i WILL be nice to 'original' mod writers' Ok, this piece starts off with what SOUNDS like 2 pieces of wood banged together before a guy going crazy with a few pieces of wood and then more wood and more banging and more wood and.... a hideous fluttering techno overture which sounds WELL out of place... wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, TECHNO, wood, wood, TECHNO ! good, good, good, good, good, Aweful, good, good, good, SHOCKING ! This this piece in a woodshell.. its good except for the techno bits... Also (i believe) that this is an attempt to simulate aboriginal music as a mod... and that is why i wasn't very nice to our friend... the artist. But then again i also believe in Roswell and Government conspiracies...

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Title: *No name required*
Filename: natt.xm
Posted Sun 23rd Jul 2000
Rated 4 / 10

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Title: nazgul
Filename: nazgul.mod
Posted Sun 23rd Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
A nice (of the real variety) piece. The opening is sort of arabic style and is that of a gentle wind instrument (pipes, pan)? It is like an intro from a game i (well thats what it reminds me of) it really sets the feel that you are a stranger in an unknown land (tolkien? due to the name) the main body of the music is ummmm, of the spooky/aprehensive variety i believe. To me all the different parts which sound aprehensive (sort of like that damn violin in movies when something bad is about to happen) pictures like a slow funpark house of horror ride; where you know that atmosphere is spooky and you can't do anything about it but sit (calmly) instide the vehical which travels painfully slow in most cases through this... this mod is really for those of you who want to listen to quality thinking music. This music makes you think about what you would least like to happen to you in slow motion. it makes you think. Get this mod !

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Title: 8t-sumti.xm
Filename: 8t-sumti.xm
Posted Sat 22nd Jul 2000
Rated 4 / 10
I've classed this 'techno' since it's difficult to categorise this particular piece of music. It's not easy to determine whether this was composed as a background set, perhaps a game or film track; what it does do is leave one feeling a little disappointed after its 3:20 of monotony. No direction, no melody, just an almost hypnotic drum beat which grinds after a while. The samples and instruments used in this track are technically very good; it's just a shame they haven't been put to better use. Not many samples, and all 16-bit, there is no complaint as to quality and deployment - a definite plus in a sea of negativity.

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Title: '95-raver's-megamix
Filename: 95-ravers-megamix.mod
Posted Sat 22nd Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Remix of a 'fave' rave, the transition across has worked well. Considering this is a 4-track mod file, the entire thing virtually consists of long samples which carry al of the weight of the piece. No effects, none needed. For a track that was put together five years ago, it stands the test of time well - a definite must to dance to, with an impressive 10:20 minutes in length. Lots of direct samples, put together very well. Technically this track is virtually faultless, and even without the most basic of effects, still manages to sound right. The length of the track is impressive, given that it's several variations and different patterns doesnt make it sound repetitive at all.

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Title: 8t-shore.xm
Filename: 8t-shore.xm
Posted Sat 22nd Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Not sure whether there's such a thing as 'Soft Trance' but if there were I guess this would come pretty close to it. Lots of drum themes going on, and increasing in depth throughout the piece; however, also lots of repetition which tends to make it a little tedious towards the end of its 4 minute loop. Reasonable effects, with scope for improvement. Very few instruments being used here, but all 16-bit bar one - used capably, the output is pleasing and harmonious. The drum samples are extremely effective, giving at least the desired foot-tapping result with their tonal depth. Not too many effects, but none really needed; employed to good advantage.

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Title: 7th_drum.xm
Filename: 7th_drum.xm
Posted Sat 22nd Jul 2000
Rated 5 / 10
According to the comments, this track has been minimised by removing voice(s) etc... to be honest, although the main theme could be interesting, it ends up with a lot of repetition and a reasonable drum solo section in the middle. The melody, which is very much in the background, sounds reasonable although with little direction; however the track is somewhat spoilt by 3:38 of going nowhere. Technically, the instruments are very good, and well used within the context of the tune - the track itself has been put together well, and with more defined structure and purpose to it, it may well be quite pleasant. Good samples, shame about the tune...

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Title: Jason In Bloody Mood
Filename: jason.xm
Posted Fri 21st Jul 2000
Rated 2 / 10
this is just (pardon my french) bullshit. a bunch of samples aranged in order, hardly any notes involved. The arangement isn't much either, it builds up nicely enough, then it kinda stops for a while then continues in the same way again! Well, there's been no reall tracking done hear, just samples in the start of the track! the samples are ok, especially one doomish bell ring thing that get's the mood right. But the song itself has no effects really, maybe panning and stuff, but that won't get you any points here. And finally! This song is WAY to big to be worth the download! 5 mb unzipped? So take my advice! Don't download this waste of space people!

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Title: Bodies
Filename: mg_bodies.xm
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Sounds like the standard amateur-techno-song, but improved... It has rithm and variety of sounds, not like others. But it's still that kind of song. Composition is quite simple, repetitive and with no effects at all. As it is repetitive, multichanneling doesn't make background effect. Samples are a *bit* noisy. They could be improved.

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Title: Narrows!
Filename: mgs-naro.s3m
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 5 / 10
It doesn't have a predefined style, and sounds quite wacky... well, *really* weird. Sounds *very* artificial for the "jungle" (let's say) style it wants to be. *VERY* artificial. Altough it has multichanneling, and efects, it lacks better samples and better composition. Compo is *very* repetitive, and samples are quite bad selected.

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Title: Metacruise K12
Filename: metacrse.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 4 / 10
It doesn't sound well - sounds like the old first mods. It also lacks overall rithm & feeling. The rithm is too smooth for the quality of the sound. Compo isn't really bad, but this song is *VERY* old... SIX channels! Author surely worked it a lot to make it sound... but the old 6-channel tech isn't enough for today... sorry.

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Title: emit light
Filename: maim_-_emit_light.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Good techno song... if a little hard to me at start and some parts. The rest is quite soft. Sounds well for a techno song. But it's still quite repetitive. Samples are clear and well artifially made. Composition is simple and repetitive. Effects are quite often used. Overall, composition has everything a good techno song needs.

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Title: Sand Statues
Filename: mgs-sand.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This has arabian-like style, but the techno samples mix baaaaad. That makes the song weird somehow. I don't approve it. It doesn't sound good enough for putting it into a demo/game/whatever. Composition seems to be worked... multichanneling and a lot of effects. But the samples are *very* bad selected... and a bit noisy. Perhaps changing the samplesfor better ones would make the song much better.

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Title: __< M.H.D. >__ / ChX
Filename: mhd.xm
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is one of the best techno songs i've ever listened to... Starts vrey soft, and the transition to the main bosy is very good. Central part has a good rithm, and it sounds no repetitive at all. A very good example to any other techno songs. Samples are very good... clear and very well worked. Composition has also good placed effects, and a incredible multichanneling. Altough compo is a bit repetitive, the modified samples hide that... the overall effect is awesome!

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Title: 2T2M-Xmas-Song
Filename: mg_xmas.xm
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Wow... this is a real good new style... christmas rithm & feeling with modern samples... Believe me, it mixes *greatly*. Really cool. And it isn't any remix of any existent xmas song. As in other Mad God songs, modified samples carry the work. *VERY* good samples that cover a really simple composition. I got *really* amazed with this... the compo IS simple, no effects at all, and only a few sparse samples all over the song... but they are really GOOD SAMPLES!!!

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Title: I don't know why 1997 MCD
Filename: mcd-idkw.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is simply GREAT!!! I'm just thinking about a desolated broken heart... the feeling when hearing this song is incredible... :'( Damn, it's a good sad song The guitar samples are great! And I notice the fingers passing over the strings... wow. Composition is nothing special... no effects, but it is *very* good, multichanneling is quite perfect, and so on with the samples... *very* well used. So well used that effects aren't required.

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Title: Wandering i.t. woods of..
Filename: zeitn1.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Unfortunately, I've struck a mental blank at the moment and can't quite remember the Forest of Naldoreth. However, I'm not going to let that even think of detracting from the quality of the piece. This is part one of the Zeit-N trilogy, and from the quality of this I am looking forward to reviewing the other two. This trilogy is based on sad and dismal moments in the works of Tolkien. It is well worth listening to. The intro features a brilliant, confident start which is built up with an excellent reflective coating. After thirty seconds, the pace picks up but it still remains sedate and reflective. This combines the samples flawlessly into a marvellous, almost living, .it file. This excellence continues for the duration of this excellent piece, before coming to a quality outro that brings the music to a slower pace before dropping off into the rest of the playlist.

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Title: The Fall of Boromir
Filename: zeitn2.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a well-writtenpiece that excellently reflects on the death of Boromir, one of the nine in the Company of the Ring, after an attack by Orcs. It is part two of the ZEIT-N trilogy, inspired by dismal and sad moments in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic works of fantasy fiction. It is well-written and worth taking the time to carefully listen to. The intro provides an excellent start to this brilliant piece of music. Its sad and thoughtful tones set the theme for the piece, which builds up into a deeper, more reflective section after 60 seconds. It continues in this vein until the end, with its sharply cut off outro. This piece could be played at a funeral, used to relax or used to stimulate thought.

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Title: Lore (extended remix)
Filename: ac-ler.it
Posted Wed 19th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
2 minutes and three seconds of musical excelence! It's easy to see why the looped version of this excellent piece is used to complement the Unreal Tournament map DM-Lore. It immerses you deep within its flowing samples, even in the heat of UT deathmatch. This piece is a superb example of what can be done with an idea, time, and a tracker. I strongly recommend you download it... in fact, I challenge you to click on that download link right now! The intro is quiet and insubstantial - for the ten seconds before it immerses you in a flow of well-chosen samples arranged in a well-structured .it file. Twice the main flow of the piece is seamlessly dropped into a more sedate section, before picking up again. A well-written outro concludes the piece and drops you back into the mundane world we live in.

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Title: Christmas Jambori
Filename: xmasjam.mtm
Posted Sun 16th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
The song it self is ok. It has many xmas tunes and its fun to hear a couple of times. But its not the best xmas mix. But if you are a fan of xmas songs you might want to download this one. Maybe to listen once or a few more times. Well if the song had some better samples, then I think it would be much better. And sometimes it just doesnt sound in harmony. But I also want to say a good thing about this song and that is that its not a verry short song and some parts are good.

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Title: Are You Going
Filename: hoakgoin.xm
Posted Sun 16th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
As this song started I immediately got the same sinking feeling I had while listening to the two songs in the list immediately above this one. However, the longer I listened, the more I -- in spite of myself -- began to LIKE this song. It has a cheerful goofiness about it that reminded me of my youth (oh so long ago) and the weekends I spent listening to my mates' band. By the end of this song, my face was creased by the same cheesy grin I had when those guys finally got through one song without making a mistake. Hell, it even SOUNDS like that song. The choice of samples is great. What the combination gives you is the sound of your basic band: a guitarist; a bassist; a synthesiser player; and a drummer. Furthermore, the way it's all put together really makes you think you're listening to a group of young, raw musicians, who're slowly finding their feet as a band. At 4m44s it gets a little bit repetitive and could probably do with being cut down by about 60 seconds but other than that, I have no qualms about praising HOAK for this track. Unfortunately, the quality of this track makes "Green Days are Back" and "The Griff", all the more insulting and infuriating to the listener. I'm only presuming these two songs are made by the same person but since they all start with h-o-a-k, it's a reasonable presumption. If I'm wrong, I sincerely apologise -- I know I wouldn't want my name unfairly associated with those two steaming heaps of crap.

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Title: <unnamed>
Filename: tarzangoesape.mod
Posted Sun 9th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song doesn't break any new ground and you kinda get the feeling you've heard it all before BUT this song still manages to kick ass! It opens with a fast and furious bass and drum mix and continues with the fast pace for most of the song, with the occasional slowdown to let you catch your breath. It uses some nice vocal samples, including a groovy twist on the famous "this is a journey into sound" sample. This song is great and was quite a surprise considering I seem to be the first person to listen to it on the Modarchive! :) At 6m17s this one of the longer mod songs available. It is only a .mod, so has just 4 channels but it uses them quite effectively and it sounds as if there are twice the number of 17 samples used. It definitely sounded better through the Modplug Player than the Modplug Plugin but on my system it was slightly weighted toward the left channel, which was a tad annoying and lost it a couple of points..
