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Title: T2 hybo mix - Cotte
Filename: t2_cotte.xm
Posted Sun 9th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Oh what a tricky bastard! This is a remix of the Terminator 2 title music and the opening bars make you think you're about to hear the Terminator meets the Grand Ole Opry. However, just as your hand is reaching for the mouse and the stop button, the music transmogrifies into the T2 theme we know from the movie. This then transmutes into a well-paced dance track with a thumping back beat and some very nice scratching effects. A great version that gets better with each listen and which has a nice sense of humour to open the song. This track is 4m32s long and uses 24 channels, 41 samples and 36 patterns. It has a nice, full sound and makes good use of all the samples. As I said above, it has a very nice scratching effect, which is put to good use without being over-used. There is also a sample of "rolling thunder" that's subtly incorporated into the mix towards the end of the track.

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Title: Day Dream Believer
Filename: djm-dayd.it
Posted Fri 7th Jul 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This is a version of the old Monkees song, Day Dream Believer and there's no mistaking that. I like the Monkees and think they're musically underrated, so the big problem I had with this version is a blandness the original didn't have. The song is 3m30s long, with 9 channels, 12 samples and 57 patterns. The composer says not to blame them for such a lame version of the song because they lost all their good samples. Trouble is, the lack of "good samples" isn't the problem here, it's the way the song is constructed that is the problem. I'm sure DJ Mavica can do much better.

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Title: paint it black
Filename: paint_it_black.mod
Posted Fri 7th Jul 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is, of course, a version of the Stones' classic, Paint it Black. Listening to it through the modplug plugin is okay, since it is looped correctly. Listening to it through the modplug player sucks, since it isn't looped correctly and can't be looped correctly. They get the Paint it Black melody right but that's all that's right. One of the shortest mod songs around at only 30 seconds. The 7 samples are tiny and used competantly enough.

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Title: algorhythmic
Filename: algoryth.mod
Posted Fri 7th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Reading the comments to this song, one gets the impression the composer doesn't have a very high regard for this piece, which is a shame because it really is very good. It's difficult -- nay, it's nigh on impossible -- to describe this music, so you'd be best served listening for yourself. I will say it is a very complex piece, which does seem to lose it's way mid-song but quickly finds it's feet again. The ending is a bit lame though. At 7m15s this is one of the longest mod songs I've heard. Being a .mod file it only uses 4 channels and 13 samples but the use of the samples is quite extrordinary. Considering the brevity of each sample, the composer manages to utilise them into a complex song.

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Filename: alien.xm
Posted Fri 7th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is a fast and furious metal song with a nice sense of humour thanks to a vocal sample from The Simpsons. At first I wasn't sure about this song but the more I listen to it the more I like it. Well worth a listen, even if you aren't a metal fan. At 2m34s this is a relatively short song but it's just the right length and if it had been any longer it might've become boring. The samples are predominantly 8-bit, with a couple of 16-bit samples. They are well used but there's no way this could be mistaken for an mp3 because it doesn't have the free-flowing sound that "traditional" music has.

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Title: typical shave
Filename: shave.xm
Posted Fri 7th Jul 2000
Rated 10 / 10
As I write this review the "hits" counter for this track is sitting on a big fat 1. Is there no justice in this world? Apparently not but I digress ... slightly. I have no doubts that most people will think I'm crazy for giving this track such a high score but after repeated listenings I love it more and more. Mind you, I also love Laurie Anderson, Brian Eno, Pere Ubu, The Residents, Snakefinger and David Bowie's Low album. :) This is a piece of music but it is not a "song", at least, not in the traditional sense of what it is commonly called a song. It has a structue, yet it is fractured and erratic. It has a beginning, a middle and an end, yet they aren't necessarily in the right order, or even from the same piece of music. It's moody and atomospheric, with a haunting and insistent synthesiser sample playing beneath an ever-changing rhythm track. It starts off with a reasonably up-tempo beat but just as you are getting into a toe-tapping rhythm it fades out and is replaced with something untoe-tappable ... and so it goes on. Hmm, to use an old metaphor, trying to describe this piece is like trying to describe a sunset to a person born blind. You're best bet is to listen to it yourself: you'll either get it and love it, or you won't get it and hate it. If you get it, then it means you're a weirdo and if you don't get it, then it means you're not a weirdo. Whether one or the other is a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. Personally I don't mind being called a weirdo if it comes from liking wonderful, esoteric music such as typical shave. Technically this piece is excellent. Despite it's small file size this composition lasts for 6m04s, which is a more than suitable length of time -- any shorter and it wouldn't be quite as effective. I will admit, however, that a part of me wishes it was much longer. The reason for it's small file size but lush sound is due to the samples used, which are minimalist, predominately 8-bit and arranged exactly as they should be arranged. Whether the composer(s) was successful in what they set out to achieve is unknown but the end product is wonderful. I hope there are more gems by smirk/damage out there.

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Title: They're all DEAD
Filename: all-dead.xm
Posted Thu 6th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
I think my brain exploded while listening to this song. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it does it good to blow up every so often. I wasn't sure what to make of this song when it first started, so I gave it to my dead grandmother and asked her opinion; she hated it, which means it must be pretty cool. Excuse me, I have to go now ... it's my turn to be repressed. Give this song a listen, I think you'll enjoy it. This uses 21 8-bit samples and they are combined in 14 channels to make a 2m57s song. There is a good mix of vocal and instrument samples and a healthy dose of humour. Technically it's not as good as some but much better than a lot. Huh? I'm eager to hear more from this weevil character.

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Title: All That She Wants
Filename: allthats.mod
Posted Thu 6th Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Basically this is a mod version of the original Ace of Base song, All That She Wants. It's been a long time since I heard the original song, so I'm not certain how close this is to it but anyone familiar with the song will recognise it instantly. If you like the type of Euro Dance Pop that Ace of Base produced then you should like this song. The samples used in this mod version are taken straight from the original song and put together in a most competant manner. The song only uses 4 tracks and the samples are only 8-bit, so it doesn't sound anywhere near as good as the original version but it is still a worthy addition to your mod collection.

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Title: Beacon
Filename: n_beacon.it
Posted Thu 6th Jul 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I really enjoyed this song. It is loud without being overpowering and gentle without being wimpy. It has a full, lush sound and you would easily be forgiven for getting confused and thinking you were listening to an mp3 instead of a mod song. I hesitate to use the term "easy listening" because that is a term that evokes schmaltzy crud but this is one of those instrumentals that works beautifully as a song to which you can relax, or to which you could have a slow dance. It is also one of those rare mods that has a clearly defined beginning, middle and end. At 2.4mb it's a large file but it's definitely worth the effort to download. At 4m26s Beacon is neither too long, nor too short. There are 32 tracks and approximately 36 instruments and samples used. All the instruments and samples are blended together to create a rich, full sound that is very professional.

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Title: McBain
Filename: mcbain.mod
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Weird song indeed... Not realy bad, if splitted, it have several good parts, but them together just don't mix well... Overall, it isn't a song with style, but little fragments could be used for new ideas. Composition is *not* good, but samples are simply great. Song isn't really anything, simple composition with only a few effects (don't make a real song), but samples are *very* worked.

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Title: My Forest Friends
Filename: mgs-myff.it
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is just the perfect song for play when telling a fable... also good for a medieval RPG. Lacks a bit of better rithm, but sounds compense it. Pretty semi-relaxing song... just think on a fable when you hear it. It has lots of effects and volume fades... pity that they are best treated... they could have a better overall effect on the song. Good samples, if a *bit* noisy. Overall, good composition, but the final song is not the worth. Pity.

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Title: Majestic Rockafella
Filename: maj_roc.xm
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 6 / 10
I just don't like remixes of remixes... they lack all the good things of the original song. If you hear it, i'm sure you'll recognise the voices ripped from the original song, but everithing else has been changed. I just don't like re-remixes. This packs a lot of work, a lot of effects and a very worked composition. The remixing of the samples also packs a lot of work. When i say that it packs a lot of work, i mean IT PACKS A LOT OF WORK. Effects everywhere, multichanneling, reverbs and echoes everywhere... The kind of thing remixes have.

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Title: sugar basin
Filename: maim_-_sugar_basin.it
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Good soft song. Does not reach relaxing, but the style is very very soft. Turns a bit trance before the middle, ends a little bit weird, but the entire song could be defined as Jazz. It has that soft, smooth rithm. Yeah. The song lacks more basses & trebles. Samples are quite good, but could be clearer, specially for that "spaceley" ones that don't finish mixing. In the composition, it is quite weird: the speed of the song is CONSTANTLY changed in order to make the rithm. Very weird.

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Title: Lords Of the Stars
Filename: maim_-_lords_of_the_stars.it
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Somewhat relax, somewhat futuristic, somewhat gothic. Then, mystical. Gothic/futuristic fades with a little piano, and lots of reverb... It sounds quite alien. A weird song, it can't be defined as a particular style. And it's a pity it couldn't be attached to any game or so, it just don't stick anything! There are a couple of errors in the composition, a pair of fades end abruptly, and some others aren't well faded (the effects for fade, etc). The song and the samples are very big for what they pack. Could have be done with much less samples.

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Title: maj_enjo.xm
Filename: maj_enjo.xm
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Altough the sound can't be defined easily, it sounds really OK! A little weird song, combines several styles in a kind of remix. Quite soft sound. Could be perfect if it had a better defined style. Biggest error on this song: SIZE. 3 megs of decompressed song is a suicide! On the other hand, composition is very, very good. Good multichanneling, good background sounds, good rithm, good instruments. Good samples, but VERY big. It could be viewed from other point of view: this is a demonstration of how to make a song with letter.

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Title: Animating Grounds
Filename: merlin13.xm
Posted Mon 26th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Don't have much to say... sounds quite bad. A repetitive song with very little good things. It's still a song, but hasn't got rithm, or feeling. Merlin itself says that he doesn't have musical talent! In fact, composition is of the simplest I've seen ever. And I don't know why so much samples... if the song is so repetitive and simple.

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Title: smoke
Filename: smokewtr.mod
Posted Mon 19th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Well. It was fun to hear the remix of alltime popular rocksong - Smoke On The Water. Really nice imitiation BTW !! Too bad the solo was missed, and no chorus, where the listener supposed to jump in the air singing "Smoke On The Water, Fire In The Sky". Sound really good. The synth does alot of nice work, the percussion really good, ofcourse when in a MOD format. Not something. The bass really stale, no movoment, no "fresh air". Almost no effects, exept of a few sqeaky portamentos, really not in place. The bass leaves space to improvoments. Lead... No lead acctually, just some not-really-in-place notes. Ok, this was the bad points. Now good ones. Percussion exxelent !! Snares, Hi-hats.. all TECHICALLY good.

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Title: Dasboot
Filename: dasboot.xm
Posted Mon 19th Jun 2000
Rated 6 / 10
It's a really nice song. But a few musical misguides here... The panflute lead was really good, really fit the chord nice, but it was used NOT too often. The drums have a little lack. The chords are amazing, the panning just makes it a good song ! Another point, the vocals are messy.. A good bass will also do O.K. Not much techique here... Not enough dynamics, sometimes it sounds really stale. Nice use of volume collumn effects. A few corrections in the echo wouldnt harm. The percussion needs ALOT of work, especcialy the snare/clap part. Percussion need attention too !

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Title: oravan pesä suussa!
Filename: oravanp.xm
Posted Sat 17th Jun 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This song is like nothing i've ever heard before. The style is hard to tell, it's kinda trancy, but the melodies sounds like irish folk-music or something :) I'd say it's almost like a new style of music, anyway, it's GREAT! Somebody should really have thought of irish-trance before :p It's got a really good beat, drums, melodies, sfx and the song progression is excellent. A song totally worth the download! The samplings are 8bit, but who cares when the quality of the music is as high as it is? The use of sound effects in the music and intro just makes it sound even more interesting. All through, a great track!

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Title: Time goes on
Filename: timego.xm
Posted Sat 17th Jun 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is something for all you Chip lovers. This is an excellent chiptune that sound really cool. It starts really slow, but i almost jumped of my chair when the base started and the lead melodys is great. this one is just perfect! if you are a chiptune lover this is a must, if you are not a chiptune lover this is a must =) hey it´s a chiptune so the samples are not that good but i think chiptunes is best when the samples are not that good. the effects are well used.

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Title: "Mood Swing"
Filename: mdsw8bit.it
Posted Sat 17th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
Ahh this song is great it has VERY nice piano works and the lead melodys is just wonderful. The artist has really hit the nail this time. I had never heard of this artist before but i will download some more of his work i hope that the other songs is as good as this one. Download it! This is a technically very good. The samples are nice and the effects are used very well, not o much and not to little just perfect.

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Title: KIRSIkkani
Filename: kirsikka.xm
Posted Sat 17th Jun 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This is an excellent piano song, it starts with a slow piano and some nice strings. At first this song seems to sound like an soft piano tune but after about 40 sec The piano begins to speed up and some really nice lead melodys is added. The end is really good. Take my advice download this song NOW you wont regret it. The samples are of medium quality. The artists has used the portamento and the vibrato effects very good.

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Title: Storm of Chaos
Filename: xm-soc.xm
Posted Tue 13th Jun 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Lets see. This song is a sort of gentle rock/techno. It has guitars, synthesisers, a DJ on the record skipping over the same bit at times. With a moderately fast paced beat which is very dominant. This song is a must for people who enjoy rock/techno. And the only reason it didn't score higher was because it seemed a lil' ordered for a Storm of Chaos (that and i don't much like rock/techno type thingy. The song is very well made and it all sorta fits together with no REAL out of place pieces. However it is a lil' bit annoying to listen to for 4mins because it has no memorable points. perhaps the artist could include pieces of music next time which could be sorta 'ear' catching.

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Title: abibeat
Filename: abibeat.mod
Posted Tue 13th Jun 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This song is pretty cool for it's time. Being written in 1994 and limited to 4 channels, the author did a damn good job. There is a subtle hint of the old sound of u4ia with less "dance". I'd like to see what this guy is tracking now! The author makes good & efficient use out of only 4 channels. Nothing is prematurely "cut off" and there are no nasty transitions. There is a string that comes in at 2:05 that doesn't really fit, and the orchesta hit may be a little overused. Everything seems to be in tune just fine, and the samples used blend together great. With a little 'echo' and some selective panning this old school 4-track mod could easily be brought up to todays standards of 6 years after it's time. Stamen, I Solute thee!

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Title: Vision of Space
Filename: nbz-viss.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
With nice techno sounds, a catchy beat (AGAIN!), and a overture that rivals Vivaldi's NeoBlaze should be considered THE modern composer ! The moden Vivaldi, or Mozart or even Beethoven (minus the deafness ?). Kudos and Kudos again to NeoBlaze for his brilliant piece of music ! DL it now ! Make NeoBlaze proud ! Support the talanted NeoBlaze ! E N C O U R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

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Title: Vision of Power
Filename: nbz-visp.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
I'll just ignore the fact this piece is by the acclaimed musician NeoBlaze and give my honest opinion on this piece of 'music'... Its catchy, its techno, if nicely paced, its another great song from NEOBLAZE !!!!! DL it and all his OTHER songs now ! NeoBlaze ! That one word says it all. Thanks you.

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Title: Infinite Zero
Filename: nbz-infz.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
HEEEEEERRRREEEES NeoBlaze! Back with another superb piece of music to brighten up your day! This one is just pure techno and is fast paced (again). This is the perfect music to play when you are playing a high tension Role Playing Game where life and death are not very far apart or where an epic chase is occuring! Kudos To NeoBlaze again! Pure techno. Fast beat, nice sounds. Need i say more? OK. G E T T H I S P I E C E O F M U S I C A N D A L L N E O B L A Z E ' S O T H E R W O R K S ! ! ! !

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Title: Emerging Hero
Filename: nbz-emhe.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Yet ANOTHER piece by the acclaimed NeoBlaze ! This one Emerging Hero is very definately in the ambient techno catagory with its techno sounds in places and very fast paced beat. This song is a classic. It has its own realm now on my hard drive for songs by NeoBlaze, the directory of songs so brilliant you can't believe a mortal made it. (lol). This song blends nicely together and is just the right length of time. I reckomend this song and ALL other songs by NeoBlaze !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Title: Discontinued Reality
Filename: nbz-disc.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Following vaguely in the Heaven's Gate seris this piece is one of slower paced beauty and with a more statoo beat which is VERY predominant in some places of the song. This song is not as beautiful as the other pieces of NeoBlazes works but is still up there. With a statoo beat in some places and a gentle pace this song is nice. It is ear catching. It also has a nice piano overture in some places but i found it was a bit of a let down after the other songs done by NeoBlaze. Still it is one of the master's pieces...

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Title: Heaven's Gateway IV
Filename: nbz-hgt4.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
Oh man will NeoBlaze please stop doing this its choking me up. The music is pure beauty and if it gets me worked up (Which is VERY rarely) then this is a piece to remember! Flute with a fast paced background beat and a catchy melody it is pure and unadolterated beauty! Get it and the rest of the Heaven's Gate seris! 3:48mins of brilliance, of the best music you could ever hear. Ambience and trance mixed together to show moden human rushed life. This mod is the very quintessence of brilliance and breauty!

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Title: Heaven's Gateway II
Filename: nbz-hgt2.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This piece really is a BEAUTIFUL mix of ambient and techno. It always maintains a fast paced beat while (in one bit) has a slow sort of beautiful ambient piece which mixes beautifully together. Honestly this piece of music is a masterpiece and should be DLed immediately! This piece of music feels as if it is supposed to portray human life this hurried beat of life in the fast lane while the hurried ambient section is human life finding beauty and relaxation in chaos. This piece is truely beautiful nothing clashes. I would reckomend this song to be DLed A.S.A.P ! It will brighten up your day !!!

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Title: Heaven's Gateway III
Filename: nbz-hgt3.xm
Posted Sat 10th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
I like this song; i really like this song it has a catchy fast paced beat but a nice fast over tone with nicely chosen instruments which make this a piece that keeps your foot a tapping with the music in pure enjoyment! DL it ! Well this piece of music is brilliant! It has a softish overtune which is fast paced along with the beat. The music itself is sorta ambient and the length of this piece 4:38mins is just right for this BRILLIANT piece of music.

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Title: Tales 2000
Filename: t2000.xm
Posted Thu 8th Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This anazing song starts out with the sound of flowing water from a babbling brook, which I may add is very soothing. The melodey is a calming serain tune that sounds like dreamy church style music. This is the type of song to listen to if you want to relax and calm yourself. I was well put together and bery enjoyable to listen too. It kinda reminds me of the music from an RPG game. The melodey is consistant without mistakes. I think that more could have been addes to the song. But excellent start. The mixture of effects, sounds, and instruments is well done and the fade-in and fade-out sequences are well timed. The melodey is constant without mistakes. The effects were well chosen and put together nicely. A lot of work was put into this wonderful tune.

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Title: in the name'f rhythm
Filename: pb_inthename.xm
Posted Thu 8th Jun 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This piece was rather boring and sounded like it repeated itself many times. It is also 1.2Mbs big and thusly not worth the trouble to get. So do yourself a favour and DON'T get this piece you'll save 1.2Mbs. Umm it is a simple looped rythm which is boring to the ear. Technoish and boppy. Boring. Don't waste your time. THat is all.

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Title: No Clear Path
Filename: path.it
Posted Thu 8th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The music isn't TOO bad. Rather short though, the piece is a bit of an 'ear worm' and sticks in your head for ages. I don't mind as this piece just 'clicks' with me. The effects start off with a repeditive note which gets higher and the rest is basically a quickly paced techno beat. I liked this piece of music but the only fault was it was much to short. Well done Jen and keep up the good work.

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Title: The Stargate $
Filename: parasite.xm
Posted Thu 8th Jun 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This song sucked. It has just a quick beat with people wailing in the background and the occassional voice saying: 'I am not an atomic playboy' What this means i do not know suffice to say it made little sense and sounded awful. The song basically reapeated itself over and over and over and over again. Lets see. > People wailing/yelping in the back ground (a) > 'I am not an atomic play boy' (b) > A misleading title (c) > No catchy pieces anywhere in it (d) > The file itself is 927Kbs big and is NOT worth the wait (e) now lets say that this was an equation with the letters in ( ) being the letters. a + b + c + d + e = Awful piece of music. Now i am no expert in maths but i think i added correctly. There are NO good point don't even look at this file.

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Title: The Weapon of Love
Filename: twoflove.it
Posted Wed 7th Jun 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Sorry, not very good at all. There does not appear to be any actual music present in this MOD, there is some atmospheric noise, a couple of disjointed drum beats which you do kind of get used to, and a very bad choice of samples. Although in places the MOD manages to provide some sort of atmospheric relaxing tone, those really annoying vocal samples and the repetative nature of the tune make this very hard to listen to.

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Title: TWo-faced -android 98'
Filename: two-face.s3m
Posted Sun 4th Jun 2000
Rated 1 / 10
There be no music here, merely a techno drumbeat. This is the musical equivalent of saying 'Packet Banna Red Packet' Incoherent and unconnected and almost random. A complete lack of musical timing and a very poor drumbeat make it hard for me to say anything good about this tune, perhaps that means I should not say anything at all? This goes on for far too long simply repeating the same thing again and again. Good points? If it has one it is that it ends.

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Title: Mind of a Vorlon
Filename: tas-mind.xm
Posted Sun 4th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This tune is better technicaly than musicaly. The variation is just slightly less than subtle so at some times it can seem repetative, there is a cymbal going on somewhere in the backgroun that just doesn't seem quite right. Very good use of samples, the sounds are juicy and full. This phat almost dance sound couples incredibly well with some echoey plucked strings which almost sound like Enya. On the whole, well put together.

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Title: Halloween Night
Filename: t-hallow.xm
Posted Sun 4th Jun 2000
Rated 2 / 10
The only music I can find is the repeated piano sample, the drums are not good and can be annoying at times. As for the Genre of 'American Cheese', don't even ask what that means, the same person who suggested that suggested that I review this song simply with the words 'I've had sweaty nuts that give me a better feel good factor than this tune'. Personaly I don't think it deserves to be compared with sweaty nuts, but it is pretty bad. I've never liked annoying techno style drum beats, and this is even worst 'cus its the same one again and again. There are some distorted guitar samples in here, guitars do not work well in mods anyway, less so when they are out of key like these are. There is little variation in this tune and unfortunately I cannot rate it any higher than 2.5.
