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Title: In Love
Filename: tas-inlo.xm
Posted Sun 4th Jun 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Its actually a very good piece of music let down by a couple of very dodgy chords, the drums work, the sounds work, but in places it sounds like it was improvised on a keyboard with those single touch chords and someone couldn't work out which one to press next. I haven't reviewed for a while, but those of you who remember probably remember that I gave great, or very bad sarcastic reviews. I'm trying to get away from that, this sounds great for a few seconds at a time, I want to give it a 7 rating, but those chords. :( Technicaly good, nothing is too loud or too dominant, the tempo is consistent and nothing every comes in out of time. The samples are all clean and clear, technicaly speaking I would give this a 7.5 if it wasn't for the musical problems.

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Title: i like chopin rmx
Filename: pb_chopin.xm
Posted Sat 3rd Jun 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song has nothing what-so-ever to do with the famous classical composer Chopin, if it had been it is no longer which; in itself is a good thing; because technoized classical music is a hanging offense in my book... This song however runs nicely togather and has a nice beat and a catchy tune but with its flaw being the soft distortion near the begining which is hardly discernable unless you listen closely. I can't really discribe how much i like this piece, needless to say it clicks together with me and seems to get better every time you listen to it. This piece has a nicely paced beat and a good synthesiser piece (i don't claim to know much about how mods are made or what is used) all i know is that this piece runs together well. None of the sounds clash and it has a nice fade out at the end. Kudos to whoever made this piece but next time a slightly catchier title which doesn't lead to ill conceived prejudices.

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Title: NotYet - Summer 15
Filename: a-summer.it
Posted Sun 28th May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
I liked this tune. The melody is quite good, but it perhaps repeats too many times. But overall I like this.

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Title: Descent 2
Filename: d2game03.it
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Actually, we should be giving credit to the guy who actually wrote it!!! (I happen to have Descent 2, this is the MIDI music for level 3 and you don't know how many times I've heard it...) I could scroll through the credits and find his name, but why? Anyway, to the point, the musical part of it is pretty cool. Go ahead and download it if you want. It consists of organ, synthbass, square wave, and a hole lot of awesome percussion. Technically, don't get me started. From the information I've analyzed I could swear to you that his is the workings of a MIDI-to-MOD converter. If there was a rating for effort I'd give a 0.5. This guy did, though, choose very, very good samples, though...

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Title: ->> Magoo dance <<-
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Good dance song, if style nowadays is not fashion. But still good. As lots of dance songs, permanent rithm with changing background & other sounds. But noise is VERY noticiable, noise reduction & AGC are obligatory at playing time, if that hide the voices a bit. Composition is quite good: although basic rithms are all copied, the multichanneling & composition is good. Sounds are changing constantly, makes the song not to be repetitive. But samples are SO noisy...

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Title: The Dragon
Filename: mg_dragn.xm
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 5 / 10
It starts dark & gothic, seems to be RPG ambient, then changes to gothic/rock-like style, stops several times... It doesn't make a compact song. Beleive me, gregorian chants & techno-rock don't mix very well. Gregorian chants and organ sampels are well sampled and sound clear. The rest of samples aren't so good. I hate 8-channel songs! They don't have echo! Composition and rithms are quite simple.

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Title: Moby's dick by ToK
Filename: magysdic.xm
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
The song hasn't got a defined style. It's between a song with "feeling" and ambiental music to hear looped, the entire song is very similar. It sounds a bit like an old videogame song, a bit chip sound. The percusion background is good. So good that even hides the main intrument and silences it. Composition is good, rithms are quite complex. Only 8-channel for a XM, could had have more echo if there were more channels. The main sound (violin & so??) are not very well sampled, and disamplified so they aren't played well.

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Title: med_ripp.xm
Filename: med_ripp.xm
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
A GREAT song!! Almost a relaxing song, if there weren't some parts in which song changes rithm. I dunno what the author was thinking about when making this song, surely not about beaches & sea, as it sounds more like crystal & wind. It sounds great anyway, you have to put into your hearing list! Making is very good. The main "crystal echo" samples are allright, very clear and sound perfectly! The way they're played is also great. Multichanneling of instruments boost the echo of the song. And background sounds change subtly constantly. A great composition, it transmits feeling by itself.

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Filename: magsco.xm
Posted Fri 26th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Very few trebles. Curious song, not a lot of good music but the scratches sound OK! Seems like a "war" between two DJs, if you hear the song several times you can recognise two styles in the song, switching. Good if you like this style. Sound isn't clear in the song: very few treble samples, a bit of sound and very few channels for the capabilities of a XM, only 8 channels. It could be a better sound if more channels were used, with background sound. Patterns are repeated more than once. Composition very simple, not multichannel for a XM.

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Title: Sandra
Filename: sandra.xm
Posted Thu 25th May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Put this into the charts!!!! I missed 2 things : a chorus and some higher vocals, but "hell" this is done very very good !!! The break in the song could be perfected, and try to create a re-occuring vocal piece into it. (like a chorus or something). That way it get's a little more identity. Else : Keep up the good work !!

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Title: Sandman's Theme
Filename: sandman.xm
Posted Thu 25th May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Put in some vocals and it can come up into the charts. The beat of song really picks you up and the melody just has something (which I can't describe). Like I said : real good song, except missing vocals. Technically perfect. At least I didn't notice a flaw. Perfect timing, done real good with the samples, no ticks, no weird cut-offs. No actually done very, very good. Whoever created this song can do very good for him/herself in music.

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Title: SaigoNoYoru (Aikawa)
Filename: saigonoy.xm
Posted Thu 25th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
To be honest : this song did not touch me or did something to me. It missed something and at about -1:20 I thought it was coming, but it was false hope. The song is real sad, but sad can be beautifull too. This wasn't. Technically the song was done quite well. Timing and beat were set up very good. To bad the melody sample is done with all seperate tones.

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Title: DJ Mangoo - Sad memory
Filename: sadmemory.it
Posted Thu 25th May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
A lot is repeated which doesn't matter, but in the end it's getting a drag.. The part in the middle is a real welcome change and (I think) needed change. After that the song returns to it's "base" it lost it's appeal a bit, but... He/she did well on the bridge between the middle part and the base (--> see music rating). But the first bridge and the last bridge are a bit abrupt. Technically that's all which could be better.

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Title: "Random Encouter 1.2"
Filename: mag_enc2.it
Posted Wed 24th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Classified by the author as a "battle theme", it has little more to say. Rock-like style, with a little of "battle RPG" sound. Not very good for ambience, in my opinion (very hard for playing). It starts and ends badly. Composition is like old mods, very compact, 1 channel per instrument. Not a lot of effects. The metal percusion is quite bad sampled and the sound isn't clear. The silences cuts some channels sometimes in the song. Badbadbad.

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Title: ma_drumm.xm
Filename: ma_drumm.xm
Posted Wed 24th May 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Not really music, but a try. I'd say that the song is more a test than a song. Not really bad, but I think it woudn't fit anywhere well. The style is not really defined. A bit spaceley, but not really more. Some samples are quite pretty, usable for spaceley & techno songs. That saves the song a bit. Repeats patterns more than once. Not really a bad composition, but it apports nothing new.

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Title: Another day in...
Filename: merlin25.xm
Posted Wed 24th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
It starts like all techno songs, repetitive rithms. Changes substantially at the middle, a little softer rithm, but it stills being techno. It's "regular" techno, I mean it is more a dance song that anything new. It appears at me like one of many other techno songs. Not my favourite style. Samples are very clear. The song uses a lot of channels, but composition still appears as copy-paste. Good balance of sounds, a little voices, and good samples. Good composition, but I don't like this techno style very much.

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Title: The Dancing Wizard
Filename: mg_wizrd.xm
Posted Tue 23rd May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Sounds well, if it lacks basses & trebles. The style is quite hard, not the thing you expect in a fantasy song. It turns rocky sometimes, spotted with mystical & celtic moments. Hearing several times, I think it isn't so good idea to mix rocky style in a fantasy song. It has very good samples, like the drum roll or the bagpipe-like ones (hey, nobody has made a perfect bagpipe so far, this isn't bad). There are also quit a lot of effects, well used. The overall composition is real good, if i'd like it more in separate songs.

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Title: A Little Muzzle
Filename: muzzle.xm
Posted Tue 23rd May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Strange song indeed. Not a defined style of music, but it sounds well!! It very hard to describe (!) but it's like a mixture of dance &trance & goa styles, very very wacky but very good to listen! Every time I listen again to the dong, I get more amazed of the style, and like it more! Believe me, it's strange but good if you hear it more than once. Analizing the composition, I found out a lot of effects, almost every channel used, and lots of background sounds. A real lot of work behind the song. Sampling is clear, patterns reveal the song has been remade several times, perhaps to improve the style & feeling. Very strange but good composition. Song with hipnotic background? Who knows?

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Title: LittleGreenMenAbove
Filename: maf-lgma.xm
Posted Tue 23rd May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
It's just the music you may expect in a martian attack in a game. I'd clasify it as "alien song", the sounds are just that, spacely and alien. It isn't a bad song, sounds well for the music style, but personally I don't like the style. The composition is not bad, the way to make that alien sounds is quite well done, but analizing it, the patterns are very repetitive, the few originality is repeated a lot of times. Samples are quite good. Good quality, and sound well for the music style.

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Title: Have You Gone Mod?
Filename: ml_hygm.xm
Posted Tue 23rd May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
A very good song. A bit softer and it'd be relaxing, the style changes subtly in the middle. What to say? It enlightens me as I listen. Some classic sounds, a bit mystical, and a *little bit* soft rock are very good combined. Samples are good. Patterns are a little erratic. The way the piano is made is 3-channel, good for echoes but the zig-zag isn't the best way to be done. The composition is very good, it's the kind of music that doesn't follow a strict rithm, but it sounds perfectly. How to make such a rithm is still a secret for me. To make a song that follows a non-noticiable rithm is a GREAT work.

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Title: Virgin
Filename: m_virgin.xm
Posted Tue 23rd May 2000
Rated 5 / 10
The song is very dark. Very very very dark, sounds are very disperse among the song. A very slow rithm and voices from "scream" movie make the rest. Not a frightening song, but almost a bit. It hasn't got a standard rithm, it's quite weird. The samples are not bad, and there are lots of effects. Patterns makes me notice a non-linear composition. Altough samples & effects makes good sounds, lack of rithm and style make of this song quite a weird one.

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Title: "Okan no Kaze"
Filename: mag_kaze.it
Posted Sun 21st May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Magus speaks about a warrior that will lose... There are no battle drums here, the song is very sad and melancholic. Just listen to the song and imagine the man, going to sacrifice himself for what he loves... A pretty but sad theme. Just 12 samples and a very good song... I love when songs are so small. Altough there aren't lots of effects, the sampling and composition are so good that effects aren't needed. Shooth transitions, no patterns repeated, and a good soft rithm... A preety good composition indeed.

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Title: "Share My Life"
Filename: mag_life.it
Posted Sun 21st May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Magus says that this song is taken from a piano song. In fact, the first half is classic style, with only piano sounds. The second half is something strange, the piano keeps playing but there are some strange "alien" sounds. No good, no bad, but strange indeed. It's a pity, but some samples are a bit noisy, specially the piano one. There are only few samples, but are very well used. About the "alien" sounds, like strange fades, I don't like them to much, are well sampled & sound OK, but the mixture of classic & futuristic? sounds is very difficult to be well done. In the second half of the song, the alien sounds are louder than the piano. It could be better if it wasn't that way.

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Title: untitled 2
Filename: ef-unti2.xm
Posted Sun 21st May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is an ok tune, but it's repetitive for most of the time it's playing. Although the tune is original, the song is just not too interesting to listen to. You can hear the same thing in the background for very much the entire tune. There's not too much to say about it, some parts are good, but it would have been nicer if it had been more varied. The samples are very normal, no complaints here. The song just sounds very "average." There's nothing too impressive with the way the samples were used, but they were used well enough :)

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Title: ## economy 10 ##
Filename: econmy10.mod
Posted Sun 21st May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
XTD is getting very good at making chiptunes! This one sounds less like a chiptune and more like a tune that was tracked with non-chiptune samples :) It's enjoyable to listen to, and loops nicely. There's a distinct melody, but it appears to be original! The way the samples were used was excellent, and only 4 channels were used! The artist is very good at using all four effectively. The samples are just standard chiptune samples, plus a nice snare drum :)

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Title: Magic Bytes. By Awesome VVL
Filename: magic.s3m
Posted Sat 20th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This techno song is very hard. My speakers boom with this, and some small parts of the song are something like weird, the rithm is very strange. Then, at the middle, it stops and runs again as if it were other song. And more weird parts. It doesn't have a fixed rithm or style, every second is different from last and that makes it difficult to publish it, songs often repeat rithms (varying them), but this is "chunk-by-chunk made" I expected more from Awesome, but the song was made in '96, and may be one of the firsts awesome composed. The start is very hard, and the final fade lacks of sample quality. Overall, samples lack of quality and are noisy. There aren't many effects and only a pair of fades.

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Title: Cosmic Contact
Filename: pix_cosm.xm
Posted Fri 19th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
There is a wonderful introduction to this song, but it's too small (2:33) for such music, I can say that you keep hearing the same mellody in about 80% of the song, but sounds ok. I like the bass on this song more than the foreground music. Not taking in account the length of the track, it's a nicely composed track where sounds fit perfectly together in most of it. Should have been longer I insist;) Good job anyway

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Title: Morning Star
Filename: m-star.xm
Posted Fri 19th May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The first 10 seconds, it seems to be a slow song, but then changes and the rithm starts to get faster. It has a light "fantasy" touch. A few samples of violin and some good fades are the drop of sound that makes the difference between a hard techno/dance song and this song. Dance rithm, techno samples&effects, and fantasy touch. A god combination. The good thing is that the samples blend good. The techno-chorus, dance basses&drums and the other sounds sound good toghether. The bad thing is that a lot of samples have been picked from other songs. I don't say this for the instruments, but for the voices & chorus. If you hear other mods, you are capable of recognising that voices, and it gets bory. Why don't sample more voices from anyone?

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Title: biohazard
Filename: m6v-bhzd.xm
Posted Fri 19th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
When I started to hear this mod, I just remembered my old mega-drive and the music of that old games. Just that chip sounds, that metallic rithms that sound so old. But right now, that music is not very pleasant, having in mind ht music today is made. It sounds like that really old games from videoconsoles. The samples seem to have been picked from some old resource. I support the videogame theory. Another interesting thing: from the 10th pattern, the music style changes radically from the "old game" sounds to a faster rithm. Also, the composition seems to be done backwards: the last samples first, and then the entire song being remade several times.

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Title: DoLpHiN
Filename: dolphin.xm
Posted Thu 18th May 2000
Rated 4 / 10
The song begins with an introductory with some ambient sounds. Then starts beating and at 00:46 a flute joins. At 1:10 the last part of the song where you can here all the sounds together. It is just simple mellodies. The song only lasts 1:40! The mellodies are all simple and kinda repeating.. It's somewhat progressive, but it stops suddenly on 1:40! The artist maybe got bored in the middle of the song and gave up, then submitted it on modarchive or something? :)

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Title: ODY ][
Filename: dn3_ody2.s3m
Posted Thu 18th May 2000
Rated 1 / 10
The music is so simple and with no meaning at all. it sounds like what kids play in first piano lessons to learn hitting the keys. Sorry but I don't think I can write much on this song. The song must have been composed when the composer first used screamtracker. there is nothing special in it. I don't think it deserves to be in the ModArchive.

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Title: This is clubmusic
Filename: dmclub.xm
Posted Thu 18th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The introduction sounds nice and is great for such song but suddenly brings you to the main part where for over 5 minutes you can listen to the song repeating itself. Except from a break in 4:25 where the song just seems to start again and then the same loop. The composer must not have wasted more than a couple of hours writing this since it's too repetetive. It could be much better if there was some kind of progression in it. If the song lasted about 3 minutes it would be a lot better but it's 7:17..

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Title: dripping away
Filename: dripping.s3m
Posted Wed 17th May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
The music in this track is wonderful, the progression is smooth and sounds nice! Simple tunes that fit well together and ambient sounds make this song beautiful. I don't like the way it ends, it's too sudden! The music is quite simple and most of the song is repeating itself in parts. It's well composed. Anyway the artist did a good job with it.

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Title: 500cc.xm
Filename: 500cc.xm
Posted Sun 14th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Starts out with a definite trance theme, but slowly changes to a softcore rave beat which is effective without being particularly strong. This is something which could be easily danced to at night clubs, and no doubt many would see this as a good quality piece. Melodically, not much, but then, its not really necessary for this kind of track. OKish. Good drum/percussion in this track, and vocals are well used; however for the type of music this is, they're a little too long - need to be shorter and perhaps a little more 'abrupt'. Generally instrumentation is well used, and the combination works well throughout the 4:35 piece.

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Title: the 4th dimension
Filename: 4thtrain.mod
Posted Sun 14th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is an interesting track, which, although not holding a particularly obvious melodic sequence, nevertheless has some very original sections after the initial slow beginning. What stands out are the vocal sequences which are extremely good and blend in seamlessly with the track foundation. In all, an enjoyable 4:45 track. The vocal samples are the most interesting, but thought has gone into the use of all the other instruments which have been used. Considering this is a 4-channel module, the overal effect is extremely positive, and technically holds its own. Good use of the sounds throught the piece.

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Title: 2 Strange
Filename: 2strange.xm
Posted Sun 14th May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
From the start, this mod has you tapping your feet; a catchy, beaty tune which keeps its momentum throughout its 3 and a half minutes of playing time. Good, melodic instrumentation keeps the flow of this attractive sounding track and some really nice tuneful phrases appear into the piece. Noticably well sampled instruments, and they are put to very good use throughout this track. Not too many effects, but with these samples its not necessary, and the balance is just about right without overkill. Overall, a really well thought out piece of work.

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Title: A Second Surivor
Filename: 2ndsurvivor.xm
Posted Sun 14th May 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This mod has a promising start, and doesn't fall short - good rhythm, with some good use of effects. Melodically, it may perhaps lose its direction just after half way, but in general a very well composed piece of music. Good to listen to. Quite a lot of mixed 8/16 bit samples here, the effects are technicaly very good and well balanced. It's obvious some thought has gone into the production of this 3:52 piece of music, and generally a very solid, well put-together track.

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Title: dance of swans
Filename: DANCE2.MOD
Posted Sat 13th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Ups: Short song length, small file size, deletable. Downs: Lack of differentiation. Only four real parts to the song. Very irritating after listening to about 3 times. Seriously, this song is too short and very unoriginal. It reminds me of some of the music from "The Nutcracker" Very, very mono. Can you say 11khz samples? Further, the samples sound like they're sampled from a bad MIDI synthesizer. No, not a nice Roland, I mean some old OPL2/3. There's nothing positive to say. It's quite obvious that the artist just jammed a MIDI through some conversion progy and uploaded it. Not worth the DL.

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Title: Chemical Part 2
Filename: qneo_chemical.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
It seems as though this artist is running out of ideas, if you download the song below you just might get the impression its actually a remix of this one. The samples are kinda good but the volume in the tune is much to high, he seems to have problems with making the samples sound good. like putting lots of samples on 2 channels so that they can be heard... But that usually results in that other wont be heard and then you haveto do the same thing with the other samples, for us using headphones that could really hurt :) so a little minus for the bad sample usage..

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Title: Dead Heart in love
Filename: qneo_clam.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Well im not really in to dance music and all but i have to say this is a good such song. Not to ba actually, the samples blend in perfectly and the quality of the samples are generaly high.
