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Title: of.xm
Filename: of.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
I have really no idea what sort of music this is, the only thing i can tell you is that its a chiptune. Kinda cool but really short Well, he got the vibrato commands right :)

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Title: oldtimes.xm
Filename: oldtimes.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This guy seems to have been on the scene a while, the music is in all good but the tune could have been at least 2 minutes longer Since its kinda hard to make a really good sounding 4-channel mod, i think this guy made it pretty well, if i didnt look at it in fasttracker ][ i would have thought it was at least 8 channels... the samples are high quality to.. and there are some that are unused... download it :)

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Title: Old Game-R-Mixed
Filename: old_game.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Now here is a newbie if ive ever heard one :) The screwed up chords in the beginning gives the tune the impression it is supposed to be a joke or something. Not to good. There are no manual drums, it consists of a loop wich actually makes the drums sound good. No 16-bit Samples in this one and the instruments are of rather poor quality. And the way he uses panning effects makes one wearing headphones dizzy! :) (only 800 and 8FF)

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Title: Old Memories
Filename: oldmem.xm
Posted Mon 8th May 2000
Rated 4 / 10
This tune is actually not very musical at all, it goes on and on with the same concept through the entire tune. not to creative, but it seems as though this is a tracker in training.. so its not to shabby. Simple, but the samples are of high quality and they sound clear and undistorted. so thats a plus ;)

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Title: For an Eternal Year.
Filename: requiem.xm
Posted Wed 26th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
A beatiful ambient/orchestral song with maybe a bit TO! happy melodies. As for the song it´s a slow relaxing melodie intended to make you cry :). What i liked best about this song was when the changes took place, they had the best melodies in them (reminded me of the main song in Edward Scissorhands if you know what that is). The flute is in my opinion pretty annoying when it reaches the high pitches. Some effect are througout the song and very well done effects indeed, don´t know though if they were done by tracking effect or a effect sample. Good panning, good start but the end could of have been more sensational. Drums were pretty simple and they are supposed to be simple as they usually sit in the background in this type of songs. No more comments.

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Title: melodic insanity
Filename: a9-melin.it
Posted Sat 22nd Apr 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Melodic Insanity is a slow song. Its melody runs smoothly throughout and gives you a sense of peace. Although the intro to this song isn't a very good one, it manages to somewhat make up for itself when the good stuff starts. Unfortunently, the ending is not very good, which is why this scored a 6.5. There is not many effects that add to this song. One of the effects that does exist is how the artist created the drop off sound to some of the notes. The ending effect takes away from the song and gives you the nails on a chalkboard effect.

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Title: Age of Kingdoms
Filename: mg_ageof.xm
Posted Sun 16th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The intro in this song is one of the best orchestral intros I've heard in a mod and it sounds very proffessional all the way. Nice melodies and a well thought out chordprogression make you settle in for a treat. Unfortunately, somewhere in the middle the song gets stuck in some kind of deadlock and don't progress from there. You want something to happen, to make you jump up and say: "Wow! That was something new!" but it never comes. But it is still one of the best orchestral songs out now. Yepp, most effects fit and are placed at the right places. Technically this song has everything which is needed in a song of this magnitude. There are a few things which could have been made better though. An echoeffect is placed rather awkwardly in the song and the instrument sounds a bit funny at places because of this for example. Samplequality is good, nothing to complain about.

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Title: Obsession
Filename: dubu110.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 5 / 10
Oh no, I don't like this very much. The intro is pretty appalling, with the sample that sounds like its saying "destroy him" repeated over and over again. Then the song stops, and some very basic dreamy chords enter, along with a rather flat vocal line, then the drums fill in. This remains the pattern for the rest of the song, with the irritating "destroy him" sample popping up again and again throughout. This is not what we have come to expect from DJ KiKE! It's all there in blue, white and black [that's a FastTracker joke, most of you won't be getting that anytime soon :) ]. Neatly transcribed, but the vocal line is flat (that could have been fixed with some minor frequency tampering... it's less than a semitone out). The pattern remains one of the most basic I have seen DJ KiKE produce, and thus the song remains very samey. This is going to my Recycle Bin after I've reviewed the rest of his tunes... >:-|

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Title: slow makina
Filename: dubu116.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This sounds nice! A lovely BIG sound, which is something perhaps lacking in his other realeases. The organ part is great, providing a lovely melody, sometimes sounding like something Lurch from the Addams Family would produce. However, this is a great little remix of a good song. Nice one! DJ KiKE receives his first "Professional" rating from me. Take a look at the tracking - some work went into this, methinks. Despite that "man, this is, like, pussy music" in the middle, the inspiration is... inspired. This style definitely suits DJ KiKE, though I'm not sure he'd like to admit to that. A little dissonance in the closing phrases, but overall an interesting track, especially the end, which I am not so fond of >:-)

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Title: Its Gonna Be love B
Filename: dubu115.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 6 / 10
There's not much to write about this one. The style has changed a little, introducing space chords and a more futuristic sample list. Totally different to the original, and the pan drums are gone - well, much quieter and less-used anyway - so I'm reasonably happy with this track. DJ KiKE receives one grade better here for downtoning those pan drums in the original (dubu114.xm). They're still there, but quieter, and for the larger part, not as annoying. I really don't like those drums, do I? They're frequent in the middle parts, but soon disappear. This is a reasonable track, probably worth a listen.

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Title: "Its gonna Be Love"
Filename: dubu114.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This isn't such a hot track. The song itself is OK-ish, but there are some irritating pan drums in the treble that I am sure are going to haunt me in my dreams. They are awful! Loud, above all the melody, I am just thankful they're not in it all the way through. They pat out the most irritating rhythm.. apart from that, there isn't much else to say. Apart from those pan drums, I think the song is nicely written out and very neatly put together. I put the volume of the pans to 24 and the song sounded about 300% better. Still, I'm not a great fan of house music to begin with so maybe I shouldn't be reviewing this one :)

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Title: "Makina vol.2"
Filename: dubu113.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I have accused DJ KiKE of being very unoriginal when it comes to remixes, and when I saw a congruent sample list to the original, I was rather afraid that he had done it again. Even the intro was exactly the same, the DJ announcing that he wished to hear "an open invitation to the dance". I was disappointed, but suddenly the mainframe of the tune entered... a completely different lick, chord sequence, with a very dotted rhythm. I was amazed at his original use of the exact same samples that he used in the first Makina (dubu112.xm), great stuff! The only minor gripe is that it didn't actually *_sound_* as good as the original =) Well done here, again. DJ KiKE has used the same samples to create a wholly different tune for us to enjoy. That darned jet engine is only used 3 times in the 5-minute song, so that made me a little happier. Very nicely put to tracker, and I think it's a hit!

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Title: "Makina"
Filename: dubu112.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
The jet engine sample is back! DJ KiKE in this tune implements as well as the friendly aeroplane sound effect, a very Russian style to express his Techn-o-calities (sic) in his music. I like it, although there are some rather bland bits in the middle where the melody leaves us for a repeat of the well-loved jet engine sample. And, as a special treat, DJ KiKE slips in a crowd in the background, as well as a classically-Russian huge slowdown and speed up at the end (like in all Polkas or Mazurkas)... great stuff! This is very well written stuff, the jet engine is usefully implemented (though there are places where it could do without it...), and the slow down at the end is a treat. The techno entries are perfect, just where you'd expect them to be in any winning techno track. I see myself saying it again... well done DJ KiKE!

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Title: "Simply Techno"
Filename: dubu109.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This IS trance. I have rarely heard the formula of trance followed so precisely and exactly. However, this makes for a rather expected ride; you know exactly what's coming, making it good to dance to but rather mundane to sit and listen to. The main trance melody instrument is, though nicely followed, a little harsh, but after the chorus enters, you forget about it, especially when it enters the bass. Snare fills are rife around this track, every new entry deserves its own little roll and rimshot. Although the speed at which they are performed is unrealistic... heyyy, this is Techno! The track itself is neatly done, but as this is "Simply Techno", it leaves very little room for originality. A little bit of leeway given from the main pattern of Trance would have been nice, but it obviously was not the aim of the piece! Well done, DJ KiKE.

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Title: "U Wanna Dance"
Filename: dubu108.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Now this is a lovely little tune. I've heard it being played ont he radio, which is a major acheivement. Enrique himself says that he actually released this one on 12"... which is a great honour for anybody. This song certainly deserves it however, with its wonderful vocal line (something that DJ KiKE tends not to have so much luck with, but this time it is outstanding). Varying drum rhythms bring a great deal of variety into this brilliant piece of dance music. Try not to nod your head to the beat! :) Very well done. This is very neatly put down to module, and everything seems very well in place. Samples are very well-picked to produce a very rounded feeling to the music, and differing frequencies used create a very unexpectant effect for the listener. The bassy part is my favourite: each instrument is brought back progressively after a superb bass solo. This is going on my next MOD compilation CD...

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Title: "Crystal Made RMX"
Filename: dubu107.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is a very good piece of dance music. However, my bone to pick with it is that it is almost exactly the same as the original (dubu106.xm). Apart from some kickbass in the chorus, and a whining distorted pipe sound in the bridge, this song is missing originality big-style. As you get further into the song, you begin to feel what you felt in the original, but it's all too samey. It's all very well scripted, and faithful to the original, just a bit too faithful. The addition of around 3 samples for me makes it more of an add-on than a remix. Everything's neatly done, though, which is what we've come to expect from DJ KiKE, as I keep saying :)

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Title: "Crystal Made"
Filename: dubu106.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Some very nice touches in this module... that jet engine sample is used ad nauseam, and the melody is sweet and goes brilliantly with the well-scripted bass. The drums are not so hot this time round, but definitely nothing to complain about. The overall sound is one of a sweet-sounding dance track, with trance popping up at regular intervals. A minor gripe is that the beginning is... well.. rather poor to say the least. It takes at least a minute to get into the song proper, but when it gets there, you'll be satisfied. DJ KiKE is probably getting rather annoyed that I'm reviewing most of his "dubu" series, but if they continue to be made in this vein, with this kind of quality and sound, I'd be happy to review his latest releases too. This module is no exception from what we've come to expect from Enrique Dubois, and, despite the weak start, it definitely comes into its own in the second part. Samples used were clean and well picked.

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Title: "The Other World"
Filename: dubu105.xm
Posted Wed 12th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is some of the best work I have ever heard from DJ KiKE. This song definitely captures the trance style, and the eponymous "other world" comes through well. He uses dreamy licks and riffs, with a gorgeous jungle drumtrack to back it up; risers and fallers are used with alternating frequencies to get that true trancy feel about the whole thing. The bridge is packed with action, with dreamy space chords in the background, and pianos singing the melody line. Well done DJ KiKE! On closer inspection into the makeup of the module, it becomes apparent that it is of a very simple formula, followed directly to the very kickbass. Most of the afore-mentioned sweet drumtrack, unfortunately, is a sample in itself, which loses some points in the tech rating. However, this is a stylishly-written module, and deserves a lot of credit. Definitely worth a special place on your hard drive.

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Title: "Progressive"
Filename: dubu104.xm
Posted Mon 10th Apr 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This one ain't so hot. Although technically in advance to anything I've heard DJ KiKE release in the past, I have definitely heard better songs coming from the man. The melody is irritating in the extreme, and the bass does not change much, except for those trademark Trance electronic risers and fallers in the background. Once again, I say that word that I've used to describe DJ KiKE's efforts in the past: TIDY. There are no conflicting harmonies that I can find, and all instrument entries are nicely introduced. Progressive by name, progressive by nature... the instruments are introduced one by one to become one large cacophony of trance. How poetic I make it sound. Worth a listen or two, but after that, leave it at the back of your hard drive and let it mature for a year or two before digging it up again.

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Title: "Believe in U "
Filename: dubu103.xm
Posted Mon 10th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I confess to rather liking this one. Apart from the very badly recorded vocal line and the rather untalented vocalist for that part, the song has a nice overall sound, and has some very nice passages, even for those who aren't really "into" the Club scene... (including me) =) Once again, tidily done. The song itself has some nice touches, like the frequency lurch from the bassy bit to the bridge, and the diminuitive drum "solos" dotted around the place to link all the parts of the song together. However, as mentioned before, the vocalist is slightly irritating and badly recorded, even though this is the 8-bit version :)

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Title: "TheOne"
Filename: dubu100.xm
Posted Mon 10th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
DJ KiKE has a great many tracks released onto the huge expanses of the MODArchive. This one proves to be one of the better ones. Although the vocal line seems flat on first hearing, it certainly grows on you. However, This is that stereotypical clichéd club anthem that you hear on the radio and, although you listen to it, you don't take time to note the artist or song. In other words, it's good. But not fantastic. We all know how to make a club anthem... take a riff, in this case the falling "ooh"s (which, as mentioned before, seem pretty flat on first hearing), and build a song around it, using kickbass, snare and quick closed hihat for percussion, and futuristic, beepy instruments to back up the heavily repeated riff. Refer to any of the top 10 in the UK charts at the moment... However, DJ KiKE has made it his business to copy this pattern to the full, so little marks for originality here, I'm afraid. However, apart from minor harmony disputes, it is pretty tidily put together, so no complaints for the actual technicality of it all :)

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Title: Jelly Red
Filename: jelly.mod
Posted Thu 6th Apr 2000
Rated 5 / 10
I liked most of this song. It was "poppy" and generally inoffensive and I would recommend you at least give it a listen. However, if it was released on CD, not only would I not rush out and buy it, I wouldn't even saunter out and buy it. Technically this song was reasonably good. There are quite a few instruments used and it has a surprisingly rich, full sound, considering it's small file size. However, it is really let down by a couple of clumsy bridges near the beginning of the song and a really lame ending.

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Title: Jam It All Night Lon
Filename: jamit.xm
Posted Thu 6th Apr 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is a simple song, which takes a while to get going but once it does, never really goes anywhere. Fortunately it's under 2 minutes long. Unfortunately, it needed to be longer to make any sort of impact -- not even looping would do much good. I listened to the song a few times, thinking it might "grow on me" with repeated listening.but alas it just served to make me more frustrated. I wanted more and it failed to deliver. Technically this song is competently put together. There isn't a large assortment of instruments/samples but what's there is utilised fairly well. Clearly Mr Slimdown has talent, however it's not been shown properly with this song.

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Title: Peace in the forest
Filename: uc-peace.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song has great forest sounds. The melody is really relaxing and calming. The imstraments and sounds go well together. The only thing I didn't like was that in some parts the pitch of the melody went too high. The samples are put together quite well and for the most part they run smoothly. The samples are clear and of good quality and are not distorded. Great Job!

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Title: Nur Ab-Sal
Filename: dcm-nuas.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
TheNuke has done it again. Nur Ab-Sal is really good, though I don't usually like goa music much. Perhaps it has a bit of repeation and that's why I won't give it more than 9. The samples are mostly taken from someone else, but who cares. TheNuke has put them together awesomely and it's good.

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Title: Aura Stone / TheNuke
Filename: dcm-aura.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Ok, he obviously choose to be TheNuke instead of decade since my last review. Anyway, it's a dance/trance song and it's worth downloading. Has some very good parts. I really like this TheNuke/decade guy. He can put samples together very well and I like his style of making music. Lots of 16-bit and some 8-bit samples here. They are good, TheNuke knows what he's doing.

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Title: -_Darkness Rave_-
Filename: darkness.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Ok, if this is darkness rave like the name suggest, I'd hate to see what a light rave would be. Anyway, it's quite a usual rave with a quick beat and a lot of samples. It's nice to listen for a couple of times. Not too bad. FutureFrog could improve on this part though, some of the samples are a bit worse than usual, but they fit together quite well. As I said, he can improve, but this isn't that bad either.

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Title: winter symphony
Filename: dcm-wntr.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
And here we have another rave by a finnish composer, decade (his name resembles darude and dejaru, why do finnish people always start their names with a small "d"?). Anyway, the song is really good, I wouldn't really think of this as something what you could play in a rave. It's good, decade found himself a new fan here. I doubt that this was decade's first song. The samples are great and so are effects. Decade shows that he can really make music and this is certainly worth the download.

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Title: paper-o-mania
Filename: paperman.mod
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Umm, well, it's a remix of Mark Cooksey's song from the game Paperboy. It sounds better than the original, but the game is old and so is the song. It was composed in the year 1993 and might have been better back then, but it just doesn't have much of anything besides a nostalagic feeling to it now. As the artist writes himself: "thiz is not a very serious tune (who cares?)" A little better here. The samples are mixed together well, but they are naturally old. As I said above, the samples are pretty much the same than what the game had, so it sounds real. Pretty good.

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Title: Tristan's Tango
Filename: w-tt.it
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Warder is one of my favorite composers, but he has certainly tried something new here. I'd say that it's under his normal level, but it's worth listening if you like this kind of music. I found it quite facinating on the first couple times and it could certainly be used for dancing tango, but...hmm, just not my kind of music. This is Warder's field, he is very good in putting samples together and mixing them up. There are very little effects, but I don't think it needs any. Great work by Warder, once again.

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Title: Tyhjan Pirtin Valssi
Filename: w-tpv.it
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Warder, I've been listening to his songs for a looong time and I certainly can say that Tyhjan Pirtin Valssi is very good. It isn't just as good as Warder's Moors of Ireland, Carra's Lament or Muuttohaukka, but it's certainly worth listening. Warder has done it again, the master of irish and folk music is really one of the best on MA. Really worth downloading. 25 8-bit samples. The flutes are simply amazing and Warder really masters this type of music. The samples mix together splendidly. There is nothing wrong here, Warder is one of the greatest.

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Title: AH Far Away Fantasy
Filename: ah-far.xm
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Please...make the pain stop! It's 2.12 long and has seven 8-bit samples, that's ok, but the pattern is just awful. I can't say that I've ever heard anything like this before. The artist writes that he got the inspiration from listening to Metallica, but I certainly can't see that reflect from the song. It's just no good. Just seven samples, but I'm not really sure if he even uses all of them. It just doesn't sound good and it makes my head hurt. He needs to do something better next time. Sorry.

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Title: agony
Filename: agonymod.mod
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Hmm, agony, that's probably pretty much the right word for the song. It's over 7,5 minutes long with just eight different 8-bit samples. I'll be fair, the song has some good melodies, but it's still not very good. The artist hasn't even put in his name. Eight 8-bit samples that work well. Not too professional, but it works...somehow...ok, he has put them together quite well, but he should try to get more and better samples to his next song. He also has a lot to improve on several fields.

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Title: Life Stream 2000
Filename: t-ls2k8b.xm
Posted Tue 4th Apr 2000
Rated 9 / 10
This tune has the feel of an awesome techno composition. It is up-beat and lively. It has a nice melody and great beat. There is also a good mix of instraments. This song was well thought through. The only problems I can think of are that the parts were there are speech it is hard to understand what is being said. Other then that Gread Job and Keep up the good work.

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Title: cheesylotus2theme
Filename: damien.xm
Posted Mon 3rd Apr 2000
Rated 5 / 10
The first thought that came into my head, as the artist says, is the thought of robots dancing. It's true! It's not something I would put on my playlist, but it is kind of catchy. This is actually, as I understand it, a remix of "android anarchy". The samples are great for the song, the effects used are good, everthing seems to sound how it was meant to sound. I have no complaints at all. I does seem, to me, that there are pops and clicks caused by note cuts but they seem to be intentional since they sound good in the song.

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Title: Pools of Poison
Filename: jt_pools.xm
Posted Fri 31st Mar 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This tune is.... perfect. Like the composer. Wave will always be the best. No one tracks like wave and this tune is one of his best works. Cool jazzy melodies all the time. Nice drumworx and its just perfect Not to big. Nice sample quality . Perfect. Download !

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Title: project R - Are you?
Filename: da02.it
Posted Wed 29th Mar 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Well, what can I say? This was done by a novice and, I think, it isn't worth the time you spend listening to it. (Thankfully, it's short!) No melody. Doesn't follow basic music theorom. OK, maybe some parts are pretty cool, but the overall "song" isn't that good. I'd say, let the author get better at writing music and I'll look forward to seeing his/her progress. This song was done with Impulse Tracker. (That's what I use so the author better whatch out!) I would have given it an "O.K." if it weren't for those very well chosen samples. I couldn't have chosen them better. And, well, technically a snare drum can't change pitch..., but other than that the effects, though few, are good. So, even though this song isn't that great, I'd say the writer has good potential.

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Title: fear the unknown
Filename: fear.xm
Posted Sat 25th Mar 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Most everything sounds good, there is always a part where some new sound comes in or a new main or background part is played. Besides being constantly fresh and interesting, all of the sounds used and the parts that they play are varied and are true sections, not just filler. Overall, music wise, it sounds good and it keeps interesting. The technical was even better, because the artist was able to make usually clashing sounds mix together extremely well. The intro, middle, and ending parts connected the main sections very well. The main reason for the high score is that there few, if any, faults in the making of this mod technically. Overall, in technicality, it was just well done.

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Title: Face the Music
Filename: fcemusic.xm
Posted Sat 25th Mar 2000
Rated 6 / 10
It has a lot of good sounds that are pure techno. It lost a few points because of its tendency to repeat often. Nevertheless, it has a very nice drum track and the sounds that come in at the end sound cool. The main parts may be a bit repetitive, but the background sounds are well worth listening for. The sounds are cued in at appropriate parts and the mixing and balancing is well done. The fading effects were very well used. I gave technical a higher score because the artist apparently put time and effort into making effects on the sounds and keeping them coordinated.

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Title: Heritage
Filename: heritage.xm
Posted Sun 19th Mar 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Awesome dancetune, with great melodies and nice chords! Dance is one of my favorite styles.. i've heard alot of bad dance, but this one is great! I'm gonna go look for more tracks by this guy, and you should too! 8bit tune, but the samples are still very good! There isn't much effects and stuff, but what's the need when the composer makes it sound like this without them? Lotsa different melodies, with different samples... just GREAT!
