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Title: Princess of Silver
Filename: night17.xm
Posted Wed 26th Jan 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The music is great. The melody is sad and yet hopeful. It tells a story of someone in love with Aurora, who knows that she cannot love him. (The sample sais so.) It is very pleasant and relaxing; I can sit and listen to it repeatedly. Although the notes do repeat, there is no sense of repetiveness; music requires it as a whole. There does exist an element of hope, it is dim, but it is there. I love the flute, or that which sounds like one. It very well mixes with the quiet drums in the background. The slow drums remind me of One Fine Day. I like the voice, as he rhythmically says "I cannot bear it anymore," and "nay, years." All the instruments coexist well, and complete each other. Well done!

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Title: 20333
Filename: 20333.it
Posted Tue 25th Jan 2000
Rated 7 / 10
A very mellow piece, with extremely effective electronic-type overtones used to good effect. It lasts for just on 5 minutes, a dreamy sit-down lazy kind of tune. Not much on the melody side, a semi-hypnotic synth glock in the background supplies the beat with a steady but effective drum rhythm. Nice. Very well used samples (some 16bit) and instrumented very effectively - surprising that there are so few of them. They sound original, and are used with very little (if any) adverse feedback or extraneous sounds. Thoughtfully put together, and well harmonised.

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Title: *** Living ***
Filename: av_life.xm
Posted Wed 19th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
A very nice little trip into the world of Techno/dance inspiration. I really enjoyed this piece, as I do with the most of Andreas Viklunds tunes. The voice here is so gr8, and it fits very good into the song, there is some parts in this tune that I don´t like so much, ´but most of the time I enjoyed to listen to this good technotune. small and compact tune, with quite good samples mostly 8bits, the only sample that I didn´t like was the strings, I think they sounds awfull. Good Duration at 05:12, The song is putted togheter very well, and I can´t hear any false notes or so. Lots of various melodies makes that this song never gets boring, Now I´m off, I`m gonna make myself a remix of this one I think =)) good work !!!

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Title: blown.xm
Filename: blown.xm
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 9 / 10
I've always been a fan of pOW and this is one of my favourite tunes by him. It's well made, with a nice intro, and a cpl of catchy melodies, but what i really like about the song is a acid-line i just LOVE! This one is def. worth a download if you're a fan of demostyle music. Very nice samples used, even though they're just 8bit. Some of them are prolly used by Elwood too, or they just sound the same... Either way, they give the tune a small feeling of Elwood.

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Title: boleti.xm
Filename: boleti.xm
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Finally a nice sounding tune! *sigh* A jazzy sorta tune with a police-atmosphere. Nice bass, drums and melody. I'm not a big jazz fan, but this tune still is a bit funny :) Overall nice tune... the only thing there is to complain about is the lenght of it. For me 40 secs isn't long enough to give a good grade, if it had been at least 2 min, i'd rated it higher. Still the tune is pretty good, nice use of effects and nice melodies. If you like chips it's sure worth a download.

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Title: Experiment B
Filename: bit_exp.xm
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 1 / 10
Everything i can say about this tune is that it's weird... The tune is small, and low quality, i have nothing against that. Small music doesn't have to be bad, but this one is. The samples are small and low quality, but who cares? Anyways, the tune is simple buildt. No effects and no real melody, and a weird beat. I had trouble finding a style to this one though, it's just weird ;p

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Title: -= Galactic Bounce =-
Filename: bounce.s3m
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Some parts of the song sound ok, but then again, other parts are really out of tune. The song works as a piece of music, it's well buildt. I still don't like the melodies though, doesn't seem that he has put much work in them. The song contains a ok rythm though, but that's the least you could expect? This tune isn't really advanced, so it's prolly one of the composers first mods. All samples are 8bit, but it's old and it's .s3m so there's nothing else to expect. And there is no effects used...

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Title: Flight of the Bluebird -sw-
Filename: bluebird.s3m
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 1 / 10
Ehm... I think this tune is one of the worst i've heard. I really had trouble finding anything positive about it. I don't really like the style of it, and i don't like the melody. And ... err... where's the drums? All samples were 8bit. Actually one of the samples were screwed up too, but that's not the composeres fault, that's just something that happenes to songs sometimes. Nevertheless it makes the song sound really shit! Too bad...

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Title: Smells Like Bananas
Filename: bj-smell.s3m
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Kinda funny tune. It's a remix of the famous song 'Smells like teen spirit' which is original done by Nirvana. It's well made, and it doesn't sound completeley like the original, which makes it worth a download, especially for nirvana-fans. Most of the song is tracked, but the original guitar-riff is ripped and placed in the tune as one sample... But the vocals is remade with tracking which is good. I'd say it's a ok good tune... i used to be a nirvana fan as a kid, so i guess a part of me still likes the music a bit :)

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Title: bertilbornishere
Filename: berra.mod
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 4 / 10
The song itself is quite simple... it's 4 channel but that's not the reason. There is almost no effects used, and it seems to be made by a newbie tracker. Anyhow, the first part of the melody sounded kinda good... but that was all positive i could find in this tune... There are only 4 samples used, 3 guitar-samples and a hihat. That so few samples are used gives the tune a bit boring sound. But still, it makes a small download, so it wouldn't hurt to get it anyways... even for a good laugh? =)

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Title: Millenium
Filename: mille.xm
Posted Mon 17th Jan 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Pretty neato club tune with lots of transitions. Use of strings is very good and the song has a very professional feel to it. This one is definitely one to download. The artist used lots of panning and other cool effects. The song sounds basically amazing. The only thing that let me down was the main bassdrum. It didn't sound suitable for this kind of music, but hey... it doesn't make the song a bad song. So. Donwload it!

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Title: endless worry
Posted Sat 15th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This tune starts off a little slow, and with only a few instruments. However, it gets progressively better as it moves along. It really has a "classic sound" to me. So if you know what that means, you'll know what to expect from the rest of the tune! :) The samples all sound very good, and they are used quite effectively! The artist put all of them to good use to create one good song. Even some of the less noticed instruments in this song got some more attnetion than usual.

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Title: End of all
Filename: endofall.xm
Posted Sat 15th Jan 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The tune is a good idea, however it seemed to me like it got a little repetitive after a while. The song itself is basicaly two guitars and some percussive instruments. It sounds good for a while, but then after that, don't expect too much more. The samples sound nice. The noticeable ones (the guitars) sounded high quality. It would have been nice if the author decided to do something more with the electric guitar, because in my opinion, it was all too perdictable what it was going to do.

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Title: End of an Era
Filename: endofera.xm
Posted Sat 15th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This song has a few good sounding instruments that make it up. The piano and the percussive instruments really create a whole mellow atmosphere. It's a nice song to listen to, and maybe you'll be relaxed by it. The speed of the song remains constant, so there should be no suprises! :) All of the instrument samples are really nice! They sound like they're AT LEAST sampled at 22KHz. The leading instrument, the piano, is really used well. The percussion instruments are used in the background effectively as well.

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Title: Quake
Filename: quake.xm
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I burned this to a CD and listened to it while I was playing quake. It totaly freeks me out. This tune could be alot better. It seems like the artist had all the samples and was board. But hey.. it's an O.K. tune. Looking at the notes and the way this tune is made up it's somewhat complex and has a few fx. Not bad. But not good either.

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Title: Sanctuary
Filename: glm_sanc.xm
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 6 / 10
simplistic patented and somewhat annoyingly catchy. Yet, it is annoying. Yes, it sounds ok. Yes, it's hard to describe. I guess it's ok to listen too. It probably has no potential to be a favorite but it could become a part of an audio CD. The piano is awesome needless to say. The bass/drums are cool too. Like I said, simple sounding... Which could be a good thing, and for some purposes was good in this song. But maybe some reverb and some echo would have given this one a better score. Great quality samples and low file size and good running time. Fin'e

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Title: Gnosis = Insanity??
Filename: gnosis.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 7 / 10
A song with a plot. This is one dealing with death, the afterlife, and the truth(?)But other than that this is a pretty cool song. Great rhythms by the piano/guitar synth and great drums also. It's got some grunge in there also. Pretty good music, but it does not have what the French would call, 'Geno se qua' Tracked, sampled, and "effected" very well. The samples are awesome sounding, and the fade at the end gives a great feeling, like the song was actually completed instead of just ending like some artists/authors do. It appeals to several music types I believe, but it still lacks that one .. I can't put my finger on it. I can't put my finger on it because they're being used to type, HAHAHA... I've said too much

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Title: A God So Perverse
Filename: god.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
If you like this kind of stuff, You'll definitely like this 'een. the word "perverse" is mentioned, and do you want to know why? Well, here are a few words from the "credits". Sampe Sampe Special thanx to Mike Marchant for scraping the stool against the art room floor while i recorded it. Sample 4 is actually my guitar run through a pitch shifter with a whole lotta distortion. DO NOT PLAY IN MODPLUG, YOU BLIMEY TWIT!!! And it's actually a pretty cool song. Granted I wouldn't won't to fall asleep to this, but this would make a great road rage song. "MOVE OVER JACKASS". Well, like I said, if you like "dark" industrial type music, then by all means, listen to this one.Hehe, won't scoot over will you?? Then prepare for ramming speed!! Ah hahaha This is awesome.. Some of the samples (the chair on the floor, etc) are just so nifty and unique and unique and unique. I wanna hear more like this one! AhemThis is an emotional song. Reminds me of my brain and head, distorted and confused, which is awesome. Download me!

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Title: MEL -Gods Army
Filename: godsarmy.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
SACRE PLU!Dark and mysterious, just like my womenz. I guess this could be pure fantasy if it weren't for the drum set. Very kicakss all together. Good enough for a horror movie. DOWNLOAD NOW! Wow, nice effects and samples. Great time too (not short, not long). the drum rhythm was unique in my opinion, especially for this type of song (unless I'm just totally wrong). I liked the birds and slow intro also.

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Title: Lost City of Gold
Filename: gold.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 4 / 10
simplistic and boring.... .. and it comes with a plot: " You must be thinking, THE ENDING SUCKS BIG TIME well you're right, I wanted to create a situat of some guy walking trough some haunted place searching for the exit the ending is supposed Modulated Synth has found the exit but in a last desperate attem pt fails to reach it. ------------------------- Ah well, maybe I'll get it right next time I don't want to fix it anymore " Not many effects.. baren and boring

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Title: Goldeneye
Filename: goldeneye.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Should have kept this in midi format.. not interesting.. to say the least Uh..... why?

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Title: Go Rappo
Filename: gorappo.xm
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Actually, it sounds kinda neat-o.. I can't understand a word, but it's still kinda cool HAHAHA.. I've never heard a mod rap before.. that's pretty cool

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Title: Rain will end
Filename: gtgroove.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Nothing to keep you interested, but nothing is wrong with it. Slightly Boring.. but still worth the download just to see "What not to do" when you track.

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Title: gt_tower.xm
Filename: gt_tower.xm
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Grooovy tune. Starts slow then develops a bass beat that keeps the song moving. Then there is that piano, then some sort of solo. Very cool song. But no pizzaz uh... it's built right. And everything else is ok too. Weeeeee

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Title: *---Silvery Waterfalls--*
Filename: gff_silv.it
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 8 / 10
Well, this one is quite cool. Soothing and up beat.. happyish. Great rhythm and great chords, etc. .. technically it's as perfect as can be for the artist. Not too short, not too long.. good effects.. very good mod.. Worth a try

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Title: run the gauntlet
Filename: gauntlet.mod
Posted Mon 10th Jan 2000
Rated 5 / 10
so so... so so...

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Title: 7th_dizc.xm
Filename: 7th_dizc.xm
Posted Thu 30th Dec 1999
Rated 5 / 10
this is a tune that goes with one word: repeating!!!! The tune starts with a quite nice melodie, and that melodie continues to about the half tune, then another melody appears for like a minute, then the first melodie comes up, and then both melodies. The two melodies is quite good, but u can´t make a good songs with only 2 melodies and allmost no sound in the background. I have heard better tunes by this artist/s mostly 8 bits samples, allmost no panningeffects used. this tune is 05:19 and with only thoose melodies, the song gets boring the first time u hear this song. The artists has good ideas but I don´t think he tried enough. well, this makes it sound like this song is terrible, but it´s not, I liked some parts of it. Quite good work!

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Title: Eternal Flame REMIX
Filename: eternalf.xm
Posted Thu 30th Dec 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a remix of a song that where discovered in the late 80´s. I don´t remember who sang the original, but it was a big hit back then. This remix is quite good, and it maked me wanna sing with it. =) It´s not very repeating but it is not that various either. Quite good work!! I like this tune, and if u liked the original this is a good download. mostly 8bit samples, and the tune is small. A little short tune, if he had maked it a bit longer the credits would be higher. Dario@ have used the panning effects with quite good impression. the bassline is gr8. But If u listen real hard u can hear one or two false notes. but as I said, this is a good work!

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Title: Fawlty Towers
Filename: mod2.xm
Posted Thu 30th Dec 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Hmm... well it's kinda a straight rip, using one instrument (which, unfortunately, is one of the worst, most distorted violin samples I've EVER had the misfortune to sit thru). The songs all there, though, although I don't remember the Fawlty Towers theme tune going on this long. And being so darned boring, irritating and, ummm... bad. =) It's obvious that the tracker has some musical skill (as all the notes are intact and seemingly correct), but I think he lacks the knowledge of the tracker to get any real juice outta it. Still, I'd be interested to see what he could make with more than one sample, better quality, a better know-how of the module scene, and a bit of time.

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Title: Project X 2
Filename: projecx2.xm
Posted Tue 28th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
The second tune in the Project X "era" =) I think that this is one better, it has more and nicer melodies. Starts out really good, and it continues in that way all to the end, extra credits for the nice piano, that was really a gr8 job. Quite small tune, and very good samples.most of them 8-bits but it still sound real pro. The samples are very well putted togheter. the hole tune is a perfect dosk-pop song. Good Duration at 04:52 I don´t have any bad parts. This tune is really good. Love it!

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Title: s.o.e - xerxes / n55
Filename: xr-soe.xm
Posted Tue 28th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is really a great song. Starts out first with some sine and followed by some wonderfull strings, then the absolutely fantastic piano appears. When I listen to this tune I´m thinking of the one I love, so I guess there is some "Love" influence in this tune. This goes straight away into my modplug playlist. gr8 work!! Nice and flowing samples, they ar all very proffesional putted togheter, there is lots of various nice melodies here, and the voice fits in perfectly. bad parts about this tune: well, it nothing to complain about, according to me..but the lenght of this tune is only 02:46, if Xerxes had make it longer, then the rating would be a little higher. But this tune is still a killer and I recommend it for ALL modarchive visitors

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Title: Deceased Mind
Filename: deceased.xm
Posted Sat 18th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song has a quite catchy tune in lead. You may find yourself humming to it without actually thinking of it. The only thing that may annoy you would be that it's a bit repeative. But it's not devestating for the song so it good anyway. There are very few parts that are exactly simuliar. But the main theme stay there the whole song. There are only the instruments that are the differences. But at the same time, that is enough, 'cause while reviewing I always listens to the song that I'm reviewing in the background and not even after 45min listening to the same song over and over again I still don't think it's a bit anoying. No, it's still the same good song... I'm actually not into the technical part of reviewing. But hey, I'll give it a try. For god sake, I'm a tracker myself. I don't think that this should be a problem but anyway... it is, A small one :) The sample choses are good and it give the whole a good feeling. It's clean and fresh. The tracking is acurate and no instrument are lagging and behind. I see great potential in this guy.

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Title: -"STAY WITH ME"-
Filename: stay.xm
Posted Mon 13th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Starts out very good with strings, tightly followed by a voice and the bassline. Sounds very good to me, then the piano appears. The piano sounds damn good to. But then, allmost nothing more is happening in this tune, don´t get me wrong it´s still a great tune. It´s a little bit repetive. good and clean sounds. small tune, but it still sounds very good. mostly 8bit samples. A little short duration at exactly 03:00. This tune is very nicely done and I`m sure that they have putted quite much effort behind this tune.

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Title: 1999 - S-Trance
Filename: 1999.xm
Posted Sun 12th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The intro is a little too long which can cause loss of interest considering the type of track this is. At 4:42, just about right with plenty of interesting and varied movements. One feature is the seamless movement between harshness and mildness throughout the piece, giving a good stomping feel with a little respite between times. Would this be played at the 1999 parties... I don't know, but nice idea. Very good use of the many samples included in this track. Some are very short but still worked well within the scope of the piece. Very good use of panning across speakers, giving a lot of depth to the already quite technically oriented instrumentation. Good varied cross section of sounds which are well worked into the track.

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Title: Spooky
Filename: 5spooky.it
Posted Sun 12th Dec 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Spooky it isn't; however it has an interesting technique by using a number of vocal inputs to generate a kind of 'Friday 13th' type atmosphere with the initial telephone convo sequence. The intro has potential which unfortunately isn't realised as the tune enters a collection of repeats and mismatched themes which end up as a misdirectional jumble. More thought and time given into the gothic/horror theme content would have been better deployed. The only saving feature of this mod is its use of some very interesting samples. The vocal effects have been taken and used quite well within the context of the theme, and some of the drums and instruments have been well sequenced. However, it falls short of giving total effect and some of the samples have been 'overdone' - too heavy and too flat.

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Title: Dragonfly
Filename: aa_drfly.xm
Posted Sun 12th Dec 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Starts out with a spacey feel, and the added vocals blend in quite well; it retains the open feeling once the beat is brought into the main section. Some interesting sounds which work well, although melodically it doesn't really stand out - just a collection of varied sound types with some good use of interesting chord changes. Too short at just under 3 minutes. Good use of the 8-bit samples involved, not too heavily tweaked to offer a varied and quite pleasant output. Good use of the volume controls, very good drumming technique and an effective mix of the unusual samples combine to form a technically polished result. A worthy effort, more in keeping as a backing track than a main tune.

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Title: Christmas is here
Filename: night18.xm
Posted Sun 12th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a remix a of real songs that is very wellknown in Sweden, and personally I think this roxx, it´s way better than the original. I listen to this about 1-2 times a day. It has some gr8 melodies and it´s not repetive at all. This is not the first tune I reviewed that CoS have made, but I just can´t stop, I love their music. this tune is a killer. download it now the samples here are great!! and they don´t take that much space at all... Every melodie is mixed extremely good. Good duration at 05:43 and it never gets boring cause it got lots of nice melodies. as usuall, CoS have succeded again.

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Title: everyday
Filename: fo_ever.xm
Posted Sun 12th Dec 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a quite good tune, but nothing special. It sais that it was made in 36 minutes on a compo!! and for that time, this is a impressive tune. Starts out good with a guitarr. Then comes the drums, sounds good, a piano is appear, and it sounds really good. Then some strings come in and they do not sound that good. Anyway this is a good tune.. download. Impressive that "M" made it in 36 minutes, u should remember that. Good duration, Good samples. Sometimes the mixing is not that good. most samples are in 8bits, wich makes the tune much smaller. I really love the piano that sounds very pro. It could be a little longer with more nice melodies.

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Title: 3 foot high
Filename: 3foot.xm
Posted Fri 10th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
A very interesting track, really pleasant introduction and a smooth seamless movement into the main sections. Excellent drum backing with great use of multi-tone sampled sequences adding to the ambience and atmospheric effect of the tune. Certainly easy listening, but at 2:14 I felt it was too short, cutting off just as it was getting interesting. A lot of samples here, virtually all of excellent quality - even the 8 bit ones. The use of the samples is very good, their instrumental output being of sufficient quality to avoid excessive use of effects within the track itself. Tuning is of a very high standard, and all have been put together with a lot of thought.

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Title: 1000000 miles...
Filename: 1mmsan.xm
Posted Fri 10th Dec 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Interesting piece, this track incorporates some very good synthesizer backing, but is somewhat lacking in terms of melody - defined or otherwise. There is good phrase movement and transition, and the drum beat, although very well effected, stops becoming tedious by some thoughtful changes in pace. In all, it fades out just about right after 3:44. Some fairly basic samples used here, only a couple of 16 bit ones being included. That said, they are tuned very well and their use within the track is inventive. Very few effects which is unusual for a techno style piece, merely some volume and slide variations which tend to give it a 'samey' feel.
