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Title: First Farewell
Filename: 1stfwell.xm
Posted Fri 10th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A very pleasant intro using good accoustic guitars. The melody is smooth and well blended, with backing tracks of soft string complementing the piece throughout an effortless transition into deep drums and synth melodies. A well worked track, with some basic but effective chord and phrase movements. Easy listening for 3:09 minutes. Some very good use of the few samples used here, instrumentation has been tuned to a fairly high standard. There are no excesses here, and each instrument (especially the strings and accoustic guitar) sound very real, set and played with feeling, given good use of volume and portamento controls. Effective.

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Title: Allende
Filename: 4light.xm
Posted Tue 7th Dec 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Not sure about this one; it lasts just on six minutes, and I couldn't clearly pick up any melodic definition. Although most of the patterns are unique, the same things kept repeating over making it somewhat dull and tedious. Very little direction, quite an ethereal piece which doesn't seem to be able to hang together. More form cohesion, and a clearer structure is needed here. Not too much wrong with the samples used, the voices were well utilised within the framework of the song. The effects were simple but effective; glissando and portamento were quite good in the context of the overall output. Nice instruments, shame about the tune.

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Title: Astral dreams (NB)
Filename: 4706-astraldreams.it
Posted Tue 7th Dec 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Quite simply outstanding, one of the very best mod compositions I've ever heard. Four minutes and 18 seconds of some of the finest music ever to grace a set of speakers, Nightbeat has excelled himself with this one. Tuneful, melodic, just about perfect phraseology, everything about it screams beauty. I cannot fault this in any way, and it will always have a place in my music library. A must download. Nothing short of perfection in this department. The samples are superb, and used with just enough effect to send you into another world when you listen to them. The sounds are genuine, a very real sense of them being physically played rather than just used and tweaked to suit. The choice of instruments are very complimentary, with harmonies being just right. Excellent.

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Title: Earth Machine Interlude
Filename: machine.it
Posted Tue 7th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wow! This is a beautiful relexing ambient track,a must-download for everyone.. It starts with a very good intro with some sound effects of rain and thunder,then comes in a very cool slow beat. The melody here is pretty simple but it is very powerfull and it mixes very well with the beat and chords. This track has some very original sounds ,really good ideas and excellent arrangement. This is definitely a professional's work :) Well done! very original samples were used in this track..Most of the samples here are 8-bit but I didn't even notice that before I checked them! The artist used a lot of echo and effects on them ,which made this track sound very relexing and calm.. really awesome work was done on this track.. download it now people!

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Title: Rise of the Triad
Filename: st3_rot.it
Posted Mon 6th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wow is what comes to my mind when I first hear this. This is really REALLY great! it starts off as an eerie spooky sort of tune that sounds like something you would associate with the game Requiem. Then it breaks into a sort of Orchestral/Pop mix where it builds up to a mid climax. Then... eerieness again as the drumbeat kicks in with the eerie chords. After some polished bass which REALLY sounds like its from the game Rise of the Triad! Another Orchestral climax builds up. then it slowly, but surely, fades away.... Any ambient or spooky lover will enjoy this. I encourage you ALL to hear it! As with all of St3vor's songs, there is almost zero complexity. But really that is irrelevant. St3vor really knows how to put the point accross in his songs. And he looks not to care at all about how it is done. But it is done well. The song is built mainly around 2 melodies. Im sure that if it had more variety, it would have scored 10, but I give it a 9 because of how great it sounds. The strings and chord samples used here are a definite MUST for all trackers. Blended together in the way St3vor has here, they will make a very significant difference to your music. This song is technically very simple, but it's bluddy good for a change of pace.

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Title: 11 notes on sand
Filename: 11notesonsand.mod
Posted Sun 5th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This 4 channel Protracker mod starts with a great drum and bass intro, the guitar melody kicks in soon after. A very polished piece, great melody although a touch repetitive with the patterns. Extremely good solo guitar riffs, and an excellent bass line thoughout its 2:37 duration. Simply written, but awesome in its effectiveness; in fact the more I listen to it the more addictive it becomes! Definitely one for the library... The samples are of extremely high quality albeit 8-bit, and their use is of a very high calibre. Being protracker format, not much can be used in terms of instrumentation but these samples (especially the guitar) have been utilised superbly for maximum output. I just wish I knew who wrote it...

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Title: Bahia Blanca
Filename: 10bb.xm
Posted Sun 5th Dec 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Let's forget the O.K. bit here - this is unadulterated tosh. A track length of 2:00 and a real ordeal to listen to after the first 25 seconds. Repeated patterns, a dead end directional content and an eventual melody (?) which is so out of tune it probably belongs somewhere else. An inconclusive ending just about sums it up. Basic standard samples used here, no real tweaking or tuning to speak of. The metal guitar sample and the chord guitar both used out of scope, and make them sound as though the piece is being played too fast. Virtually zero effects used in this 8 channel effort apart from panning which doesn't cut it. Sorry, this is dustbin fodder.

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Title: Taiga
Filename: 00008.it
Posted Sun 5th Dec 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This mod has all the makings of a movie soundtrack, placed firmly in the background of something like a D&D story. No melody to speak of, just a number of sequences which have some interesting chord variations and orchestral hits/cymbal clashes. It fades out at the end after 4:11, and to be honest the length is just about right, there would be very little point in making this any longer. The instruments used are tuned nicely, the samples themselves being of a reasonably high quality. Most are used very well, however one or two cymbal clashes and the voices are obviously out of tune (too low/high) and because of the nature of the music, stand out all too clearly as being 'not quite right'. A little more work required to get a closer, more coherent instrumental harmony.

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Title: without soul
Filename: 06_11_97.xm
Posted Sun 5th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Once you get into this piece, the main thing that strikes you is the excellent drumming sections. The technique is wonderful, and really stands out as a main attraction. The track runs for 5:18, and although there must be a melody in there somewhere, I didn't really manage to find one. A lot of pattern repeats, not sure whether they were put there just to pad it out, but overall an enjoyable listen. The drum samples are excellent, and tuned to near perfection. They are played with some feeling, and one would think that these at least have a professional feel to them. All the instruments are very well tuned, and are used to their fullest effect within the music. Good general effects overall.

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Title: Yearning for more
Filename: aa_yearn.xm
Posted Sat 4th Dec 1999
Rated 9 / 10
A rea lly interesting piece of music, starts off very smoothly and with a shuffle-type beat backing makes for a very pleasant and soothing track. It has a melody which is hummable, and a cheeky little addition of a section of Borodin's Polotsvian Dances at the end of the piece makes it all the more enjoyable. An extremely listenable work, if a little short before the loop at 3:02. Seemingly quite simple instruments used, the overall effect of the soft strings is quite superb. Resonances and reverbs are cleverly input through the use of several channels, and the sample effects are subtle and effective. Good use of the wrap- around to keep the tune looping seamlessly.

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Title: 0rigin.xm
Filename: 0rigin.xm
Posted Sat 4th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
It starts out with a beautiful tom-tom opening, complemented by a pan flute and setting the scene for what is essentially an excellent piece. Very melodic, a most pleasant atmospheric tune suited to dim lights and a glass of wine :) Actually, would also suit as a background to an exotic TV jungle documentary, although at 2:51 a little too short for my liking. The samples are of superb quality, with the african drums, pan flute and soft choir voices having been used with very good technical expertise throughout the piece. Excellent use of effect tweaking for each of the instruments, the volume is just about right from beginning to end. A good effort worthy of a download.

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Title: Alertia
Filename: alertia9.xm
Posted Sat 4th Dec 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Alertia is a full-fledged dance tune incorporating many of the techniques popular in everyone's favorites, the demotunes. Depending on how fluid or how technological you like to enjoy your music, this can be either a plus or a minus... But it's all pulled together quite nicely. There are numerous subtle variations thrown together, keeping it homogenous enough for dancefloor quality, while interesting enough for the usual mod listener. String sweeps and several flutes and winds back up a good standard backline, and the cycle of introduction, buildup, climax, and resolution comes off excellently. The techniques of demostyle trackers really scream out of this piece, with panning and swells sliding along to the beat of the song, but that doesn't mean it's raw or unfinished in any way. On the contrary, the authors throw their all into the work and come out with a shining sculpture. Leaving the marks of their tools on the finished product is just all in the play of the game. Effects fly here, every single row, without overloading the piece unpleasantly. Overall, this piece represents an excellent melding of old and new tracking techniques. There's bound to be a niche audience for this piece, those who will enjoy it immensely.

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Title: Eternal Flames
Filename: 00007.it
Posted Fri 3rd Dec 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A much better offering from this artist, a worthwhile 4:20 of easy listening. A hard introduction flowing into a smooth start, an easy beat and good melodic riffs help this tune considerably. Unfortunately, it suffers from lack of direction, thus making it somewhat repetetive where a change in mood, perhaps a cadence switch, would resolve that. Not enough top level melody for my liking. Very good samples, simple instrumentation but tuned finely and effectively. Effects are used to a high skill level and help to complement the flow of the music. Volume triggers have been set to suit the mood of the piece. In all, the sounds are more than adequate to reflect the general ambience of the tune.

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Title: After the rain
Filename: 00005.it
Posted Fri 3rd Dec 1999
Rated 4 / 10
A pleasant start to this short (2:57) piece which unfortunately doesn't keep up to initial expectations. Good backing tracks and interesting chord changes keep some interest but the melody tends to get lost in sequences of rather repetitive loops. Could be improved, a little more thought into how the tune should progress is suggested. Tuneful though simple sounds used in this mod, some sounding familiar. The drum settings are refined, and the instruments have been tuned well. Very few effects have been used, but then for this type of music it's not necessary to have much more. Basic and effective.

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Title: minas news
Filename: minasnew.it
Posted Sat 27th Nov 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a very relexing experimental-ambient-chip tune. :) It's nice to see there are still some trackers that try to make new things. the track is good but it is very repeatitive,it almost doesn't change through the whole track.... It probably took less then an hour to make... However,it is worth downloading,I like the relexing feelings this track makes. listen to this before u go to sleep! Very good idea was used in this track and unlike other chip tunes this one is less happy and it isn't noisy at all. but it is a bit short for this kinda music (3:12).. The artist also repeated patterns many times and didn't make a lot of changes through the track,and even when the changes come in,u almost can't hear them.

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Title: Freezing Tears
Filename: ftears.it
Posted Sat 27th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I really like this tune VERY much.....Starts with an outstanding intro with a "bell" I think it is.....then some basslines and strings appears, and it sounds very proffesional... The tune is Harmonic and got lots of various meldoies. U will never get bored, because it´s not repetive at all. Download this and feel REAL proffesional MUSIC in your computer!! I wont regret it for a second.. very good duration at 04:20....As I said, it never gets bored... 16bits samples....Lots of very nice instruments, and some of them made by the maker of this module. The samples are in HIGH quility and they sound very nice to my little ears.. Very good work!!!

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Title: Thanatos Minor
Filename: w-tm.it
Posted Thu 25th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Interesting style! Used different samples, el-guitar and saxophone which sounds like a bad combination, but not in this tune! It gives it a very intersting sound. Kinda sad melody but the el-guitar is giving the tune a sort of power. And the tune is containing a really good atmosphere. Kinda mystique... The samples in this tune is really amazing! Some are 8bit and some are 16bit. There is a hell lot of them, and they all are very high quality! As warder wrote himself: "It's not about music, it's about samples" I think it's both! :)

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Title: phenomenon
Filename: phenomenon.mod
Posted Thu 25th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Happy dance demostyle game music created on Amiga 500 in the year of 1999!! Hmm... will ever Amiga & C64 die? :) This tune would prolly have ended up in a kickass Amiga car-game if it had been made some years ago! Really nice tune, with a lot of changing, and is intersting to listen to all the way. Sometimes it even sounds like a multichannel tune. Very impressing skills of tracking! Hope i hear more amiga-mods from him in the future! How much do you expect from a amiga-tune? It's 200 kb unzipped, and the samples are nice. 8bit ofcourse, but still nice quality. They sound clear and good. Even some sfx is used. Which again is really impressive when the tune is just 4 channel!

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Title: Outer Visions
Filename: trch-out.it
Posted Wed 24th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Kinda happy jazz tune, or something. Really nice piano, combined with 2-3 other instruments forming a really nice melody! The drums sound really thought trough. Downloading this tune will be worth it even if you don't like the style. For some reason i combine this kinda sound with a theme from a TV-show or something... sounds really pro. The samples are mostly 8bit but the tune is also containing a cpl of 16bit samples. Even though these samples are 8bit they sound really good, and they all fit perfectly together. Particularly the piano-sample really sounded good!

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Title: Approach (Nightbeat)
Filename: nb_appr.it
Posted Wed 24th Nov 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Hearing this kinda music tracked is amazing! The bagpipe in the start of it is awesome! Giving a real scottish braveheart feeling. Using a sad melody, but still gives you goose bumps :) Then the tune progresses and gets happy. Very nice rythms and amazing drums and melodies! The samples in this tune are excellent! Accordion & bagpipe samples are rare and these are very high quality! A pleaseure to the ear. Used effects to make 'em sound exactly as they should! GREAT work!

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Title: Experience
Filename: experience.xm
Posted Wed 24th Nov 1999
Rated 10 / 10
The song starts with a nice intro with smooth strings. After that comes a wonderful piano and after that the song really gets cool it speeds up with a nice background. Anyway it sounds Excellent i really love this song. There is one thing i dont like and that is when the piano starts playing very quick. But that doesn´t matter the other melodies compensate for that :) For all Elwood fans this is a must download it now ! this one is very technically made as all other Elwood songs. I dont think i have to write so much here. except it is very well made nice job once again our dear Elwood =)

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Title: A Minute of Jazz
Filename: 3426-aminuteofjazz.xm
Posted Wed 24th Nov 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Hah.. well, this tune is too slow to be a jazztune I think. Bad melodee and the drums isn't the greatest I can really tell. Exept from the out-of-tune, and out-of-time, this crappy little tune isn't monotonous =) It isn't complicated, there isn't used many effects or of that kind. The samples are fear, but the jazzmelodee should have been louder. It's too small to be a groovie .. 1 min .. and there are other things which could have been a lot better here.

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Title: Ode To Megaman -(Pci)-
Filename: mega.it
Posted Wed 24th Nov 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Overall,very nice melodic techno/drums & bass tune. It has a catchy emotional (kinda) piano melody that repeats itself through the whole track,but somehow it doesn't get annoying. The melody fits very well to the drums'n'bass beat,so it is a pretty enjoyable track. but there are some parts in this track that could have been made much better with some more work,like the ending and the parts when the piano melody plays only with a bassdrum on the background.. Well,this track is pretty simple made,the artist didn't use a lot of echo,even on the piano melody.. I noticed that most of the samples are 8-bit quality,and thats a shame,becuz with some more clean samples this track could have been much better,also some sound effects and maybe vocals could make this track more interesting.

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Title: Moog Machine
Filename: moggin.it
Posted Tue 23rd Nov 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This is not a song,it is just a lot of sound effects noise mixed with some unballanced melodies. everything sounds out of tune here.. I dunno if the composer meant for it to sound like this ,but it doesn't work as music... overall,the ideas of this track are good but the artist should have worked with some better samples - with a little lower volume on them - and he should have done everything in order, not just throwing everything toghter! Well,what can I say? techniclly this is really bad. this artist should practice some more.. I know he tried to make an expirenmental song here,but also expirenmental trax should sound good!

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Title: Silent Shades (ext)
Filename: silentex.xm
Posted Thu 18th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This one is really impressive! It begins with just strings and accoustic guitar, but ends up with a really powerful line. Distortion guitar comes in somewhere in the middle. Cool! Well, all samples are OK... Maybe just lead guitar sample is not as cool as drums or bass, for example.

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Title: Harley D. Warrior
Filename: harley.xm
Posted Thu 18th Nov 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Nice solo guitar based song. Cool rhythm guitar and drums. Very interesting that it all backgrounded with soft string arrangement. Well, if you want to listen a MOD with hard rock riffs and a lot of solos - this one's for you. Well, all samples are OK... Maybe just lead guitar sample is not as cool as drums or bass, for example.

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Title: INJUNS __Dj Xyth__
Filename: injuns.xm
Posted Thu 18th Nov 1999
Rated 4 / 10
I wonder how the native american people would respond to this ;)...anyway, Ill be brief: same rythm repeated over and over and over again, simple song structure, annoying WOO! sound over and over, good indian whistle rythm foiled by being repeated OVER AND OVER AGAIN. So, in a word: repetative. Good but repeatative. Repetative. Mr. Dj has good knowledge of the programs here, and his rythms don't clash with each other, which is good. It's just your repetition, man, switch it up on 'em! FLIPMODE! heh, anyway its not harmful to your health, and the flute rythm is crafted nicely..it's just that damn Woo! sound....

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Title: Jump&run
Filename: jmprun.xm
Posted Thu 18th Nov 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Jump and Run? Hell yeah i jumped and ran...FAR AWAY from this song. All kidding aside this is just another one of your dime-a-dozen run o' the mill chiptunes thats 1 minute long and sounds like the video game that inspired it. And, like all the millions, and MILLIONNNSS of chiptunes, this one is amusing at first and then gets annoying. But, it brings back the old 8-bit nostalgia, and at least its not HURTFUL to your ears... This song actually has the feel that the composer knows what hes doing and just made this little bitty ditty for fun, which is cool. Unfortunatly, theres no info on the composer AT ALL, so its hard to tell if hes a copycat that made it last week..or one of the pioneers that started chiptunes in like 1992...the world may never know.

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Title: trilogy3.s3m
Filename: trilogy3.s3m
Posted Sat 13th Nov 1999
Rated 4 / 10
What can I say? The tune is nice if you like that kind of thing. It reminds me of a 'Clockwork Orange' type horror tune. It could have become so much more if it had been expanded upon, but with a playing time of only 51 seconds, it's little more than an intro. The samples are passable in quality but badly looped causing heavy clicking. The whole song is in mono which is a pity as a little spatial width could have brought out a far more ambient and atmospheric sound. Sorry, whoever you are, it really doesn't do anything for me in its present form.

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Title: trajanus
Filename: trajanus.mod
Posted Sat 13th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
A highly professional piece of music. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I still lurv the early 80's jazz-funk style. I would swear that this song had been written by a professional musician. Whoever he/she is, I wish they had included their name somewhere in the song. Please e-mail me your name! If you liked the very early work of bands such as 'Level 42' and 'Billy Cobham', you will appreciate this to the full! On the technical side, I do have a few tiny gripes with this song. Maybe the artist didn't have access to the brilliant 'Impulse Tracker' when he/she wrote this, but a little instrument control and dynamic panning would turn this into a complete masterpiece. The overall sound is very clean and probably reflects almost exactly what the artists 'minds eye view' of the song was originally. VERY NICE INDEED!

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Title: Mind Machines
Filename: machines.xm
Posted Fri 12th Nov 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This track starts really good,with a very well-made chords melody and a good bassline and then comes in a slow beat.. so I thought to myself "this slow beat will probably end soon and then it will be faster" but NO! it stayed on that slow tempo the whole time! this track isn't a real tune its like an intro to a 8-minutes-long emotional-trance track.. it is 2:30 mins long and it doesn't have a climax part,it just sounds like the beginning of the track....... whats wrong with this artist?! can't he send a full track?? Pretty average samples used here,but the artist used them very well (exept the drums) the artist made a very good melody here and knew how to use the chords professionally. but he wasn't very creative on this track,he should have FINISHED the track before he sent it..! .. please make a remix and e-mail me! :)

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Title: Here We GO!!! By CSM
Filename: herewego.xm
Posted Fri 12th Nov 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Here We Go is a good tune to dance on!! The chorus is nice, because it's is played by some kinda flute. Here We Go isn't the best song I've ever heard but if you like fantasy music you should listen to it. The samples in this song are of a good quality. The song maybe a little slow. If you're at the 2 minutes the song starts to bother, because there aren't used new samples/(sound)effects.

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Title: Heart Beat '98
Filename: heartb98.xm
Posted Fri 12th Nov 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Heart Beat '98 is a soft house tune. The music sounds very well, and the chorus is absolutely fabulous!! Unfortunately the tempo is a little slow. Crack it up, and it's sounds a bit nicer! In Heart Beat '98 are a lot of (sound)effects. That's what makes the song so nice. The samples are of a high quality and they're fitting precisely in Heart Beat '98. You may like this song, if you're into (Soft) House. But it's worth downloading!

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Title: eine kleine mitzmusik
Filename: mitzmusik.s3m
Posted Thu 11th Nov 1999
Rated 10 / 10
The beat is flowing and the overall feel is of energy. The molody is good and the harmony is simple and effective in some parts. at other times it interweaves with the melody very well. The mod goes for a good length is is nowhere near boring. THe cymbals work well for dividing the piece. The samples are all well done. The poliphony is great at the start and end of the work. The texture is good and the instruments are added slowly but it works well. The flute around pattern 15 is very good, it is a great counter melody. The form is good with the piece and the ending is very good. Normally I don't care much for repeating sections but the rondo form [you have one thing at the start, then something else, then the start repeats] here is good.

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Title: Out of the fryin pan
Filename: mg_fryin.xm
Posted Thu 11th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
The song has a good melody. It is a bit long, but the instruments work well and it is certainly not boring. It has a good beat to it and the music has a good sense of direction. The harpsichord in pattern 27 adds a very good and the imitation between melody instruments is worth mentioning. The samples work well, the way they interact is good because the melody and harmony instruments swap occasionally. The keyboard instruments in it are used well. I think that the low guitar is too blurred for solo but it is great for harmonic support. It is a well tracked mod.

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Title: wir happy hippos
Filename: hippos.mod
Posted Thu 11th Nov 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The music sounds well, and the music has a good clue in it. Once you've heard the chorus you'll never get it out of your head! Maybe annoying for some people. But, the rest of the song sounds quite well. The samples are of a good quality but they're not the best I've ever heard. They're not really special. There weren't used a lot of instruments, so... But this song is worth it for downloading!

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Title: Star of Darkness - SoM
Filename: manastar.s3m
Posted Thu 11th Nov 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The music is good to listen to. The start could do with some work as it is a bit unclear but thowards the middle and end it improves drastically and has some very good effects with the chimes. The melody is rather good. The samples work well, especially in the middle of the piece. The samples are well tracked and sound fairly proffessional. At the start I think it is a bit too dark and the melody is a bit too buried in the other parts but it is pretty good from pattern 3 onwards. The texture of the piece is generally goo and the piano sounds very good.

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Title: Hold Me Now 99 WildStyle.
Filename: holdmenow.it
Posted Wed 10th Nov 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Haha,very cool idea - mixing an old 80s hit with hardcore rave! the vocal sample is very cool and it fits to the bassline (not the noisy hardcore bassline tho) .. too bad the tracker repeated it too much. he made a very long build up and repeated the voice sample alot near the end. This could have got a 9 or even a 10 from me if it had some better samples,theres an old hardcore bassline and a very noisy snare samples that don't really fit in,and thats a real shame,cuz this could have been so good damnit!!! :( A real good idea loses itself in repetitiveness and low-qualitiness :P .. someone should do a remix of this track and put some better bassline sample! maybe MC Wildstyle just didn't work on it a lot.. anyway it is worth a download.. after all it is danceable.

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Title: =Parallell Universe=
Filename: tbuniver.xm
Posted Wed 10th Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Now here's a pure psytrance track. :) it is very well made,so if u wanne hear some real psytrance download this. It starts with a very nice bassline,its got some echo to it,it gives the track the trancey feeling and its followed with a very nice steady beat. it builds up to goa melody,through some little acidy beeps and melodies. at 3:45 comes in the climax part which is really awesome,its very professional sounding. goa/trance lovers will definitely like this one,it's got everything u`ll want to hear in this kinda music. but I have to say it's a bit too long,its not really boring - I can hear that the artist did everything he could to make it not boring.. it's just kinda the same all the time.. maybe some drums'n'bass loop on the background or something like that could help it. Like I said,very professional! sounds like a *real* trance tune from a cd. the samples are in a very high quality and it doesn't have anything that sounds not well made. u can hear that the artist worked on this track a lot and really thought about every second of it. TB sure does know how to make a goa/trance tune,keep it up. :)

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Title: Adrift in the South Sea
Filename: adrift.it
Posted Wed 3rd Nov 1999
Rated 9 / 10
What I like: I have to admit that I liked this song - a lot! I knew from the start I would. Any song that dares have a downloadweight on 2,2 MB, is bound to be something interesting. How delighted I was, to find that I was right. "Adrift in the South Sea" is ambientmusic on a very high level of proffesionalism. It sounds alive and pleasent, drifty and seducive. Furthermore the composer tries to tell a story, which is easy to follow, once you actually hear the music. I like the tune that is omnipresent and unclear. What I dislike: PERHAPS, but only perhaps - there could have been just a tad more variation, but this is speculative more than it is a demand. What I like: Composer shows great skill in using IT. The sounds seem to come from all over the place, and you really feel like you are in the center of the above mentioned story. Nice samples. Nice use of them, too. Although the song demands a lot of cpu-power to play, once you've got that, you have yourself one hell of a tune that you will keep adding to your playlist. What I dislike: Am I the only one hearing a weak "Click"sound,
