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Title: Spanish Steps
Filename: s-steps.xm
Posted Wed 15th Sep 1999
Rated 4 / 10
It's got a nice mellow beat, and melody, Which is good if you really like that sort of thing. The drums are pretty good, it never really gets boring, but never really holds your attention. There aren't many notable effects, but effects aren't really needed. Good usage of the samples, but in some areas it just doesn't flow quite right.

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Title: Sick on Monday
Filename: elw-sick.xm
Posted Mon 13th Sep 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Elwood surprised me again with this wonderful song. Melody is enjoyable. I listened this song 10 times and it still isn't boring. Tempo is slow enough and dance beats fit in the song just perfectly. Shortly: This is the best song I've ever heard. Elwood uses (as everybody knows) almost all of the effects of FT in his songs. Melodies has echoes and vibratos etc. Most of the samples are converted from 16-bit wav-file to 8-bit IFF-file.

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Title: I n T r A N c E
Filename: hezx.xm
Posted Mon 13th Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
YIHHAAAA!!!!!....this 1 really roxx tha hell out of me. It has a gr8 melodic piano and synths. and they are really well putted togheter. I must say that this tune is one of a king. good work mastermind Well....this is why the rating is 9.0 instead of 9.5 maybe 10.0 it´s to fucking big and it´s a shitty voicesample that takes the most place. Otherwise this is a MUST download for trancelovers

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Title: Imagine -Punkk Remix
Filename: imagpunk.xm
Posted Mon 13th Sep 1999
Rated 2 / 10
dont know why its the "punk" remix, as this little ditty's softer than a lullabye in winter. obviously one of the composers 1st mods, its poorly aligned (its all outa whack) and it sports the same piano and string fer about 2 min. straight, but the melody was nice enough to push it to a 2. If this is an early werk then its understandable...but if its a seasoned pro... no tech at all. 2 instruments (about). Its the tech that brings the song down, as its all out of whack and un-sunchronized. But, and this goes fer all off us here, its not the WORST ive heard......just not very good.

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Title: tikarit piiloon
Filename: _tikari_.s3m
Posted Sun 12th Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
For such a short song, the notation is good. A main melodic line sticks out, with a low sound for back up, and some harmony, that sounds at least a minor 2nd chord. Over all Good, could use some more phrases though. Good use of sound samples, and notations. pattern use is good too. the constrution is good, but could be a little more verses. Maybe repeat some more patterns.

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Title: Break the Silence
Filename: mg_break.xm
Posted Sun 12th Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is the 5th track by Mad God that I reiew,and 'till now I loved every track I heard by him,this one definitely don't sound less good then the others.This track sounds like a commerical dance song! its very catchy and clean. the melody here is very cheesy and fun.. any1 who likes happy dance will love this tune,this tune just has a wonderful happy feeling,its got a great beat and great arrangement. download now! The samples mix toghter very good,although there are some low-quality samples that kinda make noise. but still,Mad God did an awesome work here,he really knows how to make those happy melodies. the build ups and intro of the track are also very good,I enjoyed every sec of this track,its really well-made. the best part of this track comes in 2:50,check it out!

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Title: Maniacal Empire
Filename: maniacal.it
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Nice track,but theres nothin really special in it. all the samples are overused in many other trax. the artist used those *old* drums and old strings samples. but its not 2 bad,bcuz the track doesn't get repetitive or boring,the artist used the samples pretty good,and the length of the track is also pretty good(2:30).. but this is not a track that some1 will listen to hundreds of times,its worth 2 download if ur into 80s synthpop.. Nothing really awesome here,its just an average track,no new-16-bit samples used here, the artist build this track pretty good tho,he used many effects and he didn't repeat patterns,and the samples mix pretty good with everything. but theres just nothing really big in the track.

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Title: Mistral bounds...
Filename: mistral.xm
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is pure professional work,everything here sounds awesome. excellent use of strings,effects,echo,synth bassline with african drums make this track sound very clean and relexing.. the melody here is so beautiful,the artist must have worked on it for a lot of time. the track is very original,I don't think I ever heard anything like this. its really high-level of music. download it NOW! Nothing sounds out of place here,everything here is perfect. the artist used excellent fantasy style samples,most of them are 8-bit but that doesn't change the track's quality-sound (!) the reason I give the track 9.5 and not 10 is bcuz there are no big surprises on the track,it doesn't chnge a lot through the song,but I guess this just makes the track more relexing.

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Title: mj.it
Filename: mj.it
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The drum work in this tune is the only that is good in it,the melody and voice samples here don't mix so good with it.. it sounds like the artist just tested his samples,theres like 50 voice samples here,from "the simpsons","pulp fiction" and others and the artist like put 5 voice samples every pattern,it sounds very out of tune.. the track is also too long for this kinda music (5:40 mins) The arrangment and build ups here are not good,actually there r no real build-ups or transitions here. this is just some voice samples and drums thrown into a track. if the artist had put a ballance line through the song,put some good melody,bassline,and delete all those crappy voice samples this could be pretty nice,cuz the drums have a lot of potential!

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Title: Dead lock
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 10 / 10
this is a great song by elwood I especially like the way he blend each part of the song together to make an up-beat cheery track it gets you involved in the music much like purple motion,skaven and necros tracks brilliant! it is amazing how elwood can get real crap samples and turn them into an amazing masterpiece by doing effects etc. his chord inversion makes the song very interesting and worth listening to and the way he makes the lead completely different but still keeps the song listenable is amazing. elwood rules!

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Title: ...%■ Massive Goa ■%...
Filename: massmega.s3m
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The artist described this track as goa-trance (I think thats what he meant when he called the track "Massive Goa") but its far from that.. this is some kinda techno hardcore track,the bassdrum here is hardcorish,but its slow(!),so the track has the same slow drum beat all the time,with no changes at all,and its A LOT of time (11 mins!) also its VERY repetitive,and I mean VERY VERY repetitive.. theres like only 3 melodies in the whole track (3 melodies in 11 mins is really boring) The samples here are in a very low quality,and they are also very old,but many trackers can make a lot better with these samples. the artist just didn't have good ideas for this track so he just made it repetitive. the arrangment and build-ups of this track are really terrible,if this track had a better drum work and it was something like 4 mins long it could be good.. but anyway this track is worth to download if u wanne hear music that u don't need to focus on,while ur doing something...

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Title: Something in 8k
Filename: mcl-8k.it
Posted Fri 10th Sep 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This track is just an ordinary happy/jazz chip tune. nothing really new in it. the melody here is ok,but its pretty simple and its not catchy. the bassline here is also not too bad,but theres nothing special in it. but the thing that really ruins this track is that annoying chip noise that comes in the middle.. The samples don't fit toghter well,and its pretty repetitive.. this track needs more work,if there were some little changes in the melody through the track,and if the artist had put down that annoying noise that comes in the middle this could be a lot better.

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Title: No way back
Filename: zeta_nwb.xm
Posted Thu 9th Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10
hmm.....This tune is first of all quite repeating. and even if it´s repeating the melody is not even good. I know that Zeta can do much better than this, because this is not that good. It´s not big and it has quite good samples, The piano sound good sometimes. The bassline is awful. I think I´m quite fair with this review. it´s a good duration (03:35), but that don´t make it get higher rating. Sorry...U have to do better than this to convince me.

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Title: Shiiit
Filename: acc-siiit.xm
Posted Thu 9th Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a mediocre song, it has some familiar rhythms to it that are obviously a part of Access's style, this is the third song of his that I have reviewed now. It fits together pretty well but basically it is another short simple song. This song has the same annoying sample in it that are in a few of Access's other songs. There were a few new samples in this but other than that it was the same old "Shiiit" as the title says.

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Title: Bleed
Filename: acc-rave.xm
Posted Thu 9th Sep 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song doesn't fit together very well. All throughout the song there is a very annoying sound that is continually played and there are samples in it that just don't fit well. Many of the samples in this are very annoying. Plus they are not put together very well which makes this simple song a chore to listen to.

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Title: NightBeat
Filename: acc-night.xm
Posted Thu 9th Sep 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a rather short and simple song, but it does have a good beat to it. It all fits together nicely and there are no real problems with this. There were a few unique samples in the begining of the song that I have never heard before, and that is a good thing, but there are a few samples which are overly used in many songs that are in this one aswell.

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Title: Inspiration
Filename: inspirat.xm
Posted Thu 9th Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a typical dance song. It sounds pretty good, and there are no inherent flaws... But it's really not particularly interesting. It will have you tapping, hopping, bouncing, or whatever it is you do when you hear good dance grooves. You will move to this music. Unfortunately, you won't be particularly moved by the music... There is absolutely no variation in the basic four-chord pattern once it drops into place. It sounds good enough for its purpose, but there's no real substance to it. Nothing wrong on this side of things... OMP knows what he's doing, and he does it well. Instrument effects and envelopes take care of most details, and in-pattern effects are used sparingly, just for decay and buildup purposes. He's handled everything necessary, and left well enough alone where there's no need for flashy business. All in all, this is a decent dance track if you want simple, body-moving music that sounds good.

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Title: Moshi Moshi...
Filename: moshi.xm
Posted Wed 8th Sep 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Well.. the artist didn't make a real track here,he ripped some parts from a real song (in low quality) and just put them toghter.. this track is very repetitive,the artist just repeated one pattern for 3 mins! but anyway this track is very funny,the japanese voice sample here is very cool,and the real song that the artist ripped samples from is good. :) Theres 43 patterns here and 16 are different so its VERY repetitive,I can't believe any1 would listen to this track more then 1 minute.. also the samples on this track are in low quality and there isn't anything original in it,any1 could just put these samples toghter!

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Filename: acc-afroman.xm
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10
What I like: The creator of this tune is not completely without skill. The lead of the song is catchy and nice. The creator shows knowledge in the ways of dancemusic, and uses them well. What I dislike: The song varies to little. The lead becomes quite boring after a few minutes, and the "Lyrics" drives you completely mad. Furthermore the clashsound is used way too much, and all those facts combined, makes this song mediocre, even though it could have been much more. That's what I think. And please do not think that I hate you, because deep down you know that just ain't true. What I like: The composer uses the trackerprogram well, and we are dealing with someone who knows what he/she is doing. Perhaps all the fine gimmicks aren't there but we get where we wanna go, and that is what's important. What I dislike: The sample used for the lead song is boring, and the vocalsample shouldn't have been used for a song. Not this one anyway.

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Title: The sound of 2T2M
Filename: mg_2t2m.xm
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a beautiful rave/happy-hardcore song.. the samples here aren't clean enough to make it a professional sounding track but who cares when u hear this awesome melody!? its very happy and fast and it mixes very good with the hard bassdrum. the arrangement here is also very good,there are some breaks between the parts when the song gets stronger,it gives this track a great feeling :) Mad God rules! Well,the samples here are pretty much the usual rave samples,not all of them are 16-bit but the artist used them very good.. he just knows how to make a good rave track!

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Title: Hyvä - Täydellinen
Filename: mascara.xm
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Download this track if u wanne hear how low-quality samples can destroy a great track.. this track is very good,its really fun to listen and its very upbeat,but the samples that the artist used here are in low quality. anyway the voice samples that the artist used here save the track with the nice arrangment altho its a bit repetitive sometimes.. I`m really sorry about this,but i can't give it a better review with these low-quality samples......

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Title: EIL: Marias Frolic
Filename: marias.xm
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Not a lot to say about this weird track :) it was done very bad,it sounds unfinished and its very repetitive. theres a mouth-organ melody here,and it repeats itself all the time. maybe this track could be a hit song in the 16th century! The samples here are very old and they are in low quality,they don't fit toghter.. I guess the composer didn't know what he was doing here,maybe its his first track or something.

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Filename: mbreeze.xm
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The general tune to this piece is quite good, with a little add-ons and some sample spiff ups this could actually be made into a very nice and utilisable tune for a game or something similar I don't know if the "electronic" sound to the main instrument was intentional, but I do like the general tune and think that it would be better with a different one (maybe piano). The winds FX and others are all nice and neat, the end is a bit quick but well formed

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Title: upside your head
Filename: gg_uph.xm
Posted Mon 6th Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Most of the samples in this track sound really out of place and annoying,but I dunno,it just sounds cool :) the artist ripped some parts from Will Smith song and Madonna's song and mixed them with cool dance/hip-hop drums.. the track doesn't keep being interesting bcuz it just repeats the bad parts of the track,and thats a shame,cuz this could have been really great if gronda had put some good melody here and keep a ballance line through the song Well,this track is not professional-made,although there are some cool ideas here the track is very repetitive,and there are no REAL melodies,but its not very bad,it just needs some work..

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Title: Quakoholic - TF
Filename: mdr-quake_tf.xm
Posted Mon 6th Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This track isn't awesome,theres nothing really new in it but its a good dance song. The drum work here is very good,the piano melodies and chords sound great 2 and I know many people that will listen to this won't agree with me but I think that the shooting and voice samples really fit to the song.. :) thats how dance music should sound like - clean and catchy. The samples here are excellent and everything fits nicely. but the artist should have worked on better transitions between the diffrent melodies and he should have made this track longer(its only 2:40 mins).. anyway,this track is worth 2 download

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Title: mindbox.s3m
Filename: mindbox.s3m
Posted Mon 6th Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
First off let me say that Ive know Mr. Dose for many years and am his partner in crime, so to speak, so Ive heard some very good songs from him...and some very bad ones (remember Wrex?? ;0)...and "mindbox" falls in the 1st catagory. Lethal is in rare form here. A mid-paced and VERY creepy electro song that preceedes with an appropriate slow atmospheric intro and contains various creepy Mentallo & the Fixer-ish bells and strings all carried by a nice industrial beat. Killer tunes. Not many super-dooper special effects here, but it doesnt matter. The vocals are mixed nicely and everything sounds nice and sharp. I was overall impressed with the string work (an old string sample but it sounds fresh anyway). Keep up the good work John...just no more songs with samples from COPS....;0)

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Title: Booze
Filename: booze.xm
Posted Fri 3rd Sep 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a good tune, hmm.....well the intro is NOT that good, but then it went of in a quite good form of dance. This tune reminds me of Reptile and Sky^´s tunes (they are some of idols) But it´s not as good as they do it. but hey, jeremy, This tune is GOOD, but it won´t reach the top small tune with good and nice quality samples. only 305kb and yet, Jeremy make it sound so good. U are very talented Jeremy

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Title: Cappella Megamix
Filename: cappella.xm
Posted Fri 3rd Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Yeah, This tune surely roxx!!!!! I have never heard Cappella before but if they are better than this megamix they would rock the world. Ghidorah, I salute u!!! VERY good work Hugh Quality samples, only 605kb big. This one contains 4 of Cappella´s (what I think) best tunes, and they are very well putted togheter. As I said, VERY good work with this piece. Download it now

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Title: Skyblazer
Filename: fo_sky.xm
Posted Fri 3rd Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a good tune, but I think it gets like messy after a while. All The instruments dosn´t fits with eachother. But still, This is a VERY GOOD tune. Download it and listen for yourself This is a small tune with great samples. a little short duration but it never gets boring.

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Title: Move It - Remix
Filename: move_it.mod
Posted Thu 2nd Sep 1999
Rated 1 / 10
File:200kb Time:2:34 I like to move move it to the recycle bin..click click gone. Nothing in this mod will make ur pants (Ladies skirts) fly off in amazement. What we got here is a very simple remix of a simple song. (U could remix this in ur sleep) Nope this artist has not one effect in this whole track.The song is made up of 4 ripped vox samples right from the song(nice),2 synths(poor),and 1 very old bass drum.So all I can say is stay away from this track, unless u like that song and want a simple remix.(VERY SIMPLE) I gave him a 1.0 because he got that very hard bassline down ;0)

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Title: mechwar.s3m
Filename: mechwar.s3m
Posted Thu 2nd Sep 1999
Rated 1 / 10
File:67kb Time:1:17 Very simple mod with no big suprises at all.The author of this tune says this is a cover from Mechwarrior2 and this is also his 2nd mod. Also in some areas of this song, there are notes that sound alittle off key and can use some fixing. No tech or effects anywhere in this mod but with some reworking and better samples used would make it alittle better.

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Filename: beat.it
Posted Wed 1st Sep 1999
Rated 1 / 10
the file: beat.it, my reaction: not only did i want to beat IT but also whoever made this fodder. the song (?) is roughly a minute and a half of a crappy beat, simple basslines and cymbals that are to overpowering...they overpower the beat! I give the song a 1.0 simply because the cheesy bassline has some remenants of melody within it, and beacuse hearing it makes me think of playing my old gameboy. But this bomb BOMBED. Tech?? what thech?? no effects, barely any difference in patterns...at least hes got more than one sample. The song does havea adefinitive begining and ending, and doesnt drop off into space, but it cant save the tune.

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Title: synergy (part i)
Filename: senergy.mod
Posted Wed 1st Sep 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A good mod. Nothing that reaches out and grabs you by the ears or anything but still a very crisp and clean sounding mod. The style seems to be a slow type dance, very groovy with elements of both acid tehcno and pop techno. a kind of a cross between Underworld and La Bouche! The song is short and to the point and is just something to kick back and relax to. nothing we havent already heard, but nice to listen to anyhow. as with the song itself, nothing really revolutionary here either. While the artist does employ some neat effects and the panning is done wonderfully, he/she could use some boning up on intro's and outro's. This song just starts and stops abruptly. the samples are clean and the artist uses the bass guitar samples quite nicely (escpecially for a mod) and the length of the track is just right so it doesnt get too repetative.

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Title: moood.xm
Filename: moood.xm
Posted Wed 1st Sep 1999
Rated 1 / 10
ewww... 4 minuts of suffering... This is the most repetitive track I ever heard,seriously,it's the same all the time! and the melody here isn't that good,so why repeating it so many times!? what was the artist thinking when he done this track? I can't understand how any1 could like this track! its soooo repetitive and boring. the drum work here is very bad,its so slow and annoying,and the melody doesn't fit to it at all.. The samples here are in low quality and no effects used. well actually,the samples are not too bad,it could be a good track,but the artist didn't even use half of the samples.. so if u want to be bored to death download this track ;)

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Title: Hidden Forest
Filename: woodz.it
Posted Wed 1st Sep 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Boy oh boy I sure hope admin doesn't get mad at me for not sticking to my directory but this one had to be reviewed. Great track! Great use of the strings. Superb drum sequences throughout the song. I like the distinct seperation between an intro, the main body of the song, and the ending. Exciting and spell binding! Great use of samples. Quite well laid out. Not too much to complain about. Some lack of imagination when using the horn sample (was kind of repetative) but it didn't take away from the shear beauty of the track. It's my understanding it made it to the top ten.

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Title: Beautiful Ones
Filename: ones.it
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song sounds like a variation of one base pattern. You can really hear its persence throughout the song. Sometimes it disappears, but ultimately it comes back. It's also a really mellow tune. There's not much happening with it. It's hard to judge if other people would like it... The samples are nice. They add a bit of spice to the song, but not TOO much. I think that this song is nicer towards the end. The repeating pattern really disappears by then.

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Title: One last wish
Filename: onelastwish.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Well, excellent is one word to describe this song. It is very pleasing, and suprisingly original! Which is very nice, I haven't heard a good original song in a while. This song is not "action packed", but it's a little above mellow. Download this song, you'll most likely like it! The samples were really good. The only problem that I found was that they were a little quiet. And that hollow sounding instrument was scratchy. But the strings were nice. And there's a lot of instrument blends here. Nice! :)

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Title: One Dream
Filename: onedream.it
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a nice song. The instruments are well blended together, and there are some nice effects to go along with it. This tune is mellow, and there's a lot of some instruments. It's almost repetitive, but the tune is suprisingly not. I really liked the panning effect used on the suspended cymbal. It's a really nice sweep from right to left. All other stereo is handled nicely. The samples are very well laid in this song.

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Title: <One day of my life>
Filename: oneday.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This song didn't originally seem like much of a techno song when it began.. That was until that annoying distorted techno bass drum started going off. From there the song really fell apart, and sounded boring. Well, other than the fact that this song sounds like a very generic tecno tune. Everything else is ok. There's also a generic drum loop to follow everything up. This song is not recommended for download.

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Title: ONE
Filename: one.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
As a dance song, this is an excellent tune. But for purposes other than serious dancing, I would not recommend it. This song, just like so many other dance tunes, is higly repetitive, and although it has much to dance to, it's not good other wise. The samples in this song were so quiet! I had to turn up the amp almost all of the way! I guess that's not a problem for people who have loud speakers to begin with. So, that's it.
