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Title: miles' ONE & ONE HappyMix
Filename: one.s3m
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This song is almost nothing. It's very very repetitive. Not only that, but there's not much of a song. You mainly hear the bass drum because all of the other samples are so dang quiet! The vocals in this song carry it. There's no originality here. And as mentioned before, the samples are SO QUIET. Which, of course, is annoying. The vocals are nice, but I have a feeling that they were ripped. The samples, such as the hi-hat, were not that good at all, either.

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Title: Far Out
Filename: mg_farou.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a great piece of goa/trance music! it really gets mad in some parts,so techno-haters obviously won't enjoy this track so much,but techno-lovers like me will love this track. anyway,this track was made very professionally,everything here was putten in the right places,and it really sounds awesome all the time! it has a lot of energy but just when it gets to climax it fades out,and thats a shame,bcuz I was planning to give this a 9.5 rating if it was 7 mins at least.. (its only 4 mins) The lead melody here is great,so r the drums,the bassline and voice samples which come just in the right places. many effects were used here to keep it intersting.. everything here sounds good toghter,in some parts the beat becomes more slow and then it starts kicking again,so it's a pretty unique trance track..

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Title: This is a dream - MM
Filename: mm_dream.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This isn't a dream,its a nightmare. :P this track is very repetitive,annoying and boring.. the artist obviously didn't know what he was doing here,this track probably took him less then a hour to do. everything here sounds basic and uncreative.. the lead melody is very annoying and noisy,and it just repeats itself all the time,especially in the end. also the drums here are really bad,sounds like the artist just put them toghter in a random way. The samples here are in low quality,and they're just the *usual amateur-dance samples*,they sound terrible toghter,especially the drums. the bassdrum here just doesn't fit to the rest of the track.. the intro and ending of this track are very bad 2..

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Title: Mikrrobitti!
Filename: mikrrob.xm
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
What is this?! arab dance music? :) well the voice samples are in arabic language (I think).. anyway,this track is very repetitive,the samples r in low quality and it is pretty short.. the melodies here are very basic and simple,the drums are really bad and it sounds very amateur-made and old.. The samples don't sound good toghter,especially the voice samples.. the arrangment and build-ups of this track r terrible,there are no transitions in the track between the melodies and it sounds like it was made very quickly. I guess this track was just suppose to be a joke or something..

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Title: Mellow Mischief
Filename: mellowmi.xm
Posted Mon 30th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a well made *relexing* kinda drums'n'bass track,but it's a little short for this kinda music(3:30 mins) and it doesn't change alot from the beginning.. but anyway its definitely worth to download,bcuz its got that dark drums'n'bass vibe and it keeps being interesting the whole time. The artist used some echo and stereo samples to keep the track being intersting and mysterious.. but 2 bad he used 8-bit samples here,it could have been really great with a better quality samples.. nevermind,just download this track if u like this kind of music.

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Title: 15 billion years
Filename: 15bill8.xm
Posted Mon 30th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The artist has made good use of his instrument bank. Especially the use of the acid synth works nicely. Altough maybe the rhythm section might have been a bit more variant. During the whole song it uses the same drum, hihat, clap and snare loop. Nice use of that voice sample too. There not many effects used in this song. It doesn't need any tought. The instruments work nicely with each other. The overal choice of instruments was very well chosen.

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Title: Money Money Money
Filename: money.mod
Posted Mon 30th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
well I don't think its so difficult to remake the melody of the song "Money" by Abba,but some1 had to do it someday,anyway.. the drums here are really slow and annoying,this track has a pretty *sad* feeling - not like the original song,and its pretty boring and repetitive.. thats all i can say The 8 samples in this track r in low quality and they don't sound very good toghter,especially with the slow drums.. this track sounds very old and it was done only in 1997!

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Title: Mr-Vain
Filename: MR-VAIN.MOD
Posted Mon 30th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
eck... this is really bad!!! this is far from o.k,its like.. blaaauh! this track is a cover of the most stupid dance song ever made.. and it was made in the beginning of the 90s,u know those stupid dance songs,I can't see why any1 would like those! this track is very unoriginal,the artist ripped samples directly from the real song and mixed them with a very low quality samples,some of them are in high volume,some of them r in low volume,just sounds terrible This track was made really bad,everything sounds bad toghter here,the samples variety is very poor and they are in VERY low quality,its noisy sometimes,its annoying,its very repetitive.. the artist tried to mix the melody he did with his samples with some parts he ripped from the real song and it sounds so stupid and flat,i`m sorry but the artist that did this just doesn't know how to track!

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Title: (AH) Make your wish
Filename: makeyour.xm
Posted Mon 30th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This track has a good piano melody,but thats it,everything else here isn't good.. drums here really sound bad with the rest of the track and the track doesn't change a lot from the beginning.. this track is also pretty short and theres no ending.. anyway this could be really good if the artist had worked on it more.. The samples don't sound good toghter and theres not enough variety here.. this track is very simple made - no effects were used,I guess the artist just didn't work on the track a lot.. this could be good if he had worked more on the drums,they are too loud and they sound very unprofessional.. the samples r in low quality and the artist didn't work on the little detailes of the track.

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Title: Breaks form Narvik..
Filename: breaks8.xm
Posted Sun 29th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Breaks From Narvik is a fast-paced techno tune. It makes good use of loud, chaotic samples while still retaining a steady beat, which results in an interesting piece, like a cross between Aphex Twin and The Chemical Brothers. Its variety of samples makes it almost classify under a number of categories; at times it sounds like Rave, at others, almost House. It is undeniably techno, however, the likes of which would most likely be heard in a futuristic racer such as Wip3out. An amazing tune that gets caught in your head and won't let go, Breaks From Narvik is undoubtably one of the best mods -- if not SONGS -- I've ever heard. Breaks From Narvik makes use of a variety of beats, some of which are sampled and others of which are played live. These are strung together very well, giving the piece a polished sound. Many of the noises which comprise the majority of this piece are strung together from very simple samples, more than outweighing the sum of their parts. Listening to the song track by track, you can really hear the way fairly basic or seemingly random samples are combined to make an amazing song.

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Title: Liquid State of Mind
Filename: so_liqid.xm
Posted Thu 26th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song does not have extensive melody. The sequence only lasts about 14 notes, and then it repeats. However, even thought the song is 7 minutes long, it is not annoying, for the blocks of notes are joyous and "liquid". The title fits it perfectly, because the song depicts a liquid state of mind--lightheadedness and dizziness. The song had an OK structure, with four parts and a well-highlighted ending. As the composer stated it, the samples were ripped. Most of them are kind of futuristic sounds of buttons, unusual drums, or just metallic noises. The drums are a little annoying for they were emphasized too much, and the lack of traditional instruments, such at piano, make the song seem drab. The song reminded me of a disco (colored in red and purple, for some reason), where the beat is more important.

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Title: Fusion Storm
Filename: 00003.it
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song is somewhat repetitive; the drums don't change through the song. However, the ideas of the song are very nice. The song seems to build quite a bit of suspense, but doesn't go anywhere. The samples are not anything to whine about, some of them are excellent, some aren't, but some seem to be too quiet. For example, the turntable playing when the melody begins is a bit to, quiet for a sample that sounds that cool. The bass drum has a nice feel to it, thought it's way to repetitive to appreciate it. It's an okay song, download it if you're kind of bored.

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Title: 360
Filename: 360.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Not bad this one. It has a great low drum and a not so bad rhythm section. The thing that suprised me was the sudden change in tempo, wich wasn't well 'pointed-out'. And then at the end, what is the meaning of that piano phrase? It screw's things up. And the song itself should have more variation in it, much more... A click in a sample is unforgivable, especially when you work with Fasttracker V2.? wich has editing capabilaty's. For the rest, it's just the normal bank for making a house song. Drum, loop, hihat, snare, woodhit's, blip's, it's all there. The instrument's lack a 'special' feel to it.

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Title: Vanity -remedy97-
Filename: aa_vanit.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
It seems I have a soft-spot for Archangel. This song is as good as all the rest I heard from him, except for that annoying pan-flute he uses in this song. For the rest, I don't want to repeat myself, good song. Very atmospheric. It's a shame for that flute, but for the rest. Again a very good sample bank. He has put his effect's to good use again. And that background sample is original. Subliminal...

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Title: Beyond Atlantis
Filename: aa_atlan.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
You really get the feeling, from this song, that you're 'seeing' the mystical land Atlantis. Nice use of a water and wave sample ads to that feeling. Very relaxing song this is. With ambient, of course, you have to have a nice relaxing tune and a very calm rhythm section. This is exactly what this song has. Relaxing tune, and a calm rhythm. This one's very good in my opinion. A well chosen out sample bank. Very good use of the effect samples. Very good use of the string. (are you begining to understand this). It's just a good production as wel on music as on the techy level. Just Enjoy This Song From Heaven...

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Title: 1999
Filename: 1999.mod
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well, well what 'ave we here? A mix off clasical and """dance""". It really ain't very bad but it also ain't very good. It's in the twilight zone this one, some patterns are good others not. But, as I said, some melody's sound very good. I'm really unsure to draw a final conclusion, you like it or you don't? I think that's it. Just download it and draw your own opinion... The sample in the songs are bad. You can hear the loops!!! But when it comes to the selection of the samples and how well they peform with each other, then it get's a plus for that. The samples are really well tought out. And that's the way it should be...

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Title: 4787-youmakememove.xm
Filename: 4787-youmakememove.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Since this is a remix it's hard to praise (if I would praise it at all). Stil it's good, it's got a nice piano appregio. It's got a retro feeling to it. But retro isn't necesarily bad, infact this is quit good. It does get a minus for the use of that hatefull synth at the end of the song. Good use of samples to go with that good ol' retro feeling. I'm sorry but the thing keeping them a way from a very good rating is that synth: I HATE THAT. As a conclusion: it's a fine song, not bad at all

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Title: picture of her
Filename: xr-pict.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Ok, this doens't happen much that I like a song so much to give it a 10. But this one really deserves it. I'm a bit stunned to hear this. 'Cause this is a song that should be burnt to CD. I really don't want to tell you how the music is, just download it and hear it for yourself. The melody is unbelievebly good. An excellent choice of samples, the voice's blend in very well. And you can hear an excellent pad/synth. This song is finished, there's nothing I could think off that shouldn't have been in it. Great!!!

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Title: Ditch
Filename: aa_ditch.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I really had to think what sort off style this song is. I chose Big Beat cause of the drum's. Now what about the music? WAAAAAAA, what sort of deranged people made this??? It's a cross between Big Beat, dub house, classical and 4 other different styles. It's got 0.5 point and that half point is for the drums, as for the rest, bad, bad, bad. There's a good cut/res instrument in there, but it hasn't been put to use. The drum track is the only thing that's a bit better than the rest. If you want to make music, choose a style guys and stick to it.

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Title: Where Ravers Go v2.0
Filename: 2.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
What should rave be all about? Well this songs a good example. A moving rhythm that keeps the song moving along very good, plus a dreamy melody. The artists made sure to meet up with their name, you get the feeling that this song was made in 'heaven'. A well made song. Heavy use of the piano sample here, which blends in well with the other instruments. There's a cool voice sample in it somewhere wich adds to the atmosphere a lot. As for the drum lines, they are doing what they are supposed to do: moving the track along at lightspeed.

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Title: auf wiedersehen
Filename: montyii.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is the second of two remixes / reworks of the classic ZX Spectrum game "Monty Mole", Auf Wiedersehen Monty being one of the games. This tune is superior to the other version in that it sounds more like a real song and less like a 1980's home computer. Some slick work as usual from Mr. Liljedahl, one of his earlier mods from 1992 but still worth listening. There are also a couple of fills which sound like a classic Beatles song. The lead samples are just great. They give a slight hint of the old fashioned game music they represent but manage to have an almost honky-tonk feel to them. Jogeir has used some great slides and portamento to make the theme sound more interesting which really adds to the overall feel of the song. Pity about the ending, though, but in a game the music would be continuous.

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Title: mf_phantom.xm
Filename: mf_phantom.xm
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Right from the start of this song we have a funky disco beat in the bass line, and a fast dance-style drum track which continues throughout the piece. It is saved from boring repetition by the key changes and a great syncopated piano hitting the off beats. The ending lets it down though - it just plays the melody line on its own, but all in all, a great gothic yet groovy hit in the minor key Clean, sharp samples throughout this song, a great bass and some snappy drums. The only bad point I would say is the melody line which can become annoying after a while. It is a synth string-like sound which has a little too much vibrato, making it sound like an angry wasp. The piano samples are good though and the key changes and breaks are well-executed.

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Title: Auf Wiedersehen Monty theme
Filename: monty.s3m
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Remember the old Monty Mole games on the ZX Spectrum? Liam The Lemming has captured the spirit of the age with this jaunty little number. After a classic Speccy-style intro, full of intrigue, we go into a snappy disco-beat, which then changes into a minor key. This tune captures the sound of the old-skool games but without being to "chippy". The sound is smoother and of a better quality while still retaining that old charm. Makes me want to go out and buy a second hand Spectrum and get playing those games. In keeping with the style, the main lead voice samples are small, square and saw wave style samples, but here's the clever bit - the artist has created them himself from..... text files. Save the first two samples and see for yourself. The other samples have a very distinctive old-style MOD sound, but in this song it is not a bad thing. A bit repetitive after a while, but if you were playing a game to it this wouldn't matter.

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Title: Sonora
Filename: azo_son.it
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This is absolutley one of the best tunes i've EVER heard!! The feeling in the tune is just great! This sound like film-music! Look out John Williams... the next generation is digital! This is the sound of a track that was worked with alot! Apparently he used 3 (!) months to finish this tune! and it almost lasts for 7 very interesting minutes! i was never bored listening to this tune... even though it's pretty long! i demand you: download this !@£$ Else... you'd miss something great! The samples are astonishing ! This doesn't sound like tracked music at all! This could as well have been a mp3! even though it's only 1 mb ! I even heard that Cher's drummer made the percussion for him !!! The sound effects really helps creating an atmosphere like i've never heard tracked before! Birds are tweeting and you can hear distant frogs, and even thunder !!

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Title: My Fridge Doesn't Work!
Filename: myfridge.s3m
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This track is weird,in some parts its pretty good and in some parts its really bad and boring,unfortunately its bad and boring most of the time.. the drums beat is not good and very low quality,the melody is very simple.. this track needs some work,if the artist had put more of the good parts with the piano and strings in the track it could be great All the samples here r in low quality,the artist didn't use effects at all.. the melodies and drums are very simple,and they just repeat all the time,and thats a shame,cuz this track could be really good!

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Title: "beat my woman..."
Filename: 7th_beat.xm
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Now here's a song I realy like. It's got all the ingredients of a good speedgarage song. Good bass line. Good rhythm. And an exellent tune. The artist realy knew what he is doing. Altough I think you've got to like this style cause it can get pretty repetetive, but I LOVE IT and if you like speedgarage YOU'LL LOVE IT TO. Nice use of original samples. I like that, no rippin' from other songs. Also, the used samples blend in very well with each other. Very good drum line, good use of the tempo efects to create the groove. And a groove there is.

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Title: TechnO Rusish
Filename: 17.mod
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Anyone looking for Techno will be dissapointed. Otherwise if you've got an open-mind then you might like a couple of tracks. But the whole song in total gets really anoying after a while. The sample's blend in with each other well, and he hs some great tunes. But as I said, the song in total doesn't work, it does work on my nerves. Now this is somthing else. The artist uses his samples very well. Very nice effect's like the acid-synth and he has taken very good use of a disort-gater instrument. The thing that realy is unforgivable is the use of a drum loop and the (ab)use of a voice sample wich realy doesn't fit in this song.

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Title: -We are the sultans-
Filename: mod3.xm
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Based on Dire Straits' "Sultans Of Swing", this song captures the feel of the original, although the ending leaves a little to be desired. The guitar slides are good but the drum track is a little boring with only a few fills to liven it up. The only bad point is that it goes on and on, without any obvious change, over 6 minutes. But overall, a nice little number, and if you know the words you'll be singing along with this one. This song makes good use of dynamics and volume giving it a balanced feel. The panning and volume have all been set manually, and the guitar sample has been "bent" to give the slide sound you get on a live recording. The samples are rather flat making this song sound more like a MIDI than a MOD. No obvious flaws in the song, just the ending - it could have been a little better.

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Title: Somewhere in Hungary
Filename: mcl-some.it
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A very live feel to this song which starts off small and gets bigger as more instruments come in to really build up the sound. I can imagine this being a real "jam" session at a local jazz club. There is one sample which still has a MOD-ish sound (the lead) but everything else is good, and the drums and organ are great! Mainly 22.5k and 16-bit samples are used here. A well balaced stereo sound with some good panning. This song uses instruments, with one multi-sample instrument for the drum track which is good. 10 different samples are used for the guitar part which gives a very realistic sound and adds to the acoustics of the song.

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Title: Dracula's Mansion
Filename: mansion.it
Posted Tue 24th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song has the contrasting elements of a happy beat and an ever so slightly dark, almost gothic feeling. It is in keeping with what you would expect from a game music. Unfortunately it is very short, maybe the artist could have added a little more? Just as you get into it, it's over, but on a Nintendo games where the original cam from, most music is repetitive, so in that respect it follows the original theme. The artist has used high quality samples, some 44.1k and some 16-bit, giving a very smooth, polished feel to the overall sound. I can't give any points for originality but I can give points because it is often harder to copy a style than invent your own because there are much tighter limitations to work within.

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Title: The Abyss, Sepultura
Filename: abyss.xm
Posted Mon 23rd Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Hello everyone. This will be my first review for MA, so I will try to be gentle. The song I have chosen is The Abyss, Sepultura. What I like: I like the songs simplicity. Made of only one sample it seems sort of rebelious. Like the sound of Commodore 64 sound made on purposs. What I Dislike: The song is not very interesting. As a matter of fact the song isn't even the authors own. And it seems that he or she hasn't done anything to make it less boring. Perhaps it was made to remind us of how simple music can be, but if so, the author should have chosen a more interesting song. This sounds like a song for beginner. I would never choose this for my playlist, and therefor I cannot give this song very much, but please do not think that I hate you. Deep down you know that isn't true. As there is only one sample, there is not much one can say about the samplework, other than the sample sounds like a commodore 64. I would personally have chosen a different sample, as I find this one a bit dull. It has absolutely no edge to it. The songwriter uses the trackerprogram ok, but not in any innovative and incredible way worth mentioning. Just a few speed- and rowbreaking commands. Quite simple, as is the song, and as consequence: The grade.

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Title: intoxicated chords
Filename: INTOXIC.XM
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song brings out the feeling of a live performance at Woodstock '94, and it does it incredibly well. The chord patterns, instrumentation, and even the crowd's background cheers fit the music of that particular moment in rock history perfectly. It sets up an amazing intensity, if you listen to it as though it were indeed a live performance. That is key to hearing this mod properly... You can't judge it by the same rules as you'd judge dance or techno. The piece might be a little redundant for some, but it has a good verse-chorus setup to it, even as an instrumental. Excellent musical work in a genre almost unheard-of in the mod scene. The technical aspect here isn't exactly mind-blowing, but it's solid nonetheless. The trackers have fallen onto the tricks of the old school, in sampling full guitar chords rather than building them up through individual notes... But it's pulled off beautifully, and that allows for slightly more realism in the strumming sounds of the rhythm guitar. Effects are used when they're essential. One or two of the synths are slightly 'overblown,' but it blends in with the ambience of a live performance. Overall, I have to say that this is one of the most influential mods I've heard in all of my time in the Mod Archive. It shows a high-quality approach from a completely different angle, and that's just what we need to continue to thrive. The rave monsters and techno fans won't particularly like this one... But it definitely has exceptional musical appeal to many.

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Title: DANCE!!!!!
Filename: drs-danc.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Hrm.. listen once to it, and you know how it sounds after 100 times. It's a bit to repetitive... If you are looking for a good melody to resample, get this one! And get something new into the song. I can't listen a third time to the same boring melody ;) Nice lil fading trick with the kinda piano sample. The clapping beat behind the track sounds a bit to cheap. Actually it can't be more written about this song, since its a fast hack, with no special stuff in it...

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Title: Dreamland
Filename: dream.it
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
It's obvious that this song is made the easy way: easy style, a complete "all in one"drumloop sample, a couple of stings to provide the drumloop some melody. And still, when all you have to do is add some creativity, this song is just no good. It sounds more like some organized samples than like music. As i said: some organized samples: No effects to make it interesting, no surprising melody, only a couple of exactly on the beat placed samples. So what is to say about the technical part. The samples are nice though.

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Title: (00:04:38)@ST'99
Filename: milosevi.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Cool track,it mixes some techno styles,it goes between ambient to drums'n'bass. the artist had some wicked ideas here,in some parts its kinda relexing when u hear voices and some weird bass sounds and in some parts it kicks with cool drums(near the end) and in some parts it turns into cool house style drums. this track is definitely one of a kind :) Well... theres good ideas here but it doesn't work as real music,it doesn't sound like one song,bcuz it changes too much all the time.. anyway,theres nice effects here,good samples,the samples sound good toghter,but its a bad arrangement..

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Title: bangz
Filename: ian_komosa_-_bangz.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
A very good slow goa tune this one... almost ambient ;) Got some slow strings and fast drums which i really like the sound of! It's a real nice tune to have in the background while you're doing other stuff It's sure worth the download! The samples are very good and fits perfectly together! Effects are used and it makes the tune even more intersting to listen to One of the first tings i noticed about this tune was the drums, which sound very professional! not usual "boom,tish" drums really advanced ones! Trust me... this dude is good! ;)

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Title: middlealta
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Nice chip tune,the melody here isn't so catchy but its still good for game music,it sounds great for a 17k/4 channels track. Its not annoying or noisy like other chip tunes,its a nice track. the artist used many effects and used the *usual* chip tunes samples.

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Title: metakosm
Filename: metakosm.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This track is a real psychedelic trance,only a little short one (2:46 mins). this track has a great vibe,theres some excellent trance melodies here,the drums beat also fits very good with them. this track is wicked,download it! This track could be so much better if it was a little longer,I guess the artist just didn't have more ideas to put in this so he just finished it quickly. the arrangment and the build-ups in this track are excellent,samples here are very good,nothing here sounds not placed righ and there r some nice stereo effects in this track. this track is awesome but its just 2 short :( but still its worth to download,especially if u like trance music

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Title: In Memories -MScope-
Filename: inmemories.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This track mixes many styles of music,sometimes its more orchestral,sometimes more piano melodic,sometimes rock,etc.. and it sounds great,the melody here is awesome,its a pretty sad song tho.. the intro of this track is very good,sounds very professional work. the strings and the choir in the background sound great with the rest of the track. this track is one of my favourite trax in the modarchive.. Excellent work,all the samples mixed very nicely with each other,everything here sounds good. the only bad points I can find in this track are: the samples r in low quality and the track is only 3 mins long,if this was longer it could be so much better.

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Title: me me me me me me
Filename: memememe.it
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a very sad song :~(.. the melody here is very depressing,but it was done pretty well tho.. the drum work here is very good,the bassline is good and I like the choir sounds that come in from time to time.. the melody is too repetitive,it makes the track sound pretty boring.. I guess thats the idea of this track ;) any1 who likes depressing music will love this track Everything was done pretty good here,the samples r good for this kind of music,the artist used alot of echo in this track to make it more relexing and it works,it sounds very unique.. but like I said,the sad melody is repeating 2 many times..
