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Title: *Tonights The Night*
Filename: alc_tn.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
What we have here is a rather monotonous but nonetheless impressive Big Style Dancefloor piece that really wants youe make to move your body!! Cool varying synthesizer backings circle around a solid basic scheme and a compellingly driving bassline. The intro reminds of the big commercial days of techno music. Basically, this song is a big dance cliché. The samples are of a good quality and fit the music style very well. The background sounds build interesting harmonics with bassline and lead synth. Very few effects were used, which gives the song a clear structure. The end is a rather disappointing fade...

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Title: I Love You*(Dream)
Filename: alc_love.xm
Posted Sat 21st Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song would sound better if its structures were more compressed and if it was not so long-winded. Too few changes in melody make this xm a rather boring one and the clear theme is hard to find. It has some dance styles and a good portion of ambient music in it. The author didn't quite overstrain himself doing this track. Most of it must have been copy/paste-work. Only volume and panning effects have been used. The nice vocal sample makes it a bit more attractive to listen to. Overall, it is a relaxing piece of music.

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Title: Backwoods Bayou
Filename: backwood.it
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The tune starts of real good, with some nice strings and well made drums, and the bass fits...but then some really false parts come in and destroy the whole tune! Else from the false tones the tune sounds professional... The lead completeley ph**ks up the tune! i can't understand why he made a melody like that!? i'm sure he can do much better... The samples are really good, and interesting! There is even a duck-sample ;) But still... they haven't been used the right way If it just hadn't been so annoying false this tune could have been really good!

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Title: the insects
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a chip-sounding piece done fairly well. This is an eleven-minute chip-sounding piece done fairly well. It's not repetitive, I can at least give it that credit. But as a piece of music, it simply grows very tiresome as it goes on, without anything spectacular to push it above the normal level. Outside of this, it's a fairly pleasant mellow chiptune-sounding piece throughout, and keeps up a decent level of innovation and sound from beginning to end, albeit a sudden stop as it approaches the eleven-minute mark. This piece sounds remarkably like a chiptune... It's not. There are some chip samples mixed in with other synth sounds, but many of the effects we've come to associate with quality chiptune tracking are simply pre-mixed in the sound samples. Aside from that, the tune is tracked well, with only a few minor tuning difficulties in the chip samples that would take a trained ear to pick out. Effects and volumes play out proficiently along every second of the music, and it's been mixed ideally along the four channels of a mod, though it doesn't rattle the cage bars any. Unfortunately, the tune is simply too long for its own good, but fans of chiptunes or demo-style songs might enjoy this.

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Title: solid-state
Filename: gg_solid.xm
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Pretty nice tune.. but it could be much better if the artist wouldn't have been repeating the orchestral melody so many times. anyway,the melody here is not bad,the drum work is ok but still needs some work,the bassline is very good,pretty good ideas and good stereo effects. BUT the build-ups here suck and the arrangement here isn't good 2. Good stereo effects,nice samples.. not all the samples mix very good with the melody,but it still sounds pretty nice. 2 bad theres no ending to the track.. I think this track needs some little work in some places.. it could be much better!

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Title: One Day In Life
Filename: m_oneday.xm
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very good tune. I just loved the hole tune from intro to end. This one is maybe a little short but thats ok because it´s very smooth. I can listen to this day and night. Cool style on it Good and very nice, calm samples. I´m happy that I chosen just this tune because I simply just love it. DOWNLOAD IT NOW! Thats an order =)

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Title: only my home
Filename: only.it
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10

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Title: happy
Filename: modmon.mod
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Well.. u know those dance hit songs from the beginning of the 90s,this is one of those tunes.. nothing really special in this,its just another simple happy dance tune.. the piano melodies that the composer trys to make in this track are really bad,and the strings that come near the end are very annoying.. I guess the composer didn't work on this one 2 much.. All the samples are in low quality,the composer used some effects but still the track sounds almost the same all the time.. the drums here are almost ok,the melodies need some work.. anyway,its pretty good song for 4 channels

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Title: Inferno
Filename: inferno.mod
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The song opens to an environment of wind, rain, thunder, and church bells. A wood-block echoes down, and starts off the backbeat to the piece as more drumbeats and bassbeats filter in. Various synths enter, and turn the environment musical, with thrusting chords and a melody that slides in and out of the foreground as the piece progresses. The imagery in the piece is used fabulously, keeping sound effects added in on a regular basis as a sort of reminder note to the environment behind the music, and they really have a way of cooling down the music from an average techno tune into a full fledged mind-journey. It's always exciting to see how the old-style trackers managed to pull such marvelous creations out of a four-channel tracker. Timelord makes that limitation disappear entirely with this piece, and brings out a fullness of sound that's hard to find in this area of music. The samples have been very evidently tended to perfection, and effects were used sparingly to create the ambience in the piece. This song won't disappoint any fans of Timelord, fans of old-school mods, or fans of techno-ambient music. I'd recommend this piece to any looking for this sort of experience.

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Title: Fluffy Colours
Filename: mg_fluff.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
when u`ll start playing the track u'll think its a chip tune but its not,it will build itself to a great dance tune. it has a very good happy melody,it just makes me feel good. :) this track should be used as a music theme to romantic movie or something like that. The track keeps being good all the time and it builds up itself good and professionally. too bad it takes 2 minuts 'til the drum beat starts goin and 2 bad most of the samples are in low quality. but anyway when the beat starts goin,ur like in heaven! this track is definitely worth 2 download

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Title: Xip
Filename: xip.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Funky song. The drum machine sounds like a real drummer; a change from normally shameless beatbox rythms. The melody itself is good but could use more variety. The bassline remains the same throughout the song. There are a couple of cheesy nintendo-like instruments. Like I said before, the drums sound pretty cool. The guitar work on the bassline is pretty good, but there's not a whole lot of it.

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Title: The Path
Filename: xex-path.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Pretty good hardcore tune. It's got a fast, energetic pace. It's got a great beginning; You can't just begin a song like this, it takes talent to develop a beat of this caliber. The vox sounds are kind of cheezy, especially when they all play together. The drums and synths are good though, as is the voiceover that's heard from time to time throughout the song.

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Title: astro-bo.xm
Filename: astro-bo.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
A kind of catchy theme with a nice sound on it, but unfortunately it just comes again and again like in some sort of loop. And after 2:30 it just ends, and in a very strange way, too. It sure sounds like this has been done in a hurry. With a few more chord-changes, this could have been a lot better. The samples here are quite good, and the tracking ain't half bad. But all in all, it's the repetitiveness of this song that destroys it.

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Title: -Adagio-
Filename: adagiomc.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The idea behind this song is good, but this seems to be somewhat unfinished. There are some very peculiar chord changes and strange arrangements that makes this piece a whole lot more uninteresting then what it could have been. Right in the end of the song, it sounds like it's building up for a new part of the song, but then it just fades out. If some more time and effort had been put into this, it could have been great. But, I'm sorry, it ain't. The samples are all a bit out of tune, and this sometimes remind me of something I would be likely to hear in an old C64 game. Better luck next time..

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Title: Kiss Me U Fool-DJ Dafuki
Filename: me.s3m
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
I`ve heard some of Dj Dafuki's trax,and they all sound the same! this track isn't different 2.. it's a little house track with a catchy melody.. like all Dj Dafuki's trax,it sounds very flat,theres nothing special in it,theres no ending,it's annoying and boring.. All the samples r in low quality,they don't sound good toghter at all.. I guess no1 can make a good song with these samples,but this is really a bad song! the voice sample in this track ("kiss me u fool") is VERY annoying.. this song isn't worth to download..

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Title: "Another Time..."CD V1.0
Filename: mag_tmcd.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Cooool track! its a hard-rock track with some nice slow parts in it. the melody here is really good,so are the drums.. its weird to say this about a hard-rock tune that was made in a tracker but this really ROCKS! everything here was putten toghter good,and there were many good ideas used.. u should download this even if u don't like rock all the samples sound good toghter,especially if u listen to this in high volume :) theres a very good intro to this track and a very good ending too..

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Title: The evil one
Filename: theevil1.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Although this seems to be one chord progression played over and over again, for some reason my brain isn't screaming 'this is repetative' I think what keeps this kinda fresh is some of the more atmospheric sounds and the occasional transpose. In all the important aspects, timing, key etc.. It is a good mod, however a couple of poor quality samples can grab your attention every now and again. Still, an okay mod with no major complaints. (Encore has been informed not to review mods he really hates so expect to see less of me from now on.)

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Title: Staring At The Moon
Filename: stare.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I thought this piece was rather good. I liked the the tune, melody, and the backing was good. I liked how everything fit and ran into each other without any breaks or interruptions. There were some parts that seemed to dischord a bit, but other than that, great I think the tech was great on this - all instruments were great quality, and everything fit together nicely. Drums were just the right volume, and didn't take over the piece, and the melody matched well with the accompaniment.

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Title: good lookin' thing
Filename: gg_glk.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
1 meg = bad %90 of the time. I don't want to be predijuice, but I hate the overuse of vocals! Although it overuses one phrase, it still is a moderate module. Not too distasteful, but then again, not too tasteful. Good samples, except for those damn vocals. One vocal every five minutes is enough! DO NOT OVERUSE THEM PLEASE. Decent patterns, yada yada yada. If'd you like a better review, listen to the song. Judge for yourself, afterall I am only one man.

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Title: .cream98.
Filename: gg_crm98.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
13 MINUTES??? This is a combination of two artists, Oi. "I take it black, like my men" gets very very VERY annoying! Also on the annoying list: the rest of this song so far. Deviation = good. Not enough of it in this song = bad. If you want vocals, go to MP3 (please, no flames :P). The rhythms are good every now and again, but do get old after a while, like the entire song. Sorry. Good quality (but bad vocals) samples but bad patterns. The patterns are good, but when you put some samples with them, you get bad. Two rights make a left. A little too long too, espeically for this one. One minute would have been better for this one. Too long and too annoying.

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Title: Leave your senses behind!
Filename: gff_sens.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I'm really hesitant about over judging songs now (see the bulletin board...). I like the applause at the begining(sp?) of this one. It's a very well up tempoed(sp?) mod with a very awesome sound. I really can't decide what genre this is, any help? Very very cool! (Yeah, your probably saying "Is that all he has to say?" but who cares? j/k It's a very good mod that can't be described in words (cheap ploy for a short review... that and tons of parentheses(sp?))). Everything is technically correct in this one. Great samples, patterns, effects, tracking. I don't think there is anything wrong with this mod except (you knew it was coming) that it needed some spice, and I just don't hear it. It's a very uplifting and trance causing song (See 7th Heaven.mod). And I finally found the artists name... I don't know how the other reviewers ... Oh well, CONGRATS GaffL and keep it up.

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Title: Pitch-Black
Filename: ac-pb.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
A very good Techno Song. It has a great flowing sensation to the music. Definately a High Volume song. I listened to all of Acumens songs and this one is my favorite. It deserves a ten. So when you listen to it, Play it loud.... Excellent awesome samples. A heck of a lot happening in this song. I find that when im critiquing a song the best ones leave me with little to say about the song. I look for things to change or that need altering. This song needs none. And after I listened to the song about 15 times I came to the conclusion. I still like it. I dont give out 10's easily... :)

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Title: One Summer Night
Filename: onesumm.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
There's not really that much music here. The only really noticable instruments are actually sound horrible. I think that the author should have just let a series of mellow patterns repeating. That's what the song sounds like anyway, without some of the extra baggage. The samples are good. There's just one sample that I really hated. And I think that a summer night could have been more exciting. I know mine are :) But this song is way to mellow for me. All I can see when I'm listening to this song is a bunch of dark clouds shooting out rainbow colored lightning bolts.

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Title: Act On Instinct NBT
Filename: oninstin.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The only thing that saved this song from geting a score lower than 5.0, was because of the fact that it sounds nice. It started to sound dull after a while, but things got better. It's a matter of opinion if you like this song or not. However, I'd only recommend this one as a dancing tune! The voices were strange. I don't know how they go with the song. They just do, I guess. The other samples were ok. They are almost generic, which is not a good thing.

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Title: On Fire
Filename: onfire.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Wow! This entire song is about 16 mins and 54 seconds! And it's a good 16:54, at that :) This song has it all. There are many different themed tunes that blend together well. The transitions between the themes is also perfect. I was expecting something a little different, but this is still great! There are no effects used, but who really need 'em? Some of the samples didn't sound so good. Others did. The Hi-Hat didn't sound good, other than that this song is really good :)

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Title: One Week To Go
Filename: oneweek.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This song, OWTG, is definitely more on the generic sounding side of songs. There are times when this one is definitely repetitive. And a lot of the tunes used in it sounded way out tune. I was expecting something more exciting if it IS only one more week to go... There is a lot of pattern repetition. The whole song, except for some parts, is just one pattern that fades out at the end of the song. This song was very plain, and boring.

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Title: One thing
Filename: onething.xm
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
There's not really that much music here. The only really noticable instruments are actually sound horrible. I think that the author should have just let a series of mellow patterns repeating. That's what the song sounds like anyway, without some of the extra baggage. The samples are good. There's just one sample that I really hated. And I think that a summer night could have been more exciting. I know mine are :) But this song is way to mellow for me. All I can see when I'm listening to this song is a bunch of dark clouds shooting out rainbow colored lightning bolts.

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Title: Inside your eyes / Dj Yan
Filename: inside.it
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
The piece opens slow and soft... But have patience. It takes thirty seconds to build up, and a full minute to really open up and get started. Once everything gets sorted out, you'll start to see an easily danceable, groove-strong tune that keeps it mellow while riding the intensity up notch by notch. The bass beat is strong, but not overpowering, and it's matched by a smooth treble line that really evens it out. Though it's not the most melodically innovative of pieces, this song serves very well as a dance tune, and it's far from boring. Its ending is a bit short-sighted, but it would slide right into any dance mix with ease. Tech work here is indeed brilliant. DJ Yan has actually made quality use of the MIDI macros allowed by Impulse Tracker, something I personally have never seen -any- other tracker do! Other effects abound, and the samples are right on the money for the song and the genre. The only fault is a slightly sharp flange halfway through, but the rest is dead-on. This makes for an excellent piece if you're looking for a good groove, more subtle and mellower than most hard house, but still very good in its fashion.

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Title: -=Inner Strength=-
Filename: INNER.S3M
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Oh, my... Sensory overload will kick in about a minute into this piece, and won't let you out of your seat until it's over and done with. The song combines elements of chiptune samples with a techno flavour, while adding an extra fullness that you simply can't find in someone without a good amount of musical training, or a hell of a lot of experience. Even the samples play into one another... Chipsounds and others both find their ways in at appropriate times. Laserlore plays the game on all levels with this piece. Imaginative melodies, supportive bass, sub-melodies and sob-modalities that thrive, and even - get this - amazing percussion breaks, with full drum-corps-style tom-tom breakout. This is what I'd call "techno for classical listeners." For all of you who complain about repetitive or boring music, you have no grounds to say anything like that about this breakaway song. Beautiful technical work here. Near-flawless, my greatest surprise comes from how well he managed to integrate all sorts of synths and chipsounds convincingly, without sounding the least bit artificial. Volume effects keep everything balanced properly, and the center channel is unmuddied in the least bit. There's not much to see that would be called 'brilliant' or 'wizardry,' but it's solid without any faults throughout. Pick this mod up, now. Listen to it, and see what meshing styles can produce in a best-case scenario. This 1995 Scream Tracker piece really shows us that our roots are just as impressive as anything modern.

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Title: abyss
Filename: abyss.mod
Posted Thu 19th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
A simple classical piano solo. The highlight of the song being when the artist (Unknown) creshendos into a little faster pattern and rises w/ the tide. Then goes back to the main theme of song. Reminds me of school recitals. The melody is a standard classical format of piano songs. The sound quality is not that great with a fuzz distortion sound in the background. Probably a bad sample in the mix.

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Title: abracadabra
Filename: abraca.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Original sounding. This song would make a good one for a musical theory study. Alot of percussion sounds mixed with a wandering solo here and there... This song would be extremely hard to dance to :) The majority of the song is built around off beat percussion patterns. Not an easy thing to create and come together with. The song creators do a good job of blending the complex patterns of percussion. With reletively simple solo lines.

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Title: ## inside ##
Filename: inside.mod
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
The beginning of this song starts to sound conspicuously good. A touch of folk rhythm guitars, sounding ready for a ballad. Then the drumbeat and the melody chime in, half a step out-of-tune, and everything falls apart. Any good sound from the beginning is lost immediately as soon as the trackers move out of the megasamples, and have to do actual musical work on their own. Yes, megasamples... They're used exceedingly well. Unfortunately, they're also the only part of the piece that sounds musically well-done. Badly flanged synths cut into a badly hackneyed melody that turns into a badly timed distortion-guitar background. To sum it up, it's a poor tune whose only real saving grace lies in the megasamples that make up the backdrop for the entire piece. Poor tech work here with one or two exceptions throughout. The *only* samples tuned to one another are the folk guitar megasamples that run throughout the piece. Add to this the fact that every sample that has a loop is looped horribly wrong, and clicks audibly in the song. A few nifty volume effects simply aren't enough to keep this above water... And even the fact that the trackers used megasamples at all ruin it for a good many of the purist crowd. Simply put, this is one to pass over no matter whether you want good music or technical brilliancy.

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Title: Friends LIGHT Voc -=GA=-
Filename: friendslightvocal.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I know this tune well as way back in my "younger days" I watched a skit based on friends where they sang this song multiple times. This remix has a nice easy listening start and the vocals are performed very well (right on the tempo and in tune) although they do seem to cut off a little quickly. A little more echo effect might work well here. 1:41 the tune starts getting better with some great harmony in the vocals. Even more harmony at 3:55 which sounds very good. Acapella starts at 4:15 which is decent with some good echoing but it lasts a little long. The introduction is what you would expect from an easy listening tune. It gets you relaxed immediately. The volume control on the vocals throughout the piece was good. The drums fit nicely throughout the tune even though they don't change much and you can hardly notice them there except for a few fills. Good quality on the vocals and samples and they blend well together. The conclusion involves the acapella which is ok but i think the echoing is a little too rushed. A little more spacing between the echoes would have been even better. Still, overall Guardian Angel has created a good remix and did a great job to incorporate vocals such as these. A lot of time went into this one.

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Title: waterverve (gx2 mix)
Filename: gg_water.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
You know that sound you get when a retarded three year old gets his/her hands on a sequencer? Well so does gronda gronda. This is not the worst thing I have ever heard but its evil repetitions and untimely changes with tempo that has no idea what it actually is do come pretty close. I am aware that this is exactly the same review I gave 'Distant Thunder' but I though the tune was so bad it didn't justify the effort of writing a new one.

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Title: distant thunder
Filename: gg_thund.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
You know that sound you get when a retarded three year old gets his/her hands on a sequencer? Well so does gronda gronda. This is not the worst thing I have ever heard but its evil repetitions and untimely changes with tempo that has no idea what it actually is do come pretty close.

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Title: back to my roots
Filename: backroot.mod
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wooow! This is really good shit!#¤%£$@ I coudln't last more than a cpl of patterns before i automaticly turned up the volume! The bassline got me caught at once! bass is always important, but you seldom notices it, but here you do! it's extraordinary! This tune is a MUST! Even though this is a mod-file, the quality of the samples are pretty good! But you still get that old good amiga-feelin'... but hey! that's the feelin' i want! Real good old style demo-party music! This is Necro-class! even reminds me of his music!

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Title: Pain by B00StER
Filename: b-pain.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I've heard this style tracked a cpl of times before... and i think this is one of the best outcomes i've ever heard! Making this kinda music with samples is NOT easy! that's 4 sure! I'd say this tune is worth downloading even if you don't like the style! ;) This tune works very good together as a piece ! The melody is a bit repretive, but all the other sounds and the voice-samples combined with very good drums spices it up and still makes it a very good tune!

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Title: Logical Expansion
Filename: expansion.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Although the song is good for a trance, there's really not much to listen to. This song is usually just a mix of different tunes that sometimes don't go together. Sometimes it just sounds boring and repetitive, and other times it just dosen't sound very good. But there are some high points to this song. Just not many. If only the first half of the song was as good as the second, then this song would have been so much better! Then again, sometimes the second half didn't sound all that good at times either. Some of the samples sounded weird, others didn't.

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Filename: extracor.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This one was interesting to listen to. It definitely sound like a game style tune, which came as a little supprise to me, since I didn't think people liked to do these kinds of tunes anymore. :) There was one point in the song were it just cut off for no reason, and that didn't sound too good. And the fact that it fades out very slowly at the end, makes it bad for looping. Other than the fact that the song just cuts for a while for no reason, it's quite good. There are no real "ear candy" effects used, but the plain old instruments seem to do a very good job of making the song sound good!

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Title: Explorers OfThe Dark
Filename: explorer.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The song starts of sounding nice, but then a little while after that, the trouble begins. The rest of the song really sounds not really good at all. There are times when it gets much better, but then again, that dosen't last for long. There are some instruments that really clash with each other, and I think that the author should have correct these problems. Maybe next time. The samples were good. But the guitar, and one other undescribeable instrument were used not that well at all. They really clashed, and it sounded horrible. There were other times when the author just didn't use the guitar well either. This song is a mixed bag, and sometimes it's not always that good.
