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Title: Explosives
Filename: expl.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song is weird. It sounds nothing like its title. I was expecting to hear some action packed tune, but instead I found that the tune was actually very mellow, and trancy. The song is good, but not great. But it's excellent for a trance tune. There were only a limited number of samples used for the whole song, and they didn't change that much either. But I guess that's not necessary for a tune of this sort.

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Title: Dj Redbass - Exodus
Filename: exodus.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
There were times in this song where I thought the voices were doing more work than the instruments. The song was very generic, but it was still ok. I didn't enjoy this one very much at all. The voices could have been used a whole lot better. Some music could have been playing while they were going, but instead, it was just the voices over a looping instrument. That didn't sound too good. The other instruments were ok, but they didn't sound very interesting, either.

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Title: No Exit For Us /Acid RMX
Filename: exit.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This definitely sounds like a trance tune. Complete with weird sounding effects used on some of the instruments. It is a little repetitive, but at least it's original! The samples were interesting. They created a weird kind of effect, they way the author used them. But, I still think that there could have been more done to make this song better.

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Title: exec.it
Filename: exec.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Well, I don't know what to say about this one, really. It's quite repetitive, for one thing. Another thing about this tune is that there's about two guitars going at the same time for most of the song, and they really don't go together at all. They really sound like a conjealed blob of conflict, I guess that's one way to put it. There's really not much here, so you may want to avoid it. The samples were good at least, but they were still used improperly. I didn't really like the two guitar stuff, but other instruments were at least used to a good effect.

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Title: mod.2exctasy
Filename: exctasy.mod
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This song is definitely no thrill ride. It sound very lame, to tell you the truth. The song sometimes didn't flow with itself creating some listening conflicts for me. The tune itself sounds very uninspired, but what can I say? It was ripped! There's a couple of effects used. Horibly at that. They take away more from the song than they put out. And there's not many other samples that really carry the song along, either. Most of them sound very lame.

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Title: Excess
Filename: excess.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is an odd tune if I've ever heard one! There's a lot of sound effects mixed very well into the song. They actually FIT, unlike so many other songs! And the tune is catchy and original all at the same time. The only problems with this song may be that. One, it sometimes can be repetitive. And two, sometimes it can drag on for a little while. The sound effects were different! I don't think that I've heard a few of the before! The instruments sound good, but there were no noticable effects used, if that's what you were looking for?

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Title: Wtcc - Memories
Filename: t-memo.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
I have to admit that I expected much more from a 1 MB xm ! It starts with a nice piano but then it doesn´t change. It goes on and on. Meanwhile there comes a poor drumline into play. At the end you can guess a guitar but all that does not necessarily make a song. I missed chords, a bassline and a real melody cause the piano really hurts your ears after a while. If a song consists of "nothing" there is rather little you can do wrong. In this case this is true. The eleven different samples (they are not all too different cause Matt has an extra piano sample for every note he uses, that´s why the songdata is so huge) don´t give real possibilities for alternating your song. The guitar sounds poor. Perhaps an endtune for a b-movie. (Matt, smile!)

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Title: Leonardo - RMX
Filename: t-leo.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This tune is a techno remix of the original Leonardo tune. It comes with a fast beat typical of ravesongs. The melody is of course not new. The idea of a remix is not bad and in general the song is okay. But the sound is very thin. Too less pressure for a technomod if you know what I mean. What I didn´t like either is the monotonous style of composing. The main melody keeps running and running without changing. More ideas of your own would be cool, Matt ! No errors with sample tuning in this song. Matt uses some chiptune samples which in general sound very thin when using them for the bassline. He could do better there. The arrangement is standard, no new ideas and no real transitions (they would have no purpose either). What can I say ? If you like the original I recommend you download this song, if you like techno...puh...that´s your decision.

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Title: Beyond The Heaven
Filename: manga_heaven.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
A very attractive musical accomplishment. Piano, strings, accoustic guitar, fretless bass, and percussive instruments all combine and make a beautiful music piece. Starting with just the piano and strings, the composer takes us on a mystical journey through our own minds, allowing us to look at our lives with a new attitude of hope and victory. An amazing song that I recommend you listen to with your eyes closed, and simply experience the emotion that this beautiful, melodic piece has to offer. Overall, this song is absolutely perfect. The instruments are well blended. The samples are of an excellent quality, and the programming itself is very well done. There are a few things I would like to suggest. I would've liked to see some volume and speed variations, to make the piano sound a bit more convincing. The drums are a bit repetitive. Again, Manga needs to work a little bit less monophonic and work his/her way into Stereophonic. Let's see some panning effects in there. Manga obviously knows how to track very well, so let's learn some new effects. Another EXCELLENT tune for my favorites folder! -=GA=-

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Title: rock da house
Filename: tbo_rock.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a classic house tune really giving you this real saturday night disco-feeling. Although I don´t really like this music style I think (know) that every house fan will definitely greatly appreciate this song. It comes with vocals, a nice melody and last but not least a nice and kickin bass. Download if you like house ! Technically spoken the song is nearly a match for professional house music. Nice transitions and high quality samples are put together in an errorfree way. The beginning of the song could be worked out a little bit more. The not so high rating in tech level has other reasons. As some of you know basic house music is not that difficult to create. And this one is more or less a basic house tune (like most house tunes are). No experimental or difficulty boni for this one. Nevertheless great work !

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Title: magnus is king.
Filename: magnus2.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Ok, let me explain something here. This song overall is a wicked song, but it seems Magnus just released this one as a sort of "Joke". You see... Magnus was scored a 9 for his song Z-Corn, and decided he'd have a little fun with it. So out popped this song. The words are as follows: "Look at that score, it's f*cking amazing..." and believe it or not, I counted... the words "f*cking amazing" repeat a total of 68 times. Personally, I think Magnus would've been better to release this song as a REAL release, rather than a prideful joke. But none the less, it is cool. I gotta hand it to this guy... he knows how to track. This song is completely mono, which sucks. I think it was a rushed job. Magnus went and put in a panning envelope for EVERY instrument, but forgot to turn off default pan in the samples list... so basically, he wasted his time with the instrument effects, as the sample list over-rides it. His technique is good, and I like the beat. Sounds good. Keep up the great tracking, and if it weren't for the `F' word going by 68 times, you probably would've had another 9 to your name. -=GA=-

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Title: I love, I live For U
Filename: luvliv4u.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This song it's really poor........the artist needs more fantasy. Always the same.....too boring and without any original thing or weird sound. Anyway, it's a good song as lullaby, if you want to get sleep easily. The samples are quite good, but not well mixed and there isn't any effect...... I think that a Guitar song must be really original and use a lot of different notes for the lead guitar. The brutal end completes this work.....it looks like a tension shoutdown.

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Title: LuckyOne OnXpected
Filename: luckyone.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song lets you ride his slow rythm. There are some bad placed (in my opinion) piano notes, but anyway evrything sounds pretty good. The end of the song it's a bit brutal. The samples are really good and pretty well mixed. Maybe with few more effects and instuments it could be better.

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Title: The Lost Souls
Filename: lostsoul.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This tune it's a must-have if you like Fantasy stories or RPG. I played it during one of mine AD&D sessions and all my friends were interested in it. You can really feel a lost soul closing your eyes and listening to the music. Fantastic Samples! Rain effect and the bells are GREAT, and the instuments are all mixed wisely. This song got also a verygood using of the effects. I think i'll look for other mods from this artist

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Title: Live For The Future
Filename: lfuture.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song looks like the dance tunes you can hear on MTV. Really cool the voice effects and all the song it's professional. It leaks a bit in the Tech Part There are few effects. There are really good and some really bad samples, but they are well mixed and it looks like evrything is ok.

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Title: Let's JAM
Filename: letsjam.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The guitar solos are the best part of this song. The music is not bad at all, but there's something i don't like in this song. I dunno how to explain it, but if you like rock, check it out. Just 2 or 3 effects, some samples are poor and all could be mixed better. Anyway, that's not a mod to delete from your hard drive if you like rock.

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Title: Funky Lemonade
Filename: lemonade.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is what i call a funk tune. That's a FULL 9. The song it's really good, if the red hot chili peppers listen to it, they would steal some rythms. The conga drums at the start are a good choice. There are lots of effects and the samples are mixed in the right way. Almost all the samples are good, but there is one that doesn't fits so much in the song... Replacing it and give a better end at the song will score a 10 :)

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Title: Toon Boost Double
Filename: leion.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The tune sounds in the right way. The music is funny and happy, the samples are quite good. It could be a perfect background for a platform game or for the cartoon "Jhonny Bravo". There are no effects at all, but the samples are clean and well mixed. Maybe with some Cartoon fx it could be better.

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Title: My Love 4 U NBT
Filename: mylove4u.it
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
This piece sort of reminds me of some of my earlier pieces. ... my VERY earlier pieces. The only thing that I really liked about this piece at all was the rhodes piano. Using a very basic channel panning technique, the programmer was able to accomplish a nice stereo effect with the rhodes, however, the rest of the instruments (especially the drums) remained centre channel, which really turned me off. The programmer needs to sit down and write a piece of music *before* attempting to track it. There is no definite chord structure, which leads me to believe that this was just a whim of pushing a bunch of buttons in Impulse Tracker. I wish Natasha the best of luck with future releases, however, I do not believe this is the one that is going to win her an oscar. Samples are WAY too random... some are 8 bit, really bad quality, a few are really excellent samples. This makes the song sound very uneven. There was no thought that went into the volume of instruments here. When the rhodes first comes in, it is WAY too loud for the rest of the instruments. Not much technical work at all put into the piece. Instruments are enabled, however, only a couple of volume envelopes are used, and none of the effects in the instrument mode are used to any type of potential. I suggest finding a "role-model composer" who uses the same tracking software, and study the music closely. Become familiar with the instruments if you are going to have instrument mode enabled (F4 in IT) and develop a chord structure and basic song structure PRIOR to programming the piece. There were just too many notes and beats that were way to random. Dynamic is good, Random on the other hand is not. Keep trying.

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Title: Missing You...
Filename: lonesome.s3m
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The song is pretty good, some samples are not great, but, mixing all the ingredients, the cake is not bad at all. Unfortunately the oven was old, and the cake it's not perfectly cooked. The samples are O.K. and well mixed, but there are no effects at all........the song is't bad........it wasn't an easy decision to put a vote on it. If you like guitar tunes, try it

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Title: Sweet Lullaby
Filename: lullaby.mod
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The song sounds fine at all, but the first 20 secs are really boring. Anyway well mixed samples of quite good quality. It's a transcription of the song by Deep Forest There are no effects and some samples are just ripped from the original song. With some more effects, it could get 7,5.

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Title: let there be funk2
Filename: ltbefunk.mod
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
I don't like this song. It's quite boring and the quality of samples completes the work. Maybe with other samples the artists could do a better work. This song was gettin a quickrating of 3.5, but the tech raised the vote There are lots of effects in here, well used. Not bad mixing of the samples, but the samples are really poor. Maybe a remix of this song could get an higher vote.

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Title: hoppitybouncity
Filename: magnus4.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This track is very cool but i`m sorry,I just can't give this a better rating.. the melody is good,but the beats are not good,they are slow.. that makes the track annoying. after 2 minuts it just gets really boring.. The artist had some good ideas here,and I think this is how he wanted it to sound.. goodish samples were used here,good effects,good vibe,good ideas but bad arrangement.. if this track was faster this would be really awesome

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Title: Forever
Filename: FOREVER.XM
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Wow! What a song. This is an instrumental version of Mariah Carey's song "Forever". Very well done. The samples are good quality, and the programming is convincingly real. The introduction is just one sample, however, MCD has somehow managed to blend it SO well, that I didn't even notice until I looked at the song in IT. The intro will make you want to hear more! VERY well done. I very much enjoyed listening to this piece, and because it is so dynamic with its chord changes and variations, you won't mind listening to it more than once! I was most attracted to the bass line, which has a distinctive 50's sound to it. The drums are well done, and the piano is the perfect volume. This song is very listenable, and another hi-5 goes out to MC-Dreamer, one of my personal favorites. Overall, MCD did an excellent job programming this song. There was obviously much thought that went into the samples and the programming itself. A good use of volume and panning envelopes is evident. The volume levels throughout the entire song remain in a perfect mix. There is one technical glitch that I found in the song, and that is in pattern 12, channel 14. Unfortunately, the strings are out of key from the rest of the song come bar 32. This is a rather small, but very noticable glitch. You may want to put on a pair of good headphones and really analyse your music before you sign it and ship it out. Again, Overall; an absolutely marvelous piece of music. I recommend it. -=GA=-

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Title: MegaRave Single
Filename: megarave.s3m
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Hrm.. this track is pretty annoying.. its like a chip tune,its got 6 channels and 5 8-bit samples,but its not a chip tune.. its some kind of rock track.. there were no transitions ANYWHERE in the track.. the melody just keeps changing and it doesn't sound good.. maybe some people will really like this track,i`m sure most of the people won't The artist used some effects,but it doesn't save the track,the melodies are just screaming all the time and they don't sound good at all.. well.. maybe one of them sound nice but thats it! and the track is pretty short too(1:41) but thats good,I didn't want it to continue neither ;)

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Title: <MhL Edition Remix>
Filename: mhl-remi.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This tune is not good and not bad. But it´s more good than bad. Well it´s very simplemade and it has a res-loop that makes allmost the hole tune. No melodies. But still it´s not that bad as it sounds... I like it and it has some cool beats. It is a little short. 314kb and still quite good samples. Thats what made me decide that a 5.5 is a good rate, if it had been bigger the rating would been lower.

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Title: Song generated by NESMusa
Filename: mario3.s3m
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Awww... this track brings back memories.. this track is from one of the levels in the Super Mario Bros nintendo game. the melody is brilliant! I recommend d/l this track 2 any1 that likes chip tunes or just likes mario :) this is the best track from the mario tracks series The chip drums are changing with the melody. the melody is happy and fun.. I just love this track,and i`m not even into chip tunes so much :)

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Title: Song generated by NESMusa
Filename: mario1_1.s3m
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
It's the super mario bros theme,it sounds exactly like the original! it makes u think.. maybe IT IS THE ORIGINAL track.. :) this is a must-download-track for any1 that liked the game Well.. what can I say,it's like any other chip tune..

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Title: Back in Time
Filename: mg_back.xm
Posted Wed 18th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I really love this tune! its basicly a dance tune,but I can hear that its inspired from many other techno styles like:rave,breakbeat,goa/trance,dream,house.. the track keeps being intersting all the time(6:30 mins),the drum work here is excellent,so is the melodies and bassline. the happy melody is mixed very good with the beats and the goa/trance sounds. everything here goes in the right places and everything sounds like a professional happy dance tune.. I almost gave this a 9.0 but I read in the sample-text that the melody is taken from some1 else's track.. The intro of this track is awesome.. the artist used many good samples,theres some cool voice sample,they add a lot 2 the atmosphere of this track.. everything sounds very good toghter.. its a great track,download it now. especially if ur into techno

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Title: Why
Filename: why1.xm
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a good tune with lots of string a very nice synth and some good background sounds...and Everything fits very good with eachother. But still this tune is not perfect, but I like it very much so if U like Ambient this is a DOWNLOAD for sure. Well, The tune would have got some much better rates if it wasn´t so big 1049kb) But still the samples are in HIGH guality. Well I like this tune alot. and I think it´s worth the rate I gave it.

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Title: Behind the sky
Filename: mg_behin.xm
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
In some parts this track sounds like the song "Cafe Del Mar". its got good rhythm and a good happy melody of strings. the artist had some very good ideas here... but in some parts the drums don't sounds so good with the strings,but it doesn't get annoying anyway.. the end of the track is too sudden,but its a cool end :) the track starts weird but cool 2. The artist knows how to use strings good,and how to make a good bassline. the arrangement and the build-up is very good here.. the song doesn't get repeative bcuz it's changing all the time.. good samples were used and the artist used some effects..the artist obviously worked alot on this tune,all the track sounds well-done.. but I think the bassdrum should be deeper so it will have more energy.

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Title: The Kid Stuff
Filename: kidstuff.xm
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The first 12 seconds of this song don't exactly fill you with confidence as to the quality of the rest of the song - I'm not sure why the artist did not remove this section, which sounds very much like a mistake. Assuming you listen past this, you actually find a very good song. It has a good chord progression, a good but repetitive drum beat, and various melodies and counter-melodies. At 5:14 it is quite long, and does become quite repetitive by the end, but the tune is quite catchy and the musical talent is obvious. To be honest, this sounds more like an old ProTracker MOD in terms of sound quality - the samples are all quite muffled, and somehow it all sounds a bit distorted. However, the underlying song is good. The artist has made good use of effects, especially to adjust the volume. It is just strange the the artist left such a bad-sounding 12 second section in at the beginning of the song.

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Title: Dont you know -99MIX
Filename: pandora.xm
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a remix of Pandora's Summer '99. Usually when I review something that does not fit my musical taste wich (in my opinion)is quite wide, I try to review that tune as fair as possible. But this time I made an exception and I think there are lots of peolpe that are happy with that, even I know there are people who actually listen to this kind of music. I just personally think that this is pure crap. Disco music should be simple and repeating so that it's easy to dance to it (that's why I don't generally like that kind of music), but does it really need to be THIS repeating? This is a remix, and you get bored to it(or probably already are if you heard the original) when you have listened the first half minutes of it, and it doesn't really chance if you listen to it to the end(over 5 minutes). This one is made technically as good as possible. Not much to complain. But it's the musical value of this tune that discounts the score. Five minutes of 90% same patterns is not very good. If I give it five points out of ten for technical points and one for musical points, and half for pity - that's how I get 6.5. And even it might be tooo muzzz. Download this tune only if you are a fan of Disco-Music-Made-Out-Of-One-Measure music or Pandora.

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Title: Ivory Tower from Frostbite
Filename: ivory.s3m
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This one shows the Frostbite has enough talent to do better tracks. Some good ideas in this short game music (as always looped). The songtitle fits the music as you really feel as walking in a castle and count Dracula is waiting behind the next stairway. An unobtrusive game tune...no hit but at least you get this ancient feeling while playing. Unfortunately the ancient feeling took possession over the sampleset. Old and dusty samples make the whole mod sound hollow...the author could have put more efforts into his song and the arrangement although there are some good ideas. You find no real transitions and the arrangement of the marching drums and the kettledrum is poor. Nevertheless you see that Frostbite is able to do better.

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Title: cave06.s3m
Filename: cave06.s3m
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Again a song from a game but this one is one of Frostbite´s weakest I have heard. As always very short but there is no real motivation in this tune. The melody is pathetic and forced into the dull background. I really don´t like the percussion arrangement of this one which is cruel. The chords fit but are too obtrusive. Listening to this tune I could not believe that it was written in the 90´s at the beginning. Nothing actually wrong in this song except the beginning with the upsliding string. The samples sound somewhat antique and are of low quality. I think this guy could do better. It´s just he does not use what he could use. Why do we have 16 channels or more ? Not to make them sound like 4 channels. Too less ideas in this song. It´s a basic 1 bass/1 drum/1 chord/1 melody song.

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Title: The Grim Reaper
Filename: castle01.s3m
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
okay...it´s a remix of a castlevania game tune. The melody itself fits well for the game I suppose. The song is very short but looped as you can expect from a gametune. The piano which is responsible for the melody sounds nice. Not a hit...just a gametune for a short level. Hmm...seems as if the author of this song was not very motivated remixing a song already existing. The samples sound very dull and give you a feeling as if listening to a 1986 soundtracker module. The sampleset is correctly tuned but for a s3m Frostbite does not really use his possibilities. You can realize that he is an able musician but you can also realize that he had no time to polish the tune a bit or he was just too lazy. Who knows ?

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Title: Pacman (game theme)
Filename: pacman.mod
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a little song / many songs made apparently for a conversion of pacman unknown to me(it can probably be found somewhere in the internet as SW of FW). It has the main theme + 9 different little songs for different game modes / levels. It has nice lead instrument wich is used for most of the melodies and also uses a lot accordion for accompany. The only minus is that it is not very listenable as it self (and you need to switch between different level tunes) but surely is ideal for a game. Simply made tunes for a game. But well made. Accordion is good when and where ever it is used and it has simple but nice drums. The themes might though get annoying if you listen to them too long. Note that all of these songs are really short and you might not really enjoy just listening to them for a very long time. If you however decide to download this one be sure to listen to "Fast pac"... it's kinda fun ;) (and made of a melody that everyone knows)

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Title: DigiSoft@telia.com
Filename: paradisi.xm
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This tune starts with a ticking sound, wich sounds like a clock. Then it adds there first a base drum, then some other drums, and it sound a bit like some natives playing their drums for a while. This is a quite good song, though a bit boring (-0.5 points). Uses a lot of drums. Techno is not a very good word to categorize this song, but I couldn't make up anything better.....(yeah, let's just categorize every song with the universal word "techno", so we don't need to categorize them anymore :)) HEHE!) THis one is well made. Has nice samples and instruments. It uses lots of differen kind drums, and uses them well. Also uses well effects, like the ticking and whispering "paradisio", but I think that this tune could have had a bit more polishing, at least for the 1234- sound(-0.5 points). It ends too early. It has a bit, especially in the whispering part, "paradisio"- like feeling.

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Title: Paranoia - (M)Rated
Filename: paranoia.it
Posted Tue 17th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
It has not that good intro, wich luckily is not the best part in this tune. It has a bit spoooookey atmosphere, especially when it has that spooky instrument - you know what I mean when you hear it... I just don't find it very listenable. I don't find it in any way amusing to listen to this tune, though I believe that it's just that I don't like this kind of music. It has quite good samples and instruments, and a kind of convenient drums wich are not really personal though. It uses also quite well all kind of soundfxs like different kinds of whines and RADIO or more TV-like static. That spooky instrument wich I can't really call anything I know of, is also really good and the thing I like the most in this tune. Even I don't really enjoy this tune much, I believe there is somebody who understands better this kind of music might.

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Title: emcuff dot exem
Filename: emkcuf.xm
Posted Mon 16th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This happens to be one of the more original dance type tune. The author must have spent some time creating this one, and it shows. There are some odd moments of silence, and it sort of sounds like the speakers are about to explode from overload. But, this is a tune that's definitely worth listening/dancing to! The bass sounds like an electrical overload to your speakers. If that's a good thing or not. But you really can't hear it very well at all. The song would have been better if some of the samples were more noticable, and some were less noticable. There's also a nice loop buzz sample that sounds a little out of place.
