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Title: Simulated
Filename: mt_simat.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Cute track! :) the artist is very creative,he built up this track very good and he had cool ideas. this track also has cool ending. its just fun listenning to trax like this.. the melody that comes in the middle is pretty nice and it sounds good with the drums.. the artist worked on the small details of this track,I like that. this track worth a download In spite of everything I wrote,the track still doesn't sound professional bcuz: 1.the samples are in low quality,if at least the drums were in high quality this track would kick a$$! 2.its just a nice track,its not a track u will remember for long time... its nice to listen just for a couple of times.

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Title: Move On (Apex Mix)
Filename: movermx.it
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This track is very relexing,it gives me a sleepy feeling after I listen 2 it.. :) The piano melody is excellent and the soft choir sound and strings are really awesome. I`m sure every1 that will hear this track will like it.. this could be even better if the artist would use a harder bassdrum,it could be a great dance/house track,but I guess he wanted it 2 b a relaxed track, and theres nothing bad about that :) The artist sure do know how to make good fantasy track,everything here goes in the right places and everything sounds good and soft like it should be. the artist could use some good voice samples to make the track even better,he also didn't use many effects... ahhh who cares! this track is very good without them!

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Title: The Key to Heaven...
Filename: moon_tkh.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The artists tryed to make a rave track but this is not even CLOSE to be a dance track. theres one melody that sound pretty nice,but it just repeats itself for 5 mins. the thing that really annoys in this track is the beat,its sooooo slow! if the beat was a little more faster this could be good.. it just moves like this: bass drum --> wait 2 seconds --> clap,and it goes like that for 5 minuts :) i`m sorry but its pretty boring...! Well... the intro isn't bad.. and from time to time u can hear an audience yelling,thats the only things that are good in this track. the beats is the most important thing in rave tracks,2 bad the artists missed that point,this track could be good. the samples r not bad,nothing special about them,but u can make a good rave tune out of this,if u work on it. anyway i`m sure that in the future the artists will make better ones then this,they're almost there :)

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Title: Efx + Efy = EMz
Filename: ge-efx.it
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is the info of the song (minus the drawing which you need to look at to get the point of the rest): " Given in figure, points A and G are hinges, point E is an internal hinge. Calculate the reactions in the supports and the forces in each member. Also calculate the force `R' required to keep the member FO perpendicular to the ground. Weights of all members is 4.65 N/m. l(AB) = 2 m , l(BC) = 2.96 m , l(CD) = 4.2 m , l(FO) = 1.75 m. All t " Thus the name of this was born. Quite a unique song. Everything is very cool sounding... Duh. Nice warping effect and fly bys. Actually it sounds very chaotic, no orginaztion. But it's so cool :P All things are techincally decent, except for the length. It gets a bit drawn out and annoying. Samples are always good from Genosha as are the patterns. But the time thing leads to annoyance, which leads to addiction to wanting to close your ears.... Gotta wait till it's over to hit submit... sigh. Finally

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Title: Ample Fluctuation
Filename: ge-flu.it
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
As the name implies, this mod fluctuates and deviates very nicely. Hell, it better within an 8 minute span :). The background drums are very good througout, which would be a surprise. It stays constant while the rhythm and main patterns fluctuate a whole heck of a lot (Ooops, thats what a song is supposed to do...). I have to say though, within those last few minutes, this does get somewhat annoying, but then a keyboard kicks in taking some of that feeling away, but not all of it. Some songs deserve to be long, this one doesn't need to be this long. Maybe 6 minutes would have been just right for this one. Good samples, patterns, effects. But there is some repetiviness, more than is needed for any song (IMHO). It's still a very good song that has it's ups and downs. Shoot, it lacks 3 more minutes. Wow, it really changes into the 5 minute mark! (3 Minutes Later) I believe I like the last 3 minutes the best. But you have to (not really) listen to the first 5 to hear the last 3. Cause Stone Cold Steve Austin Says So, and thats the bottom line..... Seriously, this is the last line.

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Title: Depth Alteration
Filename: ge-depth.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I coulda sworn I've heard this before... Eh. Very fast and up beat. I like I like. It contains some very good beats, rhythms, and drums. The drums, especially the kettle sounding ones are very well done. The main rhythm itself is very good and not too annoying. It all changes enough so it doesn't become repetive. (This would be a good Need For Speed 3 song :P) I like this artists stlye. He/She doesn't stick with the same patterns over and over. He/She deviates ever so slightly throught the entire mod/xm/it which makes it non-repetive. The samples were good in this one along with the patterns (as usual from Genosha. The effects were good as was the fade at the end of the song. Very good, keep up the good work Genosha.

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Title: Bundles of Happiness
Filename: ge-bun.it
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The first of this song with the "whine" whistle may make you close your ears, don't. True it may be annoying, but the rest of this little medley is worth a few seconds of pain. I really don't know the difference between rave and trance, but the artist says this is trance. I believe him because it's kinda got me in a trance while I'm writing this. Subliminal messages and all.. DRINK DR PEPPER.. see? This is a song worth a listen. I don't know how you could make this one better. Maybe make it shorter for starters, but there is only so much you can do. This is probably the peak of what this style of music + the samples + the patterns can accomplish. The more I listen, the better it gets. There is a nice little piano "solo" during the 5th or 6th minute which is "radical." I love it.

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Title: ion
Filename: g-ion.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I guess you could call this spacy, rave, house, and techno rolled into one. It has an eerie organ/synth giving it the space walk/Dr Evil "Moon Base" effect. It then has the drum section giving it the rave, house, and techno feel. It is more dominated by the space part though. You can through some ambient in there too, but not too much. This is a crock pot full of several different styles (OR AT LEAST IN MY OPINION, OPINION, OPINION) that all combine to make a very odd little song. Well, a very odd 6 min song. Technically the samples were good and clean. Technically the patterns were quite cool on the most part. Technically everything flowed together to make this noticeable. Nothing was too repetive or too annoying. It's a very cool sounding song worth a listen.

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Title: Ego
Filename: ego.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Music itself is good, a little repetitive but it's not a boring repetition. I liked the way Ian used the flute, I'd say that the song would better if the intro would..well...introduce to the mood of the song...there's a little something missing but it is still good. Channel separation is superb, you hear the drum passing from one ear to another, patterns are well mixed between each other. The instruments the author choosed are juste fine for the arabian song he made. When you listen to it, you really feel your is somekind of dark movie where the hero is in arabia in an obscure place :)

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Title: Waterfalls '99
Filename: w_fall99.xm
Posted Sat 14th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
A nice and very happy melody... (In fact there is not a minor chord in the entire song!) First is the melody with some strings playing fifths, then the drums kick in and soon the melody disappears. After a while, the lead instrument is back, playing a new melody which is not quite as good as the first one. What's good: Nice rhythm, good analogue synth samples. What's worse: Well, 32 channels used... I wonder why. The tune is hardly playable at all on my 75MHz computer. Also, there is a slight overuse of panning effects.

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Title: The Five-ass monkey
Filename: monkey.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
hmmm.. this is probably the tracker's first tune.. its not really a tune actually,its just something boring that changes its speed from time to time,even for his first tune its bad! but I like the voice sample from South Park :D No real effects were used bcuz there were no need for effects on these samples. there are only 8 samples in this and its only 2 minuts long (and it sounds really long!)

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Title: The Levels of Energy
Filename: md-nrg.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Its a good happy hardcore tune for a rave,but I don't like the piano melodies,they don't sound so good with the rest of the track. anyway the hard basskicks kick ass :) the track does have alot of energy. listen to this in high volume and then u will understand why its good the track was done good exept the piano melodies. the strings and the bassline sound good and rave-ish. the samples are not bad 2 but this track could be much better if the artist would put some acid parts in it.

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Title: Unforgiven Worlds
Filename: mb-uw.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Nice little popish tune :] not alot to say about it, it starts slow and turns to a happy dance track. the melodies and the bassline are good,and everything here was done well. but its still just an average dance tune. The artist knew what he was doing,everything was done like it should be in these kind of tracks. although the artist used average samples and average amount of of effects,everything is average here. :-P

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Title: das omen (xy.tpp)
Filename: OMEN.MOD
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
It sounds like another Amiga classic. It's an ok song, but in our fast paced modern world, it may not stand much of a chance of being liked. That's too bad, I liked it :) And there's no reason why other people shouldn't be able to enjoy this classic tune. Hey, it's a 4 channel ProTracker mod! This may have been another game tune. The one voice in this song, which sounds like Barry White, isn't well placed inside of the tune. Other parts of the song don't seem all that good. And, of course, some of the other instruments don't sound all that great, but they're ok.

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Title: What's It Gonna Be?
Filename: omen-gonnabe.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This tune sounds like the sequel to the nightmare song by the same author. In my opinion, the title should have been switched. This one sounds scary, and the other one dosen't. And the tune itself is scary. It dosen't take any specific direction, so it decides to go all over the place. It dosen't sound very good to summarize. The scary voice acting is back! Only this time, it's about five times more creepy. And the way the voices are used is also scary. They don't flow together at all. They are like a conjealed blob of words and ideas that are so incompatable that it explodes into a bad mush of stuff. That's what the song sounds like by the way. And not only that, but it sounds like someone was talking really low into the microphone when they were recording the voices. (Shiver)

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Title: Dream of Nightmares
Filename: omen-dream.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I'm not sure this song sounds much like a nightmare. It has a very good beat, and the tune is at least semi-original. The piano adds a nice touch to it too, which is something that you don't find in this type of song. But, I think that the voices should have been taken out of this song. They don't sound good at all. The only thing scary about this song are the voices. They sound so much like Resident Evil's voice acting it's scary. But other than that, overlooking the voices, the song is good. And I have no other complaints about the samples either.

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Title: Olympuse
Filename: olympuse.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This song is not very good. It does sound like a techno song, a very very generic one. You'll also be "dazzled" by the incomprehensible gibberish that are suposed to be people talking. They sound more like blobs in space. The drum solos also stink, and the song in general is bad. Avoid this one, and don't blame anyone if you do download it. The echo effect was very messed up. It sounded very horrible. I coudn't understand what the voices were saying. It's kind of like being 25% awake, and there are people trying to talk to you. The drums sounded out of place, more like jungle drums than "techno sounding" drums. The other samples were also very generic. I would not recommend that anyone downloads this one.

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Title: Omega dimension
Filename: omega.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I'm not sure if this song is a "rock/techno" mix, but it does sound like it. The songs medium paced speed is nice, and I'm glad that it was not slow. But I think some people may have a few objections to the beginning of the song. It just sounds ackward. Then there's the little drum solo, and that kinda skips all over the place. But after that the song's nice! :) The snare drum dosen't sound all that good, but aside from that, the rest of the samples sound good! But that one weird sample at the very beginning of the song, was weird, and yet it sounded very dated.

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Title: Gastronomic GoGo!
Filename: ode_ggg.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
When it starts off, this song sounds like a highly advanced game boy tune. Of course that changes a bit. It starts to sound modern later on, and more and more like a techno song. It's definitely a techno song, and it is one of the more original ones too! :) I didn't like the way the cymbal was always used. It seemed to be quite excessive at times where you'd hear it going "crashcrashcrashcrashcrashcrash!" And the samples used in this song weren't generic techno sounds either! It was refreshing to hear some different samples for a change! :)

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Title: Oddity of Nature
Filename: oddity.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is definitely background music, but I really didn't enjoy it that much. The song sounds the same for the whole module. There's no excitement, no suprises. It's very soft and mellow. And boring for the most part. I supose the song is based on a single pattern. And the author just mixed that one pattern up for the entire song. Maybe not, but that's what it sounds like. It just keeps going, and going, and going...

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Title: Odetheo
Filename: odetheo.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
As the author points out, this is background music. I don't think it's a love song, but it's definitely background music. This tune dosen't change it's speed, or general melody that much. It's not very fun to just listen to, but it's even better if it's just playing in the background. The only two complaints that I have are. #1 - The snare drum dosen't sound all that good, and #2 - I found that the guitar samples were way too loud, and they didn't sound all that good at times.

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Title: October Serenade 99
Filename: oct99.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This tune is the same throughout the module. It sounds very lazy. I don't mean it's bad, it's just very slow and mellow. And it does kind of sound the same, there are points where it changes. But I think that this is strictly background music. Otherwise, it's just not that fun to listen to. There was a sound effect, and it was good. Although it really didn't fit into the song that well. But other than that the tech stuff was good, except for the fact that the author(s) decided to use 32 channels. This song does not sound like 32 channels, more like 16, or 20. If they really wanted amplification, they could have done that to the samples earlier on in production.

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Title: Cosmic Octane
Filename: octane.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
There are no real words that can describe this song. But it is really nice :) I'm geting mixed ideas about how I should describe it too. It's happy and uplifting. Not too fast. Not too slow. And it sounds excellent! I don't think I need to say any more :) No complaints about any tech stuff. The song was really really good. It may even be considered a "sleeper hit", I guess. I had to listen to it a second time before it really rubed off onto me :)

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Title: :::: delicious ::::
Filename: deliflat.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Well firstable the song is worth it's title! I think you made a good piece of music... It reminds me on Flat Beat from Mr. Oizo... The song sounds very clear, which is very important at such a Dance song... It also sounds a bit like Trip-Hop (dunno if I dissapointed you now?) I have to admitt that you made a very great bass-loop in your song...It gives the song some groovie feelings... You also made a nice music-schedule for this song... One thing is a bit strange, and that's the organ/piano solo after a couple of patterns... Maybe you could add some echo at this solo (and make a longer solo)... I think that when you make the whole song a bit longer and add a better solo this song WILL be seen on top 25!!!!!! I'll give the song an 8.0 Thanks, PINJO

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Title: Ghost in the Machine
Filename: ghost-itm.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
I hate people who auto-loop there songs, after listening to it twice, I realize I've listened to it.. well, twice.. But it still lowers the score. Other that that it's a neat song. The artist makes it sound like an XXX-files.. I mean X-files song. Everything in this category is good, except the auto-loop part. Worth a listen to.

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Title: Geometric Shadows
Filename: geomshad.mtm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Wow! A very very well directed and composed song. If only more people could do this. The synth in this one is absoutely awesome. I love the "slurs" particualary. I only wished there was an author. He deserves reccomendation. I kept changing the rating, until a 10 appeared... It deserves more. This is a masterpiece and a model mod (pardon the pun). Well, the patterns, samples, instruments, and loops are all Grade A+ material. If I'm seeing this right.. It lasts for over 10 minutes.. and every minutes is justly needed to make this an all time great.

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Title: Gateway
Filename: gateway.mod
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This reminds me of Final Fantasy 3 or maybe even 7 (even though I haven't finis... Yeah I did..). This is a very cool song. Small and compact, and packs a punch. It has a cool drum line too. The keyboard/synth is just awesome. Ok.. it turns from fantasy to... ballad(?) or ethnic, which is still awesome. Please listen. If not for me, then for the poor people who are forced to listen to Country... What's not to like?

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Title: the hard rave
Filename: good.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
I never understood Rave, but I'm guessing it's a dance take off? Anyways, this one is repetive, but I'm assuming it's supposed to be. It sounds good all around. Good beats here and there with some great effects and riffs and "vibrating saw" features, etc etc. If you get my drift then get the song, otherwise get the song.... Good samples and some decent patterns. The artist knew not to overdo it too. It's only around 3 to 4 minutes. Worth a listen. I would like to hear some more reviews on this one, please e-mail me.

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Title: Graveyard Melody
Filename: grave.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Argh.. Poor tune. A little reminds 8-bit Nes tunes, which i think are better than this (which actuallay i think are great tunes). Well, this is a 8 patterns music that has an ok beat, but a very poor solo. I dont think J.J really cared about this music, or maybe he's not such a tracker and did it just for fun. Oh well, I understand why this tune takes only 60 kb. I'm talking about a tune with 7 poor samples. 24 instruments, but 95% of them are silence. Well, anyway, there's no any big problems with the samples.

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Title: Green Grass, Grey Skies
Filename: green.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
The artist says don't listen in modplug. Well, I believe he/she is right. Although it sounds good, I sure hope to goodness it sounds better :) Although I'm using the modplug plugin, I have to say, I enjoy this one alot. It's a very heavy piece that sounds like it's being performed at a construction yard (jack hammer, steel oil drums, and the wrench on I-beam sound). Very elegantly done. It even has an eerie backdrop to it. What to say, what to say... Ok, every thing was very well done. Everything was good technically. The samples were very good especially. Well, that's about it... Get it!

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Title: Grief Core /Quark Project
Filename: griefcore.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I can't give a good genre name for this one. That must mean it's unique! Uniqueness, I love it. That must mean I love the song, and I do. It's kinda eerie, but it also has this feeling of a fighter fighting his way through the Kumite (the fight in all the Blood Sports). Very good song. Good samples and patterns. Good tempo and mood shifts. Good everything. When two Russians (sorry for the generalization) get together you never know what will happen. If anyone knows if these two have produced another song, please let me know.

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Title: grind
Filename: grind.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
At 19k I was expecting a 2 at most. And then I'm blown away by this. Why read the review when it's only 19k? See the Music Rating for a quicker version. Holy cow this is awesome! Small and good. My ONLY complaint is the static soudning sample which sounds like static..... Nuff Said.

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Title: Grinder
Filename: grinder.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
It's ten minutes long, so settle in and listen to it. It does get repetive, but that is what techno does, it repeats. It does change every now and again, because that is what techno does, it changes every now and again. I love it, because that is what techno does, it offers love to those who nee.... Just listen. Great samples and patterns. Enough repetion, but not too much. Why must I write. In such small bursts? Maybe if you were forced to listen to this twice in a row it would become irritating, but for one time, it is a very good tech song.

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Title: Grrrooovy Popcorn!
Filename: grvpcorn.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
It's not the best song I've ever heard (not my stlye) but it deserves a ten. I've never heard the original nor any other remix of this song, but I like this one already. Not much to say other that "Sunday Sunday Sunday, Popcorn is hot on Sunday" which translates into "Listen to me now!" Everything is technically a masterpiece. It sounds like a real band... Listen to it.. Subliminal message :listen to it: END.

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Title: Gunny
Filename: gunny.s3m
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
A nice little tune. That makes you happy. Its a good song that you can listen for quit a while, whitout getting tired. Some parts of the song coud have been cool in a game. Technicaly thi song is ok. Some parts have been made quit good. But the artist shoud have used more than just 6 channels.

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Title: Tear Up The Dance Floor
Filename: mc2-tear.it
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very nice happy dance tune,the melody of this track is great. the piano and the strings melody is pretty nice too although I don't like the piano samples. the drums beat is good,but its nothin special,its like any other dance tune u can download. anyway this track is cool and it sounds very proffesional in some parts. the artist knows all the rules for making a good dance tune This track should be 3-5 minuts long but its... 10:30 minuts! I REALLY hate to say this but it does get repetitive after a while,but its not bad,bcuz the melody is good. the intro of the track is cool,the build ups are cool,and the artist used some effects and used good samples for dance tune. thats how u make a dance track! keep it up :))

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Title: Slider shortedit
Filename: mb_slide.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Excellent goa/trance track! if u wanne hear how good goa trance trax can go - download this track. the drums are awesome,I never heard drums like these used in a track,especially not in a goa trance track,they sound like real drums and they have alot of energy. the track keeps being interesting all the time thanks to the rhythm of it,theres a part in the track that the drums become cool house beats and that sounds so unique and mad,it fits very well to the track's vibe.. every goa/trance fan should download this great track The composer is very creative and knows how to make good hard goa track. he used great samples,that he created by himself. i`m sure he's been working in the trance scene for a long time. the track has very good energy and it keeps rockin hard from the second it starts. the name "Slider" really fits to this track,download this and c,its very rare to find trax made like this.

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Title: *** Dreams 3 ***
Filename: dreams3.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is probably the weakest of the Dream series of songs - and it still scores 9.5! That shows the talent of Andreas Viklund. This song has the same basic elements as the other songs in the series - piano melody, good beat, bassline etc. - it just isn't as catchy as the other two songs. Don't get me wrong, this is still a superb song, probably one of the best ever made, but Andreas has *VERY* high standards. If you have the other two Dream songs, then get this. In fact, get this even if you don't, then get the other two as well. Perfect as you would expect from TSEC. Great quality samples that fit the style, good length (4:30) - and professional quality sequencing that sounds as though it has been done in a recording studio. TSEC practically invented the dream style, and it is unlikely that anyone will ever make a better dream song than the three from Andreas.

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Title: e_breath.xm
Filename: e_breath.xm
Posted Fri 13th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
You've gotta hear it to believe it! This song is amazing! The guitars are excellent, and well executed! There's not much else to say about the song, but I didn't like the voices that were used. It sort of took away from the song. Not only that, but some samples seemed a bit out of tune. The samples were also excellent, and of the highest quality! I have a feeling, however, that the guitar samples are a pre recordings of someone playing a guitar. Which happened to be ripped. Suggestion for trackers, please be original!

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Title: Outdated
Filename: ez-out.it
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
There is not much enjoyment to be had from a song such as this one. It sounds really uninspired, and it could have been so much better. It just seems to drag on for a while, not taking any real direction. It's really a lazy song, that won't hold your intrest for very long. The samples were good. That may be one of the things that this song has going for it. But, I still think that it would not be wise to download it. If you're looking for an old song, this is not it.
