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Title: E.B.E
Filename: e_b_e.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Well, yeah, it's music alright. But I think I've heard one or more themes in this song before. Not only that, but it just sounds really generic. Don't expect any suprises from this one. The samples are good. And the voices are used well, which is nice. They really add a nice touch to it, even if there are only 2 of 'em :) I liked the way the author was bending some of the samples during the song. It's a really cool effect, and I can't describe it!

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Title: *** Dreams 2 ***
Filename: dreams2.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This is the "sequel" to Dreams, one of the most famous and best tracks of all time. It is in much the same style as Dreams - it has a good piano melody, a good beat and bassline, and above all it is original - different from anything that has been done before, even if it IS a sequel. If you liked Dreams, you'll love this. The sample quality here is better than in the original Dreams - they don't sound as muffled. This piece is technically faultless - everything fits together perfectly, and although the same basic melody plays all the way through, the other elements of the piece change so that it does not become repetitive. The length is just right at 4:05. Another must-have song from TSEC.

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Title: *** Dreams ***
Filename: dreams.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This is one of the greatest tracks ever made. It was the second song made by a group called TSEC, who have now become a signed band. It is in the "Dream" style, which is basically a cross between dance and classical music. This song has everything: a good beat, a catchy piano melody, an interesting bassline, variation... Perfect. One of the best songs you will *EVER* listen to. Samples are perfect for the piece - they sound a bit muffled in places, but remember that this was only the group's second song! The length is perfect, at 3:11, and the piece never starts to sound repetitive. The sequencing is faultless - *NOTHING* sounds out-of-place. A true classic.

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Title: Ethereal Light
Filename: ethereal.s3m
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This song is definitely a mix of themes and tunes. It starts off sounding like a concert type song, then the author adds in some rock, and then it takes off from there. The strings added a weird feeling to it, and the guitar was excellent! There's nothing stoping you from downloading this tune, so do it! :) If there was one thing that I enjoyed about this song, it would be hard for me to name. It was all very good! Especially the samples. I haven't heard so many clear, clean, and crisp samples in such a long time! Excellent work! :)

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Title: Eternal Battle
Filename: eternbtl.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is definitely a battle type tune. It sounds like it, but it really could have been better. Repetition is the main thing with this song, and I'm sure that not many people can appreciate that. But if you like to just listen, and not asorb the tune, then it's actually very good! :) The samples could have been better. The guitar was nice. And the percussion instruments sounded muffled. I think the Hi-Hat actually sounded so muffled that it ended up sounding like the microphone that sampled it was wrapped tightly in a pillow and stuck in a soup can. But it gets better towards the end of the song :)

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Filename: eternal.mod
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song has a nice, soft sound to it. It's quite nice to listen to. What also makes it better is that it's not too fast. I think that's about it for this song. But if you're not into slow stuff, then skip this one. I really enjoyed the strings. They were used nicely to create this atmospheric effect that you usually dont come by that often. And this song used NO drums at all! Which is nice, because I don't think it needed it.

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Title: eternal shit
Filename: eternal.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
It sounds better than it's title. I don't know why the author had to be so hard on himself, it's an ok tune. It just needs some work here and there. There is actually a lot of emotion packed into some parts of the tune too. So it may actually be worth a listen. Can't complain about the samples, either. They all sounded very nice. It makes me wonder why the author would spend all that time making a 2 min 27 sec song, if he hates it? Interesting.

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Title: "Esteem" by greatFox
Filename: esteem.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
If you like lots of voices in your songs, then download this song. But then again, the voices don't make much sense, either. And they're not used very creatively, either. It's even messing up my typing. There's not much in this tune to like. It sounds the same. FOR THE WHOLE SONG. I think that you should avoid this one, and find another tune with voices. This song could have been better, definitely.

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Title: emotional hero
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song is slow, but I guess you were expecting something like that, right? It's interesting enough to listen to. And it's quite original. But beyond that, there's nothing else. The way the samples were used in this tune actually made parts of it sound like an Epic MegaGames tune! :) I'm sure that was not the intention, either. They all sound very nice to summarize :)

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Title: eme.xm
Filename: eme.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I don't know how this 19 second song made it to the ModArchive, but it did. And unless you like extreme looping, this song is definitely not for you. And it could have been A LOT better, since it IS only 19 seconds long! The tune itself is actually not that good at all. I didn't really like the samples used in the tune, but maybe other people did. The samples don't flow together in the song at all. They usualy sound like a conjealed blob of mess.

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Title: Embraced in the rain
Filename: embraced.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
It's another techno song. Only this one has a catchy tune! Now, where else have you found something like that? Even if it sounds almost nothing like its title, it's worth a listen. For some reason I was expecting some sound fx. Maybe rain, or even voices. Suprise! There was none! That's not a problem, I still really enjoyed the song, and its samples :)

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Title: everone go m21
Filename: em2.mod
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I think this the first song ever that I've heard a voice sample being used as one of the primary medolic instruments :) It's actually really funny, listening to a sample of the author laughing. And it's being used as part of the tune! (That's the SECOND time I've said it! :) I think that you should download this tune. Even if you don't know how to "go m21"! All of the samples are EXCELLENT. And I don't care if the author thinks that his laughing sample is sad! This has to be one of the most original tunes yet! Really! I'm serious!

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Title: elysium
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This appears to be the uppercase version of the tune, but I don't know how THAT happened :) It's sort of funny to have both a lowercase AND uppercase version of the SAME TUNE. Come on, now how many times have you seen something like THIS before on the ModArchive?! Well, I think that It's funny in its own little way. But I hope you enjoy the same exact review from the lowercase version! :) [hehehe] I haven't heard a good demo tune in a while, but this one is really good! Even if you don't like demo style tunes, I think you should give this one a try. It's very original, but it still keeps the whole demo theme intact. Great! :) With the exception of the snare drum, all of the samples are very good. And, I'd have to say that I've never heard a trumpet used this well in a demo tune before! This song has it all :)

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Title: elysium
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
I haven't heard a good demo tune in a while, but this one is really good! Even if you don't like demo style tunes, I think you should give this one a try. It's very original, but it still keeps the whole demo theme intact. Great! :) With the exception of the snare drum, all of the samples are very good. And, I'd have to say that I've never heard a trumpet used this well in a demo tune before! This song has it all :)

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Title: elctro75
Filename: elctro75.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Well, this is a song of funy repeating patterns! I'm not sure if that's what you like, but I know it's not what I like. It really got on my nerves. And the song could have been oh so much better if the author didn't include thoes annoying sound fx! If you're looking for some funky song, keep looking. Listening to this song will make you wonder how the author managed to create this tune without driving him/herself insane? The samples are good overall, but they are used to create an effect that was not so good.

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Title: friendchip
Filename: tb_frnd.mod
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Hey, another visit from the genre which is the lowest form of music! Rave strikes again, one riff, two instruments and no talent. (Do you think I get a reputation as a nasty sarcastic review with comments like that?) This kind of music requires no tech talent at all. I think maybe you should have to pass you tracking test and get a license before being allowed to track music online. Maybe it would be more bareable if the instruments were all in key and didn't sound so harsh and ear biting, but then, it wouldn't be rave music would it?

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Title: Tanz mit mich
Filename: tanz.it
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
Uuhm, dunno what to say. Can't even think of a suitable sarcastic insult this time! Its just terrible! Samples are of poor quality and spend most of the time out of key with each other.

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Title: declaration of war
Filename: declara.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Imagine peaceful hills with grass as green as if the sun was just shining and the rain was just falling for them. And suddenly thousands of knights with shining grey/brown horses rumble over those hills. The declaration of War! Well, the music you would hear in this kinda scenario is this song. What's to say about the technical part. This is no song to be reviewed for technical professionality. It's just made to be heard. Well, if you do not detest classical music, then just, just download this song.

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Title: "Bound To The Winds"
Filename: mag_wnd2.it
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 10 / 10
This little piece of music immediately made its way onto my hard-disk. I was VERY impressed to say the least. It definately fits nicely as a water or air voyage RPG-style music... if only some of the RPG's I've played used mods this good... A major problem I've had here is determining whether some of the instrument sounds are effects (e.g. pitch slides) or if the FX are built right into the sample itself. Whatever it is, it sounds good. All parts of the piece (intro, body, end) blend nicely into a pleasant little tune.

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Title: "Crimson StarMist"
Filename: mag_mist.it
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I'm trying to keep my ratings of Magus's music down a bit right now. Why, you may ask. Because as he is in a stage of constant improvement, and each piece he does is a little better than the last - so I'd like to leave some room for the next ones. Very nice drumbeat, according to the file - all original SAMS Some really nice FX songs (explosions, etc) in this piece My only real beef - the same backbeat repetetiveness that seems to sneak into most people's mods, however there are a few different transisitions in this one

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Title: Girl song
Filename: g-girl.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
(Thou Shall Not Review While Sleep Doth Surrond You) Good song, not a great song, worth a listen. Good song, not a great song, worth a listen. Ok, FLAME ME for doing this! Go for it

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Title: flune
Filename: g-flune.xm
Posted Thu 12th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This sucker is kinda long for only 50kb. It goes on for 7 minutes incessantly without much change. I liked it though, don't get me wrong. There isn't much to say about it though, it stayed constant throught the whole song. Nice and worth listening too. Nice everything, but still, it lacked depth. It was constant most of the time, meaning no change. But it made a decent song. Test listen it.

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Title: After world war 3
Filename: ww3s.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Nice piece of music. You (2 men) really took the time to make something good. After a few patterns there comes a new style in the mod, I think that's the part that the other composer made... This song actually has 3 different parts...maybe you could split these parts in 3 different ones, because it sounds a bit strange... Also the upcoming basedrum in the beginning takes the atmosphere away of the relax begin. You guys made nice use of the guitar (electric and especially the acoustic one). What I also like is the drum in this song. You used different tom tom's which makes the music (think about breaks) more complete. I hope that you have a version of this song with better sample quality. My conlusion is that this is a good song although a real schedule in the song is missing. I would like to give it a 7.5 P.S. Nice stereo-using also!!! Thanks, PINJO

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Title: Dance in Trance
Filename: pix_tran.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Damn, bad start of this mod. You have to tune the instruments again. It's a bit false. That's a pitty because it could be a very nice tune. You use some nice dance/techno tricks. I find the vocals that you have been used nice (especially last pattern). They give the song some extra atmosphere. The samples are from general quality. Maybe you could use some higher quality samples to make the music better sound. Everybody knows that this sort of music neeeeed good samples. Although you called this song Dance in Trance, I would say it's Dance in Techno (I can't find the trance). My conclusion is that you have to tune some instruments again because it would make the song much much better. I give the song a 6.5 Thanks, PINJO

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Title: rock with u
Filename: zipp_chipndale08.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Oh great!!! This is the fisrt mod I've reviewed for modarchive after I stopped at several other pages. The first, and it sounds great! It's a chip-mod so it's very short and only 36k... You really know how to make chips. You are using only 3 (real) different samples. The way you get a hihat out of a snare drum is very good (although it's an old trick). The samples you used are having a clear sound. And the change of speed (2-4) make the swingie beat off course. I wonder if you made the samples yourself... My conclusion is that this song is really a download (2 seconds) worth. This is THE example of a very short and small chip (although he uses 20 tracks). I give the song an 8.5!!! It's not higher because I miss a few more seconds. Thanks, PINJO

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Title: FinalFantasy2 Cid's Song
Filename: ff2cid.it
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Winamp has some serious problems with this song, so use ModPlug Player or something similar. It's a nice, upbeat song that is nothing like Cid's theme, but the drumbeat is similar. It's a nice song that does remind me of Final Fantasy. Some great samples here, clear and well used. It keeps a beat and does some neat stereo things with the drums and symbals, unfortunately at position 8 it hangs and doesn't continue in WinAMP. When played with a REAL MOD player hwever, it works correctly and has some parts where the pitch goes up suddenly...watch for it.

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Title: Some FF Song -CHipi-
Filename: ff-me.it
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Music sounds good, clearly the result of some serious effort. Sounds like a deviation of some Final Fantasy battle music, maybe from a Japanese version, I have never heard it. Ends slightly prematurely, could be useful for looping if it's cleaned up a bit. Very fast beat, download it and add it to your Final Fantasy MOD collection! Very good. Nice use of only 11 voices. Tempo was good, samples sounded clear. The trumpet sounded like it came straight off Final Fantasy. Nice lightning sample in there. Some good panning and a regular drumbeat to keep things active.

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Title: Converted NES Music
Filename: f1.s3m
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
This is a MOD?!? Well, the title does suit the MOD, it is truely just converted NES music. And, in the spirit of NES music....it makes you want to close WinAMP as soon as it loads the MOD up. It is painful to listen to. Very low tech here. I'm not sure what game this comes from, but it's definately a NES game. 8-bit sound and two instraments hurt the ears. It's two redeeming factors are, it's fast paced and very small.

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Title: S.E.A egotrip part 1
Filename: egotrip1.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is definitely not a song which I would enjoy listening to over and over again. It seems to loose its value after one listen. Not to mention it's slightly repetitive. And most of the patterns sound the same. But that is considered repetitive, huh? So I guess I could say that chunks of the song are repetitive. That's better :) It'd been nice if the author had done a little bit more with the music, rather than limiting himself to the melody that was chosen. Eventhough the song itself was not the best, the samples were really nice :) And I don't think you can complain with how the author used them, either. I sure hope his future productions are a bit better.

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Title: electronic cop [99]
Filename: ecop.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The song dosen't have too much to offer. It's just another very predictable techno song. Not only that, but the author decided to use voices, good idea. But if you don't like someone swearing all the time, then skip this song. Because there is some of that. This is an OK song, but it's definitely not very original or good for that matter. The samples are good, and they were used good. But the two voice samples were used excessively over and over again. The voice which sounds like a little punk swearing must have tickled the author a lot. It's definitely something you'll remember about this song, if you decide to listen to it.

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Title: eclipse (from orbit)
Filename: eclipse.it
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Relaxing is one word that comes to mind when I think about this song. It's definitely very mellow. And it's put together very well, and it's not repetitive! (yay!) The strings and misc percussion instruments really added to the whole effect of the song. If you want to know what an eclipse sounds like, download this song :) I really liked the way the author mixed the different instruments to create a relaxing atmosphere. They didn't sound like they were all being played at maximum voulume. Rather, gently sliding up and down. This might put you to sleep if you're really tired, though ;)

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Title: -Animation- (HT)
Filename: c-anmatn.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Weird track,it doesn't have theme melody in it it. it just has a breakbeat loop,some beeps and voice samples (which repeat too much!) but the composer build them up with style! :) it sounds cool The track is 2 short and it doesn't change alot from the beginning. Very good samples were used,and the composer used some effects. this track could be much better then this but I guess the composer just didn't want to work on it alot..

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Title: daj_ente.xm
Filename: daj_ente.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Nice rave tune,it has the traditional rave beat :) good for parties and stuff.. the composer did everything like how it should be in rave. in some parts of the track it sounds like the composer can't really control the breakbeat loop but its still a great track,alot of energy in some parts and there are some cool voice samples used in the track, any1 whos into rave will like this tune. The track has a nice intro,and nice samples. the composer also used effects so the track sounds pretty professional.

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Title: elimination.part2
Filename: Elimination_Part_II.mod
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This sounds like an Amiga tune, but again, I'm not too sure of it. But other than that, I really enjoyed listening to this song over the years. It really has some good replay value :) It's also nice and mixed. Which means the entire song dosen't sound the same. Which is good! It starts off fast and excited. Slows down towards the middle, gets nice and mellow. And then takes off again. That combonation seems familiar to me, but I'm not sure where else it was used. The samples could have been better. Especially the percussion samples. The drums sound a bit muffled. Which, of course, dosen't sound very good. But the other samples only sounded half as muffled, which made them sound MUCH better! Take my word for it! :) I'm sure most people will enjoy this tune, just don't pay TOO much attention to how the samples sound, and you'll have a great time listening to this one :)

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Title: Electronic Decade
Filename: electron.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song is excellent! And it just happens to be the FIRST techno song that I've heard that WAS NOT PERDICTABLE! It took so many twists and turns it captured my attention for the entire song. It never got too repetitive like so many other techno songs. And it sound reallly nice too! This type of song is a rare find, so I think you should download this one! The samples are very good, almost excellent, but not quite. They fall a little bit short of excellent, because they don't sound like it. Ok, I hope you understood that last part :) I have no other comments.

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Title: electroquest
Filename: electroq.mod
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This should bring some people back. This tune really sounds like an old Amiga demo/game tune! It's very cool, and the song is very catchy and nice to listen to! But some of the more "modern listeners" may not like it. But that's for you to decide. The entire song is great, but there are a few points here and there that don't sound so good. But I'd just have to say that it's still a nice tune :) The samples sound like "classics" too! They all don't have a very good quality, which was typical for a while. Some people may not like how they sound a bit muffled, and not crisp and clean. Still, this song is worth a download!

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Title: Enhanced K-Warrior
Filename: ekwarrio.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song has its ups and downs. It's good for the first half, but when you get deeper into the second half, things start to fall apart. Instruments sound like they've been thrown in at random from time to time, especially the crash cymbal. But I really liked how the authors did the guitar! It really sounds nice! All of the samples are good, but as I said before, there are times where it seems like some of the instruments are being thrown into the song at random. But, still, I think that this song is worth a listen! :)

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Title: Miasma
Filename: eiyomias.it
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This song definitely makes good background music, if that's what you're into. But for the serious listener, this is not your song. It definitely has that mellow kinda "feel" that some background musics have. And in a weird way, this would sound really good as an Adlib tune! The samples sounded good, and they were properly implemented for the most part. It would have been nice if the song was more than what it is. But, I really can't complain that much. It still makes a really nice background tune! Yeah! :)

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Title: "A.M. A.L. Funk" by E-Keet
Filename: ek-amalf.s3m
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Well this is certanily odd. All of the samples have somehow been corrupted (and completely not there), E-Keet's artist page has been wiped. And this is the strangest review that I've had to write. Unless you want to rebuild the samples yourself, and I'm sure you don't, then you do not want to download this one. I didn't have the correct sounding samples, so I had to imagine what the tune would be like. If it was working I'd most likely have given it an "8.0". That is IF it was working. Since I don't know how the original samples were, I cannot write anything here. I wish I could actually listen to this song, because it seems like a nice solid tune... What the heck is going on around here?! This happens to be the first time that this has happened, and hopefully it's the last!

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Title: eirik68.xm
Filename: eirik68.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This tune has a nice beat, and it sounds very good! Not only is a nice tune to dance to (although I have not tried it), it would go well with a game show. (I think :) The song is nice and varied, but I have one big complaint. Towards the end of the song, there is an Amiga type looped sample which is a solid tone. This sample is played at a very high pitch for a good chunk of the song, which is bound to create some distrubances with some people. But other than that, it's a very nice tune! Other than that solid loop tone sample that I mentioned earlier... All of the other samples are very very good. They sound nice. And I think they were taken from Necros and Basehead :) Interesting. Anyway, this is a nice tune, and it's worth a listen, if you don't mind that solid tone thing... :)
