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Title: ... CoMeS WiTh Me
Filename: eerwhc10.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Well, I was quite supprised that this song was written for Trax in Space. The song is actually quite horrible. It basicaly sounds like several of the same patterns repeating over and over again throughout the entire song with a few variations here and there. The song itself would give most people a headache, it really does sound bad. (And that's not an exaggeration either!) This song would have been a lot better if the author had actually put some more time into making it sound good. The voices that were added to it made the whole song even worse. At some points during the song, the voices would do some funky (and annoying) things. Like repeat at one point over and over again. I would not recommend that you download this one...

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Title: ef-joel.xm
Filename: ef-joel.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
The author appears to know what he wants, but the result is varied. The song itself it not that good at all. But in some parts, it gets a little better. There is not much value to it at all, so I think this is where I'll stop writing... The use of the voices in this song were... Let's just say they really made it sound not very good. Especially since they sound as if they were sampled through a muffled soup can. Other samples, however, were a lot better than the voice samples, but that didn't really do much for the song overall.

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Title: Bicebox, gaah..
Filename: ef-2.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10
So far I've heard two other versions of this same song. And this one just happens to be the worst. Although it does have some high points, it still fails to deliever for me. I think it's mainly because of the "rushed" feeling I get when listening to it. I have a feeling that the author didn't really care how it came out... There was one sample that was used the most, and guess what? It really didn't sound that good to listen to! That just happened to be the only one that I didn't like. All of the other samples were GREAT! But I also noticed that sometimes certain instruments would all of a sudden get reallly quiet when others came in. That really took away from the song for me. I really didn't like that.

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Title: --(EE-EE-WW)--
Filename: eew2.stm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Although the music is bordering on mediocre, it still has some value. And hey, it's in the dated STM format! But what it really sounds like is, a mix between a chip tune and a techno song. It's weird, and I really don't know how to describe it that well. But if you do decide to download this one, be prepared to experience a lot of beeping in the song! The samples were handled very well in the song. Except for that annoying "BEEP"! It was played at maximum volume too! But other than that, I have no complaints. I think it's cool that some people out there have such an old version of Scream Tracker :)

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Title: You gave me a smile
Filename: bd_smile.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Its just a nice little happy tune,it does bring a smile on ur face when u listen to it,although in some parts the piano melody starts being annoying,theres a hip-hop scratch that pops in from time to time and it sound really cool with the rest of the track. but the drums are no good,they don't sound professional at all,if the composer would work on the drums more it could be much nicer,this way the drums are just noise,but anyway the track is not so bad.. if u like happy piano melody music u`ll like this track. the piano melody is build up pretty nicely and the bassline goes good with the melody and the scratch sample is putten in the right parts of the track but the drums structure is bad and the drums samples are bad.. most samples are in low quality and theyre just samples every1 uses. and the thing that really annoys in this track is the piano volume, its too high all the time,so it starts being annoying after a while..

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Title: One small step
Filename: onestep.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Very good relexing hip-hop tune mixed with classic music and acoustic guitar,it sounds like the band Faithless. the track is just 3 mins so it doesn't get repetitve. this is the kind of trax u can listen to millions of times and u never get tired of it.. The composer used a hip-hop breakbeat that sounds excellent with the strings and the other samples and he used alot of echo which gives the track the relexing feeling of it.. the samples are in high quality and the composer used many effects,the track starts in a very cool way and it ends in the same way. the voice samples are great,i`m sure the composer recorded them by himself.

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Title: Alarma Remix - DJ Dafuki!
Filename: alarma.s3m
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I actually liked the original tune a little bit and this mix sounds like a 5 year old did it! I wonder how did this track got into the modarchive... all the samples sound very bad toghter,in some parts the composer trys to make his own melody and its really bad...the samples are not even recorded so good. mixing is much easyer then doing an original track so how could he fail with this track so much? This is obviously one of his first tracks,the samples are in very low quality and the composer didn't use effects at all and there is no real ending to the track. this track probably took the composer 30 minuts to make.

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Title: Asian Beauty Maa Lee
Filename: maa_lee.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The tune doesn't make a whole lot of sense, the song tends to wander from here to there with out really having a destination, I put down light techno as it's type because thats the best way I can describe it, it changes styles a couple of times, it has a little bit of an asian sound which I'm guessing is where it gets it's name from, either this song was pieced togeather after each of the pieces had been written on different days or the composer was distracted alot. aside from the fact that all of the samples for this song were ripped and no credit was given to anyone for any of the samples, the song comes across sounding some what hyper and chatoic. It seems that the artist just put down whatever came to mind, and in this case it doesn't quite work, the times it changes tempo don't make a whole lot of sense and then it just goes back to the origninal "tune"

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Title: mabo
Filename: mabo.it
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a really pretty song, it's very relaxing and soft, though it does tend to be extremely repetive, it would almost be good to fall asleep to, except it's more likely to drive you crazy by being so repetive, espically if it's put on a loop. It does have some nice variations to the "tune" but it's still very repetive This song is soft EXTREMELY soft, I had to play it on my player (instead of my plug-in) and turn the volume all the way up just to hear this one. That's the main problem with it though, otherwise all the insturments are clean and go with each other quite well, it almost reminds me of one of those old nintendo games.

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Title: Kick the beat [TSEC]
Filename: av_ktb.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Pure rave track with a cool goa part, the piano melody which is the main theme of the track is very good and it also mixes very good with the beat and the bassline. the composer have putten everything where it should be and it just sound so professional! the fast goa part in the middle is a good transition to the piano melodie that comes again before the end.... if u don't like techno,u will like it after u hear this track. great piano melodie,great rave beat,great samples,great goa,great effects,great ending :D what else can I say??

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Filename: magnus38.xm
Posted Wed 11th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I heard many trax from Magnus and I think this one is his best. The melody that comes in the middle is awesome,the beat in this track is also very good, magnus used fast breakbeats and hardcore bassdrum toghter and it sounds great and he put many cool voice samples that sound really good with the track's vibe. one voice sample is from The Prodigy's tune "Poison",it really sound cool and it comes in just in the right part of the track (Liam Howlett saying "Fuck sake,trying to write this fucking tune man") and a funny sample of some1 saying "I love this man!" was used.. its fun to jump up and down when u hear this track in high volume,try it! The beat kicks hard from the beginning and it sounds very good with the other samples. the melodie that comes in after the first minute builds up itself very good and in a very professional way. BUT 2 bad magngus ruined the 2 last minutes of the track,he just put there some samples he ripped from "Poison" with a slow beat,it doesn't sound good at all with the rest of the track - maybe thats what he wanted to do ,anyway the track is still cool. the melody in the middle is so good that u`ll just forget about the last 2 minutes.. DOWNLOAD THIS TRACK NOW! ;)

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Title: :-) *Dreamtime* (-:
Filename: drmtm.xm
Posted Tue 10th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
nice tune, especcialy in the beginning, but 5.07 minutes is just one itsypitsy bit too long to keep on using the same bass, drums and everything. Not even a single chord-change in the whole song, and when a WOW-bass sample goes on and on in the same funky way, well, it's just becoming a bit boring. The technical rating is a bit more promising: the samples sound clean and the different patterns are almost as if they were created by a pro. This song is very suitable not for putting it in your modcollection but for using it as an example for how a song technicaly should be done.

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Title: Diarroea Blowback
Filename: diablow.it
Posted Tue 10th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10
If you want to prevent yourself from having a headache: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS SONG That's all i have to say about it concerning the musical part What do you get from combining: Extemely -i haven't even got the right adjective for it- chip-samples Put in a randomly order with a prodigy-like breakbeat. Yep, you got it right: a headache

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Title: Jump a little higher
Filename: dhjump.xm
Posted Tue 10th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Well, what's to say about this song. Just pump up the base, move your head and arms up and down and get a terrible headache. In short: average, very average. It doesn't take much tracking to get a song like this moving well, so he gets it moving well. The samples sound almost perfect and well positioned. But, as i said, it doesn't take much of tracking to get a song like this moving well.

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Title: Digital matrix
Posted Tue 10th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is one mod of the old-style mods. In my opinion the better style mods, but this song though has just not got it. It't starts promising but the sound never changes and even for a 1.32 minutes song it's kinda boring. In his attempt to equal songs like Purple Motions 2nd Reality he ends up with a quite annoying song which hardly rises above the average. The terrible synth sequency throughout the whole song is partly responsible.

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Title: Adventure's resolution
Filename: advres.s3m
Posted Mon 9th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is a 2 part song! so don't stop listening when you think it's done :-) I absolutely love the start of this, with a low strings/electric guitar! Then we hit rock style and go on from there. A little over halfway through the song, it comes to an end, but then to my suprise, it started right back up again with some very calming smooth rock. Near the real end, there's some neat guitar duet that draws this one to a gentle conclusion. God, what else can I say that I haven't already? This piece is brilliant in it's music and technical aspects. Samples were blended nice, there was a great mixture and variety of instruments and their entrances were excellent. Let's add this one to my Fav's!

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Title: FF1 Battle Theme
Filename: ff1-batt.it
Posted Mon 9th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
It is and has been a great tune since it was originally composed for Final Fantasy, on the NES. This is a great 'rock' remix of a great old tune. The use of the base at the beggining was great, and having the distorted guitars be played over the realistic drum beats was really well done. It really is a fine song, remade well with modern instruments, but since the tune is not original, I can't really score the song too high for music. The intro is missing something I remember from the game. But I could be mistaken. Most of the samples sound good, but the distorted guitars are a little too melodic sounding, a little too fake. He took pretty good advantage of the surround effects of Impulse Tracker, and the panning was certainly sufficient. Although for the most part, the technical aspects were well done, I still can't score him too high on that either since there are only 7 patterns used. Then again, he gets the whole song, all 42 seconds, in those seven. It was intended to be played in IT (I would assume) so as to loop infinitely, so it sounds a little funny just trailing off in ModPlug.

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Filename: adventur.xm
Posted Sun 8th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The beginning is pleasant with a nice synth strings and then into a semi-techno bass/drums thing. After this is a nice sweeping background with some piano accomp. This lasts until the end of the song, with the background dropping in and out. Samples from this one are nicely done, and I will applaude this artist on the use of a cowbell. Not many people use a cowbell in their songs, but this one had it and it added a nice percussive touch. This song was a pleasure to listen to.

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Title: aitoniemi blues 1
Filename: aitblues.xm
Posted Sun 8th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The musical side to this song is great! The bass intro is set in a 12-bar blues pattern that is nicely done. Next there is an organ that reinforces the beginning. THEN, there is an AWESOME jazz organ that really pumps out some great tunes! The piano solo in the middle leaves a little to be desired, it's just a little too edgy. The end puts both organs and the piano together for a nice fadeout. I like this one and I'm glad to give it a rating it deserves. Technicality is a highlight. This person really paid attention in theory class LOL! It has a nice variation of the 12-bar blues. I really like the samples, they sound excellent and the whole thign was put together nicely. Now, how about a few more instruments doing imporv. in there for some added variety? :-)

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Title: Feel the Love
Filename: feellove.xm
Posted Sat 7th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
This song was intended to make me feel the love, but after hearing it, all I felt was rage. After hearing a low-quality, poorly timed voice sample of some one saying "Feel it" a thousand times, I wanted to kill. It wasn't just the obnoxious voice that bothered me either. The cymbals were terribly timed, the alleged melody was random and irritating, and it had a really generic beat. Everything was rather hastily placed, and very repetitive. Where was the love? The effort? The samples were all 16-bit, but sounded like they were just converted from 8-bit to make the file size larger. He didn't use a single effect either. I think it took less time to make the song than it did for me to write this review. The intro was insipid and tiring. The voice sample he so abused, began to lose any meaning after 30 seconds. They went from being two words, to one, poorly tuned tone. The ending was just the main theme played two octaves higher, and faded down to sweet sweet silence.

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Title: Falling
Filename: falling.xm
Posted Sat 7th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
One of the greatest pure guitar songs I have ever heard. It has an amazingly well done core melody, that while a little repetitive, still variates enough not to be boring. Normally I would have wanted some more instruments mixed in, but he used the guitar so well, it did the job alone. It creates a rather dark, kind of inspiring, sound. I didn't have the urge to hear it hundreds of times, but it was still really amazing. Great use of low and high frequencies fills the air with a sweet, whole sound. The composer didn't really use many effects or anything, but it certainly didn't need it. It's a very pure, real sound. When the song started, I figured it would pick up into a classic kind of rock sound, but once I realized it wouldn't, and I embraced it's beauty, it was amazing. Some tempo changes throughout the song help ease a possible boredom from it also. It wrapped up well, nothing too amazing, just a classic ending, to a classic sounding song. Great guitar samples too.

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Filename: dunemix.s3m
Posted Fri 6th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Well it's dune, I can't give it less points here ;) The Track-Author did a fine job copying the original dune song to this modfile. Its never getting boring - even not after the fifth time listen to it. Unfortunately the author did not make a *real* remix out of it, but just copy the song... OK, the file is quite big, but the samples are fine! Nicely rearranged to get the same song as dunes original. There are no special trix in it, since most of them are in samples (well I could have a second look at it to be 100% sure ;)

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Title: Hardcore vibes mix
Filename: dune.xm
Posted Fri 6th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
It sounds like dune, it smells like dune, but it isn't dune. It's a dune remix, and not one of the better I heard. If you want exactly the Hardcore Vibes song from dune, go and get the CD. If you want a remix of this song, go and make another ;) The author took the samples directly from dunes song (all I think) and then tried to regroup them to give the illusion that its the same song... I think the one thing which was the most difficult to do in this song was to get the samples. The rest could have been done by a clever script...

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Title: gummy 2
Filename: gummy2.it
Posted Fri 6th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Hmmm, I was thinking of Gummy Bears while this was loading. But it's the total opposite. It's kinda depressing and slow. I LOVE IT. True, it's monotonous, but I can listen to it without becoming nauseaous(phonetics?). I wish there had been something happy about it, but I can't have everything. Cool samples, long song, cool patterns. Listen to it when it's midnight and your week has been filled with work and sleep and lack of sleep and it sounds really good. But even by a normal person, this song sounds extremly good. I'm sorry I can't give it anything higher, but it doesn't have that added "icky icky pa tang woop woop" zing to it.

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Title: pleasure machine
Filename: gg_plea.xm
Posted Fri 6th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
I hate to mention this, but Gronda Gronda has an odd taste of music, if you can call this music. No good rhythms are heard here, no good samples (musically) are heard here to go with the even more annoying patterns. By no means is this a pleasure machine. Quality is what Gronda Gronda excels at.. and I mean quality sounding samples.. and no not the musical sounding quality, just the quality. It's tracked good, but it doesn't take up for the lack of musicianmanship(huked own phoneks...). Sorry for being Cruel, and all flames can be EMAILED TO ME ONLY!(including you Soundblaist.. don't air your arguements in public) /email below /

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Title: Give & take
Filename: givetake.it
Posted Fri 6th Aug 1999
Rated 2 / 10
It's at least a meg.. It's a bad omen. [Listens to song..] Wow, I was absoutely right, the song is not worth 1 meg. It's not even worth 2 kilobytes... This is downright [censored for fear of harsh replys]. I have no idea what the artist was trying to accomplish with this one. It has no musical value to it whatsoever. Well, maybe just a little, but not enough to take up 1 meg of my cache. The good thing about this song were the samples used. no static was heard during the listening of this film, just my screams of agony for having to review it. Maybe if I was sane I would appreciate this, but then again, if I were sane why would I be reviewing? If you have enough time to waste downloading this, please do and give me some of YOUR opinions. Thanks

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Title: necros remix!
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Only a drum in the beginning, joining a bass and after that some more rythmic instruments. The speed and the rythms make your feet wishing to move around (not so good idea in offices ;) ). The whole track is very percussionistic, but has still enough melody to be nice to listen to. After 4 minutes theres a complete change in melody, reworking the old beat into a new scheme. Nice song all through. All the samples are 8bit, there are a few voice samples, which are used quite often, but they are not used as "voices" but as instruments. The drumsamples sound nice too, except the hihat which sounds like a little rabbit would fluff his ears over a plastic bin. There are no special hearable effects.

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Title: Sound o'da lunatic
Filename: sound.mod
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Beautiful guitar song, with at least 4 guitars at any one time. This just shows how far you really can go with a mod song. It has brilliant guitar lines, starting with the great clean sound at the start to the soulful distorted solos that really make this song great. The bass work isn't too shabby either. All the samples come from the artists own instruments, and therefore sound a little rough around the edges. But who cares! The small download size makes up for it. Everything in this song ties in extremelywell and the effects are put to good use. I swear that the casual music listener would have a hard time picking this from a true recorded song to a tracked one!

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Title: untitled
Filename: ghostes.it
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Hmmmm, Bagel Chip... Oh your here... Ok, this song starts out slow and annoying and then speeds up and is still annoying. But it gets better, barely. Then strangely, it gets worse again. "Fuck you asshole" really doesn't do it for me. Sorry, if the artist gets a thrill out of this, then "fuck you too". Crappy samples, including the sucky vocals. What is the point in trying to offend your listeners? No wonder he/she didn't leave a name. Bad patterns, even more annoying beats! "Fuck you asshole"... I still can't get over that....

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Title: phat phuk
Filename: gg_phat.xm
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Personally I don't like the name of this one, but that's a different story. Oh, a Cartman (South Park) reference. Sorry, it's a lame rip off. South Park died many moons ago. I like the beat to this though, it's an up tempo steady beat (generic). "Tickle me". Ok, now an Elmo reference... Not a good song from a good artist... (Good artist, but a bad/not-good song). Plus it is unnesecarilly(wow, how to mispell that one, huh) long, 6m to be a good guess. Although the music skill/taste was lacking in this one, the technical rating (hence "Tech rating"). Good samples are always a part of Gronda Gronda's songs. And I mean GOOD samples. Not music wise, but quality wise. High Grade Helium.. er, samples. Although the patterns weren't the best, they were still decently written, although they didn't sound too good. Overall it's an average song, take bad music and add some good tech scores and you get a 5.

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Title: ouistreham
Filename: gg_ouis.xm
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Hmm, short this one is, yes. Under 4 minutes, it shouldn't get old. Ok, the first minute may make you gag, but starting with the second "verse" of this song, it begins to sound real nice, at least until the "vocals" (the screaming ones). It's a fast paced keyboard with some background and what sounds like a mouth... I actually liked the mouth though :) Everything was technically right with this song. Maybe you could critique the change of song in the middle, but it made it better musically. High quality samples are always a plus, the patterns were good most of the time. And again, it's unique in its own little way.

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Title: Wonderworld
Filename: bs_wwrld.it
Posted Thu 5th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
It's songs like this that give techno a good name it has both Relaxing and energitic. The bassrythm in this song is perfect. After a while it is like a new song starts it is changing all the time i like that, it is just that the end stops to fast. This is a kick ass song!! These types of songs are execptionally hard to perfect.The instruments used fit in perfectly, and the sample quality is pretty good.

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Title: cream
Filename: gg_cream.xm
Posted Wed 4th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10
[Before Listening]: Heh, THIS one is not over a meg, hurah [Song Begins]: "Bah bah bah bah bah...." What in the world... But I digress, this one is strange. Sounds like something that should be on the X-files. It's 8 minutes.. Which may a bit too long. It sounds good for the most part and it doesn't get old. There is enough deviation to make it a decent song. Quality samples and patterns. I even like the "Airplane" quote in here. I did mention above about it not getting old, well it does, but not enough for it to be a bad song. It's got some cool effects in here also.. The voices are just the first of a line. Overall, a very stout *.xm from Gronda Gronda.

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Title: crack'n'shells
Filename: gg_crack.xm
Posted Wed 4th Aug 1999
Rated 8 / 10
[Before Listening]: It's over one meg... It better blow my socks off, and believe me, I'm wearing socks. [Song Begins]: Well here is another song brought to you by the one and only Gronda Gronda. Within the first 5 seconds it sounds pretty good. Actually, pretty damn good. Until the vocals.. The vocals are of good quality though... They samples are ripped from a Coolio CD, so just imagine it sped up with some cool beats... Nuff Said. Very good! Good sample quality which makes up the one meg file. Good patterns for the most part. The vocals don't necessairly please me, but none the less they sound good. This song is a three parter so it doesn't get to old or repetive. Maybe it's even a 4 parter... who knows.. Anyways, it's a cool song that I like, the size just makes it a little negative.

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Title: The Darkest star
Filename: darkest.it
Posted Wed 4th Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Quite a good song, It is about 4 minutes long and if u like music that goes up and down then u can download and listen to this. It has a very nice piano intro and the end is something special. The piano in the beginning of the song is very good, i think that he has placed the bassdrum at a good place and the first part of the song is well done. It is just the end of the song that is a little strange. To many changings and to many new instruments makes the song a little bad, but hey this is just what i think download it your self!!

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Title: Flying In Highskies
Filename: lc-flyin.xm
Posted Wed 4th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Fast Dance/Trance song that really feels good. I looked at the song in FT2 and i was impressed, Lord Choma is only 12 years old, And already makes this god music. I think this is one of the best song he have made, If you like fast music then this is the song for you. I like the intruduction that is fast from the beginning.It is not so much instruments but Lord Choma have made them work fine together.Technically, this isn't the best but i think u should download it right away!!

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Title: bytes
Filename: gg_bytes.xm
Posted Tue 3rd Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10
[Before Listening]: It's almost one and a half megs... It better blow my socks off, and believe me, I'm wearing socks. [It Begins]: Ok, very good samples and patterns so far, but we have 10 more minutes to go. Nothing new going into the 2nd minute. Well, going into the fifth and not much change still, but it's not that bad actually. It keeps a good beat and sounds decent throughout. Too long though, 4.5. .. WAIT! we have change! This song is starting to sound like a song from a Need For Speed Game... I like it :) 5.5 A very well tracked song here. Technically everything is A+ material, but musically it lacks that oomph. That oomph being "difference". Good samples, good patterns, and .. that's it... I swear this sounds like an ambient song from NFS 3. It would be cool if you could get a Ferrari and this in your 8-track and go flying down the Audobon. Back to the song, it's good, but since it's a meg and up, I can't be too leniant on it, sorry. I'll say an overall six.. Just enough to bump it up .5

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Title: 1 million dollars
Filename: gg_1md.xm
Posted Tue 3rd Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10

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Title: Musical Verbocity
Filename: gff_msvc.it
Posted Tue 3rd Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
(reviews all songs while listening to them which explains the oddness of the reviews...) Ok, the keyboard playing throught the entire song gets old. But it does have it's good tones in the background. But that is in the background. It sounds nice and pleasent for the first minute, but then there are two minutes left. The last 30 or so seconds give this song a better score. During this time the keyboard is stopped (and the peasents rejoiced!) and the background plays out. The quality of the samples are very good, they probably explain the half meg file size. But on the other hand the manner in which they are used shows a lack of music talent (musicianship(is that a word?)). I'm not saying he does not know how to write music, I'm just saying he is not a pro yet :) But this song shows the hope for a future from "AKA" (I'm not sure of the artist...). An improvement on this might have been something like reducing the sttacato on the foreground keyboard. [This is worth a listen too though]

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Title: Fly Away 2
Filename: tok_fly2.xm
Posted Tue 3rd Aug 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Hmm, if I'm not mistaken this is the same simple dance beat used for Dancing under the stars, and I think perhaps some of ToK:ens other stuff. This thud-thud-thud-thud genre with its repetative riffs gets a lower rating every time I hear it because it just drives me slowly and surely MAD!!! Displays more technical competance than other pieces by this composer with some variation and a break occasionaly.
