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Title: Blaze Of Glory (rmx)
Filename: z-bog.xm
Posted Sat 13th Oct 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This has a good, pounding beat in the "ultra happy" tradition of European pop that the composer aimed at achieving. It's "meat and potatoes" dance music - but could do with a little extra meat. Smooth, flawless and a little repetitive, many of you will find a place for it in your play lists. The lead instrument, however, is rather piercing. This, however, is par for the course in the genre. Everything fits together very well. The bass and beat, especially, are well integrated. The lead, as was mentioned earlier, is rather loud and shrill. While that is clearly intentional, it could have benefitted from a little tweaking.

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Title: Celebracion
Filename: uc-celeb.xm
Posted Fri 12th Oct 2001
Rated 8 / 10
WOW!!! This tune was spiffy. It starts slow and kinda relaxing but then the tempo changes into a cool pop track. The piano used sounds awesome as does the clarinet when it has it's debut in the middle of it, but what happened to the ending!? It sounded like the artist's little sibling or something tried to finish it... flat notes and the like; the clarinet at the end sounded sick. That part robbed all the points.... Doh! :P Brilliant effects were used throughout the song, including the ending which almost left me sprawled on the floor, that needs some work. An excellent mix of instruments; however, were used, and that put the best stuff of the song together. That confounded ending.... I noticed way too many flat notes, maybe it's just me, but the ending definitely needs a makeover. Still worth the download if you can bear it!

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Title: Finding The Truth
Filename: tnt_ftt.xm
Posted Thu 11th Oct 2001
Rated 6 / 10
This one´s a very dreamful song similar to Rob D.´s "Clubbing To Death", as it is styled in a more minimal way. The main chords sound like those in "Ready Or Not" by the Fugees, and they are underlined with a reserved "native" flute string and soft choirs. The whole song is good, but being under pressure to include some variety Tarantula made little little in-tune-errors. Some echo-programming and big amounts of volumesliding to create a dream-atmosphere. It´s a pity that he didn´t use stereo-efx to improve the sound. Sample quality is ok at all, especially the nice flute-string, samples are 8- and 16-bit mixed, but one sample is much too distorted (it´s also played to loudly in the song).

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Title: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Filename: uh.mod
Posted Wed 10th Oct 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Um, well.... this is really four and a half minutes of bland wierdness. The rythm is good, but very repetitive and at times rips the whole song apart. There is hardly any musical atmosphere this song can relate to, which isn't good. Perhaps more instruments or better mixing would benefit, but it needs work. An eight-channel mod should show at least some sort of professional tracking involved, but the mixing of the notes simply doesn't work. It has a decent beginning and gets better until the 20 second mark, then it just trails as if the notes themselves were mumbling.... uuhhhhhhh........

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Title: u2
Filename: u2.mod
Posted Wed 10th Oct 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Well, this is at least an attempt at.... something, but there seems to be alot missing. For instance, the song doesn't sound like it's completed and it's only a minute and forty-something seconds long, which tells me this song has some work to do. The songs starts out with a rather cool percussion, then a smooth bassline follows and it brings some of the song together, but the use of what are supposedly strings kinda bother me-- they have this kind of whine that's a little off with the bass. No special effects were used, and by the way, this is a 4-channel mod, BUT IT'S NOT FINISHED!!! It's got some potential, though, if the notes were mixed better....

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Title: Techno Lab
Filename: techlab.xm
Posted Wed 10th Oct 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Puuuh .... This one´s musically absolutely boring and unattractive. As the "artist" says, it is a remix of a AGI-game called "Operation Recon"; another remix there´s no need for in the world i say. There´s no variety of music, a lousy sounding piano carries you through the whole track, except the one or other pattern. In the middle some synthie-strings are added, but actually not worth to mention. Same with the rhythm-section, there´s no "love" in the programming, as there it is no love given in the whole song, what you could notice by the absence of variety and the appearance of lousy samples (if u dare to download that one). The synthie-string-part is modificated by some sample-offsets, but apart from that there´s nothing that could be called usage of effects, except a quite reserved usage of volume sets, the samples are tracked "naked", without effects or anything else, that someone could call "thought about".

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Title: Take A Trip
Filename: take_a_trip.xm
Posted Wed 10th Oct 2001
Rated 2 / 10
This song starts with strings, which remind one of Trancemusic of the early/mid 90s. As the song has started, it also starts to get worse. It seems that Sandman didn´t think of an adequate set of volumes or stereo (esp. stereo -> more random than "wanted to be"). Additional to this come brutal in-tune errors (see pt. 1C, 22, 23 f. ex.). He failed to build up a good song on the musical basis of those nice strings; this song is not recommended to be downloaded, even if some parts have been done well. He used some stereo commands, but very rarely. So he used volume commands. He took trouble in adding sample-offsets, but he should think about them again. Sample quality is 8-bit and 16-bit mixed, but you get the impression of a very mushy sound.

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Title: Lost In Time
Filename: l_i_time.xm
Posted Tue 9th Oct 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Ever watched those wonderful documnets about sea where is so relaxing music and the whales sing in the background? No? Yes? Get this anyway. An excellent piece of ambient that takes you into a tour of sea and imagination. Lovely athmosphere created here with clean and pure samples. The only thing why I don't give this higher points is that this one doesn't give me those chills that 10 point songs do...=) Very professional. Samples are from synths, Jarre and theres also these whale and seagull voices. Some are 16 and some are 8 bit samples,but it is hard to tell the difference. Sounds pure. This is not a complicated song technically and there is no great need for effects but those that are used, are used very well. A must download for ambient lovers and at least worth trying for others.

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Title: low altitude
Filename: altitude.mod
Posted Tue 9th Oct 2001
Rated 5 / 10
I was anxious to review this song when I noticed that there was pretty many hits on this one (1525). I Of course thought that this is a good one, but nope...=/ Boring pop from beginning to the end. And with boring I mean really boring. The same background is played the whole time and only the melodies change a bit. But still way too little. This one offers nothin' new or interesting, but get if ya wanna try it... Lame. No effects used, no nothing. Samples are ok - basic pop style sounds. This is one of those songs that you can't say anything about. When when the basics are in control, but the professionality is missed, it is quite hard to say something... Not good anyway, don't let the amount of hits fool you.

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Title: Escape in Phantasy
Filename: escape.xm
Posted Tue 9th Oct 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Um... What is really is just something that builds up like for a bit then reapeats for about 5 minutes... Still OK The samples are iffy. They sound bad, but not horrible.

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Title: WouldU come with me?
Filename: temezo.xm
Posted Thu 4th Oct 2001
Rated 10 / 10
Wahoo ... Quite one of the best Trance-mods I ever heard/saw. The sound reminds me of typical Russian Trance-Remixes by DJ Fonar for example. The artist played exellently with the construction of chord-structures, which change the main theme little but have a high musical/emotional effect. Especially the "reserved" usage of samples (e.g. small piano part) is very well done. Also vocals are not missing. The only negative thing I found is: with 3:30 mins it´s too short :-)) Finally, this one is a "must-be-downloaded", a song for those who want to dream away and for those who want to dance to a "bassy" basedrum underlined with nice electronic-music; though a song, which could also appear on any usual Trance-Compilation. Wow. Ok, not an excessive programming like Dreamer f.ex. does, but if look at it, u will notice, that TemezO did a really good work. The samples and instruments matches perfectly together, especially the good feeling for volumes is worth to be mentioned. Echo/Hall is also existing in a very adequate way, well chosen stereo-panning too. All in all a very good example, how Trancemusic should be tracked. Congrats.

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Title: Let It Be Me
Filename: letbeme.mod
Posted Thu 4th Oct 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Songs starts nicely with guitar in 4 channels and first impression is ok,but then it changes into...nothing. Booring. And after a while the tempo gets faster and the song changes little bit into pop, leaving everything good behind. Electric guitar sounds bad and then there is annoying synthsample... Good thing is that this is pretty short. Acoustic guitar sounds ok and strings are in the edge of ok. Bassdrum is played from octave too low, tomtoms (when appearing) sound bad, electric guitar doesn't sound good and ending could have been better... I Sure didn't liked this one that much.

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Title: mod.Luna-Waves
Filename: luna.mod
Posted Thu 4th Oct 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Need some computermusic to the background when doing something else? Enjoying old- style modules? Then this is for you. Easy synthtrack that doesn't offer anything special but sounds nice and goes best in the background. Why? Because this song lasts 6.30.=) It has lots of variation but because the style stays the same and because of the lenght, it sounds best when doing also something else at the same time. Not a bad one, not a bad at all... Nice samples and good use of effects is performed in this piece. Melodies change and there are many good musical ideas and innovations when you think that this is already a pretty old module. I recommend downloading and listening. You can't lose anything.

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Title: los
Filename: los.mod
Posted Thu 4th Oct 2001
Rated 3 / 10
I'm having trouble in reviewing this song. It sounds old, it is lame, it is boring, but still there is not that much anything wrong. Creepy. First samples sound like from 70's horrormovie, but changes then into poppish style. Same theme is palyed through this song and nothing touched me, nothing got my interests. Blah. Not a single effect used in this one. Samples are so basic that just can be but the textures and melodies have some ideas also. Sounds like the artist really can compose but this song is somekind of sideproduct and it is awful. Don't get this one.

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Title: labyrinth.sfx.2
Filename: labyrint.mod
Posted Thu 4th Oct 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Well, this is the same song as laber.mod except that in this one there is an intro. Read review of Laber.mod for more information.

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Title: Lost Opportunity
Filename: lostopp.mod
Posted Wed 3rd Oct 2001
Rated 6 / 10
If this really is the first mod that artist has composed, as He claims, it is quite good. Sounds really sad. I guess the artist has lost an opportunity to love or something. My sympathies. Guitars sound ok, and overall this piece is... Well it ain't a masterpiece or anything but artist has managed to capture some feelings here and it always gives something good to the song. Guitars sound good as I said, but drums are played maybe just a little too low. Looping is not that good in the strings and ending is pretty unfinished. Effects has not beeb used a lot. This artist has lots of potential to be a good tracker. When the 1st song sounds like this and some feelings are in, there's no problem to get better... Nice work. And btw. This is an 8 channel mod.

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Title: :lick me
Filename: lickme.xm
Posted Wed 3rd Oct 2001
Rated 8 / 10
When I started to listen this one, I thought that "oh my god how boring!" BUT... It is good.=) The beginning is slow and ambientish. Mellow sounds fill the speakers with simple sounds but nice textures... But suddenly the tempo changes into poppish chip tune and this part sounds real nice. Too bad that the song starts to fade away when it sounds best... Nice piece after couple of listenings. Yeah, It's almost certain that who ever composes a chiptune, must be a pro.=) I've never heard a chiptune without slides, vibras and tons of other effects and this one uses the same formula. Nice samples afterall and leaves you a good feeling afterwards. Worth listening at least.

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Title: Last Club-Mas
Filename: lastx-ma.xm
Posted Tue 2nd Oct 2001
Rated 6 / 10
A dancecover from George Michael's "last christmas". I've heard a few of these before and never heard a good one. This one ain't an exception. It's pretty boring, plain and just doesn't even give the effect of "tapping feet". And there is some things that bothered me, but more about them in the tech section. Best thing about this song is the melody of original song. Claps. I hate the claps in this piece. Those are way too loud and are sooooo annoying. Volume down 95% and I lived with'em. Strings were maybe too clear and "noisy" to this track. I missed softer and smoother strings, but it's just my opinion. Too long(5.20). Starts to get boring. And in the end there is a little mistake. String just plays and plays when the actual song is over. Otherwise pretty ok piece.=)

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Title: hysteria
Filename: lets_go.mod
Posted Tue 2nd Oct 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Now this one belongs to category "so good & so bad". When this song begins it gives you the feeling that something great might be ahead, but... There's nothing special anymore. Pretty repetitive actually except for the ending which is concentrated in drums mostly. Not so bad afterall, but little more variation was needed here. Yeah. Nice samples. Good bassdrum and couple of vocals which were used ok. There wasn't (once again) a great use of effects, but it sounded ok anyway. This song is ment to loop from the end to the beginning. So loopmodes on if you don't want to get the impression of ending that just ends.

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Title: lepeltheme
Filename: lepelthm.mod
Posted Tue 2nd Oct 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Now I first classified this piece as "old amiga pop" because this sounds so much like it.=) Like the first protracker mods or from an old game. Sounds fresh.=) It is always nice to hear some tracks where is 3 or 4 different samples stuffed into one track and together those sound nice. This is far from masterpiece, but it was refreshing to hear something original like this... The composer ain't a pro in using effects but I guess that when this is composed, nobody used effects.=) Loops are wrong in the strings and it makes some pop/click sounds to the song,but nobodys perfect right? First 10 patterns sound nice,but then it starts to repeat.

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Title: laudamus te
Filename: laudamst.mod
Posted Mon 1st Oct 2001
Rated 4 / 10
A simple and plain pianotune. When this kind of song is composed,I think that there should be something in the song, that makes you wanna listen to it at least a couple of times. This one ain't that bad, but it is still so damn boring. It begins, goes and goes and goes and ends. Good part is that this one is pretty short to listen. There is much more better pianosongs in the archive. Piano samples been putted here and there. How hard can that be? It can be hard.=) I know. Accords are ok and samples are (almost) in tune. Nothing else to say. Lousy.

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Title: loudhouse
Filename: loudhous.mod
Posted Mon 1st Oct 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Ooookay... Let's see. Here we have a module which is both awful and somehow even good. Creepy, huh? Well I explain it by saying that the choruspattern sounds good to me. It has some aggression, smashing drums and chemicalsynth that gives it a vicious sound. But hell, that was the only good thing. Very repetitive, boring and the same chemicalsynth sounds bad in every other places except in the chorus. Nothing special to say about. Simple, but nice drums, repetitive in every way and blah blah blah. If you're gonna get this , then get because you are just curious. There is no other reason.

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Title: letitbe.........ONyX
Filename: letitbe.mod
Posted Mon 1st Oct 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Hey every Beatles lover! Get this one. Just kidding. Do NOT get it. A lousy cover from classic song. Piano ain't the perfect one, drums are awful and so on... And the crash cymbal really sounds like crash. I was afraid that my speakers are gonna broke.=/ Baaaaad. Hmfh. No effects used, not even some sort of trying appeared in this song. Propably one of those "this-is-my-first-(cover)-song" tunes. Positive thing is that I actually noticed that what was the original song. So everything can't be that bad can it?

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Title: lux eater
Filename: lux3.xm
Posted Mon 1st Oct 2001
Rated 9 / 10
First listen the samples, get scared. Then listen to the song and get surprised. Creating something like this with these samples requires at least a pro composer.=) Pretty dark tune over all. Blur, blop, click sounds used here and also some normal samples like drums and string. The string gives kinda creepy athmosphere to the song, but it actually sounds nice.=) More tracks come along during the song, but still it somehow manages to sound the same. There is lots of variation in patterns but the song sounds pretty much the same all the time. That is the only minus that I came up with. Worth downloading. (12k) :) Yepp. Smirk is a pro.=) Excellent use of sounds and effects. I can't understand how someone can create something like this with 12k's of samples. Tracks are filled with effects. Unique musical ideas and the best thing is that it really works. Samples sound crappy when listened alone, but oh my God! They sound fiiiiine when you're pressing play... Sounds like eating the light...

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Title: To the Rythm
Filename: t-rythm.xm
Posted Sun 30th Sep 2001
Rated 7 / 10
Yeah. This tune is really suitable for being played in the Chill-Out area of a party. You can also listen to it when you´re coming home from a party being totally exhausted. It´s a slow Drum´n´Bass tune. The main melody, which is used in a very minimal way, has a relaxing characteristic. The spanish-guitar-sample fits very well into the tune. In the middle a piano part appears, which sounds not very melodic and though could have been done better. All in all a really nice song which could be played in situations when calm electronic music is required. At all it´s a good programmed song. _Matt_ used the effects in an adequate way, for example breaking the beat, using stereo panning for the lead-instrument, volume controls for the sustain; nothing spectacular though. Negative appearance has the rhythm-speed resp. the song speed. Either the song speed has been set too fast or the rhythm-sample has to be fine-tuned up a bit. Song speed needs a correction from 159 BPM to 157 BPM to play the rhythm correctly in bar.

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Title: fjellman-fwinds.xm
Filename: fjellman-fwinds.xm
Posted Sat 29th Sep 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Winds is the most relaxing/romantic MOD I've listened to since Melodian (by Xerxes). It starts off with some lovely chords on the strings (the best way to start a MOD in my opinion) and soon adds piano and a bit of percussion. The rest of the track is mostly piano/guitar melody with the same chords and beat. A little repetitive, but you'd expect that from a relaxing MOD. My big complaint here is the lack of depth; there's barely any bass and the strings aren't really thick enough. Effective use of instruments, effects, and (sorta) volume. 32 Channels and no weird tempo changes. The artist could have chosen better samples (especially for the strings and percussion), though.

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Title: LV-426 Nostromo P.II
Filename: lv-426.xm
Posted Fri 28th Sep 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Oh yeah... This is a good one. A real nice piece of light trance music. And with light I mean that there isn't much influenses from acid or psytrance. Samples are simple but good and together they tie up an excellent song to download. So why only 8.5? First of all, because of the filesize (3677k). It is so big because there is pretty much samples from Alien movies. Those are not bad,but not that important either that they should grow filesize to this big. And second, when this song starts to sound REAL good, it ends.=/ If you like this kind of music then this one is worth downloading. Ok. Samples are great and panning is very nice. I especially liked the sample that creates the melodies. Can't describe it,but it's good.=) Effects are used pretty carefully but it doesn't bother at all. It still sounds extremely good into my ears.This one builds itself slowly which gives the effect of waiting something superb,but when it starts to raise into hights it suddenly ends... Too bad.

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Title: Piano & violin
Filename: gem-pivi.it
Posted Fri 28th Sep 2001
Rated 10 / 10
Sounds very professional and you don't get bored after listening to it several times. The melodies and especially the violins make this tune to a real smooth one which lets you dream away. Also if you don't like classical music this piece is a must-have for every tracker/module-fan! "Piano & violin" exists of several parts which differ from each other but they fit absolutely together because the style and technique of each part always follows the same scheme. There is no real intro (it just begins with the first part just without the violin-track which is the maintheme), but that seems to be just right. There also isn't a real ending-part, but it is the maintheme again in with different violin-accompaniment. The artist works without effects (which seems to be right on a classical piece ;-)) but with many volume shades which give this tune a really smooth touch. The accompaniment of the piano could have been a little more changing and the panning makes it sound like a tracked/sequenced piece instead of a real acoustic recorded one. Nevertheless it sounds really professiona

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Title: JUDGEMENT 2001
Filename: t2trance.xm
Posted Fri 28th Sep 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Well it almost seemed to swithc to a different song in the beginning. I like beet dont get me wrong but this song has too much of it! To much of a good thing can be bad and it kinda has a sudden ending to the song. very basic here, they could have done so much more with this song. And in the begining it seemed to almost switch to a different song, intentional? to me they need to focus less on the beet and more on quality.

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Title: :as the trees
Filename: astrees.xm
Posted Fri 28th Sep 2001
Rated 9 / 10
WTF? How come nobody has reviewed this yet? I just picked it yesterday from the Top Ten page with about 12 other MODs and lemme tell you, this is the best one imo. As the Trees "is the definition of ambient music", as I was telling a fellow MOD connoisseur. It's so totally atmospheric that you'll want to travel to Alaska and track music in an igloo the rest of your life. Maybe I overexaggerated that a little. The piano, guitar, and other strings fit really well together, but the addition of all those ambient sounds really makes it happen. It's almost as if it's longer than 5:54, but I guess that's a good thing. Samples are great; as I said, the piano and strings sound amazing. There's 32 channels. What else do I write about here? ...hmm... I can't really remember because everything is top-notch, but two little details with volume. First, it's way too soft most of the time and you'll wanna turn it up more than you normally would. When the next track comes along you'll likely be blown away. Another thing I saw was that if you loop it, it'll be inaudible at the beginning when it starts over (I'm using MPP, btw). That's probably something to do with the tracker not reseting the volume at the start, but I don't know for sure. I really enjoy As the Trees, so I'm probably gonna open it up in my tracker and fix that soon. You should do the same!

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Title: LA LA LA GOAmix
Filename: lalala.xm
Posted Wed 26th Sep 2001
Rated 4 / 10
Now this is one strange piece of music. It seems that Fallos can track,but he does not have ears. This tune has some good sides like drums and samples,but samples are not in harmony. For example the bass is played out of tune and it cracks this whole song. Beat is fast but what comes to goa, I think that this one ain't goa.=) Hear it for yourself and at least get some good samples because those are the best thing in this track. I really can't tell that can this artist track or not. Effects that has been used are ok and there are some good musical parts,but I'm so wondering the cacophony of this song. And as I told , the samples are good and useful in this style of music. Lots of potential maybe but lacks badly from decent realization.

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Title: -Living in Danger- by Ace of Base
Filename: lvdangr.669
Posted Tue 25th Sep 2001
Rated 4 / 10
I'm not sure about the artist here. The song name ends to "by ace", but it can also refer to original artist Ace Of Base. This song includes drumloops,bass,couple of house sounds and chorus that is sampled from the original song. Partially this one sounds good. It has some feeling of remix, but it also is pretty boring. Maybe the worst thing in this song is when the song seems to start all over again many times. Everything else is cutted out and the drumloops remain. It was pretty annoying. Samples sound ok and in some points everything seems to fit together, but... Lack of variation and repetitive drums get on nerves. Effects are carefully used. Best thing in this song is propably the sampled chorus. I suggest getting the cd of Ace of Base instead of downloading this.

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Title: Misthunter
Filename: misthunt.mod
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This is quite an old one, almost certainly done on the Amiga, but one of my personal favourites nonetheless. Try listening to this with the lights out and your eyes closed, or when reading a book, to get the real feel of the piece. The song starts off with a flowing river and rolling jungle drums, before a humming vocal melody joins in, which is followed by a pan-flute. I find this can be a very relaxing piece of music to listen to. Look out for "Cloudhunter" by the same artist. Not many special effects are used in this piece, but don't forget this comes from the good old days of the Amiga. The artist has given the piece a superb layered ambient feel using only four tracks and basic panning. The different pieces of the tune fade in and out cleanly and the vocal is crisp but not too overpoweing. A well-structured effort which is well worth going back to again and again.

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Filename: lalala.s3m
Posted Sun 23rd Sep 2001
Rated 1 / 10
Once again I founded one of those songs that should never be able to get here,but I guess that this one has been uploaded here in the year 3 or maybe 4? Total 4 patterns of sh*t. Like the artist himself writes : "I know it's not that good but..." (I believe it this far but then he continues...) "At least they're getting better!!!" Who is he kidding? Awful piece. Points for the text above.

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Title: laalaa
Filename: laalaa.xm
Posted Thu 20th Sep 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Pretty nice piece of work we have here. Light and floating athmosphere is created around when listening this one. There is no actual melody at all, but it didn't bothered. I actually liked it this way. The whole song is carried through with smooth samples and nice textures. Only musical minus that I can say is that this song left me a feeling that something was missing. Maybe it was the missing melody or maybe something else... Good work I would say. Most of all in this tune I enjoyed the samples. Sine samples were smooth and soft and strings sounded floaty and pure. Effects were used pretty much in this one. Especially sample offsets to create the basic 'trance' sound that belongs to every piece of music that represents this style of music. Nothing special to complain about.

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Title: 10.0 Schlechter
Filename: lucosity.mod
Posted Tue 11th Sep 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Terrible, horrible, awful etc. Again one of those songs when someone composes 5 patterns of "music" and then just tracks and patterns in different orders for way too long. Very repetitive. Annoying bassdrum and... so on. Nothing technical here. Not a decent melody, simple effects and lack of musical skills. That is what we can hear in this piece.

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Title: mod.lessons in love
Filename: lssnilv.mod
Posted Tue 11th Sep 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song is cover from Level 42:s "lessons in love" and it sounds actually pretty good. This song has a catchy melody and it gave me many feelings. It sounds happy and it also sounds sad. Eventually it sounds little bit like...love. Good arrangement here. Samples fit to this track perfectly. Sounds old,but smooth. There's no effects at all and the loop in strings is badly wrong,but it is easy to fix. So if you like popclassics or just recognize the song then get this and try it.

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Title: long slide
Filename: longslid.mod
Posted Mon 10th Sep 2001
Rated 2 / 10
This is one of those songs that eventually makes me really pissed. It has a drumloop on the background, only 1, through the song. And then there are these annoying samples chosen to play some "melodies", but more they sound like the artist would just have tried to fill all the tracks as soon as possible. There's propably been some trying. Somehow this sounds like the artist has enjoyed doing this. It has something that everybody seems to have when composing the first modules. I can't explain what it is, but it right here in this song. It is nice to hear maybe for a one time,but then it starts to drive you mad. And god damn I hate the flutesample in this one...

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Title: lance15
Filename: lance_15.mod
Posted Mon 10th Sep 2001
Rated 5 / 10
Weird song overall. There is so weird mistakes,if you consider the fact,that the music itself ain't actually that bad. Sounds little bit of gamemusic to me. Nice parts and melodies and nice effects used, but as told, there is a mistake. The bad mistake is that there is a whistlesound in the song that sounds awful. It is way too high and loopy. I can't understand why it is there. But there is also some good things. Artist created a flanger in to this song with simple things and gathered a piece of music that ain't so bad... But not that good either.

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Title: hans lambada
Filename: lambada2.mod
Posted Mon 10th Sep 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Another cover from Kaoma's wellknown song "Lambada". At least from this cover the original song is pretty easy to recognize. But this one is still pretty repetitive and boring and lame, First the rhythm sounds good,but then drums come in and sound like hell... Samples are ok except for the drums. Snare and bassdrum are both played too low and there is no hihats at all. It must not be easy to create a 4 channel song from a real song. So many things will be missed and in these old modules there is not a chance to get a good cover, so why have people tried it anyway...?
