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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Mystery Of Life Filename: compo_liam.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Aug 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This song starts of with a very nice flute (if i could say). The song also starts quite quick and has a quite good variation , but also here a bit repetive . not much to say exept quite good work , youre on the way . the tech here is still not good , the artist hasent used anything else than voluma panning, so once again to the artist use more effekts. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Universe Filename: compo_un.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Aug 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
Ok here we go , this song starts of with a mystical part in the beggining. then some drums and some base comes in, and keeps going that way for a while. then the synths stops and some wierd sounding stuff comes in , quite good . overall the song is VERY repeating , what the artist should have thought of was to build up some kind of variation and not making it so..... repetive? maybe? Not much to say here , the artist has here used some volume panning and not much else. what he should have done is to use some slides and other stuff that sounds cewl. anyhow the tech aint as good as it could have been! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: untitled Filename: |
Posted Wed 31st Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
Now this song was hard. It travels in the edges of many styles. It is one way psychedelic piece of music but then again it has some ambient- and even chip-influences. Basically there is just a soft poppish drumtrack behind and then some samples are added... I wonder who composed this? In the beginning there is only a creepy string sample and it is soon followed by that drumline that will play through the whole song without major changes. Bass gives some depth to this, otherwise pretty lame song. Any melodies or something? Yeah, but nothing great. Composer propably used some old "battery-Casio"-samples to the melodies. So called trumpet does not sound like trumpet. Another sample sounds like some bad electric piano. Well, my intention is not to give a picture that this song sounds awful. But when the lenght is less than 2 minutes (the song loops), there is no chorus or decent melodies and those melodies are the only thing that change during the song, you can't expect anything massive. I would really like to now that why the file name is "last attempt". Did composer tried something with this piece? And how would 16-bit version sound? Well, I don't know it now. All I can tell is that this version doesn't offer anything special... 8-bit version = 8-bit samples. Despite this fact the samples are pretty clean and sound good in a way, but then again, the stringsample was propably the only musical thing that I liked about this song.=) Leadsamples used some effects and some dualcommands were used. Weird thing is that since this song shows that the artist is a good tracker, why did he composed something like this? I would really like to know... For me this song would propably work best when I got lot of worries and I have a beer in front of me. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: speedy_lady Filename: speedyld.mod |
Posted Mon 29th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This module isn't that old, made in '99, but it's still a .mod with 4 tracks. Stamen seems to like those... It sounds like some of the older modules, very techno and electronic sounding, but still has a pop beat to it. It has some fun bouncy parts to it, and they fit well into the song. Overall, it has a nice sound to it, and it's basically just fun to listen to. Anyone that can put together a song like this in 4 tracks is a professional in my opinion. I've heard songs with 16 or more tracks that sound worse than this. For one thing, though, there's less panning to worry about with 4 tracks. That makes it easier... It's not overly technical, but Stamen gets the job done and puts together a wonderful module even with what he's working with. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Space Oddity Filename: |
Posted Wed 24th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
*Heavy Sigh* Well, what can I say... This song just dies because of one thing. It starts out very nicely, with violins starting out with a very nice lead. It sounds like a nice trance/ambient tune. It sounds like it might go places. Then, 52 seconds into the song, something bad happens. A sample that sounds like a metal spoon hitting against a glass starts playing. It's not on the beat, it's high pitched, it's annoying, and it ruins the whole song. Behind this sample, the song seems to be very nice and continue on the same theme. However, this glass sample is used throughout the whole thing and kind of drowns out the rest. Quite a shame really. I don't know. Why ruin a perfectly good song like this? The technical side isn't very exciting, but it's not bad. There's no real panning and no effects are used, but the samples are good, except for the glass sample, and it's put together well otherwise. I just don't know what could bring someone to put a sample like that in. If it was taken out, the song would be fine. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: From Cradle to Coffin Filename: |
Posted Wed 24th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
Alright, this 'review' is actually a correction to the one just above. Since Mod Archive doesn't support editing of reviews, I'll post this one. I had listed the artist as Warhead for the "From Cradle to Coffin" track reviewed. I received an email from Crimson King today informing me that he was the artist and that Warhead did the vocals in the song. My apologies for the mistake... I don't mean to break the rules by posting a second review, just wanted to clear up the discrepancy about the author. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Paths Of Shadows Filename: tas-path.xm |
Posted Tue 23rd Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
Well, it's apparent that this is the author's first, or one of his first attempts at a mod. It's really not all that bad, but there are a few elements that could do with revision. The beat is pretty good, as are the effects. The music is pretty well done, in fact. But, the author just insisted on adding vocals to the track, which didn't do it any justice. The vocalist is off key and doesn't really sing, he just kinda talks... and the lyrics are uninteresting. I think I am being a little overly critical, though. It is a fine track, musically speaking, but the author would do well to add some more leads and take out the vocals. The samples in this song are pretty good. I especially liked the effects and the synths. They have a pseudo-dark, moody feeling to them. The composition is ok, maybe a little simplistic. I would have liked to hear more breaks in the melody and some other instruments introduced to the mix. All in all, a fair quality track, could've been better without the vocals, though... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: There's No Fear Filename: thereisnofear.xm |
Posted Sun 21st Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
A nice, relaxing IT mod. I call it "Quasi-Ambient" because it has some characteristics of an ambient song, but it feels a little more upbeat. The song stays true to its name of "There's No Fear." You actually feel a little exhorted after listening to it. I do have to lament that it takes a minute and a half to start into the main melody and it doesn't pick up until the two minute mark. Well, the song is only 4:27, so it doesn't really get started until halfway through. But when it does, it is very pleasant. The percussion is good and there are lots of good synthesized instruments to fill out the music. The technical aspect of this song is very good. The samples all sound crisp and clear and I was delighted to find they are only 8-bit. The composition is well done, the only exception being the slow build-up at the beginning. It is quite apparent that the author has done a mod or two before because the experience and ear of a good artist are definately to be found in this song. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: FUTURE SOUND OF ROCK Filename: tfsor.xm |
Posted Sun 21st Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
Well, despite the name of this mod, I would hardly call it "The Future Sound of Rock." The music itself isn't bad, albeit a bit repetitive. A bit on the simple side, but the bass and percussion are well done. I would have liked to hear a few other instruments, myself. The song alternates between a very electric sounding distorted guitar and a synth keyboard each taking their turns as the lead instrument. Technically speaking, this is a fairly good song. The samples are excellent quality, with the guitar being the only short coming. A TR-909 drum kit and an excellent bass sample, which the authors describe as "Excellent Bass!" in the samples descriptions make for a strong background beat. The composition of the song isn't complicated, but it sounds good. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Groovy_girl Filename: groovy_girl.mod |
Posted Sun 21st Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
The song has different parts. It starts out with a atmospheric intro and the comes the beat which the rest of the song is based on. The instruments are 80's house-drums, while the beat is a 4/4 acid-housish syncoped rythm. In the middle of the song the atmospheric style breaks the song in two. The instruments are synths and strings. I never succeeded in finding a theme. Pitch-slide (1xx and 2xx) and volume commands are used in a natural way. The main string sampled is looped in a strange way, but it seems that it is intended as the rest of the samples are looped ok. The "sequencing" itself isn't too impressive but it sounds like the composer knows what he's doing :-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Starbreeze Filename: starbrze.xm |
Posted Wed 10th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Okay, so I don't know if it's really Pop or not, but it sounded the most like that to me... It could be more of an ambient or techno, but there's not much of that in it. Either way, it's a very nice tune that flows well. It's a slower, softer tune in some places, but other places it picks up a bit, but not too much that it disrupts the flow. Mostly, though, it's just a nice tune to sit back, relax, and listen to. Well, I don't know how this happened, but there are 13 instruments and 208 samples. Only 13 of the samples are used, however... He got the samples from a Maz-sound CD, though, and that could account for it. Either way, they're all good quality, and we know why that is... Technically everything else is great, but I might like to see some panning, since there isn't really any in this module. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Tough Guys' Blues Filename: tough.s3m |
Posted Sun 7th Jul 2002
Rated 10 / 10 |
Nice begining, combining further on in the track with tremendous solos. THe piano is great, also the guitar hits your heart straight in the center. My main advantage is that I listen to and I like every kind of music that that exists on this Earth. This song really made me listen to it a lot of times. The truth is that I like few blues tracks. I adore this one. There isn't day that I don't listen to it. All that I can say regarding musical rating is that it is tremendous. All samples are 8 bit. Belive it or not there are no instruments, all music being made by samples. There are a lot of effects used including pitch slides, volume slides, tempo slides, vibrato, slides to note, set song speed, extra fine pitches and so on, showing me that this song is professional. This is the first song that I've reviewed that is professional. I recomend it to everybody! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: :smell me yellow Filename: lesnik_-_smell_me_yellow.xm |
Posted Sat 6th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
Laidback hip hop beats are laced with atmospheric sounds and strings and melodic passages of sampled piano and trumpet sequences. The rhythm is good and captivating, I like the monotonous bass riff of pleasantly few notes complimenting the beat. The melodies are not mixed to the top, making this sound a bit like a background tune, but for me, active listening is rewarding too. The atmosphere is very good, darkish and eerie. Good effort, a recommendable listen. The sound quality overall is very good, enjoyable to listen to, even if the sound has been resampled to 8-bit for reduced size. The piano passages have a bit of noise which jumps out on the quieter parts. Solid sequencing, the atmospheric sounds are thoughtfully volume controlled and panned. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Say little and do much. Emor me'at Filename: today.669 |
Posted Sat 6th Jul 2002
Rated 1 / 10 |
Not even worth a review. Just a bunch of samples and bad words mixed together in the blender. Man, this is just awful. Don't just walk, RUN away from this. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: TraNcE PoIsOn Filename: |
Posted Thu 4th Jul 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
Gah. This is just awful. Its lucky that i gave it a 3.5. As the name suggests, it DID poison trance. Man, this is just terrible. It does not fit together very well at all. It sounds very wrong. The tracker seems to know how to work a tracker just about ok, but does not make a very nice job of it. Samples are the basic every-day trancy stuff. Boring. Time: 4:00 |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Track 3 Filename: |
Posted Wed 3rd Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Ok. Let me start off with a sorry to the artist who made this song. I accidently put the wrong review on this song, and i'm correcting it. Anyway. This song starts off with a promising synthy sound to it and some nice notes rolling around. It sounds quite nice, but in a way, it sounds incomplete. I think if the author had put a bit of a backing sound (like say, strings or a deep bass) at 1:53 to 2:16 or to the end, it would have added a lot. I nice song though, that will be staying on my hard-drive. The samples are pretty good quality, and while the author did not use any effects, i can't see where he could have done (i could be very wrong, but hey, they don't pay me to do this... :-) ). Clocks in at 3:02 |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: FuturoShock Filename: |
Posted Wed 3rd Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Here we have another very promising Russian Tracker Double_D. For some reason, I have discovered many very good Russian trackers in the past year - which is nice actually.=) This guy seems to be into rave and techno what I can tell from the website I visited.... Intro of this song contains synths and bassdrum, before it hits for the action and some other drums with synths come along. So far I had a wide smile on my face when listening to this. It is rare and wonderful to hear something like this. Nice sounding hard trance with goa influences. Or vice versa. It is hard to draw the line in this kind of music,but for me it sounds more like trance with goa.=) There was some nice disharmony in the song partially. It gave a small hypnotic spice to this track and overall I enjoyed many things in this song. Good steady action was shown here mostly so people who require some sort of melody to this kind of music propably don't like this so much. The thing that controls this tune is steady pumping beat and pretty dark synths. Maybe even too dark since sometimes this song sounds that there is too much bass and low notes... If something should be found to complain, it would be "too dark" athmosphere and the fact that this song could be shorter. It now plays for 9.17, but towards the end there is nothing new and so the track starts to repeat itself a bit. BUt despite those facts thise is a very well tracked song.=) As these songs usually, many of the tracks are filled with synths. So is this. Propably the most difficult part of composing some goa is that there is surprisingly much of stuff in the song so it starts to sound really good and massive. And when you got lots of stuff there you should make it sound good without samples bluring. Double_D has used some Midi-macros here and the samples are 16-bit so the soundworld is very good and clean. Most of the samples are btw done by the artist himself. Not bad, not bad... Overall this one was a very good opening from this guy. I'll propably check some more of his stuff.=) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Labamba Filename: |
Posted Wed 3rd Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
It's a very simple song to begin with which leaves lots of room for creativity. I thought that chord structure was there, beat was there, but it was like hearing it directly from a music book. This song lacked soul. Good work on everything flowing well together. Everything was in tune and proper volume cutoffs were used. Overall good job in the tech department. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: TechFX Filename: lp-tech.mod |
Posted Tue 2nd Jul 2002
Rated 2 / 10 |
This is an old 4 channel Pro-Tracker module by Lord P. It is old, it is lame and it is actually even quite bad too.=) BUT, it is short. The song starts with a techno that was quite usual sample in the late 80's techno songs. 2 channels is using this sample and the other 2 is in use of percussions...Well, bassdrum, clap and hihats. Dull "melody" is played for a while and then the song changes a bit. Some sort of technochoir appears and it is slided up'n down. It even seems that the sliding is made in random style and it sounds like it too. Then the song just end and the voice cries "Hey Dj!". Hilarious. If you like to listen to these old technomods that aren't so good, you should get it. Otherwise this isn't so good choice to download. Well, some effects was used, but it seemed that the artist had discovered the slide just yesterday and just had to slide something - the result was poor. Overall this has nothing do with music, not even techno. There is nothning good that would stay in your head. The composer has propably just wanted to hear some bassdrum. No good. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Land of Dragon Filename: land_of_dragon.xm |
Posted Tue 2nd Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
The composer of this song is a Poland Tracker who is tracking just for fun, but after I listened this tune, I would suggest that he would do it for some other purposes too.=) A huge song. HUGE I say. 16 minutes of well tracked soft pop with instrumental samples. Gees... The intro is quite nice. A soft flute playing together with birds singing in the background... Then strings launch this song to its beginning... Nice drums fill the air, strings and harps are having fun while the leadsample is playing its role. This lead by the way is a synthsample so the whole tune ain't instrumental.=) 3 minutes pass and still this tune sounds like it just started. Weird, but very good thing. There is lots of variation all the time and the chorus is something that makes you hum with it. Of course there are some intermissions in the action and some nice solos is added to the song. When 5 and half minutes has passed there is a point when I was waiting something major to happen, but nothing major didn't.=) Tempo just slowed down a bit and the mood turned into bit sad. Soon the normal pop-tempo comes back and again the song starts to build up...After some time the song gets quite fast paced. I almost waited for some electric guitars along.But then the style changes again... And so the song travels its long journey towards the end without lack of variation or interest. Marek has made a huge job when he composed this song. Propably every pattern is different than the other and every sample plays its own song. Bass or percussionpatterns change all the time and everything just lives... This is a bit too long to just listen if you sit in front of computer. This requires something like a good book or maybe just laying in the bed. Very good track. A must for people who enjoy this kind of music. br> If the musical side was great, the technical side does not loose to it. Many of the samples were 16-bit and the soundworld sounded very pure and clean. No sample stood out from the others and everything was under control. Instruments were selected well and they fitted together great. Effects were also used well, and there was lots of 'em. Pannings, slides, note triggerings, vibras and many other things was handled with skill. *sigh* I just wish that I could do something like this some day.=) Nice job Marek... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: slow motion Filename: slowmotn.mod |
Posted Tue 2nd Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
First off, I have to say that this song is long. 22:37 to be exact. I was reluctant to review it at first since I was reluctant to listen to the whole thing at first. However, when I got around to it, I found that the song was quite a nice ambient tune. As the name suggests, the song is a bit slow. The thing I like about that is that it stays slow throughout the song instead of speeding up a bit then slowing down later. Jogeir knows what he wants the song to be and he keeps it that way. There are a few different themes in the song, but they flow into each other very well. It would be hard to tell about all of them since there are so many, so just trust me that they're all good! Would you believe this song is 22:37 and is only 288kb?? Probably because it only has 4 tracks and 23 samples. All the samples seem to be good. The intentional distortion of the samples in a couple parts of the song can be annoying, but it doesn't happen too often so it doesn't become grating. Overall, the song is pretty good and is put together pretty well also. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Last Moon Filename: lastmoon.xm |
Posted Tue 2nd Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Well, there ain't much that I can tell you about this composer. Dreq just likes to do some music in his sparetime.=) This track points that maybe he should do it more since I really enjoyed this piece. It is simple but yet beautiful song... As the song begins, it reminds me of the "Terminator"-theme composed by Brad Fiedel. Powerful percussions and low strings that are followed by lovely higher strings... After some time the second part starts. Very nice chords take control and that same drumpattern is used through the song. These same strings gave a nice unique role in this piece as they ended in the middle of the patterns and left some room to the silent. It was refreshing and gave a nice effect to the song. As the song starts to end, guitar appears to the soundworld and for a while the athmosphere is very lovely. But as always...=) When the best part starts , the song starts to end .=/ Samples just fade away and the drums remain till the end of this track. This song is also pretty short with the lenght of 2.51. I would like to hear some more... Very nice job overall Dreq.=) When I wrote that this song was simple, I ment 2 things. 1st of all the structure of this song is simple. It contains strings, drums and that guitar. Percussions with the guitar have the most "difficult" role in this song and the use of effects is very low. 2nd thing is that... How should I put it.. Well, this track just proves that you do not need anything special to create a good tune. I could listen to this song over and over again and it would still sound nice. In other words - you can't find any complexed palying with samples from this piece. There was both 8- and 16-bit samples used, but those were selected well and blended together very well, so I guess there is nothing to complain.... Oh yes there is! Too short God damn it! =) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: lastv8 Filename: lastv8.mod |
Posted Mon 1st Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Anyone who remembers the game "last v8" that was played with c64? Well if you do and liked the music in that game, this one is worth checking. If the original song was composed by Rob Hubbard and now it is remixed by Jogeir, can it be bad? No! But it ain't that good either.=) This song has some nice melodies and it might stuck into your head for a while, but I really think that the original Sid-version is better. After you have checked this you should check that one too. There was nothing wrong in this song, it can easily be recognized as a Last v8-theme, but...well, it just doesn't hit me right.=) I didn't liked the drums in this piece, as the bassdrum just "pops" and the snare "splashes", I really can't describe it with my skills of english.=) Nevermind, you don't loose anything if you download this track. It is done well, and it sounds ok and it is short (1.37). It loops, but the loop ain't that good. Tracking was good. What a surprise if you think that who composed this one.=) Tempo is fast and melodies are good. Effects weren't used that much - some arpeggios, vibras and so on... nothing major. The feeling of original song was captured but it is quite rare that a remake of an old c64-hit would be better. Jogeir couldn't succeed, who can then? =) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: the last destiny Filename: lastdest.mod |
Posted Mon 1st Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This quite happy little tune was composed by S.L.L of Keffrens. It is actually ripped from the demo "Guardian Dragon II" done by the same group. This track is a nice and symphatic piece of popmusic. The song begins with pianos, brasses and hihats and soon it is on its way to the full action. Nice percussions on the background and changing leadsamples guarantee that this song doesn't bore you right away. At one point you can hear flute as a mainsample and then again it is brass. The soundworld is pretty rich and clear actually wich is quite nice thing when talking about 4-channel mods. There is one thing that I was wondering in this song. When the song takes breath for a while and the tempo slows down, it doesn't get faster anymore although the chorus is played again... Maybe this is something that artist really intended,but I was left with a feeling that Amiga -> PC-converter made a mistake.=) Well, I don't know... Not in the way that it sounds ok like this too.=) This track had a nice intro and outro was ok.Pretty nice module. Worth checking.=) I already mentioned that the soundworld was rich. It is that because there are multiple samples used in 1 channel. It was done very well and none of the samples suffered from it. Samplequality was also good. Every sample was taken from Roland JV-80. That ain't much in these days when you can use xp-80 ,but it works very well in this tune and in the times that the demo was made it propably sounded even better.=) Effects were used well, although not much. Note triggerings gave some nice mood to percussions. Overall this track plays good and happy pop for little over three minutes. I guess we all have that much of time from our life to listen to this.=) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: tension.xm Filename: tension.xm |
Posted Mon 1st Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This song has a very catchy bassline combined with a good electric quitar in the begining. It catches the attention imidiatly. The drum brakes it shows us is also good, not terrific but good towards great. We can hear a short drum solo realised perfectly, followed by that bassline again. On the whole it is a great rock song to hear. I am not a rock fan, I must confes that, but this one really caught my attention and I must say I really like this song and I recomend it to be downloaded 90%. The samples are 8 bits and 1 is 16 bits and they sound good. The instruments are modificated by volume envelope and paning envelope. The volume envelope is simple except a couple which are more complex and we could say that the paning envelopes are simplier designed. In the patterns there are mostly three effects, panning, volume set up and arpeggio. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: take me home Filename: tmhome.xm |
Posted Sun 30th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
What can I say. I was quite dissapointed with this track because it has a promising start, but it gets so boring eventually that I couldn't listen the song 3 times in a row as I usually do for a music review. What else is there to say, download the song and you can have your own ideea, maybe I am wrong. Slow track, becoming boring is how I catalog it. About the technical aspect I can say the artist only uses a couple of effect and volume changes. About the instruments and samples I can say though, a very good job was done, as this song only has 5 samples. Technicaly speaking it's good for 5 samples but on the whole it's dissapointing. I'm sorry, I said it before, maybe it's my opinion. Download it and you will see for yourself. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Angel Remake Filename: trx_angelremake.xm |
Posted Sun 30th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This song is tremendous, I like it quite a lot. It's not at all boring, showing infinite loops like other trance or house songs out there and it's quite enjoyable. Also it's not as filled with hundreds of instruments as others, making this song an example of how simple makes better. I recomend this song joyfully. About the technical part I was surprised to see the fact that not so many effects were used. The samples are 8 bit and 16 bit being of a very high quality. The instruments are well crafted creating almost live like instruments. The only fact about the song I didn't like was that at some point the violin oposing the strings had a low volume. This combined with a couple of places were there were minor mistakes made me give it 9.5 Except for that the song is a 10. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Land Of Barbarians Filename: land_of_.mod |
Posted Wed 26th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This song was composed by Raphael Gesqua (audiomonster) in 1991. Gees, it is hard to believe that this mod is that old. Most of the old mods are just something simple to swing with but this one is an experience.=) 10 minutes of orchestral-music with lots of variation... The intro begins with some soft strings and windsamples. Soon the song starts to reveal itself. The soundscape is filled with different samples and the mood changes all the time. At one point it is tense then again it might turn into fanfare of celebration.But nothing lasts long and just when you have really started to enjoy the brutal "attackmusic" it ends and new part of the song begins and that fact keeps the interests up. As this track travels through its voyage, it offers so much to the listener. Great horns, lovely bows, beautiful strings and massive percussions. And the tempo of this song also changes dramatically sometimes. The artist wrote that while you listen to this song, you should imagine 2 clans of barbarians fighting. Pretty easy to imagine, and if someone remembers the amiga-version from the game "Powermonger", then this song also reminds of it since it also contains some same samples that the Intro in that game was using... Lovely piece overall. A must download for everyone. If you find better 4-channel orchestral-mod than this, send it to me. Thank you. When I first listened to this song without tracker, I was overwhelmed. It sounded so great in everyway. Of course there are some bad loops since the samples are old, but that doesn't even disturb the listener since everything loops in the rhythm of this song.=) Then I checked this song with a tracker. Huge amount of effects were used and there was also some excellent use of tempochanges. A good control and skill of using that gives some nice freedom and possibilities to the artist, but what I have seen - it is pretty rare. Samples were very good and use of 'em was great. I also loved the fact that eventhough this track lasts for 10 minutes, it never started to bore me. Wonderful job Raphael...=) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: GETTHEFUNK Filename: getfunk.mod |
Posted Thu 20th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
The funky element in this mod is a neat tracked slapped (thumbed) bass which is the main element of the whole song. The rest of the backing consists of synth chords/5ths, some 80'ish glamrock drums and different synth leads. In the middle of the song is a passage with some vocals. Commands are used in a natural way, such as pattern-jump, vibratos, slides etc. and not overdone. This being a mod the author wasn't tempted to do fancy stereo-effects, but kept the bass, drums, chords and leads (and vocals) on each track through the whole song. I miss some sample-handling especially on the drums, which are cut off most of the time. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: SKIDMARKS 2 Filename: skidmaks2.xm |
Posted Wed 19th Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
A nice metal-type sound here. It starts out a bit slow, but speeds up in later parts. The song isn't very fast throughout, and some parts seem a bit more trance or ambient-like. Still, the song does well at picking the pace back up again when it needs too. It's not an overly amazing song, it's still good listening. Samples... well, what can you say... they can be the downfall of any song. With this song they are my main complaints. There's a couple I have a problem with. One of them is a hihat loop. Why you would need a loop for a hihat I can't imagine. Another sounds more like a short burst of static than anything else. Everything else seems fine, but those two samples need something else done with them. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: lack.xm Filename: lack.xm |
Posted Tue 18th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
Noceur is propably mostly composing chiptunes and if you look at his artistpage you can see that he has been quite good according to the ratings. This one is also very near chip-genre, but it has something that separates it from it. Cannot really tell, what it is, but you can download this and tell it to me then.=) This one starts with filtered bassdrums that sound like those "lazerkicks" that appeared in many Amiga modules. Some percussions come along too and a soft synth in the background plays its role. Then everything remains pretty same till the end,but the maininstruments vary from clear "westbam"-synth to low strings. When the song has passed over the halfline, it actually starts from the beginning. The same patterns are played again almost in the same order. I have wondered some time that maybe this song is something experimental? It sounds a bit like it. It has no real melody or chorus and it is a different from normal songs. This one for example has no steady bassdrum at all and...I don't know. Everything just sounds funny.The song is also untitled and it always makes me think that the song wasn't any major project. I got bored to those lazerkicks and hihats, but I loved the strings and organs that unfortunately have just a minor role in this song. I'm sure that some people might love this. I find it too hard to open and listen. But eventually it ain't a bad song. I just think it is weird.=) Try it. Only 90 k's.=) Samples were good. Those were a bit unusual and the selection sounded...well - different.Almost every sample was 16-bit so the music sounds pretty clean. The tracking was quite simple, but some points there was some very nice ideas. I especially enjoyed the maininstruments. In the middle of the synth/chip song you can hear some organs and strings. Wonderful. Effects weren't used that much. Nothing special to mention about this song. It is in the downloaders hands that how this song works. Check. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Propulsion Filename: |
Posted Mon 17th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
I've heard few of Lionmaster's songs so far and I must say that I actually like them. There is something..well, very "basic" in his songs that songs should have. It might be the fact that these songs got the idea of a good song in control. On the other hand I would like to hear some more action in his tracks. Well, anyway, this song another good song from this Finnish tracker. First thing you'll hear is a nice small acidloop and it is followed by a bass and drums. Some acidsamples are used here also and for a while this song is like a "soft-trance"-tune that might be played even in a normal disco. It also uses a houseorgan that makes the discoeffect even stronger.=)Drum- and acidloops are made by the artist which is a good thing, but I would have liked to hear more variation in the percussions. But as the track travels on, it starts to sound a bit "heavier". Acidloops are used more but the sad thing is that everything starts to sound quite repetitive. It propably is the background that is pretty same through the song. Too bad since this tune would be quite good with more variation. Don't get me wrong - this song offers also some really good points where everything is ok and the athmosphere is kinda hypnotic. Worth getting and trying.=) Pretty big size of this song is explained with the fact that almost all samples are made by the artist and those are acid- and drumloops. BIG points from the fact that this song actually is "his" entirely.=) *clap clap* I really enjoy those 303-samples , but still - I wanted to hear some more drums... Effects weren't used so much and because of the sampleloops this song is pretty simple from it's structure. Despite the fact of simplicity in this track, it also serves well the idea of a good song. It has intro, outro, chills and some good feeling. Only thing that I wan't to complain about is the "empty" soundworld... Nice job anyway Lionmaster.=) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: splendid afternoon Filename: |
Posted Mon 17th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
More than anything, this song is a nice little ditty. It features a simple beat box, an upright bass sample, and a few chippy organ sounds, grooving around sung and synthesized vocals, which tell of the protagonist and a female other spinning around. Marvellously uplifting. Technically, the work is fittingly simple. The samples and their implementation are suitable, though obviously very fast work. The vocals are a bit more muddy (both for singing and sampling) than I think they needed be, but the contrast with the crystal clear electronic voice works very well. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: STARWARS - R I O Filename: starwars.xm |
Posted Sun 16th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This is your basic Star Wars theme remix. Though the remix is done well, I like the original better... R I O sticks the Rebellion theme into a couple places even though the rest of the song sounds like a remix of just the opening theme. It seems to fit, but a remix of just the opening theme might have sounded better. What else can I say without reviewing the original song? Technically, it's done very well. There's one sample that sounds like a laser, and it kind of adds to the sci-fi feel of it, even though it makes it sound more like a Fifties theme. Otherwise it's very good. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Persian Starfall Filename: starfall.xm |
Posted Sat 15th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
A song where the name actually kind of describes the song! Wow... anyway... It's a very nice Persian sounding beginning, with whatever you call those Persian instruments. Then after about a minute of that, the drum loop comes in as well as the cymbals and piano. There is a techno type sample that comes in and is quite dominant in a couple of parts. It doesn't seem to fit with the feel of the song, and I think a flute or something might have worked better. Overall, though, it's a nice sounding song. It says in the sample text "Sorry about that annoying drum loop, I was lazy... :)" Well, the loop itself isn't annoying and it gives the song more of a rock feel, but the fact that he was lazy and made a loop puts me off a little.... As I said before, the techno sample doesn't seem to belong and I think a flute or something may have been better. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: synth_c_electricthief.xm Filename: synth_c_electricthief.xm |
Posted Thu 6th Jun 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
Let's just say that this one is not on the list of MODs that I would listen to very often... It's not that you can't listen to it, it's just that once is quite enough. There does seem to be a melody of some sort, but the instruments used to create this melody get old very fast. It's true that it's only 2:56, but that's long enough for me. Perhaps to make the song sound better, the instruments could be mixed together differently. The way they go together now is very grating at many points. I won't tell you not to download this, but just be warned that it's not that great. First of all, I noticed that 6 of the tracks in the module were not used ever in the song. This, I feel, is not needed. The samples aren't bad, but the way they're put together with other samples makes them sound worse than they really are. Besides the track usage, most of the problem in this MOD is with the music. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Fusion Filename: stbfusio.xm |
Posted Tue 4th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
I've read something like this before... "Not really my style of music but sounds ok to me..." ...and that MOD was a very nice one, just as this one is. It has a very nice metal-like sound. At one point it softens and slows a bit, but it doesn't take away from the feel of the song. It begins by fading in the techno samples and bringing in the lead before putting the guitar and bass behind the lead. It doesn't do this too quickly, but not too slowly either. It has a very nice feel throughout, and although the end is a bit abrupt, it still fits in with the feel of the song. Not too many complaints on the technical side. It's put together very well. The samples are good quality, and well used as well. One of the sample loops seems a bit overused, but it's pretty easy to ignore with all the other stuff going on in the song. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: scream for help Filename: twins-screamforhelp.mod |
Posted Fri 31st May 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
Not very impressive at all. Its not fun to listen to through the 4:38mins of this song. Its slow, boring, and really does match the title. I sped it up to speed 5 instead of 8 and then it sounded much more interesting. It just sounds awfully depressing other-wise. Nearly no effects at all except volume control. I've heard many better *.mods i my life then this. There are just like 3 different drum variations to make an utterly boring attempt. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Atmosphere Filename: dr_atmosphere.xm |
Posted Mon 27th May 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
DR aka Daniel Rong is unfamiliar artist to me, but now I've been listening some of his music and still... I know nothing about him.=) He is propably a newbie and that conclusion was made after listening two of his songs. This track represents the style of experimental trance... It is hard to dance, but it might work when your drunk..=) So how does it sound? Like this... The beginning is quite promising with its nice effectsamples, bass and synthline that fades in and out. Then a bassdrum starts to pump and it is followed claps and that synthline from the beginning is playing on and on, fading in and out. But then something dramatic happens...=) Synths get some psychedelic influences for a while and the song starts to lose its control... Soon the synth is delirious and all samples are not in tune anymore...But then again the song starts to end and the outro is pretty good like the intro was. Besides the beginning and ending there were some nice keychanges and the synthline was pretty good until it went mad. What about the bad things then? I really waited to hear some more hihats. Now the claps and bassdrum were the only percussions that could be heard actually. The psychedelia is also something that should be considered more carefully next time. The idea is usually good,but it should also be tracked so well that it would sound good. In this track it might annoy a lot. Also a bit more variation would be nice... You could actually say that artist has created a nice painting, but put it into a bad frames. Another version with some changes might actually sound good.=) Keep on hanging DR, this one can be turned into really good track. Samples were quite nice,but it wouldn't hurt to add some more sounds to this track. I liked the soundeffects and the mainsynth. There wasn't any huge amount of effects used. Some panning and sliding, but nothing major. Samples weren't always in tune and that should be checked since it sounds a bit disturbing. And oh yes... As I said, the outro was good, but next time DR don't cut the volumes off until the samples have faded out.=) Now it ends like into the wall...=) |
Title: Do what I say !
Filename: dowhat.xm
Rated 5 / 10