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Title: Louise
Filename: louise.it
Posted Thu 7th Feb 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Ok, this guy is a new artist in TMA. I don't know his nationality,but at least the name is interesting.=) So welcome along Észt-Udiaa. This song starts with nice synthstring and soon it plays with piano. Then it fades away and steady beat starts to pump. More samples come along and for a while the song sounds like any other dance-like tune. After some time the piano comes along again, and at this point it reminds me of Robert Miles. The ending is peaceful and calm with strings and piano. So everything seems to be ok? Some things are, but not all... Pianomelody is nice,but the sample is a bit low quality. The first changepart could be improved. The idea on it is good, but it sounds a bit lame now. Now the song starts to sound ok.The part where strings and hihats play, sounds very nice but the next thing that sounded bad was when the vocalsample played together with strings. Samples aren't in tune here, but that is easy to fix. Also here when strings are faded away, they could be faded slower. Then the piano comes along again. Melody sounds good, but its repeated too much here, some variation would be nice since the same pianotrack is played to the end.=) Structure in this song was ok although it consists of 3 separated parts, but since it is the meaning in this song, it doen't matter. Some variation to the melodies and courage to use samples more is the thing that this song needs.=) Keep tracking. The song sounds a bit messy sometimes because of the samples. Piano and bassdrum could be changed and the vocalsample...Well, it sounds nice as a part of song but not as a sample. I liked the bass, it sounds clean and the synthstring was nice. Also the drumloop was something that could be used more with different ways. Next time when you have a song ready, try to change some samples and listen what sample sounds best. Some effects were also used here, volumeslides and noteslides. And creating of echo with note triggering was a nice idea on pianotrack since it also works pretty good.=) Artist surely knows the basics of tracking and has some nice ideas, but he still needs more practise. Don't give up Észt-Udiaa. Keep on tracking - You got potential.=)

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Title: *SpAcE MoNkEyS*
Filename: ll_sm.xm
Posted Wed 6th Feb 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Synthsample and amigabass in the beginning, sounds creepy huh? =) Well, read more before rejecting this piece. As more samples come along the song begins to sound very interesting. Drumpattern is quite unusual, but works very well, actually in my opinion drums and percussions overall are one of the most important and effective things in this piece although I think that some other sort of snare would maybe serve better in this song. There was also some excellent use of soundeffects that served also as percussions. Actually the whole song was filled with soundeffects. Usually the "fills" in these songs sound messy if they are used a lot but not here. Artist sure has known what he was doing. Strings sound very good in every place and vocals fit to selected places. Musically this song is excellent except for couple of things. First, this doesn't really sound like a song. It really has no melody that could be catched it is just something that you listen through (very nice to listen). And second thing is track number 1. It uses 30(!) different samples and for me it sounds that the whoke track is out of tune. I listened this song first with it and 4 next times with channel 1 off. Sounds much better.=) Very interesting and different song. Nice job. Huge amount of samples is used in this one. Most of them are some sort of effects and as told ,30 samples are used on track that should be cutted off.=) Nice samples anyway and extremely well used in some points but the piano in the end didn't sounded so good as it could. Artist also knows for sure how to use effects. Patterns were filled with effects and those were also used with some considering, not in style that "something here and something there". 8 bit samples sound good enough and with 16 bit samples this songs size would be huge.=) Song lenght is 6.06 but it flows fast and doesn't get boring. Very well worth trying.

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Title: Lady E
Filename: lady.it
Posted Tue 5th Feb 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Ever heard those familiar words : "Close your eyes and let the music take into journey of blah blah etc."? This one is definetely one of those songs. This is most likely ballad to artists girl/wife, and who ever this Lady E is, she has no reason to shame that this song was dedicated to her. Song starts with nice and smooth synthpattern and gets in some more samples like strings and drums. Drums sound quite good although those are pretty silent in a way. Still, drums manage to keep the rhythm in this track and everything doesn't get blurry, what could otherwise be possible since there are manymany tracks filled with textures and couple of next tracks repeats the pattern creating some echo.First times that I listened to this piece ,I was bothered by the leadsample. It is quite sharp and high-pitched, but now, it sounds ok. And if I first disliked the leadsample, I love the choirs...=) As the artist writes "some really strong feeling behind", that can be heard from this piece. Sometimes it just sounds through... Very good song.=) Although this was an 8 bit-version, it sounds really pure and clean. Soundworld is very wide and spaceous. Artist uses lots of panning and surroundsound in this piece and this time it really can be noticed. Other effects aren't used so much, but tracks are filled with volumechanges since there is pretty much echo in this song created with for example 3 tracks play the same pattern couple notes after another... Textures were nice and I really cannot say anything negative anymore about this track. Maybe this song opens pretty slowly since it took some time for me, or maybe its just me.=) Anyway, worth downloading.=) Good work Hanhisuanto

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Title: The Woods of Fortune
Filename: fortune.xm
Posted Sun 3rd Feb 2002
Rated 10 / 10
wowowowowowowowowow........................ EXCELLENT SONG!!!! OMG....... I don't even like ambient music, yet this song is so great!!! Nothing is wrong at all except maybe 1 sample that sounds like an indian... sounds a bit crappy. But otherwise great stuff =) Very well put together, and loads of samples (141 i bit too much?) but is great stuff... download it, you wont be disappointed =)

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Title: 3/4 - Tune D
Filename: td-3by4.xm
Posted Fri 1st Feb 2002
Rated 9 / 10
The flute intro to this happy track sounds awesome, especially with the well-used portamento effects. The bass line & guitar soon join to set the mood of the song (by now my foot was tapping with the catchy tune), and finally the drums finish off the beat for a great mix! I strongly recommend listening to this song with some sort of reverb effect; it sounded so much better to me. After a short while, the other instruments join in to contrast the original flute melody. The ending is a bit sudden, but not bad at all, and the assorted variations and transitions are flawless to the ear. Almost nothing seems out of place overused - great job! A song is generally enjoyable because of the musicalty, not the technicality - although the technical aspects of a song can add that 'finished touch' to it. This is one of those songs. The samples are of good quality, and the instruments correct the few problems in the samples. The patterns are well thought out and the techniques used in the channels & effects seem to work well. Considering the final product, technically nothing drags this song down.

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Title: kingdom -elk
Filename: kingdom.it
Posted Fri 1st Feb 2002
Rated 9 / 10
First, I love the sound and the very smooth, clean feel to the looped sines in this song. I was being travelled from irish fields to the mid east when listening as it seems to have gotten inspiration from about anywhere. The melodies are just excellent and explore new horizons in about every pattern. The arrengements are slick throughout, except for the last seconds when an annoying note is left on in the background.. Then again I assume that part is in the stadium of making as the song is in lack of an ending. Lots of slides and little vibratos here and there that does the job just great. To sum up: Think I have had it on for about one hour playing and am beginning to get a headache ;) But that would be only for the beepy chip nature. The melodies still blow me away.. Not your average chip tune and it's nice to hear other influences than PM for a bit. The messy 'ending' is a little drawback that indicates its author wasnt very concerned about its completion. Extra fast sum up: Smells musicianship all over. Playful & exploring. Still can't control my left foot..

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Title: MacGyver Theme
Filename: mac.xm
Posted Thu 31st Jan 2002
Rated 2 / 10
Hmmm where to start? Im not really too sure, but first, if youre going to remake, remix, reproduce, or re something to a well known theme, you might want to make sure what youre doing at one point or another at least sounds like said name tune. What we have here follows that rule, but not by much. I can be quoted many times by saying that Id like to hear variations if you redo something but MacGuyver to polka? Its been a while since Ive heard the MacGuyver theme, but I seem to remember it having a little more of a groove to it than this. Note to everyone out there, if youre going to mess with a tune that EVERYONE knows (well those of us over 15) then you have GOT to capture the essence of the song. Moreover, you cant track 15 or 16 patterns and repeat those dozens of times for an excruciating 2 minutes and 45 seconds. It took all of my patience to not fast forward this song at all. So heres what the author should learn from this piece. 1) Cymbals are a delicate thing. When properly used, they can be your best friend in adding life to a percussion section. When just randomly placed, they get annoying.QUICK. 2) Drum rolls require changes in volume. Try having the beginning of the roll softer than the beginning for starters, and then play around with it as you get more used to it, or if youre trying something extremely suicidal like tracking a jungle piece by hand. 3) Some songs are meant to stay on your hard drive only. Not every song you track has to be released. Use songs like this to learn from, not to release. Technically, theres not much to talk about. Variety is the key here just as much as it is musically. And well theres really not much to talk about here. No effects whatsoever, but the pattern length is *interesting* to say the least. I think this is the first mod Ive ever seen where almost every pattern is a different length, though Im not sure if its a good or a bad thing.

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Title: The Last minute
Filename: mrglast.xm
Posted Thu 31st Jan 2002
Rated 6 / 10
Well Im not sure if the last minute was meant to be a reference of how long the song itself is, but I like it. Are there any problems with this song? In a word, yes. However, none of those problems are with the musical portions of it. Its mainly with the entire song itself. It sounds and feels like an intro to something that never happens, which is a shame really, because it would be one awesome song intro if something happened. To tell the truth, I set the song on infinite repeat and it took the third repetition to realize that it had gone three different times. The best way I can describe this experience is waiting up for a climax that refuses for one reason or another to happen. In many cases this can be a good thing, but for this song it just doesnt work as well in practice as it should. Technically, the samples arent bad. One case that stands out though is the cymbal thing that the author mixed. I really liked that. However, in your instrument sample, I think that a snare with a little more reverb would work a lot better in this song. Personal preference only of course, but I think that its something that you might want to explore. Other than that effects used are limited to volume slides

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Title: ibaex
Filename: ma-ibex.it
Posted Thu 31st Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
Im not too sure what to get out of this song. In one respect, this is a very nice song, it is able to relax you, and it never seems to get old. On the other hand though, it is a repetitive piece. This is an example of how you can keep repeating a theme without it getting old. You throw in moving parts under it; take out a note or a phrase here and there, and then find counter melody to contrast the main melody. As far as the lay out of the song goes, it doesnt waste too much time until it gets straight to the point, and I like that. A convoluted intro would have been a minus to a song like this. I cant think of anything else the author could have done to this piece, its a solid piece that is worthy of your download. Technically, it seems as if we have a minimalist here as far as effects go. However, thats not a bad thing. The use of effects isnt required. The author uses a few commands for volume slides, and panning, but nothing thats out of the ordinary. The few effects used are timely, and I really have a hard time thinking of any other effects that could have been used to enhance the song.

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Title: The Lamer's Ballad
Filename: the_lamers_ballad.xm
Posted Thu 31st Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
This song starts off sounding like its going to be a really nice song. There skipping used in the first few seconds reminded me of an old style record playing. This is a VERY nice touch. A funk guitar (in my opinion, the guitar going through the whole song is the best thing about it. I love that guitar) picks up and then the song goes into full swing. Up until this point Im pretty optimistic about this song. Then the vocals come in. Im impressed the author was able to put vocals into his song and keep it small as it is, however, the singer isnt the most talented, and it detracts from the song. Heck it may not even be the singer, all I know is that it sounds like hes not supposed to be in the song, and thats never a good thing. Every time the song goes into its chorus, half of the words are unable to be recognized, and after listening to a good bit of rap, you get used to people mumbling their words. At 2:40 seconds (minus a few ascending notes, youll know them when you hear them) the song goes into a nice break down section that I like a lot, and then begins to build back up. For the better part of the next minute, everything seems to work right. The singer sounds like he belongs in the song and in my opinion the key that this section is what the whole song should have been in. Of course, the key changes back to the original key, and the song ends with an ending that doesnt hurt the song, but doesnt add anything to it either. My advice to the author would have been to either take the vocals out, or play with them a bit longer to get them to completely gel with the song. What you have right here at times sounds like something youd hear in a swanky night club, and not in a good way. There is so much good going on here; Im thinking that either a deadline or impatience kept this song from reaching its full potential. But yet, I have to give the song this compliment, it sticks in your head a lot more than you think it would. I cant count the number of times Ive been in formation and this song has popped into my head, so apparently the author has done SOMETHING right. That alone raised the overall score by a half-point. This song is very well constructed. I cant really find anything wrong with it on the technical side of things. Effects are used very nicely, and the samples are all nice enough. I still dont necessarily like how the distortion is used on voice during the chorus sections, but Ill keep from complaining about that.

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Title: music5-pink.panther
Filename: m5_pink.mod
Posted Thu 31st Jan 2002
Rated 2 / 10
Hmm this song doesnt leave me much to work with as much as I try. I go in with the expectation that this is going to be a variation on the pink panther theme by Mancini. I couldnt have been more wrong. What I have here is a song that for some reason or another refuses to capture the listeners attention during any stretch. It seems to fit a mold almost of parts that have to be in a song. The intro without drums, the transition to a next section marked off by a vocal sample, and then jumping into the song. To its merit, the bass line isnt bad. The lead however, is uninspired and could use a bit of work. Perhaps if it were a little bit more varied it wouldnt be so bad. But listening and enjoying the same theme for about 45 seconds straight is hard when the theme is a very good one, much less an average one. Im really finding a hard time finding more redeeming qualities here. I think that this song would have been better suited to not be released and serve as a learning song you keep on your hard drive and cannibalize parts from when youre stuck trying to write a new song, but thats just me. Maybe if the song just needed to get off the ground ONCE during its 2:11 stretch to make something happen. As far as I saw the author used very limited effects. Theres not much to talk about here.

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Title: lowbudget
Filename: lowbudgt.mod
Posted Wed 30th Jan 2002
Rated 6 / 10
I listened this song many times without knowing that it was Dr.Awesome's song. And never would have believed it. This song must be among those first ones that artist has released, since I've heard many very nice tracks from Doc. The song sounds like a very basic old amigamodule.Drums,hihats,digdugbass,pizzicatos and so on.=) The song is very simple in any way. It doesn't try to be anything special, but still achieves some sort of feeling of happiness and care-free. Melodies and textures are also simple, but pretty nice anyway.This song does not have much of variation in the way that the song doesn't "wake" you to listen, but it rolls through the whole lenght which is btw 2.33min.=) Old basic amiga module for people who likes this stuff. These old mods are often hard to judge in technical side. This one is no exception. Some effects are used,but only some, samples sound old,but are good in the way that none of them didn't annoy in anyway. If this song isn't played with loop, it will end like in to the wall so - from that. Of course it can be that this is from some old game and it has to be played with loop... Who knows? And oh yes , from some reason at least XMplay and Sonique doesn't play this mod.

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Filename: lunaress.xm
Posted Tue 29th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Now this is pretty interesting piece of electric music. I've never heard of this artist before,but I got curious after listening this song.=)Song starts pretty lame with one synthsample, but then the drumloop comes in and the package gets a new point of view. Slowly this piece gets in more samples and creates actually a pretty nice athmosphere. I especially liked the strings that are pretty effective and somehow a bit scary. The background is nice. It is filled with samples actually despite the fact that those are on low volume, but loud enough that it fills the song nicely.This song has used many styles. There can be find influences from acid and ambient and if this song would be a bit faster and the drumtrack would be simpler I would say this has something to do with goa. So the categorizing of this song is pretty hard. Nothing to complain actually. Nice track with different and refreshing athmosphere. Very well worth downloading. I really enjoyed from samples and use of them in this piece. Most of the samples were 16 bit and little tricks and very good control of effects are shown here. Panning was very nice and the sound was quite spaceous. This song lasts 3.56 which seems for a perfect time. It doesn't get boring and you've got everything you expected. Very nice track overall in many ways, still without offering anything really new or entertaining.

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Title: . . . IT RAINY
Filename: lietii.xm
Posted Mon 28th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Well... Now... This is very strange song. Not in the way that it would be too experimental or anything,but that it is good song but there are couple of huge mistakes. This is also a clubmix of Lietains, but why this is mixed this way? Thats the big quiestion. Song starts nicely with sounds of rain and thunder fading away and giving room to bassdrum and bass that appear into track. Then there is first big mistake : The ensoniq sample has really strange pattern that it follows. It doesn't play in the rhythm and it gets to your ear too well. Then the song continues and it stops. Strings come in and sound good, it is followed by synth that sounds ok too. For a while the song is running nicely again until the second mistake : The piano is badly out of tune and that really bothered me. Ignore these 2 things and this song would be good. Drums are fine and melody would be decent, but now this whole piece is spoiled by piano and ensoniq. So do something to those and this is quite good song.=) It is strange to see that artist knows more than basics in effectsside but has no ears? =) Kidding, but really. Is this song some compotune that had to be done in 2 hours and the time ended and final fixing missed? Samples are quite good, some of them are 16 bits. Drums are handled well and synths sound ok. Maybe a bit repetitive but just a bit. Song leght is 4.53 which is pretty long to this kind of piece but tolerable.=) Every song should always heard through couple of times before releasing it. If there is something that sounds bad, it should be fixed. It is better for artist and to listener.

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Title: Island Jam
Filename: pro-ijam.it
Posted Sun 27th Jan 2002
Rated 10 / 10
Damn, this song is fuckin' cool! This funky theme has all in the right place, nothing to say. When you listen to it if you close you eyes you can see palms, Hawaiian girls dancing for you and the skyblue sea! The athmosphere it cerates is almost perfect. The technical side is , if possible, almost better than the melodical one.The samples are perfect, and the way that the instrument are set is awesome.This guy has to be a professional DJ or something like that.

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Title: Great Vazelinus-LuckyBuba
Filename: luckbub.it
Posted Sun 27th Jan 2002
Rated 4 / 10
Vazelinus is a new artist in TMA. From Russia I suppose. I have only downloaded this one song from him and it unfortunately didn't impress me. The song starts with some synthsamples and so far it sounds like any normal track.Then the strings are cutted of and drums come in with bass. Strings here should be faded away. It would sound more softer. Then the song goes on and on with no variation at all. Some tracks are taken off /added ,but the tracks always the same. Drums play whole time the same pattern. Actually, this song consists of 30 patterns and 10 of them are different, so this song gets pretty repetitive. Also notice the leght of this song. 1.35. Hopefully this is one of the artists first songs since this really ain't that good. Something should also be done to the ending. The last pattern plays couple of bassdrums.=) So it is REALLY sudden ending. Try to be more creative next time Vazelinus. Change patterns a bit, play with drums and listen the song couple of times before you think it is finished. Biggest mistakes are easy to notice.=) Don't mind my opinions, just keep tracking and enjoy of it ;) Awww, well... Pretty amateurish technics here. Hardly any effects used and samples sound pretty old. Like some old amiga tune changed into IT format.=) There is some panning in the samples which is good thing. textures are very simple in this song. it isn't always bad, but like in this song - when it is repetitive and the song is short it bothers a bit. I liked the "digdug"-bass. It has always sounded nice to me.=) And again I say this. Trust yourself more and be creative. That cannot hurt.=)

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Title: ~Life goes on~
Filename: lifegoes.it
Posted Sat 26th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This song starts nicely with some pianos, it gets in some bass and drums and begins to build up. More piano gets in and everything sounds ok until about 1.20. Then again more piano comes in and the harmony starts to broke. Every note ain't in tune anymore and that can be heard. There are in one point 10(!) tracks filled with piano in one pattern so artist should be very careful here since with 2 different pianosamples it is hard to make everything sound good. Then again in 2.09 starts a second part. This time pianos sound better and there ain't so disturbing "out-of-tunes" moments anymore BUT... Again when there are many tracks and suddenly (for example) 3 tracks play C-5 note at the same time, it can be heard.=) So be careful on these things too. Theres also one thing that might bother some people. Patterns sometimes have "sudden" ending. There are couple seconds of silence and then the song starts again. This one should maybe noticed,since it is used pretty much. Then the good things. It is quite certain thing that Aqualife has some musical skills. The piano textures are very nice and there is pretty much variation too. Background ain't complex,but it works since the pianos are in lead. This song gets better the more you listen to it. Ok... Pianos should more since the scale that where its been used is pretty wide. It is hard to play many notes in one time without some sort of distortion in the sound. Drums can be selected better nect time. They're not bad, but sound a bit "old" to this kind of music. Bass was nice and for me it sounded very nice. Maybe including some strings to this one might sound good? Try it, but first reduce the amount of piano a bit, or change some pianos to strings? Overall this song is very good, but it still needs the final adjustings. If the pianos would be in tune and balanced, this would sound VERY good. Just some tracking Aqualife and you kick some ass.. :)

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Title: .purpledust.
Filename: m-pdust.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Well for the first 30 seconds I was completely under the impression that this would be a chip tune. I couldnt have been more wrong. Well, being that Ive complained about repetition a good bit, this song is a breath of fresh air. Nothing is repeated more than necessary to keep the essence of the song flowing. The transition from the initial chip tune into the house theme that takes up most of the song is very nice, virtually flawless, and on the whole, the arrangement is pretty darn good. In fact this is the type of song that Id make sure was on a CD of mine during a long road trip. This is a very nice submission by the author, and I look forward to seeing more of his work. As far as the notes on the page go, it seems as if there is not much wasted space in each pattern, and the effects that are used compliment the song. The vast majority of the individual samples are good quality samples. I counted maybe one or two that had minor clipping problems, but it never affected the song as a whole in any way. This a job well done.

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Title: Arcade Adventure
Filename: m3-arc.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 6 / 10
So I load up this tune, and I do the usual reading the credits to see if theres a story or anything to help me get into the mood for this particular tune, and then I see that this is supposed to be this trackers first mod. Surprisingly its pretty darn good. A lot better than a lot of first attempts Ive seen, and a lot better than some of the songs Ive seen veteran trackers put out. The beginning isnt too bad. I like the bass throughout the song, and its always been a selling point to me. Its the little things that this mod does that put it above average. The arrangement of it is pretty good, even though the middle is muddied up by a section that gets a bit repetitive. The ending doesnt exist really because this ends up doing a loop. Maybe the art of tracking a true ending is a lost art (even Im guilty of it) On the whole, the one thing that could have been done better is to bring the lead out just a LITTLE more. As it is, it blends well with the rest of the song, but all the moving parts make it easy to lose the lead. Technically, this is better than I expected it to be. A couple pitch slides here, and lots of volume manipulation. Looks like a decent amount of time was spend tracking this song. Overall this is a well done piece.

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Title: megaman 2 wily
Filename: m2wily.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Well I cant say that this doesnt bring back memories. I almost want to go pull my NES out of the closet and pop in Mega Man 2. Unfortunately it isnt necessarily due to anything new by the author. This track doesnt do anything special to the old theme, but in its defense it doesnt make it worse either. I would like to see the author branch out a little more and attempt a remix of this old tune, even though it holds up pretty well to be approximately 13+ years old. Since, if memory serves me correct, this is basically the same as it was back oh-so-many-years ago, I cant give it higher than an average score. Technically, this piece isnt very strong. Ive been guilty of it myself a couple times of not bothering to add in effects as necessary and things of the sort. In this case, the author keeps the track down to a few pretty good chip samples and 8 channels. However, I get the feeling that with a little more effort this could have been at least a 6 channel track. Or maybe Im just asking too much.

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Title: Carls tune
Filename: m2sps.s3m
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 4 / 10
The intro works out pretty well. I like the sirens going in the background and the opening groove. However, once the lead comes in I dunno. To me it seems that something about the lead just doesnt fit. Perhaps if the author had played with a couple more instruments he might have found one that worked out a bit better. The drums at 1:38 sound a bit dirty. From there until the end it seems a bit repetitive. Sometimes the lead seems as if random notes have been picked. Even though there is some good stuff going in there, it gets used too quick, and ends up working against making the new entrances memorable. I do like the half time ending. That works really well, in fact I think it might have worked better if a flourish could have been incorporated into the end. Every time I hear it, I keep thinking that it should have trumpets blaring like its the end of a 30s musical. My biggest advice for this authors next mod is to add variety. Well once you go into the order list, you see where the repetitiveness comes from. I think every pattern in the song is repeated once, if not twice. The redeeming factor again is the potential displayed in the ending section. The swing used is not the most cutting edge technique, but it does show that the author has at least been around long enough to pick up on some common techniques.

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Title: m1.song.02
Filename: bigbusin.mod
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Well after listening to this song a couple times, I am convinced that the drum roll that is continually used in this mod wouldnt be that bad if it wasnt used every 5 seconds. Limited usage of a potentially good thing is the key here. An intro/ending doesnt necessarily apply to this mod being that its a looping mod, so I wont comment on it. This mod had more potential than was shown. Im not sure if the author just couldnt find where he wanted to the song to go, but the first minute or so would definitely benefit from the author attempting to draw out the musical phrases of the lead a little longer. The main problem I have with the layout of this mod is that it doesnt actually catch your attention until the last few bars before it repeats, and unfortunately most people will have moved on by then. On the technical side of this song, Ive got to admit I was surprised that this was only a 4 channel song. In an age channels get used that dont have to be this is a real plus. However, other than that, nothing special is done on the technical side. For the most part the samples are clean, and of good quality

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Title: Never Alone
Filename: x-na.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Nice use of modulation throughout and maintains a good progressive. I'm mildly impressed, but it lacks a lot of the "oomph". The introduction of the piano into the piece after the first 20 bars is a definate improvement to the all over sound. There is no decent bridge or recitative anywhere in this piece and it does get a little monotanous (with the notable exception of a rather strained mid-section coda)A standard fade at the end, though, which loses points in my book. When are DJs gonna learn how to end pieces!?! The samples are clean and the artist makes good use of tracking and sizing. I'd like to see a little more tweaking on the upper end and not so much emphasis on the bass in this particular piece, but it seems to work ok.

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Title: Dangerous life
Filename: x-dl.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 3 / 10
Well this basically sucks donkey dick. Sorry, but there's really no other way to describe it. I can't even give it brownie points for the effort because the artist admits in the comments to ripping the instruments. This style of music should never be done on a tracker. This should be kept to live recorded instrumentation. There is just no way to make a good enough electric guitar sound yet. I will give him credit for one thing : He rips decent instruments. This thing is too chaotic to really be good for much of anything but an old Sega Genesis game. In short, it's lousy, sounds 8-bit, and hurts my ears.

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Title: F-Falling
Filename: x-ff.xm
Posted Fri 25th Jan 2002
Rated 6 / 10
Not a lot of musicianship went into this piece. The transitions and motifs are rather cookie cutter and don't really show any flair for the music medium. Modulation is non-existant and there's almost no use of any true artistic ability. It is, however, danceable and would appeal to anyone on several hits of X. Obviously the artist knows their way around a tracker. The lines are clean and the samples come out well. However, this all could be done using fewer tracks and a lower sampling rate without losing anything but download time.

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Title: Nothing on my mind
Filename: tttchip.it
Posted Mon 21st Jan 2002
Rated 4 / 10
This track definitely goes from good to worse. The tune is quite good, but about one minute into the song a soft offkey instrument enters. It actually isn't all that bad, though - it adds a cool surrealness to the song. Then, 30 seconds later, a really annoying and loud drum pattern is played and the offkey instrument returns. By this time, you'll probably want to shut off the track since it's getting repetitive anyway. You usually don't see looped drum samples unless they are drum loops; I have no idea why they're looped here. Other than that the samples are alright, and the effects are simplistic but do the job. I also don't know why there's a 10 second silence at the end of the song; usually 1-3 seconds is fine.

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Title: SF - Kappa
Filename: sf_kappa.xm
Posted Mon 21st Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
This song is great but the cheering crowd thing.... thats a bit lame... And also it's a bit repetitive. But otherwise it's great. This song is well done but it needs to be compressed better because this artist didn't know what to do if you want to repeate something but not make a new pattern...

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Title: Master of Puppets
Filename: puppets.mod
Posted Sun 20th Jan 2002
Rated 4 / 10
This remake of the awesome Metallica song isn't very good, but the original melodic line is the same in almost every part, except for one or two bad riffages & the solo, that is completely cutted.The execution is bad, but the beauty of the original song raise up the musical evaluation. 4 channels are too few for a song like that.Also the samples are awful, and combined in a very bad way.The authors used some built-in effect, like speed setting and tone portamentos,but the samples used and the few channels make this song really bad.

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Title: Burn in Hell
Filename: burn.xm
Posted Sat 19th Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
This song is extremly well done, but it seems that the vocal part ripped from somewhere, like a CD... And the countdown thing sounds crappy... Otherwise it's great This song sounds mostly great (read above), and it's composed very well

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Title: Level 1
Filename: lastnin1.mod
Posted Sat 19th Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
Original composers of Last Ninja musics were Ben Daglish and Anthony Lees and oh my God I love those songs. This cover is almost similar with original song, except for samples and now 8 channels. But the music is good, can't help it. Melodies are lovely and in this song the guitarsolo is wonderful. If someone makes a it,xm,s3m-version of this song as good as Mad-Mega did I promise that I will give it a 10.=) However artist has done this song it has done very well since it is so much like the original. Samples could be better, but I live with these. It is also good that theres been used 8 channels and not 4 since then this song would propably lack so much without c64 sounds. Tracked well. I'll keep this track for a long time.=)

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Title: dunno...Trance?
Filename: leon4.it
Posted Sat 19th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Well, this artist got into experimental mood and didn't even knew that what he created.=) Pretty mysterious artist in other things too. I got all 3 "leon" mods until I founded out that whos the artist.=) This is really a strange song. It really has no melodies, but some sort of patterns and textures that somehow are knitted together pretty well. Very interesting piece indeed. Sounds little like that artist would be an amateur, but it can be seen that he ain't. Very unique style in this one. Trance in the meaning of speed and ambient in experimenting and weird soundworld. Try it and decide yourself. There are so many types of instruments in this one that it ain't a wonder that this sounds a bit special.=) Good samples anyway. Use of effects is little,but huge amount of effects would maybe make this sound too weird.=) Artist sure knows how to track. No bad mistakes anywhere and everything seems to be ok... Refreshing tune overall.

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Title: lover.xm
Filename: lover.xm
Posted Sat 19th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This song sounds like you're listening to a tune from some "Synthesizer Greatest" album. It is simple little tune with nice melodies, but it also is maybe too simple. I constantly kept waiting that this song would really "start",but it didn't. Always when I expected something new to come it kept rolling on the same pattern. Too bad since this song has lots of potential. Nice song on its genre. Worth listening. Hmm... I know that artist is a good tracker, but this song propably is just "done", not composed.=) Don't really know,nut sounds like it. Samples are clean and 8 bit. Athmosphere is somehow comforting ,if one can say that way. I liked the samples but I missed snaredrum, since it is missing.=) No effects used but the samples have panning and this kind of samples actually don't even need any effects.

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Title: Lick It -TMM's Mad Bass Mix
Filename: LI-MIX.S3M
Posted Fri 18th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
The original performer of this song is Roula and song is called "You've got to lick it." Many people have propably heard it sometimes. What can I say...? TMM has done pretty nice job with this piece. The song is simple but it fills everything that you need to make this kind of song to work in tracker. Vocals are recorded and played nicely. This is one of those rare songs where you can sing along with and that are remixed with skill. Since this track takes 6.55 to end, it gets repetitive. Background is almost same through the song, but otherwise a good track. Samples are all 8 bit, but still the song sounds very clean. Vocals are good and I can't actually complain about anything on technical side.Well chosen samples and good tracking takes this song pretty high on its genre here in TMA. But scores drop from the lenght and that the song repeats itself too much. Still worth getting. =)

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Title: le nougat
Filename: lenougat.mod
Posted Fri 18th Jan 2002
Rated 3 / 10
I hate this song so much, but I try to be objective here...=) Songs starts with bass and awful vocals that propably are ment to be funny, but I'm not sure since it is singed in french.=) But the voices are SO annoying! And the music otherwise is basically bass in the background except... When there is no singing there is melody that is so close to Foolgarden's "Lemontree" (which I also hate) that I feel sick. But... The music is also done pretty well and samples are ok,but musically this song ain't the best kind. No use of effects. Vocals are fitted pretty well. They don't end too soon or another doesn't start to play on other. Samplequality then isn't the best kind. Some vocals are recorded microphone in the mouth so it brakes the sound a bit. Propably best thing in this song is that is only 1.08 long. "Maybe worth trying!?":said finnish and sat into anthill. Well, it wasn't.=) Ps. I'm finnish too so don't blame me for saying bad words.=)

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Title: I love you forever
Filename: lovefor.it
Posted Thu 17th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
When I downloaded this I was pretty sure that it is a ballad. But nooooo...=) It starts with crescendo and then bass and bassdrum come along. More to come : Nice echoing "iloveyou"-vocal, quite nice acidloop and much more. The leadmelody actually gets pretty near somesort of goa-style.=) There are 2 things that bothered me in this one. First is one track. Somehow it just sounds that it doesn't fit (track n.10 in the beginning) and the other one is that this is too short. Only 2.15. Well maybe artist next time has more enthusiasm to track.=) Good one. Very nice actually. Nothing special in effects but the sense of rhythm and structure of a variative trancetrack make this tune sound very nice. I also really liked the acidloop and leadsample. Samples are mostly 16 bit so the soundworld is also pretty clear and real. So why not try this one? Nice track for trancelovers. =)

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Title: lordlaz.xm
Filename: lordlaz.xm
Posted Wed 16th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Ahhh, I love this one and I hate this one.=) Love it because it sounds soooo nice and hate it because it ends so soon and I always wonder that how the whole song would continue... Reason to the lenght (1.16) is that this is 1hourcompo-song. It won and I don't wonder why. Strings give this tune ethereal sound and bass gives it the strenght. Lovely combination and with some samplefills it sounds just so good. I just wish that artist would finish this one someday... Use of effects has forgotten or maybe the reason is that there was no time.=) Anyway this song doesn't need any sampletricks or slidescuttsflanger etc. It is simple song but beautiful. Perfect samples chosen to this piece. If this would only be longer I would most likely give a 9 or more. Worth getting.

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Filename: lucid_dr.mod
Posted Wed 16th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Aww... I downloaded this song long time ago. I've listened it many times and haven't really figured out that what do I think about it, but today it just popped - I like it. I was going to take a nap, I closed my eyes and started to listen. Things that once bothered in this song didn't bothered anymore and the whole song just slided through its many phases. This song is long (8.32),but it has lots of variation. Still it is also so slowtempoed that you cannot just sit and listen to this, it will sound boring. Try it on a background and it will be quite a nice experience after listening couple of times. Gee... Use of effects ain't anything unusual and the song is overall pretty simple. It is the soundworld, samples and textures that makes this song worth downloading. As I mentioned, this song has lots of variation. Composing has propably lasted pretty long since this tune changes all the time somehow. It has few little different parts but in the end those all melt into one.

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Title: Do You Like Bass?
Filename: likebass.mod
Posted Tue 15th Jan 2002
Rated 1 / 10
After this song it is easy to answer to the question "Do you like bass?". Hell I don't. I can't understand how this one got through TMA's crapfilter.=)This song has only bassline (simple and unimaginative), drums (almost the same through the song and some vocals that are used very lame. And if you think that this song is a remix by Mr.Micro...God, I really don't want to hear the original version. Avoid this. No technics here. No effects, no decent melodies, textures, arrangements. Just the same repetitive drum'n bass loop over and over again. And the vocals... Those are mixed to the track so badly that it makes you cry before dancing or somethin'...

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Title: lessons in love
Filename: lesnlove.mod
Posted Tue 15th Jan 2002
Rated 6 / 10
This song is cover from Level 42:s "lessons in love" and it sounds actually pretty good. This song has a catchy melody and it gave me many feelings. It sounds happy and it also sounds sad. Eventually it sounds little bit like...love. Good arrangement here. Samples fit to this track perfectly. Sounds old,but smooth. There's no effects at all and the loop in strings is badly wrong,but it is easy to fix. So if you like popclassics or just recognize the song then get this and try it. The song "lssnilv.mod" is the same song as this one except that the leadsample is better and then there will be only one sample to fix.=) The leadsample in this song is also looped wrong and that makes this song sound so much worse.

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Title: "Twiddle"
Filename: twiddle.it
Posted Tue 15th Jan 2002
Rated 10 / 10
Twiddle is a happy little tune with great themes. The artist combines several instruments and harmonies together to create a fantastic track. The themes are amazingly simple, but through some clever key shifts and instrument changes, it never seems to repeat and is good all the way through. The tune begins with an arpeggio-style lead working its way through the scale with some flourishes. The bass enters perfectly and finally the main tune starts playing. I love it! The samples are perfect for this track, and the patterns are incredible. The effects are used in just the right spots to give the desired sound. Absolutely incredible! My only complaint is the weak ending; it fades out fine, but an extra blank pattern was tacked on to the end to keep the song running longer with no sound. The musical and technical sides of this song are strong, and work together to produce an incredible track!
