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Title: finally here
Filename: finally.it
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice sound to this mod, a nice combination of slow ambient interupted by a techno beat. it really works well, although the tune itself is a little to simple to be worthy of a higher score. As mentioned before, a nice combination of ambient and techno. Not the easiest thing to try and do. This is one nicely put together mod.

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Title: Find A Way
Filename: findaway.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
At only 5K this one is surprisingly good, although not THAT good. Simple samples used, and an awful lot of repetition used completely spoil this mods chances of a higher score. a bit more effort with this one could have been soooo much better, but you can't win em all. samples straight from a dated keyboard is what this one sounds like. A little more time and it could have lifted its scores dramatically. Still a nice tune behind it all though.

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Title: Final Evolution
Filename: finev.s3m
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A thumping track, thats brilliant to listen too, but unfortuanley the repetition really stops this one from scoring any higher i'm afraid. However it'll still be a good song to keep as long as you like the techno/beat style to it Nice samples used, and some cool effects thrown in too. Hard to pick a fault with this ones construction really.

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Title: Fingers & Thumbs
Filename: fingsurround6.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Apart from the rather simple samples used this mod has an awesome beat to it. Its a really good mod to sit back and listen too. Without ever hearing the orignal mod, its hard to say whether this remix has improved the song or not. Oh well, definately a good listen ppl. Erm..... Unfortunaltey this song is let down by simple sounding samples, but its still put together in such a good fashion that i'll let that problem slide :)

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Title: Fire Burnt Out
Filename: fireburn.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Well the last in the series is the best. This is the forth in a series ppl, so download the other three after this one as well. I've never been a person for multiple mods-in-a-series much, but this is one series that really works out welll, and you can easily follow the pattern from one song to the next. Erm..... brilliant, aewsome, and excellent are just a few words to sum up these mods. Perfect construction really.

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Title: Fire In My Head
Filename: fireinmh.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
The third mod in the "Fire in my.." series, i really recommend them all. Nightstalker is a tracker with skill, and he's put it to good use here i can tell you. The whole seriers is an excellent listen, although i find this one a little bit more dull than the other 2 ( the next to on the table ppl) Well, i've exhausted all my complementary word on the other two songs, so i'm runnig out of things to say excpet that this one is put together as well as the other two.

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Title: Fire In My Soul
Filename: fireinms.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Well this is actually a sequel to the song after this one on the page ppl, and its just as good. The author has keep the same theme, but has remixed it enough to be a original sounding mod too. Download the entire "fire in my..." series ppl, they all rock hard... Brilliantly put together this one, most of the samples sound wicked, but theres a piano sample used that i think could have been much better. but thsts nit-picking, this song rocks. Get it now ppl

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Title: Fire In My Heart
Filename: fireinmy.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
What a wicked sounding mod, and yet the author didn't even put his name to it!!!. This is a real shame cos this one is really nice to listen too. excellent use of all samples. Give it a shot ppl, it shalt dissapoint awesome samples used in this one, all thrown together with some nive effects too. Its the perfect lenth, and i'm really stuggling hard to find a fault with this song.

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Title: perfect placid past
Filename: j_ppp.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Now, here is something interesting from Demon. This song has the potential to be something great (a true diamond in the rough). The song flows nicely and smoothy. There are no really harsh transitions or beat changes through the song (the beat transition about 2 minutes does need a bit of work, it seems a bit awkward). His use of instruments are excellent, and are well implemented. The xylophone and guitar samples are excellent, and well used. Minor quibble on the piano sample though. I would of picked a less "electronic" sounding piano (its a bit too harsh and synthetic for the piece). Another minor quibble I have is with the opening of the song in which we hear the baseline for about the first 15 seconds. Personally, I find this a bit too long, and the first few bars remind me of a certian video game. :-) An all-together well made piece. Slight tweaks in the instrument selection (specifically the piano) and various transitions (like the opening, the bridge 2 minutes in, and possibly the ending sequence) would make this an excellent piece. This piece makes excellent use of the effects available. Keep tweaking this song, Demon, this one is a keeper! :-)

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Title: two blue minutes
Filename: j_tbm.xm
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Another composition by Demon. I'm not too sure what to classify this music as, it sounds almost like chip, but some of the sound effects don't lend to it. Guess the closest I can approximate this to is something that you would hear synthesized coming from a NES. The music itself is ok, although a bit bland depth-wise. There a few instruments, but, most of the time its composed of the same synth loop over and over again (either in the foreground or in the background). Perhaps a more variety in the beat and instrument selection would liven up the song (like how the ending of the song livens up gets). Also, the ending of the song needs to be fixed. Its rather abrupt, and it kinda leaves the listener hanging for some closure. In a few sectoins of the song, the notes change abruptly, which could be smoothed out better using a note slide. Also, putting in more variety of sound loops would help. The main synth loop in the background does get a bit repetative. More depth to the song would also help (I dont have a tracker, so I can't see if all 12 channels are being used). Adding one or two instruments to back up or counterpoint the existing instruments would be interesting.

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Title: sunshine dance.fin
Filename: Sunshine_Dance.mod
Posted Wed 9th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This is a happy pick-u-up tune. It's got a tropical beat and rythm. It almost sounds like steal drums but it isn't realy.. I think it would be better if it was steal drums though. Again it's a happy topical tune. All 8-bit samples but they still sound incredibly good. The complexity of the beat it realy good.. shakes, bangs, bops, and stops it's good! Bahh! It's a happy tune thats all you need to know! =)

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Title: UnNamed 3 *house*
Filename: xl_un3.it
Posted Tue 8th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well...Lets just say you can't really hear the melody over the beat. This is more the kinda song you get drunk to ,and just FEEL the pulse. BOOM BOOM BOOM ! This mod is better technically speaking than it was from the musical point of view. The samples are good,and everything seems to jive.I think they might have gonna a little lighter on the bassline,but,,,,well..thats a small evil:0) The endings are what makes or breaks a mod,and this ending was very nicely done. Give this mod a shot !

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Title: xmasmix
Filename: xmas.mod
Posted Tue 8th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This is a delightful medley of all your favorite Christmas tunes. The creator skillfully blends the traditional carols with the modern beat,and the effect is wonderful ! The beat is steady ,but not over powering.I love the pan-flute sound. This is a Must Hear !!! Technically speaking,this isn't the best mod I've ever heard. However I think it's charm is in it's simplicity. The samples are all great,very real sounding.My only little complaint is that the ending was a bit of a let-down.It was going great,then it just stopped. It's a shame,because that would have made it a really great mod !

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Title: jazz bubbles!
Filename: jazz_bub.mod
Posted Tue 8th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10

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Title: Apidya5.TFX
Filename: 05.xm
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Noew this pieces is spectacular it captulates a great introduction and layers on like a dance track but is mellow enough to make it idea for a cop follow criminal in some police drama. I really enjoyed listening to this piece. This mod captures ideally what can be done with a small file, being only 26k in size but running for 2.20 mins. Having 4 channels, 9 samples and 23 patterns. Watching the graphic equilizer for this song really showed quality. Its a seamless piece.

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Title: Apidya2.TFX
Filename: r-api02.xm
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This song kind becomes VERY annoying after listening to it for the second time but has got one of those unfrogettable sample bits that would probably pop up in other pieces of music. Although short and only 4 channels a well put together piece of music. It captures what can be done in a limited field of time and samples. There ae 10 samples and 10 patterns used in thsi piece.

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Title: Be On The Wing
Filename: jdx-be.s3m
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
There is a good variety of instruments in the song. You have your typical, omnipresent synth bass in the background, a variety of lead synths, cymbals, high-hats, and electronica sounds. It follows the typical techno bassline, but its nicely punctuated by various instrument and rhythm breaks that negate the repetativeness of typical techno songs. Also, with the variety of samples used (which are very nice and clean), it gives the song more depth and character than most one-dimensional techno mod's. Honestly, I'm hard pressed to find something technically wrong with this composition. The tracking is excellent, and the effects are performed flawlessly. Even after looping the song 10 to 20 times to review it, I have yet to find anything that stands out wrong (and I have yet to get annoyed with it too, somewhat of a rarity with me and techno songs.) All I got to say is, "Well done, Jadex!"

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Title: -■( Let's Dance )■-
Filename: jz-letsd.s3m
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very good song!! Intro in the song is done with a slow introduction of various elements of the song (bass-line, highhats, synths) It is very well executed, nice build-up to the body of the song. Choruses and break-beats are well-done, and do not throw off the overall rhythm of the song. And speaking of rhythm, the song does a very good job of changing from different rhythms seamlessly and with precision and purpose. The only small quibble I have with the song is the ending sequence, in which it abruptly ends. Perhaps a fade out or something similar to the opening tracks would make this song more complete. Technically, I cannot find anything really wrong with the song. There are no noticable or abrupt note changes or rhythm changes that seem out of place. Sample selection is very good, along with very clean samples with very little noise or distortion. Effective uses of note slides, volume control, and various effects.

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Title: J/Pop Forest Music
Filename: jforest.xm
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Music is simple, yet very good. Selection of the various instruments does infuse the song with the feeling of it being Japanese. Makes use of various instruments to play different vocal roles. The background rhythm pattern does get a bit repetative, but its not annoying to the point of ruining the song. The better use of note slides and volume slides would get rid of some of the more abrupt "vocal" halts in the latter half of the song. As I said above, better use of note and volume slides would get rid of some of the more harsh sample ends. Also, a bit of variety in the rhythm would be nice (as looping this song over and over again to review it did make it a bit monotonous with the very constant rhythm). A bit fine tuning here and there with the notes and effects would make this a very good song.

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Title: UnNamed 1 *dance*
Filename: xl_un1.it
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
The piece has reached a nice balance between bassline and melody.While the beat is in the foreground most of the time,you are allowed to listen to the melody without fear of getting run over by a wondering bass note.The feeling is agitated and unsettling,but I think that makes this mod cool. This is a pretty straight forward mod,with really good samples, and nitfy sound effects.There's a lot of bass stuff going on here,however it doesn't cause you to loose sight of the melody.Nicely blended together !!! But what I liked best about this mod is the ending,,,,it just fazes out !!!! I'm sure there is a lot of extra effort that goes into it,and that is certainly appreciated ! Such a nice way to end a song !

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Title: Travelling without moving
Filename: xl_movin.it
Posted Mon 7th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The title is "Traveling Without Moving" ,and that is exactaly what this song does. At first all you get is a very heavy beat,but then very faintly in the background you hear a couple nice little notes.As the song progresses,so does the music.Althought the melody finally branches out,it doesn't go stray far from the protecting arm of the ever present bassline. This isn't a spectacular feat of technical skill,but it does have some nice little touches.The baseline rules this mod,but when you DO hear the other instruments they are very well done.None of that tinny stuff in this one !!! The begining is nice and so it the finish. Not bad...not bad at all :)

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Title: Warping Coma!
Filename: JJ.S3M
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
I think I know why it has the name it does. The bass was a little overused, and I think my subwoofer blew out my windows. Hehe, that's cool. Had it not been so repetative, I would have enjoyed it a bit more. The break-beat sample was good and well done. Unfortunately, the bass sample was a little overused and detracted from the rest of the song. Oh well, if you like a nice, heavy-bass song, this one would be a great choice.

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Title: Call Me an Angel
Filename: jase_-_call_me_an_angel.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This song was very well constructed, the vocals, the piano, even the bassline fit quite nicely. What impressed me the most was the vocals. But (because of limited filesize?) they grew old after a while... Initially, I had assumed this song was going to turn out to be mostly piano / easy-listening, but it would seem that "house" is most fitting. Every part was very nicely arranged and mixed. The one downside that I picked up immediately was the repetativeness of the vocal samples.

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Title: Just Believe
Filename: jo-blv.xm
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10
***URK*** I have heard repetative songs before, and this is one of the most of such I have heard in a while. Once you get past the first half it gets a bit better. The composer has potential, but needs more time to develop it... The song is pretty much the same the entire way through, leading me to have almost stopped listening to it at several points. But, once again, if you can muscle through the first half, it's a little more easy to listen to.

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Title: -obsolete 96-
Filename: obsole96.mod
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
I have this thing for the start of mods - they always start in a real cool way. And this is not an exception. What makes this song different from a lot of other songs is that it keeps your attention to it all the time. And that is worth a lot. This is a mod of the classic format. Sounds like a lot of other songs out there, but it's well made, and worthy a download. The sounds are good and used to their full purpose. The classic hit-sample is used in a generous way, and gives this song the sound of a classic ambient mod from the 80's. No size-breakin' drumloops or anything, just plain 'ol basses and synth samples.

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Title: Holy Shit
Filename: jk_holy.it
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
WHOA! Hehe, the beginning was a HUGE surprise -- nice samples from Redneck Rampage. Parts of the song could've used a bit of work. If the samples were a little more clear, it would have sounded like something from the Quake I/II soundtrack. Samples didn't sound the clearest, but they were fitting. About 1/3 of the way in, the lead guitar sounds a bit out of tune. The song would have been a bit more enjoyable had the total time of 8 minutes been cut in half.

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Title: Jam Zone United
Filename: jamzone.xm
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Normally I don't like jazz but this song is very catchy. Intitially, it sounds like something you'd expect to see from a Pringles Commercial. The title was a bit misleading, but it is an enjoyable song. The melodies fit together remarkably well. Drum parts were done very well as were the saxophone segments. The ending was rather odd, giving the song a "live" feel. At any rate, it's deserving of a listen.

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Title: jamerson.xm
Filename: jamerson.xm
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This tune was one of the best chiptunes I have heard in a long time, unfortunately, it was only 15 seconds long! I was expecting to hear more until it suddenly stopped. I would recommend listening with a loop on :) The song was well done and the pieces fit together really well. I was rather impressed until the sudden beginning, which had left me wanting to hear more. I would have given it a much higher overall rating if it were closer to a minute in length -- quite frankly, 15 seconds doesn't cut it...

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Title: Jamers.Jam.96.
Filename: jamers.xm
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Interesting chip-tune! Had the song been a little long, I would have given it a higher rating. Like with other chiptunes, listening to it over and over again will eventually give you a headache. Sounds like something that would go with some form of Nintendo game... Well combined. For a chip-tune, it was quite catchy -- I'll probably have it stuck in my head for a while now... Unfortunately, the song stops rather abruptly -- presumably from lack of ideas or because it was in a compo...

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Title: - s u p e r k o t o -
Filename: j2_skoto.it
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Most ethnic music isn't very catchy in the Scene, or at least, so I've noticed. Nonetheless, this song was quite interesting and held my attention long enough to reach the end. I would recommend giving it a listen! Most ethnic music is very hard to construct -- probably the reason may people don't do it... However, this song was very well arranged, flowed nicely, and was very fitting to the style. Once more, it deserves a listen to, especially if you are trying to compose ethnic style songs yourself.

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Title: - c o s m o -
Filename: j2_cosmo.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The beginning surprised me with a "chippish" introduction before jumping into a techno-beat. Nicely done and quite enjoyable! Parts of it sound out of tune, but that may have been done on purpose :) Kinda drawn out and slightly repetative. The parts did flow well together and the transitions were well joined.

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Title: Starship Troopers
Filename: starship.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
I think this was writen before the movie came out becuse the artist says it was inspired by the book! Oh well it still reminds me of the movie rather well. It's a good tune by far. I would also like to thank Zancarius for helping me with this one and I also want to say sorry to Human for giving credit to some one else! Bahh! It's some what repetitive. And all of the samples are 8-bit. The tune is of good length. It has a good start to it also. They could of used this start at the begining of the actual movie!

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Title: Fire on High
Filename: FireOnHigh.mod
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice song, if a little too repetitive for its 7 minute lenth. However it is still refreshing to hear a mod with some new sounds in it. The e.guitar is put to good use here. Still worth a try ppl Some nice samples in this one are is saving grace. excellent sounding tm-toms, and even a crisp voice sample thown in to boot.

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Title: Fireworks
Filename: fireworx.xm
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Repetition central i'm afraid. This song is just too long and to repeated to be worthy of a higher score. Its still not too bad though, and some of ya will like it enough to keep it on your HDD Some nice samples in this one are is saving grace. excellent sounding tm-toms, and even a crisp voice sample thown in to boot.

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Title: firepower
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Sorry, but this one just really put me to sleep. actually more like a coma. Same old beat over and over. Repeition central, with a really cruddy ending on it ( i won't spoil it for those of you who are brave enuf to download it) Not too much to say here really. Nothing awe inspiring. Samples sound a little too muffled to be worthy of a higer score.

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Title: Fizzy the Tadpole!
Filename: fizzy.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Hmm.. how to descibe this mod.... I know..... WIERD... and i mean it ppl this one is very wierd. I am really at a loss to describe it. If wierds your thing, give it a shot. Simple use of samples and effects here... some cool warbling effects thrown in but. not much more to say on it really.

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Title: Flat out lies
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Oh yeh. Nice pop rock beat to this one. 80's flashback arghhhhhhhhh :) Really a nice tune to listen too, nicce song alround, just give it a try ppl Nice nice nice. nice samples, nice effects and nice construction. Its really a top notch mod this one. Shame it wasn't longer really. Download and listen to it ppl.

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Title: Fletch
Filename: fletch.mod
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Very accurate rendition of the classic movie's Fletch and Fletch Lives. ( if you haven't seen those movies, see em now). This is about absolutely perfect compared to the movie. No complaints whatsoever. Quite nice listening to this and remebereing the movies.. As i said its just about perfect when compared to the movie, so the author ( whoever he may be) must have gone to some trouble to find samples to match

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Title: Fligh of the Avian
Filename: flghtota.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Tends to put you asleep this one, but there are some nice parts to this one. once again this mod is spoilt by a little repetition, but some of ya will love it. Nicely put together this mod, samples are all well balanced, but nothing special involved really

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Title: Flight Through the Valley
Filename: flight2.it
Posted Sun 6th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice floaty music this one. althought the panpipes tend to pierce your eardrums a little. Its a good listen, but is just to repitious to be worthy of a higher score. Nothing to special here. some nice higher quality samples that help a little.
