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Title: martian lovesong
Filename: m5v-mars.it
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
I am not sure if the techno genre really applies to this song, since it seems to be in a class of its own. his guitar samples are awesome, and this song sounds really cool with the volume cranked... Necros basically makes his own genre of music. This mod is an usual mix of sfx and guitars, etc... producing a very unusual and very cool song.

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Title: This Is For You (Remix '96)
Filename: foryou2.s3m
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Erm, i am really struggling to find an appropriate category fot this song, so alternative will do for now. It just doesn't seem to fit into any other field. Basically though, its very repetitive, based around some bloke's voice saying This is for you. Well, where to begin....... Lets not.

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Title: The fortress.Jam.96
Filename: fortress.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
lets see now, take 30 seconds of the same old drum beat, add a drum roll, add another 30 seconds of a shitty sounding piano sample with the same drum beat, and VOILA, 1 shitty mod to go. it can be summed up in one word... crap. and yes the next song in the list is the same too. just a remix of this one.

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Title: The Fortress.2.Jam..
Filename: fort.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
lets see now, take 30 seconds of the same old drum beat,, add a drum rool, add another 30 seconds of a shitty sounding piano sample with the same drum beat, and VOILA, 1 shitty mod to go. one word. NEXT!!

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Title: Forbidden Universe
Filename: for_univ.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Pretty cool song for a first effort, and i actually up'd the score a little after listening to it the whole way through. give it a shot ppl, won't disappoint. The piano sample is a little to synth to be good, but nevertheless, its still not too badly put together.

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Title: For Your Eyes Only
Filename: for_your.s3m
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Although this is a commenable effort to reproduce an old time classic, this song is so badly let down by mediocre samples that it almost reduces you to tears. See above. shitty samples will be the end of me yet!!

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Title: The Forthcoming
Filename: forth.mod
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A unique sounding mod, that has clearly recognisable chapters to it. quiet and moody, its definately one cool listen. Nice sounding, although theres a hand clapping sample that i think is out of place.

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Title: Forsaken.xm
Filename: Forsaken.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Oh yeah, this rocks. Cool tune that sounds like it should be in a game somewhere.( and before you ask, this tune is not one i recognise from the Forsaken game, and i own that game!). Very inspiring music, but only 3 minutes long..... Theres always a down side......... rockin' samples that are very clear and crisp. Piano is amazingly done.

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Title: Kingdom of nowhere
Filename: aa_kingd.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Good tune in ambient style with "rain and thunder". Liked melody, good drums. This tune is very good, how background [+] Don't have repeats [-] Don't used stereo and other effects Tech level is good, in tune used only 8 channels, it simply, but liked.

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Title: Do ya like Jungle?
Filename: 1.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This is basically composition in jungle style [+] Don't used looped samples [-] Don't used stereo and other effects [-] Tune have many repeats

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Title: Bussimatkailumusa
Filename: BUSSI.S3M
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
I'm not so sure about the classification of this song, it seems that blues is the closest tho'.Now if your a blues fan, don't be gettn' excited, this song represents a very mediocre example of what blues can be. A couple of piano samples, a few cymbals, and some synth sounds is all you'll find here, so look elsewhere for rippin' purposes.

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Title: bullpowa
Filename: bullpowa.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Oh boy.... Just what the doctor ordered! Another really crappy techno song. Frankly, I don't know how these songs get into the archive in the first place. Its done badly, sounds bad, and its pretty annoying. The only good thing is that its short. NOTE: "gras" was the only thing written within this song, so I'm assuming its the artist name. Most samples are just terrible noises. Some of the worst I've ever heard!

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Title: Rough Times
Filename: b_rough.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A nice short ballad. It captures kind of a sad feel, and it should. It seems the artist made it for some poor 18yearold dude who killed himself in his neighbourhood. Plain samples, nothing fancy here. A few synths, bass drums, and piano.

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Title: Because of You / Dj Yan
Filename: b_of_you.it
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This song is a mixed bag. It starts out just fine, with a nice seashore background and some soft synths and a synth piano, but quickly becomes too repetitive. The good thing is that the artist noticed this too, so when the song starts to annoy you, it suddenly changes into a new rhythm(like the jump from pattern 26 to 35). Some patterns can also be too noisy. The samples are pretty much the same that most techno mods use, synths, bass drums, synth bass, noise samples, beeps,...etc. Nothing any sample ripper is without.

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Title: <-*God is good*->
Filename: b_gig.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10

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Title: Jesus Rockz!
Filename: b_jesus.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Hmmm..to be honest, I really didn't like this song that much. I found it too repetitive, no originality, and waaaaayyyyy to long! It takes about 9 minutes! Just plain boring to listen to. Samples are pretty much the same'ol same'ol you'll find on most of this guy's music. A few synth strings, cymbals and bass drums. All in 8bit, and so-so quality.

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Title: Upstream Waterfall
Filename: upstream.s3m
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Yeah, this is a great track. The rhythm flows, the beat is repetitive, but grooves. Nice transistions and a nice break-beat. Definately a driving song, which is why most Trance-type songs make good driving songs. (i.e. Autobahn by Kraftwerk) This Track had a "Kraftwerk-esque" sound to it. Very pleasing and nice to hear. Poison Mick Ivy sounds to me like a good tracker.... Knows what he's doing in certain respects. I'd like to see him track more in Impulse Tracker so he has a wider range of filters and plug-ins to play with. I haven't heard anything else by him yet, but i'm sure they are good. The tech level in this track is good and Mick...keep up the good work.

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Title: My Heart Will Go On
Filename: b_dionrv.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Ok, another version of the same song, but with a faster dance beat. I liked this on better. The volume here is fine, and since its twice as fast, it ends twice as fast too!!(Joke) Don't get me wrong, the original song was ok, Its just that I'm tottaly sick of it by now. These samples are much better. The string piano is pretty cool. They're not too loud and not too noisy.

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Title: My Heart Will Go On
Filename: b_dion.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A remix of the Titanic song. This song is pretty simple, not nearly as orchestrated as the original one. A big problem I found was the volume. The volume here really needs to be adjusted. The digital strings and the flute(most of all) need to be turned down! This song was blowing off my speakers even at modest volumes, producing a nasty windy noise. The samples are pretty noisy, specially the flute and string samples. For some reason, the flute sample is repeated 3 times (unnecesary waste of space in KBs worth) The rest are just a few cymbals and a bass drum.

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Title: yhdyslinkki 5 b
Filename: Y5B.S3M
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Hey, this is a really good song! Even though I don't like techno music that much, I really enjoyed listening to this song! It has some very nice effects to be an s3m file, and it has a sticky rhythm. The only problem I found is that it's a bit on the short side. If this song was longer, it would be a sure 10! Hmm, now here's something weird. The samples in this song sound kinda hissy and a bit noisy when played alone, but when played in the song, they sound Exellently clean!? Must be some filtering effect I yet haven't learned to use! The voices for example; when listened to them individualy they sound pretty messy, but in the song they are very clear. Thats something I gotta give the artist/s credit for.

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Title: Reflections
Filename: reflect.s3m
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Great song! Nice, slow, and easy. The harp lays down the perfect ambience for the rest of the song to base itself upon. The choir in the background gives it flavor. This song surely deserves a place on hard drives everywhere! Very nicely done. XaRn uses his samples well. They are complete and consistent. This song is well balanced, and not overdone in any aspect. The synth instruments (unbelievably) meld nicely with the otherwise symphonic composition.

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Title: Emergency (remix)
Filename: reemrgnc.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
This song has a good beat, and a creative twist for dance music. Good solid beginning, with a consistent body and finish. Very dancible. It has a few transitions throughout, that flow nicely with the melody and bassline. This song has a very consistent sound to it, and performs its intended task well. Good sample quality, and good transitions. More transitions would help, without killing the consistency. Mabye some more samples could be used, but the ones that are used, fit perfectly.

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Title: [ READY TO FLOW ] Ja
Filename: redyflow.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Great dance song. It has that familiar beat, and puts it to great use. A little variance in the progression would have helped make this song a 9 or 10. The samples are mixed just right. The beat and the melody meld well.

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Title: cotton eye joe
Filename: rednex.mod
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 2 / 10
This is not a remix. This is a set of clips recorded from the original song, and pieced back together the way they came apart. If you liked the oiginal, go for it! This song uses no effects, and serves little purpose other than to be a clone of the original.

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Title: The Redery.
Filename: redery.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
This song is short, and goes nowhere. Decent drumline, poor baseline, and nothing more. The song used samples that should have been used in a more complicated song. Little creativity in the variance of the music.

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Title: Red Buster
Filename: REDBUSTA.S3M
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Great sounding tune! It is a short song that doesn't get old fast. This artist knew just how to accomplish the right sound for what he wanted. Download this. Some effects used, and put to good use. The sound blends well, and gives the song its own place.

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Title: Reconnaissance Front
Filename: recon.it
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 2 / 10
Sorry, folks, this is not one of RabiteMan's better productions. It is a repetitive tune with little creativity. He tries to vary the song, however, succeeds only in ending up with what he started with. Poor samples that sound like they were riped from a C64 and no effects used gives this song a rather low technical rating. There doesn't seem to be any tracking skills shown here.

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Title: "ReBounce" by E-Keet
Filename: REBOUNCE.S3M
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Good blend of sound. It is apparent how E-Keet wanted you to feel as you listen. It starts out strong, but changes little until the end. However, this airy little song is enjoyable, and worth downloading for sure. The samples were chosen well, but could have used some tweaking. E-Keet used his effects well, and made for a consistent blend in the music, but more samples could have helped.

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Title: The Reincarnation Of Yammah
Filename: YAMMAH5.S3M
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A pretty cool song with some weird screams. This song really reminds me of playing with my commodore64 back in the early 80s. I don't know if it's that I had a game that sounded like this or just the overall feel of it. Its sounds pretty damn good anyways. Didn't find any technical problems with it. It has some good 8bit samples, but nothing special.

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Title: The Yeah Song
Filename: yeah.mod
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
This is one of those crappy songs you make in 3 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing againt them, in fact I've done a few myself, but I don't think their the kind of songs that should be put up for everyone to(unfortunately) download! Its an original by "The Ravellos"...? and remixed by Zoltan. The samples here consist in very bad voice recordings of what seems to the the 3 stooges, some scratchy YEAH's, about 3 noisy intrument samples. One sample tho', (sample 15) is a pretty cool guitar chord.

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Title: Yummy Gap
Filename: yummygap.mod
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
About the classification, I could't put my finger on it. I guess robot is the closest because it sounds like a bunch of bots beeping around. This is actually not a bad song. The synth bass samples sound good in this tune, and the simple string background goes along well with the song. Bunch of synth bass samples some mediocre drums and strings. Not the worst I've heard. Sample rippers: Look elsewhere.

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Title: yesterday`s dreams
Filename: yestdr.xm
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well...just another plain techno song. Nothing new here, sounds pretty much the same as most of the others out there. Plain rhythm, nothing sticky, not many noticeable effects. Ok 8-bit samples consisting mostly of synths, a few voices, and a few clear cymbals.

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Title: your music
Posted Fri 27th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well what do you know! Another Techno song! How strange! This is your classic techno mod with cheesy voice samples. Sorry Bud, not MY music. Samples consist of scratchy synths, a bunch of Biiips, bliiips, and bloops, that sound like an old atari2600's sound bank, and the ever amusing voice sample.

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Title: KAMANKA (FB2K Mix)
Filename: kamanka.it
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
This song is hardly worth reviewing. It is basically a drum beat with a load of samples of people swearing. Great. Well, the drum beat is OK. Erm...that's it. The voice samples are low quality and pointless. This is not a song, it's someone attempting to be funny.

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Title: katakomb
Filename: katakomb.mod
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This song really sounds good. It's a weird kind of ambient rock style, but the mixture of the drum beat and the ambient, almost trance-like sounds, makes the tune sound really great. There is even a short Star Wars remix in the middle. Literally the only thing wrong is there are two times in the middle of the tune where there is a fuzzy-like sample to split sections which sounds awful. The samples are of a really high quality, and really create an atmosphere. There is a good use of stereo here, along with a whole host of other effects. Apart from the fuzzy sample mentioned above, the samples are all perfect. The tune is just of the right length, and there is very little repeated material. A great song.

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Title: Kanni paalle,jee-jee
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The music here is all right, but in places in sounds distorted and too harsh. There is no real melody, but the beat is good and it is the kind of song you can imagine dancing too in a night club. The song stops too abruptly at the end. The samples are OK, but the guitars sound too distorted. There aren't any noticeable effects used and some of the samples don't go together properly. There are good bits though, and there are a variety of beats used in the song. Overall then, good drums, but the rest needs looking at a bit.

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Title: Urban Storm
Filename: urbstorm.mod
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
Oh my god, I have heard way better .MOD files than this. This has to be, by far the most whacked-out track I have heard. Funny thing is, it was done not too long ago, and when MOD tracked music was just getting good. I would like to hear something more recent from Numbers of Eclecticity music. Samples used are like wood pipes and klickity-klacks. Very annoying. Download this if you want a good laugh. Almost robotic. 3 minutes of hell is more or less what I would call it. My first track is way better than this. There is reall no Tech Rating for this because there is no Tech value in this mod. Definately one to check out and then delete.

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Title: l o v i n g [unreal]
Filename: u_loving.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This track is very good. Lots of Pianos, good bassline, somewhat droning but not bad. I would like to hear a "hyped-up" version of this track. A few nature sounds, actually quite nice. I'd listen to this about once a day. One thing about this artist, They're good but needs a little more work. Watch out for the droning. in the previous track "u_lvoc.xm", basically the same thing, except this one has good feeling to it. Samples were used appropriately and good and clear. Very good for a small track.

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Title: Lift me up - Vocal
Filename: u_lvoc.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Very nice sounding track. The bassline is good, vocals are somewhat repetitive in what I think shhould have been spaced out a little better. The beat is good, but no transitional phases, and droning but should have been a longer song. If this is the artist's first song, it is a really good track. If it's not the artist's first track, then I might suggest more transitions, a good break beat and longer track. SHoul dhave had more transistions. The choice of instruments/samples used are really good. This song needs to be longer. The samples are clear and can be used for other projects. but all in all, a pleasent sounding Track but if you didn't have a radio in your car, this si a song that would clearly be stuck in your head for the long drive. :)

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Title: after eight
Filename: aftereight.mod
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Funky! I feel funky! This song is great, despite a small amount of repetition, the guitar goes quite well, as do the solos. Yeah, good work for a 4-channel mod, very impressive. The samples are clean and clear and yet the filesize is minimum, makes ME happy! :)
