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Title: Rapid Burn Descent IV
Filename: afterbur.it
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Beautiful use of strings, great chords and harmony. It's a very long song I must say, and in such odd meter, you don't people use 192 length patterns all that often. The filter loops got to me after a while, it just seemed to be the same thing over and over. It sounded like the slides used were a bit off key. Nice use of volume and effects.

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Title: Afro head stuck in a bong
Filename: AFROHEAD.S3M
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
This song is a beauty, 60's funk at its peak. This is so wonderfully different than everything else I've heard. Who would've thought they'd put funk in a mod, and so well! Yeah, effects were great, it was beautiful, except I think the organ lead could have been louder. Don't forget to keep listening to the song after it ends, there is a kickin drum solo.

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Title: Framed
Filename: framed.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
One major problem with this mod, is that it sounds muted, allowing the bass to almost drown out all of the other samples. But nevertheless, its still sounds pretty nice, but once again, just too short. One of the better piano samples i've heard in a while, but the others are nothing impressive

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Title: Frames of passion
Filename: frames_o.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A very intersting song to listen too, but is major shortcoming is its lenth, only 2 minutes long, it could have been soo much better. oh well Definatley some original samples used in this one, and they all sound pretty darn good

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Title: The Freak-Ecstasy Mix NBT
Filename: freakier.it
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
At a staggering 8:30 long, this is one mod that keeps it interesting for the entire length of the song, with more break-aways than you can poke a stick at, its definately worth a listen. High quality samples used with good effect. Very clear and crisp song

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Title: Love opens your eyes
Filename: 2383-loveopensyoureyes.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice sounding song that definatley keeps you intersted long enough to listen to its 5 minute lenth. Really well used samples to set background atmosphere too A very well constructed mod, with impressive sounding samples. Job well done

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Title: frantic
Filename: Frantic.mod
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
When an artist doesn't put his name to his mod, u know theres gotta be sumthing wrong with it. So heres the list:- Only 33 seconds long, about 2 different patterns used, and some really bad sounding samples too. Poor samples used, and really just a quickly thrown together mod altogether.

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Title: fRAUD
Filename: fraud.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Not exactly an inspiring song here, but still nice to listen to when you need to realx a little. Could have used some more upbeat sections to keep ppl interested, but nevermind. Nice samples used, but really theres only 5 different samples used.

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Title: frankfurt
Filename: frankfur.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Hmm, a little too long for comfort really (8 mins). Its just little too boring to keep listening to it. There really is no clear defination between the introduction and the main part. Actually fairly lame sounding samples here. could have used some better quality samples.

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Title: FreakyBirthday//M00G
Filename: freakyb.xm
Posted Thu 26th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Nice little silly tune, that certainly is a bit different from the normal Hppy Birthday tune we all know and love. Cool sounds effects remind me something the Marx brothers might have come up with As mentioned above, nice sounding effects, but its still a fairly simple song

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Title: MEL -Free
Filename: free.it
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This is one mod that was on my HDD before i even began reviewing for the MA, so it must be good :) Its a lovely ambient track, only spoilt by its shortness ( 2:45) Excellent Craftsmenship here. High quality samples used to thier full potential. Well done

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Title: Free -MScope-
Filename: free.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
A fast, but relatively dull beat track that doesn't exactly get the blood pounding, but still not going to cause any heaadaches if you listen to it :) Nice samples used, very clear and crisp. and all put together well

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Title: Free Birds
Filename: freebird.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice little ambient tune, but let down by rather simple sounding samples. Also a litle monotonous, but still a nice listen anyway. As noted in the credits, all of these samples were done on Roland keyboards, and they really could have been a bit better.

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Title: Friends...
Filename: friends.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Lovely sounding song, definately one of the best trance songs i've heard in a while. original sounding, and a perfect 6 minutes long. Job well done Nice sounding mod, all the samples are crisp and clear. Excellent craftsmanship

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Title: the magic insence
Filename: tx_magic.it
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The sound for the genre is there, and it works well. But the piece does so little for so long, it tends to get too boring too easily. This piece doesn't do too much for the first two minutes, just trances out into repetition. The key changes break the monotony, and then past the three minute mark, an interesting melody breaks out. There is practically no chord scheme changes except for where there are key changes, which dulls this song even more. However, the trancability of this piece is there, and in force.

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Title: Two Minutes Beat
Filename: twomin.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Keep in mind, folx, that this is 3 kilobytes compressed! This one really doesn't do that much, with a lot of the same patterns used over and over. Very repetitious. The song was repetitious and the chip sample sounds weren't great. It's really uninteresting to listen to.

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Title: The Search for me
Filename: t_search.mod
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
I really liked the opening part of this song, really creepy. The lead used in the fast part is quite odd, but works with this song. The pulsating after the fast part is awesome! This song has many good points, and make this song truly enjoyable to listen to. The string sample was pretty bad at the beginning, but the rest of the samples are good, and work well with other samples in the song.

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Title: I can't see
Filename: t_se.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A very melted arrangement here, things seem to slide together, which I believe was the composer's intent to make things sliding around. Gives the feeling of a lack of vision. Unusual ending. Some clicking in some of the longer samples hurt this section. Too much repetition of the sliding melody really hurts this song.

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Title: cyberquote_9
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This mod comes from the days where mods were made for techno and only used to make techno. This song proves the power some composers had with only 4 channels at their disposal. This song still amazes now. Very nice tune constantly changing and changing. If you like techno then I strongly suggest this one. Even though no panning was used with the samples it's still good in stereo. Samples are nicely recorded and none of them seem distorted or overpowered by others. This song sometimes sounds like it's using more then 4 channels because of the ingenious mixing of the tracks together. Listen to it to hear what I mean :)

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Title: Cloudscape
Filename: cloud.mod
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Classic Zodiak! This one came first at The Party 3 multichannel Compo. One of the first 8 channel mods and very nicely done. Constant piano and lead keep the song interesting, and of course Zodiak's guitar samples tuned in perfectly with the music. A classic that's still amazing for it's time. Zodiak's trademark guitar samples that he sample himself are clear and go perfectly in tune and on rhythm with the music. Panning is included so make sure to listen to this baby in stereo. The samples are a little old fashion but are still decent.

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Title: Chariots Of Fire
Filename: CHARIOT.S3M
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Almost exactly like the original by Vangelis. Song was transcribed perfectly by HMW If you liked the original song then this mod is as close to the original that I've heard. Be sure to play this song in stereo for the samples dance left and right perfectly with the music. The samples are crisp and clean except for the cymbal smash which sorta crackles near the end. Aside from that the song is a masterpiece in transcribing the original samples over.

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Title: Cafe Del Mar (HT)
Filename: c-cafe.xm
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Same little piano solo played over and over and over with a change in percussion. Personally I think it could've been worked on a bit more to include maybe a lead or another piano solo? Nothing special here. No panning samples but a little stereo is included. Some drums seem to play only on the left or right sometimes and then the whole thing starts again in the middle.

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Title: "Allocated Bytes" by E-Keet
Filename: DAGOSKI.S3M
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This song keeps you hooked with the neat changes in melody with a nice piano riff in the background for much of the song. The song captivates you right off the start with a nice intro and finishes off with a pretty good ending. A story is told in this piece. A lot of need effects are used, samples sound great together. No repetition! This is great and very rare in songs these days. The drumbeat throughout is very good and has lots of fills to keep the listener on his seat.

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Title: The African Village
Filename: afrihunt.it
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Hmm... different is what I'm thinking... very very different. Definately a unique song, it more or less tells a story about a day in the life of a tribal African village. Very inresting but confusing at points. Wow, cool sounds. Those samples were DEE-licious, great use of different drum sounds. I must point out that the song became unbalanced at one point where a lot of instruments were panned left, not a big deal really, more of a casual observation.

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Title: affliction
Filename: AFFLICT.S3M
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A broken-down enigma remix essentially, done very well I must say. It seems overwhelming at points, but it's a nice overwhelming. The vocals could've been a bit quieter however. He has a masterful use of odd percussion. Very clean, samples were great. The only obvious technical problem was that the vocals had background stuff in them, if they were quieter it might not have been so noticeable. Nowadays you can filter out some of that stuff, but hey, whatever floats your boat!

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Title: Affinity
Filename: affinity.mod
Posted Wed 25th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A nice, enigma/prodigy/etc. mix. It sounds wonderful, a lot like a journey, the shining point of this song is how well the song flows. The drum track kicks and the vocal a nice. Effects were moderate but good, and his use of only four channels was wonderful considering the superb quality of the samples, not something we see too often.

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Title: affair
Filename: AFFAIR.MOD
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A beautiful piano ballad with a great lead. The only downer is that it is so short, it couldn've benefitted from a better plot. Effects used well as was volume and speed. The piano sample was a little dirty but all in all, very good for only 4 channels.

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Title: aevias
Filename: aevias.mod
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A great christmas song, everything goes together well and it sounds great (check technical rating). The leads were strong the drums were somewhat odd and the chords fit really well. Okay, my only REAL complaint given that Deathjester did this in 4 tracks is that the drum samps sound terrible. This is another one of those songs that could benefit from more channels and better instruments.

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Title: GyroTEkniKA
Filename: gyrotekn.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
A kind of Hard Techno song. Maby an OK song as an Hard techno tune, nut there is something missing there. Something that make the song finnished/done. the bass is cool, but after hearing the song severel times, it gets anoying. The bass is kinda cool and the samples is OK, but the artis coud have done some much more with the song. By adding more samples, it coud have been much better.

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Title: Sinus Aestuum
Filename: aestuum2.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well, the song was clean and delicious, but that synth was just too unnerving. Perhaps if it was quieter or maybe only one cycle was sampled it would have sounded better. It just made the song sound messy and off-tempo. The song was extremely clean, no clicking in the samples (except where intentional) and nice new samples were used. Hooray! Effects and volume used well.

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Title: aerodynamisk neger
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Well, this one's a chip off the ol' block... okay that was corny. I guess the best word for this one is cute. Small (1k) and short (32sec) but not too bad for a chip tune. Well, technical ratings are real low, but then again, it's a chip tune, whaddaya expect? Of course effects are used endlessly.

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Title: Advent
Filename: Advent.mod
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Whoa, a whopper at 8 minutes for Sidewinder, kudos for doing this in 4-channels but it isn't his best work. The song goes through several changes, they're all nice except it leaves you feeling far away from the original song. He also has a tendency to adlib a lot. Not particularly in this tune, though. Hey, 4-channels of pure music, he's one of my favorites. This tune uses a moderate amount of effects and very good use of volume (as is his style), and is all around good.

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Title: adrenochrome
Filename: a-chrome.mod
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Hey, a nice remix of several songs, not bad work, a shame that the compose forgot to sign it. It really isn't a bad song, its a nice length and kinda exciting, but see below. The poor sample quality and restriction to four channels REALLY hurt this song, it could also use some panning and better effects.

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Title: Giana sisters.Jam.96
Filename: g_sister.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
A nice song, that sounds good. It seams that it's based on the Theam song to Gina Sisters. The artsist have worked on the song. But he coud have done so much more with it. If he had just ,made it longer. No you have to have the repeat option enabled. The songs have good samples. But the artist have only used 4 tracks. It coud have sounded that much better if he had used fore tracks to make effects.

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Title: Ten to Twelve.
Filename: 10-12.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Very good tune, with good samples. Have not repetions, but too short (1 min) Used original samples. Good tech rating. Tune have nice echo and volume effects. Don't have panning effects. All tune is playing in 32 position of panning (Think, it is mono).

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Title: Bug World (HT)
Filename: c-bugwld.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Song is repetitifs except for different drum looped samples thrown in after a while of the same tune being played over and over. Looks like the composer had a tune but never built on it and decided to play it over and over and just add some other samples in there until the end. The ending is not very nicely done - the drum sample just cuts out unevenly with less then 2 seconds left in the song. Nothing fancy in this piece. No cool panning effect. Seems like all the samples are centered. Samples are nothing to special in originality either. All have been used before in this type of music (maybe except for the fluty sounding sample). The only thing that is maybe good here is that the drum samples actually go well and on beat with the tune.

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Title: Basic Lifeform (HT)
Filename: c-basic.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Tune is very basic and not very interesting. This song is extremely repetitif and tries to sound better by panning some samples left and right. Song falls very short at the end with a sample thrown in that's not heard throughout the whole song. The artist should've spent more time building on the tune instead of just adding more perccusion and/or bass and panning the samples. Nothing fancy here except the panning samples, as easy as fooling around with the X00 commands. The samples are basic and traditional in this style and there are only 4 - 16 bit samples out of 24. You can't really distinguish the 8 bit from the 16 bit ones because their used to monotoneously.

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Title: Above Destiny
Filename: cyc_dest.it
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
I say it again. Cyclone knows piano solos! Very good piano in this piece accompanied by good percussion. Good baseline keeps the song nice and mellow sounding. No distinctive lead tho. Good use of lyrics spoken throughout the song. Nicely woven together and finished off properly. Samples are all nice and 8 bit! The drums could've been sampled at a higher rate. They sound like the drums in those old 4ch MODS. Nonetheless they still fit in nicely with the other samples in this piece. Good panning effects used so be sure to play in stereo to get the full effect of the song. Lyrics are well volumed to be heard nicely with the other samples. A worthy additions to any of Cyclone's fan.

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Title: 1_.s3m
Filename: 1_.s3m
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Uhh! What I can say? This tune has not almost rhithm, the melody is absent absolutely. The creator ask: "What style is it?" Think, this is no music and this don't have style. )= Think thanking used samples this one possible to name, how "Rock"... Song composed with Scream Tracker 3. But it don't have panning's commands, it don't have echos. This song is the set of the ridiculous notes of a differets samples.

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Title: One of the rest
Filename: 1.it
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
This song composed in Dream House style, have nice rhythm and melody. It don't have many repetition and leght is 3 min with half. One thing, that unliked for me: song interrupts some times. These interrupts are delayed. Good samples, used Instrument mode (basically for work with loudness). It is not enought effects with panning. In used echo.
