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Title: Take A Note / Doc
Filename: takenote.it
Posted Mon 14th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
This cool track demonstrates nicely built jazz-lines. Bassline is great, really. Piano lines are good, sound like as played alive. Trumpet line is also great. Short ; music is professional and very, VERY nice to listen. Hmm, some cleaning with volumes. As example ; trumpet echo could have lower volume, or I'm just stupid. Otherwise song is well balanced and has proper panning overall. Something I would change is the drums. Cut down some volumes there and over there and this song would have atleast ½ points more. Especially I didn't like snaredrums.

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Title: Solitary (Lonliness)
Filename: lonely_ej.mod
Posted Mon 14th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
This song is a mix of slow and a bit faster metal or maybe heavy would be better style. First the song appears to be ok. Piano sounds nice even that it is not in tune all the time, drums are simple but fit to the beginning, but... The leadguitar is awful. Not that the music would be bad but the sample and the use of it is. It is so loopy that your ears ache. The change from the slow part to the fast one ain't the best but when getting back to slowspeed, the change is much better. This song lasts for over 6 minutes. It could last from 3 to 4 minutes since there are patterns that are used quite many times.=) Nice textures time to time and definetely some trying involved. Just track more and do some final fixings to the song and you'll be a good one.=) Techically this song ain't anything special. There are no effects used and tracking is pretty simple. I liked the bassdrum and piano sounds nice in some places. Leadguitar wasn't chosen well and the whole song suffered from it. Structure was also quite good but the whole song needs some fineadjusting. Little mistakes are here and there, but the fixing thing is something that comes with time and desire to learn.

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Title: Never Ending Torture
Filename: torture.it
Posted Fri 11th Jan 2002
Rated 1 / 10
You can *almost* tell there's some sort of tune trying to make its way out of this mess. None of the melodies or harmonies seem to even be in the same key let alone the same theme. Musically, this track is worthless. At least the artist was honest in naming it; I think it's supposed to be a mangled remix of the Never Ending Story by Limahl. This track is absolutely riddled with effects. I think the artist knows how to use a tracker, but with the sort of musical talent that went into this, it's hard to give an accurate technical review. The samples are all 8-bit mono, and most of them loop badly, but no matter how bad, technically this piece is better than it is musically.

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Title: ## come loose ##
Filename: cumloose.mod
Posted Thu 10th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
1st 30 seconds sounds really promising : Nice raise, cool cowbell, nice drums, lovely bassline and the strings sound really great, but then... The song begins.=) Not that this would be a bad song, but it is just so normal and usual that I got disappointed. Textures are nice, but the whole song just feels like it would play the same patterns over and over again. That can also be said with "repetitive". Melodies change,but the background doesn't and it makes this song sound a bit boring. Otherwise pretty nice tune. Awww... Technics are ok in every way. Effects are used and theres nothing wrong with'em. Samples are good, but the leadsample is maybe little powerless and not so good choice to this song. Don't mind, just my opinion.=) Overall a nice song but it just ain't anything special either. Btw, at least Sonique doesn't play this piece right so it is better to use something else on this case.

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Title: untitled
Filename: lush.it
Posted Tue 8th Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
I've had this song on my HD for a very long time and I've also had huge problems reviewing it. Can't really tell why. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are some things in this song that just annoy me although this a good song. Hmm... The bpm in this song is pretty low. The beginning sounds like industrial with acidsamples, but after a while it doesn't anymore. The acidsampleloops play a bit too much during the song since those samples are rough and loud. Besides half of this song could be cutted out and it would only make this better since the song lasts 7.30 mins and it repeats the same patterns too much. Good song musically otherwise and artist sure ain't a rookie. Pannings were used effectively in this song, but actually those are the only effects that are used enough to mention. Acidloops sound ok although I still think that they were used too much.=)Breakbeats are ok, strings are ok, except when played alone since there is a special effect on those and it just doesn't play perfectly all the time, but who cares. Technics are ok overall. Half shorter song and I would propably keep this track looooong long time.=)

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Title: Main Theme.
Filename: tema1_1.xm
Posted Tue 8th Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
This creepy tune sent chills up my spine the first time I listened to it. The bells give it a mysterious tone while the deep harmony and sudden drum hits and key changes sound great! It really does sound like it came out of a horror movie (or in this case, I'm guessing a horror game). I only wish the artist added a fade out to the end instead of cutting it off so abruptly. Many of the background non-instrumental sound effects samples add a lot of atmosphere to this track. The voice hymn samples are great (although they take up a lot of space), and the whispering in the background sounds real. It's amazing what a variety of samples the artist has brought together and used in various ways in this track. The effects and tempo changes only enhance the creepiness of the song.

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Title: The Final Fantasy
Filename: thefinalfantasy.it
Posted Tue 8th Jan 2002
Rated 2 / 10
As soon as the track starts, you know something is wrong - the piano sample has some bad distortion, especially at higher pitches. At least the melody is correct! The annoying piano arpeggios continue for almost a minute until the orchestral harmony kicks in. At first it sounds promising but it gets worse; it sounds just as bad as the piano. Finally, the song ends abruptly without any sort of ending. This track looks tracked out by a beginner. The piano slowly pans from left to right which would have been nice if the sample was any good. The artist adds a reverb effect by playing a quieter piano offset two notes behind the first. Barely any effects are used at all, and the poor samples really make the song sound bad.

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Title: The Rain Falls
Filename: t-rainfl.it
Posted Tue 8th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
A slow, sad sounding track. The solo strings sound harsh at the beginning of the track, but the brass gives the piece a full sound and the harp blends in great. I especially like the ascending harp solo near the end. When all the instruments are together for the bulk of the piece, it really goes well. The themes are all subtle and no single melody seems to stand out, giving the track a sort of muffled feel and adding to the atmosphere. The snare drum sample stands out as fake compared to the other instruments, some samples don't loop very well, and there is a noticeable pop in the kettle drum triples which doesn't show up in the actual sample but is due to the quick shutoff of the sound in the pattern. Overall, it's not too bad, but there are many small improvements that could be made.

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Title: -> Corridors of Time
Filename: time-c.xm
Posted Tue 8th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This track tries to follow a standard euro style beat with a few weird sounds. The main synth melody is catchy and had me tapping my foot, although the first piano melody really sounds off from the rest of the song. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but I was happy when the song got back to the main synth melody. Like any euro style song, it's pretty repetitive. Not a bad track. The main voice sample is OK, but not great - it starts to break up a bit near the end. The drum beat is pre-recorded and most of the samples are low quality but it's amazing how good the song sounds with such mediocre samples. The patterns are simple but effective.

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Title: lars
Filename: lars.mod
Posted Mon 7th Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
When I listened the 1st pattern for the 1st time,I was sure that this is gamemusic from c64 version of "Platoon", but then I noticed that it is not.=) Still this song sounds very much like from some old amiga game. Samples are those old synth samples and drums and bass, but the trumpets in the track gave something refreshing to this piece. Nice melodies and some samplemixes that sounded very nice together. Towards the end this one starts to feel a bit repetitive although the lenght is less than 3 minutes. Propably veeeeery old track and in those days none had heard about effects.=) Sounds still pretty good and actually gave a quite nice impression. Dunno why actually,but I guess it is the sum of good popsong and feeling of nostalgia.=) Nothing actually wrong here since there is nothing to mess with. Ok for a mod.=)

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Title: Le pretre Egyptien
Filename: le_pretre.xm
Posted Mon 7th Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
Hmm, since this song was inspired by a game music and it is quite hard to categorize I decided it to be gamemusic. Maybe some sort of folk would be quite near? Anyway, the song is very simple : In the beginning there is a piano, then there are strings and bass and drums. And once the instrumenttrack has been played, it plays a lot and is always the same. So, that means that this is very repetitive song and it hasn't got much variation. BUT, in all simplicity there is something good to say also. Somehow the song started to play in my mind so the melody must be pretty catchy.=) New tracker I would guess. Sounds like it.=) But hey, don't worry. This ain't THAT bad. Just keep tracking.=) Well, not so much to say, since the artist hasn't used any effects. Loop in the strings is badly wrong and should be fixed. Umm, in the end there is a place where string keeps playing even that it most likely shouldn't keep playing anymore. And the ending... Hey, don't be that hasty. It doesn't need to end like in to the wall.=) Positive thing here, nothing is badly out of tune.

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Title: ATB MegaRemix
Filename: tbo_atb.xm
Posted Mon 7th Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
TbO & Vega have tracked out another great song. For what it's worth, the songs in this track are quite close to the originals. The transitions are executed flawlessly and the whole track fits sounds great; it almost sounds like it belongs on a CD! The only thing that doesn't work well is this weird pause for a few seconds near the end of the song. After that, the song just doesn't feel as good as it did before. Despite the length, I couldn't stop listening. The voice samples are incredible, the effects are all used perfectly without being overwhelming or noticeable, and the patterns fit together perfectly. There are absolutely no out-of-place sounds in the whole song. I have nothing to complain about here!

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Title: pisello.xm
Filename: pisello.xm
Posted Fri 4th Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
All the melody is perfect.Is a perfect power-metal song like the Rhapsody or Skylark or Labyrinth works.With the voice it might be in one of the albums of the artists that i wrote before.The only negative point is about the drums: they are quite basilar. Also the technical part is very good.This guy know how to use FastTracker.The samples are OK(now i use the guitar sample that is in this song, is very good, thanx Mastrangelo!).The only one thing that don't fit the song at all is the name: Pisello in italian means "Penis" :-(

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Title: face the truth
Filename: facetru.mod
Posted Thu 3rd Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
Another song with nice intro, but this one also has some variation, which is always a good thing.=) Not a complicated song musically,but when tracked into 4 channels it is a different thing.=) Drums and bassline sound very nice and melodies ain't that bad either. Simple and groovy pop tune with flutes and synths. Sounds like basic good amigamodule : nothing ecstatic but nothing wrong.=) Worth trying. When a 4-channel mod is demostyle and sounds good too, it is quite obvious that technics are under control like here. Effects are used with skill but artist doesn't try to prove that he is some sort of effectmaster like sometimes someone does. Ascender just shows that he is able to do some good music with the things that are necessary. I like that.=) Good job.

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Title: Latearly
Filename: latearly.it
Posted Thu 3rd Jan 2002
Rated 7 / 10
This is a song that I would really like with few differences. The intro is lovely and very promising. The strings sound clean and ethereal and I almost melt into my seat,but then the strings fade almost away, come back again and fade again.=) But this time a "twing" sample begins its part. It is nice,but a smoother sound would maybe be better. After a second listening the song starts to feel repetitive and that is propably the biggest minus in this song. More variation into melodies and drums and I am sold.=) Nice relaxing track that sounds good at least the first time.=) Nothing that special here. Some effects are used, for example panning and slides and I got nothing to complain about those. Samples are well chosen except for that "twing" sample that kept bothering me. This kind of song doesn't really need any tricks or huge amount of effects. It sounds best when it is simple and floaty, like now and I guess that the artist agrees with me since this song is tracked like it is.=)

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Title: laugh
Filename: la8b.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Jan 2002
Rated 9 / 10
I used to like rap when it still was good ( in the 80's and early 90's),but nowadays it mostly sounds like s*it. So it is pretty weird that I liked this one so much,because it sounds more like rap today. This track is pretty slow and melancholic,but the excellent realization makes this one sound really good. Laughsample in the beginning gave me creeps and the feeling that something awful is coming up,but then the song starts and it starts to sound good. Huge amount of vocals here and they sound good. You can actually sing along with this.=) It also begins to play in my head. Niiiiice work. Very good.=) Sounds really like a real song. Get this if ya like rap.=) Awesome I would say. First of all the vocals : Every sample is an 8-bit sample,but you really wouldn't tell without seeing it.=) Panning is great, flanger is created and words just slide together without any small stops between samples.This is the way the vocals should be present if used in trackersongs. So what about the rest of this song? Great, lots of variation, basic but nice drums, bass and other sounds are selected with good ear and there is no sample that sounds bad... But, no chills- no 10. =)

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Title: Trinaty Quest II
Filename: tinatyq.xm
Posted Tue 1st Jan 2002
Rated 5 / 10
it has a good melody but it's too simple.. maybe this guy should be more complex next time. the piano sound good and the base and drums set is also ok to here. i think it relevent with the title. there is no advance effect and it allways repeat the track and that what make be boring about this music. this music also too short and the it so simple. for me this tune not very good

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Title: redline
Filename: mfm10.xm
Posted Tue 1st Jan 2002
Rated 8 / 10
the melody of this song is quite good.. i can't stop listen to this music because it like the tune and the panflute is playing well. the lead guitar is also good when it mix with the tune technically this tunes don't have perfect effect and some time the tune of it instrument goes wild. the panflute is to high i think and the distortion guitar is to slow to hear..but i think after all this music is ok to download

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Title: Beginning
Filename: hoc_beg.xm
Posted Mon 31st Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Ahhh!This is a reasonably simple but superb tune.I Loved it right from the first listen.This song has a great synth lead and justs rolls along nicely through small variations on the theme.A great listen. I`m not an expert but it sounds fine to me.Lots of echo, panning and vol slide on the lead creates a stacatto effect.Otherwise just lots of volume manipulation.Still sounds great and worth the download I think.

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Title: Jasnita Baby
Filename: mfm9.xm
Posted Mon 31st Dec 2001
Rated 7 / 10
for me i like this music...some time people create music that have so many effect and so powerfull in technical system but they forgot to create some excellent melody. but for this song...i think the melody is very good technically , this song don't have any powerfull effect and it's always repeat the effect everytime it repeat the track.but anyway this song got very well technic to produce a good melody

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Title: Floating Point
Filename: point.xm
Posted Fri 28th Dec 2001
Rated 4 / 10
The melodic line is repetitive , almost obsessive, and it is the same from the beginning to the end of the song.The drum is all the same percussion lick repeated for all the song.Also the bass is annoysing.The only original trick is made just at the end of the song. The samples are arranged and chose well(nothing special, but all is in his right place).The drumset is quite simple, but for techno music it is OK.Maybe the samples for the melody are quite few, but as i said before, the melody is so simple that don't need particular voices.

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Title: Siphon
Filename: pn-sipho.s3m
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song is damn cathcing!All the melodic line is very good and the main riff is great, also the background & percussions are awesome...the song remebers to me the prog-rock melodies, like Toto, Jethro Tull, also Dream Theater. It's not an heavy song, it sounds very calm ,but not weak.The melody is really powerful and present..not an ambient song.I think that the man that made it is a kind of musician, or anyway he/she plays an intsrument, because the melody arrangement are professional...not from a beginner! As I said before the person that made this song should be a musician...but he doesn't know the computer music very well...all the samples are quite rough and the song finishes with a not very good cut.Anyway that tech faults doesn't low a lot the overall quality of the song, that remains very good.

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Title: moby.Livin' Insanity
Filename: livinins.mod
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Well, what can I say. Moby has never disappointed me and this time is not exeption. Great bassline, nice drums and hilarious organ/saxophonemelodies create 3.06 minutes of great funk music. This tune gives you the jamming mood you need on friday. Nothing special in this song actually, but it's still great. Moby defeats many trackers with only 4 channels. Sample quality ain't of course very good,but still the artist manages to compose a very nice song. Nice slides, vibratos and everything that you can see in old 4-channel module.=) I can't complain about anything. Allways liked Moby's style and still do. Pro job.=)

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Title: Song of Storms Remix-Stuf
Filename: c-zelda1.it
Posted Wed 19th Dec 2001
Rated 7 / 10
The overall effect generated by this tune was good. It did quite resemble the classic song of storms from Z64. After a while, it became a bit repetitive, not that that's a bad thing in techno, but it became slightly monotonus. Nice samples. I enjoyed the drumbeats, but a bit more variety wouldn't do any harm. I also noticed the time was in 4/4 when the song of storms is in 3/4, but if that is just your interpretation, it seemed to work anyway. I would have liked to have heard more effects. Trackers now have so many effects and modulator value modifying syncs and such that it never hurts to include a bit. I heard some retriggering and panning effects, but nothing much. Also volume is a very big issue. I understand that this is an "in your face" type techno beat, but it is audibly pleasing to hear volume variances. I have included all tech ratings in the music section.

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Title: let's play
Filename: letsplay.mod
Posted Thu 13th Dec 2001
Rated 7 / 10
This one sounds pretty much like from some old amiga game. Fast pop music with those "amigamod"-samples. Sounds lame? Maybe,but those who like the kind of style propably like this one too. Lots of variation, nice synthmelodies and some playing with samples. Nice work overall.Happy little tune that plays best in the background. Nothing excellent,but nothing bad neither. Samples are so basic that... Nothing more about them. Textures are nice partially and synthmelodies were ok. Drums are also quite good except that in the end the artist propably got mad with bassdrum and snare.=) Hear it yourself. Use of effects ain't enormous,but when those are used it is almost everytime done for creating somekind of soundeffect. Worth listening maybe?

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Title: -"Long Journey"-
Filename: longj_zk.xm
Posted Wed 12th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
Artist admits that he has got influences from Moby and this is pretty much like Moby's work. But, now it is hard to listen without comparing to Moby's music. Moby wins,but this track is also very good, but little tame. Artist hasn't used guitars so much which might give the lighter mood. Nice melodies, lovely bass, decent drums and ok strings. What more you need? Maybe something your own, now this just feels a bit weak... Good anyway. Samples are from Moby's "Substance" and that way are good. Use of samples is quite good and this kind of music is always refreshing 2 hear when it is composed with skill and this guy is able to do it. Use of effects is quite ordinary. Slides, vibras & so on. No tricks , no fooling around, just simple,plain and good tracking appeared in this song. Although this is in xm-format , the song uses only 4 channels.

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Title: Space Rocket
Filename: a-----03.it
Posted Tue 11th Dec 2001
Rated 4 / 10
This song is a somewhat trancy space track, and sounds like it would make perfect atmospheric music for a futuristic/science fiction game, but was otherwise musically unispired. A short melody is repeated incessantly throughout this song, and while there is a semblance of a countermelody, this is not a song I recommend to listen to from a musical appreciation standpoint. Jussi definitely knows how to track - his instruments are well done (although very few are implemented of the 99 total in this song; it looks like they were thrown together and then not cleaned up, which is usually an indication of serious ripping). The samples work well together, and aren't jarring and don't sound out of place. The effects are very professionally done as well; it's just too bad that the melody itself has very little to offer.

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Posted Tue 11th Dec 2001
Rated 3 / 10
Hmph. This song is some sort of remix of few well-known tunes. It sounds first pretty promising,but turns out to be a...Umm...nothing? This song sounds really old. Samples are propably from those st-01etc. disks. If someone likes these old tunes this is worth getting but otherwise, Nope. No effects, songs aren't own and no decent tracking. So what is so complex here? Nothing. If this is one of those very old modules, I understand this, but it still won't make any difference. This just ain't good.

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Title: Lullaby for Lissa
Filename: lissa.it
Posted Tue 11th Dec 2001
Rated 4 / 10
I know that the lullaby is supposed to be calm and relaxing, but this is too relaxing. Pianos in the background are the same through the song and and the leadpiano... Well, at least it has variation, but the melodies aren't that good. I guess that the composer is a rookie and might b a bit proud of this song. It just feels like that. A big plus comes from the idea that this is composed to the one he loves. So cute ;) Really. Umm... There is no effects, but more than 2 pianos which is good and tells to me about trying, but it has not worked out that fine. The samplechanges sound too well, and in some points the leadpiano goes way too high. It wakes up your girl from sweetest dreams.=) But don't give up. The point is that you made this for Her.

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Title: The Sound of Loud!
Filename: loud.it
Posted Tue 11th Dec 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Oh yeeees.=) *still jamming* Wonderful piece. I really like this. This track slowly raises into hights and on the way it plays with sounds and effects. Once it gets there, it reveals that sample from Prodigy fits to this piece perfectly. Artist propably knows it since he uses it pretty much.=) It is so nice 2 hear a good handling of samples when meaning is to use 'em with maximum capacity. The end repeats itself little too much, but oh man/woman, don't let that bother you. Get this! Now! Yepps.In the intro the artist starts to use panning and adds the amount of effects through the song. Samples were collected with care (at least it sounds like it) and the sample from Prodigy was an excellent idea. Refreshing ideas, effects and great music was gathered into this piece and it just sounds very good.=) I can't describe anything , you have to hear this. Matter of taste this is, but I like it. And He has an artistpage!! I'll download everything!

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Title: Juno Power (Moon Stalker)
Filename: laidnait.it
Posted Tue 11th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This song is a good example about the fact that it is possible to compose a good track without lots of effects or complicated structure. A good sense of rhythm was displayed in this piece and with that I mean that samples were putted right were they belong. Pretty soft piece actually. Sometimes reminds me of Robert Miles and sometimes I get memories from old Rave albums. Enough variation but there is one thing that was bothering me : In the end there is some sort of mistake since samples are not in tune in couple of points and it really gets to your ear. Good track anyway. Technically this track ain't nothing special. It uses very little effects and as I said this is not a complicated track. But the samples are chosen well, and it compares the lack of effects. The artist was sorry for "Clubby" ending,but it wasn't so club that I expected, so don't worry Hobz.=) I live with it and keep this track pretty long on my HD. Worth downloading thinks me...

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Title: Flow ahead
Filename: uc-fah.xm
Posted Mon 10th Dec 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Sweetness, this is a goodie! A brilliantly used chip lead follows the ambient intro of strings and the rythm comes from there. There's nothing really wrong with this song that I could take note of, but maybe there was some awkwardness with the panbrello-- bah, that's just me. Well done! This person used nothing short of 16-bit samples and a barrage of effects and the barrage continues with every variation (and there's tons of that, too). It would be nice; however, if there could be a decent ending, as the song just fades into nothing, but it's a reasonable spot to end it. Nicely put together and definitely something to be proud of.

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Filename: lamba.mod
Posted Sun 9th Dec 2001
Rated 2 / 10
First I was afraid that this is another "lambada"-track. Now I hope that it would have been. In this song appears only one same track that creates the "melody",nuthin' else except for some drums. Good thing about this piece is that it is only 53 secs long. Don't get this. Try the next one. Samples don't sound so bad,but the composing has gone badly wrong. Use of effects ain't worth mentioning. Nothing in this piece is except for that it is bad. Hands off from that 'download'-button!

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Title: Stepfather
Filename: dn-stepf.xm
Posted Sat 8th Dec 2001
Rated 9 / 10
Here we have a piece of music from the 31st Top10 list. I have always thought that if someone tracks metal so that it still sounds good , then the artist is a Pro.=) Drums are effective and I really liked the synths in this piece. Also guitars sound very nice and powerful but leadguitar is only thing that bothers me in this piece. It doesn't sound so good that I've heard in few tracks, but who cares, sounds still good. Besides that one minus comes from the fact that I didn't got the chills.=) Little short maybe for a metal track but worth downloading.=) Really is. Excellent use of samples. And a huge amount of'em (2300k's). Well, everything hasn't been used so maybe some cleaning would b ok next time for unused samples.=) I was sure that there is a lots of effects involved, but no. Only leadguitar uses effects so much that should be mentioned about. Otherwise this song is built on notes and feelings which is nice because it always gives something extra to the song. I can't complain about a thing considering this track except for those leadguitars, but... Nothing else. Get this.

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Title: la disco de jclaude
Filename: ladiscod.mod
Posted Sat 8th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
This sounds pretty much also like those disco songs in the 80's. Nice guitar sample in the background, drums are ok and bassline seems to be working. Vocals are included to this song and those fit pretty well into this track. It is also nice that artists haven't fallen to stretch this song into 10 minutes or something. It lasts 1.30 and is in the edge that do I wanna hear this some more or not. Worth trying maybe. Yepp. Nice samples. Sounds little like a real song.=) The guitar is very nice and vocals are placed so that the whole piece sounds quite harmonic. Effects haven't been used a lot here neither. Some sample cutting and slides,but thats it. Jamming tune I would say...=)

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Title: ladadee remix
Filename: ladadee.mod
Posted Sat 8th Dec 2001
Rated 3 / 10
In the 80's there was this time when Powermixes and BeatBoxMixes were playing everywhere. This song represents that kind of style on its worst (once again). In the beginning there are these bothering DX-Toms, then comes the most annoying organs and the piece is crowned by awful vocals (ladadee etc). If this would last say 2 minutes it would be ok,but now it lasts for 5.40 and it is so god damn repetitive.Yuck! Vocals are annoying but sound pretty clean, samples are overall ok, but use of them is awful and unimaginative. Effects aren't used a lot and...well. I guess that is pretty much it. I don't recommend this to anyone.

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Title: dst_clin.xm
Filename: dst_clin.xm
Posted Thu 6th Dec 2001
Rated 5 / 10
303 is a whole epoche in electronic, and this track proves it. It can`t reach the level of electornic monsters, whose names i cant`t pronounce here at all, but it`s touch me inside, like`em. There`s not enough `music`, but there`s enough emotions, the style, and the `beat`. I like it. It sounds like a full track, but it`s seems to be a chip, when looking at size :) By the way, the `coding` style is good, the samping sounds noisy sometimes, but i can close my eyes, sorry, ears on samples quality. The 303 chords, beginning at 1:15, needs some fading(at the end of sample), and, some development in a biggest melodic part.

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Title: Dual Sine III
Filename: dualsine3.it
Posted Thu 6th Dec 2001
Rated 2 / 10
Okay, here we have just an old boring drums, and old boring bass. It`s true, in some cases, tha dnb is died, but, the reincarnation is still at process :) By the way, this piece is a classic dnb, more classic i`ve ever heard. What can i say - listen to music around you, and don`t stay at the same place. The composer didn`t even heard about the sampling at all. Samples are so often used, that i couldn`t realize, that smb used`em is 2001/2 year. I don`t speak about equalizing - the most important part of electronic - it`s just missed here. At the end, this track demonstries a very-very-VERY old-style rhytmes and composing style. Try to avoid writing such tracks.

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Title: L.I.M.H
Filename: l.i.m.h.xm
Posted Thu 6th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
The more I listen to this song, the more confused I get when I'm thinking that how this song makes me feel. This sounds depressing and beautiful, encouraging and hypnotic. The song is pretty simple. Good strings, synths and drums. Textures in those synths creates that odd athmosphere to this world and once again someone has propably got his own feelings tracked since this sounds so...Oppressive. The only thing that bothered me first was the absence of a deep bassdrum, but now I don't need it anymore... Nice definitive outro. Not that much effects to mention. Some sample offsetting but thats it. Simplicity in this one was the best choice. There is not actually that much variation, but still this song doesn't sound boring. It is monotonic in a positive way. Great selection of samples, those fit perfectly together. Worth listening.

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Title: Unexp ruff drums remix
Filename: l-unrmx.it
Posted Thu 6th Dec 2001
Rated 8 / 10
The song starts with drumloop and piano which sounds pretty weird,but then it starts to build itself up nice'n slowly. 1st two minutes are floaty and light ambient with breakbeats but then it turns more into trance-ravestyle. Because of 303-sample by artist himself,it sounds very nice, I like it a lot.=) Not so catchy track, that it makes me wanna dance, but it is excellent on background and the pianomelody propably stays in my head 4 couple of days.=) Nice job. The artist hasn't used effects a lot, but the rest of this song compensates it. There is some samples by artist (all drumloops 4example) and they sound good and rest of the samples just fit on their places. Nothing special to complain about, refreshing piece actually. Worth downloading. Now, if someone remembers that this one has been reviewed earlier you're right, but the artist contacted me and asked to change the review a bit. So here it is. Rating did not changed, just added some stuff to this review. Greez 2 the artist.
