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Title: Lay all your love on
Filename: lay.mod
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
The second I saw this one, I thought to myself, "Oh lord; a MOD, 66K, and 6 tracks; that's 3 strikes already." (Is it just my imagination, or is there a "666" in there somewhere?) However, much to my delight, it actually did not suck!!! In fact, this fellow made a commendable effort at originality, and I'm happy to say that he earns full credit in that area. Unfortunately, this song seems to lack a bridge and a strong ending, but I was happy to hear something genuine for once... This fellow has potential, and will become really good with practice. Obviously a newbie; the samples were mediocre at best, and it sounded too obviously like a MOD. However, don't let this dissuade you; despite his tracking immaturity, this fellow is on his way to writing some fantastic stuff!...

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Filename: lawrulez.s3m
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
This one started out not impressing me with its contrived title. But trust me, the MOD itself is much, much, much, much worse... God, what a pathetic excuse for a piece of music. Starts off with some moron shouting "Here we go!" about 15 million times in a row, and eventually, after 5 minutes of sonic torment, launches into an incredibly boring and repetitive sequence with an awful synth sample. Absolutely screams "reused patterns". Some pretty interesting samples. Unfortunately, these can't save this one from being the worst piece i've heard since laceration of my soul (and that one was basically just a collection of fart samples). Listen at your own risk...

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Filename: laugh.it
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 1 / 10
I might be able to understand this one a little better had it been funny. It wasn't. It didn't even try. It was just an awful-sounding remix of the purple dinosaur's well-known theme. In other words, a waste of my time and yours. Bad samples, poor job of mixing, nothing technically good or even mediocre. Moving right along...

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Title: Larndow (Starfield)
Filename: Larndow.xm
Posted Tue 24th Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Exactly the same as the above larndow.xm, except that this one is missing some of the info. See the other one's review for info. Ditto.

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Title: Soundproof realm
Filename: s_realm.xm
Posted Mon 23rd Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A very good tune to dream.I like this kind of music. First comes the slow background. It's like in a dream. Then the rhytme. Only some parts of the melody is the reason, that this tune didn't become a 9 or higher.

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Title: *The Raving Queen's*
Filename: s.xm
Posted Mon 23rd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Nice song, but follows into the crutch of repetition just a little too much. I'm sure the song would be nearly the same if the first 20 seconds or so were looped. Interesting speed up of tempo at about 0:48. Quite a multitude of instruments and samples, but there is the aspect about the repetition. Very monotonous.

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Title: The summer rain (Anatoly)
Filename: s-rain.it
Posted Mon 23rd Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
Very repetitive song that kind of drones on with a sudden finish. Not one of Anatoly's better songs. Very solid beat, choppy. Starts with a few instruments/samples, then gradually increases another with more, adding to the already continuous melody. Difficult to classify. Simple instruments and some interesting samples. Very easy to make. As long as there's a beat, as choppy as this song, nearly anything could be dumped on top to produce an interesting effect. Overall a very different, yet amusing song.

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Title: themes from 007
Filename: 007.mod
Posted Mon 23rd Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
It is a tracked version of a theme from 007. Tune have pure samples (pure quality and not best selection) This tune is tiresomely, it is a many repeats. Tune don't have good rhithm because it don't have enough drums.

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Title: 007 Bond Mix
Filename: 007mix.it
Posted Mon 23rd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
It's nice mix of 007 theme

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Title: Late Noon Scene (SR)
Filename: LATENOON.S3M
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
Great samples! I absolutely loved the choir sample. Very upbeat, very well done. My only complaint is that there'e very little originality in the tune itself. But despite this, it's very easy to forget that this is a mod you're listening to. Magnificent! Kudos to those who made this; if you could tell me where you got those samples, I'd be a happy fellow...

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Title: last request
Filename: LASTREQ.S3M
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 9 / 10
Gets a bit repetitive, but no more than one might expect from a techno song. Some of the samples are a bit below par, but this does little to detract from the wonderfully done music. I was more than a little impressed by the professional sound of the piece. It almost sounds like a good version of music for some dungeon level in Sonic the Hedgehog. Bravo! Like few pieces I've reviewed here, this one left me almost unconditionally satisfied. Marvelous job!

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Title: Last Of '97
Filename: lastof97.s3m
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
My god... if I hear that sequence of notes repeat one more time, I'm going to kill something (preferably the artist)!!! At first, I recall having thought to myself, 'Wow; what a wistful tune for a techno song', and I was impressed. The only problem is, the tune never changes; ever. Near the very end, it shifts key once, and that's it. Nothing too great in the sample department, and nothing fantastic is used in any other sense. Honestly, I'm suddenly glad that 1997 is over...

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Title: # Leisure Suit Larry
Filename: larry.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
A pretty good remix, although upon listening, it occurs to one that maybe the person who did this could have spent their time doing something a bit more worthwhile. The samples sound like midi samples from some game, which is appropriate, if grating on the ears. Otherwise, the technical aspect is neither awful nor great; it merely suffices. The ending, however, is done very poorly.

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Title: Larndow (Starfield)
Filename: larndow.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Beautiful piece! I am very impressed. Unfortunately, it's a bit repetitive once you get past the intro, but considering how beautiful the melody is and how the artist constantly raises the stakes throughout the course of this piece, I'm willing to overlook that for the most part. However, some poor quality samples detract heavily from the enjoyment. I'm tempted to hand out a Semi-Pro, but there are too many low quality samples in there... Otherwise, not bad at all. I love how the artist uses panning at one point in the song...

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Title: ZALZAchip! (ZA)
Filename: zachi5.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
I dunno how he's doing it, but the following happened. While lisening to this song, my "mod4win"goes totally bzrk. I didn't mentioned it before but this only happens when u are repeating it. Nicely sonding tune, but still is using the "chipsound" instrument. Thistime just tuned right, so you can hear all off the instruments.

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Title: live in harmony (ZA)
Filename: zachi4.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
A nice sounding tune. This artist has used now a nice bending instrument into his song, what makes this a good song This artist made again a nice song. Good tuned instruments, but....what i most like is the bending of the synthesyzer sound.

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Title: introchip #1 (ZA)
Filename: zachi1.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A nice sounding tune. This artist has used again fx-chipsounds into his song. No further "kaka" comments as the artist says for itself. This artist made again a nice song. Nice sounding instruments, but....there i detected a false note in this piece of music.

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Title: back from the dead _
Filename: zachi0.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Well, he's back from......hehehe, i think not reilly, cause again this "chipsound" is overruling some instruments. Do something about this ! This artist made a good song. Nice sounding instruments, but....(see above). If the artist need some new instruments, he can contact me.

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Title: I'm back! by zalza
Filename: zachi.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice song. A bit on the short side, but quite better as the ones with ..... sounds. No further comments. The fist i heared where new instruments, that's also what the title says. All instruments are tuned just right. Nice job !

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Title: cpgast #1
Filename: zachi-.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
In the beginning you hear it slow, but is speeding up to a good rhytm. Also a good break. This artist made again a nice song. What i most like is the speeding up parts and the break with falling drums.

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Title: mars attack
Filename: zachi.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Again a chipsounding song,what i find personally ok, but make this "chipsound" a bit softer. This artist made again a song with fine instruments. I came to the conclusion that if you make the chipsound much softer, the song comes more to his right, but now it overrules some instruments.

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Title: zacat.xm
Filename: zacat.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Another one in a more than trance as dance song. Thisone sounds nice, but is a bit on the short side. If you put thisone on repeat then it souds great, but then there is no ending to it. The artist has made this song, i think this was not the meaning to come up with this title, but i think he was at the moment, when he started this project, a little bit out of inspiration to make it more like a good song.

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Title: back to the chipland
Filename: zabttc.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
First i thought this was again a computer souding song, but after the beginning all falls into place. Nice piece of music. This artist has used a fx-chipsound for a special effect. All the instruments are good, but i recommend not to use this sound to often, because this sound is gonna hurt my ears when playing this on 20 db.

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Title: back from space(ZA)
Filename: zabfs.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 8 / 10
A nice sounding tune with a voice what says "i gonna bring you back", but now is my question to the artist : How did u come up with this title ? No further comments. This artist has made a kinda dreamhouse song, but i find this a bit on the short side, because the most trance songs i heared where at least 6 or more minutes long. If the artist is make it a bit longer and replace the break further on in his song, than he must go to a record company to bring thisone out on CD....ect. Nice ending aswell.

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Title: A Strange Vision - Mystical
Filename: s_vision.s3m
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
The music tune is not bad. Only the melody i didn't like. The rest is ok. I like the background-theme. What shall i write. The autor used the bass very well. It gives a kind of a dreaming tune. Only the bad melody disturbs this track.

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Title: panorama
Filename: zm-pano.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
This is a good song, relaxing and it has at the end a voice in it. Especially the instruments where good tuned so i have no further comments. The artist has used good instruments. From the beginning to the end this is a nice song. Keep em coming up to the ModArchive, because i reilly would hear more....!

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Title: Frost Byte
Filename: frstbyte.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Not a bad effort at a nice ambient track, plus theres a pretty cool giutar lead break in the middle. Some of the samples drown out others, but otherwise its a nice high quality mod

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Title: Frozen - Lycanthropic RM
Filename: frozen.it
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
very nice remix of Madonnas hit, I prefer it to the original ,mainly cos she isn't singing in it :) Nicely done mod, but i think the piano sample could have been much better.

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Title: From Now On
Filename: fromnowo.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
Really not an attention grabbing track at all. Not repetitive, just boring really. WEll put together, with some nice samples thrown in too.

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Title: disco 32200.Jam.96
Filename: frugan.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 4 / 10
A track thats made to loop continously, if you're player supports it. Sounds pretty good too. only problem is the loops is 10 seconds long, so it gets mighty boring mighty quick. Nice high quality samples, but nothing special in it really.

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Filename: friends2.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 3 / 10
25 seconds??? oh please. Nice for those with very short attention spans, the rest of you, forget it. Samples are actually pretty good for such a poor song.

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Title: Frogs and Voices
Filename: frogvoic.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Definately original. a nice upbeat ambient track, with frogs!! Nice lenth of 6 minutes too, without being too repetitive. Excellent sounding guitar samples,very well done.

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Title: tja
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Nice tune, just way to short. nice use of the Elec.Guitar Nice sounding samples, and a well constructed mod. not too bad at all

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Title: Friday the 13th
Filename: friday13.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
A fast beat techno track, thats nice to listen too, and has enough breakaways too avoid being repetitive. Take a listen The drum sample could have been better, but overall its not a bad job at all.

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Title: freefall
Filename: freefall.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Too repetitive to recieve a higher score, but still sounds pretty darn good anyhows. Samples are a little simple, but they worl well together.

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Title: freudian dream
Filename: freudian.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 5 / 10
Well, its got a nice beat to it, but the samples are really scraping the barrel here. Plus the voice overs spoil it. Definately could have used some better samples

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Title: Freedom
Filename: freedom.mod
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Dark brooding atmosphere. Nicely done. But a bit plain in places. Some of the samples could have been better, and it seems to puase in the middle, and then start over.

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Title: Free Feelings
Filename: freeflng.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Another nice little toe-tapper.Nice fast beat to it. Although it does get a little repetitive. Well made, with easy to tell chorus and verses. worth a listen. Nice samples, although the drum beat tends to drown out some of the other samples now and again.

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Filename: freedom.it
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 6 / 10
Nice tune, definately a brooding atmospheric type here. Just sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride. 42 channels!!!!! eek. works well though, and sounds brilliant.

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Title: Frozen the zone
Filename: frozen.xm
Posted Sun 22nd Nov 1998
Rated 7 / 10
Nice thumping tune this one, heavy on the bass, and sure to get your toe tapping. Problem is its way to short really. otherwise its definately worth the DL Nicely put together, with high qulity samples. Nice job
